Tag Archives: Mastering Happiness

Top 7 Tips to Develop a Positive Attitude in Life and Be Happy

A positive attitude keeps you more resilient and happy. There are tips to develop a positive attitude in life. It betters your relationships and heightens your chances of seeing success in all of your endeavors. Moreover, a positive attitude also increases your creativity and helps you make better life decisions. To add to it all, there is enough research to prove that people with a positive attitude tend to live longer than people who are surrounded by negativity in life. Here, in this article, we will discuss some tips and tricks to be positive in life. But before we get to that, why should one have a positive mental attitude? Let us find out.

Why should you have a positive mental attitude? 

‘Having a positive attitude is quintessential because it can change how you experience life and what follows with it. A positive attitude is vital to keep depression at bay. Moreover, positivity also helps better your mental strength and is vital to manage all the complex and challenging situations in life. However, the fact of the matter is that the pros of positive thinking do not end here. Positive thinking is indeed infectious. It implies that when you are happy and positive, you will certainly spread it to those around you, and the whole thing will leave you feeling happier and lighter,’ shares June, an educator who offers chemistry homework help services. 

Workplace positivity can make even the most challenging tasks simple. It will help better the relationships that you share with your clients, colleagues, and superiors. More so, a positive mindset is the basis of your career advancement. Furthermore, a positive attitude is also vital in your personal relationships. It can help you improve your relationships with your partners, friends, and family members. It can improve your support system and bless you with a more enjoyable and happier life. Lastly, your positive mindset won’t just make it easy for you to communicate with people around you, but it will also make you more approachable. So, people around you can reach out to you and get inspired by your positivity. 

1. Begin your day right, and you will be positive all around the day.

People often have a troublesome mindset as they start their day on a low note. This is often referred to as getting on the wrong side of the bed. 

To have a positive outlook in life, you should have a fixed morning routine. It should not be like your mom is nudging you to wake up at 2 in the afternoon, and you are still saying five more minutes. Some people have to be forced out of bed to go to work, while others do it voluntarily because they are mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared to overcome the challenges that the day may bring to them. So, the first hack to a positive outlook towards life is having a fixed morning routine that you will adhere to for the rest of your day. 

2. Never do anything passively.

Whatever I do in my day, I constantly ask myself, will I be content spending my time like this, and it always makes me do the right thing,’ shares Tara, an educator who offers homework writing services

3. Let us understand what Tara just said with an example. 

Suppose you have a busy day at work, but you end up spending 2 hours on social media in the first half of your day when you should be finishing your work. Do you think you will appreciate how you spent your day? Not at all. You may love spending time on social media, and it is not bad to do it either, but that should not happen over the compromise of your day’s other priorities. Your time is valuable, so use it wisely. 

4. Carry a happy attitude with you

‘Do not wait for your parents or your partner to make you happy. It is you who can make you happy. If you hold the external factors and other people responsible for your happiness, you cannot ever be truly happy,’ shares Elina, an educator who offers microeconomics homework help services

See, when you know how to keep yourself happy, you will automatically see how the things around you change for the better. You do not have to wait for good things to happen for you to be happy. Be happy first, and you will see good things happening to you. Always remember, happiness is not a situation; it is an attitude. 

5. Spend some time alone

All of us need breaks. These breaks can help you spend some time with yourself and get to know you better. Often when people are feeling low, they spend time with other people to make them feel better. Of course, speaking to someone is a great way to feel better, but as much as you talk to other people about your feelings, you must also talk to yourself. Thus, every day, there should be some ‘me time’ that you spend with just yourself. 

6. Embrace negativity with solutions

Being positive does not mean that you have to ignore the negative thoughts and feelings around you. Instead, accept the negative emotions, such as sadness and anger, and give them the necessary solution. 

‘To deal with negativity and have a positive mindset in life, you need to look at it as a problem, and then work towards it to find a desirable solution,’ shares Nia, a tutor who takes online procreate classes

7. Regardless of how small they may be, focus on the good in life

We are all going to come across multiple obstacles in our life. Life is not a bed of roses. These will be bad days, and there will be good days. When you come across some not so happening event in life, try to shift your focus to the benefits, regardless of how small or unimportant they may seem. For instance, if you are stuck in traffic, turn on the radio or a podcast, and listen to something you enjoy. If the restaurant is closed for takeaway, think of some new recipes you can try at home. 

Develop a Positive Attitude In Life

So, these are the seven most important changes you need to change in your life to always have a positive attitude and live happier.  

Positive Words Research – Top Seven Tips to Develop a Positive Attitude in Life

Is It True That Video Games Can Make People Happy Today

Nowadays we spend more and more time in the digital world. In fact, our actual world is slowly turning into digital which brings a lot of positive changes to our daily life. However, there is still a stigma connected with video games. It is driven by the fear of a negative impact on the lives of both children and adults, and it does not matter if we are talking about violent scenarios or not.

Think about it: any anti-social actions of people who often play video games or even simply like them will most likely be justified by the industry.

From the other side, if we look back, our fear seems to be natural and does not look like something we have not seen before. Similar concerns were actual when rock music appeared or when the world was introduced to comic books. People are generally careful and in most cases defensive when they see some new tendency, especially among younger people.

Of course, some games, some music, and some books are not meant for all age groups, which leads us to an eternal question: Isn’t it important to have a balanced approach in every sphere?

To begin with, there are numerous proven benefits to playing video games regardless of their content. It looks like once a person focuses on a game, their stress level is dropping significantly, their mood improves and the level of confidence is growing.

The latter is connected with the fact that the joy of winning in any sphere inevitably leads to an increase in the feeling of self-worth. Young people and teenagers also enjoy the benefits of playing in a social and communicational sense. This includes both the feeling of relatedness and the need to interact with other people in some of the types.

Moreover, research shows that in a randomized sample of adults diagnosed with clinical depression those who started playing video games reported positive changes and the reduction of stress level, anger, and tension. What is more important is that those results were reflected in their heart rate variability and brain activity.

Similar research conducted with children had the same results: those kids who played on a moderate level showed better results in positive emotions, self-esteem, connections with family, and safe friendships than kids who were playing a lot or did not play at all. It looks like the wisdom of not overdoing works in every sphere regardless of age.

Also, now that we have more studies on the human brain, the scientific community started paying attention to what video games can actually do to assist people with adjusting to the fast-paced world we live in.

First of all, there is good news for action game lovers: they improve your swift reaction to unpredictable circumstances, strategic thinking, and multitasking. Besides, those who play in general are more likely to identify distractions, which helps them to return to their main tasks quicker and procrastinate less.

This leads us to the conclusion that people who do video games have better focus. Such a crazy hypothesis has been proven by the French cognitive neuroscientist Daphne Bavelier who has accidentally started researching this topic and the impact of gaming on our brain activity. In her study she had both gamers and nongamers watch sequences of letters that would rapidly appear on the screen at the same time.

The participants had to concentrate on one of the three pressing a button when numbers would come up and ignoring all the distractions. Their results and brain activity was recorded as they also had EEG headsets on. All the participants held their attention and focused on their sequences.

However, those who played video games had far better reactions and scores. Wouldn’t it be nice to do better at work and be able to focus on the meaningful thanks to the actual fun time spent with friends?

To sum up, there’s more to video games than meets the eye. Playing several sets of your favorite one alone or with your friends spending a wise amount of your time can bring a lot of positive influence. Your stress will be gone, and the muscle of focus trained. Video games ‘good for well-being’ says University of Oxford study.

Positive Words Research – Is it true that video games can make people happy?

Top 25 Positive Words Related To JOY To Get Inspired Now

Positive Words Research has made a research on the positive word joy. We have found 25 positive words related to Joy.

Joy is a good word and is the label for the positive emotion Joy. You can look at the related nice words for Joy as ingredients to feel the positive emotion of Joy.

Use the power of positive thinking in your advantage. Create a positive vibe in your mind that you give you positive energy to put into your projects.

  3. ENJOY
  13. GLAD
  15. BLISS
  19. GAIETY
  23. HAPPY

In order to feel the positive feeling of Joy we recommend using the above 25 powerful words in your daily vocabulary. In addition research every one of the above 25 inspiring words to find more information about them.

Implement into your daily life small practices for every nice word. You should feel a little bit of every good word. Be creative. Do very small things. That will add up. And the positive energy of Joy will bless your life every day.

Find below five lovely quotes about joy to brighten your today.

5 Joy Quotes To Brighten Your Day

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” ― Rumi

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh

“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” ― Tagore

“Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.” ― Marianne Williamson

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.” ― Brené Brown

Positive Words Research – 25 Positive Words Related To JOY

Positive Words Related to JOY

How To Practice Gratitude For 30 Days and Be Happy

Find below some guidance about how to practice gratitude for 30 days in a simple way. Find here practical tips about how to practice gratitude for one month. Remember, gratitude is the field in which all positive emotions grow and flourish.

Gratitude is the multiplier of this world. Remember that gratitude contains, as an ingredient, the energy of joy. So when you practice gratitude, be careful to enjoy yourself. In fact, it is said that the joy you feel at the end of the gratitude practice is an indicator that you have practiced gratitude correctly.

How To Practice Gratitude For 30 Days

In order for you to practice gratitude for one month let yourself guided by the following list:

  1. Gratitude for my mother: Think of five things you are grateful for your mother.
  2. Gratitude for my father: Think of five things you are grateful for your father.
  3. Gratitude for my work: Think of five things you are grateful for your work.
  4. Gratitude for being alive: Think of five things you are grateful for being alive.
  5. Gratitude for the Earth (Terra): Think of five things you are grateful for the Earth (Terra).
  6. Gratitude for my boss: Think of five things you are grateful for your boss.
  7. Gratitude for my health: Think of five things you are grateful for your health.
  8. Gratitude for my past: Think of five things you are grateful for your past.
  9. Gratitude for my future: Think of five things you are grateful for your future.
  10. Gratitude for my body: Think of five things you are grateful for your body.
  11. Gratitude for my mind: Think of five things you are grateful for your mind.
  12. Gratitude for my soul: Think of five things you are grateful for your soul.
  13. Gratitude for my money: Think of five things you are grateful for your money.
  14. Gratitude for my thoughts: Think of five things you are grateful for your thoughts.
  15. Gratitude for who I am: Think of five things you are grateful for being exactly as you are.
  16. Gratitude for my home: Think of five things you are grateful for your home.
  17. Gratitude for my contribution to the world I live in: Think of five things you are grateful for the contribution you bring to the world you live in.
  18. Gratitude for the men in my life: Think of five things you are grateful for the the men in your life.
  19. Gratitude for the women in my life: Think of five things you are grateful for the the women in your life.
  20. Gratitude for my heart: Think of five things you are grateful for your heart.
  21. Gratitude for the hearts around the world: Think of five things you are grateful for the hearts of everybody around the world.
  22. Gratitude for my teachers: Think of five things you are grateful for the teachers in your life.
  23. Gratitude for today: Think of five things you are grateful for today.
  24. Gratitude for the air you breathe: Think of five things you are grateful for the air you breathe.
  25. Gratitude for my face: Think of five things you are grateful for the way your face looks.
  26. Gratitude for technology: Think of five things you are grateful for technology.
  27. Gratitude for harmony: Think of five things you are grateful for harmony.
  28. Gratitude for playfulness: Think of five things you are grateful for playfulness.
  29. Gratitude for animals: Think of five things you are grateful for animals.
  30. Gratitude for my relatives: Think of five things you are grateful for your relatives.

Every day, write on a sheet of paper the 5 reasons you are grateful. Consider the numbers in the above list related to a day in the month, Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 … Day 30.

Share this practice with a friend and inspire him to do the practice of gratitude together with you.

Positive Words ResearchHow To Practice Gratitude For 30 Days

How To Practice Gratitude For 30 Days

How Do You Bounce Back From Failure Ideas and Tips

Failure is one life’s toughest teachers and it’s always there to tell us a thing or two about what we did wrong. but how do you bounce back from failure? Often times, it feels harsh, unsolicited and downright hurtful. Other times it feels like it’s there, looking back at us from over our shoulders, always hitting those shame and guilt buttons we have deep inside. 

How Do You Bounce Back From Failure?

Every time failure sets in, there’s also an emotional storm raging inside us – some of us have the ability to weather this storm with more ease, while others go straight through it, leaving no parts of themselves unscathed. But what if there’s a way to look at failure differently and bounce back from it with new-found strength? Here’s how you can achieve this internal shift regarding failure:

1. Reframe the Setback Realistically

When we face failure in our lives we tend to go back to it over and over in our minds and endlessly ruminate everything that happened, without really going anywhere. We place the event in the same light every time we revisit it, without really creating a new context around it. The challenge is to, first of all, be honest with yourself and admit failure in the most objective possible way, without exaggerating the downsides of indulging in your negative feelings

The next step is to release all emotions when you replay the events in your mind and try to implement counterfactual thinking. You can do this by replaying the events back in your mind and think about what you could’ve done differently, so you wouldn’t be facing this outcome now. This kind of exercise will help you become more responsible, instead of playing the victim and submitting to your emotions, while also providing a valuable lesson for your future endeavors.

2. Don’t Stay in Failure for Too Long

Truly resilient people are able to leave this defeatism scenario early on, while also allowing themselves to feel hurt by their failure. Resilience is actually built on failure, by learning the right lessons and keeping your eyes on the prize. There are so many famous inventors and artists that have failed countless times, yet they didn’t surrender to this negative-colored context and kept striving to obtain the desired results.

JK Rowling, the famous Harry Potter novels author, wrote her first manuscript after a failed marriage, with a small baby she needed to care for all by herself, while her living means were meager and insufficient. And as if this wasn’t enough, she sent her manuscript to twelve different publishing houses only to have her mailbox filled with rejection letters before she finally got accepted. There are many such cases of resilience throughout history, just as there are cases of people who quit on their dreams and goals just before they could reach them. It’s important to get back up and connect yourself with your ‘why’ and empowering emotions as often as you can.

3. Reconnect to What Makes You Happy

Dwelling too long on the negatives can dull your senses, your ability to clearly perceive your life’s purpose and your natural tendency to navigate towards what makes you happy. After each failure, it’s important to take the time and reconnect yourself to what really and truly makes you happy at the time being. 

It doesn’t really matter what it is – it may be dancing by yourself in the dark, wandering aimlessly in long walks or singing out from the top of your lungs. It needs to be an activity that solely fulfills you, regardless of what other people say. An activity that heightens your feelings of joy, excitement, satisfaction, and involvement. Whatever it is, engaging in this type of activity after failures will reconnect you with who you truly are and give you the sense of meaningfulness that was perhaps lost in the process. The pursuit of happiness is something we all need to engage in from time to time, regardless of our minor or major setbacks.

Ultimately, failure still remains life’s biggest teachers, regardless of how harsh its teaching style is. By paying enough attention to what new lesson it brings us regarding ourselves and the world, we may be able to bounce back from it sooner, while also finding new and better ways to achieve our goals the second time around.

About the Author

‘Claudia Spataru is a free spirit located in Bucharest, Romania and always in search of answers to life’s greatest questions. She loves to understand how people work, what makes them tick and find ways to help them reach higher grounds. She adores the sea, traveling and laughing.’

Positive Words Research – How do you bounce back from failure?

How Do You Bounce Back From Failure

Is Inner Peace So Difficult to Achieve: Best 7 Ideas and Tips

You’ve probably come across a couple of people in your life that seem to have this implacable calm to them. They maintain a healthy distance from whatever is negative, while at the same time accepting themselves, other people and whatever is going on in their lives. How do they do it? Although a beautiful feeling, that inner peace you can sense in them is more than just an abstract concept. It’s a state of being that you reach by working on several little, but important aspects of your life. Let me show you what these are:

1. Clear Up That Waiting List

Whenever we set ourselves tasks that we don’t eventually finish, we add them instead to this invisible, but heavy-weighing waiting list of things-yet-to-be-done. If you are unable to finish certain things, make sure you completely remove them from your life unless you want that emotional burden to get larger and larger. It may seem overwhelming at first, but just start with the smaller tasks and you’ll soon get the ball rolling.

2. Choose to Be Responsible In Your Relationships

Unfortunately, responsibility in regards to other people doesn’t come easy to us nowadays. We tend to think that it’s others making us behave in a certain way and that we cannot always be held accountable for our reactions. This couldn’t be further from the truth – our behavior is up to us entirely. However if at times you feel anger or frustration just beneath the surface, you should just walk away from the situation for a while and come back with a fresher perspective.

3. Slow Down and Process

Adrenaline is key in today’s society and we sometimes can’t help ourselves but get another shot of it to get us through the day. That means we always tend to run on high-energy, moving from one goal to another, even at the expense of our well-being or relationships. Try to slow down and find a different, more relaxed pace in your life. I promise you you’ll lose absolutely nothing. Instead, you will achieve the inner peace you covet so much and simply be happy.

4. Ask Questions Whenever You’re Unsure

Lots of anxiety typically builds up around uncertainty. This is why it’s best to just dive right into fuzzy situations and ask the questions you need to get clarity in your life. This will not only help you but will help other people as well to get a better feeling of what’s expected of them or what they can receive from you. 

5. Clean Your Workspace, Clean Your Mind

If you spend your day in a cluttered environment, you’ll find that your brain also gets foggy pretty quickly. We need space and cleanliness to function properly, so take the time to declutter your workspace or living room. You’ll become more relaxed, more mindful and more productive. Soon enough, you’ll want to have this positive emotion in other aspects of your life as well, so start simplifying and organizing your life.

6. Break Down Your Issues

Life is a beautiful, complex journey that’s often filled with challenges that can feel insurmountable. Whenever you are up against such an issue try to breathe in and zoom out. Will you still feel its impact in five years’ time? Are there people out there that are facing challenges greater than yours? How can I tackle the issue step by step? What’s the first thing I can do about it? What’s the worst thing that could happen if I don’t get the desired effect? By asking these questions, you can rid yourself of anxiety and get a clearer picture of what can be done.

7. Live and Let Be

This is one of the most powerful ways to achieve inner peace and happiness. Buddhists discovered a long time ago that acceptance represents the key to a positive mind and a more fulfilling life. Stop ruminating on what someone did, said or on something that happened to you. Stop feeding that endless loop, accept everything that’s going on and start creating new emotions instead. Allow yourself the opportunity to be more present in your life and more appreciative of it.

If your life so far has been an endless race and you don’t seem to catch a break, this is a clear indicator you need to find a new way of being. Take some time to introspect and ask yourself what’s an ideal version of yourself and what it would take for you to become that person. In the end, nothing else matters but for us to be in perfect alignment with what we need and want from life, while also respecting what our resources and natural gifts are.

About the Author

‘Claudia Spataru is a free spirit located in Bucharest, Romania and always in search of answers to life’s greatest questions. She loves to understand how people work, what makes them tick and find ways to help them reach higher grounds. She adores the sea, traveling and laughing.’

Brighten your day with more than 1400 nice words from our list of positive words.

Is Inner Peace So Difficult to Achieve

How a Clean House Creates a Clean Mind: Top 5 Tips

When it comes to happiness, everyone always seems to recommend mindfulness, vacations and quality time spent together with your friends. But what happens when you come back to your home and you feel it’s burdening you, rather than freeing your mind? Or what happens when you want to engage in mindful thinking, but the clutter keeps blurring your mind? What is often disregarded when it comes to mental wellbeing is the positive effect that cleaning your house can have on it. Let’s look at a few ways in which you can benefit from maintaining a clean home:

1. Clean Mind Actually Helps Reduce Anxiety and Depression

Cortisol, the hormone stress, tends to decline naturally throughout the day, fencing off negative feelings and fighting off depression. However, by living every second in a cluttered environment, you can prevent this useful process from occurring in the body. This means you will most likely feel mentally clouded, anxious or maybe even guilty for always postponing cleaning. 

The only way to combat this is to take action and start breaking down chores into smaller chunks that you can immediately take care of. Get rid of the pile of clothes, clean out your desk and finish that laundry list. Trust me, the gratitude and satisfaction you’ll feel will make you want to pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

2. It Can Help You Eat Healthier

Think about it. If you walk into your kitchen and it’s spotless every time, you won’t consider eating something that’s unhealthy or just for comfort – they just don’t go hand in hand. You’ll want to go the extra mile and choose greener foods, maybe even eco-friendly ones and you’ll probably feel the need to cook these groceries in a way that promotes a healthy lifestyle and generates positive thinking. So declutter your counter, get rid of seldom used appliances and clean out your fridge. 

3. Clean Mind Will Help You Become More Productive

By keeping a clean home and integrating a more organized way of being into your lifestyle, you’ll have to do very little every day in order to maintain the cleanliness of your home. By putting your jacket in the coat rack instead of dropping it on the floor or by finding adequate space for a book instead of stacking it in an overcrowded shelf, you can avoid spending tremendous amounts of time restoring your home down the line. Apart from this, living in a spacious, clutter-free space will give your brain the freedom it needs for you to become a happy employee, with lots of vitality and desire to work.

4. Clean Mind Will Help You Sleep Better at Night

It’s already a tale as old as time that people who make their beds in the morning are more productive and happier throughout the day. By transforming this into a habit, those feelings will consolidate in your heart and will get you closer to your goal in the pursuit of happiness. So wash your bed linens and fluff your pillows. In addition to this, stay organized throughout the day, so when the night comes you’ll go to bed feeling rewarded and relaxed, instead of pressed and guilty. This will give you better-quality sleep which in turn will result in a better mood and being more creative. 

5. It Can Help Improve Your Relationships

We all know that a relationship is not a one-way street and oftentimes what we put into it is what we receive right back. So it’s only natural that if we put in our stressed selves in the game, the quality of our relationships will dwindle. So this is why cleaning your home pays off in more than one way. Additionally, if you live together with a spouse, disorganization can cost you a lot of the time you could be spending together with them. It’s all connected and once you start realizing this, your life will change for the better.

As you can see, these are only a few ways in which decluttering your home and maintaining it clean can help you have a fluff-free mind. This will add to your feeling more relaxed, productive and happier in your personal and professional life, as well as in relationship to the important people in your life.

About the Author

‘Claudia Spataru is a free spirit located in Bucharest, Romania and always in search of answers to life’s greatest questions. She loves to understand how people work, what makes them tick and find ways to help them reach higher grounds. She adores the sea, traveling and laughing.’

Brighten your day with more than 1400 nice words from our list of positive words.

How a Clean House Creates a Clean Mind

How to Ease the Stress of College: Brief Guide for Freshmen

Let’s be clear: stresses and anxiety are unavoidable and are an important part of anyone’s life. One cannot get rid of them entirely. Moreover, the necessity to overcome anxiety can become another stress, as you’re supposed to be good at dealing with it. But anxiety and stresses are not only about psychological health. They also affect your grades. Here are some easy rules you can follow to eliminate the influence of anxiety on your studying and ease the stress of college.

1.  Eat well

This is the most obvious and the most underestimated piece of advice. What you eat affects your grades on a direct basis. Compose at least 80% of your diet with minimally processed healthy food, and indulge yourself with no more than 20% of junk food. Avoid relaxing with alcohol as well, especially if you’re an addictive type of person.

2.  Get enough sleep

You must have seen it out on your own: bad sleep the night before leads to the lack of productivity the next day. Coffee and energy drinks are lifesavers if you take them from time to time, but if you can help it, it is better to opt for a good 8-hour night of sleep.

3.  Socialize

Studies show that socializing helps eliminate the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It can be difficult for you to make new friends if you have social anxiety or are an introverted type of person. To make socializing easier, check out the fraternities on your campus and try some sports. Scan the hobby groups in your college and involve yourself in some of them. Get along with your roommate. Speak to people in classes. And don’t forget about your family.

4.  Don’t procrastinate

It is easier to overcome a bad grade if you know you’ve done everything you could. In this case, the only things you have to blame are the circumstances and your teacher, who does not like you too much. If you were deliberately postponing your homework and haven’t done everything you could to make it better, the only person to blame is you. Self-blame is one of the reasons for having major depressive disorder some studies say.

5.  Ask for help

Find some legitimate research paper writing service and use it when you need it. Stress from getting a bad grade or any assignment you’re unable to cope with on time is one of the most common happenings among college students. Remember that there is always a way out and there are always people who are willing to help. Just ask for it.

6.  Write down your expenditures

Money can be another stressful factor for freshmen. If you’re not willing to take a part-time job yet, opt for controlling your spending. We assure you that after several weeks of writing your expenditures down or using budget planning and tracking mobile apps, you will be shocked by how much money you pay for nonsense.

7.  Help others

Doing good makes you feel good, and some even say that the secret to happiness is helping others. There is always a chance to help those in need — if not with your money then with your time and devotion. Maybe there are some subjects you can assist your classmates with. Speak to students for whom English is not a native language. You will both improve their English and you will find out a lot about foreign cultures.

8.  Take time out for yourself

It might seem that every minute of life in college is written down, but there is always a couple of hours a day you can devote to yourself—just search better. A day in a spa would be perfect, but a simple walk in a park also will do. Read or dream instead of scrolling through your Instagram timeline when you’re already in bed. Christmas holidays with your family and summers vacation in Europe also count.

9.  Think about the future

It is not as easy as the rest of the list, but someone has to do it and it better to be you. We encourage you not to overthink stuff, like “Did I choose the best college?” or “What should I do if I fail my exams?” but analyze what you want and how you can get there. Create a pool of if-then plans in your mind and it will be easier for you to face the future.

Sorry to say that again, but one’s college years are really one of the brightest periods of your life. Enjoy it and don’t let anxiety and stresses take away all the opportunities life gives you now.

How to Ease the Stress of College Life Brief Guide for Freshmen

Top 4 Powerful Habits of Self Loving People For You To Try

We have all come across people who appear so fulfilled, happy and confident. They seem to have everything going for them, they light up every room they enter and are so full of joy. Just looking at them fills you with envy and curiosity. “How do they do it?”, you wonder. Is there some secret you are not aware of? What are they doing differently?

Well, the answer lies in the way they view themselves. If you are one of those who prefers wallowing in self-pity and sadness, you will always find yourself stuck in a rut. However, the day you choose to take your life in your hands and change your perception of yourself – you are sure to see a massive improvement in the way you feel and the way you approach life in general.

Self-love isn’t taught and nor is it guaranteed to stay once you feel you have reached that place. Self-love is an ongoing process – you need to constantly be at it and tell yourself positive affirmations to gain confidence and make a shift in your perspective.

Here are 4 powerful habits of people who love themselves, so you can get inspired to tread the same path –

1. Enjoy Quality ‘Me-Time’

We all focus on developing our relationship with people around us but how much time do we spend building our relationship with our own selves?

Self-love is all about building a relationship with yourself. It’s about understanding your needs and learning how to put them first. The only way to know yourself better is by cutting off the noise around you and spending more time with yourself.

Whether it’s going for a run alone, meditating or just listening to music all by yourself – it is important to be comfortable in your own presence because it gives you clarity, revitalizes your spirit and proves to be beneficial for your mental health.

2. Take Responsibility for Self-Loving

Picture this – you have a deadline to meet for your college essay and you have not even started work. What do you do? Do you blame yourself for procrastinating, blame the college for burdening you with work or take responsibility of the situation and accept that you need urgent college essay help?

It’s easy to play the blame game. What’s difficult is accepting the truth, finding a solution and acting upon it. Know that you are responsible for your happiness and life and take full responsibility of your thoughts, feelings and most importantly, the way you speak to yourself. So, be good to yourself and shut out that meaningless negative self-talk.

3. Stand Up for Themselves

You cannot expect to be treated with respect if you don’t treat yourself like that in the first place. Whether it’s that colleague who constantly puts you down or that arrogant sibling who takes you for granted – it is important to step up and show people how you deserve to be treated.

Self-loving people know exactly when and how to do it because they are confident of their capabilities and don’t choose to put up with people who don’t give them the respect and treatment they deserve.

There will be toxic people you will meet along the way, but you need to know where to draw your boundaries and keep such people out for the betterment of your own mental health.

4. Know when to Let Go

It’s extremely difficult to forgive, let go and move on. You find yourself coming back to that negative emotion and having it wreck your life, but you just aren’t able to let go.

Here’s where self-loving people act differently because they understand that harboring any emotion that only spreads negativity should be gotten rid of.

It’s tough but not impossible. You need to look at the bigger picture and give yourself more priority over everything else. If there is an emotion that is bringing out the worst in you or affecting your peace of mind – let it go because nothing matters more than your mental health.

Author Bio

Adela Belin is the Head of Digital Marketing at Writers Per Hour. She creates content surrounding marketing with a focus on social media and digital marketing. Feel free to contact Adela on LinkedIn.

Importance Of Spiritual Care And How We Can Improve It

No matter at what moment we are in life, whether we are deepening our studies or leaving the children at school, we can all agree that finding time to take care of ourselves is of vital importance. Finding time for ourselves is the beginning of self-reflection and the reflection is the foundation of how we understand the meaning of our lives. By reflecting on everything we will be trained to be able to see problems from various perspectives.

However, although we all know it, most women devote time on a regular basis to personal care and attention. Instead, we put ourselves in the background and take care of the needs of everyone else first. And although it can be heroic at times, it is also harmful; it is harmful for health to overlook the needs of our body.

As in this fast-paced culture, how can we improve in our personal, physical, mental and spiritual care? We often hear advice like ‘eat real food’, ‘exercise regularly’ and ‘get enough sleep’, but I think the issue goes further. Here you will find four tips, adapted from my own experience , that focus more on the spiritual aspects of treating your whole being, both physical and spiritual, with kindness. To get more info you can visit Bestpsychics.club.

Have mercy on yourself.

Sometimes it may be easier to have compassion for others than for yourself. It is possible that you are giving other people second, third or even infinite opportunities, but to your own actions and thoughts, you give them the very little margin of error. When you make mistakes, do you reproduce them again and again in your head and find new details each time you see that you have made a mistake? It’s a common feeling, but it’s not healthy. Errors are natural as long as you don’t do it intentionally. What’s more important is to make peace with these mistakes while looking for ways not to repeat the same mistakes.

The first step in spiritual care is to realize that we all make mistakes and nothing happens because we are not perfect. If you are a believer, always bear in mind that God is bigger than our mistakes and problems. And the first step to accepting His forgiveness is to be merciful to ourselves and to recognize that we need help with our own care giving us permission to be human.

At the end of each day, remember the good things you have

Sometimes life is so busy that the only time left for one to think about it is at the end of the day, lying on the bed. It can be easy to fall into a habit of negativity, punishing yourself thoroughly for everything you’ve done wrong that day and thinking about what you could have done better.

Instead, try to think of the times you have been blessed throughout the day. They do not have to be extraordinary moments. They can be simple things, like an avenue with all the traffic lights in green way of the work, or that your husband makes the bed in the morning. Here is a simple way to start: share in your social media profile the little things for which you feel grateful every day.

When you are able to find joy even in the smallest moments, you are learning to find kindness and gratitude in all your days. And after all that practice seeing the good of creation, it may be easier for you to learn to apply that lens of kindness and gratitude to yourself. And when you feel better about yourself, you will be more willing to do things that are good for your body, such as exercising and maintaining a good diet.

Be aware that you are unique

Believe in God? He thinks you’re smart. He knows that you are unique and that there is no one else like you. He thought of you from the beginning of time. You are never too much for Him and you are always enough for Him. He created you and called you good. We have all passed by, and He loves us. On the days that you focus on your care, do not forget to focus on the person who cares most about you and loves you and knows you more. Every human being is unique and has its own advantages and disadvantages. This is a fact that we must accept and we should not view others as better as or worse than ourselves. By seeing all humans as equals, we will not be easily discouraged when we experience failure in life.

Taking a day off might be a need for you.

Mental prayer should not be seen as something exceptional, something that is done in a time taken from other activities but should become a habit, part of the normal rhythm of our lives so that its place is never questioned, not even a day. The time we spend away from the stress of daily life is not something that we should feel shame or guilt. In fact, that time on the sidelines is essential for our well-being and personal care. Mental prayer should become a daily event as vital to us as the basic rhythm of existence. It should be the breathing of our souls. Do not feel guilty for wanting to take a break and let your soul just breathe. There is time to work,and there is time to rest. Balance is a marker of whether our lives are normal or not. We are not slaves but free individuals and to note, no happiness without independence.

You need to find your own spiritual path and your smartphone can help you.

Sometimes you can’t do everything yourself. You need guidance from an expert and searching online is the most reasonable choice. You don’t need to ask people on the street, spend your valuable time. With just a few keywords you can get the spiritual help you want and need.

To help you, here we show some recommended apps for positive thinking. They are available for both iOS and Android. Whatever your smartphone is, you can enjoy spiritual guidance from them.

Best Psychics Ask Them now

IOS – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/best-psychics-ask-them-now/id1179896065?mt=8

Android – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.clubbestpsychics.clubbestpsychics&hl=en

Psychic Reading Prediction

IOS – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/free-psychic-reading-prediction/id1161144247?mt=8

Android – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.freepsychicreading&hl=en

Live Palm Reading

IOS – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/live-palm-reading/id1249932743?mt=8

Android – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.psychicpalmchat

Tarot Card Reading Prediction

IOS – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tarot-card-reading-predictions/id1329465116?ls=1&mt=8

Android – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kasambatarot

Psychic Mediums

IOS – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/psychic-mediums/id1215431994?mt=8

Android – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.psychicmediumchat

4 online spiritual services above are highly recommended for busy people who do not have enough time to conduct spiritual consultation sessions. By utilizing online spiritual services, you can get spiritual guidance anytime and anywhere. Everything is presented on your small screen! The times when you have to make an appointment with someone to do a spiritual consultation session are over. Today you can immediately seek spiritual help and get it immediately, even when you are in your comfortable bed. The internet has changed everything, including how we can get spiritual guidance to make our lives more balanced and better. Hopefully this article can enlighten you about the importance of the spiritual side as a puzzle that shapes your whole life. Finally, live in balance and be happy!

Students Depression: 5 Ways to Encourage Positive Thinking

Nearly every person on the planet experiences a depressing episode at least once in their lives. Sadly, in many cases, this happens exactly during one’s student years. Many factors contribute to this, from the hormonal cocktail of puberty to outright unrealistic expectations the world seems to heap upon one’s shoulders. It really is no wonder that suicide is the second leading cause of death among students (ADAA) or that 1in 5 college students suffer from anxiety or depression (TheConversation). In fact, real numbers can be higher, and we’ll never know because the majority of those suffering do not seek help.

It’s overwhelming to be so stressed with assignments, removed from home and support, and anxious about social and financial issues. That’s how many students are these days, and they have no one but themselves to rely on for getting through this.

Of course, it would be best to seek help, guidance, and counseling. But let’s be real, few people have the means and willpower to do this, especially when they are already struggling with a depressive episode. Thus, you have to use self-healing methods to fight theworst of it off. Positive thinking is one of those methods, and there’s research toprove its efficiency. The trick is to learn how to use and reinforce it whendefault thoughts in your head are far from positive.

5 Ideas on How to Nurture Positive Thinking within Yourself

1.     Assume the best. Forcibly if you have to

One of the greatest dangers of depression is how one absolutely innocent thing can drag you down a devolving spiral of dark negative thoughts. For example, you get a new assignment and five minutes later you become a trembling ball of anxiety and the only thought in your head is that you don’t have it in you to succeed.

Does that sound familiar?

Forcing you to assume the worst is what depression does, so you have to intentionally redirect those thoughts. Every time you get that kind of feeling, you need to stop yourself and play a game of positives. Go like this, you get a new complex assignment and next, you tell yourself ‘I can do it, I know which books I need, I have done similar things before, I have the power to succeed’. And even if you don’t really believe it yet in your heart of hearts, repeating those affirmations to yourself will help you get there.

2.     Provide yourself with positive visuals

As a student, you should know that images have a great power. In fact, it will be a part of your program to learn ways to visualize your data. That’s necessary for making your academic papers more comprehensible and authoritative. And you can apply the same methods of visualization in your quest of encouraging your brain to think positive.

Of course, you can simply stare at some specific images when repeating positive affirmations to yourself. Accompanying information with a picture makes the human brain memorize it better, as proves research. However, to beat depression, you need something more powerful. Instead, you should create charts, diagrams, and videos that will commemorate positive moments in your life and show your progress toward your goals.

Making these visuals personal will help you remember the good times and enhance your inner optimist, who is sleeping due to the depression. And working on them will take your mind off negative thoughts as you’ll be focused on a task. Visualization tools you use for your academic work will ensure that you create those ‘positive thinking aids’ fast, so your study schedule won’t be affected.

3.     Make an effort to surround yourself with positivity

Do you know what doesn’t help fighting depression? Toxic environment and people, both of which contribute to this mental disorder. There are studies to prove it. But what you need to take from them is that your environment has the power to affect your mental health. Therefore, you can use it to achieve the opposite effect.

Surrounding yourself with positive people and hanging out in places with a good and welcoming atmosphere will do this. Start with your favorite café and then look at various clubs and societies they have on campus.

4.      Become a philanthropist

A great way to promote positive thinking within yourself is seeing the happiness on other people’s faces and knowing you put it there. So, when you feel depressed, go out to your local shelter and volunteer to help out. Or participate in some community programs. Or find some other way to give to other people.

At the very least, you should go to the nearest support group and share your story. Not only will that help you, but seeing that you are making progress in battling your demons will inspire others in the same position.

5.      Turn bad situations into learning experiences

Positive thinking cannot prevent you from making mistakes or experiencing something bad. However, that’s when you need to apply logic.

Yes, something went wrong, but here you are. You survived, and now you can look back, learn from the experience, and be stronger for it!

Positive Words Research – Students vs. Depression: 5 Ways to Encourage Positive Thinking

Students vs. Depression 5 Ways to Encourage Positive Thinking

How People Express Their Happiness in 10 Different Cultures

Happiness is an emotion that all people want to feel in their everyday lives and in many cases, a person’s culture can play an important part in how they express it. Celebrating a happy moment can vary from country to country and these unique cultural traditions can be quite interesting to experience for any foreigner.

There are many ways to express your happiness depends on where you’re from and each way is individual and unique to the country it comes from. Here are some unique words you can learn in order to express happiness in 10 different languages from all around the world.

1. Sweden – Glädje

The word for happiness in Swedish is probably one of those words which just put a smile on your face no matter what goes on in your everyday life. In Swedish, the word being used to express happiness is actually quite simple. You can easily use it yourself whenever you’re feeling down and remind yourself that you can find some glädje even in the darkest of days. It’s truly not surprising how Sweden is one of the happiest countries in Europe.

2. Serbia – Nazdravlje

Serbian is one of those languages that, along with Swedish have quite a few words which are difficult to pronounce. The word they use the most when they are happy is Nazdravlje, and it translates to “to health”. This word is used in many different occasions, but it is always present in celebrations and reminds the Serbs that health and happiness go hand in hand.

3. The Netherlands – Blijdschap

This word is bound to bring you happiness as long as you are able to pronounce it. You will be surprised to know that it is not pronounced as “blinds chap” even though this is probably everyone’s first thought, but actually “bleye shup” and it is here to represent joy and gladness. A country like this, full of work opportunities, less working hours and freedom regarding people’s rights is bound to bring a lot of Blijdschap to its residents.

4. Spain – Felicidad

One of the words that will possibly stick out to many people from the very famous Christmas song Feliz Navidad is this lovely Spanish word for happiness. Spanish-speaking countries are full of unique places to see and with Spain being one of the most beautiful countries in Europe, you can easily figure out why this word is a part of the everyday lives of natives.

5. Italy- Contentezza

Compared to Northern countries like Iceland and Sweden which offer a plethora of difficult-to-pronounce words, Italy is here to offer a word which you will truly enjoy using – Contentezza. Not only will you be able to practice that Italian accent everyone does on the internet, but you will also be able to remind yourself to stay happy in one of the most beautiful languages.

6. Iceland- Hamingja

There are many reasons why this word can bring you happiness, even if you’re not a native speaker. First of all, you might really like ham, and this word might simply remind you of it. Apart from that though, you will be happy to know that this word represents an Icelandic spirit which represents luck. This truly helps you understand why the Icelanders chose to use this word to express their happiness.

7. Greece – Opa

Greece is known all around the world for its celebrations and the warm hospitality of the people. The number one word that expresses happiness is the word Opa. This word can be used in many occasions when dancing traditional dances, clinking glasses, or wishing others well. In any occasion, it plays an important part in the Greek culture and always makes an appearance when plates are being smashed on the dance floor.

8. France – Bonheur

The French certainly always have a way to make everything sound truly beautiful and unique. French is also one of those languages, along with Italian, that everyone tries to imitate and most of the time simply fails. Bonheur is a word that will possibly be pronounced in a much more sensual way that it is supposed to, but it will still make you happy trying to pronounce it.

9. German – Glück

While many people learning German might tell you that Glück stands for luck, a native speaker will let you know that this is a word that can mean anything from happiness to blessedness. In any case, this is a word that plays an important role in the German language, and it’s always present when a happy event takes place.

10. Finland – Onnellisuus

The word for happiness in Finnish is simply one that won’t slip your mind. Not only is it long, but it also has three letters which repeat themselves and everyone knows that this number is a lucky one. Onnellisuus reminds the Finnish to stay happy, and you would be surprised to know that there are truly many books written in Finnish with this word included in their titles.

Happiness can be presented in many ways

Every country from all around the world has a different way in which the natives express their happiness. From traditional annual town festivals to simple gatherings, the people always have ways to show how they’re feeling and share their happiness with the people they care about.

Each word mentioned above is unique to each country and it can teach you a lot about that country’s traditions and beliefs. No matter where you’re from in the world, your country definitely has taught you a special way to express and celebrate a happy event. So, which word do you think of first when a happy moment comes to mind?

Kristin Savage nourishes, sparks and empowers using the magic of a word. She does her voodoo regularly on the Pick Writers blog and occasionally contributes to other educational platforms. Along with pursuing her degree in Creative Writing, Kristin was gaining experience in the publishing industry, with expertise in marketing strategy for publishers and authors.

How People Express Their Happiness in 10 Different Cultures

6 Effective Tactics To Embrace Positivity In Everyday Life

Positivity is one of the most powerful resources available to all of us. This resource is what makes us or breaks us in this life.

A person’s attitude transcends, in either a positive or negative way, every part of his or her life. It is like a “face” we show to others. Whatever we think about and feel about is expressed through our attitude.

The perils of ignoring our attitude and taking care of it are too high. We should regard our attitude as an enormously valuable asset that deserves and demands careful protection.

Cultivating a positive attitude should be our responsibility, as attitude affects EVERY part of our lives. It affects our relationships, physical and mental energy, self-image, work habits, willingness to take risks, ability to deal with stressful situations, a degree of happiness, etc.

The followings are most effective tactics to embrace positivity in everyday life:

1. Visualize yourself as you want to be

You cannot defeat the enemy without knowing him. You might be your own worst enemy.

Unless you consciously create your own positive self-image, you will be the son or daughter of your circumstances.

Why outsource such an important issue to somebody else?

You can embrace positivity daily by photoshopping your self-image in this incredible thing called – your mind.

As it is your own mind, YOU can create the very BEST positive self-image of you.

  • Use your mental photoshopping skills to visualize a positive self-image of you daily,
  • If possible – write down what you’re seeing in your mind.


Writing the positive image you are thinking and visualizing, on pen & paper helps cement it in your mind.

Once, you develop visualizing a positive self-image – you should start to —

2. Listen to your inner voice

You have to know what you are saying to yourself.

That is the key to having positivity no matter what. You might not be conscious of this hidden enemy that might be lurking inside.

If your inner voice or thoughts about yourself are mostly critical, you likely have a negative attitude.

You might not be consciously aware of this inner critic inside you. Learn to differentiate your subconscious mind from the conscious mind.

  • Are your thoughts positive or negative?
  • What are the patterns or tendencies of your thoughts?

Once, you are conscious of your internal dialogue, you can change it from a negative critical voice to a positive encouraging one.


By —

3. Affirming yourself increases positivity

By practicing positive thought patterns (POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS) repetitively, you can train your brain towards positivity.

As you affirm positive thoughts daily, you flood your brain with the exact same thoughts.

Here is an example: My heart is overflowing with joy when I write this article.

You must speak out loudly and repeatedly to encourage & uplift yourself.

Why repeatedly?

Because your brain is a creature of habit. As you positively affirm yourself in the PRESENT TENSE, your brain strengths those connections every time you repeat the thought & action.

If you don’t consciously decide to positively affirm yourself, your brain will pick up on any available influence.

For this to work permanently, you need to understand that—

4. You have the sole responsibility for keeping your attitude from being on a roller coaster

As all of us are uniquely different, we allow the circumstances of life to determine our attitude in our own unique way.

If you decide before-hand that positivity is going to triumph over anything else, then you have a more chance of life paying you greater dividends.

The alternative is shockingly disheartening. There are innumerable issues that present themselves every day that conspire to pollute your positivity.

Do you want examples?

  • The traffic you encounter on the drive to work,
  • Rude customers,
  • Money troubles,
  • Unhappy employees,
  • Etc.

Positivity, then, is a personal decision to believe the BEST about yourself and your dreams. Maintaining it isn’t always easy.

Having an emotional back-up is advantageous for embracing positivity. And it is called —

5. Work hard at feeling good about yourself

How you feel about yourself has a tremendous impact on your positivity. Your view of yourself creates the basis for your attitude.

YOU are a unique & valuable person. You deserve to feel good about yourself. As positivity is a natural extension of your view of yourself, you should get on a regular program of exercise and eat a proper diet.


Because positivity and your physical shape are directly related.

  • The better the physical shape you are in, the easier it is for you to feel good about yourself.

You are much more than you realize. You just have to do one thing in order not to corrupt your positivity. And that is —

6. Surround yourself with a supporting squad

It is a fact that most of us adopt and reflect the attitudes of those with whom we associate regularly.

It is not enough that you have a tremendous positivity & you unlearn the negative thoughts daily.

You should also avoid those who tend to trigger your negative thinking. You must be zealous in choosing your own relationships.


They have a tremendous effect on your personal attitude. Have no association with those people who leave you feeling drained & their very nature leaves you with less air in your balloon than when you first got together.

The truth is, you can’t afford to be around people who drain your energy if you expect to create and maintain positivity. You have to choose your battles that are worthy of your time & your character.


If we develop certain tactics to embrace positivity and practice them in our daily life, we will have a strong weapon that can BEAT every negativity that exists in life.

Just like lightning strikes the lightning rod, we will be hit with negativity in life. The 6 most effective tactics to embrace positivity are the soldiers that make us STAND ON POSITIVITY.

Author Bio

My name is Banchiwosen Woldeyesus. I am an Ethiopian.

I am a Blogger, a Motivational Trainer in the field of Personal Development and an international distributor for an international company. I am also a Health Enthusiast and Positivity Addict.

I currently run a blog called banchiinspirations which is dedicated to inspirations in every walk of life.

I blog at https://banchiinspirations.com

Feel free to connect with me on my social accounts: Twitter, LinkedIn

Most Effective Tactics To Embrace Positivity In Every Day Life

Money May Not Buy Happiness But Financial Stability Helps

Your parents likely told you once or twice when you were young that money doesn’t buy happiness. Not to say they were wrong, but as we age we begin to understand the importance of peace of mind and that being caught between a rock and a hard place is a lot easier to squeeze out of if you’ve got the right funds stored away.

While money may not buy happiness, there is something to be said about the positive effects budgeting your income (and debts) affords you. Creating stability within your finances can reduce stress and create more opportunities for the funnier things in life. As adults, this financial stability can come in many forms. In particular, saving up for your first home and refinancing your student loans are pretty common, important milestones. Keeping a positive mindset and utilizing habits for success will be essential when working through these challenges.

Adjustment Is Sometimes Necessary

Considering how many graduating adults finish school with debt, refinancing your student loans is a great option that can help provide more financial stability and create more flexibility within your monthly budget. Refinancing can seem like a hassle, but the process is fairly simple and oftentimes easier than you think.

Refinancing can also provide a much-needed mental break considering the negative, stressful feelings that arise when you watch your saving get drained by those huge monthly payments. It’s also important to keep in mind that refinancing doesn’t necessarily mean you’re incapable of paying back your loans. Rather, it’s like tailoring your payments to better fit your current place in life. For example, if you have a student loan repayment plan with a high-interest rate, you can consider refinancing the loan with a private lender such as Earnest refinance.

Financial stability

There are a few things to consider before refinancing. As the experts at LendKey explain, “When making any financial decision, timing is everything, and refinancing student loans is no different. There are several factors to this – some a student can control and others they cannot – that affect when they should refinance student loans. This includes the timing of graduation, interest rates, employment, and credit score.”

Refinancing also depends on which lender your loans are through as the requirements vary from company to company. Either way, it’s definitely worth investigating to see if you qualify. Adjusting your payments to better suit your income makes it easier for you to pay in full and on time each month, which is good news for your credit score and stress levels.

Confidence Is Key

Another significant milestone, buying your first home, is a financial goal that many adults are currently working towards. The process of becoming a homeowner can often seem intimidating, especially if you’re unsure if you’re actually ready for that kind of commitment. It can be fairly easy to focus on the negative feelings that arise when approached with a significant milestone such as this. However, you’re likely not giving yourself enough credit, and although the process can be tricky to navigate at times, it’s important to not deflate your own dreams of owning a home one day.

Of course, there is definitely a lot to consider when it comes to buying your first home: mortgage rates, down payments, property taxes, etc. You also need to ask yourself if you are in a position to stay in your home for an extended period of time. As Quicken Loan suggests: “Generally, we recommend you only consider buying a house if you plan to live there for at least five years, but this depends on a lot of factors, like the housing market, rental prices, and how much equity you have in the house.”

Create a goal for yourself

While you may not be able to afford or find your dream home right now, it’s still worth creating a goal for yourself and beginning working towards it. With that in mind, shopping for a new home can certainly drain you mentally and physically, which means it can be tempting to give up. Nevertheless, with the right budgeting, discipline, and determination, buying your first home doesn’t have to be so scary.

As we mature, financial stability becomes more and more important. Finishing school, owning a home, and finding the right career are all valuable goals the majority of us all hope to achieve one day. While money may not buy happiness, when we are able to better manage our time and money, we can worry less and enjoy our spectacular life even more.

Author’s Bio

Avery T. Phillips is a freelance human being with too much to say. She loves nature and examining human interactions with the world. Comment or tweet her @a_taylorian with any questions or suggestions.

financial stability

How To Decorate With Happiness In Mind In 4 Awesome Steps

When you move into a new space or feel that it’s time to rearrange, it can be easy to focus only on the aesthetics of a room. However, a great way to really exercise some more creativity with a room and make it more functional overall is to decorate with happiness in mind. Decorate in an attempt to give yourself the best possible experience in every room of your house. The last thing you want is a cluttered, erratic-looking room that feels small, confined, and barely usable. So, we’re going to go over some tips that will help you achieve a perfectly styled and practical room that fills you with happiness.

1. How Feng Shui Can Help You

You’ve probably heard of the term feng shui before, but maybe you aren’t quite sure how it can actually benefit a room. Well, feng shui is the practice of bringing balance into your home. The goal is to create rooms that allow you a lot of living and working space. If done properly, you should feel as though there is a perfect flow to your decor, that every piece is working together for a particular function, and that you have ample space to use it realistically.

To start, think about the color of your walls, furniture, and decor. Color plays a big part in feng shui, and it’s all about how the room makes you feel. Think about how you’re going to use the room and what colors will inspire you to work happily. From there you can create a color scheme that will help you more easily identify pieces of furniture and decor that work with what you’ve planned to go on the walls.

Another huge aspect of feng shui has to do with decluttering your living spaces. This doesn’t only apply to your living room, but to all rooms. Think about your bedroom and office and any other rooms in your home. You should think about systems of organization that will truly make your life as easy as possible. A system that promotes more clutter instead of a clear workspace and headspace is not an effective one. So, do some shopping around to find some great organizational pieces that work for what you’re trying to accomplish in each room. Your methods will likely look different in each space and that’s totally normal. There is no cookie-cutter way to organize a home and honestly, that’s a good thing. It allows you much more creativity in the process. Have fun with it!

2. Make Sure Your Bedroom Actually Calms You

Now that you have some separate ideas about organization, inspirational colors, and functionality in mind for each room, let’s talk about an incredibly important room in your house that gets much less love than it deserves — the bedroom. Yes, you might have a big comfy bed and a few pieces of nice furniture, but for many of us, the bedroom is just an afterthought. We think of it as a place to rest our heads at the end of the day and not much else. It doesn’t have to be glamorous if it’s just the place where sleeping right? Wrong.

First and foremost, you may have heard the idea that most of us will spend about ⅓ of our lives sleeping, which is true. So, having a comfy bed is important, but you really should think about optimizing this room for maximum comfort and creating a room that encourages peaceful rest.

3. How much time do we spend in the bedroom?

Lots of Americans are using their bedrooms for so much more than just sleep. In one survey, about 130 people were asked how much time they spend in their bedroom. Fifty-seven people said that they spend at least the required ⅓ of their time. Fifty people said as much as possible. And 12 individuals answered, “and the reason to get out of bed is?”. As you can see, most people demand quite a lot out of their bedroom. This is often a place of relaxation, entertainment, and sometimes it doubles as an office. You watch TV in there in an attempt to relax and be entertained after a long day at work. You might even have a small desk in there so you’ll never be far away from your work. All of these things are great, but you shouldn’t forget the main purpose of this room. It’s so important to furnish and decorate your bedroom in a way that inspires comfort and sleep.

4. So, how do we do that?

Dissect your bedroom using all five senses. Think about what colors say “sleep” to you and start to paint and decorate accordingly. Make sure that when you get in bed, the feel of it gives you that nice, warm, sleepy feeling. What do you smell? Well, that’s something you should think about too. Maybe try out some aromatherapy with candles or a diffuser with scents that relax your mind. Lastly, make sure that you can say no to the TV when it’s time to rest. Perhaps adding a device that plays soft white noise or some other natural sounds can take your mind off of stressful thoughts and focus them on tranquility.

In my opinion, the most effective way to get what you want out of every room is to think about its basic function. What’s more, keep it organized, use colors that inspire you, and use all five of your senses to create an experience in each room that suits your needs. Your home should work for you, you shouldn’t have to work so hard to get your home to work practically. If you keep these ideas in mind, you can decorate your home with happiness in mind, which will inspire you to experience each room with joy every time you enter.

Author’s Bio

Avery T. Phillips is a freelance human being with too much to say. She loves nature and examining human interactions with the world. Comment or tweet her @a_taylorian with any questions or suggestions.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Positive Words Research – How To Decorate With Happiness In Mind

happiness in mind

Best Tips On How to Encourage Positivity in the Workplace

Positivity in the workplace – If the way we spend our days equates to the way we spend our lives, then what we do at work makes up a great chunk of our lives. People can spend over half of their lives at their jobs. Some because they are passionate about their work and others because it pays the bills. In either circumstance, your work life can greatly affect your overall levels of stress and happiness.

Positive Words Research has found that if you try to avoid negativity, you can improve your work day. How you go about your workday can affect different hormones in your body. Stress at work will produce cortisol while feeling successful will produce endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin.

Though it’s not always possible to control the factors that will influence what hormones you produce, you can make decisions for yourself and direct your thoughts towards positivity. This is important for all team members to keep in mind, from upper management to entry-level workers.

Company Culture for Success – Positivity in the Workplace

Company culture is important for success. It affects drive, motivation, and productivity. According to Pepperdine University, maintaining a positive company culture is important in all stages of the company, including when hiring, when growing, and when working.

The university reports the following habits to be damaging to company culture:

  • Inefficient management
  • Too many meetings and emails
  • Emotional pressure to perform well
  • Negative employee behaviors such as gossip and ego
  • Bonuses and performances rewards that don’t ensure quality

Instead, Pepperdine recommends that companies incorporate play, purpose, and potential into their structure. They can do this by implementing the following:

  • Encouraging respect among employers and employees
  • Expressing confidence that goals will be accomplished
  • Support to do more than is asked
  • Investing in both company and individual success

It’s important to shut down negative behavior, such as gossiping or bad attitudes. For managers, this means talking to an employee to let them know that hard work does not excuse a negative influence and offering support. For fellow employees, this means shutting down any conversations that include gossip or inconsiderate comments to others and shifting the conversation to a more positive subject.

Management Matters – Positivity in the Workplace

In general, there is a lot that management can do to ensure that they and their employees have a positive experience at work. It’s important for companies to choose their leaders carefully. That’s because they set the tone that everyone else will follow. Managers should embody the same positivity and tone that the company does.

Research has found that great bosses generally share five common characteristics. Sufficient educational support, a positive outlook, a desire for feedback, an eye for opportunity, and forward thinking. It’s important to keep all these things in mind when hiring managers, and not hire based solely on experience or education.

Leaders ultimately have a great influence on the rest of the company. The way they handle last-minute problems or setbacks will influence the way employees handle them as well. If they are patient, understanding, and maintain a positive mindset during unexpected issues, it can reassure employees and they can have the same attitude.

How to Create a Positive Work Culture: Practical Tips

Let’s shift from the general rules to the practical tips. Tech companies have proven to be successful when it comes to creating an attractive work environment for their employees. And it is not just about competitive salaries and career opportunities they offer. It is also about building a positive atmosphere. Here are a few useful tips on how to create a positive work culture:

  • Recognition of the work and achievements of each employee as well as rewarding them for the work well done will significantly increase motivation and create a great basis for a positive workplace culture.
  • Team building. Every executive has to keep in mind that team building is more than just daily meetings of all team members. To bring positivity in the workplace it is necessary to make employees feel involved and appreciated. Things like corporate parties, board games evenings and bowling outings can help with team bonding big time.
  • Equality and inclusion also influence the level of positivity in the workplace. Not only do all employees have to be treated equally, but they also need to be provided with the right to express their opinions, ideas, critiques, and initiatives. After all, it’s important for everyone to feel valued and have opportunities for growth both professional and personal.
  • A positive work culture highly relies on flexibility, caring, and kindness. Thus, it is important to create an environment where people can listen and be heard. When employees are free to try new methods and ideas, they can offer interesting solutions that will be rewarding to the company as well.

Encourage Work-Life Balance 

Another way to encourage positivity in the workplace is to encourage a work-life balance. Working too much can be draining. It leaves employees without enough energy to enjoy spending time with their loved ones after they clock out.

To avoid this, companies should make an effort to not overwork employees and to encourage them. This can be done by giving them a reasonable amount of work to do and hiring more workers if that is not enough. A work-life balance gives employees the chance to feel refreshed during their time off. That way, they can come to work ready to complete their tasks with a productive attitude.

An encouraging company culture and a constructive management team can be the key to a successful company. Not only do these characteristics drive optimism in the workplace, but they can affect the overall job satisfaction of employees. In turn, this will lead to a happier life where employees look forward to coming into work.

About the Author: Avery T. Phillips is a freelance human being with too much to say. She loves nature and examining human interactions with the world. Comment or tweet her @a_taylorian with any questions or suggestions.

Positivity in the Workplace

Top 5 Things To Give Up For Happiness And Fulfillment Now

We all want to be happy – that’s just a fact of life. However, no matter what we do or how much we attain, it always feels like something is missing. Therefore, that poses the question: what brings happiness and fulfillment? The answer lies in “giving up,” as contradictory as that sounds.

These are five things you need to give up for happiness and fulfillment:

1. Unhealthy coping mechanisms

Stress is inevitable, but appropriately reacting to it is an entirely different obstacle. Ask yourself: do your coping mechanisms improve the state of your stress or do they make it worse? Examples of harmful coping mechanisms include emotional eating, gambling, and substance abuse. While these things help your stress at the moment, they have the ability to become habitual. Instead of avoiding stress with unhealthy behaviors, make an effort to be productive with your coping mechanisms: dedicate time to a hobby, invest a moment into self-care, or even go outside and exercise. By doing so, you redirect your energy and emotions into a positive outlet, rather than avoiding a problem and hurting yourself in the process.

2. The need to please other people

It’s understandable that you want to be accepted and well-liked by other people, but that doesn’t mean your choices should be made based on what others want or expect from you. The most important opinion in this world is the one you have of yourself. People-pleasing is ultimately living your life for other people, who may not even care that your main goal is to please them or avoid disappointment.

3. Negative self-talk

Our worst critic is ourselves, but that doesn’t mean it has to be an angry and berating critic. Therefore, challenge your negative self-talk. Put it into perspective: is the negative self-talk realistic? What evidence deduces that you aren’t good enough, etc.? We all make mistakes and are imperfect, but that’s what makes us human and helps us become more emotionally mature and resilient people.

 4. Toxic relationships

Toxic relationships do nothing but bring unnecessary stress and anxiety to your life. There’s no reason to be around people who are condescending, morally questionable, or emotionally draining. You should feel valued and like an equal in your relationships. Never settle for people who treat you like an inferior or only care about themselves.

5. An attitude of entitlement

Entitlement breeds laziness and close-mindedness, preventing you from ever growing as a person. Success does not fall into your lap, nor do you simply wake up one day owning everything you want. If you live life with an attitude of entitlement, you never learn to take responsibility for your actions. Happiness demands hard work – but accomplishing a goal is more fulfilling and rewarding than having everything handed to you.

The number one thing every human being has in common is the desire to achieve happiness and fulfillment. While that may be defined differently for each person, the solution is still the same: people must look within themselves to find happiness and fulfillment. Only through introspection, changing our attitude, and committing to the right actions can we truly satisfy our inherent restlessness.

Author’s Bio

Trevor is a freelance writer and recovering addict & alcoholic who’s been clean and sober for over 5 years. Since his recovery began, he has enjoyed using his talent for words to help spread treatment resources and addiction awareness. In his free time, you can find him working with recovering addicts or outside enjoying almost any type of fitness activity imaginable.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Positive Words Research – 5 Things To Give Up For Happiness And Fulfillment

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Happiness Battle Win: Positive Mind Lead To Positive Life

Positive thinkers always look on the bright side and see the cup as half full. These people are healthier and they are less stressed than pessimists. And studies showed that optimism and positive thinking have several benefits.

You may think that positive thinking is not a natural thing to you. However, there are several reasons you must start cultivating positive thoughts and stop negative self-talk.

Cope better with a stressful situation

Positive thinkers can cope better than pessimists when they are faced with a stressful situation. When optimists are disappointed, they tend to focus on the things that they can do to resolve it. They don’t dwell on those things that they are not in control of. Instead, they create a plan of action and ask for assistance.

Negative thinkers, on the other hand, would immediately conclude that the situation is already out of their control and that they can’t do anything about it.

Positive mind attracts positive results

If you start to think positively, the law of attraction can work in your favor. The law states that “like attracts like.” If you have the habit of seeing your life positively, you can attract great things.

Improves immunity

The mind can have a positive effect on the body. It’s one of the reasons people living in the healthiest places to live in the US are mostly positively thinkers. They don’t just exercise every day but they also think more about the bright side than the negative side of a situation.

Activating the brain areas associated with negative emotions can lead to a weaker immune system. When you become optimistic about some areas of your life, you tend to have a stronger immune reaction than people who had a negative view of their situation.

In other words, positive thinking is ideal for your health. It does not only help you cope with stress but it also affects your overall well-being. The Mayo Clinic reports that there are several health benefits related to optimism. These would include a reduced risk of death because of cardiovascular problems and increased lifespan.

Although it’s not clear yet how positive thinking can benefit health, some people suggest that being optimistic can lead to a healthier lifestyle. As they cope better with stress, they can avoid unhealthy behaviors related to stress. As a result, they can improve their overall well-being.

Copes better with problems

Apart from stress, having a positive mind can help you better cope with problems. In other words, you become more resilient. When you face a crisis, you can easily carry on and overcome adversity. As mentioned earlier, positive thinkers look at the problem and find solutions to fix the problem, rather than giving up quickly.

When resilient people found themselves in a terrorist attack or a natural disaster, for example, their positive thoughts and emotions would encourage them to thrive. These thoughts would act as a buffer against depression.

Develop harmonious relationships

By having positive thoughts, you’ll start to notice the good qualities of people and ignore their flaws. As a result, you’ll start to have a meaningful friendship with them. Having a positive attitude creates a positive atmosphere around you.

Turn problems into opportunities

When you have negative thinking, it’ll blind your mind. However, if you start to turn negative ones into positive, you’ll begin to see that the bottle is half full and not half empty. You’ll start to see solutions and consider that a problem is an opportunity for you to grow. You’ll also start to realize that all problems have an answer. And you’ll finally see it.

Be more grateful

Some people don’t care how blessed they are. As a result, they take things for granted. They forget to be satisfied with the things they have. If you always complain and whine about your destiny, you’ll never appreciate all the things that you already have, until you lose them.

However, when you start to be more thankful and appreciative, you’ll finally realize that you’re luckier than the rich kid you’ve always envied when you were young. So, always be pleased with what you have and count your blessings.

Be more beautiful

Positive thinking brings the best in you. It’ll make you look more beautiful. How? Because you always think positive, you always smile and be friendly to people, making you more attractive. As your inner beauty shines, it’ll be visible on the outside.

Be more successful

Compared to negative thinkers, positive thinkers are more likely to be successful. That’s because they tend to find a solution to every problem, instead of giving up. For them, a life without a problem is boring. For that reason, they work hard and find success to be a lot easier.


Although being optimistic has a bright side, in some instances, it might not serve you well. If you’re overly confident, you might underestimate your abilities. As a result, you take on more tasks that you can handle, causing more stress and anxiety.

You don’t need to ignore the reality. But focus on certain things, like a positive approach to a challenge or make the most of a bad situation. Bad things can happen to anyone. As a positive thinker, you look at the case and find ways to improve it.

Author’s Bio
Catrin Cooper

Catrin Cooper is a professional blogger and freelance writer from San Francisco. She sees her purpose in providing people with up-to-date info in spheres of marketing, self-development, and real estate. Apart from work, she adores traveling and yoga. 

Positive Words Research – The Battle Of Happiness That You Can Win: Positive Mind Leads To Positive Life


Pursuit of Happiness: 10 Ways to Increase Your Overall Mood

The pursuit of happiness is a cornerstone of the American dream, outlined specifically for us in the Declaration of Independence. Yet some days, we find ourselves chasing the ever-fleeting mistress that is happiness and fail to catch her.

So on days when we cannot craft a genuine smile, why not just abide by the time-honored tradition of “fake it until you make it”? Science says no. By faking happiness, you can actually make your mood worse. In the work field, faking contentment can make you hate your job and can make you sick.

Psychologist Iris Mauss at UC Berkeley found that people who focus on improving their happiness tend to focus on obtaining personal gains, which can lead to a busy life with little beneficial social or intrapersonal interaction.

Dan Gilbert, a pioneer in the study of happiness, says that humans are driven by emotions and that “emotions (are) a compass that tells us what to do. A compass that is perpetually stuck on the north is worthless.” Meaning that if we are ALWAYS happy, (a.k.a. always stuck facing north), we will miss out on other important emotions and may not truly be able to cultivate the power and joy that comes from happiness.

Remember: all emotions are valid; make sure to feel them all!

What happiness is NOT

Happiness is a vague beast to tackle. For every individual person, a sense of joy can come from a multitude of places. There is so much variation in what happiness is to each individual. To get a grasp on how to best define it, we must look at what happiness it is not.

Happiness is not predictable

Contrary to popular belief, things are not as burdensome as you might anticipate them to be. By default, the great things that come to you do not always make you as happy as you’d like. Gilbert gives a great example. “Going blind will not make you as unhappy as you’d expect, and winning the lottery will not make you as happy as you expect.”
As reliable as we’d hope our brains are at predicting our future emotions and responses, it is well backed that they do not have this capability.

Happiness is not material

Even though a new outfit can make you feel better for a moment, this is what science likes to call “false happiness.” While at first, it may help you feel more confident and excited to take on new tasks, eventually that feeling will fade with the fabric you bought. Chasing money and material possessions lead to a temporary sense of happiness.

Happiness is not a destination

Life is about the journey, but the destination is not happiness. Enjoying the process is the important part to remember.
If you find yourself saying things like:

  • “Once I finish a project I will be happy”
  • “Once I make a million dollars, I will be happy”
  • or “Once I am married, I will be happy”, you have the wrong mentality.Happiness is not found outside yourself, it’s cultivated inside. Relying on an outside source to change your emotional status will not help you become happier.

If we can’t concretely define happiness for everyone, maybe we should focus the attention on how to create more of it for ourselves.

How to Increase Happiness

Creating a calm and productive life is the best way to cultivate joy for yourself. These are the top ten recommendations to increase happiness.

  1. Look for employment at a company that values its employees and their happiness.
  2. Invest in experiences – instead of investing in material goods, invest in memories.
  3. Focus on your relationships and making them succeed.
  4. Practice mindfulness.
  5. Practice gratitude – keep a running list of what you are thankful for.
  6. Help others.
  7. Exercise.
  8. Budget for happiness – use financial tweaks to save for experiences.
  9. Focus on posture.
  10. Eat healthily

 Though we are always striving for happiness, our tactics for getting there may not be as effective as we’d like. By understanding what happiness is, what it is not, and how to cultivate more of it in your life, you are bound to live a life full of joy, purpose, and laughter!

Author’s Bio

Avery T. Phillips is a freelance human being with too much to say. She loves nature and examining human interactions with the world. Comment or tweet her @a_taylorian with any questions or suggestions.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

pursuit of happiness

6 Ways to Make Family Get-Together a Positive Experience

The tradition of holiday family gatherings is a time-honored way to come together and reinvigorate the family bond. It secures the feeling of belonging, inclusion, and affection — important aspects of emotional well-being. More than that, there’s a certain magic in holiday events that brings joy and happiness to the family.

For some families, a wholesome gathering doesn’t come naturally. Between opinionated clashes on politics, nosiness, and relatives with a flair for the dramatic. Some family gatherings can be an exercise of tolerance and patience. With a little planning, you can turn a challenging group into a positive bonding experience.

Be Inclusive

No one enjoys being left out. Make sure all of your family members feel included and wanted. If you have relatives with special dietary needs, make sure there’s food and drink on hand for them. Don’t hesitate to reach out and see what works best. That amount of care shows them they are wanted and their well-being is important.

Be inclusive of the workload as well. Make sure everyone has a task. This prevents family members from feeling overwhelmed. Also encourages other members to have a stake in the success of the event.

Honor the Sad Times

When the family gets together, it’s natural to talk about the good times — and the bad. Don’t dismiss conversation about sad subjects or abruptly change the subject for fear of it being a downer. Support your family. Let them be heard. Talk about departed family members. Discussing sad topics in a supportive way can help heal your family’s hurts.

Plan a Tension Breaker

If your family always goes off the rails at a certain point, or you’re worried about a political conversation getting to be too heated, plan an “impromptu” event. The event can be anything you can start at a moment’s notice, like taking a walk or playing a game. Even moving from one room to another can break the flow of an unpleasant discussion. It presents the opportunity for you to change to a more positive, pleasant conversation.

Turn the Disappointments Into an Inside Joke

Sometimes trying to change people is just impractical to the point of futility. In those cases, the only thing you can do is change your perspective on the behavior. Turn it into an inside joke — even if the only person in on the joke is you. If you try to see the situation with humor and levity, it won’t bother you nearly as much.

Let Go of Expectations

The holidays might be the most magical time of the year but beware of expecting too much. When you set your expectations too high, it’s easy to get disappointed. Oftentimes those high expectations are not fair to the people around you. If you’re in charge of planning the gathering (or food), high expectations can be unfair to you. Let the little things go, and do what you’re comfortable with. Delegate tasks (it’s a good way to include others!).

Keep Your Good Intentions Close and Your Positivity Closer

Maybe Aunt Linda pesters you every year about why you’re not married. Perhaps Uncle Bob talks down about your career. Little things like this can build up and eventually ruin a family gathering. Adjust your perspective to assume that all of these questions come from a place of positive intent — Aunt Linda wants you to be happy. Uncle Bob wants you to feel happier in your work life. Perhaps they pester you with nosy questions because they miss you, and want to know more about your life. If you try to see these behaviors from a new perspective, one that comes from a place of understanding and positivity, you’ll enjoy your time with your family — no matter the occasion — that much more, for years to come.

Author’s Bio

Avery T. Phillips is a freelance human being with too much to say. She loves nature and examining human interactions with the world. Comment or tweet her @a_taylorian with any questions or suggestions.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

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