7 Things You Can Always Be Grateful For And Be Happy

The ability to be grateful is an extraordinary ability that brings us many benefits. The benefits are both in terms of physical and mental health, and peace of mind. Gratitude is the great multiplier of this world. It brings prosperity and makes it grow. But what are the things you can always be grateful for?

It is said that a grateful person is grateful in any situation. But in life we live in moments when it is quite difficult for us to be grateful. However, there are some small details that if we remember them help us to be grateful in any situation. Find below a list of 7 things you can always be grateful for:

7 Things You Can Always Be Grateful For

1. Grateful For Your Smile

Be grateful for your smile. How many times do you think you’ve smiled so far in your life? Many times. And you will smile countless times. It is said that a man can bring happiness to himself in two ways: from inside and outside. From the inside through beautiful thoughts and from the outside through working with his muscles.

That is, either your positive thoughts make you smile, or your smile makes you have positive thoughts. And that makes a huge difference for your happiness level.

2. Grateful For a Good Deed from the Past

Be grateful for a good deed you have done for someone in the past. Gratitude along with joy acts on our good deeds just like rain that wets a tree and helps it grow. That tree is part of your garden and gives you fruit. So if you want to reap the fruits of your good deeds then you must remember them and rejoice. Be grateful that you were able to be there and help.

Be grateful that you were alive and had the necessary resources at exactly that moment when that other person needed help. Such things are never accidental. You were meant to be there and help that person. There will come a day when you too will need help and a person will be next to you who will have the necessary resources to help you and will help you.

3. Grateful For Your Breath

Be grateful for your breath. Breathe more deeply 10 times counting from 10 to 1. Breathing is always there with you. You can always focus on breathing whenever you want. Remembering your breath from time to time during a day helps you to be mindful.

Mindfulness is a much desired skill nowadays. It is said that he who becomes grateful for his breath becomes an alchemist. And it is also said to ask ourselves if we breathe life or life breathes us?

4. Grateful For a Moment of Silence

Take a moment of silence and enjoy it. The simplest way to bring peace to your mind and soul is to take a moment of silence. The simplest way to feel calm and peaceful is to sit somewhere, not say a word, smile and contemplate what is around you. You will calm down instantly.

If you sit on a bench in the park, it’s even better. Give up your thoughts for a moment and contemplate what is around you. Even if you have a noise around you, contemplate the source that is making that noise. You will see that it helps. Try it!

5. Grateful For Water

Be grateful for a glass of water. Take a glass and put some water in it. Drink some of it and put the glass next to you. Either take a break, sit down and drink the water slowly. Or if you work on a laptop, keep working while being aware of the glass of water. Drink some more water from time to time. Try to be grateful for the water in the glass.

Think that there are people, and unfortunately there are many, who do not have the luxury of having that water in the glass. Besides that water from the glass, you have so many other things. You can follow them with your eyes. Contemplate on the separation of the water in the glass from the rest of reality and see how many things you have in addition to that water.

6. Grateful For a Little Object That You Like and Have

Pick a little object that you like and have and be grateful for it. You have it! It’s yours. Carry the object with you today or this week and be grateful for it. Remember when you bought it. Or maybe you received it as a gift. It is so small and yet someone has consumed his time and made it. Then, this little object came into your hands.

You certainly don’t know all the people who participated in making it. There are those who made the material, then someone else made the product, someone else transported it, someone else sold it to you. So many people have participated in making a simple little object that you now hold in your hand.

Or maybe it’s a little rock you found be the see and nature did it. You like it because it has a story. The story of you on the beach, feeling peaceful, more connected. Everything has a story. Every object, every live being, either human, animal, insect or plant has a story. Don’t you think it’s a miracle?

7. Grateful For a Good Thought That Exists In The World

Pick one good thought that exists in this world and be grateful for it. This is too one of the things you can always be grateful for. Someone thought that beautiful thought and it came to you. Contemplate a little on that good thought. How beautiful it is. One good thought which, if you give it enough energy, attracts all the other good and miraculous thoughts.

What good thought did you choose? If you can and want to, comment on this article so that someone who will read this article will know it in the hope that he will be able to be grateful for something. Because we all have to start somewhere. The beginning is the secret. A simple thought of gratitude draws the others as well. Then the emotion of gratitude attracts all the other positive emotions.

Remember all these things you can always be grateful for.


It is difficult to feel grateful when you are going through hard times. That’s why try not to put even more pressure on yourself. It is not necessary to be grateful. But know that gratitude helps every time, in everything you do. Start with something small. Today be grateful for something small. Tomorrow the same. The next day maybe a little more. Whatever you do, be gentle with yourself. Gentle in thoughts, gentle in words, gentle in what you listen to, gentle in actions.

Positive Words Research – 7 Things You Can Always Be Grateful For

7 Things You Can Always Be Grateful For

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