Books by Elena of Positive Words Research: Inspiring Reads for Positivity

Delve into the enriching books written by Elena, founder of Positive Words Research, and explore the transformative power of positive language and thought.

These books are written by Elena Daniela Calin, the founder of Positive Words Research.

1. Magic Sparkles of Happiness

The book Magic Sparkles of Happiness is intended to be a spiritual guide for feeling happiness which contains positive affirmations that make you feel happy. It’s that book you know you have to read at least once a year, to help you remind yourself of what you really are after, of what you want to do, of how you want your life to look like every day.

The affirmations, the homework, and the resources from this book are based on the research about positive words that I did developing the project Positive Words Research.

Purchase the book Magic Sparkles of Happiness in electronic format from:

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2. Leader versus Manager

This book is written based on my 12 years of experience working as an auditor in multinational companies.

Purchase the book Leader versus Manager in electronic format from:

  • Smashwords
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3. Hortensio and the Magic Stories

The book Hortensio and the Magic Stories contains 10 short tales. The last story is about the snail with the colored shell Hortensio which is the mascot of my project. The book is dedicated to people of any age that have a sense of humor and enjoy reading magical stories. The book contains ten magic stories:

  1. Cloudy
  2. The Stone, Peli and Pag
  3. The Boy and the Laughing Owls
  4. Shiny and Goldy
  5. The Nerd Dragon
  6. Cups of Ice Cream
  7. Flamingo
  8. The Magic Girl
  9. Susan and the Butterfly
  10. Hortensio the Colored Snail.  

Purchase the book Hortensio And The Magic Stories in electronic format from:

  • Smashwords
  • Kindle Amazon
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  • Barnes & Noble
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  • Library Direct
  • Baker & Taylor’s Axis 360
  • OverDrive
  • Scribd
  • cloudLibrary
  • Gardners Extended Retail
  • Odilo
  • Gardners Library