4 Effective Ways To Be Forever Positive and Happy Today

First things first – Ask yourself, what kind of person you are? Do you see the glass as half-empty or half-full? Several studies have put forth that both of these personalities can have a significant impact on your mental and physical health, but there is nothing better than being a positive thinker, if truth be … Read more

Why Dogs Make You Happy And Improve Your Wellbeing

A person generally tends to feel happier when they have something exciting to wake up to. Dogs do a great job of this with their wet nose and wagging tail ready to jump on you. The excitement of a dog only increases when you get dressed and get hold of their leash. When you see … Read more

Best 6 Books to Help Your Vision Become a Reality Today

People who read books are intelligent, and their word choice is always on point. But which are the books to help your vision become a reality? From reading a book, you can be able to have different qualities. Books teach us different morals, and that is a positive thing. If reading books is your hobby, … Read more

30 Days Art of Happiness Challenge: Get Motivated Now

Positive Words Research invites you to the 30 days art of happiness challenge. Can you be happy for 30 days in a row? It’s very simple actually. With a little help from us. Just follow the guidance below. 30 Days Art of Happiness Challenge All you need to do is follow three steps: This practice … Read more

Is Inner Peace So Difficult to Achieve: Best 7 Ideas and Tips

You’ve probably come across a couple of people in your life that seem to have this implacable calm to them. They maintain a healthy distance from whatever is negative, while at the same time accepting themselves, other people and whatever is going on in their lives. How do they do it? Although a beautiful feeling, … Read more

How to Stay Positive While Paying off Massive Debt Today

One of the most anxiety-triggering factors that stress an individual is paying off massive debts. Some people who are in this dilemma might lose hope or might get depressed thinking that being stuck means unable to recover. But, think about it closely, debt does not really hurt at all. It is the shame that people … Read more

Staying Positive Despite a Chronic or Terminal Condition

When faced with terminal or chronic conditions, the last thing you need is someone telling you to stay positive and to live in the moment. It can seem like a total slap in the face. However, working to find peace within yourself can be the thing that helps get you through those exceptionally hard times. … Read more

Best 8 Ways To Stay Positive During Your Job Searching

Job searching is a time-consuming effort and with the passage of time, it is easy to get disheartened with the process. If only it were easier. Well, if you are reading my other hubs on job searching, you should be finding it easier. Perhaps, this is the time when you need to simply re-affirm some … Read more

Best 8 Fitness Tips for Women: How to Lose Weight Fast

While every woman is beautiful in her own unique way, there’s something that we all crave. That’s staying fit which usually requires shedding some excessive body weight. You know, it’s every woman’s dream to want to have a nice body, toned waist, flat tummy, and a nice pair of legs. Unfortunately, a larger percentage of … Read more

Best 5 Ways To Use A Journal To De-Stress And Relax Now

Technology is advancing quickly but some values and traditions keep up with it while staying the same. One of those traditions is definitely journaling. Young generations find that the beauty of journals and journaling far surpasses blogging and online diary keeping – pen and paper are here to stay. At the end of a long … Read more

6 Best Ways About How To Stay Happy Every Time

They say that life is a matter of choices and being happy is the choice for many people. If you want a happy life, it is essential that you should take steps to bring happiness into your life. If you wish to be joyous at all times, here are some tips to help you out. … Read more

3 M’s Help You Reach Your New Year’s Resolutions and Goals

2017 has left many of us wanting more in our lives. From political to social unrest, we all want to have a more positive and compassionate 2018. According to Psychology Today, the number one New Year’s resolution this year is “be kind.” That’s something to be encouraged by. We all need a little more kindness … Read more

8 Productivity Hacks To Strike a Better Work-Life Balance

“Productivity is not just about doing more. It is about creating more impact with less work.”—Prerna Malik Stressed out? Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted? Being productive translates into striking a better life-work balance in most of the cases. Learn how to mitigate the little devils called stressors that drain our efficiency and our life-force. Be it … Read more

5 Best Secrets About Happy Couples Habits In Relationship

What makes some couples “perfect”? The way they treat each other? Do they complement each other? Or is it the fact that they change each other’s imperfections into strength? First of all, when it comes to relationships, there is no standard of “perfection”, everyone can have a happy and perfect couple in their own way, … Read more

5 Habits to Help You Stay in Present Moment in Everyday Life

Living in the present is a goal most people have tried to re-commit to, but it’s a lot easier said than done. Most of us spend a lot of our time reflecting on the past (the good and the bad) and planning or worrying about the future. The ability to stay in the present moment … Read more

How To Make Money Selling Mobile Apps To Local Businesses

One challenge that every app developer often has is selling their mobile apps to local businesses. Be it a company dealing in software development or an individual developer, both have to go through a phase when they have to convince local businesses to buy their apps. Though it can be a hard process, there are … Read more

How To Stay Positive When Writing Your Dissertation

Writing a thesis or dissertation takes a lot of hard work and dedication. If you are approaching the idea of your dissertation with a negative attitude, it is going to feel like climbing Mount Everest. Instead, you can remain positive throughout the process and enjoy what you are doing. The amount of knowledge you are … Read more

10 Life Changing Actions Successful People Perform Daily

If you want to change your life for the better, you need to change the way you do things. More often than not, these “things” are your habits. The truth is – not everybody understands this fact. Not surprisingly, successful individuals got it. For many, success came just after they implemented empowering habits in more … Read more

5 Sure-Fire Ways to Combat Your Everyday Anxiousness

Now, as someone who naturally feels plenty of anxiety in day-to-day life, it is almost hereditary that I should come up with at least a few solutions to this problem, and I am here today to share them with you. 1.    Give Yourself Some Space In any happy and successful relationship, space is almost mandatory, … Read more

Top 5 Unusual Ways How to Stay Positive Forever From Now

Positivity is so important. It means less medical problems, a longer life and – most obviously but still most importantly – that you are happier. The thing is, how do you actually become more positive? That’s the 10,000 dollar question, isn’t it? So that’s what we’re going to look into today. Five unusual ways for … Read more