How To Transform Negative Thoughts With Mindful Thinking

Negative thoughts can have a devastating impact on all aspects of your life. Recognizing these thoughts is one way to change your relationship toward them. Transform negative thoughts with mindful thinking. Taking mindful steps can help you create some space between your thoughts and reactions. Cultivating mindfulness can help you identify and deal with negative thoughts, which leave you in self-doubt and shame, and embrace all that is good at the moment. At the core of each of us is a space that knows pure peace. But as negative thoughts seep in, we tend to be drawn away from it, and this results in trauma and stress. Here are a few ways in which negative thoughts impact our lives:

Anxiousness and Worry

Negative thinking can make you anxious about things that could or could not happen. You end up thinking nothing good can ever happen to you. Whether it is your health, a relationship, or even your career, you start worrying about things going downhill, and your performance starts deteriorating.

Stress and Lost Focus

All the anxiousness can only lead to stress. You start losing focus and build up a negative scenario in your head. And even though nothing has happened, you assume that everything is ruined.

Criticism and Self-Loathing

One clear pattern of negative thoughts is the need to criticize yourself and those around you constantly. You start becoming too harsh on yourself and focus on your weaknesses. All of this leads to low self-esteem and a lack of confidence.

Regret and Guilt

Finally, it builds regret and guilt based on the mistakes you made in the past. While there is nothing negative about reflecting on past experiences, you shouldn’t dwell on a situation with no intention to learn and move on. It leads to feelings of guilt and worthlessness due to wrong choices you feel you might have made.

The Role Of Mindful Thinking

Mindfulness is about being self-aware and present at the moment. It helps you think more deeply and more objectively. It lowers your stress levels and enhances your mood. In a way, mindful thinking stabilizes your emotional intelligence, making you calm amidst all the noise. The key impact of mindfulness is that it exerts a positive influence on the thinker and helps the person get a better insight into his/her life. Here’s how you can break your habitual negative responses with mindfulness.

  • Monitor Your Thoughts

To be free of negativity, you must become more aware of your thoughts. You can do this by paying more attention to what is going on inside your head at any given time.  Identify thought patterns that lead to negative thinking. This can help enhance your degree of awareness. Becoming mindful will help you take control of your thoughts and emotions, and not the other way around. Catch the negative thoughts as they arise, before they gain too much momentum.

  • Be Present In The Moment

Negative thoughts come mostly from dwelling in the past or worrying about the future. You can avoid this issue by being mindfully present in the moment. Avoid negative thoughts and direct your attention to all positive things. Discard any thoughts that don’t have anything to do with the situation you are currently in. Relax and release the thoughts of what happened and what could happen, and think about what is currently happening.

  • Constructive Thoughts

Spend your time in constructive thoughts. You need to decide if you want to dwell on thoughts that lead nowhere or those that can make your day more productive. Allow yourself to experience every moment fully and think about something constructive. Use your past experiences to learn and make decisions instead of dwelling on them.  Constructive thinking lets you be happy even when things are not going too well. It helps you put the problem in perspective and lets you deal with them practically.

When you are more mindful, you become less affected by negativity. Practice mindful thinking, and you will see how you transform those negative thoughts into positive ones. And, eventually, you will get into the habit of looking at every moment with a positive mindset.

Author ~ Nisha BaghadiaNisha Baghadia

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Positive Words Research – How To Transform Negative Thoughts With Mindful Thinking

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