How To Find Hope In Desperate Times and Smile Again

Life is hard. In vain we try to pretend that life is easy, the reality is that sometimes life is unfair and hard. For many situations there are not even half-effective solutions. Many times we simply do not know what to do to solve a situation. Who to call to help us? There is no one who can help us and we can’t help ourselves either. How to find hope in desperate times?

It is quite difficult to find hope in situations where nothing is going well. However without hope life is even harder. In desperate times, try at least to keep your hope up. But how can you keep your hope when life is so hard.

You need a deeper philosophy of life. That is, you need deeper thoughts to give you hope in these difficult times. Many times these deep thoughts were told to us by our parents or we read them in a book. Here are some small recommendations on how you can keep your hopes up in desperate times.

1. Beauty Is Found In Simplicity

The moment you notice beauty, your hope returns. Fortunately, there are many beautiful details around us, wherever we are. One of them is the sky. You can always look up and look at the sky to lift your spirits a little and feel confident again. Confidence in the beauty of life generates hope. Because ugliness generates a decrease in hope. Try to contemplate a beautiful little detail that you have at hand. It can even be a small object that is dear to you. The small details contain a lot of beauty, because beauty is found in simplicity.

2. Have Patience

The ability to be patient is directly correlated with the level of hope. The moment we lose patience, our hope diminishes dramatically. Think that all things and events are transient. Unfortunately or fortunately everything will pass. Yes, of course you want the bad things to happen faster and the good things want to last longer. We all want that. But life is composed of a mixture of pleasures and troubles. Sweet moments would not be so beautiful if we did not have some troubles in our life.

3. Slow Things Down

When you start to lose hope, it is an alarm signal that you feel overwhelmed. Give yourself permission to slow things down for a while. Just think about today. Leave the future. The future has an extraordinary ability to take care of itself. You don’t have to worry about the future. You need to only care about today. Survive today as best you can, until dusk, then go to bed a little earlier. You deserve it. Leave the whole world and your own life in someone else’s care for today.

4. Read a Wise Book

Wisdom generates hope. A deeper understanding of reality helps you a lot to have a high level of hope. Somehow, when you feel that you are losing hope, your level of wisdom temporarily diminishes. Go back to a wise book you read in the past or read a new book. Don’t read something dramatically with an ugly and hopeless ending. Read something that will give you strength and motivate you. Also, don’t read a book that is too hard, because you don’t want to add even more weight to yourself. It would be best to re-read a wise book you have read in the past. It will definitely help you.

5. Talk To A Friend

Talk to a friend, mother, father, brother or sister. In desperate times, communicating with a friend or a person who has known us for many years helps a lot. Don’t hesitate to say everything you think. Tell them all your thoughts from those moments. Wait to see their reaction and listen to what they tell you. If you are both in the same situation or you have been in the same situation in the past, talking about this common life experience will help you a lot, you will see. Don’t hide from people who have known you for many years. Nobody can compensate for the value they offer you, because no one can know you in a few days as they know you from so many years.

6. Write Your Thoughts

Write your thoughts on paper. Try to write freely. That is, to write down all the thoughts that go through your mind even if they are the worst possible thoughts. If you think that someone might read what you are writing, break and throw away the sheet after you have written your thoughts. As you write down your thoughts, do not try to lift your spirits and motivate yourself. Do not deny your negative thoughts. Don’t tell yourself it’s nonsense. Just write the thoughts on paper. Try to write a single page with the darkest thoughts you have from those moments. Don’t write more than one page and don’t hide some of your thoughts.

7. Do Something Small and Simple For Yourself

When we lose hope, we also lose the ability to do good things for ourselves, which leads to an even greater loss of hope. This vicious circle can be broken very easily when we do a small and simple thing for ourselves consciously. Doing something for yourself to feel better greatly increases the degree of hope. Extend the bath you take a little more. Sit on a bench in the park and contemplate the nature for some minutes. Read a good news of an event that is happening in the world or that has already happened. Take a nap. Make yourself a cup of tea by paying attention to all the details of making the tea by making them slower and more conscious than usual.


Hard times are difficult, but losing hope is even more difficult. Whatever happens to you, try to keep your hope up. Another way you can bring hope into your life is by giving hope to others. Be the one who inspires others even in the most desperate moments of life. Yes, it is difficult, but not impossible. Keep your hope up and also give it to others. Happiness can be found even in the darkest moments if we remember to turn on the light.

Find Hope In Desperate Times
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