Category Archives: Positive Thoughts

Cultivate optimism and joyful reflections through the power of positive thoughts. Discover the beauty of a brighter mindset!

10 Tips to Find the Positive in Your First College Year

As much as you can be excited to go to college, it’s also an intimidating experience for many. After all, you are a young adult who has only very recently graduated high school and might not have any idea of how to live alone.

How things turn out in the first year of college can significantly impact the rest of your time there, not to mention your life ahead. And it is nearly impossible to avoid the negative experiences altogether.

So, here we have prepared a few tips that can help you navigate your first year of college and stay positive.

First College Year

1.   Get Academic Help if Needed

The study load in college is going to be much more than what you were used to in high school. As such, you might find yourself struggling to keep up with the deadlines. However, many students fail to realize that there is help out there that you can easily access if needed.

For instance, there are academic platforms where you can find samples of college essays to use as reference. One useful tip is to get professional paper writing help by WritePaper, where you can discuss your paper with an expert who is thorough in your area of study. Ove time. You are sure to pick up a few tricks from these seasoned pros, and your paper will reflect high quality.

2.   Get Organized

The earlier you get your study schedule organized, the easier it would be to find time for other activities. It would not hurt to keep a to-do list and a planner. These days, you can even find mobile apps that let you do most of the organizing, including keeping track of your assignments.

Before the classes start, you should also develop a note-taking strategy and stick to it. It is important that you keep your notes organized. You never know when you might have to refresh your knowledge for a grade or recall a book that your professor recommended in the last semester.

3.   Reach Out to Others

Remember, all the other students in your class are in the same boat. They are also looking to meet new people, build friendships, and make their college experiences as memorable as they can.

And as such, you do not have to hesitate to reach out to others. You could offer to help a classmate study or suggest that you do an assignment together to avoid the burden of doing everything on your own.

You can branch out to a different group of acquaintances in other classes. Colleges have all kinds of people, and you will be able to find people you relate to. If you do not succeed on the first try, do not be disappointed and give up. It is just a matter of time before you find others in your wavelength.

4.   Stay From Emotional Draining People

While it is important to build relationships, you should also never let a friendship affect your mental health. Unfortunately, you might run into people who can have a bad effect on you. Do not waste your time trying to make yourself more appealing to these people. You do not even have to feel guilty about cutting off such people.

Remember that college is not only about partying, so if you aren’t a party person, there is no need to adapt yourself. You cannot pretend to be someone you are not for the entire course of the college. Remaining yourself is the best way to earn respect from others.

5.   Join a Club or Two

Everybody has interests outside of academics. In college, you will find at least one person who shares the same likes (or dislikes, for that matter). These days, campuses are flooding with clubs, society, and student bodies. Getting involved in these will help you be more socially active, especially in your first year.

Some clubs are indeed hard to get into. But in such cases, you might also find another one with students sharing the same interest, just not as fancy as the ‘official’ one. If you can’t find what you like, you and your friends can even consider starting one by yourselves. And these do not look bad on your resume either.

6.   Speak Up in Classes

Most professors adopt the Socratic teaching method these days, where the lectures are more interactive. Even if you are hesitant to speak up, you should take advantage of opportunities to ask questions and engage with the class. Remember, this is what you are in college for, and no opinions are wrong.

Moreover, some colleges also grade students based on their performance in college. So sitting quietly at the back of the room will not get you any points.

Speak Up in Classes

7.   Stay in Touch with Family and Friends

Once you start college, you will gradually start growing apart from your high school friends unless you make an effort to stay in touch with them. It is easy to forget to call your family, especially after you have had a tiring day. However, your friends and family back home are your support system, and they can help ease the transition to a new world.

After all, they know you better than anyone else, so they can pick up on how you are feeling or what you are going through, even when you think that they don’t understand.

8.   Relax

Most of us begin college worrying about what others will think about us. But college is where you figure out yourself, and yet again, remember that your classmates are also trying to make a good impression.

In other words, you should avoid being hard on yourself at all times. Make it a point to take things easy now and again. Keep your textbooks away for a day, and go out and do something you like. If not, you will find yourself burnt out.

9.   Get Out of the College Campus

You might feel it’s not a good idea to avoid going outside campus, although it’s likely for good intentions. However, staying within the campus can also feel confining after a while. You should also go outside and explore the town.

You can take runs in the morning, walk, ride a bike, or use public transportation to find new areas and interesting places. This will undeniably be a good break out of the rut.

10. Take Care of Yourself

Without your parents cooking your meals, you might be on a new turf when it comes to eating well. When you rely on fast food, it is easy to lose track of how much you are eating. Without a healthy diet, you might find yourself tired, unable to focus or face other challenges.

It is crucial that you add sleep, exercise, and a good diet to your priorities when in college. Bear in mind that you are responsible for taking care of yourself. You might need to put some effort into it. Still, college need not be daunting at all if you look at it as a new opportunity to learn, explore, and figure yourself out – just like everyone else.

How To Find Hope In Desperate Times and Smile Again

Life is hard. In vain we try to pretend that life is easy, the reality is that sometimes life is unfair and hard. For many situations there are not even half-effective solutions. Many times we simply do not know what to do to solve a situation. Who to call to help us? There is no one who can help us and we can’t help ourselves either. How to find hope in desperate times?

It is quite difficult to find hope in situations where nothing is going well. However without hope life is even harder. In desperate times, try at least to keep your hope up. But how can you keep your hope when life is so hard.

You need a deeper philosophy of life. That is, you need deeper thoughts to give you hope in these difficult times. Many times these deep thoughts were told to us by our parents or we read them in a book. Here are some small recommendations on how you can keep your hopes up in desperate times.

1. Beauty Is Found In Simplicity

The moment you notice beauty, your hope returns. Fortunately, there are many beautiful details around us, wherever we are. One of them is the sky. You can always look up and look at the sky to lift your spirits a little and feel confident again. Confidence in the beauty of life generates hope. Because ugliness generates a decrease in hope. Try to contemplate a beautiful little detail that you have at hand. It can even be a small object that is dear to you. The small details contain a lot of beauty, because beauty is found in simplicity.

2. Have Patience

The ability to be patient is directly correlated with the level of hope. The moment we lose patience, our hope diminishes dramatically. Think that all things and events are transient. Unfortunately or fortunately everything will pass. Yes, of course you want the bad things to happen faster and the good things want to last longer. We all want that. But life is composed of a mixture of pleasures and troubles. Sweet moments would not be so beautiful if we did not have some troubles in our life.

3. Slow Things Down

When you start to lose hope, it is an alarm signal that you feel overwhelmed. Give yourself permission to slow things down for a while. Just think about today. Leave the future. The future has an extraordinary ability to take care of itself. You don’t have to worry about the future. You need to only care about today. Survive today as best you can, until dusk, then go to bed a little earlier. You deserve it. Leave the whole world and your own life in someone else’s care for today.

4. Read a Wise Book

Wisdom generates hope. A deeper understanding of reality helps you a lot to have a high level of hope. Somehow, when you feel that you are losing hope, your level of wisdom temporarily diminishes. Go back to a wise book you read in the past or read a new book. Don’t read something dramatically with an ugly and hopeless ending. Read something that will give you strength and motivate you. Also, don’t read a book that is too hard, because you don’t want to add even more weight to yourself. It would be best to re-read a wise book you have read in the past. It will definitely help you.

5. Talk To A Friend

Talk to a friend, mother, father, brother or sister. In desperate times, communicating with a friend or a person who has known us for many years helps a lot. Don’t hesitate to say everything you think. Tell them all your thoughts from those moments. Wait to see their reaction and listen to what they tell you. If you are both in the same situation or you have been in the same situation in the past, talking about this common life experience will help you a lot, you will see. Don’t hide from people who have known you for many years. Nobody can compensate for the value they offer you, because no one can know you in a few days as they know you from so many years.

6. Write Your Thoughts

Write your thoughts on paper. Try to write freely. That is, to write down all the thoughts that go through your mind even if they are the worst possible thoughts. If you think that someone might read what you are writing, break and throw away the sheet after you have written your thoughts. As you write down your thoughts, do not try to lift your spirits and motivate yourself. Do not deny your negative thoughts. Don’t tell yourself it’s nonsense. Just write the thoughts on paper. Try to write a single page with the darkest thoughts you have from those moments. Don’t write more than one page and don’t hide some of your thoughts.

7. Do Something Small and Simple For Yourself

When we lose hope, we also lose the ability to do good things for ourselves, which leads to an even greater loss of hope. This vicious circle can be broken very easily when we do a small and simple thing for ourselves consciously. Doing something for yourself to feel better greatly increases the degree of hope. Extend the bath you take a little more. Sit on a bench in the park and contemplate the nature for some minutes. Read a good news of an event that is happening in the world or that has already happened. Take a nap. Make yourself a cup of tea by paying attention to all the details of making the tea by making them slower and more conscious than usual.


Hard times are difficult, but losing hope is even more difficult. Whatever happens to you, try to keep your hope up. Another way you can bring hope into your life is by giving hope to others. Be the one who inspires others even in the most desperate moments of life. Yes, it is difficult, but not impossible. Keep your hope up and also give it to others. Happiness can be found even in the darkest moments if we remember to turn on the light.

Find Hope In Desperate Times

7 Things You Can Always Be Grateful For And Be Happy

The ability to be grateful is an extraordinary ability that brings us many benefits. The benefits are both in terms of physical and mental health, and peace of mind. Gratitude is the great multiplier of this world. It brings prosperity and makes it grow. But what are the things you can always be grateful for?

It is said that a grateful person is grateful in any situation. But in life we live in moments when it is quite difficult for us to be grateful. However, there are some small details that if we remember them help us to be grateful in any situation. Find below a list of 7 things you can always be grateful for:

7 Things You Can Always Be Grateful For

1. Grateful For Your Smile

Be grateful for your smile. How many times do you think you’ve smiled so far in your life? Many times. And you will smile countless times. It is said that a man can bring happiness to himself in two ways: from inside and outside. From the inside through beautiful thoughts and from the outside through working with his muscles.

That is, either your positive thoughts make you smile, or your smile makes you have positive thoughts. And that makes a huge difference for your happiness level.

2. Grateful For a Good Deed from the Past

Be grateful for a good deed you have done for someone in the past. Gratitude along with joy acts on our good deeds just like rain that wets a tree and helps it grow. That tree is part of your garden and gives you fruit. So if you want to reap the fruits of your good deeds then you must remember them and rejoice. Be grateful that you were able to be there and help.

Be grateful that you were alive and had the necessary resources at exactly that moment when that other person needed help. Such things are never accidental. You were meant to be there and help that person. There will come a day when you too will need help and a person will be next to you who will have the necessary resources to help you and will help you.

3. Grateful For Your Breath

Be grateful for your breath. Breathe more deeply 10 times counting from 10 to 1. Breathing is always there with you. You can always focus on breathing whenever you want. Remembering your breath from time to time during a day helps you to be mindful.

Mindfulness is a much desired skill nowadays. It is said that he who becomes grateful for his breath becomes an alchemist. And it is also said to ask ourselves if we breathe life or life breathes us?

4. Grateful For a Moment of Silence

Take a moment of silence and enjoy it. The simplest way to bring peace to your mind and soul is to take a moment of silence. The simplest way to feel calm and peaceful is to sit somewhere, not say a word, smile and contemplate what is around you. You will calm down instantly.

If you sit on a bench in the park, it’s even better. Give up your thoughts for a moment and contemplate what is around you. Even if you have a noise around you, contemplate the source that is making that noise. You will see that it helps. Try it!

5. Grateful For Water

Be grateful for a glass of water. Take a glass and put some water in it. Drink some of it and put the glass next to you. Either take a break, sit down and drink the water slowly. Or if you work on a laptop, keep working while being aware of the glass of water. Drink some more water from time to time. Try to be grateful for the water in the glass.

Think that there are people, and unfortunately there are many, who do not have the luxury of having that water in the glass. Besides that water from the glass, you have so many other things. You can follow them with your eyes. Contemplate on the separation of the water in the glass from the rest of reality and see how many things you have in addition to that water.

6. Grateful For a Little Object That You Like and Have

Pick a little object that you like and have and be grateful for it. You have it! It’s yours. Carry the object with you today or this week and be grateful for it. Remember when you bought it. Or maybe you received it as a gift. It is so small and yet someone has consumed his time and made it. Then, this little object came into your hands.

You certainly don’t know all the people who participated in making it. There are those who made the material, then someone else made the product, someone else transported it, someone else sold it to you. So many people have participated in making a simple little object that you now hold in your hand.

Or maybe it’s a little rock you found be the see and nature did it. You like it because it has a story. The story of you on the beach, feeling peaceful, more connected. Everything has a story. Every object, every live being, either human, animal, insect or plant has a story. Don’t you think it’s a miracle?

7. Grateful For a Good Thought That Exists In The World

Pick one good thought that exists in this world and be grateful for it. This is too one of the things you can always be grateful for. Someone thought that beautiful thought and it came to you. Contemplate a little on that good thought. How beautiful it is. One good thought which, if you give it enough energy, attracts all the other good and miraculous thoughts.

What good thought did you choose? If you can and want to, comment on this article so that someone who will read this article will know it in the hope that he will be able to be grateful for something. Because we all have to start somewhere. The beginning is the secret. A simple thought of gratitude draws the others as well. Then the emotion of gratitude attracts all the other positive emotions.

Remember all these things you can always be grateful for.


It is difficult to feel grateful when you are going through hard times. That’s why try not to put even more pressure on yourself. It is not necessary to be grateful. But know that gratitude helps every time, in everything you do. Start with something small. Today be grateful for something small. Tomorrow the same. The next day maybe a little more. Whatever you do, be gentle with yourself. Gentle in thoughts, gentle in words, gentle in what you listen to, gentle in actions.

Positive Words Research – 7 Things You Can Always Be Grateful For

7 Things You Can Always Be Grateful For

Becoming Whole And What It Can Do For Your Relationships

Being a part of this whole we call humankind, nature and the world is a magical experience to have and nurture throughout our lives as human beings. And it’s only when we become mindful, aware and present that we realize how connected we all are and how unique every one of us is, each in our own way. We may get a glimpse of this spiritual oneness in life, but do we actually feel whole as individuals? 

Becoming Whole and What It Can Do For Your Relationships

Most of us go through life with feelings of lack, inadequacy or discomfort, not knowing how to restore wholeness and how to have truly meaningful relationships to those around us. So what can we do about it? How can we live our day-to-day lives in such a way that we heal and replenish ourselves and those around us instead of diminishing them or taking something away from them?

1. Learn How to Love Your Own Company

This has to be one of the most underrated actions you can take in order to start becoming whole in your life. But how can you do it? In today’s society, we’re more used than ever to spend alone time, but it’s not really the healing quality time we yearn for. There’s a subtle, but major difference between spending time by yourself and with yourself. Try to get in touch with yourself as if you were a different person. Listen to what they have to say, what they crave and what they really need. Then do your best to nurture yourself and offer yourself these things as if you would a dear friend of yours who you care immensely about and who you’d like to support in life, no matter what. When you love yourself completely and purely, you also share these positive feelings with every person you meet, regardless of the type of relationship you have with them.

2. Discover Your Perfect Centering Practice

Discover the mindfulness practice that works for you and that helps you get in touch with divine love. That type of love that sees everything as one and looks upon nothing and no one with judgment or attachment. You can either discover that half an hour of meditation in the morning centers you this way or that you’re most likely to embrace wholeness by going on a walk through nature. Mindful breathing can also be incredibly powerful as it slows down the mind, clears it of any thoughts and allows you to simply be. You may find that when you live like this, immersed in mindful thinking, there’s no room for anything else but wholeness. 

3. Show Yourself Appreciation and Forgive Your Own Shortcomings

If we don’t come to terms with who we really are, the cracks in our spirit will definitely show in the way we lead our lives. This means we need to get in touch with our deepest, most sincere selves and embrace everything we discover. We’ll most certainly find flaws and shortcomings that we’ve been struggling with, meeting them with resistance more than anything else. But it’s time to show more indulgence and practice forgiveness towards ourselves – only then will we be able to be as generous with the people in our lives as well. Remember, thoughts create reality, so make sure yours are filled with loving-kindness for yourself.

4. Gently Assess Your Life

Take the time each day to acknowledge where you are in your life and how you feel. Ask yourself if there’s a healthy range of emotions in your life right now or if you’re perhaps focused on only one or two. Ask yourself if you’re as spiritually fulfilled as you’d like to be and if it’s accessible to you to reach that inner place of gratitude, hope, and calm. Lastly, ask yourself if your mind is nurtured. Are you in a growth process, are you learning and developing? Is there any area of your life that needs more tending to? Gently asking yourself this list of questions on a regular basis will help you get more and more in touch with your true self and help you become the whole person you would like to be. Wellbeing is not far away and you deserve it.

As soon as you start doing these four things regularly, you may find a surprising and blissful feeling that there was wholeness in you all along. You’re now only holding the right keys that can uncover everything you were looking for. By accepting and being in touch with ourselves, we can begin to have stronger, more meaningful and authentic relationships with the people in our lives and it may come as no surprise to you when you’ll feel you finally have a harmonious and fulfilled life.

About the Author

‘Claudia Spataru is a free spirit located in Bucharest, Romania and always in search of answers to life’s greatest questions. She loves to understand how people work, what makes them tick and find ways to help them reach higher grounds. She adores the sea, traveling and laughing.’

Becoming Whole and What It Can Do For Your Relationships

Thoughts Matter: Switch From Negative To Positive Thinking

Self-talk which is also known as our inner voice is what we say to ourselves. These words, whether they are positive or negative, strongly influence how we feel and act in our daily lives. Studies show the average person thinks between 50,000-70,000 thoughts every single day! (Davis, 2014)

This translates to almost one thought per second. That’s a lot of words!

These words directly influence the way we behave and feel. Therefore, it’s important to use positive words that are structured to help us live our best lives.

The problem is that the average person is not even aware of the talk going on in their minds and just how much of an impact the talk is having on their daily lives. Patterns are developed over a period of time when the same word is thought over and over whenever an action occurs. Over time it becomes a habit and before you know it a pattern of negative self talk has been created.

There are ways to become aware of the words we use to speak to ourselves and break patterns of negative self talk.

My story on Negative Self Talk

I found that over the past couple of years because I had experienced a lot of change in my life I would over analyze situations to the point where it ultimately led to negative self talk.

Mark Manson, the author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck refers to this as the Negative feedback loop from hell. When I realized that I was going down this path of negative self talk and it was influencing my life in ways that were not worthwhile, I realized that something needed to be done immediately.

I had to replace the negative self talk with positive words and positive self talk. The only way I could do this was to recognize the thought patterns I had, create replacement positive thoughts and continue to reinforce the positive. Over time, the positive words/thoughts replaced the negative.

In my video titled, 7 steps I used to Overcome Negative Self Talk:  I talk about the various strategies I used to overcome negative self talk. The 7 strategies I discuss are

  1. Rediscovering yourself – becoming your own best friend
  2. Evaluate all the Relationships in your life
  3. Keep a Thoughts Inventory
  4. Replacement Positive Thoughts
  5. Visualization
  6. Personal Mantra
  7. Morning Affirmation

To hear my story and how I used these strategies to overcome negative self talk, check out my video at .  I would love to hear your thoughts. Please share in the comments below or on the video.

About the Author

Fatima Peermohamed

Fatima Peermohamed is an avid yogi, hiker and the founder of the YouTube channel Trending Inspiration. Fatima is passionate about helping people shift their mindsets to reach their potential and live their best lives. Follow on Instagram at and subscribe to her channel for more inspiration at


Davis, B (July 23, 2013) There are 50,000 Thoughts Standing Between You and Your Partner Every Day! Retrieved from

Manson, M (2016) Suble Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life. New York, NY: Harper Collins.

Don’t miss out on Fatima’s next video subscribe to her YouTube Channel Trending Inspiration at  

Positive Words Research – Thoughts Matter: How I switched from Negative to Positive Thinking

Encourage Positive Attitude in Students for Better Learning

Students always need a positive boost from every side. Especially from parents and teachers, they need some encouraging words which will naturally reduce their stress and they will be able to concentrate on the learning process. The teacher plays an important role in encouraging students in learning. If the teacher treats them positively understand their feelings then students will show interest in that subject and they will feel relaxed. In olden days there were no deep students and teacher relationship. Teachers really behave formally with the students but now in this modern technological and broad-minded era students expect teachers to be very friendly and they try to create a good rapport with the teachers. In another side teacher also came forward to talk with students friendly and trying to plan curriculum in which there will be the good rapport with the students. The teacher can use some tricks and techniques to bring a positive attitude in students towards learning.

Avoid all negative vibes

Mainly their will some people who will encourage you in life but some are there who will give negative vibes about your learning. Life is filled with different kinds of people some are very encouraging to us but some are not boosting us but pulling us down so always avoid such people. That will help you to be positive and will bring positive thoughts in our mind. When you need some kind of encouragement in certain matters always go near those whom you think is good for your thoughts. Never talk about your personal problems with those who will pass negativity in your mind. If you are not able to concentrate or having some problems while studying always seek help from teachers and parents they are the best source for giving positive thoughts and remedies for your problems.

Real life experience

The teacher can use some real-life example to motivate students. There is the number of people who started their life with zero and now at present they are the most successive persons in life. So students must understand that no one is born with the silver spoon they also had their hardship in life and they also struggled with that motivating stories they will build the positive attitude towards life and they will try their best to reach success in life.

Love yourself

People mostly never do this thing. They always look at others life and wish that it be them but actually others also have some problems in life and they are also struggling in this life. So first people should start loving their own personality. No one is born with perfections. Everyone has their own merits and demerits in life they must accept as life comes and accept it and ha e to move forward in life. So never say why I in life because everyone has such problems in life. Famous persons had a disability in learning but they fought against their destiny and now they are the successive personality in life. 

Do yoga and exercise

It’s another best technique to bring a positive attitude towards life. People make fun of this sometimes but it’s the best medicine to stress relief and it really helps to bring positive thoughts. Yoga also helps to increase the concentration skill and they are the best way to be happy. Ones you are satisfied with your life then you can fight against any problems. Learning mainly needs the willpower of achieving the goal. Ones you set the goal in your life then no one can stop you and you will be the happiest person according to you. You have to be fit mentally and physically this will lead positive attitude towards life. Eating good food also matters in life. When you eat good and healthy it will affect your mind also. Healthy food helps to be fresh and alert in every process. So always prefer healthy food which will help you to be positive towards life.

These are some tips to be positive in life. Students must follow such tips to be active in life. Student’s family and surroundings also matter in this process. It’s easy to say but it’ very difficult to be positive 24hours. But have to try to bring positive thoughts in life. It’s really hard to be optimistic in life but to be confident and to achieve something life people must accept optimistic thoughts. Positive thoughts make us confident enthusiastic and bring a kind of energy in life which is very essential to reach one’s goal and lead a successful life.


Michael Spencer

Michael Spencer is a content writer for one of the custom essay writing service and providing best writing services to the college students.  Along with this, doing freelance writing for some of the education and marketing blogs.

Best 8 Ways To Stay Positive During Your Job Searching

Job searching is a time-consuming effort and with the passage of time, it is easy to get disheartened with the process. If only it were easier. Well, if you are reading my other hubs on job searching, you should be finding it easier. Perhaps, this is the time when you need to simply re-affirm some things. Collect your thoughts, assert your position, and put in more hard work than ever. One of the attributes of a fruitful and successful job hunter is determination and persistence.

1. Start as you mean to go on

The first few minutes of your day, the first 30 minutes, in fact, are vital. Set your alarms as though you were going to work, have a shower and exercise with a brisk walk to get air into your lungs. Adopt the posture of a person who might be no different from a working person. These habits reaffirm positive thinking.

2. Set daily goals

If you do not have anything solid to work towards, you could end up having virtually nothing to focus on. Therefore, you will find yourself achieving very little. Get friends or family to help with this. Set search and writing goals. It trains the mind to be more positive. Having others to help prevent you from getting into a rut can be a gift.

3. Set up the right job searching environment

So make a space at home somewhere where you can organize your job searching with a phone, computer/laptop and everything else you might need to run your searches from. Treat it like a workspace or an office.

4. Eat right

Eat the proper food like vegetables and fruit, avoid the junk foods and fatty foods. I recommend restricting your alcohol also. And any other things that might affect your attitude. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind, which is what is needed for finding work. You can celebrate later when you get that job.

5. Don’t take rejections personally

This involves being honest with yourself and moving forward. Do your best to find out why you have not been successful, learn from it and move on. There is no point crying over spoiled milk.

6. Remember the law of averages

Finding jobs is about numbers. The more calls and openings you get and make – the more networking events you go to, so the more applications you make, and so the likelier you are of being successful in finding the job you have been looking for.

7. Enjoy the job searching process

As with pointers one and two – use the period to reassess your goals and targets. Spend the time finding what you really want to do, and immerse yourself in this process. Make yourself the best you can possibly be. If further skills are what is needed, then act accordingly.

8. Create a support network

I already covered this is another tip on the GoodMenProject source, but it has been shown that creating an alliance with other people looking for jobs will help share your experiences. Moreover, will help you to get advice and give you an important outlet for your inner feelings. We are all human.

About the Author

Juan Koss

Juan Koss is a business coach and digital strategist. He loves his job because it gives him the opportunity to inspire others and share your thoughts with like-minded people. Juan lives in the United States.

Positive Words Research – 8 Ways To Stay Positive During Your Job Searching

How To Transform Negative Thoughts With Mindful Thinking

Negative thoughts can have a devastating impact on all aspects of your life. Recognizing these thoughts is one way to change your relationship toward them. Transform negative thoughts with mindful thinking. Taking mindful steps can help you create some space between your thoughts and reactions. Cultivating mindfulness can help you identify and deal with negative thoughts, which leave you in self-doubt and shame, and embrace all that is good at the moment. At the core of each of us is a space that knows pure peace. But as negative thoughts seep in, we tend to be drawn away from it, and this results in trauma and stress. Here are a few ways in which negative thoughts impact our lives:

Anxiousness and Worry

Negative thinking can make you anxious about things that could or could not happen. You end up thinking nothing good can ever happen to you. Whether it is your health, a relationship, or even your career, you start worrying about things going downhill, and your performance starts deteriorating.

Stress and Lost Focus

All the anxiousness can only lead to stress. You start losing focus and build up a negative scenario in your head. And even though nothing has happened, you assume that everything is ruined.

Criticism and Self-Loathing

One clear pattern of negative thoughts is the need to criticize yourself and those around you constantly. You start becoming too harsh on yourself and focus on your weaknesses. All of this leads to low self-esteem and a lack of confidence.

Regret and Guilt

Finally, it builds regret and guilt based on the mistakes you made in the past. While there is nothing negative about reflecting on past experiences, you shouldn’t dwell on a situation with no intention to learn and move on. It leads to feelings of guilt and worthlessness due to wrong choices you feel you might have made.

The Role Of Mindful Thinking

Mindfulness is about being self-aware and present at the moment. It helps you think more deeply and more objectively. It lowers your stress levels and enhances your mood. In a way, mindful thinking stabilizes your emotional intelligence, making you calm amidst all the noise. The key impact of mindfulness is that it exerts a positive influence on the thinker and helps the person get a better insight into his/her life. Here’s how you can break your habitual negative responses with mindfulness.

  • Monitor Your Thoughts

To be free of negativity, you must become more aware of your thoughts. You can do this by paying more attention to what is going on inside your head at any given time.  Identify thought patterns that lead to negative thinking. This can help enhance your degree of awareness. Becoming mindful will help you take control of your thoughts and emotions, and not the other way around. Catch the negative thoughts as they arise, before they gain too much momentum.

  • Be Present In The Moment

Negative thoughts come mostly from dwelling in the past or worrying about the future. You can avoid this issue by being mindfully present in the moment. Avoid negative thoughts and direct your attention to all positive things. Discard any thoughts that don’t have anything to do with the situation you are currently in. Relax and release the thoughts of what happened and what could happen, and think about what is currently happening.

  • Constructive Thoughts

Spend your time in constructive thoughts. You need to decide if you want to dwell on thoughts that lead nowhere or those that can make your day more productive. Allow yourself to experience every moment fully and think about something constructive. Use your past experiences to learn and make decisions instead of dwelling on them.  Constructive thinking lets you be happy even when things are not going too well. It helps you put the problem in perspective and lets you deal with them practically.

When you are more mindful, you become less affected by negativity. Practice mindful thinking, and you will see how you transform those negative thoughts into positive ones. And, eventually, you will get into the habit of looking at every moment with a positive mindset.

Author ~ Nisha BaghadiaNisha Baghadia

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Positive Words Research – How To Transform Negative Thoughts With Mindful Thinking

Best 7 Positive Habits That Will Change Your Life Quality

Every single one of us is and always will be searching for the secret that will reveal to us how to live a healthy, happy and fulfilled life. A life that is worth living. But not many of us will discover this secret in their lifetime, and that is simply because there is not only one universal secret.

Instead, everyone is supposed to find out what is making them happy, healthy and fulfilled on their own. We all are individuals living and working to accomplish different tasks and aims that make us happy with who we are.

Well, although we cannot reveal this secret for you, we can offer you something else. Something that is bound to make you happy, healthy and more fulfilled. In the following article, we will share 7 positive habits that you should adopt if you are interested in improving the quality of your life, which you are going to find here.

The 7 positive habits that will improve the quality of your life

1. Think positive

We are all surrounded by our negative thoughts. We are thinking that we do not have what it takes to change or take on bigger things to surround ourselves in our days to come. Negative thoughts are exactly what has been making us unhappy. We can never live a happy, fulfilled life if we keep on surrounding ourselves with this kind of thoughts.

So go on and change that. Make a habit to surround yourself and your dearest only with positive thoughts. Only positive thinking will give you the strength to change your life quality and make it better. And you have to start by believing in yourself and not making yourself smaller in the eyes of the others around you.

 2. Do not hit the snooze button

Forget that the snooze button even exists and start getting up in the morning at the exact time that you set the night before. Support the decision that you have made the night before and get out of bed as soon as you hear that sound that your alarm clock makes.

Surely you have made the plan to get up at a certain time so that you would have enough time to complete all the tasks that require your attention before you leave for work. So do exactly that. Get up from the bed, stretch your muscles and start your day right.

3. Forget about skipping breakfast

Breakfast might as well be the most important meal of the day. When prepared properly, it gives your body all of the energy that it needs to jump-start the day. Will keep you energized enough to feel great from the beginning to the end of the day. A proper, quality breakfast usually consists of lots of fibers, vitamins, minerals, and proteins.

From easy to prepare for a bit more time consuming, you can find all sorts of recipes online. Use them to give you an opportunity to prepare a delicious meal to start your day. And what should follow after you are done eating breakfast? How about a quick meditation session to gain all of the health benefits of meditation?

4. Meditate in the mornings

Meditation is a powerful technique that will bring a lot of health benefits into your life. It will give the chance to feel happier with who you are. Make a habit for yourself to practice a quick session of 15 minutes of meditation in the morning after you are done having your breakfast.

Meditation has been proven to have far too many beneficial effects. This includes lower stress levels, increased metabolism, increased happiness and self-awareness, improved concentration. It even reduces the speed of the aging process among many other beneficial effects.

5. Drinking enough water

Water is the one drink that you should never skip. Eight glasses of water are what your body craves to go through the day hydrated and healthy. Yet not many people respect this given rule. Create a habit of drinking enough water and keeping your body and mind refreshed and alerted with this delicious and inexpensive drink.

Perhaps you can add a few lemon and cucumber slices to your water or even a cinnamon stick to improve its taste if you are not a fan of the plain taste. The important thing is for you to use the health benefits of drinking water on a daily basis.

6. Take a quality moment for yourself

Remember that, no matter how busy you may be, you have to take some time off for yourself. It might be to take a long, relaxing shower, or to drink a cup of tea alone in some peace. Or it can be to kick back and listen to your favorite songs.

Moreover, it is essential that this activity makes you happy and that will bring a smile to your face. Taking at least 15 minutes out of 24 hours just for yourself is possible. You have to figure out the right schedule that will allow you to do so.

7. Get enough sleep

Yes, sitting in front of the TV, drinking wine and eating your favorite snacks is one of the perfect ways to finish a busy day. However, this is also one of the many things that leave us with not enough sleep night after night.

Taking some of the best sleep aid supplements is welcomed, however, what will help you the most is giving your body and mind a break. Spend at least 7 to 8 hours getting quality sleep. Only that way, you will wake up with a smile on your face and no need to push the snooze button ever again.


You cannot change your life or yourself all at once. But what you can do is take on a new, positive habit every once in a while. Do it until you have successfully gotten rid of all those negative habits that might be the reason why you are feeling unhappy with who you are. That is why, in today’s article, you can find 7 of the best positive habits that you can use to improve the quality of your life.

These habits might seem as pretty simple but do not get fooled. All these habits are quite powerful and able to make a significant change in your life. You have to be willing to adopt them and feel the changes for yourself.

Author ~ Margaux Diaz

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Positive Words Research – 7 Positive Habits That Will Change Your Life Quality


100 Positive Thoughts To Transform Your Life And Feel Happy

“All we are is the result of what we thought. The spirit is everything. What we think we become.” –  Muhammad Ali

Generally, we greatly underestimate the power of positive thoughts and how it can transform our lives.

Yet they have a physical power that directly or indirectly influences and transform our lives. Here and there, we can speak of presence, magnetism, aura, which are only the invisible envelope created by thoughts.

This power of thought is all the greater when it is steeped in faith and emotion. These increase the vibration, as one would increase the sound of a radio to better hear it.

Positive thoughts filled with faith will act favorably, just as negative ones will create the bed of misery.

We are thinking machines

Each person emits an average of 60,000 thoughts a day! Surprisingly, 95% of these are the same thoughts repeated each day. On average, 80% of these repetitive thoughts are negative.

Unfortunately, our brains are configured to pay more attention to negative than positive experiences. This peculiarity allowed the human being to survive. In the past, it was essential to remember negative experiences such as the bite of a snake, the toxicity of a plant…

Our world is much less dangerous today but our thoughts are still mainly negative.

Using MRI imaging, researchers have shown that negative thoughts stimulate areas of the brain that promote depression and anxiety. They have also proven that positive thoughts trigger a cascade of positive hormones throughout the body that results in a sense of calm and peace.

What wisdom of the ancients had taught us, modern science confirms today. The brain is “reconfigurable” by various methods including positive thinking.

Anxiety, medicines and positive thoughts

Stress and anxiety is our big problem nowadays and doctors are searching for new ways to get rid of it. A very popular medicine in the United States that is Xanax is being used for this purpose but it is not a permanent solution. Here is a question how long does Xanax stay in your system to make you relax? Just a few hours and that is why we must change our thoughts to cure us with positive thoughts. Here are some powerful and positive thoughts to be happier and transform your life. Please select only those that speak to you.

So let’s get started!

Positive thoughts in the morning

Today is a day that will leave me with a wonderful memory.
My thoughts are my reality, so today I am building a wonderful day.
I only have one thing on my schedule today: to be happy.
I wake up excited and this enthusiasm follows me all day long.
Today I fill the world with positive energy and make it overflowing with joy.
Today, I’m giving up my old habits and taking new, more positive ones.

Positive thoughts to attract success

Life has given me unique talents that I’m starting to use today.
Every day, I have more and more success in my work and in my life.
I feel the success right now and I’m working today to make it fruitful.
I know that fear is a step towards success, I welcome it with grace and I overcome it.
I have reached my goal and I am feeling the joy of achieving it.
I know success today. I know success tomorrow. Every day I know is my successful day.
I allow success to enter today in my life.
I have everything I need to live easily.
I am comfortable with money and I give myself the right to be rich.
Money comes to me with abundance and ease, I deserve to be rich, prosperous and fortunate.
I like to give and receive. The more I participate in the success of others, the more I prosper.

Positive thoughts for self-confidence

I am the master of my thoughts and emotions.
I like what I am and I accept my qualities and my faults.
Every day, I am more and more confident.
I am full of self-awareness.
When I breathe, I inspire confidence and I exhale shyness.
I am enthusiastic and incredibly comfortable when I meet new people.
I live in the present and I trust for the future.
My being overflowed with confidence, I radiate confidence.
I trust myself in all circumstances.
I am energetic and enthusiastic. Trust is second nature.
I always attract the best situations in my life.
I always focus on solutions to solve problems.
I like change because I adapt to all situations.
Every day I realize more and more that nothing is impossible.
I attract positive people naturally and give them the best of myself.
I trust life and life brings me a lot.
I shine by my presence, my charm, and my grace.
I am more and more master of my mind and my emotions.

Positive thoughts to attract luck

I succeed everything I undertake.
I expect success in all my actions because it’s my natural state.
Every day I attract more and more success.
Everything succeeds me without showing any expectation.
I find solutions to problems easily.
I gratefully acknowledge the obstacles because they are rich in teachings.
I expect only the best and I always get it.
The more I think positive, the more my life is illuminated.
I am open to life and I have more and more luck every day.

Positive thoughts for health

Every day, and in every way, I’m getting better and better.
My body is in perfect health, my mind is clear, my soul is at peace.
I am beautifying myself every day.
Every cell of my body is vibrating now to the rhythm of full health.
I have no pain and I am full of energy.
I feed my body with healthy foods.
All my organs work perfectly. I thank them for what they do for me.
My body is getting closer every day to perfect health.
I like to exercise my body, my muscles. Every movement connects me to my body and gives me an incredible energy.
At each exhalation, stress comes out of my body.
I send love and gratitude to every organ of my body.
I am attentive to the messages of my body. I listen to my body and we are in harmony.
I sleep deeply and at peace with myself. I wake up refreshed and full of energy.
My immune system is very strong. It can handle any bacteria, germ or virus.
With each passing day, the cells of my body become stronger and stronger.
What I eat strengthens and transforms for me in health.
My healing power is more powerful than any illness.

Positive thoughts for peace

My world is harmonious, peaceful and full of love.
I plant the seeds of peace wherever I go.
I accept what I cannot change.
I surround myself with gentle and serene people.
I inspire peace, I exhale chaos and disorder.
My house is a sanctuary of peace where I feel happy and protected.
In all my decisions and actions, I choose peace.
I release all my negative emotions from the past and now fill me with positive thoughts.
I wish all beings to know peace as I know it.
I am superior to negative thoughts and actions.
I am at peace with everything that has happened, happening and going to happen.
I like people, I’m interested in them and I go to them.

Positive thoughts of love

I am surrounded by love and everything is fine.
My heart is always open and I radiate love.
I see everything with loving eyes and I love everything I see.

In life, I always receive what I give and I always give with love.
I meet love in all my relationships.
I deserve love and I receive it in abundance.
I attract the most loving people and my life is now full of joy.
I love myself and in return everyone loves me.
I give love and it comes back to me multiplied.
The partner I am looking for is looking for me too. We are brought to meet and love each other.
I am in love with a wonderful person, committed, faithful and trustworthy.

Positive thoughts for self-esteem

I love myself and I accept myself as I am.
I am perfect as I am.
I am a unique person and I respect myself as such.
I see perfection in me, whatever my faults or qualities.
I approve of what I am now and I enjoy myself more each day.
I feel good about myself and proud of my experience.
I see myself as a gift for those around me.
I only compare myself to the best person I can be.
I have as much to offer to the world as anyone.
I like what I am and I accept myself as I am.
I am unique and happy to be me.
I trust myself and I know that inside I have the best guides.
I am honest, trustworthy, I always do what I say.
I know that by being in agreement with myself positive events await me.
Today, like tomorrow, I choose to be proud of myself regardless of the circumstances.
I find peace in being myself.
My confidence and my self-esteem are increasing day by day.
I like my body as it is.

Positive thoughts to be calm

Day after day I am happier and relaxed.
All the negativity and stress are now coming out of my body and mind.
I inspire calm, I exhale stress.
Even when it is chaos around me, I remain calm and relaxed.
Stress has no hold on me, I am at peace with myself for that.
I trust my inner calm and my intuition.
The whole universe conspires to my happiness.
I let go easily because I know that in life, the best always happens.
I speak slowly, with remarkable calm and confidence.

Positive thoughts for mindfulness

I am anchored in the present moment.
Everything is going well at the moment.
I am grateful for this moment and I feel joy here and now.
I keep coming back to the moment.
I observe my actions and thoughts without judging them.
I am totally present in my relationships with others.
The apotheosis of my life is now.
I accept and embrace all situations, even the unpleasant ones.
I observe my emotions without being attached to them.
I meditate easily without any resistance.
I let the past go and live right now in the present.
I am open to positive changes in my life.
I allow myself to think and dream unlimitedly.
I create what I want without effort.

Positive thoughts of gratitude

I appreciate and I am grateful for everything I have.
I am happy to have so wonderful family and friends.
I send love and gratitude to every organ of my body.
Every day I thank the universe for putting me on the path of my dreams.
I accept all the gifts of life with gratitude.
I am happy to be alive.
Every morning I say “thank you” to the universe for giving me a new day of life.
I take the time to be grateful for something as simple as a blue sky or the sound of a laugh.
Every day I enjoy my life a little more than yesterday.
The more I am grateful, the more I am connected to the universe.

Positive Thoughts to Manage Anger

I forgive myself for all the mistakes I’ve made.
I let my anger escape in order to regain serenity.
I accept responsibility if my anger has affected a person.
I replace my anger with empathy and understanding.
I offer a sincere apology to those affected by my anger.
I forgive those who have harmed me in the past and I detach myself from them in peace.
A river of compassion is washing my anger and replacing it with love.
Forgiveness has a healing power that I always have at my disposal.

Positive thoughts of happiness

Every day I am happier than before.
All my days begin with the joy of life and end with gratitude.
My positive thoughts are making more and more people happy. I create a world of joy.
I enjoy every moment of my life. To be happy is my only principle.
The simple fact of living makes me happy. I know that happiness is a path, not a destination.
I always see the good side of things.
I see the beauty around me and I radiate love and joy.
I change the world around me by changing myself.
Happiness is a choice. I base my happiness on my own achievements and what I bring to others.

Positive thoughts for the future

I persevere because I believe in my future.
It’s still too early to give up on my goals.
I know that the greatest difficulties hide the greatest successes.
I choose my goals wisely and in the interest of all.
The more I advance in life, the more I attract success, health, and abundance.
I am the master of my destiny.
I deserve a wonderful life.
Every day, I become a better person.
I create what I want without effort.
I transform what I want in a positive manner.
I am the architect of my life. I build its foundations and choose its content.
My future is made of what I imagine in the present.
My efforts are supported by the universe; my dreams are already being realized.

Author’s Bio

My name is William Jacob and I am a professional writer. After completing my study I started my career as a blogger and as a writer. I am 5 stars rated author at I have 4-years experience of writing in different niches like health, travel, lifestyle, business.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Positive Words Research – 100 Positive Thoughts To Transform Your Life And Reconfigure Your Brain


5 Positive Thoughts The Heart Needs Before Going To Sleep

Rejection, disagreements, conflicts, self-pity, hurt all these companions are hard to let go of.
After a hard day’s work when you reach home, all these emotions finally get to you. Your heart needs to let go all the burdens.

You have to maintain a professional, emotionless facade at your workplace or institutes. But the mask falls off when you reach home.

You fell the overload of these repressed emotions and going to sleep with them in mind can really be dangerous for you.

It’s not a joke. It could lead you straight to depression.

Save your day from negative thoughts.

Just think of it this way. Every one must have a smartphone, and you need to charge it periodically after the battery drains.

It’s similar to your body and your mind. Giving into the negative thoughts is like saying, “Screw it! Let the phone die. What do I need it for?”

Just like you need your phone for almost everything today, you need your body and mind, both of them working in sync.

So, you shouldn’t just satisfy your physical cravings but emotional ones as well.

So, when you go to bed next time. How about you feed your soul and mind as well? Watch for your heart needs.

Here are 5 positive thoughts that will help you with your goal.

1. “We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

What you have to understand here is the difference between addiction and passion. When you are passionate about what you have planned you should not divert from the path even in the face of some obstacles or roadblocks.

Addiction will lead you astray. It could be your addiction to toxic things that appear toxic like alcohol, pills, gambling or it could be something completely harmless as watching movies all the time.

But both of them lead you astray.

Gambling is a perfect example for us to explore here.

Suppose someone who is good at numbers decides that gambling is a job for him. But is he being smart about it?

Is he investing the money he earned or just gambling it away in a string of wins and losses?

Is he drinking it all away?  When it stops being productive in all sorts of ways (financial, spiritual, etc), should seek new and positive things.

The right time to move on is when the passion turns into addiction. No matter how hard it is welcome the new life that is waiting for you.

2. “Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.”

Hope springs eternal or does it?

How many times have you felt so lost that you never thought that you could wake up the next day? That you just couldn’t take it anymore. Why do these things keep happening to me?

This is when you start to get the feeling of doom and you feel like someone is actually telling you  ‘abandon hope all ye who enter here.’

When it happens why don’t you try saying this to yourself?

“Well, boohoo. I’m so sorry your feelings are hurt, Princess.”

You are going to get hurt. There’s no way around it. Sulk for a few days if you have to but there will come a time when you have to say enough is enough and get over it.

Let your experiences shape you. If you just broke up with someone you might feel like relationships are not for you. Think about this, would you have been happy with that person in long term? Why did it not work out? What does your heart needs?

You are not the reason it didn’t work out. Things were just not meant to be. You were not suited for each other. So, rather than giving up on relationships altogether, why don’t you learn why you didn’t suit and avoid that in the partner you next choose?

3. “Storms make trees take deeper roots”

This is a new one but you must have heard about how “Even the stars need darkness to shine.”

This thought means mostly the same thing.

When you weather the storm you emerge a victor. Because even when everything else was blown away by the storm, you stood strong and kept control on the thing.

You did not let the storm blow you away like it did all the other things in sight. It only made you take deeper roots.

So, congratulate yourself that you are still standing strong. You can hold on for far much longer and be this amazing individual that you are.

Isn’t it a good thing to tell yourself before you fall asleep?

It is.

4. “IF you are searching for that one person that will change your life, take a look in the mirror.”

If you are looking for a partner because you feel that he/she can give a new and better direction to your life then think again.

Or better yet why don’t you find a mirror and take a good look at the person who can actually do that for you?

You are the only one who can decide what to do with your life. No one else can help with it. You can try yoga and go for spiritual retreats but they will only work as deep down as you have made the choice to do it.

Next time you look in the mirror don’t admire yourself, for a change think about what kind of changes you want to happen in your life and how you can go about making them.

“Mirror Mirror on the wall who’s gonna change it all?”

You. The answer is always going to be you. 

5. “Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else.”

Here’s another thought worth remembering.

Remember seeing a girl/guy out there and thinking wish I looked like her/him?

Do not feel sorry for yourself and you actually think about it. They might look cool but they could be plastics. There are many people out there who look just like them.

And then there is you. You might not have the same style or you might not like putting much effort in what you look like but you are you.

You are unique, the way you dress defines you. It is what sets you apart. Why do you want to be clones of other people running out there? Be yourself and enjoy being it.

Here’s the thing. If you go looking for negative things you will find them just the same way if you go looking for positive things you will find them.

And you will make mistakes along the way. Sometimes you will want to give up and say, “I can’t carry the facade of being happy, I do it every day at work or outside the house. Why do I have to keep it up even at home? I need a break.”

To clear things up. A facade is a mask that you put up to fool others. And no matter how hard you try, you can’t fool yourself about your real feelings and emotions.

What you are doing at home is not a facade it is you trying to feed your soul with positive energy. These are just a few positive thoughts. If you go looking you will find so much more. So, think one positive thought a day or a month before you go to sleep.

Don’t just say it out loud and go to sleep. Feel the thought, understand it and it will help you.

Author ~ Ari Banayan

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

heart needs

6 Ways To Develop A Growth Mindset And Have Success

Succeeding requires that we take part during the time spent for our own development. It can be difficult to remain always open to being off base and altering course. It is normal to end up joining to what we think works and to what is commonplace.

To build up a growth mindset and self-development, we should prepare ourselves not to see “shortage” as a lack of our capacity, but instead, as an inadequacy in our own particular learning or experience.

Since we are largely equipped for learning and encountering, these two builds can be effortlessly satisfied. The main way we can quit succeeding is whether we close our psyches to change, to learning and to additionally building up the profundity of our insight and understanding.

1. Persistent learning

We should not search for others to support but should look to others to enable us to progress. On the off chance that we abstain from confronting snags, we can’t augment upon our present blessings and gifts or grow new aptitudes. Test dependably gives us a chance to learn. The more we take in, we learn and build up, the more ability we secure and offer esteem to our representatives, loved ones. A growth mindset is essential for success.

This eagerness to extend and develop places us in an upward winding of expanding our salary and our enthusiastic prosperity. Learning implies we’re keeping the “crude material heap” of our cerebrum naturally supplied. It empowered us to think of new and better thoughts, which each business needs. New thoughts and arrangements are essential approaches to enhance our activity and increment our prosperity.

2. Persistence is key to a growth mindset

Sentiments of disappointment can without any assistance drive us to stop sometime before we should. We can’t overlook that we are intended to flourish. When preparing ourselves not to concentrate on the end result, but rather to concentrate on what is going on. We should train ourselves to take a gander at what our difficulties add to us, as opposed to what they take away.

Since we are worked to suit an adjust, there is no impediment for us, making it impossible to overcome. We should figure out how to flip around our snags by acting with a switch proviso, so there is dependably an exit plan or another course to get to where we have to go.

This assistance is not to see misfortunes as changeless circumstances set to block our advance. When we trust mishaps are transitory we can utilize them to reinforce and enable us.

3. Grasp challenge

A test will come. Truth be told, the challenge is an indispensable piece of any advantageous undertaking. We should figure out how to grasp it. It is continually amid the more agonizing circumstances build up the profundity of our character.

Addressing our difficulties head-on constructs our strength to confront much more noteworthy difficulties to come in our future. Standing up to our difficulties makes for a little sense of self and brings the lowliness of acknowledging there are a few things regardless we have to learn. People with a growth mindset look at challenges from a positive perspective.

When we make a move even with a challenge, we build up a feeling of moral obligation, rather than looking to others as a wellspring of fault or help. The certainty and pride of achieving troublesome errands arrange for our psyche and soul to be caring, keen, and liberal to others, giving empathy a chance to run the show.

4. Grasp disappointment

We can’t maintain a strategic distance from disappointment and view this as progress. Disappointment is really a matter of point of view. It is relatively difficult to experience existence without encountering some sort of disappointment. Therefore, there is no advantage in carrying on with a careful or neurotic life.

Entryways will open and entryways will close. We will all probably settle on some greatly poor choices. In any case, we should think about every one of the open doors we would miss in the event that enables our feelings of trepidation to stop us. Disappointment is an ace instructor. It shows us things about ourselves we could have never adapted something else. Regularly, our most usable, down to earth and important bits of knowledge come simply after a disappointment. Tolerating and gaining from those experiences is the way to our prosperity.

5. Open to criticism

The more open we are to getting criticism, the more we increment our odds at progress. Compelling and opportune input is a basic segment of our prosperity, and ought to be utilized as a part of conjunction with defining objectives.

Powerful input lights up our advance. This sort of criticism shows us where we have to enhance and the territories where we are doing awesome. There is nothing more supportive than understanding what is working for us and what isn’t.

The sole motivation behind getting input is to enable us to enhance our actions.  When we decline to get input, we are persistently conveying that we are not open or willing to change or develop. We can’t put off this vibe and turn into the achievement we want to be.

6. Commend others

To influence the move to progress to a charming one, we can’t live desirous and scared by others. We should focus on being really upbeat for the achievement others have accomplished.

It is just in focusing on this that we cure the begrudge which can too effectively attack our own particular achievement. There is nothing engaging about a “hater.” How we handle other individuals’ prosperity, particularly when things may not go so well for us, is our very own marker development and conviction about ourselves.

We should grab each shot exhibited to us to earnestly compliment others. This makes a climate for others to need to praise our victories with us as we contact them. Whenever somebody we know gets incredible news, don’t detest – celebrate with them.

Keep in mind that, we get what we really ask for.

We just set ourselves up for more bliss in our own particular lives as we praise the triumphs of others.

The most widely recognized information around development mentality remains its distinction from a settled attitude. Carol Dweck has expressed that instructing individuals that their mind can change is a decent beginning stage. Dweck additionally cautions against adulating a tyke’s characteristic capacity or knowledge, as this can prompt a settled outlook.

In youthful kids, a progression of concentrates found that adulating insight can prompt them surrendering rapidly in the wake of encountering disappointment, a lessening in satisfaction, and notwithstanding seeing exertion as something just required by less capable individuals. These are a portion of the approaches to building up a development mentality.

 About the Author   

Asma Niaz is an Academic writer who loves to write stellar content on various educational topics, programs, training, and courses.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Positive Words Research – 6 Ways To Develop A Growth Mindset

growth mindset

Happiness Battle Win: Positive Mind Lead To Positive Life

Positive thinkers always look on the bright side and see the cup as half full. These people are healthier and they are less stressed than pessimists. And studies showed that optimism and positive thinking have several benefits.

You may think that positive thinking is not a natural thing to you. However, there are several reasons you must start cultivating positive thoughts and stop negative self-talk.

Cope better with a stressful situation

Positive thinkers can cope better than pessimists when they are faced with a stressful situation. When optimists are disappointed, they tend to focus on the things that they can do to resolve it. They don’t dwell on those things that they are not in control of. Instead, they create a plan of action and ask for assistance.

Negative thinkers, on the other hand, would immediately conclude that the situation is already out of their control and that they can’t do anything about it.

Positive mind attracts positive results

If you start to think positively, the law of attraction can work in your favor. The law states that “like attracts like.” If you have the habit of seeing your life positively, you can attract great things.

Improves immunity

The mind can have a positive effect on the body. It’s one of the reasons people living in the healthiest places to live in the US are mostly positively thinkers. They don’t just exercise every day but they also think more about the bright side than the negative side of a situation.

Activating the brain areas associated with negative emotions can lead to a weaker immune system. When you become optimistic about some areas of your life, you tend to have a stronger immune reaction than people who had a negative view of their situation.

In other words, positive thinking is ideal for your health. It does not only help you cope with stress but it also affects your overall well-being. The Mayo Clinic reports that there are several health benefits related to optimism. These would include a reduced risk of death because of cardiovascular problems and increased lifespan.

Although it’s not clear yet how positive thinking can benefit health, some people suggest that being optimistic can lead to a healthier lifestyle. As they cope better with stress, they can avoid unhealthy behaviors related to stress. As a result, they can improve their overall well-being.

Copes better with problems

Apart from stress, having a positive mind can help you better cope with problems. In other words, you become more resilient. When you face a crisis, you can easily carry on and overcome adversity. As mentioned earlier, positive thinkers look at the problem and find solutions to fix the problem, rather than giving up quickly.

When resilient people found themselves in a terrorist attack or a natural disaster, for example, their positive thoughts and emotions would encourage them to thrive. These thoughts would act as a buffer against depression.

Develop harmonious relationships

By having positive thoughts, you’ll start to notice the good qualities of people and ignore their flaws. As a result, you’ll start to have a meaningful friendship with them. Having a positive attitude creates a positive atmosphere around you.

Turn problems into opportunities

When you have negative thinking, it’ll blind your mind. However, if you start to turn negative ones into positive, you’ll begin to see that the bottle is half full and not half empty. You’ll start to see solutions and consider that a problem is an opportunity for you to grow. You’ll also start to realize that all problems have an answer. And you’ll finally see it.

Be more grateful

Some people don’t care how blessed they are. As a result, they take things for granted. They forget to be satisfied with the things they have. If you always complain and whine about your destiny, you’ll never appreciate all the things that you already have, until you lose them.

However, when you start to be more thankful and appreciative, you’ll finally realize that you’re luckier than the rich kid you’ve always envied when you were young. So, always be pleased with what you have and count your blessings.

Be more beautiful

Positive thinking brings the best in you. It’ll make you look more beautiful. How? Because you always think positive, you always smile and be friendly to people, making you more attractive. As your inner beauty shines, it’ll be visible on the outside.

Be more successful

Compared to negative thinkers, positive thinkers are more likely to be successful. That’s because they tend to find a solution to every problem, instead of giving up. For them, a life without a problem is boring. For that reason, they work hard and find success to be a lot easier.


Although being optimistic has a bright side, in some instances, it might not serve you well. If you’re overly confident, you might underestimate your abilities. As a result, you take on more tasks that you can handle, causing more stress and anxiety.

You don’t need to ignore the reality. But focus on certain things, like a positive approach to a challenge or make the most of a bad situation. Bad things can happen to anyone. As a positive thinker, you look at the case and find ways to improve it.

Author’s Bio
Catrin Cooper

Catrin Cooper is a professional blogger and freelance writer from San Francisco. She sees her purpose in providing people with up-to-date info in spheres of marketing, self-development, and real estate. Apart from work, she adores traveling and yoga. 

Positive Words Research – The Battle Of Happiness That You Can Win: Positive Mind Leads To Positive Life


10 Positive Thinking Tips: Power of Positivity on Your Health

Thoughts and attitude towards life is an indicator of success or failure. Positive thinking leads to success whereas negative thinkers fall into the bucket of failure. Thoughts of a person strongly affect his health according to the thoughts might think. If a person is a positive thinker, his mind grows and stays sound and healthy. It assists him in making decisions, leading tasks, and taking risks.

On the other hand, negative vibes disturb the functioning of our brain. It compresses the mind that leads to failure, depression, anxiety, or success. Positive thoughts are a sign of good health. Positive thinking is an approach to thinking about matters in a constructive way. Check out this best hipaa compliant texting app.

In this approach, the person is looking for good news or plus point even in the bad news or unfavorable situation. It teaches you to stay calm and control your decisions.

The power of positivity

Decisions of a person following a negative thinking approach are controlled by his negative thoughts. In this approach, the person attains a skeptical attitude towards every prospect of his life.

Researchers proved that positive thinkers are long-livers, stress releases, and have sound immunity systems. Psychiatrists argued that positive thinkers have minimal chances of having any heart or mental disease.
They are mentally and physically strong enough to go through any tragedy or trauma. Nowadays, in an era where competitions are high, it becomes necessary to work hard and extra to survive. In this situation, the work of heavy load can easily be tackled if you have a sound mind and a healthy body.

The positive thinking approach has the power to boost your inner and physical health. You can transform your thoughts in a positive manner using the following tips.

1. Meditation

Meditation has a positive effect on the soul as well as on the body of a person. It teaches a person to stay calm and control their breaths, which assists the person in tackling warm situations.

Also, seeds a plant of positivity in the heart of a person that reduces stress. It slows down aging and improves the cardiovascular and immune systems of a person, which is considered the power of positivity.

2. The best project to work on is yourself!

Developing yourself into a more positive person has a vast beneficial impact on your health. According to medical specialists, it helps people in stress alleviation, moderate blood pressure, less anxiety, and increases serotonin. It has an impact on a person’s mood and attitude.

Getting yourself engaged in such personal development may assist you to keep away from the negativities. Engagement in such kinds of activities as personal development courses increase the motivation level, improves the focus, and creates a sense of direction in a person.

Strategically planned personal development will help you eliminate the negativities from your mind and enhance the positivity in your decisions. This will assist you to take a diversion from your monotonous life. Also, engage yourself in physical or mental health activities.

3. Adopt a company of positive people

A person adopts numerous habits from a company he keeps. Surroundings of negative people dominate your negative thoughts whereas adopting a company of positive people has a great impact on the thoughts and values of a person. The more positivity you have in your life, the brighter the world around you will become.

4. Set your priorities straight!

The minds of people who do not have any priorities, goals, and ambitions are like houses without residents.  No or wrong priorities contribute to the development of negative thoughts in minds.

Prioritization in life hinders the level of stress and resistance to do work. It develops a sense of responsibility in a person, which is a smooth step towards positivity.

5. Don’t let your emotions go out of hand and be decisive

Most of the people complain about the situation in which they do not want to be. Instead of complaining, a person should learn how to take control of the situation. Learning to control decisions allows you to throw out negativities from your mind.

It also develops a sense of achievement and responsibility. Guess what is more positive than one handling an unfavorable situation in a cool and calm manner.

6. Believe in yourself

The best approach towards positivity is to maintain your self-confidence and believe in yourself. It boosts your positivity towards each and every aspect of life. Your confidence allows you to stay tall in front of negativities and act as a barrier.

7. Explore the bright side of everything

We live in a society of critics, where everyone is busy criticizing others for anything and from the other side. Everybody is busy thinking about what others think about them.

This approach leads to low self-esteem and less positivity. The best approach towards positivity is that always look for the bright side of the picture. It is the power of positivity to find out the good news in a bad situation. That helps in the development of a healthy mind.

8. Enhance positive self-talk and self-motivation

A person’s best friend is his inner self whom he was talking to all the time.  That best friend has a great influence on your mind and heart.

If you are talking negatively about your inner self, it means you are approaching negativities. You should avoid negative talks and increase self-talks on positive matters as well as on negative matters in a positive way.

9. Learn from failures and move ahead

Failure and success both are a vital parts of life. Behind every success, there are many failures. Those who face failure positively by learning from it and moving on led to success.

Most people blame themselves for failure, which restricts them to lead towards success. The constructive thought and action towards failure are to learn from failure, which develops a sense of positivity and makes the mind healthy.

10. Set Realistic Goals

Another step towards positivity is to increase expectations from your own and set realistic goals and targets for yourself. People who tend to set realistic goals are very much likely to achieve them.

Unreasonable and unrealistic goals are impossible to achieve and continuous failure of achievement leads to depression. Avoid setting unrealistic goals and try to be a down-to-earth person. Achievement of realistic goals removes negative vibes from the mind and keeps the mind healthy.

In order to enhance positivity, you should learn how to eliminate negativity from your thoughts. This could be done by understanding the impact of negative thoughts on your health.

Negative thoughts play an important role in the progression of depression, anxiety, and stress. Negativity affects your health mentally (i.e. anxiety, mood changes, lack of interest and motivation, etc.) as well as physically (i.e. shoulder pain, migraines, and insomnia, etc).

In contrast, the benefits of positive thinking are enormous. It also helps you developmentally and physically. The power of positivity makes great changes in people’s lives.

Author’s Bio

Asma Niaz is an Academic writer who loves to write stellar content on various educational topics, programs, training, and courses.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

power of positivity

Best 15 Things You Can Do To Attract Positive Energy Now

Learning how to harness positive energy on a daily basis – transform your daily routine with these tried and true methods for attracting positive vibes.

Sometimes it can be too much to go through a day without feeling exhausted both physically and mentally. We all need some positive vibes and energy to do our daily tasks no matter what.

While some people have it in their bones to attract positive energy without much effort, others struggle to find a safe haven that can help them relax and unwind. What are some of the tried and true things you can do in order to attract some positive energy into your life right now and start your day anew?

1. Learn to let go

Holding grudges towards your friends or acquaintances rarely ends well. While sometimes it may create office rivalry or healthy competition, at other times it can create rifts between would-be friends. Learn to let go of the negative thoughts you may be harboring towards someone else.

The truth is that we simply don’t know where some people come from and what brought them to confront us in the first place. Keep this in your mind the next time you come face-to-face with an ill thought towards someone.

2. Listening to upbeat music

Positive vibes come in many forms, not the least of which is music that can help you overcome negative thoughts. Many genres such as jazz, chill or acoustic can help you not only relax but embrace the day in a different perspective.

Don’t rely on music that emphasizes dancing or electronic instruments that serve to make your heart race. Music that relaxes and lets you think is the best way to attract some positive vibes in no time whatsoever.

3. Visualize before acting

We are all guilty of acting on impulse and regretting the decisions we have made. Visualizing the action you are about to enact is a good way of letting yourself think before doing something you might regret. The same applies to college tests, job interviews, and even company meetings.

Every word you say can and will have a ripple effect on your life moving forward. Visualize those results in different scenarios and you will live a much more positive daily life as a result.

4. Less future talk

Talking about the future and planning your career is great. However, those plans should be as loose as possible if you don’t want to bum yourself out later on. People map their lives out to a great extent only to realize that a lot of what is happening around them isn’t under direct control.

Think about the future as an idea but never let yourself rely on a “better tomorrow” just because you are dealing with a lot of things right now. Focus on what’s important in the moment and let the future happen by itself.

5. Learn to embrace, not hate

Of course, you are not going to like the new dress your wife bought for herself. Your son might come home with a low grade and feel scared to even come near you because of it. The favorite pizza place you often visited has been shut down indefinitely with no hopes of coming back. These things will happen all the time and they are all part of life. Hating yourself, those around you or something third entirely won’t bring you any more happiness.

Learn to embrace change and the things coming your way without jumping to conclusions. Shutting off most of the hate will automatically make your positive energy skyrocket without you even realizing it.

6. Be as objective as possible

Most of the negativity in our lives can be attributed to subjectivity. We are the product of our parents, friends, family, and society. They shaped us into who we are today, and the person we became sometimes comes to contact with things it doesn’t really like.

This is where objectivity comes into play as a means to distance ourselves from negativity. Just because someone is different or does something different than we’d like them to it doesn’t mean they are unworthy of our attention. Be objective as much as possible and don’t let your personal judgment come in the way of happiness.

7. Express through writing

One of the easiest and most creative ways to express your inner thoughts and emotions is through writing. Anyone can write, whether they want to admit that or not. While some people are more apt to write essays, others prefer song lyrics or wordplay. You can even use a professional service such as rewardedessays to help you out with editing and formatting if you are unable to manage by yourself.

The most important thing is to let your mind and hand do most of the work without thinking about the end result. Depressurize your mind and let go of stray thoughts by putting them on paper and seeing what comes of it.

8. Spend time in nature

Nature is one of the best positive energy conductors on the planet. You don’t have to go too far to enjoy nature to its fullest. Local parks, riverside walkways or even mountain paths can be a good way to stretch your legs and breathe some fresh air. Being inside too much is one of the main causes of depression and anxiety which are directly linked to negative energy. Do yourself a favor and go out as much as possible for short stretches of time.

9. Act selflessly now and then

While volunteer work and NGOs aren’t for everyone, you can still do something selfless every now and then without expecting a reward. There are people all around us who are suffering to unimaginable degrees, not the least of which are homeless people without hope for redemption.

Giving someone money on the street, standing up in the city bus or letting someone in line in front of you is a gentle gesture that most will be shocked by. Do something that will make you happy for someone you barely even know and see your positive energy shift to a whole new level.

10. Shut off the negative

Negative people will always be around to make us feel miserable without even realizing it. While some people struggle with family or close friends, others are under constant pressure from coworkers or college professors. Learn to let go of their negativity by trying to understand things from their point of view.

Very rarely will someone be mean to you by pure chance – there is always a good reason for their personal reasoning and suffering. Shut these negative influences out by focusing on yourself and what makes you happy in life.

11. Accept yourself

Many of us are unhappy with the way we look, sound, walk or talk. It is very little we can do to change what our parents gave us and most people find that unsatisfying. Accepting yourself for who you really are is one of the best things you can do in a lifetime.

The amount of happiness and positive energy on the other side of fear is something you should seriously consider. Just think about all the people who can’t walk or see with their own eyes and what they would do to be in your place. The world is a cruel place and you should be your own best asset in making ends meet in life.

12. Smile a little

Smiling does a lot more than just show your teeth to whoever you are talking to. It shows that you are genuinely ready to listen to your fellow speaker and attract positive energy wherever you go. Sometimes smiling in front of the mirror for a couple of seconds can make all the bad thoughts go away.

It can be hard to make yourself smile if the world simply won’t give you a much-needed break but it does help to try. Repeat this small ritual any time you feel as if you are too deep in negativity and need to vent a little.

13. Learn to say “no”

Accepting to help others is a noble gesture up to a point where people start abusing it. There will always be coworkers or friends who want something free of charge and want it as soon as possible. Saying “no” to these people isn’t a bad thing – you do have your own life and worries to take care of.

Learn which tasks and favors are worth your time and don’t commit to promises you don’t intend to keep. Keeping your head clear of all the favors and promises that need to be cashed in will make you a more positive thinker in more ways than one.

14. Do some cardio

Sometimes all you need is a jog to clear your mind. Some people prefer treadmills while others opt for bikes or rollers. Anything that involves your physical exercise is a good release mechanism for negative energy. Being positive is far easier if you feel good about your body.

Give yourself a few moments of cardio each day in order to fill that positive energy bar to it’s fullest any time you feel you need to get out of the house. You might even meet a new friend or see something interesting along the way.

15. Live in here and now

A huge portion of negative energy can be dismissed simply by focusing on the task at hand. If you are at work, or at college, focus on what is happening at the moment. Don’t think about what might happen in several weeks or what happened the month before. Those things don’t matter as much as the moment you are in right now.

The present gives you a chance to shape your life to an unimaginable degree. Use that opportunity to take hold of your life and attract positive energy willingly, without worrying about what happened or might happen.

Living a positive life                                                                                                             

Being positive 24/7 is nigh impossible and you shouldn’t push yourself to achieve that state. There will always be something that bugs us at night and doesn’t go away no matter what we do. Learn to accept the things you can’t change and be aware of the things happening around you at the present. Only then will you be able to truly attract positive energy and learn to live your life more productively.

Author’s Bio

Malia Keirsey

Malia Keirsey is a passionate blogger and web designer. She has finished the University of Chicago with the master’s degree in Sociology and started her career as a novice writer.
You can follow her on Twitter. Social profiles: Facebook, Twitter

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Best 4 Life-Changing Impacts Of Positive Thinking Today

The power of positive thinking is amazing, and those having it can expect a life full of happiness, health, and success. It’s also life-changing.
Positive thinking gives you the power to overcome any obstacle that may appear in your way. It fixes your mental and emotional attitude for good by focusing on what you love and not what you don’t like.

It is said that a positive attitude can cause a chain of positive thoughts and events and facilitate the desired outcome. Also, it can transform your life and the lives of those around you because you learn to focus on the good side of everything.

Positive thinking not only boosts your health but also has a huge impact on your life and work. If you don’t believe it yet, keep reading to learn how it can impact your life.

1. Builds Self-Confidence

Genuine and kind words have the power to heal and change the world. When your thoughts are positive and pleasant, your self-confidence gets a boost. It all starts with looking for good traits within yourself and others. A confident individual deal with life in a much better way by broadening possibilities and opening her/his mind to new experiences.

You start to feel more confident in what you are doing, and the insecurities fade away. You will never doubt your abilities and learn to appreciate the big picture.

2. Hope And Meaningful Living

Negative vibes can make us forget how valuable life is. We let hope trickle out and drown in a pool of disappointments. Positive thinking gives us hope. And with hope, life becomes more meaningful.

Even if others are criticizing and complaining, ignore it and look beyond the noise with mindful thinking. Hope teaches us to believe that things will be better. It is a source of inspiration that comes with positivity. It motivates you to chase goals that have deep meaning and makes you think about how precious and valuable life is. Positivity can bring purpose into your life and inspire people to do the same.

3. Success

Did you know that positive thinking can result in success? There is no doubt that positive thinking can push you to land a better job, find someone great or even win a championship. It brings you joy and contentment.

Your attitude can control your life, and if you mostly harbor negative thoughts, you can expect failure and disaster. On the other hand, if your thoughts are positive, the subsequent actions can help you become more productive, which ultimately results in success.

So, positive thinking is not only about warm and fuzzy feelings, but it is also critical to explore your hidden talents.

4. Love Yourself Unconditionally

If you have a positive attitude towards life, you will fall in love with yourself.
As humans, love is something we all yearn for. When you love yourself and your life and the people around you, you will be truly happy.

Love makes us follow our hearts and do what we want to. Give yourself the gifts of love and happiness, and you will be able to even make those around you love themselves. Loving oneself leads to acceptance as the outside world is only a projection of your inner world.

If you want to see the world differently, start with yourself. Find ways to build happiness and positive emotions in your life. Some of them might be life-changing.

Whether it is an activity or being with people you love, focus on what makes you happy, and you will build skills that are valuable to you in life. Use positive thinking on a daily basis, and you will see how it benefits your life in every situation.

Author’s Bio

Nisha is passionate about writing and loves to share her thoughts with the world. She has written many articles on yoga, fitness, wellness, remedies, and beauty. She keeps herself updated by going through interesting blogs every day. This fuels her passion and motivates her to write appealing and engaging articles. She is a regular contributor to and a few other websites.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

life changing

Best 5 Tips For Parenting Your Teen In a Positive Way

Parenting is not an easy task for many people, but it is much harder if your kid is facing difficulties in his way to adult life. What can you do then and how to parent a teenager in a positive way? Moreover, how can you develop a friendly relationship with your teen? Today we will try to answer all these questions, thus here are my tips on how to cope with this:

1. Be Friends

Amidst the easiest teens tips on getting along with your children are staying friends with your offsprings. Children do really need to realize that their parents understand and appreciate them and treat them as solid individuals. Having a friendly relationship with your baby is a starting point for any family, thus your duty is to teach your children how to trust you from his early age and maintain this sense during the entire life.

2. Take Part in Your Kid’s Life

Today many parents are too busy with their careers, duties, and material things of adult life, completely forgotten about their children. Most of them realize a problem too late, that is why it is essential to prevent it at an early stage. How to do this? You can start with making regular things together; such as spending few evenings a week together, getting university coursework help done together or regular eating meal, or spending at least one of the weekends doing what you both like. There are numerous ways of how to become a part of your kid’s life, thus do not blink these opportunities until it is too late.

3. Respect your child

Children tend to think of themselves as independent and mature while they are growing up, thus try not to harm them by denying this. I am speaking of refusing the fact that they need more freedom as they become older, but you should always be aware of where your teen is going, who are his friends and their parents, this will help you to trust your kid even more and be secure he is safe and sound. Another bad thing you should avoid is arguing with an exalted voice, this will only lead to nervous breakdowns for both of you, thus think positive and do not tie yourself up on knots.

4. Teach Your Teen and Share Your Own Experience

We learn something new every day even when we are adults, thus for children it is an integral part of their lives. Some parents say that their kids should live their own lives and make their own mistakes and only this way they can become solid individuals in future, but do you agree with this statement? Of course, we cannot impose our own sense of life to our kids, but we can advise them by telling how to avoid small mistakes or pitfalls our life is full of. Frankly speaking, positive thoughts and good vibes are what your relationship should consist of.

5. Keep in Touch with Your Children, but Do Not Annoy

People, especially teenagers, get angry easily if they are under total control 24/7. If you think that regular check-ins are your daily duty, then you are completely wrong. Of course, you must control your teen, but it should be in a friendly manner, harsh and strict parenting will make your child only pull you away. If you develop a good relationship, children will share with you everything they feel or think, thus the golden rule for every parent is to find out the balance between over control and positive mentoring.

There are no exact behavioral patterns or positive thinking you should follow in order to become successful parents, thus you must do everything at your own risk. Of course, you can buy a thousand books on how to parent your teen in a positive way, but all children are different, thus they need special approaches. Where to find a key? You must realize that you have to listen to your kid and treat him as an individual with his own fears, believes, opinion and behavioral patterns. Only by keeping in mind all these factors, you can remain friends with your teen during your entire life.

Author’s Bio

Helen is a prolific writer who inspires other people to find their predestination in life. Her life motto is, ‘Do what you care for, love what you carry out.’
She also believes that each individual on the planet has special expertise, and the only complication is to be open in order to see this talent in its full volume.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story. 


Reduce Stress By Positive Thinking. This Guide Will Help You

Have you been feeling empty and tired recently? Okay, these are the first signs of coming depression. Not to develop it to the full extent, you need to get out from the darkness and come back to the light of life. We know what you need to cure the upcoming disease – positive thinking! If you wish to find out how to reduce stress by positive thinking, then keep on reading!

Stop Negative Self-Talk

Everyone talks to oneself, right? The point is how you do that in various situations. For example, you failed the exam in college. The first thing that comes to your mind has to be probably: “I am useless” or “I failed it again.” Guess what? This is a completely wrong way of thinking. You should get rid of such thoughts right away!

Instead, you have to forgive yourself and motivate for the future: “Next time, I will do better,” or “It is okay to make mistakes. I have still passed the test though the score is not the best.” If you are feeling the depression is coming, change the strict attitude to yourself by comforting kind words.

Be Grateful

You should always be grateful to everything that surrounds you. In the period of upcoming depression, you should remind yourself of how grateful you are even more. To embrace a more positive attitude, you have to stop for a moment and see how much you have: the loving family, the opportunity to study in college, two arms and two legs that allow you to function fully, and many other things.

To understand clearer what you should be grateful for, write down all the things you have, both material and nonmaterial, and smile when the list is over. Why smile? Because there are many things you should say “Thank you” for when you wake up each morning!

Positive Thinking Meditation

If you do not feel that anything mentioned above helps, then try positive thinking meditation each day. 20 minutes a day will be enough – concentrate on positive thoughts and observe yourself from outside.

Make slow deep breaths and reflect on something that brings you joy – it might be the sunny day at the sea or walking with your dog or spending time with your funny friends. Reflect on how much joy it brings you and smile inside and out.

If you try and think positive, stress will never appear in your life again! Can you not think positive because you are overloaded with tedious essays? Relax! Have a look at our editing services for students and get back to meditation!

Laugh More

Laughter is an amazing thing that is able to reduce the stress and make our lives longer. If you do not find any reason to laugh in your everyday life, just look at its funniest part!

First of all, you should surround yourself with people who are able to make you laugh. If you do not have any, watch the comedies on TV or enter the groups on Facebook that will post one joke per day minimum. After waking up, visit the group, read the joke, and get the positive vibes for the rest of the day. How to find the correct group? Well, do you love the animals? Then, enter the group 9GAG Cute where funny videos with adorable pets are posted. Seriously, you will not be able to resist and not laugh and melt looking at the cute puppies and kittens.

Justify the Person’s Bad Behavior

Each time you hear something negative directed at you, do not take it personally. The polite and thoroughbred person will never say anything nasty to anyone. If the person still does something bad, you need to understand that s/he might be upset or angry, s/he might be going through the relationship crisis, or someone is sick in his/her family.

The person says it to lash out and not to hurt anyone. Plus, you might misinterpret his/her intentions and understand him/her wrong. You need to think positively and say to yourself: “I simply misunderstood him/her. S/he did not mean what s/he said,” or “This person had a bad day – I should not feel grumpy about what s/he said.”
Think positive and do not allow anyone to ruin your day!

Author’s Bio

Helen is a prolific writer who inspires other people to find their predestination in life. Her life motto is, ‘Do what you care for, love what you carry out.’
She also believes that each individual on the planet has special expertise, and the only complication is to be open in order to see this talent in its full volume.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.


Positive Attitude In Life And Love: 5 Positive Affirmations

“Life has many ways of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happening at all or by having happened all at once.” ~ Paulo Coelho

If you want to attract love in your life, then you have to give love first. Confirming the love given here will help you to become a lover.

Humans cannot live without air, food, water, and love. As you can see, only love is the abstract of four indispensable things for life.

That’s why we see in society that when people are not able to find love among humans, many people adopt pets. Thus, in one or another form, love should be present in life.

However, just because you want that love, does not mean that you will get love.

First of all, you have to give love. Only when you give love, you will get love. And to give love, you must first love yourself!

Use an affirmation to attract love

There are different ways of experiencing love, some like touching and feeling, some people like to hear love whispering in their ears, others like to show some love with gifts.

The best way to get to love the way you want is to share it with those people you love. Love affirmations will help you in your efforts.

Become a loving person. We draw those people in our lives who mirror our personalities.

Therefore, if you want people to love you, begin to love better people, use a love affirmation for the purpose.

The following love affirmation should be your constant companion.

If you feel like making your own love affirmations to attract love and to replicate them, mix two or more positive references, preferably in front of a mirror, at least one hundred times daily for six to seven months daily.

As time passes, you will find that after making a conscious effort without any hesitation, you will become a more loving person and attract more people who love your life.

1. Life Is Good

Life is good. But why is it so easy to focus on the bad and forget everything else? When you’re single, it’s easy to think like that.

How It Can Help: When you have a positive outlook on life, naturally you have a positive attitude towards your relationship. That can only make things better.

What To Do: Practice Gratitude. Some people find it useful to keep a gratitude journal so you have something to look back on when it’s hard to muster positivity.

2. I Deserve This

You absolutely deserve love and happiness. You deserve romance, true partnership, and anything else that you want out of a relationship.

How It Can Help: When you feel like you do not deserve the good things in your life, you create a self-fulfilling prophecy. The same is true when you feel like you are worthy. Also, feeling like you are not worth is Not cool.

What To Do: Remind yourself that you deserve this happiness whenever you feel doubt. Give you a mini pep-talk.

3. I’m Beautiful

Of course, you are beautiful. You have to be able to rely on yourself and your own self-worth.

How it can help: Being able to see your beauty is part of healthy self-esteem, and healthy self-esteem is necessary for healthy relationships.

What To Do: Stop all negative thoughts. You may be wondering how many times you have to do, but do not give up. You’ll finally retain your brain.

4. This Is My True Partner

Your partner is not a child you have to look after, a master you have to serve, a defocus you have to deal with.

How It Can Help: Equality is a beautiful thing. It makes life easier, and fairer, but also more enjoyable.

What to Do: Share the responsibility! Share the love, share the work, share the blame. Compromise. Approach life as a team.

5. This Person Is Not My Everything

It can feel like this, but this is not true. You have to be the center of your world as a healthy, independent, full rich person.

How It Can Help: When your attitude is to increase your lifestyle but is not your everything, you keep your friends, maintain your hobbies and interests, and basically you are happy. And if the day comes when you lose them, you’re still fine on your own feet, no matter how sad it is.

What To Do: Be you. Keep your friends. Get a healthy place where you can be alone and take care of yourself, even if you are in a relationship.
Appreciate that your partner is amazing, but never lose sight of your personality.

Author ~ Vishuka Chaudhary

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.


7 Tips For Simplification And Experiencing Life Fulfillment

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” – Hans Hofmann

Our schedules and lifestyles can become very hectic so it’s best to try and find time to reestimate the way we live, work, communicate… If we want to experience life fulfillment we need to simplify it and focus on the important things rather than trying to catch up with everything we think we have to. We need to strive for mindfulness and self-fulfillment in order to have a happy life. Here are the 7 things we need to make simpler to live better versions of our lives.

1. Understand the Real Value of Your Belongings

You are being avid for material possessions and always try to buy new things? Well, this is not a bad habit if you require those new acquisitions for your daily activities. However, if you buy stuff just to make you feel better and never use them, that’s a real problem.

Here’s how you should approach things: “I possess these things, but they don’t possess me.” You’ve probably heard it before. Don’t let your possessions become your main objective.

Do you need a new phone? That’s understandable, but would you go nuts over a scratch? It is of utmost importance to focus our energy on the most valuable things in life. Consuming our stamina on possessions is not one of them.

Look around and reestimate your surroundings, your home and your workplace. What do you see? If it’s been cluttered, start freeing yourself from all the possessions that make no difference to you. Once you clean your environment, you will be able to uncover your life’s true goals.

2. Cut Back on Your Objectives

A busy schedule is not an effective schedule. You might have many tasks to do over the day, but if you don’t prioritize them you’ll end up with many tasks in progress, but none finished.

The most suitable method of approaching a busy schedule is to program it according to every task’s importance. Write down the 3-5 most important tasks you have over the day and finish them first.

Once those tasks are done you can start working on the less important ones. If you want to have an efficient schedule you should be an avid organizer, you should be able to prioritize your work and delegate the tasks you won’t be able to cover. For example, leveraging writing tasks to professionals, such as EduGeeksClub, will increase your efficiency.

3. Tend to Have Positive and Sincere Relationships

Study your surroundings. Look at all those people that surround you every day. Do they make you a better person? Do they worsen your personality? Are you in sincere relationships with each other?

Having friends full of negativity beside you won’t help your situation. At first, you should help them become more positive and be able to see the good in every situation. They are your friends, that’s what friends do. But, if your relationship becomes a one-way energy flow and it consumes your resources in vain, you should put it on hold.

4. Block Negative Mindset

Negativity consumes more of our resources than positivity. Have you ever felt anger, hatred, or envy towards someone? What was it like?

The energy you send will come back accordingly. If you have a positive attitude towards the tasks ahead you will be able to achieve them in a timely manner and with ease.

5. Practice Social Media Disconnection

Even though social media is very useful to keep in touch with our close ones, from time to time, we need to take some time off and disconnect from it. Every now and then, everyone needs some “me time”. Once you get back home and finish all the work you have to do put your phone, tablet, and laptop in a drawer. Reflect on the day that just passed. When that review is done ask yourself: “What do I like most?” Some might like reading or writing poetry. Take your answer and put it in practice, you will relax during that activity. After this, you will be able to focus on the next day’s tasks.

6. Reduce Your Choices

We have lots of choices we have to make each day, beginning from choosing which biscuits to choose for dinner, to what restaurant we go to, what clothes to wear, etc. Having lots of options to choose from is a good thing, but spending too much time on making those choices is a real burden.

Some of you might have noticed this before, some might not. Mark Zuckerberg wears the same gray shirt on every single public appearance he has. When asked why he does that, this is what he answered. “I really want to clear my life to make it so that I have to make as few decisions as possible about anything except how to best serve this community…”

7. Use Less Resources

The society is becoming more and more materialistic. We tend to use lots of resources for things we don’t really need. Think about this, do you really need the latest gadgets for your life to be better? The latest smartphone, tablet, PC? We use lots of energy to charge our numerous gadgets’ batteries and we might not have an idea what it costs to our planet. Think of some things you personally may do to stop wasting our planet’s resources.

The moment you start using them wisely and spend less money on unnecessary things, you will be able to feel a lot better about yourself and the community you belong to.

Simple is best. If you want to feel fulfilled, you need to simplify your life. We don’t need all the stuff we have and, most definitely, we don’t need the latest gadgets. What we do need is to clarify our objectives, focus on the bright side of things and have some time for ourselves every once in a while. Try simplifying your life and you will reach new heights in terms of professional and personal achievements.

About the Author

Rachel Bartee is a freelance writer who finds her passion in expressing own thoughts as a blogger. She is constantly looking for the ways to improve her skills and expertise. Get in touch with her on @rachel5bartee.

Positive Words Research – 7 Things to Undergo Simplification for Experiencing Life Fulfillment

7 Things to Undergo Simplification for Experiencing Life Fulfillment