How To Use Positive Affirmations To Shape Better Body Image

In today’s perpetually plugged-in world, the average person is constantly bombarded with perfect images of social media influencers, the idealized lifestyles of celebrities, and an endless litany of products that promise to make you into the best you possible. With all of these influences, it is all too easy to fall into a spiral of self-doubt and negative body image.

Even if you think that society’s harsher influences are not impacting your self-image, your unconscious brain has been absorbing negative statements from a variety of sources since you were a child. From the way your parents talked about their bodies when you were young to the discussions you overheard in middle school locker rooms, your brain has been tuned into a radio channel of harmful words for as long as you’ve been alive.

Luckily, you can combat this influx of negativity and your stubborn unconscious. Integrating positive affirmations into your life is a great way to shift your mindset from one of self-doubt to one of self-love. Let’s take a look at why positive affirmations work and what affirmations you can start using.

What Is A Positive Affirmation?

A positive affirmation is a statement that you make with the purpose of changing your unconscious thought process. In order to shift your thinking so dramatically, these statements are typically full of power.

And positive affirmations need that power. According to Boulder Academy Lifestyle Coaching, studies have revealed that every day people have an average of 45,000 to 51,000 thoughts. Out of this abundance of thoughts, an average of 80% of them are negative and a majority of them happen at an unconscious level.

In the 1980s, American social psychologist Claude Steele proposed self-affirmation as a psychological theory. According to this theory, individuals have an intuitive drive to build up their own self-integrity and a perception of themselves as good. Steele saw self-affirmations as the vehicle for a person to promote this fundamental need and as a way for someone to build an identity through corrective actions.

The methodology behind applying positive affirmations to your life is fairly simple. As you start making conscious positive thoughts, you also become aware of the negative thoughts that constantly loom in your subconscious. This awareness can help you confront your inner demons that generate the thoughts. Once you face those demons head-on, the positive affirmations you practice can take root and replace the former negativity in your subconscious

Positive Affirmations You Can Start Using Today

Just like any change you make in your lifestyle, the process of improving your self-image through positive affirmations will be tough at first. As the process can bring a lot of your ingrained negativity to the forefront, you may not want to deal with the complicated emotions and bad thoughts. However, it becomes easier the more that you do it as your internal reasoning begins to shift.

Start your journey by setting aside a certain time of day to do your positive affirmations. Once you feel comfortable with that, try incorporating them into your daily routines. It is often recommended that you say these affirmations out loud to yourself while looking in a mirror, but you can also integrate them into your life by writing them down. You can make your own affirmation cards with these statements written on them and post them around your home so that they are always visible. 

Here are a few affirmations that you can integrate into your daily life to change your body image for the better:

  • I love my body just as it is today.
  • I appreciate the food I eat for nourishing me.
  • My face radiates kindness and beauty.
  • I am the only one who can define my worth and I am worthy.
  • My body is absolutely beautiful for everything it can do.
  • I am allowed to take up space with my voice and my body.
  • Opinions from others about my body do not affect or involve me.
  • My body is a miracle.
  • I love my legs and hips for carrying me every day.

Language surrounds us every day and influences us in unexpected ways. Constructing a positive body image starts with changing this influential language. The change will take time, so don’t feel pressure if it doesn’t happen right away or if you feel overwhelmed with the process. Take it little by little, day by day, and you will be able to build a better you. 

Positive Words Research – How To Use Positive Affirmations To Shape A Better Body Image

How To Use Positive Affirmations To Shape A Better Body Image

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