Category Archives: Negative Feelings

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How Do You Bounce Back From Failure Ideas and Tips

Failure is one life’s toughest teachers and it’s always there to tell us a thing or two about what we did wrong. but how do you bounce back from failure? Often times, it feels harsh, unsolicited and downright hurtful. Other times it feels like it’s there, looking back at us from over our shoulders, always hitting those shame and guilt buttons we have deep inside. 

How Do You Bounce Back From Failure?

Every time failure sets in, there’s also an emotional storm raging inside us – some of us have the ability to weather this storm with more ease, while others go straight through it, leaving no parts of themselves unscathed. But what if there’s a way to look at failure differently and bounce back from it with new-found strength? Here’s how you can achieve this internal shift regarding failure:

1. Reframe the Setback Realistically

When we face failure in our lives we tend to go back to it over and over in our minds and endlessly ruminate everything that happened, without really going anywhere. We place the event in the same light every time we revisit it, without really creating a new context around it. The challenge is to, first of all, be honest with yourself and admit failure in the most objective possible way, without exaggerating the downsides of indulging in your negative feelings

The next step is to release all emotions when you replay the events in your mind and try to implement counterfactual thinking. You can do this by replaying the events back in your mind and think about what you could’ve done differently, so you wouldn’t be facing this outcome now. This kind of exercise will help you become more responsible, instead of playing the victim and submitting to your emotions, while also providing a valuable lesson for your future endeavors.

2. Don’t Stay in Failure for Too Long

Truly resilient people are able to leave this defeatism scenario early on, while also allowing themselves to feel hurt by their failure. Resilience is actually built on failure, by learning the right lessons and keeping your eyes on the prize. There are so many famous inventors and artists that have failed countless times, yet they didn’t surrender to this negative-colored context and kept striving to obtain the desired results.

JK Rowling, the famous Harry Potter novels author, wrote her first manuscript after a failed marriage, with a small baby she needed to care for all by herself, while her living means were meager and insufficient. And as if this wasn’t enough, she sent her manuscript to twelve different publishing houses only to have her mailbox filled with rejection letters before she finally got accepted. There are many such cases of resilience throughout history, just as there are cases of people who quit on their dreams and goals just before they could reach them. It’s important to get back up and connect yourself with your ‘why’ and empowering emotions as often as you can.

3. Reconnect to What Makes You Happy

Dwelling too long on the negatives can dull your senses, your ability to clearly perceive your life’s purpose and your natural tendency to navigate towards what makes you happy. After each failure, it’s important to take the time and reconnect yourself to what really and truly makes you happy at the time being. 

It doesn’t really matter what it is – it may be dancing by yourself in the dark, wandering aimlessly in long walks or singing out from the top of your lungs. It needs to be an activity that solely fulfills you, regardless of what other people say. An activity that heightens your feelings of joy, excitement, satisfaction, and involvement. Whatever it is, engaging in this type of activity after failures will reconnect you with who you truly are and give you the sense of meaningfulness that was perhaps lost in the process. The pursuit of happiness is something we all need to engage in from time to time, regardless of our minor or major setbacks.

Ultimately, failure still remains life’s biggest teachers, regardless of how harsh its teaching style is. By paying enough attention to what new lesson it brings us regarding ourselves and the world, we may be able to bounce back from it sooner, while also finding new and better ways to achieve our goals the second time around.

About the Author

‘Claudia Spataru is a free spirit located in Bucharest, Romania and always in search of answers to life’s greatest questions. She loves to understand how people work, what makes them tick and find ways to help them reach higher grounds. She adores the sea, traveling and laughing.’

Positive Words Research – How do you bounce back from failure?

How Do You Bounce Back From Failure

Antidots Map: 30 Negative Feelings – 90 Positive Emotions

Positive Words Research has compiled a list of 30 antidots for 30 negative feelings as a mixt of 90 positive emotions.

It is my strong belief that the purpose of a negative feeling is to show us what positive emotion we need. Sometimes, we lack some positive feelings and those negative emotions tell us exactly what we are lacking. Use this map to decode your emotions.

Find below a list of 30 antidotes for 30 negative feelings. The antidote is formed from a mix of three positive emotions, in total 90 positive emotions. Each antidot has three positive feelings.

30 ANTIDOTS – 30 Negative Feelings – 90 Positive Emotions

  1. Antidote for Hate: Gentle Love, Goodwill, Appreciation
  2. Antidote for Anxiety: Self-relief, Body movement, Centeredness
  3. Antidote for Fear: Action, Bravery, Fearlessness
  4. Antidote for Depression: Gratitude, Playfulness, Pure Love & Light
  5. Antidote for Anger: Humbleness, Forgiveness, Acceptance of What Is
  6. Antidote for Ignorance: Wisdom, Awareness, Meditation
  7. Antidote for Demotivation: Inspiration, Divine Guidance, Positive Stimulus
  8. Antidote for Procrastination: Self-discipline, Alacrity, Briskness
  9. Antidote for Shame: Embracing Vulnerability, Audaciousness, Self-worth
  10. Antidote for Sadness: Contentment, Playfulness, Happiness
  11. Antidote for Disappointment: Tolerance, Perseverance, Resilience
  12. Antidote for Rejection: Full self-acceptance, Resilience, Self-confidence
  13. Antidote for Jealousy: Self-love, Freedom, Connectedness
  14. Antidote for Panic: Self-relief, Body movement, Loving-kindness
  15. Antidote for Grief: Optimism, Acceptance, Omniscience
  16. Antidote for Guilt: Forgiveness, Self-worth, Self-acceptance
  17. Antidote for Doubt: Hope, Ease, Optimism
  18. Antidote for Despair: Encouragement, Loving-kindness, Unconditional Self-acceptance
  19. Antidote for Hopelessness: Faith, Gratitude, Self-confidence
  20. Antidote for Disgust: Gratitude, Acceptance, Tolerance
  21. Antidote for Envy: Self-appreciation, Self-worth, Self-love
  22. Antidote for Bitterness: Cuteness, Smile, Self-love
  23. Antidote for Boredom: Fun, Friendship, Playfulness
  24. Antidote for Loneliness: Inner-friendship, Self-nurture, Feeling of contribution
  25. Antidote for Timidity: Audaciousness, Boldness, Wonder
  26. Antidote for Worthlessness: Ikigai, Feeling of Contribution, Enoughness
  27. Antidote for Disease: Ease, Wellbeing, Self-awareness
  28. Antidote for Evilness: Wholesomeness, Graciousness, Humaneness
  29. Antidote for Helplessness: Serenity, Ease, Contentment
  30. Antidote for Negative Thinking: Gratitude, Mindfulness, Meditation

Practice all three positive feelings after you identify your negative emotions and you will manage to break the negative cycle of that negativity.

Each antidote contains three ingredients. The antidote only works when all three ingredients are applied seriously, powerfully, constantly, perseverent and in the knowledge, for a period of two weeks.


This article is not made based on certified research, does not replace medical treatment or doctor advice and does not represent a healing method. 

ANTIDOTS 30 Negative Feelings 90 Positive Emotions

How a Clean House Creates a Clean Mind: Top 5 Tips

When it comes to happiness, everyone always seems to recommend mindfulness, vacations and quality time spent together with your friends. But what happens when you come back to your home and you feel it’s burdening you, rather than freeing your mind? Or what happens when you want to engage in mindful thinking, but the clutter keeps blurring your mind? What is often disregarded when it comes to mental wellbeing is the positive effect that cleaning your house can have on it. Let’s look at a few ways in which you can benefit from maintaining a clean home:

1. Clean Mind Actually Helps Reduce Anxiety and Depression

Cortisol, the hormone stress, tends to decline naturally throughout the day, fencing off negative feelings and fighting off depression. However, by living every second in a cluttered environment, you can prevent this useful process from occurring in the body. This means you will most likely feel mentally clouded, anxious or maybe even guilty for always postponing cleaning. 

The only way to combat this is to take action and start breaking down chores into smaller chunks that you can immediately take care of. Get rid of the pile of clothes, clean out your desk and finish that laundry list. Trust me, the gratitude and satisfaction you’ll feel will make you want to pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

2. It Can Help You Eat Healthier

Think about it. If you walk into your kitchen and it’s spotless every time, you won’t consider eating something that’s unhealthy or just for comfort – they just don’t go hand in hand. You’ll want to go the extra mile and choose greener foods, maybe even eco-friendly ones and you’ll probably feel the need to cook these groceries in a way that promotes a healthy lifestyle and generates positive thinking. So declutter your counter, get rid of seldom used appliances and clean out your fridge. 

3. Clean Mind Will Help You Become More Productive

By keeping a clean home and integrating a more organized way of being into your lifestyle, you’ll have to do very little every day in order to maintain the cleanliness of your home. By putting your jacket in the coat rack instead of dropping it on the floor or by finding adequate space for a book instead of stacking it in an overcrowded shelf, you can avoid spending tremendous amounts of time restoring your home down the line. Apart from this, living in a spacious, clutter-free space will give your brain the freedom it needs for you to become a happy employee, with lots of vitality and desire to work.

4. Clean Mind Will Help You Sleep Better at Night

It’s already a tale as old as time that people who make their beds in the morning are more productive and happier throughout the day. By transforming this into a habit, those feelings will consolidate in your heart and will get you closer to your goal in the pursuit of happiness. So wash your bed linens and fluff your pillows. In addition to this, stay organized throughout the day, so when the night comes you’ll go to bed feeling rewarded and relaxed, instead of pressed and guilty. This will give you better-quality sleep which in turn will result in a better mood and being more creative. 

5. It Can Help Improve Your Relationships

We all know that a relationship is not a one-way street and oftentimes what we put into it is what we receive right back. So it’s only natural that if we put in our stressed selves in the game, the quality of our relationships will dwindle. So this is why cleaning your home pays off in more than one way. Additionally, if you live together with a spouse, disorganization can cost you a lot of the time you could be spending together with them. It’s all connected and once you start realizing this, your life will change for the better.

As you can see, these are only a few ways in which decluttering your home and maintaining it clean can help you have a fluff-free mind. This will add to your feeling more relaxed, productive and happier in your personal and professional life, as well as in relationship to the important people in your life.

About the Author

‘Claudia Spataru is a free spirit located in Bucharest, Romania and always in search of answers to life’s greatest questions. She loves to understand how people work, what makes them tick and find ways to help them reach higher grounds. She adores the sea, traveling and laughing.’

Brighten your day with more than 1400 nice words from our list of positive words.

How a Clean House Creates a Clean Mind

Lemons Into Lemonade: Turn Negative Events Into Positive Expression

The fact is, many of us rely on creating to express our emotions. All of us on are especially familiar with this process. Creating to express our emotions in any form has potential to be a healthy and life-giving experience.

We can use art and creative writing as a means to turn our negative feelings into a reckoning for positivity. Here are some thoughts about negative experiences and how we can write them into a corner when they try to bully us.

The Dangers of Holding in Our Pain

Our culture glorifies the idea of holding in your emotions. Men are often called weak for being expressive, and women are called crazy for expressing their emotions in any way. Neither of these is fair, as emotions are simply a part of the human experience, and there’s nothing weak about admitting to what you feel.

Here’s the fact: suicide rates are on the rise. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the suicide rate in the United States increased 24 percent from 1999 to 2014. The amount of adolescents — and we are talking early adolescents — that contemplate ending their lives or do end their lives as a result of cyberbullying has increased as well. In a recent UK study, 26 percent of respondents had suicidal thoughts, as a result of cyberbullying.

We have to normalize emotions and offer people practical ways to handle their trials in life. Even social work professionals admit we need to start thinking out of the box. I propose one of the best outlets for pain is through creative writing.

Write It Off

There is something so satisfying about forming the perfect sentence to describe what you’re going through. As long as you’re doing it for you and not to impress others, I think being able to work hard on this transfer from mind to paper is therapeutic. By writing about your negative experiences, you can process them, and learn from them. If you’re comfortable with it — share and relate it to others.

Here are some suggestions to turn your negative experiences into lemonade, through the power of writing.

Poetry Exercises

Poetry, lyric writing, and the like are the best places to employ your artistic license, due to the common “show don’t tell” mentality that’s so popularized in these communities. I personally find it useful to use poetry prompts in order to challenge yourself. The point of doing these exercises is to force you to write down your thoughts in a different way than just “I feel sad” or “I am angry.” You also are usually writing less — but it’s harder to get a good flow going. It’s a new form of expression for a lot of freelance writers and similar creatives and can influence your other writings as well.

Descriptive Nonfiction

This is something I struggled with originally due to my past writing song lyrics with metaphors. I had to drop all of that — which I now consider being mostly fluff — and switch to describing the actual scenes around me. Descriptive nonfiction lives in “show don’t tell,” more strictly than poetry does.

Retell your story. Use color, shape, and other physical descriptions. How red was your face from embarrassment or hurt? What were other people doing? How they moved, their facial expressions, and how did their face change and move as well? What words were they using? Of course, “show don’t tell” can also make for a traumatic retelling of a hard time, so gauge yourself and see if you can handle it first.

Letters to Yourself

Years ago, during one of my first breakups, I found myself writing letters late before bed. These letters were addressed to me, oddly enough. I never called it journaling or felt like I was writing a diary. I was very clearly writing a letter. Even though I was the recipient of these letters.

Physically writing my thoughts down on paper felt like I was transferring my emotions — like they were physically leaving my body. This was one of my initial experiences with the therapeutic effects of writing, and since then I’ve used writing to help myself through other breakups, loss of friends and family, and stressful life events.


It has been said that “bad writing is good for you,” and this may certainly be the case in your situation. Freewriting offers the comfort of no restrictions – just straight up word vomit until you need to eat again.

Some find this to be a positive and freeing experience. It offers them a way to put some elbow grease into releasing their emotions, but they don’t have to worry about anything else. This isn’t typically the writing you show people, but certainly, you can if you would like. It’s your lemonade.

Get a Little Abstract

Use weird prompts and exercises — and by “weird” I mean unusual to you — to stretch your writing and give you new ways to express yourself. The thing with writing prompts is that they work like writing games. You have to use them to finish a piece based on rules and restrictions you don’t typically adhere to. Some of the most satisfying pieces of writing I’ve done have been based on odd prompts, and it always feels like a new way to express my thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

How To Encourage Others

As I mentioned earlier, we need to normalize negative emotions. Make them something to talk about, and make it usual to talk about them. Let’s innovate a bit and give struggling people healthy and positive ways to handle their pain.

We must live by example first, because telling people to talk about their issues doesn’t shut out the voices — external or internal — that make them feel uncomfortable doing so. Being encouraging and transparent, ourselves, can do that.

Now, how much more as a writer can we share our experiences tangibly, especially with other writers? We all struggle with life, so writing them down for others may actually give them something to lean on, and maybe vice versa. Make your own lemonade from life’s hardships.

Ultimately, transparency begets transparency

With that in mind, let’s strive for honesty and humility with each other, so we can destigmatize depression, formulate it into something positive, be it through writing or whatever other form of creation you choose, and gain something from it rather than lose everything to it.

How have you used writing or creativity to cope with bad experiences? Let me know in the comments below!

Author’s Bio

Avery T. Phillips is a freelance human being with too much to say. She loves nature and examining human interactions with the world. Comment or tweet her @a_taylorian with any questions or suggestions. Avery lives in the United States.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Lemons Into Lemonade: How to Turn Negative Events into Positive Expression

How To Transform Negative Thoughts With Mindful Thinking

Negative thoughts can have a devastating impact on all aspects of your life. Recognizing these thoughts is one way to change your relationship toward them. Transform negative thoughts with mindful thinking. Taking mindful steps can help you create some space between your thoughts and reactions. Cultivating mindfulness can help you identify and deal with negative thoughts, which leave you in self-doubt and shame, and embrace all that is good at the moment. At the core of each of us is a space that knows pure peace. But as negative thoughts seep in, we tend to be drawn away from it, and this results in trauma and stress. Here are a few ways in which negative thoughts impact our lives:

Anxiousness and Worry

Negative thinking can make you anxious about things that could or could not happen. You end up thinking nothing good can ever happen to you. Whether it is your health, a relationship, or even your career, you start worrying about things going downhill, and your performance starts deteriorating.

Stress and Lost Focus

All the anxiousness can only lead to stress. You start losing focus and build up a negative scenario in your head. And even though nothing has happened, you assume that everything is ruined.

Criticism and Self-Loathing

One clear pattern of negative thoughts is the need to criticize yourself and those around you constantly. You start becoming too harsh on yourself and focus on your weaknesses. All of this leads to low self-esteem and a lack of confidence.

Regret and Guilt

Finally, it builds regret and guilt based on the mistakes you made in the past. While there is nothing negative about reflecting on past experiences, you shouldn’t dwell on a situation with no intention to learn and move on. It leads to feelings of guilt and worthlessness due to wrong choices you feel you might have made.

The Role Of Mindful Thinking

Mindfulness is about being self-aware and present at the moment. It helps you think more deeply and more objectively. It lowers your stress levels and enhances your mood. In a way, mindful thinking stabilizes your emotional intelligence, making you calm amidst all the noise. The key impact of mindfulness is that it exerts a positive influence on the thinker and helps the person get a better insight into his/her life. Here’s how you can break your habitual negative responses with mindfulness.

  • Monitor Your Thoughts

To be free of negativity, you must become more aware of your thoughts. You can do this by paying more attention to what is going on inside your head at any given time.  Identify thought patterns that lead to negative thinking. This can help enhance your degree of awareness. Becoming mindful will help you take control of your thoughts and emotions, and not the other way around. Catch the negative thoughts as they arise, before they gain too much momentum.

  • Be Present In The Moment

Negative thoughts come mostly from dwelling in the past or worrying about the future. You can avoid this issue by being mindfully present in the moment. Avoid negative thoughts and direct your attention to all positive things. Discard any thoughts that don’t have anything to do with the situation you are currently in. Relax and release the thoughts of what happened and what could happen, and think about what is currently happening.

  • Constructive Thoughts

Spend your time in constructive thoughts. You need to decide if you want to dwell on thoughts that lead nowhere or those that can make your day more productive. Allow yourself to experience every moment fully and think about something constructive. Use your past experiences to learn and make decisions instead of dwelling on them.  Constructive thinking lets you be happy even when things are not going too well. It helps you put the problem in perspective and lets you deal with them practically.

When you are more mindful, you become less affected by negativity. Practice mindful thinking, and you will see how you transform those negative thoughts into positive ones. And, eventually, you will get into the habit of looking at every moment with a positive mindset.

Author ~ Nisha BaghadiaNisha Baghadia

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Positive Words Research – How To Transform Negative Thoughts With Mindful Thinking

Best 4 Life-Changing Impacts Of Positive Thinking Today

The power of positive thinking is amazing, and those having it can expect a life full of happiness, health, and success. It’s also life-changing.
Positive thinking gives you the power to overcome any obstacle that may appear in your way. It fixes your mental and emotional attitude for good by focusing on what you love and not what you don’t like.

It is said that a positive attitude can cause a chain of positive thoughts and events and facilitate the desired outcome. Also, it can transform your life and the lives of those around you because you learn to focus on the good side of everything.

Positive thinking not only boosts your health but also has a huge impact on your life and work. If you don’t believe it yet, keep reading to learn how it can impact your life.

1. Builds Self-Confidence

Genuine and kind words have the power to heal and change the world. When your thoughts are positive and pleasant, your self-confidence gets a boost. It all starts with looking for good traits within yourself and others. A confident individual deal with life in a much better way by broadening possibilities and opening her/his mind to new experiences.

You start to feel more confident in what you are doing, and the insecurities fade away. You will never doubt your abilities and learn to appreciate the big picture.

2. Hope And Meaningful Living

Negative vibes can make us forget how valuable life is. We let hope trickle out and drown in a pool of disappointments. Positive thinking gives us hope. And with hope, life becomes more meaningful.

Even if others are criticizing and complaining, ignore it and look beyond the noise with mindful thinking. Hope teaches us to believe that things will be better. It is a source of inspiration that comes with positivity. It motivates you to chase goals that have deep meaning and makes you think about how precious and valuable life is. Positivity can bring purpose into your life and inspire people to do the same.

3. Success

Did you know that positive thinking can result in success? There is no doubt that positive thinking can push you to land a better job, find someone great or even win a championship. It brings you joy and contentment.

Your attitude can control your life, and if you mostly harbor negative thoughts, you can expect failure and disaster. On the other hand, if your thoughts are positive, the subsequent actions can help you become more productive, which ultimately results in success.

So, positive thinking is not only about warm and fuzzy feelings, but it is also critical to explore your hidden talents.

4. Love Yourself Unconditionally

If you have a positive attitude towards life, you will fall in love with yourself.
As humans, love is something we all yearn for. When you love yourself and your life and the people around you, you will be truly happy.

Love makes us follow our hearts and do what we want to. Give yourself the gifts of love and happiness, and you will be able to even make those around you love themselves. Loving oneself leads to acceptance as the outside world is only a projection of your inner world.

If you want to see the world differently, start with yourself. Find ways to build happiness and positive emotions in your life. Some of them might be life-changing.

Whether it is an activity or being with people you love, focus on what makes you happy, and you will build skills that are valuable to you in life. Use positive thinking on a daily basis, and you will see how it benefits your life in every situation.

Author’s Bio

Nisha is passionate about writing and loves to share her thoughts with the world. She has written many articles on yoga, fitness, wellness, remedies, and beauty. She keeps herself updated by going through interesting blogs every day. This fuels her passion and motivates her to write appealing and engaging articles. She is a regular contributor to and a few other websites.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

life changing

How to Discover Your Why to Get Opened to Success

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Nietzsche’s work has often been misquoted and misinterpreted. But let’s stick to this specific quote for now… It triggers something in you, doesn’t it? When you know where you’re headed, you will find the strength to stay on the right path. No defeat has the power to shake your world.

How do we find that why, so we’ll stay strong in the how?

We live, work, and have relationships. Also, have friends. None of it feels exactly right. We’re often exhausted, angry, unmotivated, confused… practically helpless. Do you know what the reason for the negative state of being is? Having no clear reason for our existence.

Most of us haven’t discovered our why because we’re afraid it might be too challenging for us. So we remain in that zone of comfort, living a life that doesn’t make us happy.

How do you make things right? It all starts with discovering your why. Let’s see how you can do that.

1. Define Your Own Vision of Success

How do you envision success? When you perceive someone as successful, you surely don’t feel that way just because they have money. Success is more. Is about traveling and seeing the world? Or about doing the thing you love? Is it about starting a beautiful family? Maybe it is about having a cozy home?

Define what success means to you. From there on, you’ll be able to start to discover your reason for living.

2. Define Your Current Priorities

  • Are you happy with what you have now? If yes, what are the things you’re happy about? If no, what are the things that make you unhappy?
  • What makes you successful or unsuccessful?
  • Would you change something in your life?
  • What current priorities should you abandon? What priorities should you set for your future?

Don’t cheat! Be honest with yourself. The answers will help you get on the right track.

3. Find Your Current Passion

Maybe you were truly passionate about your profession before, but you lost the enthusiasm somewhere along the way. It happens. Our passions may change over the years, but that change doesn’t happen with our true calling.

Look for the one thing you’re into right now. Don’t be afraid of revealing your current passion. Find ways to move things in that direction.

4. Ask and Answer the Right Questions

Did you discover a specific goal through the above-listed methods? Here are few more questions for you to answer:

  • Why do you want to achieve this goal?
  • What do you hate about your current way of life, your position in it, and your job?
  • Will your life get better once you achieve this goal?
  • Do you have to sacrifice anything to achieve the goal? Will you find the strength to do it?
  • What are the things that you’ll gain as soon as you reach this goal?

These questions will lead you to the answer to the ultimate question: is this your why?

5. Write a Personal Essay

You often forget about the brightest ideas when you don’t note them down. That’s why it’s important to write about your goal.

A personal essay will open your eyes to what your why is and how you can start living in accordance with that calling.

“Personal essays have the power to reveal the thoughts and feelings we’re hiding from ourselves”, agrees Paul Clarkson, a writer at AU BestEssays. “In fact, I recommend writing plenty of them. If possible, write one every day. It doesn’t matter how well you can write. This will be a personal practice that no one will grade. It’s all about understanding who you really are and what you need to do now to change for the better.”

6. Look for the Meaning

How does your job fit into society? How is your role important not only for you but for other people as well? Is that meaning valuable?

A teacher has a meaning. They are educating different generations of students and they are bringing them into the real world. Every profession has its meaning, but it’s important for you to find the purpose of what you do. Do you believe in that role, or would you like to do something else with your life?

7. Stay Confident

Set all doubt and disbelief aside. When you’re looking for your purpose in life, you’ll definitely face doubts. No matter how strong they are, they shouldn’t stop you from giving your why a try. Think about it: you might have discovered your purpose. That deserves your commitment.

Identifying your calling is not the easiest thing in the world. Even when you find your why you’ll face many challenges on the journey. But guess what: it’s the only right thing to do.

Author’s Bio

Lynn Adamsen is a freelance writer and editor from Edinburgh who has helped individuals and businesses with their writing challenges for almost a decade now. Now she is taking full advantage of the web copywriting course. Feel free to get in touch with@lynn_adamsen.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.


5 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking and Be Happy

Where would you prefer to take your mind to? A beautiful zen garden or the worst-case scenario of your life? Of course, you’d prefer the zen garden. Then why is your mind constantly spinning bad scenarios around?

I’m not skilled enough for this job. I’m too exhausted to try. I’m not flexible enough for a yoga class. I don’t have the skill of making friends. I’m no good.

Did you recognize your thinking patterns somewhere in those statements? If that was the case, then you’re guilty of a serious crime: negative thinking. This habit undermines your chances for success in anything you start. It inhibits personal growth and makes you unhappy. You need to act as soon as possible!

The good news is that you can stop this habit. We’ll list 5 simple ways that will help you change the pattern.

1. Mindfulness: Identify the Negative Thinking

Before you can stop a negative thought, you need to catch it. Becoming conscious about every single thought that crosses your mind is the first part of the remedy.

Brian Redford, a team leader from EssayOnTime, shares his experience: “I thought mindfulness was just a cliché. I kept hearing about it, but no one explained it in depth. I did something I never expected to do: I took an online course on mindfulness and it helped me understand the concept. I realized something interesting: I’d always been a negative thinker and I didn’t even know it. Once I started observing my thoughts and actions, I was able to distinguish right from wrong and navigate my own thoughts in the right direction.”

Negative self-talk, jealousy, anger, resentment, pride… those are the negative thoughts and feelings you need to identify. Then, you can act towards improvement.

2. When You Identify a Negative Thought, Change It With a Positive One

This is a weird trick, but it works. Let’s say you catch this thought crossing your mind: “My hair is a disaster today. It makes me feel so unconfident.” That’s a banal thought, but it can really ruin your day.

You can change it with: “I don’t like how my hair looks. It’s time for a new cut and good products.” With this thought, you’re not lying to yourself. You’re not saying “Oh, my hair looks so beautiful” when it doesn’t. You’re confirming the fact, but you’re shifting it with a positive thought that makes you feel good. Suddenly, you get excited about the hairdresser appointment and the products you’re going to buy.

When you turn this practice into a habit, you’ll change the overall negative thinking patterns of your mind.

3. Don’t Stop Them. Let Them Go!

Suppressing negative thoughts and emotions can lead to a disaster. In fact, you need those negative thoughts because they warn you when something is not going well. You have to stop them from going too far, but it’s not okay to suppress them for good.

For example, let’s say you start thinking negative things about your partner. You’re jealous, unhappy, and overly-criticizing. That tells you something is wrong with the relationship. You need to work on the aspects that don’t work… or put an end on something that’s not working at all. If you keep suppressing those thoughts and convincing yourself that you’re fine and no one else could love you – now that’s real negative thinking.

When you recognize the negative thoughts, observe them without analyzing them. It’s a technique known as detachment. Sit and meditate. Do not cause any thoughts on purpose and do not stop the ones that appear. Don’t get attached to any thought. It’s like observing a river that flows. This technique helps you let go. It leaves you with a sense of understanding. You’ll realize where it’s all coming from and you’ll know how to act. It takes time and practice before you master it, but you’ll get there.

4. Stop Rushing through Life. Start Appreciating Everything!

What’s the best remedy against negative thinking? Positive thinking. The answer is so simple, it’s a wonder how we’re not doing the obvious thing to do. Whenever you’re feeling so bad that you can’t find any positive thought in your mind, it’s time to stop and look around.

Do not rush through your daily responsibilities thinking that’s the way to get your mind out of the bad stuff. Take a deep breath. Look at a tree, a familiar face, a favorite item in your home… appreciate everything! When you build this kind of immunity against negative states of being, you won’t let the bad thoughts drive you through a downward spiral. Stop, breathe, and remind yourself of the good things you have.

5. Stop Imposing Expectations on Yourself

When others expect too much of you, you’re under a huge pressure. If you don’t meet those expectations, you feel you disappointed them. There’s something even worse: imposing your own expectations. When you constantly strive for perfect results, you’re never happy.

These are the thoughts that ruin your mood: “I am so lame. How could I do this? Why can’t I be better? Why can’t I be like him/her? Why do I mess up everything?

Do yourself a favor and stop that! Yes, goals are good. You should always set goals. However, you shouldn’t be a perfectionist. Do not blame yourself for the mistakes you make; learn from them. Every failure is a lesson that can make you a better achiever in future.

Here’s another cliché for you: don’t focus on the destination so much that you lose the joy of the journey. When you appreciate the journey, every single lesson counts. It makes you grow. That’s a positive thought that can push you forward!


Brenda Savoie is a life coach, private English tutor, and desperate dreamer. Writing her first romantic novel. Seeking contentment through mindfulness. Check her last article “Who Invented Homework?and Why?

Find her on Twitter and Facebook

Positive Words Research – 5 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking

4 Feelings Which Prevent You to Start a New Positive Life

All people in the world have one common goal in life – achieving true happiness. The main factor that holds us back from leaving a positive life and achieving cherished dreams is, simply and solely, our own selves.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, we allow feelings of regret, frustration, and shame to form our actions in the present and have a huge influence on our future. We put limitations on ourselves worrying about everything and holding stress in our minds. Trying not to give serious thought to our emotions, we replay past experiences and mistakes in the head over and over again. After a while, we begin to accept this state of permanent tensions as the norm. As a result, it leads to serious health problems and even panic attacks.

When your positive emotions are tied to all circumstances in your life, this is no way to live. In fact, there are so many ways we can alleviate negative feelings. Once you no longer let them guide you, you discover the flows of natural calmness inside. There is an unchangeable truth – life driven by feelings won’t make you happy. Let’s shine the spotlight on some feelings you need to let go of in order to start a completely new positive life and become a happier person.

4 Feelings Which Prevents You to Start a Completely New Positive Life

Anger and Bitterness

Did you know that these feelings can eat you from the inside? Making peace with someone who has hurt you is not only about forgiving the other person. First of all, it’s all about letting it go and relieving the pain in your heart.

If you hide your anger deep inside, sooner or later it will leak out and affect people around you (and not just an individual who offended you). Remember that the one who angers you controls you. If possible, express your pain to the cause of your upset. This may help you move on without holding onto bitterness.


What you send to the universe comes back to you, right? So why don’t you change the way you think? Honestly speaking, we all have been there. Sometimes life knocks us down, and we begin to feel disappointment in everything.

Negative thoughts may cause overthinking which in its turn makes any problem bigger than it is. Thus, you center around a glass half empty then rather half full. You have to choose whether continue to feel bad about everything around you or take responsibility for your own happiness. Believe that there are so many things to be grateful for. Decide to appreciate them, around yourself with positive-minded people, and you’ll see there is nothing impossible for a positive thinker.


People full of happiness tend to accept who they are, radiate confidence, and don’t look back. Spending too much time in the past and reflecting upon old mistakes leads to new failures over and over again. On the other side, thinking too much about the future evokes monsters and worries in your mind.

There is no need to be insecure in life. If there is something that makes you feel concerned about, go out of your comfort zone and strive to change it. Focus on things that are going on around you at this moment, because only you have the power to create a better version of yourself.


People who show jealous of other’s success can’t live a happy positive life. True freedom comes when you appreciate what you have and feel no envy at others. Every person is unique. So if someone has something you want, don’t be jealous. Instead of getting offensive, set your own goals and do your best to achieve them.

Jealous can steal your happiness and bring negativity into your life. Don’t waste your precious time looking at others. Your days will be much better if you can overcome this creepy feeling.

Conclusion – Positive Life

Life will never be plain sailing without challenges. There will always be dark hours as well as times of joy and pure happiness. But what the most important thing to remember is that even in the pitch darkness you can always find sources of blessing. The only thing you have to do to live a full positive life is to stop being a slave to your feelings.

4 feelings to give up for a positive life

About the Author:

Veronica Hunt

Veronica Hunt is an edtech expert and an experienced content marketer from Philadelphia, PA. As a blogger, she sees her purpose in providing her readers with up-to-date info in the spheres of marketing, entrepreneurship, and psychology. Currently, works for Aplusonly as a content manager. Apart from work, she adores traveling and yoga. Follow @VeronicaHuntt on Twitter or find her on Facebook.

Negative Feelings and Emotions: Causes, Effects, and Coping Strategies

Explore the world of negative feelings and emotions, understand their underlying causes, and discover effective coping strategies to improve your mental well-being. This comprehensive guide sheds light on managing and overcoming the challenges posed by negative emotions. In the intricate tapestry of human existence, emotions are the vivid threads that weave together the fabric of our daily lives. While joy, love, and contentment light up our world, there’s another spectrum of emotions that cast shadows upon our emotional landscape – the realm of negative feelings and emotions.

In this article, we embark on a journey to delve deep into the realm of “Negative Feelings and Emotions: Causes, Effects, and Coping Strategies.” It is a journey through the human experience, a journey to comprehend the origins of these emotions, the profound effects they have on our mental and physical well-being, and most importantly, the strategies we can employ to navigate these emotional challenges.

Understanding the Complex World of Negative Feelings and Emotions

Our exploration will take us through the intricate web of human psychology and neurobiology, shedding light on the reasons behind the emergence of negative feelings. We will unravel the intricate interplay between thoughts, emotions, and actions, aiming to decipher the complexities of this emotional spectrum.

Furthermore, we will navigate the profound impact that these negative emotions can exert on our lives, from strained relationships and diminished self-esteem to their potential to manifest as physical ailments. It is essential to recognize the far-reaching consequences of these emotions, as understanding their effects is the first step towards mitigating their influence. However, this journey is not meant to dwell solely on the shadows but to illuminate the path towards emotional resilience. We will explore a plethora of coping strategies and techniques that can empower individuals to confront and conquer negative feelings and emotions. From mindfulness practices to therapeutic interventions, we will provide insights into the tools available to build emotional strength and achieve a healthier, more balanced emotional life.

Ultimately, our goal is to equip you with knowledge and resources that will enable you to navigate the complexities of negative emotions, transforming them from adversaries into allies on your journey toward emotional well-being and personal growth. Negative emotions encompass a broad spectrum of feelings that are often characterized by their adverse impact on our mental and emotional state. These emotions can include sadness, anger, fear, guilt, shame, jealousy, and more. They are a natural part of the human experience and serve essential functions, such as alerting us to potential threats, signaling unmet needs, or prompting self-reflection. However, when these negative emotions become chronic or overwhelming, they can lead to detrimental effects on our overall well-being.

Causes of Negative Feelings and Emotions

Negative emotions can have various causes, including:

  1. Personal Experiences: Traumatic events, disappointments, or unresolved issues from the past can trigger negative emotions.
  2. Cognitive Patterns: Negative thought patterns, such as catastrophizing or rumination, can contribute to the development and persistence of negative emotions.
  3. Biological Factors: Imbalances in brain chemistry or hormonal fluctuations can influence our emotional state.
  4. External Stressors: Environmental factors, such as work-related stress, financial difficulties, or relationship conflicts, can lead to negative emotions.

Effects of Negative Feelings and Emotions

Understanding the effects of negative emotions is crucial for addressing them effectively. These effects can manifest in various aspects of our lives:

  1. Mental Health: Chronic negative emotions can contribute to conditions like anxiety and depression, affecting cognitive function and decision-making.
  2. Physical Health: Prolonged stress from negative emotions can lead to physical health issues, including cardiovascular problems, weakened immune function, and digestive disorders.
  3. Relationships: Negative emotions can strain relationships, as they may lead to conflict, communication breakdowns, and emotional distance.
  4. Self-Esteem: Consistent negative self-talk and self-criticism can erode self-esteem and self-worth.

Coping Strategies for Negative Feelings and Emotions

Coping with negative emotions is essential for maintaining emotional well-being. Here are some effective strategies to consider:

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: These practices can help you become more aware of your emotions and develop healthier ways to respond to them.
  2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a therapeutic approach that can help you identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors.
  3. Expressive Writing: Keeping a journal to express your emotions and thoughts can be a therapeutic outlet.
  4. Social Support: Talking to trusted friends, family members, or a therapist can provide emotional support and perspective.
  5. Physical Activity: Regular exercise releases endorphins, which can improve mood and reduce the impact of negative emotions.
  6. Self-Compassion: Practicing self-compassion involves treating yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a friend.

Examples of negative feelings and emotions

Find here a list of negative feelings and emotions that start with every letter of the alphabet. The negative emotions are arranged from A to Z, in alphabetical order. Negative emotions are described as any feelings that cause you to feel miserable and sad. These emotions can make you dislike yourself, others, and life in general. They can erode your confidence and cloud your mind. Over extended periods, negative emotions can even have adverse effects on your physical health. Emotions that can turn negative include hate, anger, jealousy, and sadness. Nevertheless, in the right context and for short periods of time, these feelings are completely natural. Here are some of the most significant negative emotions, but for a broader range of negative emotions, refer to the list of negative words.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with A: A Sense Of Loss,   Abominable,   Aching, Afflicted,   Afraid,   Aggressive,   Agonized,   Alarmed,   Alienated,   Alone,   Angry,   Anguish,  Annoyed,   Anxious,   Appalled,   Ashamed, Abnormal.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with B: Bad,   Bitter,   Boiling,   Bored, Betrayed.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with C:  Cold,   Cowardly,   Cross,   Crushed, Complaining, Cheated, Confused, Crappy.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with D: Dejected,   Depressed,   Deprived, Desolate,   Despair,   Desperate, Despicable,   Detestable,   Diminished, Disappointed,   Discouraged, Disgusting, Disillusioned, Disinterested, Dismayed, Dissatisfied, Distressed, Distrustful, Dominated, Doubtful, Doubtful, Dull.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with E: Embarrassed, Empty, Enraged, Evil, Excluded, Exiled.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with F: Fatigued, Fearful, Forced, Frightened, Frustrated, Fuming.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with G: Grief, Grieved, Guilty.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with H: Hateful, Heartbroken, Helpless, Hesitant, Hesitant, Hostile, Humiliated, Hurt.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with I: In A Stew, In Despair, Incapable, Incensed, Indecisive, Indifferent, Indignant, Inferior, Inflamed, Infuriated, Injured, Insensitive, Insulting, Irritated.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with L: Lifeless, Lonely, Lost, Lousy, Liar, Lame, Livid.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with M: Menaced, Miserable, Misgiving, Mournful, Misunderstood, Manipulated.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with N: Nervous, Neutral, Nonchalant, Negated.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with O: Offended, Offensive, Objected, Overwhelmed, Obstructed.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with P letter: Pained, Pained, Panic, Paralyzed, Pathetic, Perplexed, Pessimistic, Pessimistic, Powerless, Preoccupied, Provoked.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with Q: Quaking, Questioned.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with R: Rejected, Repugnant, Resentful, Reserved, Restless.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with S: Sad, Scared, Shaky, Shy, Skeptical, Sore, Sorrowful, Stupefied, Sulky, Suspicious.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with T: Tearful, Tense, Terrible, Terrified, Threatened, Timid, Tormented, Tortured, Tragic.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with U: Unbelieving, Uncertain, Uneasy, Unhappy, Unpleasant, Unsure, Upset, Useless, Unloved, Unimportant, Unconnected.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with V: Victimized.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with W: Worthless, Worthiness, Wary, Weary, Woeful, Worked Up, Worried, Wronged.

In conclusion, negative feelings and emotions are an inherent part of the human experience. Understanding their causes, effects, and employing effective coping strategies is essential for maintaining emotional balance and well-being. By developing emotional resilience and addressing negative emotions constructively, individuals can lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. Remember that seeking professional help when needed is a crucial step towards managing and overcoming persistent negative emotions.

If you are looking for more negative words check out the list of negative words that start with letters from A to Z in alphabetical order. After going through this list, check out also our amazing list of positive words.

negative emotions negative words

List of Negative Words That Start With A to Z – Negative Vocabulary

Discover a comprehensive list of negative words from A to Z, explore their meanings, and gain insights into the power of language. Learn how to recognize and minimize negativity for a more positive and constructive communication.

Find below the list of negative words that start with letters from A to Z in alphabetical order and in English. These negative words represent the negative vocabulary of someone, negative words to describe someone, negative feelings, and negative emotions. Use this article to be aware of the negative words and to decide not to use them and also teach others not to use these words. Words hurt! Be kind! This research is useful for people having various projects that require them to know: sad words that start with, degrading words list, list of hurtful words, depressing words, bad words that start with, words negative, insults that start with, mean words that start with, hate words list, negative nouns, negative adjectives.

Negative words that start with A – negative feelings

abnormal,    abolish,    abominable,    abominably,    abominate,    abomination,    abort,    aborted,    aborts,    abrade,    abrasive,    abrupt,    abruptly,    abscond,    absence,    absent-minded,    absentee,    absurd,    absurdity,    absurdly,    absurdness,    abuse,    abused,    abuses,    abusive,    abysmal,    abysmally,    abyss,    accidental,    accost,    accursed,    accusation,    accusations,    accuse,    accuses,    accusing,    accusingly,    acerbate,    acerbic,    acerbically,    ache,    ached,    aches,    aching,    acrid,    acridly,    acridness,    acrimonious,    acrimoniously,    acrimony,    adamant,    adamantly,    addict,    addicted,    addicting,    addicts,    admonish,    admonisher,    admonishingly,    admonishment,    admonition,    adulterate,    adulterated,    adulteration,    adversarial,    adversary,    adverse,    adversity,    afflict,    affliction,    afflictive,    affront,    afraid,    aggravate,    aggravating,    aggravation,    aggression,    aggressive,    aggressiveness,    aggressor,    aggrieve,    aggrieved,    aghast,    agonies,    agonize,    agonizing,    agonizingly,    agony,    aground,    ail,    ailing,    ailment,    aimless,    alarm,    alarmed,    alarming,    alarmingly,    alienate,    alienated,    alienation,    allegation,    allegations,    allege,    allergic,    allergies,    allergy,    aloof,    altercation,    ambiguity,    ambiguous,    ambivalence,    ambivalent,    ambush,    amiss,    amputate,    anarchism,    anarchist,    anarchistic,    anarchy,    anemic,    anger,    angrily,    angriness,    angry,    anguish,    animosity,    annihilate,    annihilation,    annoy,    annoyance,    annoyances,    annoyed,    annoying,    annoyingly,    annoys,    anomalous,    anomaly,    antagonism,    antagonist,    antagonistic,    antagonize,    anti-,    anti-occupation,    anti-proliferation,    anti-social,    anti-us,    anti-white,    antipathy,    antiquated,    antithetical,    anxieties,    anxiety,    anxious,    anxiously,    anxiousness,    apathetic,    apathetically,    apathy,    apocalypse,    apocalyptic,    apologist,    apologists,    appall,    appalled,    appalling,    appallingly,    apprehension,    apprehensions,    apprehensive,    apprehensively,    arbitrary,    arcane,    archaic,    arduous,    arduously,    argumentative,    arrogance,    arrogant,    arrogantly,    ashamed,    asinine,    asininely,    askance,    asperse,    aspersion,    aspersions,    assail,    assassin,    assassinate,    assault,    astray,    asunder,    atrocious,    atrocities,    atrocity,    atrophy,    attack,    attacks,    audacious,    audaciously,    audaciousness,    audacity,    austere,    authoritarian,    autocrat,    autocratic,    avalanche,    avarice,    avaricious,    avariciously,    avenge,    averse,    aversion,       awful,    awfully,    awfulness,    awkward,    awkwardness,    ax

Negative words that start with B – negative feelings

babble,    back-logged,    back-wood,    back-woods,    backache,    backaches,     backbite,    backbiting,    backward,    backwardness,       backwoods,    bad,    badly,    baffle,    baffled,    bafflement,    baffling,    bait,    balk,    banal,    bane,    banish,    banishment,    bankrupt,    barbarian,    barbaric,    barbarically,    barbarity,    barbarous,    barbarously,    barren,    baseless,    bash,    bashed,    bashful,    bashing,    battered,    battering,    batty,    bearish,    beastly,    bedlam,    bedlamite,    befoul,    beg,    beggar,    beggarly,    begging,    beguile,    belabor,    belated,    beleaguer,    belie,    belittle,    belittled,    belittling,    bellicose,    belligerence,    belligerent,    belligerently,    bemoan,    bemoaning,    bemused,    bent,    berate,    bereave,    bereavement,    bereft,    berserk,    beseech,    beset,    besiege,    besmirch,    betray,    betrayal,    betrayals,    betrayer,    betraying,    betrays,    bewail,    beware,    bewilder,    bewildered,    bewildering,    bewilderingly,    bewilderment,    bewitch,    bias,    biased,    biases,    bicker,    bickering,    bid-rigging,    bigotries,    bigotry,    biting,    bitingly,    bitter,    bitterly,    bitterness,    bizarre,    blab,    blabber,    blackmail,    blah,    blame,    blameworthy,    bland,    blandish,    blaspheme,    blasphemous,    blasphemy,    blasted,    blatant,    blatantly,    blather,    bleak,    bleakly,    bleakness,    bleed,    bleeding,    bleeds,    blemish,    blind,    blinding,    blindingly,    blindside,    blister,    blistering,    bloated,    blockage,    blockhead,    bloodshed,    bloodthirsty,    bloody,    blotchy,    blow,    blunder,    blundering,    blunders,    blunt,    blur,    blurred,    blurring,    blurry,    blurs,    blurt,    boastful,    boggle,    bogus,    boil,    boiling,    boisterous,    bomb,    bombard,    bombardment,    bombastic,    bondage,    bonkers,    bore,    bored,    boredom,    bores,    boring,    botch,    bother,    bothered,    bothering,    bothers,    bothersome,    bowdlerize,    boycott,    braggart,    bragger,    brainless,    brainwash,    brash,    brashly,    brashness,    brat,    bravado,    brazen,    brazenly,    brazenness,    breach,    break,    break-up,    break-ups,    breakdown,    breaking,    breaks,    breakup,    breakups,    bribery,    brimstone,    bristle,    brittle,    broke,    broken,    broken-hearted,    brood,    browbeat,    bruise,    bruised,    bruises,    bruising,    brusque,    brutal,    brutalities,    brutality,    brutalize,    brutalizing,    brutally,    brute,    brutish,    buckle,    bug,    bugging,    buggy,    bugs,    bulkier,    bulkiness,    bulky,        bull****,    bull—-,    bullies,    bulls..t,    bully,    bullying,    bullyingly,    bum,    bump,    bumped,    bumping,    bumps,    bumpy,    bungle,    bungler,    bungling,    bunk,    burden,    burdensome,    burdensomely,    burn,    burned,    burning,    burns,    bust,    busts,    busybody,    butcher,    butchery,    buzzing,    byzantine

Negative words that start with C – negative feelings

cackle,    calamities,    calamitous,    calamitously,    calamity,    callous,    calumniate,    calumniation,    calumnies,    calumnious,    calumniously,    calumny,    cancer,    cancerous,    cannibal,    cannibalize,    capitulate,    capricious,    capriciously,    capriciousness,    capsize,    careless,    carelessness,    caricature,    carnage,    carp,    cartoonish,    cash-strapped,    castigate,    castrated,    casualty,    cataclysm,    cataclysmal,    cataclysmic,    cataclysmically,    catastrophe,    catastrophes,    catastrophic,    catastrophically,        caustic,    caustically,    cautionary,    cave,    censure,    chafe,    chaff,    chagrin,    challenging,    chaos,    chaotic,    chasten,    chastise,    chastisement,    chatter,    chatterbox,    cheap,    cheapen,    cheaply,    cheat,    cheated,    cheater,    cheating,    cheats,    checkered,    cheerless,    cheesy,    chide,    childish,    chill,    chilly,    chintzy,    choke,    choleric,    choppy,    chore,    chronic,    chunky,    clamor,    clamorous,    clash,    clique,    clog,    clogged,    clogs,    cloud,    clouding,    cloudy,    clueless,    clumsy,    clunky,    coarse,    cocky,    coerce,    coercion,    coercive,    cold,    coldly,    collapse,    collude,    collusion,    combative,    combust,    comical,    commiserate,    commonplace,    commotion,    commotions,    complacent,    complain,    complained,    complaining,    complains,    complaint,    complaints,    complex,    complicated,    complication,    complicit,    compulsion,    compulsive,    concede,    conceded,    conceit,    conceited,        concern,    concerned,    concerns,    concession,    concessions,    condemn,    condemnable,    condemnation,    condemned,    condemns,    condescend,    condescending,    condescendingly,    condescension,    confess,    confession,    confessions,    confined,    conflict,    conflicted,    conflicting,    conflicts,    confound,    confounded,    confounding,    confront,    confrontation,    confrontational,    confuse,    confused,    confuses,    confusing,    confusion,    confusions,    congested,    congestion,    cons,    conservative,    conspicuous,    conspicuously,    conspiracies,    conspiracy,    conspirator,    conspiratorial,    conspire,    consternation,    contagious,    contaminate,    contaminated,    contaminates,    contaminating,    contamination,    contempt,    contemptible,    contemptuous,    contemptuously,    contend,    contention,    contentious,    contort,    contortions,    contradict,    contradiction,    contradictory,    contrariness,    contravene,    contrive,    contrived,    controversial,    controversy,    convoluted,    corrode,    corrosion,    corrosions,    corrosive,    corrupt,    corrupted,    corrupting,    corruption,    corrupts,    costlier,    costly,    counter-productive,    counterproductive,    covetous,    coward,    cowardly,    crabby,    crack,    cracked,    cracks,    craftily,       crafty,    cramp,    cramped,    cramping,    cranky,    crap,    crappy,    craps,    crash,    crashed,    crashes,    crashing,    crass,    craven,    cravenly,    craze,    crazily,    craziness,    crazy,    creak,    creaking,    creaks,    credulous,    creep,    creeping,    creeps,    creepy,    crept,    crime,    criminal,    cringe,    cringed,    cringes,    cripple,    crippled,    cripples,    crippling,    crisis,    critic,    critical,    criticism,    criticisms,    criticize,    criticized,    criticizing,    critics,    cronyism,    crook,    crooked,    crooks,    crowded,    crowdedness,    crude,    cruel,    crueler,    cruelest,    cruelly,    cruelness,    cruelties,    cruelty,    crumble,    crumbling,    crummy,    crumple,    crumpled,    crumples,    crush,    crushed,    crushing,    cry,    culpable,    culprit,    cumbersome,    curse,    cursed,    curses,    curt,    cuss,    cussed,    cutthroat,    cynical,    cynicism

Negative words that start with D – negative feelings

damage,    damaged,    damages,    damaging,    damn,    damnable,    damnably,    damnation,    damned,    damning,    damper,    danger,    dangerous,    dangerousness,    dark,    darken,    darkened,    darker,    darkness,    dastard,    dastardly,    daunt,    daunting,    dauntingly,    dawdle,    daze,    dazed,    dead,    deadbeat,    deadlock,    deadly,    deadweight,    deaf,    dearth,    death,    debacle,    debase,    debasement,    debaser,    debatable,    debauch,    debaucher,    debauchery,    debilitate,    debilitating,    debility,    debt,    debts,    decadence,    decadent,    decay,    decayed,    deceit,    deceitful,    deceitfully,    deceitfulness,    deceive,    deceiver,    deceivers,    deceiving,    deception,    deceptive,    deceptively,    declaim,    decline,    declines,    declining,    decrement,    decrepit,    decrepitude,    decry,    defamation,    defamations,    defamatory,    defame,    defect,    defective,    defects,    defensive,    defiance,    defiant,    defiantly,    deficiencies,    deficiency,    deficient,    defile,    defiler,    deform,    deformed,    defrauding,    defunct,    defy,    degenerate,    degenerately,    degeneration,    degradation,    degrade,    degrading,    degradingly,    dehumanization,    dehumanize,    deign,    deject,    dejected,    dejectedly,    dejection,    delay,    delayed,    delaying,    delays,    delinquency,    delinquent,    delirious,    delirium,    delude,    deluded,    deluge,    delusion,    delusional,    delusions,    demean,    demeaning,    demise,    demolish,    demolisher,    demon,    demonic,    demonize,    demonized,    demonizes,    demonizing,    demoralize,    demoralizing,    demoralizingly,    denial,    denied,    denies,    denigrate,    denounce,    dense,    dent,    dented,    dents,    denunciate,    denunciation,    denunciations,    deny,    denying,    deplete,    deplorable,    deplorably,    deplore,    deploring,    deploringly,    deprave,    depraved,    depravedly,    deprecate,    depress,    depressed,    depressing,    depressingly,    depression,    depressions,    deprive,    deprived,    deride,    derision,    derisive,    derisively,    derisiveness,    derogatory,    desecrate,    desert,    desertion,    desiccate,    desiccated,    desolate,    desolately,    desolation,    despair,    despairing,    despairingly,    desperate,    desperately,    desperation,    despicable,    despicably,    despise,    despised,    despoil,    despoiler,    despondence,    despondency,    despondent,    despondently,    despot,    despotic,    despotism,    destitute,    destitution,    destroy,    destroyer,    destruction,    destructive,    desultory,    deter,    deteriorate,    deteriorating,    deterioration,    deterrent,    detest,    detestable,    detestably,    detested,    detesting,    detests,    detract,    detracted,    detracting,    detraction,    detracts,    detriment,    detrimental,    devastate,    devastated,    devastates,    devastating,    devastatingly,    devastation,    deviate,    deviation,    devil,    devilish,    devilishly,    devilment,    devilry,    devious,    deviously,    deviousness,    devoid,    diabolic,    diabolical,    diabolically,    diametrically,    diatribe,    diatribes,    dick,    dictator,    dictatorial,    die,    die-hard,    died,    dies,    difficult,    difficulties,    difficulty,    diffidence,    dilapidated,    dilemma,    dilly-dally,    dim,    dimmer,    ding,    dings,    dinky,    dire,    direly,    direness,    dirt,    dirty,    disable,    disabled,    disaccord,    disadvantage,    disadvantaged,    disadvantageous,    disadvantages,    disaffect,    disaffected,    disaffirm,    disagree,    disagreeable,    disagreeably,    disagreed,    disagreeing,    disagreement,    disagrees,    disallow,    disappoint,    disappointed,    disappointing,    disappointingly,    disappointment,    disappointments,    disappoints,    disapprobation,    disapproval,    disapprove,    disapproving,    disarm,    disarray,    disaster,    disastrous,    disastrously,    disavow,    disavowal,    disbelief,    disbelieve,    disbeliever,    disclaim,    discombobulate,    discomfit,       discomfort,    discompose,    disconcert,    disconcerted,    disconcerting,    disconcertingly,    disconsolate,    disconsolately,    disconsolation,    discontent,    discontented,    discontentedly,    discontinued,    discontinuity,    discontinuous,    discord,    discordance,    discordant,    discountenance,    discourage,    discouragement,    discouraging,    discouragingly,    discourteous,    discourteously,    discredit,    discrepant,    discriminate,    discrimination,    discriminatory,    disdain,    disdained,    disdainful,    disdainfully,    disfavor,    disgrace,    disgraced,    disgraceful,    disgracefully,    disgruntle,    disgruntled,    disgust,    disgusted,    disgustedly,    disgustful,    disgustfully,    disgusting,    disgustingly,    dishearten,    disheartening,    dishearteningly,    dishonest,    dishonestly,    dishonesty,    dishonor,    dishonorable,    disillusion,    disillusioned,    disillusionment,    disillusions,    disinclination,    disinclined,    disingenuous,    disingenuously,    disintegrate,    disintegrated,    disintegrates,    disintegration,    disinterest,    disinterested,    dislike,    disliked,    dislikes,    disliking,    dislocated,    disloyal,    disloyalty,    dismal,    dismally,    dismalness,    dismay,    dismayed,    dismaying,    dismayingly,    dismissive,    dismissively,    disobedience,    disobedient,    disobey,    disorder,    disordered,    disorderly,    disorganized,    disorient,    disoriented,    disown,    disparage,    disparaging,    disparagingly,    dispensable,    dispirit,    dispirited,    dispiritedly,    dispiriting,    displace,    displaced,    displease,    displeased,    displeasing,    displeasure,    disproportionate,    disprove,    disputable,    dispute,    disputed,    disquiet,    disquieting,    disquietingly,    disquietude,    disregard,    disregardful,    disreputable,    disrepute,    disrespect,    disrespectable,    disrespectful,    disrespectfully,    disrespectfulness,    disrespecting,    disrupt,    disruption,    disruptive,    dissatisfaction,    dissatisfactory,    dissatisfied,    dissatisfies,    dissatisfy,    dissatisfying,    dissed,    dissemble,    dissembler,    dissension,    dissent,    dissenter,    dissention,    disservice,    disses,    dissidence,    dissident,    dissidents,    dissing,    dissocial,    dissolute,    dissolution,    dissonance,    dissonant,    dissonantly,    dissuade,    dissuasive,    distains,    distaste,    distasteful,    distastefully,    distort,    distorted,    distortion,    distorts,    distract,    distracting,    distraction,    distraught,    distraughtly,    distress,    distressed,    distressing,    distressingly,    distrust,    distrustful,    distrusting,    disturb,    disturbance,    disturbed,    disturbing,    disturbingly,    disunity,    disvalue,    divergent,    divisive,    divisively,    divisiveness,    dizzy,    doddering,    dogged,    doggedly,    dogmatic,    doldrums,    domineer,    domineering,    doom,    doomed,    doomsday,    dope,    doubt,    doubtful,    doubtfully,    doubts,    douchebag,    douchebags,    downbeat,    downcast,    downer,    downfall,    downfallen,    downgrade,    downhearted,    downheartedly,    downhill,    downside,    downsides,    downturn,    downturns,    drab,    draconian,    draconic,    drag,    dragged,    dragging,    dragoon,    drags,    drain,    drained,    draining,    drains,    drastic,    drastically,    drawback,    drawbacks,    dread,    dreadful,    dreadfully,    dreadfulness,    dreary,    dripped,    dripping,    drippy,    drips,    drones,    droop,    droops,    drop-out,    drop-outs,    dropout,    dropouts,    drought,    drowning,    drunk,    drunkard,    drunken,    dubious,    dubiously,    dubitable,    dud,    dull,    dullard,    dumb,    dumbfound,    dump,    dumped,    dumping,    dumps,    dunce,    dungeon,    dungeons,    dupe,    dust,    dusty,    dwindling,    dying

Negative words that start with E – negative feelings

earsplitting,    eccentric,    eccentricity,    effigy,    effrontery,    egocentric,    egomania,    egotism,    egotistical,    egotistically,    egregious,    egregiously,    election-rigger,    elimination,    emaciated,    emasculate,    embarrass,    embarrassing,    embarrassingly,    embarrassment,    embattled,    embroil,    embroiled,    embroilment,    emergency,    emphatic,    emphatically,    emptiness,    encroach,    encroachment,    endanger,    enemies,    enemy,    enervate,    enfeeble,    enflame,    engulf,    enjoin,    enmity,    enrage,    enraged,    enraging,    enslave,    entangle,    entanglement,    entrap,    entrapment,    envious,    enviously,    enviousness,    epidemic,    equivocal,    erase,    erode,    erodes,    erosion,    err,    errant,    erratic,    erratically,    erroneous,    erroneously,    error,    errors,    eruptions,    escapade,    eschew,    estranged,    evade,    evasion,    evasive,    evil,    evildoer,    evils,    eviscerate,    exacerbate,    exaggerate,    exaggeration,    exasperate,    exasperated,    exasperating,    exasperatingly,    exasperation,    excessive,    excessively,    exclusion,    excoriate,    excruciating,    excruciatingly,    excuse,    excuses,    execrate,    exhaust,    exhausted,    exhaustion,    exhausts,       exhort,    exile,    exorbitant,    exorbitantly,    expel,    expensive,    expire,    expired,    explode,    exploit,    exploitation,    explosive,    expropriate,    expropriation,    expulse,    expunge,    exterminate,    extermination,    extinguish,    extort,    extortion,    extraneous,    extravagance,    extravagant,    extravagantly,    extremism,    extremist,    extremists,    eyesore

Negative words that start with F – negative feelings

f**k,    fabricate,    fabrication,    facetious,    facetiously,    fail,    failed,    failing,    fails,    failure,    failures,    faint,    fainthearted,    faithless,    fake,    fall,    fallacies,    fallacious,    fallaciously,    fallaciousness,    fallacy,    fallen,    falling,    fallout,    falls,    FALSE,    falsehood,    falsely,    falsify,    falter,    faltered,    famine,    famished,    fanatic,    fanatical,    fanatically,    fanaticism,    fanatics,    fanciful,    far-fetched,    farce,    farcical,    farcical-yet-provocative,    farcically,    farfetched,    fascism,    fascist,    fastidious,    fastidiously,    fat,    fat-cat,    fat-cats,    fatal,    fatalistic,    fatalistically,    fatally,    fateful,    fatefully,    fathomless,    fatigue,    fatigued,    fatty,    fatuity,    fatuous,    fatuously,    fault,    faults,    faulty,    fawningly,    faze,    fear,    fearful,    fearfully,    fears,    fearsome,    feckless,    feeble,    feebleminded,    feign,    feint,    fell,    felon,    felonious,    ferociously,    ferocity,    fetid,    fever,    feverish,    fevers,    fiasco,    fib,    fibber,    fickle,    fiction,    fictional,    fictitious,    fidget,    fidgety,    fiend,    fiendish,    fierce,    figurehead,    filth,    filthy,    finagle,    finicky,    fissures,    fist,    flabbergast,    flabbergasted,    flagging,    flagrant,    flagrantly,    flair,    flairs,    flak,    flake,    flakey,    flaking,    flaky,    flare,    flares,    flat-out,    flaunt,    flaw,    flawed,    flaws,    flee,    fleeing,    fleer,    flees,    fleeting,    flicker,    flickering,    flickers,    flighty,    flimflam,    flimsy,    flirt,    flirty,    floored,    flounder,    floundering,    flout,    fluster,    foe,    fool,    fooled,    foolhardy,    foolish,    foolishly,    foolishness,    forbid,    forbidden,    forbidding,    forceful,    foreboding,    forebodingly,    forfeit,    forged,    forgetful,    forgetfully,    forgetfulness,    forlorn,    forlornly,    forsake,    forsaken,    forswear,    foul,    foully,    foulness,    fractious,    fractiously,    fracture,    fragile,    fragmented,    frail,    frantic,    frantically,    franticly,    fraud,    fraudulent,    fraught,    frazzle,    frazzled,    freak,    freaking,    freakish,    freakishly,    freaks,    freeze,    freezes,    freezing,    frenetic,    frenetically,    frenzied,    frenzy,    fret,    fretful,    frets,    friction,    frictions,    fried,    frigging,    fright,    frighten,    frightening,    frighteningly,    frightful,    frightfully,    frigid,    frost,    frown,    froze,    frozen,    fruitless,    fruitlessly,    frustrate,    frustrated,    frustrates,    frustrating,    frustratingly,    frustration,    frustrations,    f”ck,    f”cking,    fudge,    fugitive,    full-blown,    fulminate,    fumble,    fume,    fumes,    fundamentalism,    funky,    funnily,    funny,    furious,    furiously,    furor,    fury,    fuss,    fussy,    fustigate,    fusty,    futile,    futilely,    futility,    fuzzy

Negative words that start with G – negative feelings

gabble,    gaff,    gaffe,    gainsay,    gainsayer,    gall,    galling,    gallingly,    galls,    gangster,    gape,    garbage,    garish,    gasp,    gauche,    gaudy,    gawk,    gawky,    geezer,    genocide,    get-rich,    ghastly,    ghetto,    ghosting,    gibber,    gibberish,    gibe,    giddy,    gimmick,    gimmicked,    gimmicking,    gimmicks,    gimmicky,    glare,    glaringly,    glib,    glibly,    glitch,    glitches,    gloatingly,    gloom,    gloomy,    glower,    glum,    glut,    gnawing,    goad,    goading,    god-awful,    goof,    goofy,    goon,    gossip,    graceless,    gracelessly,    graft,    grainy,    grapple,    grate,    grating,    gravely,    greasy,    greed,    greedy,    grief,    grievance,    grievances,    grieve,    grieving,    grievous,    grievously,    grim,    grimace,    grind,    gripe,    gripes,    grisly,    gritty,    gross,    grossly,    grotesque,    grouch,    grouchy,    groundless,    grouse,    growl,    grudge,    grudges,    grudging,    grudgingly,    gruesome,    gruesomely,    gruff,    grumble,    grumpier,    grumpiest,    grumpily,    grumpy,    guile,    guilt,    guiltily,    guilty,    gullible,    gutless,    gutter

Negative words that start with H – negative feelings

hack,    hacks,    haggard,    haggle,    halfhearted,    halfheartedly,    hallucinate,    hallucination,    hamper,    hampered,    handicapped,    hang,    hangs,    haphazard,    hapless,    harangue,    harass,    harassed,    harasses,    harassment,    harboring,    harbors,    hard,    hard-hit,    hard-liner,    hardball,    harden,    hardened,    hardheaded,    hardhearted,    hardliner,    hardliners,    hardship,    hardships,    harm,    harmed,    harmful,    harms,    harpy,    harridan,    harried,    harrow,    harsh,    harshly,    hassle,    hassled,    hassles,    haste,    hastily,    hasty,    hate,    hated,    hateful,    hatefully,    hatefulness,    hater,    haters,    hates,    hating,    hatred,    haughtily,    haughty,    haunt,    haunting,    havoc,    hawkish,    haywire,    hazard,    hazardous,    haze,    hazy,    head-aches,    headache,    headaches,    heartbreaker,    heartbreaking,    heartbreakingly,    heartless,    heathen,    heavy-handed,    heavyhearted,    heck,    heckle,    heckled,    heckles,    hectic,    hedge,    hedonistic,    heedless,    hefty,    hegemony,    heinous,    hell,    hell-bent,    hellion,    hells,    helpless,    helplessly,    helplessness,    heresy,    heretic,    heretical,    hesitant,    hideous,    hideously,    hideousness,    high-priced,    hinder,    hindrance,    hiss,    hissed,    hissing,    ho-hum,    hoard,    hoax,    hobble,    hogs,    hollow,    hoodwink,    hooligan,    hopeless,    hopelessly,    hopelessness,    horde,    horrendous,    horrendously,    horrible,    horrid,    horrific,    horrified,    horrifies,    horrify,    horrifying,    hostage,    hostile,    hostilities,    hostility,    hotbeds,    hothead,    hotheaded,    hothouse,    hubris,    huckster,    hum,    humid,    humiliate,    humiliating,    humiliation,    humming,    hung,    hurt,    hurtful,    hurting,    hurts,    hustler,    hype,    hypocrisy,    hypocrite,    hypocrites,    hypocritical,    hypocritically,    hysteria,    hysteric,    hysterical,    hysterically,    hysterics

Negative words that start with I – negative feelings

idiocies,    idiocy,    idiot,    idiotic,    idiotically,    idiots,    idle,    ignoble,    ignominious,    ignominiously,    ignominy,    ignorance,    ignorant,    ignore,    ill-advised,    ill-conceived,    ill-defined,    ill-designed,    ill-fated,    ill-favored,    ill-formed,    ill-mannered,    ill-natured,    ill-sorted,    ill-tempered,    ill-treated,    ill-treatment,    ill-usage,    ill-used,    illegal,    illegally,    illegitimate,    illicit,    illiterate,    illness,    illogical,    illogically,    illusion,    illusions,    illusory,    imaginary,    imbalance,    imbecile,    imbroglio,    immaterial,    immature,    imminence,    imminently,    immobilized,    immoderate,    immoderately,    immodest,    immoral,    immorality,    immorally,    immovable,    impair,    impaired,    impasse,    impatience,    impatient,    impatiently,    impeach,    impedance,    impede,    impediment,    impending,    impenitent,    imperfect,    imperfection,    imperfections,    imperfectly,    imperialist,    imperil,    imperious,    imperiously,    impermissible,    impersonal,    impertinent,    impetuous,    impetuously,    impiety,    impinge,    impious,    implacable,    implausible,    implausibly,    implicate,    implication,    implode,    impolite,    impolitely,    impolitic,    importunate,    importune,    impose,    imposers,    imposing,    imposition,    impossible,       impossibly,    impotent,    impoverish,    impoverished,    impractical,    imprecate,    imprecise,    imprecisely,    imprecision,    imprison,    imprisonment,    improbability,    improbable,    improbably,    improper,    improperly,    impropriety,    imprudence,    imprudent,    impudence,    impudent,    impudently,    impugn,    impulsive,    impulsively,    impunity,    impure,    impurity,    inability,    inaccuracies,    inaccuracy,    inaccurate,    inaccurately,    inaction,    inactive,    inadequacy,    inadequate,    inadequately,    inadvisable,    inane,    inanely,    inappropriate,    inappropriately,    inapt,    inarticulate,    inattentive,    inaudible,    incapable,    incapably,    incautious,    incendiary,    incense,    incessant,    incessantly,    incite,    incitement,    incivility,    inclement,    incoherence,    incoherent,    incoherently,    incommensurate,    incomparable,    incomparably,    incompatibility,    incompatible,    incompetence,    incompetent,    incompetently,    incomplete,    incomprehensible,    incomprehension,    inconceivable,    inconceivably,    incongruous,    incongruously,    inconsequential,    inconsequentially,    inconsiderate,    inconsiderately,    inconsistencies,    inconsistency,    inconsistent,    inconsolable,    inconsolably,    inconstant,    inconvenience,    inconveniently,    incorrect,    incorrectly,    incorrigible,    incorrigibly,    incredulous,    incredulously,    inculcate,    indecency,    indecent,    indecently,    indecision,    indecisive,    indecisively,        indefensible,    indelicate,    indeterminable,    indeterminably,    indeterminate,    indifference,    indifferent,    indigent,    indignant,    indignantly,    indignation,    indignity,    indiscernible,    indiscreet,    indiscreetly,    indiscretion,    indiscriminate,    indiscriminately,      indistinguishable,    indoctrinate,    indoctrination,    indolent,    indulge,    ineffective,    ineffectively,    ineffectiveness,    ineffectual,    ineffectually,        inefficacy,    inefficiency,    inefficient,    inefficiently,    inelegance,    inelegant,    ineligible,       inept,    ineptitude,    ineptly,    inequalities,    inequality,    inequitable,    inequitably,    inequities,    inescapable,    inescapably,    inessential,    inevitable,    inevitably,    inexcusable,    inexcusably,    inexorable,    inexorably,    inexperience,    inexperienced,    inexpert,    inexpertly,    inexpiable,    inextricable,    inextricably,    infamous,    infamously,    infamy,    infected,    infection,    infections,    inferior,    inferiority,    infernal,    infest,    infested,    infidel,    infidels,    infiltrator,    infiltrators,    infirm,    inflame,    inflammation,    inflammatory,        inflated,    inflationary,    inflexible,    inflict,    infraction,    infringe,    infringement,    infringements,    infuriate,    infuriated,    infuriating,    infuriatingly,    inglorious,    ingrate,    ingratitude,    inhibit,    inhibition,    inhospitable,       inhuman,    inhumane,    inhumanity,    inimical,    inimically,    iniquitous,    iniquity,    injudicious,    injure,   injurious,    injury,    injustice,    injustices,    innuendo,    inoperable,    inopportune,    inordinate,    inordinately,    insane,    insanely,    insanity,    insatiable,    insecure,    insecurity,    insensible,    insensitive,    insensitively,    insensitivity,    insidious,    insidiously,    insignificance,    insignificant,    insignificantly,    insincere,    insincerely,    insincerity,    insinuate,    insinuating,    insinuation,    insolence,    insolent,    insolently,    insolvent,    insouciance,    instability,    instigate,    instigator,    instigators,    insubordinate,    insubstantial,    insubstantially,    insufferable,    insufferably,    insufficiency,    insufficient,    insufficiently,    insular,    insult,    insulted,    insulting,    insultingly,    insults,    insupportable,        insurmountable,    insurmountably,    insurrection,    intense,    interfere,    interference,    interferes,    intermittent,    interrupt,    interruption,    interruptions,    intimidate,    intimidating,    intimidatingly,    intimidation,    intolerable,    intolerance,    intoxicate,    intractable,    intransigence,    intransigent,    intrude,    intrusion,    intrusive,    inundate,    inundated,    invader,    invalid,    invalidate,    invalidity,    invasive,    invective,    inveigle,    invidious,    invidiously,    invidiousness,    invisible,    involuntarily,    involuntary,    irascible,    irate,    irately,    ire,    irk,    irked,    irking,    irks,    irksome,    irksomely,    irksomeness,    ironic,    ironical,    ironically,    ironies,    irony,    irrational,        irrationality,    irrationally,    irrationals,    irreconcilable,    irrecoverable,        irrecoverably,    irredeemable,    irredeemably,    irregular,    irregularity,    irrelevance,    irrelevant,    irreparable,    irrepressible,    irresolute,       irresponsible,    irresponsibly,       irretrievable,    irreversible,    irritable,    irritably,    irritant,    irritate,    irritated,    irritating,    irritation,    irritations,    isolate,    isolated,    isolation,    issue,    issues,    itch,    itching,    itchy

Negative words that start with J – negative feelings

jabber,    jaded,    jagged,    jam,    jarring,    jaundiced,    jealous,    jealously,    jealousness,    jealousy,    jeer,    jeering,    jeeringly,    jeers,    jeopardize,    jeopardy,    jerk,    jerky,    jitter,    jitters,    jittery,    job-killing,    jobless,    joke,    joker,    jolt,    judder,    juddering,    judders,    jumpy,    junk,    junky,    junkyard

Negative words that start with K – negative feelings

kill,    killed,    killer,    killing,    killjoy,    kills,    knave,    knife,    knock,    knotted,    kook,    kooky

Negative words that start with L – negative feelings

lack,    lackadaisical,    lacked,    lackey,    lackeys,    lacking,    lackluster,    lacks,    laconic,    lag,    lagged,    lagging,    lags,    laid-off,    lambast,    lambaste,    lame,    lame-duck,    lament,    lamentable,    lamentably,    languid,    languish,    languor,    languorous,    languorously,    lanky,    lapse,    lapsed,    lapses,    lascivious,    last-ditch,    latency,    laughable,    laughably,    laughingstock,    lawbreaker,    lawbreaking,    lawless,    lawlessness,    layoff,    layoff-happy,    lazy,    leak,    leakage,    leakages,    leaking,    leaks,    leaky,    lecher,    lecherous,    lechery,    leech,    leer,    leery,    left-leaning,    lemon,    lengthy,    less-developed,    lesser-known,    letch,    lethal,    lethargic,    lethargy,    lewd,    lewdly,    lewdness,    liability,    liable,    liar,    liars,    licentious,    licentiously,    licentiousness,    lie,    lied,    lies,    life-threatening,    lifeless,    limit,    limitation,    limitations,    limited,    limits,    limp,    listless,    litigious,    little-known,    livid,    lividly,    loath,    loathe,    loathing,    loathly,    loathsome,    loathsomely,    lone,    loneliness,    lonely,    loner,    lonesome,    long-time,    long-winded,    longing,    longingly,    loophole,    loopholes,    loose,    loot,   lose,    loser,    losers,    loses,    losing,    loss,    losses,    lost,    loud,    louder,    lousy,    loveless,    lovelorn,    low-rated,    lowly,    ludicrous,    ludicrously,    lugubrious,    lukewarm,    lull,    lumpy,    lunatic,     lurch,    lure,    lurid,    lurk,    lurking,    lying

Negative words that start with M – negative feelings

macabre,    mad,    madden,    maddening,    maddeningly,    madder,    madly,    madman,    madness,    maladjusted,    maladjustment,    malady,    malaise,    malcontent,    malcontented,    maledict,    malevolence,    malevolent,    malevolently,    malice,    malicious,    maliciously,    maliciousness,    malign,    malignant,    malodorous,    maltreatment,    mangle,    mangled,    mangles,    mangling,    mania,    maniac,    maniacal,    manic,    manipulate,    manipulation,    manipulative,    manipulators,    mar,    marginal,    marginally,    martyrdom,    martyrdom-seeking,    mashed,    massacre,    massacres,    matte,    mawkish,    mawkishly,    mawkishness,    meager,    meaningless,    meanness,    measly,    meddle,    meddlesome,    mediocre,    mediocrity,    melancholy,    melodramatic,    melodramatically,    meltdown,    menace,    menacing,    menacingly,    mendacious,    mendacity,    menial,    merciless,    mercilessly,    mess,    messed,    messes,    messing,    messy,    midget,    miff,    militancy,    mindless,    mindlessly,    mirage,    mire,    misalign,    misaligned,    misaligns,    misapprehend,    misbecome,    misbecoming,    misbegotten,    misbehave,    misbehavior,    miscalculate,    miscalculation,    miscellaneous,    mischief,    mischievous,    mischievously,    misconception,    misconceptions,    miscreant,    miscreants,    misdirection,    miser,    miserable,    miserableness,    miserably,    miseries,    miserly,    misery,    misfit,    misfortune,    misgiving,    misgivings,    misguidance,    misguide,    misguided,    mishandle,    mishap,    misinform,    misinformed,    misinterpret,    misjudge,    misjudgment,    mislead,    misleading,    misleadingly,      mismanage,    mispronounce,    mispronounced,    mispronounces,    misread,    misreading,    misrepresent,    misrepresentation,    miss,    missed,    misses,    misstatement,    mist,    mistake,    mistaken,    mistakenly,    mistakes,    mistress,    mistrust,    mistrustful,    mistrustfully,    mists,    misunderstand,    misunderstanding,    misunderstandings,    misunderstood,    misuse,    moan,    mobster,    mock,    mocked,    mockeries,    mockery,    mocking,    mockingly,    mocks,    molest,    molestation,    monotonous,    monotony,    monster,    monstrosities,    monstrosity,    monstrous,    monstrously,    moody,    moot,    mope,    morbid,    morbidly,    mordant,    mordantly,    moribund,    moron,    moronic,    morons,    mortification,    mortified,    mortify,    mortifying,    motionless,    motley,    mourn,    mourner,    mournful,    mournfully,    muddle,    muddy,    mudslinger,    mudslinging,    mulish,    multi-polarization,    mundane,    murder,    murderer,    murderous,    murderously,    murky,    muscle-flexing,    mushy,    musty,    mysterious,    mysteriously,    mystery,    mystify,    myth

Negative words that start with N – negative feelings

nag,    nagging,    naive,    naively,    narrower,    nastily,    nastiness,    nasty,    naughty,    nauseate,    nauseates,    nauseating,    nauseatingly,    naïve,    nebulous,    nebulously,    needless,    needlessly,    needy,    nefarious,    nefariously,    negate,    negation,    negative,    negatives,    negativity,    neglect,    neglected,    negligence,    negligent,    nemesis,    nepotism,    nervous,    nervously,    nervousness,    nettle,    nettlesome,    neurotic,    neurotically,    niggle,    niggles,    nightmare,    nightmarish,    nightmarishly,    nitpick,    nitpicking,    noise,    noises,    noisier,    noisy,    non-confidence,    nonexistent,    nonresponsive,    nonsense,    nosey,    notoriety,    notorious,    notoriously,    noxious,    nuisance,    numb

Negative words that start with O – negative feelings

obese,    object,    objection,    objectionable,    objections,    oblique,    obliterate,    obliterated,    oblivious,    obnoxious,    obnoxiously,    obscene,    obscenely,    obscenity,    obscure,    obscured,    obscures,    obscurity,    obsess,    obsessive,    obsessively,    obsessiveness,    obsolete,    obstacle,    obstinate,    obstinately,    obstruct,    obstructed,    obstructing,    obstruction,    obstructs,    obtrusive,    obtuse,    occlude,    occluded,    occludes,    occluding,    odd,    odder,    oddest,    oddities,    oddity,    oddly,    odor,    offence,    offend,    offender,    offending,    offenses,    offensive,    offensively,    offensiveness,    officious,    ominous,    ominously,    omission,    omit,    one-sided,    onerous,    onerously,    onslaught,    opinionated,    opponent,    opportunistic,    oppose,    opposition,    oppositions,    oppress,    oppression,    oppressive,    oppressively,    oppressiveness,    oppressors,    ordeal,    orphan,    ostracize,    outbreak,    outburst,    outbursts,    outcast,    outcry,    outlaw,    outmoded,    outrage,    outraged,    outrageous,    outrageously,    outrageousness,    outrages,    outsider,    over-acted,    over-awe,    over-balanced,    over-hyped,    over-priced,    over-valuation,    overact,    overacted,    overawe,    overbalance,    overbalanced,    overbearing,    overbearingly,    overblown,    overdo,    overdone,    overdue,    overemphasize,    overheat,    overkill,    overloaded,    overlook,    overpaid,    overplay,    overpower,    overpriced,    overrated,    overreach,    overrun,    overshadow,    oversight,    oversights,    oversimplification,    oversimplified,    oversimplify,    oversize,    overstate,    overstated,    overstatement,    overstatements,    overstates,    overtaxed,    overthrow,    overthrows,    overturn,    overweight,    overwhelm,    overwhelmed,    overwhelming,    overwhelmingly,    overwhelms,    overzealous,    overzealously

Negative words that start with P – negative feelings

pain,    painful,    painfully,    pains,    pale,    pales,    paltry,    pan,    pandemonium,    pander,    pandering,    panders,    panic,    panicked,    panicking,    panicky,    paradoxical,    paradoxically,        paralyzed,    paranoia,    paranoid,    parasite,    pariah,    parody,    partiality,    partisan,    partisans,        passive,    passiveness,    pathetic,    pathetically,    patronize,    paucity,    pauper,    paupers,    payback,    peculiar,    peculiarly,    pedantic,    peeled,    peeve,    peeved,    peevish,    peevishly,    penalize,    penalty,    perfidious,    perfunctory,    peril,    perilous,    perilously,    perish,    pernicious,    perplex,    perplexed,    perplexing,    perplexity,    persecute,    persecution,    pertinacious,    pertinaciously,    pertinacity,    perturb,    perturbed,    pervasive,    perverse,    perversely,    perversion,    perversity,    pervert,    perverted,    perverts,    pessimism,    pessimistic,    pessimistically,    pest,    pestilent,    petrified,    petrify,    pettifog,    petty,    phobia,    phobic,    phony,    picket,    picketed,    picketing,    pickets,    picky,    pig,    pigs,    pillage,    pillory,    pimple,    pinch,    pique,    pitiable,    pitiful,    pitifully,    pitiless,    pitilessly,    pittance,    pity,    plagiarize,    plague,    plaything,    plea,    pleas,    plebeian,    plight,    plot,    plotters,    ploy,    plunder,    plunderer,    pointless,    pointlessly,    poison,    poisonous,    poisonously,    pokey,    poky,    pollute,    polluter,    polluters,    pompous,    poor,    poorer,    poorest,    poorly,    posturing,    pout,    poverty,    powerless,    prate,    pratfall,    prattle,    precarious,    precariously,    precipitate,    precipitous,    predatory,    predicament,    prejudge,    prejudice,    prejudices,    prejudicial,    premeditated,    preoccupy,    preposterous,    preposterously,    presumptuous,    presumptuously,        pretend,    pretense,    pretentious,    pretentiously,    prevaricate,    pricey,    pricier,    prick,    prickle,    prickles,    prideful,   primitive,    prison,    prisoner,    problem,    problematic,    problems,    procrastinate,    procrastinates,    procrastination,    profane,    profanity,    prohibit,    prohibitive,    prohibitively,    propaganda,    propagandize,    proprietary,    prosecute,    protest,    protested,    protesting,    protests,    protracted,    provocation,    provocative,    provoke,    pry,    pugnacious,    pugnaciously,    pugnacity,    punch,    punish,    punishable,    punitive,    punk,    puny,    puppet,    puppets,    puzzled,    puzzlement,    puzzling

Negative words that start with Q – negative feelings

quack,    qualm,    qualms,    quandary,    quarrel,     quarrels,    quarrelsome,    quash,    queer,    questionable,    quibble,    quibbles,    quitter

Negative words that start with R – negative feelings

rabid,    racism,    racist,    racists,    racy,    radical,    radicalization,    radically,    radicals,    rage,    ragged,    raging,    rail,    raked,    rampage,    rampant,    ramshackle,    rancor,    randomly,    rankle,    rant,    ranted,    ranting,    rants,    rape,    raped,    raping,    rascal,    rascals,    rash,    rattle,    rattled,    rattles,    ravage,    raving,    reactionary,    rebellious,    rebuff,    rebuke,    recalcitrant,    recant,    recession,    recessionary,    reckless,    recklessly,    recklessness,    recoil,    recourses,    redundancy,    redundant,    refusal,    refuse,    refused,    refuses,    refusing,    refutation,    refute,    refuted,    refutes,    refuting,    regress,    regression,    regressive,    regret,    regretful,    regretfully,    regrets,    regrettable,    regrettably,    regretted,    reject,    rejected,    rejecting,    rejection,    rejects,    relapse,    relentless,    relentlessly,    relentlessness,    reluctance,    reluctant,    reluctantly,    remorse,    remorseful,    remorsefully,    remorseless,    remorselessly,    remorselessness,    renounce,    renunciation,    repel,    repetitive,    reprehensible,    reprehensibly,    reprehension,    reprehensive,    repress,    repression,    repressive,    reprimand,    reproach,    reproachful,    reprove,    reprovingly,    repudiate,    repudiation,    repugnance,    repugnant,    repugnantly,    repulse,    repulsed,    repulsing,    repulsive,    repulsively,    repulsiveness,    resent,    resentful,    resentment,    resignation,    resigned,    resistance,    restless,    restlessness,    restrict,    restricted,    restriction,    restrictive,    resurgent,    retaliate,    retaliatory,    reticent,    retract,    retreat,    retreated,    revenge,    revengeful,    revengefully,    revert,    revile,    reviled,    revoke,    revolt,    revolting,    revoltingly,    revulsion,    revulsive,    rhapsodize,    rhetoric,    rhetorical,    ricer,    ridicule,    ridicules,    ridiculous,    ridiculously,    rife,    rift,    rifts,    rigid,    rigidity,    rigidness,    rile,    riled,    rip,    rip-off,    ripped,    risk,    risks,    risky,    rival,    rivalry,    roadblocks,    rocky,    rogue,    rollercoaster,    rot,    rotten,    rough,    rubbish,    rude,    rue,    ruffian,    ruffle,    ruin,    ruined,    ruining,    ruinous,    ruins,    rumbling,    rumor,    rumors,    rumple,    run-down,    runaway,    rupture,    rust,    rusts,    rusty,    rut,    ruthless,    ruthlessly,    ruthlessness,    ruts

Negative words that start with S – negative feelings

sabotage,    sack,    sacrificed,    sad,    sadden,    sadly,    sadness,    sag,    sagged,    sagging,    saggy,    sags,    salacious,    sanctimonious,    sap,    sarcasm,    sarcastic,    sarcastically,    sardonic,    sardonically,    sass,    satirical,    satirize,    savage,    savaged,    savagery,    savages,    scaly,    scam,    scams,    scandal,    scandalize,    scandalized,    scandalous,    scandalously,    scandals,    scant,    scapegoat,    scar,    scarce,    scarcely,    scarcity,    scare,    scared,    scarier,    scariest,    scarily,    scarred,    scars,    scary,    scathing,    scathingly,   scoff,    scold,    scolded,    scolding,    scorching,        scorn,    scornful,    scornfully,    scoundrel,    scourge,    scowl,    scramble,    scrambled,    scrambles,    scrambling,    scrap,    scratch,    scratched,    scratches,    scratchy,    scream,    screech,    screw-up,    screwed,    screwed-up,    screwy,    scuff,    scuffs,    scum,    scummy,    second-class,    second-tier,    secretive,    sedentary,    seedy,    seethe,    seething,    self-coup,    self-criticism,    self-defeating,    self-destructive,    self-humiliation,    self-interest,    self-interested,    self-serving,     selfish,    selfishly,    selfishness,    senile,    sensationalize,    senseless,    senselessly,    seriousness,    sermonize,    servitude,    set-up,    setback,    setbacks,    sever,    severe,    severity,        shabby,    shadowy,    shady,    shake,    shaky,    shallow,    sham,    shambles,    shame,    shameful,    shamefully,    shamefulness,    shameless,    shamelessly,    shamelessness,    shark,    sharply,    shatter,    shimmer,    shimmy,    shipwreck,    shirk,    shirker,    shiver,    shock,    shocked,    shocking,    shockingly,    shoddy,    short-lived,    shortage,    shortchange,    shortcoming,    shortcomings,    shortness,    shortsighted,    shortsightedness,    showdown,    shrew,    shriek,    shrill,    shrilly,    shrivel,    shroud,    shrouded,    shrug,    shun,    shunned,    sick,    sicken,    sickening,    sickeningly,    sickly,    sickness,    sidetrack,    sidetracked,    siege,    silly,    simplistic,    simplistically,    sin,    sinful,    sinfully,    sinister,    sinisterly,    sink,    sinking,    skeletons,    skeptic,    skeptical,    skeptically,    skepticism,    sketchy,    skimpy,    skinny,    skittish,    skittishly,    skulk,    slack,    slander,    slanderer,    slanderous,    slanderously,    slanders,    slap,    slashing,    slaughter,    slaughtered,    slave,    slaves,    sleazy,    slime,    slog,    slogged,    slogging,    slogs,    sloppily,    sloppy,    sloth,    slothful,    slow,    slow-moving,    slowed,    slower,    slowest,    slowly,    slug,    sluggish,    slump,    slumping,    slur,    sly,    smack,    smallish,    smash,    smear,    smell,    smelled,    smelling,    smells,    smelly,    smelt,    smoke,    smokescreen,    smolder,    smoldering,    smother,    smudge,    smudged,    smudges,    smudging,    smug,    smugly,    snag,    snagged,    snagging,    snags,    snappish,    snappishly,    snare,    snarky,    snarl,    sneak,    sneakily,    sneaky,    sneer,    sneering,    sneeringly,    snob,    snobbish,    snobby,    snobs,    snub,    soapy,    sob,    sober,    sobering,    solemn,    solicitude,    somber,    sore,    sorely,    soreness,    sorrow,    sorrowful,    sorrowfully,    sorry,    sour,    sourly,    spade,    spank,    spew,    spewed,    spewing,    spews,    spilling,    spinster,    spiritless,    spite,    spiteful,    spitefully,    spitefulness,    splatter,    split,    splitting,    spoil,    spoilage,    spoilages,    spoiled,    spoils,    spook,    spookier,    spookiest,    spookily,    spooky,    spoon-fed,    spoon-feed,    sporadic,    spotty,    spurious,    spurn,    sputter,    squabble,    squabbling,    squander,    squash,    squeak,    squeaks,    squeaky,    squeal,    squealing,    squeals,    squirm,    stab,    stagnant,    stagnate,    stagnation,    staid,    stain,    stains,    stale,    stalemate,    stall,    stalls,    stammer,    stampede,    standstill,    stark,    starkly,    startle,    startling,    startlingly,    starvation,    starve,    static,    steal,    stealing,    steals,    steep,    steeply,    stench,    stereotype,    stereotypical,    stereotypically,    stern,    stew,    sticky,    stiff,    stiffness,    stifle,    stifling,    stiflingly,    stigma,    stigmatize,    sting,    stinging,    stingingly,    stingy,    stink,    stinks,    stodgy,    stole,    stolen,    stooge,    stooges,    stormy,    straggle,    straggler,    strain,    strained,    straining,    strange,    strangely,    stranger,    strangest,    strangle,    streaky,    strenuous,    stress,    stresses,    stressful,    stressfully,    stricken,    strict,    strictly,    strident,    stridently,    strife,    strike,    stringent,    stringently,    struck,    struggle,    struggled,    struggles,    struggling,    strut,    stubborn,    stubbornly,    stubbornness,    stuck,    stuffy,    stumble,    stumbled,    stumbles,    stump,    stumped,    stumps,    stun,    stunt,    stunted,    stupid,    stupidest,    stupidity,    stupidly,    stupor,    stutter,    stuttered,    stuttering,    stutters,    sty,    stymied,    sub-par,    subdued,    subjected,    subjection,    subjugate,    subjugation,    submissive,    subordinate,    subpoena,    subpoenas,    subservience,    subservient,    substandard,    subtract,    subversion,    subversive,    subversively,    subvert,    succumb,    suck,    sucked,    sucker,    sucks,    sucky,    sue,    sued,    sues,    suffer,    suffered,    sufferer,    sufferers,    suffering,    suffers,    suffocate,    sugar-coat,    sugar-coated,    sugarcoated,    suicidal,    suicide,    sulk,    sullen,    sully,    sunder,    sunk,    sunken,    superficial,    superficiality,    superficially,    superfluous,    superstition,    superstitious,    suppress,    suppression,    surrender,    susceptible,    suspect,    suspicion,    suspicions,    suspicious,    suspiciously,    swagger,    swamped,    sweaty,    swelled,    swelling,    swindle,    swipe,    swollen,    symptom,    symptoms,    syndrome

Negative words that start with T – negative feelings

taboo,    tacky,    taint,    tainted,    tamper,    tangle,    tangled,    tangles,    tank,    tanked,    tanks,    tantrum,    tardy,    tarnish,    tarnished,    tarnishes,    tarnishing,    tattered,    taunt,    taunting,    tauntingly,    taunts,    taut,    tawdry,    taxing,    tease,    teasingly,    tedious,    tediously,    temerity,    temper,    tempest,    temptation,    tenderness,    tense,    tension,    tentative,    tentatively,    tenuous,    tenuously,    tepid,    terrible,    terribleness,    terribly,    terror,    terror-genic,    terrorism,    terrorize,    testily,    testy,    tetchily,    tetchy,    thankless,    thicker,    thirst,    thorny,    thoughtless,    thoughtlessly,    thoughtlessness,    thrash,    threat,    threaten,    threatening,    threats,    threesome,    throb,    throbbed,    throbbing,    throbs,    throttle,    thug,    thumb-down,    thumbs-down,    thwart,    time-consuming,    timid,    timidity,    timidly,    tin-y,    tingled,    tingling,    tired,    tiresome,    tiring,    tiringly,    toil,    toll,    top-heavy,    topple,    torment,    tormented,    torrent,    tortuous,    torture,    tortured,    tortures,    torturing,    torturous,    torturously,    totalitarian,    touchy,    toughness,    tout,    touted,    touts,    toxic,    traduce,    tragedy,    tragic,    tragically,    traitor,    traitorous,    traitorously,    tramp,    trample,    transgress,    transgression,    trap,    trapped,    trash,    trashed,    trashy,    trauma,    traumatic,    traumatically,    traumatize,    traumatized,    travesties,    travesty,    treacherous,    treacherously,    treachery,    treason,    treasonous,    trick,    tricked,    trickery,    tricky,    trivial,    trivialize,    trouble,    troubled,    troublemaker,    troubles,    troublesome,    troublesomely,    troubling,    troublingly,    truant,    tumble,    tumbled,    tumbles,    tumultuous,    turbulent,    turmoil,    twist,    twisted,    twists,    two-faced,    two-faces,    tyrannical,    tyrannically,    tyranny,    tyrant

Negative words that start with U – negative feelings

ugh,    uglier,    ugliest,    ugliness,    ugly,    ulterior,    ultimatum,    ultimatums,    ultra-hardline,    un-viewable,    unable,    unacceptable,    unacceptably,        unaccustomed,    unachievable,    unaffordable,    unappealing,    unattractive,    unauthentic,    unavailable,    unavoidably,    unbearable,    unbelievable,    unbelievably,    uncaring,    uncertain,    uncivil,    uncivilized,    unclean,    unclear,    uncollectible,    uncomfortable,    uncomfortably,       uncompetitive,    uncompromising,    uncompromisingly,    unconfirmed,    unconstitutional,    uncontrolled,    unconvincing,    unconvincingly,    uncooperative,    uncouth,    uncreative,    undecided,    undefined,    undependability,    undependable,    undercut,    undercuts,    undercutting,    underdog,    underestimate,    underlings,    undermine,    undermined,    undermines,    undermining,    underpaid,    underpowered,    undersized,    undesirable,    undetermined,    undid,    undignified,    undissolved,    undocumented,    undone,    undue,    unease,    uneasily,    uneasiness,    uneasy,    uneconomical,    unemployed,    unequal,    unethical,    uneven,    uneventful,    unexpected,    unexpectedly,    unexplained,    unfairly,    unfaithful,    unfaithfully,    unfamiliar,    unfavorable,    unfeeling,    unfinished,    unfit,    unforeseen,    unforgiving,    unfortunate,    unfortunately,    unfounded,    unfriendly,    unfulfilled,    unfunded,    ungovernable,    ungrateful,    unhappily,    unhappiness,    unhappy,    unhealthy,    unhelpful,    unilateralism,    unimaginable,    unimaginably,    unimportant,    uninformed,    uninsured,    unintelligible,      unipolar,    unjust,    unjustifiable,    unjustifiably,    unjustified,    unjustly,    unkind,    unkindly,    unknown,       unlawful,    unlawfully,    unlawfulness,    unleash,    unlicensed,    unlikely,    unlucky,    unmoved,    unnatural,    unnaturally,    unnecessary,    unneeded,    unnerve,    unnerved,    unnerving,    unnervingly,    unnoticed,    unobserved,    unorthodox,    unorthodoxy,    unpleasant,    unpopular,    unpredictable,    unprepared,    unproductive,    unprofitable,    unproved,    unproven,    unqualified,    unravel,    unraveled,    unreachable,    unreadable,    unrealistic,    unreasonable,    unreasonably,    unrelenting,    unrelentingly,    unreliability,    unreliable,    unresolved,    unresponsive,    unrest,    unruly,    unsafe,    unsatisfactory,    unsavory,    unscrupulous,    unscrupulously,    unsecure,    unseemly,    unsettle,    unsettled,    unsettling,    unsettlingly,    unskilled,    unsophisticated,    unsound,    unspeakable,    unspecified,    unstable,    unsteadily,    unsteadiness,    unsteady,    unsuccessful,    unsuccessfully,    unsupported,    unsupportive,    unsure,    unsuspecting,    unsustainable,    untenable,    untested,    unthinkable,    unthinkably,    untimely,    untouched,    untrue,    untrustworthy,    untruthful,    unusable,    unusably,    unusual,    unusually,    unwanted,    unwarranted,    unwatchable,    unwelcome,    unwell,    unwieldy,    unwilling,    unwillingly,    unwillingness,    unwise,    unwisely,    unworkable,    unworthy,    unyielding,    upbraid,    upheaval,    uprising,    uproar,    uproarious,    uproariously,    uproot,    upset,    upsets,    upsetting,    upsettingly,    urgent,    useless,    usurp,    usurper,    utterly

Negative words that start with V – negative feelings

vagrant,    vague,    vagueness,    vain,    vainly,    vanity,    vehement,    vehemently,    vengeance,    vengeful,    vengefully,    vengefulness,    venom,    venomous,    venomously,    vent,    vestiges,    vex,    vexation,    vexing,    vexingly,    vibrate,    vibrated,    vibrates,    vibrating,    vibration,    vice,    vicious,    viciously,    viciousness,    victimize,    vile,    vileness,    vilify,    villainous,    villainously,    villains,    vindictive,    vindictively,    vindictiveness,    violate,    violation,    violator,    violators,    violent,    violently,    viper,    virulence,    virulent,    virulently,    virus,    vociferous,    vociferously,    volatile,    volatility,    vomit,    vomited,    vomiting,    vomits,    vulgar,    vulnerable

Negative words that start with W – negative feelings

wail,    wallow,    wane,    waning,    wanton,    war-like,    warily,    wariness,    warlike,    warned,    warning,    warp,    warped,    wary,    washed-out,    waste,    wasted,    wasteful,    wastefulness,    wasting,    water-down,    watered-down,    wayward,    weak,    weaken,    weakening,    weaker,    weakness,    weaknesses,    weariness,    wearisome,    weary,    wedge,    weed,    weep,    weird,    weirdly,    wheedle,    whimper,    whine,    whining,    whiny,    whips,   wicked,    wickedly,    wickedness,    wild,    wildly,    wiles,    wilt,    wily,    wimpy,    wince,    wobble,    wobbled,    wobbles,    woe,    woebegone,    woeful,    woefully,    womanizer,    womanizing,    worn,    worried,    worriedly,    worrier,    worries,    worrisome,    worry,    worrying,    worryingly,    worse,    worsen,    worsening,    worst,    worthless,    worthlessly,    worthlessness,    wound,    wounds,    wrangle,    wrath,    wreak,    wreaked,    wreaks,    wreck,    wrest,    wrestle,    wretch,    wretched,    wretchedly,    wretchedness,    wrinkle,    wrinkled,    wrinkles,    writhe,    wrong,    wrongful,    wrongly,    wrought

Negative words that start with Y – negative feelings


Negative words that start with Z – negative feelings

zap,    zapped,    zaps,    zealot,    zealous,    zealously,    zombie

For positive words, we recommend our best list of positive words. Avoid negative words. Be kind. Use positive words when talking to yourself and others.

Negative Words - Bad Words - Sad Words List

Transforming Mindsets: Embracing Positive Words Over Negative Thinking

Discover the power of positive words and how they can transform your mindset, overcoming negative thinking. Our comprehensive guide explores practical strategies for shifting your focus and enhancing your mental well-being through positive language. Ideal for those seeking to cultivate a more optimistic outlook and improve their overall quality of life. You can express your positive emotions with positive words, but you can also express your negative emotions, negating positive words. This way of thinking will make your brain happy and it is called positive thinking – thinking positively. This way of thinking is different than explaining positive emotions by negating negative words and explaining negative emotions with negative words. This way of thinking will make your brain unhappy and it is called negative thinking – thinking negative.

According to Positive Words Research, positive thinking means using positive words in your thoughts, either in affirmations or negations, in explaining your positive emotions or either in explaining your negative emotions. It is scientifically proven that thoughts have a significant impact on ourselves and the reality around us. Thoughts even travel long distances in the entire universe, influencing matter. See the scientific works of Nassim Haramein and his contribution to the project The Connected Universe that has forever changed the course of world science. We also know that a mature person mainly speaks with himself through thoughts formed of words. He thinks with images also but the inner dialog is frequently and constantly used by all adults. It has been scientifically proven that positive words and negative words influence the structure of the water. See the groundbreaking scientific experiments and discoveries of Masaru Emoto:

It has also been scientifically proven that our body consists of more than 60% water. Because our body is composed of up to 60% water, the words that are closest to us influence us significantly. What other words can be closer to us than our own words? It is scientifically proven that, through the mind of a mature person, is crossing almost 60,000 words every day. This equals to a book. Every day, every one of us thinks an entire book. These are a lot of words.

Positive Words Cloud LOVE

Our own thoughts give us a certain disposition, emotion, vibration which influence the reality around us. We interact with the reality every moment, while we think. We think that we can perceive. We think that we can explain things to ourselves. We call a brain that uses positive words in the thinking process a happy brain – the positive brain. Therefore the “method” through which we construct sentences in our brain is very important. The words that you use to talk with yourself, when you explain things to yourself is highly important. Also, the words that you use to build sentences in your brain ultimately, overall, make you have a “happy brain” or an “unhappy brain”. The brain, as an organ, has the ability to process words and the brain is happy when he bathes in “positive words” (pays with positive words to construct sentences) and unhappy the other way around. Negative words are hard, heavy for the structure of the brain, while positive words are lighter.

happy brain - happy mind - positive brain

We call a brain that doesn’t use positive words in the thinking process an unhappy brain – the negative brain. You will see below why Positive Words Research considers that is not the use of negative words that makes a brain negative, it is the not using of the positive words that upset the brain so much. Please see below a combination of words that a happy brain is processing in comparison with words that an unhappy brain is processing. As a note: A happy brain makes you feel happy while an unhappy brain makes you feel… unhappy. See below two examples of ways that a happy brain expresses himself versus how an unhappy brain expresses himself. Compare each word in each line. Compare the words that the happy brain is using, with the words that the unhappy brain is using. Both brains try to explain the same thing but with different words. There are two examples to sustain this statement that reflect how the positive brain thinks versus how the negative brain thinks:

1. Explaining Positive Emotions

The Happy Brain

I am peaceful/ I am happy/ I feel at ease/ I love you/ I have energy/ I am healthy.

The Unhappy Brain

I am not anxious/  I am not sad/ I am not frustrated/ I don’t hate you/ I am not tired/ I am not sick.

2. Explaining Negative Emotions

The Happy Brain

I am not peaceful/ I am not happy/ I don’t feel at ease/ I don’t love you/ I don’t have energy/ I am not healthy.

The Unhappy Brain

I am anxious/ I am sad/ I feel frustrated/ I hate you/ I am tired/ I am sick.

Note that in both the above examples the happy brain is using positive words to express himself and the unhappy brain is using negative words. The happy brain is a positive brain while the unhappy brain is a negative brain.

Comparisons Between The Happy And The Unhappy Brain

  1. The happy brain – knows a lot of positive words also called abundance words (words that draw abundance). The unhappy brain – knows a lot of negative words also called lack words (words that keep the lack in your life).
  2. The happy brain – due to “being used to thinking in a certain way” the person with a happy brain will be pushed by his brain to create sentences mainly with the vocabulary of positive words. The unhappy brain – due to “being used to thinking in a certain way” the person with a happy brain will be pushed by his brain to create sentences mainly with the vocabulary of negative words.
  3. The happy brain – the person talks to himself mainly with sentences having positive words, he does not become conscious of the negative words, his brain is not noticing negative words in a text, talks less neutral because he likes to use positive words. The unhappy brain – The person talks to himself mainly with sentences with neutral words or negative words.
  4. The happy brain – the person talks to others with sentences having positive words; the person does not notice negative words and does not feel the need to use so many neutral words. The unhappy person talks to others with sentences with neutral words or negative words. He also tries to hold back from mentioning the negative words, which the person becomes aware of them a lot of times during a day.
  5. The happy brain – the person understands life through his vocabulary of positive words. The unhappy brain – the person understands life through his vocabulary of negative words.
  6. The happy brain – the person has knowledge of negative words but the words do not come to his brain to form sentences because the positive words occupy all of the main places in his brain. Positive words are always found in active consciousness. The unhappy Brain – the person has very little knowledge of the vocabulary of positive words. When you give to the person a paper and a pen and ask him to write positive words, he is unable to come up with many words, he only knows a very limited number of positive words.

What matters for the brain, in feeling good, is to focus and think daily positive words. Not thinking positive words is significantly worse than thinking negative words. 

To put it in a funny way, you can swear as much as you want but make sure to use positive words every day and you will be OK. Your brain will be happy!

During our experiments, we also notice the following striking reality… on a not so funny note.

  • Some of the people don’t know the notion of positive words.
  • Most of the people know the notion of negative words but don’t know much about the notion of positive words.
  • Most people search on the internet information about negative emotions, which are searched on Google using negative words, like depression, anxiety, hate, fear etc. And don’t think of looking on the internet for information about positive feelings and emotions, which are searched on Google using positive words, like compassion, loving-kindness, serenity. Even simple words like happiness, joy, beauty, magic, which could lift their spirit instantly are not searched by them, making them lack the necessary information to create their good vibe.
  • Other people don’t know that there are lists of positive words on the internet that they can explore.
  • Referring to the people that asked what positive words meanwhile being shown for the first time this list of positive words, they felt like they found an entire new happy world that they knew nothing about. Most probably so many positive words that also stand for many positive feelings and emotions made a huge impact on them.
  • Most of the people make a separation between negative words and positive words and consider them as being in opposite categories. They consider that one part implies the other part. They say that negative words imply positive words and positive words imply negative words. But how could their brain know to imply loving-kindness when they hate, how could hate imply loving-kindness, how could loving-kindness imply hate, when your brain is familiar with the word hate but is not familiar with the word loving-kindness, is not familiar with words like blessings, blissfulness, gratitude, appreciation, self-love etc. From where should these words come to you if you don’t put them in your brain? It should come from words like anxiety, tension, stress, horrible, tragic, sad?
  • Most people consider that by knowing a lot about depression, anxiety, fear, hate, tension, stress etc. they can eventually get rid of them and be happy. They don’t consider that they should stop researching depression and start researching happiness and other positive feelings like forgiveness, compassion, loving-kindness, peace of mind, equanimity etc. They are not aware that these positive feelings and emotions are keywords and that if they don’t know the name of the positive emotion, they have a gap and need to fill it by scanning a list of positive words.

Note: Currently, Positive Words Research is performing research called “mapping positive words with negative words”. The main benefit for this mapping is to know which positive words are the precise antidote for negative words, therefore knowing which positive emotion is the antidote of negative emotion.

Why not using positive words in your thinking is significantly worse than thinking negatively?

Not using positive words in your thinking is significantly worse than thinking negatively because you don’t know what positive feelings and emotions are out there in the world, you don’t know the potential of your human body. Positive words are keywords to attain well-being, keywords that you put in the Google search box to find and access information, keywords that you put in your brain to access your own well-being.