10 Tips to Find the Positive in Your First College Year

As much as you can be excited to go to college, it’s also an intimidating experience for many. After all, you are a young adult who has only very recently graduated high school and might not have any idea of how to live alone. How things turn out in the first year of college can … Read more

Positive Affirmations Cure Depression and Negative Thought

Negative thoughts, stress, anxiety, and depression; we all have been there. Our harsh inner critic tends to get out from time to time, causing us to worry and get anxious – positive affirmations cure our depression. If you have ever been through this or currently wrestling with low self-esteem and depression, you should know that … Read more

The Two Most Powerful Hooponopono Prayers to Heal Yourself

Hooponopono is a very powerful ancient Hawaiian healing method. Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a Hawaiian kahuna, is the founder of the modern updated version of the Ho’oponopono healing process that we practice today. She gave us some wonderful prayers which we can use to solve all our problems, you find them below. The Original Hooponopono Prayer … Read more

How To Find Hope In Desperate Times and Smile Again

Life is hard. In vain we try to pretend that life is easy, the reality is that sometimes life is unfair and hard. For many situations there are not even half-effective solutions. Many times we simply do not know what to do to solve a situation. Who to call to help us? There is no … Read more

7 Things You Can Always Be Grateful For And Be Happy

The ability to be grateful is an extraordinary ability that brings us many benefits. The benefits are both in terms of physical and mental health, and peace of mind. Gratitude is the great multiplier of this world. It brings prosperity and makes it grow. But what are the things you can always be grateful for? … Read more

Best 7 Positive Thinking And Stress Management Tips

Another term for positive thinking is positive mental attitude. Positive thinking is very helpful to us in stress management. Overcoming negative self-talk and adding positive self-talk are the two important sides of having a positive mental attitude. 1. Journaling With Freedom Journal every day at least 6 lines of words. Journal with freedom. What this … Read more

Find Hope and Light Up Your World Today With Journaling

Read the text below and find hope and light up your world today. I realized at one point in life that the words I say to myself matter so much. To find hope is a sensitive work but hope matters some much. It is said that if you have a gain of hope you can … Read more

Positive Journaling for Gratitude, Body Health and Positive Thoughts

Positive journaling is an amazing way to start your day. Writing morning affirmations will give you a lot of positive energy. Get inspired from the below positive journaling for different aspects of life and also see at the end of the article some tips of how to do positive journaling yourself. Positive Journaling for Gratitude … Read more

Becoming Whole And What It Can Do For Your Relationships

Being a part of this whole we call humankind, nature and the world is a magical experience to have and nurture throughout our lives as human beings. And it’s only when we become mindful, aware and present that we realize how connected we all are and how unique every one of us is, each in … Read more

How To Use Positive Affirmations To Shape Better Body Image

In today’s perpetually plugged-in world, the average person is constantly bombarded with perfect images of social media influencers, the idealized lifestyles of celebrities, and an endless litany of products that promise to make you into the best you possible. With all of these influences, it is all too easy to fall into a spiral of … Read more

What Is The Secret Behind Positive Thinking Techniques

I use the tag line “Secret”, first, to get your attention and second because there really is a secret to achieving it, especially for those of us who are not naturally happy-go-lucky persons! There are an optimist and a pessimist living inside of everyone. While you read this remember that I am speaking to your … Read more

Students Depression: 5 Ways to Encourage Positive Thinking

Nearly every person on the planet experiences a depressing episode at least once in their lives. Sadly, in many cases, this happens exactly during one’s student years. Many factors contribute to this, from the hormonal cocktail of puberty to outright unrealistic expectations the world seems to heap upon one’s shoulders. It really is no wonder … Read more

Thoughts Matter: Switch From Negative To Positive Thinking

Self-talk which is also known as our inner voice is what we say to ourselves. These words, whether they are positive or negative, strongly influence how we feel and act in our daily lives. Studies show the average person thinks between 50,000-70,000 thoughts every single day! (Davis, 2014) This translates to almost one thought per second. … Read more

Encourage Positive Attitude in Students for Better Learning

Students always need a positive boost from every side. Especially from parents and teachers, they need some encouraging words which will naturally reduce their stress and they will be able to concentrate on the learning process. The teacher plays an important role in encouraging students in learning. If the teacher treats them positively understand their … Read more

Best 8 Ways To Stay Positive During Your Job Searching

Job searching is a time-consuming effort and with the passage of time, it is easy to get disheartened with the process. If only it were easier. Well, if you are reading my other hubs on job searching, you should be finding it easier. Perhaps, this is the time when you need to simply re-affirm some … Read more

How To Transform Negative Thoughts With Mindful Thinking

Negative thoughts can have a devastating impact on all aspects of your life. Recognizing these thoughts is one way to change your relationship toward them. Transform negative thoughts with mindful thinking. Taking mindful steps can help you create some space between your thoughts and reactions. Cultivating mindfulness can help you identify and deal with negative … Read more

Best 7 Positive Habits That Will Change Your Life Quality

Every single one of us is and always will be searching for the secret that will reveal to us how to live a healthy, happy and fulfilled life. A life that is worth living. But not many of us will discover this secret in their lifetime, and that is simply because there is not only … Read more

100 Positive Thoughts To Transform Your Life And Feel Happy

“All we are is the result of what we thought. The spirit is everything. What we think we become.” –  Muhammad Ali Generally, we greatly underestimate the power of positive thoughts and how it can transform our lives. Yet they have a physical power that directly or indirectly influences and transform our lives. Here and … Read more

5 Positive Thoughts The Heart Needs Before Going To Sleep

Rejection, disagreements, conflicts, self-pity, hurt all these companions are hard to let go of.After a hard day’s work when you reach home, all these emotions finally get to you. Your heart needs to let go all the burdens. You have to maintain a professional, emotionless facade at your workplace or institutes. But the mask falls … Read more

6 Ways To Develop A Growth Mindset And Have Success

Succeeding requires that we take part during the time spent for our own development. It can be difficult to remain always open to being off base and altering course. It is normal to end up joining to what we think works and to what is commonplace. To build up a growth mindset and self-development, we … Read more