5 Positive Thoughts The Heart Needs Before Going To Sleep

Rejection, disagreements, conflicts, self-pity, hurt all these companions are hard to let go of.
After a hard day’s work when you reach home, all these emotions finally get to you. Your heart needs to let go all the burdens.

You have to maintain a professional, emotionless facade at your workplace or institutes. But the mask falls off when you reach home.

You fell the overload of these repressed emotions and going to sleep with them in mind can really be dangerous for you.

It’s not a joke. It could lead you straight to depression.

Save your day from negative thoughts.

Just think of it this way. Every one must have a smartphone, and you need to charge it periodically after the battery drains.

It’s similar to your body and your mind. Giving into the negative thoughts is like saying, “Screw it! Let the phone die. What do I need it for?”

Just like you need your phone for almost everything today, you need your body and mind, both of them working in sync.

So, you shouldn’t just satisfy your physical cravings but emotional ones as well.

So, when you go to bed next time. How about you feed your soul and mind as well? Watch for your heart needs.

Here are 5 positive thoughts that will help you with your goal.

1. “We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

What you have to understand here is the difference between addiction and passion. When you are passionate about what you have planned you should not divert from the path even in the face of some obstacles or roadblocks.

Addiction will lead you astray. It could be your addiction to toxic things that appear toxic like alcohol, pills, gambling or it could be something completely harmless as watching movies all the time.

But both of them lead you astray.

Gambling is a perfect example for us to explore here.

Suppose someone who is good at numbers decides that gambling is a job for him. But is he being smart about it?

Is he investing the money he earned or just gambling it away in a string of wins and losses?

Is he drinking it all away?  When it stops being productive in all sorts of ways (financial, spiritual, etc), should seek new and positive things.

The right time to move on is when the passion turns into addiction. No matter how hard it is welcome the new life that is waiting for you.

2. “Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.”

Hope springs eternal or does it?

How many times have you felt so lost that you never thought that you could wake up the next day? That you just couldn’t take it anymore. Why do these things keep happening to me?

This is when you start to get the feeling of doom and you feel like someone is actually telling you  ‘abandon hope all ye who enter here.’

When it happens why don’t you try saying this to yourself?

“Well, boohoo. I’m so sorry your feelings are hurt, Princess.”

You are going to get hurt. There’s no way around it. Sulk for a few days if you have to but there will come a time when you have to say enough is enough and get over it.

Let your experiences shape you. If you just broke up with someone you might feel like relationships are not for you. Think about this, would you have been happy with that person in long term? Why did it not work out? What does your heart needs?

You are not the reason it didn’t work out. Things were just not meant to be. You were not suited for each other. So, rather than giving up on relationships altogether, why don’t you learn why you didn’t suit and avoid that in the partner you next choose?

3. “Storms make trees take deeper roots”

This is a new one but you must have heard about how “Even the stars need darkness to shine.”

This thought means mostly the same thing.

When you weather the storm you emerge a victor. Because even when everything else was blown away by the storm, you stood strong and kept control on the thing.

You did not let the storm blow you away like it did all the other things in sight. It only made you take deeper roots.

So, congratulate yourself that you are still standing strong. You can hold on for far much longer and be this amazing individual that you are.

Isn’t it a good thing to tell yourself before you fall asleep?

It is.

4. “IF you are searching for that one person that will change your life, take a look in the mirror.”

If you are looking for a partner because you feel that he/she can give a new and better direction to your life then think again.

Or better yet why don’t you find a mirror and take a good look at the person who can actually do that for you?

You are the only one who can decide what to do with your life. No one else can help with it. You can try yoga and go for spiritual retreats but they will only work as deep down as you have made the choice to do it.

Next time you look in the mirror don’t admire yourself, for a change think about what kind of changes you want to happen in your life and how you can go about making them.

“Mirror Mirror on the wall who’s gonna change it all?”

You. The answer is always going to be you. 

5. “Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else.”

Here’s another thought worth remembering.

Remember seeing a girl/guy out there and thinking wish I looked like her/him?

Do not feel sorry for yourself and you actually think about it. They might look cool but they could be plastics. There are many people out there who look just like them.

And then there is you. You might not have the same style or you might not like putting much effort in what you look like but you are you.

You are unique, the way you dress defines you. It is what sets you apart. Why do you want to be clones of other people running out there? Be yourself and enjoy being it.

Here’s the thing. If you go looking for negative things you will find them just the same way if you go looking for positive things you will find them.

And you will make mistakes along the way. Sometimes you will want to give up and say, “I can’t carry the facade of being happy, I do it every day at work or outside the house. Why do I have to keep it up even at home? I need a break.”

To clear things up. A facade is a mask that you put up to fool others. And no matter how hard you try, you can’t fool yourself about your real feelings and emotions.

What you are doing at home is not a facade it is you trying to feed your soul with positive energy. These are just a few positive thoughts. If you go looking you will find so much more. So, think one positive thought a day or a month before you go to sleep.

Don’t just say it out loud and go to sleep. Feel the thought, understand it and it will help you.

Author ~ Ari Banayan

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