Category Archives: Love and Relationships

Nurture meaningful connections with positivity and empathy in relationships. Discover the keys to healthier, happier bonds with others.

5 Top Tips for a Successful Co-Parenting Nowadays

Co-parenting isn’t always easy, but it’s especially difficult after a divorce. However, if both parties put in some effort and demonstrate some level of comprehension, it has the potential to be a very rewarding experience for everyone involved. The following are some suggestions for making the experience of shared parenting a positive one:

1. Communicate Effectively

Effective communication is key to a successful co-parenting relationship. This means not only being able to express your own needs and wants clearly, but also being able to listen actively and empathize with the other parent’s perspective. This can be difficult, especially if there is a lot of hurt and resentment following the divorce, but it’s essential for the well-being of the children.

2. Have a Parenting Plan

A parenting plan is a written document outlining how the parents will raise their children following the divorce. It should specify who will have primary custody, when the children will spend time with each parent, and how decisions regarding the children will be made. A parenting plan, which can be created with the assistance of a divorce lawyer Sydney, can be a useful tool for ensuring that both parents are on the same page when it comes to raising their children.

3. Be Consistent

One of the most important things you can do for your children is to provide them with a sense of stability and consistency. This means maintaining the same routines and discipline, no matter which parent the children are with. It’s also important to maintain consistency in terms of rules and expectations, such as bedtimes and homework. This can be challenging, but it’s essential for children’s well-being.

4. Put the Children First

It’s important to remember that the children’s needs should come first, even if it means putting your own needs and wants on the back burner. This means being willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the children, such as giving up time with them if it means they can spend more time with the other parent. It also means being willing to put aside your own feelings of hurt and resentment in order to focus on the well-being of the children.

5. Work Together

Co-parenting is not about winning or losing, it’s about working together to raise your children in the best way possible. This means being willing to compromise, to work out conflicts in a constructive way, and to put the needs of the children first. It’s important to remember that even though you may no longer be married, you will always be co-parents, and you need to find ways to work together effectively.

By keeping these guidelines in mind, you will be able to ensure that your time spent co-parenting is a rewarding one, not only for you but also for your children. Always keep in mind the importance of working together, effective communication, having a parenting plan, being consistent, and putting the needs of the children first.

Co-parenting has the potential to be a positive experience for everyone involved if adequate effort and communication are put forth.


6 Ways To Use Words Of Affirmation In Your Relationship

Whoever said love has no language did not use words of affirmation well enough! Be it written or spoken, a person who knows how to communicate their feelings the right way will be able to sail through the relationship smoothly! Honestly, holding out a flower and plucking off its petals to “he loves me, he loves me not” never works. There are signs that your partner is deeply in love and wants to make love to you, and they need to be read between the lines. You can also exhibit these signs by using words of affirmations regularly.

Simple phrases like “I am grateful for…” and “I adore how you…” can go a long way in building a strong foundation for your relationship. You can be introverted for the rest of the world, but when it comes to your partner, you need to express your love with thoughtful words. Let us learn more about words of affirmation and how to use them effectively in your relationship.

What Are Words Of Affirmation?

Using words of affirmation may feel difficult for people who would rather express their love through actions, but it is actually simple when you begin to embrace it. People who use words of affirmation notice the tiniest details about their partner and care for them sincerely. These words help you express your appreciation, respect, and love for one another. They can take the form of compliments or an expression of gratitude. They are powerful enough to uplift spirits and get you closer to your partner.

Using words of affirmation can open the locks to the most introverted soul. You can’t help but blush when someone remembers the tiniest details about you and echoes them back to you to show you how much they care about you.

Here are a few tips to use words of affirmation the right way and make sure you convey exactly what you mean to say.

1. Have Fun

Just because you want to convey your feelings of love and appreciation to your partner does not mean it has to be with sonnets and poetry. You can be as fun and expressive as you want. How about a game of Truth and Dare that will help your partner find out how much they mean to you? So when your partner asks you what you like the most about them, use it to tell them every minute detail of why having them in your life makes you look forward to each day with them.

2. Be Creative

Words of affirmation don’t always need to be expressed vocally. Imagine your partner waking up to a sticky note on their bedside that says you miss them or that they look beautiful even when they snore and drool in their sleep! If you are not a great talker, fill your home with sticky notes and glitter pens to convey your love messages in the cutest form.

3. Be Authentic

Honestly, nobody likes false praises. You have to be thoughtful and nuanced with your compliments as overdoing it can come off as ingenuine and make your partner doubt every word you say. So even if they ask something that you are not sure about, try to keep a hint of honesty in it. The answer to “Do I look fat?” is always a no, but you can help your partner pick an outfit that looks better on them.

4. Be Empathetic

Empathy is a powerful tool to help your partner know that you understand them. Walking in their shoes will help you know what they feel and show you how they perceive the things happening around them. So keep a watch for when they are feeling low and when they need to talk. This will help you find words and language that are sincere, receptive, and thoughtful.

5. Show Your Appreciation

Be specific about what you like about your partner and convey it to them in detail. You do not have to use words of affirmation only when they cook a meal for you or iron your clothes. Even if they dress up and show an effort to look good for you, it calls for some heartfelt appreciation.

6. No Limit On Saying ‘I Love You’

When you really love a person, you will never be tired of saying “I love you” to them. It will immediately spark off the romance and reassure them of your feelings. So no matter how old, shy, or awkward you are, it is never too late or too much to tell your partner that you love them.

Not everyone is a pro at using words of affirmation, and it is totally fine to stumble sometimes. It is something that you get better at with practice and time. And when you see the positive effect it brings in your relationship, you can’t help but embrace it. The trick is to be true to yourself and your partner. Just because you want them to feel good, you don’t need to sugarcoat everything you say. Be genuine about your feelings and convey love through words every chance you get. So, do you have any secrets to keeping your relationship healthy by using words of affirmation? Let us know in the comments section!

Author bio:

Nisha has a great passion for writing and loves the idea of sharing. She has written many articles on yoga, fitness, wellness, remedies, and beauty. She keeps reading articles on different blogs that give a kick to her passion and provides her with different ideas. She is growing day by day and mastering herself in writing appealing articles. She is a regular contributor to & Other websites too.

Love in relationships

Modern Life Dating Interesting Trends Of Dating Notion

Dating in the modern world is different from conventional means of meeting new people, and with its advantages and disadvantages, modern dating is something more convenient and easier. Follow the article and discover the world of modern life dating.

Modern-Day Dating: Rediscover The Concept Of Dating

Dating in modern life is supposed to be something practical. When online dating wasn’t so dominant, the focus of courtship was to find someone for a more committed relationship. However, dating has undergone many changes in terms of idea and concept, and nowadays, online dating is a new type of courtship going beyond the traditional places where people meet and flirt. Modern dating is about opting for more practical solutions in finding someone to spend time together. But is this the only way how modern dating is so different? Definitely not, and here are some interesting facts about modern-day dating.

Fun facts about modern dating

In busy cities, it’s hard to find someone not using any dating site or app for dating. Having become a necessary part of daily life, online dating has become quite prevalent among people. An interesting part of such modern dating is that for some, it can be just an activity to spend time on, while others see a chance to find someone for a more committed relationship. Here are some fun facts of what modern-day dating can be:

  • A chance of ghosting or being ghosted: ghosting is when someone disappears while dating, and that can happen quite often on dating platforms. Actually, you can be the one ghosting others or just be ghosted, and such practice is normal if your connection hasn’t become serious enough. 
  • Seniors are into dating: a fascinating tendency of modern dating is that even older people have started to seek a chance to find a match online, either for a serious relationship or just to have fun with, and it’s clear that age is just a number when it comes to online dating. So, no need to be surprised if you come across so many dating sites for seniors.
  • It’s harder to stay committed: committed relationships aren’t as popular as before since casual dating is getting more popular. The point is that in modern cities, online bonds are seen as something temporary and casual rather than something requiring more commitment and devotion. 
  • Technology is great for dating: with the advent of the internet, technology has become an indispensable tool for online daters. It has made it easy to date conveniently and faster than before. What’s more, technology is a tool that facilitates dating to a great extent, which has paved the way for online dating to become more popular and prevalent. Simply put, one mobile device is a great means of finding someone who will tickle fancy in you. 
  • You have a chance to find someone faster than ever before: there are many reasons explaining why people are motivated to be dating online. Some have painful breakups, while others are in search of someone special, and so on. But the main point is that online dating has made it easy to find someone online faster and hassle-free.
  • Online dating can lead to marriage: apart from casual dating, you can have a chance of finding someone you can build your family with, and thus, modern dating isn’t about dating someone and dumping them, but it’s a chance to marry. There are so many married couples owing a lot to online dating. 
  • It’s easier to find more compatible matches: given the rate of breakups and divorces, modern-day dating has required a practical solution to avoid disappointment happening after you start your relationship. This is why a multidisciplinary approach to finding someone who will be compatible with your personality has gained popularity in recent years. 
Modern Dating

About modern dating sites and tips to follow online

Modern dating is full of opportunities you’d better not miss. Since online dating has a lot to offer, you may consider using some great dating platforms. Here are some great tips to follow while dating online:

– find your site: the first step to follow is to find a decent platform you can rely on. Alas, modern dating isn’t without its perils, and thus, be sure to have all precautions made before you start dating. Thus, you should dedicate some time to doing your own research on how you can come up with a great platform. 

– know what you want: another great step is to know what you expect from the online experience and what you look for there. Modern-day dating has brought about many opportunities and niches, so know where you belong. Not every site is for you, and unless you know your expectations, your attempts to get the best from online dating may be futile. 

– have an appealing profile: once you pass registration, spare your time and create an appealing profile. For the sake of security, do not share too much personal information, like your address or telephone number. However, on your profile page, you can depict yourself and mention your interests and expectations so that those communicating with you can understand you better.  

– be informative but real: every piece of information you share should be real as there’s no need to lie or deceive others in cyberspace. Being honest is a chance to create a more solid bond with someone you find online. Thus, dating websites are places where you can show your real side, and don’t be afraid of that as you’re definitely about to find a partner who will value you for your honesty. 

– don’t attract everyone: there’s no need to appeal to everyone, and you may be communicating with one or several people at once, but at some point, you’ll dedicate more time to someone special. So, no need to overburden yourself with chatting with many people at once as it may turn out to be too time-consuming and unproductive. 

– use searching or matchmaking tools: modern dating is about employing technology and its great features. So, be sure that you employ them to facilitate your online dating experience. On some great and professional dating websites, you’ll find great matchmaking services that will help you find someone compatible with you. Or you may benefit from great searching tools where you can look for the best profiles online yourself.

– be patient: patience is always your friend, and since modern dating is about getting everything faster, some people may be too impatient, but there’s no need for that. If you’re dating online, you should be patient, not to mention the fact that people tend to make more mistakes and get disappointed if they rush things. Especially, if you want to have a more committed relationship, you need some time to shift from virtual dating to real one.

Modern Life Dating

Bottom line

Dating in modern life has become varied. Speed and blind dating are examples of how fast people want to find a match to spend time with. But online dating is the most evident example of modern dating as it offers myriads of options and opportunities. With just a few clicks, you can find someone to chat and flirt with, and isn’t that great?

Positive Words Research – Modern Life Dating: Interesting Trends Of Dating Notion

4 Checklist When Designing Your Garden at Home to Love

When you hear the word “garden”, the first picture that will come into mind is a collection of plants and flowers — a place where you can grow and culture different kinds of plants. However, when you think of a home garden, it’s more than that. It’s a place where you can express your creativity by turning your plant pots into a gallery display. It’s also an outdoor space where you can spend time with your family or have a place to relax at the end of a busy day.

If you have extra outdoor space, it truly is tempting to turn it into a garden. Especially now that we often stay indoors, it’s good to have a new hobby to keep us from going outside. Additionally, adding a few greens at home can be beneficial to yours and your family’s health. The oxygen it produces can clean the air you breathe. In this article, we will discuss the different things that you need to consider when designing your own garden.

Factors to Consider when Designing your Garden

There surely are a lot of garden ideas online. You can search for the different types of plants, pots, and decorations that you can use. However, before you go crazy putting them all in your cart, it’s best to consider some of these aspects to make sure you are not overdoing it. Let’s take a look at each of them.

1. Set a budget

Just like any home improvement or renovation, it’s necessary to set a specific budget for your garden. From the types of plants that you will keep to the types of equipment and interior decorations, you have to make sure that it’s something that you can afford. Be wise when it comes to comparing different prices and products.

When listing your budget, do not forget to add the maintenance cost. Plants are, after all, living things. Hence, they need constant care and maintenance. When picking a plant, make sure that your budget can also cover what’s needed to keep your plants alive.

2. Know about the different types of soil

Gardening is a combination of art and science. While falling in love with the aesthetic appeal of each plant, also consider the types of soil that you will use in the garden. Make sure that it will be compatible with the type of plants that you will keep. It’s important to know if your garden soil is clay or loam.

Before you put up your garden, you should also test your soil. You can get in touch with experts on planting to give you a hand on this. In that way, you can know how to take care of it, which plants can you keep, or if it needs improvement.

3. Consider different types of plants

Once you already know your budget and the type of soil in your garden, it’s time to select your plants. Again, aside from its beauty, make sure you know something about these plants such as their life span, sunlight needs, etc. Through this, you can plan ahead as to how you could grow and foster it.

The size of the plant is also an important factor. Yes, most of them start small, but some of them can actually grow taller than you. By doing enough research, you can estimate if you have enough room in your garden when a plant is full-grown. Remember, there’s a thin line that separates a garden and a forest, and that is plant density versus your available space.

4. Learn about your location’s rules and regulations

Even if the garden is within your property, it’s best to know if your state or municipality has rules about putting up fences or installing water pipes. You can start consulting the authorities about it even before you purchase anything for your garden. Through this as well, you will know what you can do and what you can’t.  In that way, your efforts will not go to waste.

Furthermore, you can ask or get inputs from your neighbors, especially if there will be any potential intrusion in their property. You wouldn’t want to have any negative encounters with them in the future. After all, plants should give people a piece of relaxation.

Start Gardening Today!

Above all these, it’s also necessary to consider the needs of your family. Make sure that the plants that you will decide to keep will have a positive impact on them as well.

Have you completed the checklist? It’s time to start your gardening plans today. We hope this article helps you in designing your garden at home. It’s a great way to be productive while also starting a new hobby. Visit to get some new garden ideas to inspire you.

Positive Words Research – 4 Checklist When Designing Your Garden at Home

Home Garden

10 Positive Words To Cheer Up Mom After A Hard Day

Mom is a very important person in your life, and that is why it is so difficult to see her upset. If you’re thinking about the ways to make your mom smile, there are a few simple things you can always do. Sometimes all that is needed is to talk to mom, show her your involvement in some other way, or help her with household chores, and then she will start smiling again. A positive mom word always makes her heart beat faster. Let’s think about what words will touch the soul of your mother. Start to cheer up your mom today.


For every mother, it is important to be beautiful in the eyes of her child. Maternal beauty is a role model for a daughter and a prototype for a future wife for a son. Tell your mom she is beautiful even if she just put on her dressing gown and washed off her makeup after work. After all, the real beauty is inside.


Only the dearest person in the world can always help, hug, comfort, give practical advice, and this is your mother! What would you do without her tips and advice? Only her instinct is so developed that she understands who is sincere to you and who is faking it. Therefore, always tell your mom how smart she is.


She will forgive you all the insults, support you in the most difficult hour, and will smile when she even feels bad, so appreciate it. Always pay back with mutual concern. And after her hard day at work, make your mom some delicious tea or even dinner. If you’re not sure what exactly you can do to help your mom and make her feel better, just ask her. Most likely, she will appreciate your participation and invite you to do something that will help her.


Only kind words for your kind mother. Her hands are like rays of the sun, they can warm you to the core. Thank her for that at every opportunity. Kindness will save the world. Only she can warm your heart, covered with ice from cruelty and deception, betrayal, and loneliness.


Being a real mother is not a duty, it is a vocation that is within her reach. But at the same time, she always remains tender and caring to you, right? Tell her that you feel her tenderness every moment and are ready to melt from this feeling.


Someone loves mom twice, three times, and you love your mother billions of times more than others! After all, no one has a mother like yours. Love her all the pros and cons, all of her. Tell her that you have a unique and beloved mother.

Worth to Be My Example

Of course, ten words are too little to express all the filings children (and adults) have for their mothers. The List of Beautiful Words will help you surprise your mother every day with original, kind words. Saying that you simply love her is not enough… So, you may say to her that she is your example worth following and repeating after. It will be one more way to show that you love her, appreciate, respect, adore, acknowledge, praise, and most importantly, that you know – she is the best mother in the world!

Cheer Up Mom


Her eyes are like stars for you at night, her smile is like the sun for you during the day, she is your mother and that says it all. Who else can always tell you the truth and always be honest with you if not your mother? Sincere love is a gift she gave to you.


Your mom is one of the most important persons in your life. Even if you live a significant distance from each other, take the time to write a compliment message. It won’t take you long, and mom will be incredibly pleased. And if you have problems with originality, then you can turn to Online Writers Rating custom writing reviews website and they will pick up the most extraordinary and warm words for your mother in one letter.


Giving you life has been a challenge for your mom. Giving you a decent life was even more difficult. Do not take for granted everything that your mom does for you, but rather note her determination, resourcefulness, and perseverance. Indeed, at that moment when we start to share our life with our children, we do most of the things for them.


The best compliments are those that are spontaneous, but still genuine. It’s even mot so important whether they are made in prose or poetry, with a reason or without it – the main thing is that inspiring mom quotes come from a pure heart. While telling her the compliments we’ve listed here,  always look straight in her eyes – this is how they are perceived best.

About the Author: Frank Hamilton has been working as an editor at essay review service Best Writers Online. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German and English.

How To Find Hope In Desperate Times and Smile Again

Life is hard. In vain we try to pretend that life is easy, the reality is that sometimes life is unfair and hard. For many situations there are not even half-effective solutions. Many times we simply do not know what to do to solve a situation. Who to call to help us? There is no one who can help us and we can’t help ourselves either. How to find hope in desperate times?

It is quite difficult to find hope in situations where nothing is going well. However without hope life is even harder. In desperate times, try at least to keep your hope up. But how can you keep your hope when life is so hard.

You need a deeper philosophy of life. That is, you need deeper thoughts to give you hope in these difficult times. Many times these deep thoughts were told to us by our parents or we read them in a book. Here are some small recommendations on how you can keep your hopes up in desperate times.

1. Beauty Is Found In Simplicity

The moment you notice beauty, your hope returns. Fortunately, there are many beautiful details around us, wherever we are. One of them is the sky. You can always look up and look at the sky to lift your spirits a little and feel confident again. Confidence in the beauty of life generates hope. Because ugliness generates a decrease in hope. Try to contemplate a beautiful little detail that you have at hand. It can even be a small object that is dear to you. The small details contain a lot of beauty, because beauty is found in simplicity.

2. Have Patience

The ability to be patient is directly correlated with the level of hope. The moment we lose patience, our hope diminishes dramatically. Think that all things and events are transient. Unfortunately or fortunately everything will pass. Yes, of course you want the bad things to happen faster and the good things want to last longer. We all want that. But life is composed of a mixture of pleasures and troubles. Sweet moments would not be so beautiful if we did not have some troubles in our life.

3. Slow Things Down

When you start to lose hope, it is an alarm signal that you feel overwhelmed. Give yourself permission to slow things down for a while. Just think about today. Leave the future. The future has an extraordinary ability to take care of itself. You don’t have to worry about the future. You need to only care about today. Survive today as best you can, until dusk, then go to bed a little earlier. You deserve it. Leave the whole world and your own life in someone else’s care for today.

4. Read a Wise Book

Wisdom generates hope. A deeper understanding of reality helps you a lot to have a high level of hope. Somehow, when you feel that you are losing hope, your level of wisdom temporarily diminishes. Go back to a wise book you read in the past or read a new book. Don’t read something dramatically with an ugly and hopeless ending. Read something that will give you strength and motivate you. Also, don’t read a book that is too hard, because you don’t want to add even more weight to yourself. It would be best to re-read a wise book you have read in the past. It will definitely help you.

5. Talk To A Friend

Talk to a friend, mother, father, brother or sister. In desperate times, communicating with a friend or a person who has known us for many years helps a lot. Don’t hesitate to say everything you think. Tell them all your thoughts from those moments. Wait to see their reaction and listen to what they tell you. If you are both in the same situation or you have been in the same situation in the past, talking about this common life experience will help you a lot, you will see. Don’t hide from people who have known you for many years. Nobody can compensate for the value they offer you, because no one can know you in a few days as they know you from so many years.

6. Write Your Thoughts

Write your thoughts on paper. Try to write freely. That is, to write down all the thoughts that go through your mind even if they are the worst possible thoughts. If you think that someone might read what you are writing, break and throw away the sheet after you have written your thoughts. As you write down your thoughts, do not try to lift your spirits and motivate yourself. Do not deny your negative thoughts. Don’t tell yourself it’s nonsense. Just write the thoughts on paper. Try to write a single page with the darkest thoughts you have from those moments. Don’t write more than one page and don’t hide some of your thoughts.

7. Do Something Small and Simple For Yourself

When we lose hope, we also lose the ability to do good things for ourselves, which leads to an even greater loss of hope. This vicious circle can be broken very easily when we do a small and simple thing for ourselves consciously. Doing something for yourself to feel better greatly increases the degree of hope. Extend the bath you take a little more. Sit on a bench in the park and contemplate the nature for some minutes. Read a good news of an event that is happening in the world or that has already happened. Take a nap. Make yourself a cup of tea by paying attention to all the details of making the tea by making them slower and more conscious than usual.


Hard times are difficult, but losing hope is even more difficult. Whatever happens to you, try to keep your hope up. Another way you can bring hope into your life is by giving hope to others. Be the one who inspires others even in the most desperate moments of life. Yes, it is difficult, but not impossible. Keep your hope up and also give it to others. Happiness can be found even in the darkest moments if we remember to turn on the light.

Find Hope In Desperate Times

The Good Divorce: Things to Keep in Mind When Separating

When you make a decision to get a divorce form in order to change your life for better, you are definitely overwhelmed with mixed feelings. The divorce process scares someone, make others upset or angry, arise eagerness for freedom, but what it has in common for everyone is a challenge. The divorce is a challenge for your stable married life and you need to take it and overcome it thoughtfully to end up in happiness and welcoming changes.

It is difficult to concentrate and settle the right priorities when your day is stuffed with changes and arrangements you are responsible for. So, you need to realize and highlight vital points long before you get to divorce papers online or appoint a meeting with the family law attorney.

Keep Business Relationships

The major destructive element of the divorce process which will only multiply your problems and bring extra headache is your intolerant behavior. You may be blinded with anger, guilt, sadness, apathy, and it will keep you away from taking sensible decisions and building up your promising future. So, the right thing for you to do is to put all the emotions and offences away and treat your divorce like a business project and your soon-to-be-ex like your business partner. Plan ahead, respond to e-mails, attend meetings and appointments, get your DIY divorce forms organized, and control the process. Another thing to pay attention to is that you need to aim for an amicable divorce.

If you try to get benefits for yourself only, you may end up in losing major things as well. But when you are ready for cooperation, look for compromise, and care about conditions and decisions convenient for both sides, it is going to end up in as positive outcomes as possible. Moreover, your maximum tolerant and reserved relationships with your ex will the best option for your children. On the contrary, if you keep criticizing your ex-spouse, complain about your failed marriage, and fight about nonsense in front of your children, it may have a negative impact on your children’s health and cause behavioral disorders. So, you’d better analyze your position and attitude to the divorce process and your future ex, predict the outcomes, and alter it to get better results and a happy future for the whole family. 

Don’t Rush Big Decisions

In some divorce cases you are so fed up with the relationships, that you are eager to cut off all the ties as soon as possible. Yet, rushing into changes is not always a good decision either for you or for your family. This way moving houses straightaway, at the very beginning of the process, may bring routine hurdles to both partners and switch the duties division in the most uncomfortable way.

More to this it may be the additional stress to your children, their parents are divorcing, one of the parents moves out, they have to change the place of living, school and routine habits, and all this happens at the same time. It can bring serious health issues and behavioral disorders to your kids and multiply your problems on the top. Or if you decide to split finances here and now, the breadwinner will manage it, while the other partner won’t have any possibility to adapt to the situation and may have serious problems because of that. Overall, no matter what decision you make, big or small one, mind its impact not on your life only, but on the lives of your family as well. Realize that you will never be happy causing troubles to others, it will all get back to you sooner or later.

Cooperate with Professionals

You may select any kind or way of getting divorced, but unless you are a professional lawyer, you will surely need at least a bit of specialist’s help to end up with positive outcomes. You may start with stories and tips of close friends or relatives, who had a similar divorce experience. But don’t take their advice as the only measures for your actions, since each divorce case is a unique one and needs a unique approach.

More to this, if you are ready to put decent efforts, you are able to do a good job by yourself to save a good chunk of time and fortune. This can be done with the help of reliable divorce platforms, such as OnlineDivorcer, where you are to gain customized divorce package, useful tips, and professional assistance for peanuts. And last but not least, a well-packed team of professionals will guarantee the most beneficial outcomes of your divorce. You can start with a well-qualified divorce lawyer to lead you through the whole process, and accompany him/her with the mediator or divorce counselor to help you organize fruitful cooperation. In sum, care to organize your divorce process qualitatively, since it will greatly affect your future and predetermine your happiness.

Care about Yourself

You may be terribly busy and occupied with multiple activities and processes at the same time, so you won’t have any free moment for yourself for sure. It may easily end up in physical and mental health problems and other difficulties as well. So what you really need, is to pay attention to yourself before, during, and after the divorce no matter what. First of all, you should care about the basics: keep a healthy diet or at least don’t forget to eat normal food from time to time and get enough sleep.

Overall, you will be physically unable to process through all challenges of divorce and will end up in a failure. On top of that, you need to find a way to release all the stress and tension of the divorce and get mental peace and emotional recharge preferably every day. Ten minutes in peace and quiet a day with a cup of favorite drink, a short walk for the fresh air, or ten pages of an inspiring book, will be a rescue ring in the busy divorcee’s life and save you from post-divorce depression for sure. Lastly, don’t forget to see your doctor regularly and after it is all ended as well, so you can monitor your health and discover issues before they get too serious.

Overall, if you care to provide beneficial conditions not only for yourself, but for your family, too, make sensible and not rushed decisions, and put decent efforts, you will get positive outcomes and the happy future after all.

Good Divorce Things to Keep in Mind When Separating

Manifest Your Ex Back with Law of Attraction and Motivational Words

There is an old Chinese adage that cautions “Be cautious what you wish for, as you could conceivably get it.” This is a significant message for all manifestations, yet especially when endeavoring to revive a past love interest.

 After a separation, it is human instinct to concentrate on all the great occasions, regardless of whether those were rare. In all likelihood you and your ex separated for an explanation; anyway, there are consistently exemptions to the standard, for example, going separate ways because of life conditions and not on the grounds that the relationship was finished. In these circumstances, it is conceivable to manifest your ex back utilizing the Law of Attraction.

Before you start the amazing manifestation that will charge your ex to you, you should be certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are not thinking back through rose-colored glasses, on the grounds that the Law of Attraction will manifest your longing. The best approach to tell on the off chance that you are deceived or not is to contemplate Maya Angelou’s useful tidbits:

 “I’ve discovered that individuals will overlook what you stated, individuals will overlook what you did, however, individuals will always remember how you affected them.” As you ruminate, center around recollecting the emotions that you encountered most of when you were with your ex. If you feel warm and helped, cheerful, and free, at that point we can proceed onward to the initial step.

There are many manifestation programs available that can help you manifest a life you always wanted. Read the Soul Manifestation Review.

The Law of Attachment

Manifesting a previous darling is known to be one of the most troublesome circumstances to manifest. This is because there is regularly a great deal of passionate connection to the result of your solicitation, which forestalls manifestation. At the point when you are sincerely joined to any person or thing, it implies that you feel inadequate without having that thing or individual. By feeling deficient and as though your bliss or feeling of worth relies upon drawing in your ex (or whatever else), you won’t have the option to line up with the recurrence of your longing.

All manifestations are charged through the sentiment of realizing that you as of now have what you need or the certainty that it will manifest eventually. In this way, the initial move towards manifesting your ex back is to separate from the possibility that they are the wellspring of all satisfaction and rather center around bringing your vibration up in any manner you can. So before proceeding onward to the manners by which you can calibrate your recurrence, let us start with a method that you can use to liberate yourself from the obligations of passionate connection for good.

Cut the Cord Visualization

Start with a short contemplation to focus yourself and interface with the internal direction that is the Universe inside you. When you are feeling loose and have arrived at a higher state of awareness, envision yourself lying on a wood floor, stripped and limited by a long red lace. The lace is tangled around your body on various occasions and you can’t break free. Looking down, you notice a path of strip driving from your tangled bonds to your ex, who is tied up similarly a couple of meters from you.

Presently take a full breath and approach the Universe for help with liberating yourself from passionate connections to your ex. Call upon the white fire of otherworldly immaculateness and see it enlighten the red stripes with white shining light for 30 seconds. Presently watch as the gleaming strips sparkle considerably more brilliant for a second, enlightening the space around your bodies, before evaporating with the white light. You are free! Concentrate on the influx of help you feel from discharging your passionate connection. Turn over onto your back and gaze toward the covering of trees above, feeling the daylight on your body.

Envision shutting your eyes and feeling totally devoured by the magnificence and rapture existing apart from everything else. Presently imagine making you fully aware of seeing that your ex has come to you and is lying close to you, persistently hanging tight for your kiss. See yourself in your inner consciousness being enthusiastically kissed by your ex, and as you are kissing them, imagine a pink sphere of light encompassing your solidarity. Keep on concentrating on the positive sentiments of rejoining and permit the vision to end in the manner you wish.

Practice this perception consistently, until you are certain that you have discharged your passionate connection and called your ex to you on a profound level.

Adjust Your Frequency

The last advance during the time spent manifesting your ex back is to concentrate on raising your vibration. Recollect that the Law of Attraction works since “like pulls in like,” so on the off chance that you need to draw in the affection for your ex you have to transmit love and bliss. Rather than grieving the loss of your ex, rather consider them to be as a brief partition, one that will permit every one of you to develop profoundly and appreciate a progressively significant relationship when you do reconnect. Work on your recurrence by investing your energy with companions, making the most of your preferred leisure activities, and making some great memories. You can try preaching some affirmations in the morning to help you start your day on a good note.

Notwithstanding rehearsing self-esteem to uplift your recurrence, you should take a shot at your confidence also. The Law of Attraction has three fundamental advances: Ask, Believe, and Receive. So you have to know in your heart that your ex, despite everything, adores you and is going to manifest into your life. If you notice yourself having a snapshot of uncertainty or need to develop your confidence, you can utilize these three incredible mantras to reconstruct your recurrence:

He/She will consistently be mine

I can have them if I need to

He/She despite everything cherishes me

Attempt to rehash these mantras two times per day, with twenty redundancies each, to adjust your psyche brain to the correct recurrence. Notwithstanding the above procedures, practice a demeanor of appreciation by going through an hour or two recordings the entirety of the characteristics you acknowledge in your ex. Make the rundown to the extent that this would be possible and incorporate your great recollections also. This will adjust you to the recurrence of thankfulness, which will draw in all the more cherishing great occasions to you, and polarize your ex.

About the Author

Hey!! I am Patrick Wood, a Professional Manifestation and  Law of Attraction Coach. I have been in this field for the last 10 years and helped turn around the lives of many people.

I work with clients globally and my expertise covers all areas of manifesting including limitless money, business success, abundance, and happiness.

But what I teach isn’t your ‘standard’ Law of Attraction insight, what I have to share through my incredible Non-Physical Team is totally new, unique, and Leading Edge information that will give you a whole new angle on Manifesting.

I welcome you all to Manifest an Abundant life for you and your loved ones!!

Becoming Whole And What It Can Do For Your Relationships

Being a part of this whole we call humankind, nature and the world is a magical experience to have and nurture throughout our lives as human beings. And it’s only when we become mindful, aware and present that we realize how connected we all are and how unique every one of us is, each in our own way. We may get a glimpse of this spiritual oneness in life, but do we actually feel whole as individuals? 

Becoming Whole and What It Can Do For Your Relationships

Most of us go through life with feelings of lack, inadequacy or discomfort, not knowing how to restore wholeness and how to have truly meaningful relationships to those around us. So what can we do about it? How can we live our day-to-day lives in such a way that we heal and replenish ourselves and those around us instead of diminishing them or taking something away from them?

1. Learn How to Love Your Own Company

This has to be one of the most underrated actions you can take in order to start becoming whole in your life. But how can you do it? In today’s society, we’re more used than ever to spend alone time, but it’s not really the healing quality time we yearn for. There’s a subtle, but major difference between spending time by yourself and with yourself. Try to get in touch with yourself as if you were a different person. Listen to what they have to say, what they crave and what they really need. Then do your best to nurture yourself and offer yourself these things as if you would a dear friend of yours who you care immensely about and who you’d like to support in life, no matter what. When you love yourself completely and purely, you also share these positive feelings with every person you meet, regardless of the type of relationship you have with them.

2. Discover Your Perfect Centering Practice

Discover the mindfulness practice that works for you and that helps you get in touch with divine love. That type of love that sees everything as one and looks upon nothing and no one with judgment or attachment. You can either discover that half an hour of meditation in the morning centers you this way or that you’re most likely to embrace wholeness by going on a walk through nature. Mindful breathing can also be incredibly powerful as it slows down the mind, clears it of any thoughts and allows you to simply be. You may find that when you live like this, immersed in mindful thinking, there’s no room for anything else but wholeness. 

3. Show Yourself Appreciation and Forgive Your Own Shortcomings

If we don’t come to terms with who we really are, the cracks in our spirit will definitely show in the way we lead our lives. This means we need to get in touch with our deepest, most sincere selves and embrace everything we discover. We’ll most certainly find flaws and shortcomings that we’ve been struggling with, meeting them with resistance more than anything else. But it’s time to show more indulgence and practice forgiveness towards ourselves – only then will we be able to be as generous with the people in our lives as well. Remember, thoughts create reality, so make sure yours are filled with loving-kindness for yourself.

4. Gently Assess Your Life

Take the time each day to acknowledge where you are in your life and how you feel. Ask yourself if there’s a healthy range of emotions in your life right now or if you’re perhaps focused on only one or two. Ask yourself if you’re as spiritually fulfilled as you’d like to be and if it’s accessible to you to reach that inner place of gratitude, hope, and calm. Lastly, ask yourself if your mind is nurtured. Are you in a growth process, are you learning and developing? Is there any area of your life that needs more tending to? Gently asking yourself this list of questions on a regular basis will help you get more and more in touch with your true self and help you become the whole person you would like to be. Wellbeing is not far away and you deserve it.

As soon as you start doing these four things regularly, you may find a surprising and blissful feeling that there was wholeness in you all along. You’re now only holding the right keys that can uncover everything you were looking for. By accepting and being in touch with ourselves, we can begin to have stronger, more meaningful and authentic relationships with the people in our lives and it may come as no surprise to you when you’ll feel you finally have a harmonious and fulfilled life.

About the Author

‘Claudia Spataru is a free spirit located in Bucharest, Romania and always in search of answers to life’s greatest questions. She loves to understand how people work, what makes them tick and find ways to help them reach higher grounds. She adores the sea, traveling and laughing.’

Becoming Whole and What It Can Do For Your Relationships

How to Embrace Your Femininity and Exude Confidence

During these past decades, the world has seen a huge shift between the roles women play in society. Due to a lack of positive female role models, women have turned to male figures to inspire them in the way they lead their lives. This raised women that learned to be resilient, fighters and even aggressive in pursuing what they want. Although these traits are not faulty, per se, they started shadowing authentic feminine qualities like grace, gentleness, and empathy. 

Many women now feel like they’re trapped in a rat race where the ultimate goal is for them to come on top of the game. If you’ve felt this too in your life, you’ve probably also felt you can’t get a breather and or even attract the men you’d like in your life. This is why we’ve compiled a list of ways to help you embrace your innate femininity:

1. Get In Touch With Your Femininity For Yourself First

In today’s shaky dating world, lots of women tend to focus exclusively on what would better attract men. The women focus on what we need to change about ourselves to make these masculine figures like us. However, in this pursuit of validation, many of us tend to turn a blind eye to who we really are and what makes up happy. 

So instead of doing this, try thinking about yourself first and investigate what makes you feel feminine. It could be a quiet day all to yourself, a pampering session or an afternoon out with the girls. It can also mean that you get in touch with your emotions and let yourself feel more vulnerable from time to time. Discover what works for you and what ultimately brings you closer to that inner feminine energy you’ll learn to cherish.

2. Create a Space of Grace

Grace is such a vague concept – we don’t always know what it means to be graceful or where to start. If you think about it, all graceful women you’ve ever met have certain qualities that seem to be common for all of them. It can be a certain elegance about their body language or the way they speak. Or it can be an inner calm that exudes from within and fills their proximity with warmth and serenity. 

The key to experiencing these emotions as well is first of all to slow down. In the space that silence creates a lot of positive beliefs and positive vibes can come to life. Try practicing more empathy to the people around you, gratitude and self-love towards your own experience. Your inner landscape will change in no time and people will start to notice you’ve become more feminine and confident.

3. Remember That Femininity Means Strength

When I was growing up, I used to be more of a tomboy than a feminine person. And that’s mostly because the education I received taught me that I needed to be strong and resilient, that I need to face life’s challenges without even flinching. 

By working on my personal development, I gradually realized that it was okay to be vulnerable and that it doesn’t make you weak. It’s okay to understand that feelings are not just black and white, but a complex blend of nuanced emotions that don’t need to be defined. You can be just as strong if you allow yourself to be sad, overwhelmed or defeated. I would even add that by allowing yourself to process these emotions, you start moving away from masculine energy, and embarking on a process that benefits your health both immediately and in the long run.

4. Start Appreciating Your Body

It’s only natural that women have a tight and important relationship with our bodies. But as long as we don’t respect and relish our bodies, we can’t feel confident and grateful for them. With honesty, try looking in your life and see what actions you take that don’t come from a place of love for your body. 

For example, it could be that you’re eating junk food that doesn’t create sustenance for your body or that you have a poor sleeping schedule that doesn’t allow it to regenerate. Additionally, you can also use self-affirmations about your body that could make you start loving it more than you ever did. Remember, thoughts create reality.

If you want to get in touch with your femininity, simply start applying the tips from the list above and you’ll soon notice a difference in the way you perceive yourself. And since we are the ones who train the people around us how to be seen, as soon as you see yourself differently, others will too.

About the Author

‘Claudia Spataru is a free spirit located in Bucharest, Romania and always in search of answers to life’s greatest questions. She loves to understand how people work, what makes them tick and find ways to help them reach higher grounds. She adores the sea, traveling and laughing.’

Brighten your day with more than 1400 nice words from our list of positive words.

How to Embrace Your Femininity and Exude Confidence

Best 3 Positive Words For Teachers To Their Students

Teachers have a great influence on their students. Their attitude, approach, reproach, and how they even address their students can go along the way into determining if they even get better results and become successful. Being positive and using positive words on your students while conveying lessons goes a long way into building individuals who have a positive attitude too. It is therefore paramount for teachers to ensure that they work to model a great student with what they say and do.  Thesis editor is also a good place you can look for help in terms of language to use. Below are some of the positive words for teachers to use on their students.

1. Show students that you believe in their abilities

We all need someone to believe in us as well as we believe in ourselves. As a teacher, it is important to show students that you do believe in them and their abilities. This sends a great message of affirmation. Positivity allows them room to explore their abilities and achieve their goals. It also helps them to be more active listeners, work with others collaboratively with the aim to achieve what they set out to.

It is paramount for teachers to always reinforce their belief in their students while supporting them to be the best versions of themselves.

2. Use positive words

Words can have the biggest impact on a student’s life. Depending on the circumstances and the environment in which we convey our messages, they can either build or destroy them.

Using positive words with your students is a great step to help in molding them in a positive way. You should also encourage to use the same and practice doing so on a daily basis. It is important to allow students to reflect on the negative connotations they utter so that they can find meaningful utterances they could replace them with. This will not create a positive environment in places of learning, but it will also allow students to learn to bring positivity to their speech.

3. Being honest and direct

Honesty is something that most people struggle with. Showing compassion and being direct with your students is important. It allows you to build a trusting relationship with them as they feel that you respect them and you wish them the very best in their endeavors.

Being honest also allows them to see that you support them and are willing to give them positive feedback that they can build on.

A good example is instead of asking” Could you wait for your turn to walk out, you could let the student know that “the expectation is you would wait for your turn to walk out”.

Such kind of communication shows your students that you can convey messages directly and with honesty which allows room for trust.

Avoid using the word “Don’t”

This word delivers a negative connotation and most people find it so easy to use it.  You can work on replacing this with more positive statements. A good example would be, instead of saying something like “Don’t bring phones to my class” you can replace this with “ We all know phones are distractive, and that is why we prefer to leave them outside”.

Positive language helps create positive habits as well as allow students to make informed choices by even choosing what they speak about.


Positivity in a learning environment is key, especially when this positivity trickles down from the teachers to their students. As mentioned, teachers play a major role in influencing their students. It is therefore extremely important if they maintain a positive attitude and say positive things to their students. This will not allow for academic excellence for students, but they will also be able to influence those close to them too. Write my paper is another great place you can find more tips on positive things teachers can say to their students.

Positive Words For Teachers To Their Students

5 Positive Thoughts The Heart Needs Before Going To Sleep

Rejection, disagreements, conflicts, self-pity, hurt all these companions are hard to let go of.
After a hard day’s work when you reach home, all these emotions finally get to you. Your heart needs to let go all the burdens.

You have to maintain a professional, emotionless facade at your workplace or institutes. But the mask falls off when you reach home.

You fell the overload of these repressed emotions and going to sleep with them in mind can really be dangerous for you.

It’s not a joke. It could lead you straight to depression.

Save your day from negative thoughts.

Just think of it this way. Every one must have a smartphone, and you need to charge it periodically after the battery drains.

It’s similar to your body and your mind. Giving into the negative thoughts is like saying, “Screw it! Let the phone die. What do I need it for?”

Just like you need your phone for almost everything today, you need your body and mind, both of them working in sync.

So, you shouldn’t just satisfy your physical cravings but emotional ones as well.

So, when you go to bed next time. How about you feed your soul and mind as well? Watch for your heart needs.

Here are 5 positive thoughts that will help you with your goal.

1. “We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

What you have to understand here is the difference between addiction and passion. When you are passionate about what you have planned you should not divert from the path even in the face of some obstacles or roadblocks.

Addiction will lead you astray. It could be your addiction to toxic things that appear toxic like alcohol, pills, gambling or it could be something completely harmless as watching movies all the time.

But both of them lead you astray.

Gambling is a perfect example for us to explore here.

Suppose someone who is good at numbers decides that gambling is a job for him. But is he being smart about it?

Is he investing the money he earned or just gambling it away in a string of wins and losses?

Is he drinking it all away?  When it stops being productive in all sorts of ways (financial, spiritual, etc), should seek new and positive things.

The right time to move on is when the passion turns into addiction. No matter how hard it is welcome the new life that is waiting for you.

2. “Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.”

Hope springs eternal or does it?

How many times have you felt so lost that you never thought that you could wake up the next day? That you just couldn’t take it anymore. Why do these things keep happening to me?

This is when you start to get the feeling of doom and you feel like someone is actually telling you  ‘abandon hope all ye who enter here.’

When it happens why don’t you try saying this to yourself?

“Well, boohoo. I’m so sorry your feelings are hurt, Princess.”

You are going to get hurt. There’s no way around it. Sulk for a few days if you have to but there will come a time when you have to say enough is enough and get over it.

Let your experiences shape you. If you just broke up with someone you might feel like relationships are not for you. Think about this, would you have been happy with that person in long term? Why did it not work out? What does your heart needs?

You are not the reason it didn’t work out. Things were just not meant to be. You were not suited for each other. So, rather than giving up on relationships altogether, why don’t you learn why you didn’t suit and avoid that in the partner you next choose?

3. “Storms make trees take deeper roots”

This is a new one but you must have heard about how “Even the stars need darkness to shine.”

This thought means mostly the same thing.

When you weather the storm you emerge a victor. Because even when everything else was blown away by the storm, you stood strong and kept control on the thing.

You did not let the storm blow you away like it did all the other things in sight. It only made you take deeper roots.

So, congratulate yourself that you are still standing strong. You can hold on for far much longer and be this amazing individual that you are.

Isn’t it a good thing to tell yourself before you fall asleep?

It is.

4. “IF you are searching for that one person that will change your life, take a look in the mirror.”

If you are looking for a partner because you feel that he/she can give a new and better direction to your life then think again.

Or better yet why don’t you find a mirror and take a good look at the person who can actually do that for you?

You are the only one who can decide what to do with your life. No one else can help with it. You can try yoga and go for spiritual retreats but they will only work as deep down as you have made the choice to do it.

Next time you look in the mirror don’t admire yourself, for a change think about what kind of changes you want to happen in your life and how you can go about making them.

“Mirror Mirror on the wall who’s gonna change it all?”

You. The answer is always going to be you. 

5. “Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else.”

Here’s another thought worth remembering.

Remember seeing a girl/guy out there and thinking wish I looked like her/him?

Do not feel sorry for yourself and you actually think about it. They might look cool but they could be plastics. There are many people out there who look just like them.

And then there is you. You might not have the same style or you might not like putting much effort in what you look like but you are you.

You are unique, the way you dress defines you. It is what sets you apart. Why do you want to be clones of other people running out there? Be yourself and enjoy being it.

Here’s the thing. If you go looking for negative things you will find them just the same way if you go looking for positive things you will find them.

And you will make mistakes along the way. Sometimes you will want to give up and say, “I can’t carry the facade of being happy, I do it every day at work or outside the house. Why do I have to keep it up even at home? I need a break.”

To clear things up. A facade is a mask that you put up to fool others. And no matter how hard you try, you can’t fool yourself about your real feelings and emotions.

What you are doing at home is not a facade it is you trying to feed your soul with positive energy. These are just a few positive thoughts. If you go looking you will find so much more. So, think one positive thought a day or a month before you go to sleep.

Don’t just say it out loud and go to sleep. Feel the thought, understand it and it will help you.

Author ~ Ari Banayan

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

heart needs

Best 7 Tips to Keep Away Job Search Anxieties and Get Hired

Seeking new employment is stressful. Regardless of qualifications, experience, finesse or other capabilities, searching a job causes anxiety and stress. It affects the overall performance of a job seeker at interviews, psychometric and other tests. It hinders personal life. Several factors contribute towards anxiety related to job search.

Defining anxiety and its types

The US government’s National Institute of Mental Health offers this astute definition of anxiety: “Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. You might feel anxious when faced with a problem at work, before taking a test or making an important decision. But anxiety disorders involve more than temporary worry or fear.

For a person with an anxiety disorder, the anxiety does not go away and can get worse over time. The feelings can interfere with daily activities such as job performance, school work, and relationships. There are several different types of anxiety disorders. Examples include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder.”

NIMH’s definition elucidates, job search related anxiety is occasional. It manifests during the entire span of job search process – from application to the first day at work. Anxiety levels are severe among unemployed yet qualified, experienced job applicants.

Fresh graduates have moderate job search related anxieties, a research in the UK reveals. Unemployed suffer more due to financial and social problems caused by joblessness. Uncertainty causes anxiety among fresh graduates searching jobs.

Job search related anxiety is lowest and almost negligible among people of all ages looking to change employers, due to financial and social stability they enjoy.

Lowering anxiety levels

Anxiety is healthy up to a certain degree. It helps job seekers remain alert, exert extra efforts and gain more skills to remain competitive.

Unhealthy anxiety has severe adverse effects. Job searchers may run into both of depression, mood swings, and unwarranted despair.

Left untreated, may lead to suicidal tendencies and prove fatal. Preventing deleterious anxiety is essential.

Step-1: Never fudge your biodata/ Curriculum Vitae

Embellishing biodata by adding or withholding details is the primary cause of job search related anxiety. The lurking fear of being found and disqualified worries most job seekers. People doctor biodata and CVs for two reasons. To show they are better qualified for the job over others, or, to conceal unpleasant facts.

An increasing number of employers now conduct background checks. Fudged details can be easily detected. To avoid anxiety during job searches, never embellish your biodata. Companies never look at your past and are least concerned unless it directly impacts them adversely. Employers are interested in what you can deliver.

Step-2: Apply while employed

Being unemployed can be very unpleasant. It causes financial, social hardships. People frown upon qualified persons who, for any reason, are unemployed. Pressures to maintain a fixed lifestyle with no guarantees of income causes severe anxiety among job seekers. Such anxiety can easily be eradicated.

Apply for a new job while employed. Doing so helps to maintain your financial and social status. You also retain the advantage of bargaining for better pay and perks with any prospective employer. If unemployed, draw a budget to buffer days without income.

Step-3: Upgrade your skills

Whether working or unemployed, it is vital to keep your skills updated at all times. A new set of skills might not help your current employer. Yet, they give you an edge over other applicants for the same job.

Companies look for multi-taskers and employees with better soft skills. Knowing you are on a higher plane over competitors plays a big role in lowering and preventing job search anxieties.

Step-4: Stop praying for a job

Before screaming sacrilege, think yourself. Ceasing to pray for a job is essential to prevent job search anxieties. Nobody doubts the innate benefits of praying and dependence upon a divine power.

Prayers are encouraged at all times and are indeed healthy. For those spiritually inclined- remember, the divine power is responsible and promises to suffice your genuine needs.

Unanswered, delayed replies to prayers are known to cause immense frustration. Several applicants get habituated to incessant praying instead of focusing on realities required in the job market.

Step-5: Simulate work conditions

This is an ideal way to prevent anxiety during a job search. Unemployed or fresh job seeker, draw a schedule that resembles a typical working day. Wake up, sleep, have meals at fixed hours. Assign specific hours for job searches and application, regardless of whether you use a computer at home or at cyber café.

Set realistic targets for the number of job searches and applications you intend to achieve within eight ‘working’ hours. Go about achieving this target. Such schedule also helps respond instantly to any interview calls.

Step-6: Focus on mental, physical wellness

Unhealthy lifestyle is notorious for fuelling anxiety and stress. Unemployed and fresh job seekers often spend long hours sleeping or indulging in ungainful activity.

Your physique and face betray such lifestyle clearly to interviewers. Maintaining healthy lifestyle and diet helps prevent a build-up of excess brain and body hormones triggered by stress.

Exercises, yoga, walks and other activities keep job search related anxiety at bay. Reading stuff unrelated to jobs, helping at home, spending quality time with relatives and friends is excellent to stave off anxiety.

Step-7: Focused, purpose-driven targeting

Nowadays most job searches are conducted online. Applicants scour multiple job sites for vacancies. They upload CV and other details on these websites. Mobile apps alert applicants about new vacancies and allow applications at push of a button.

The flip side however is, job alerts sent by recruiter websites are frequently irrelevant, causing unwarranted stress and anxiety. They waste your time and effort.

When applying through recruitment websites, be extremely specific about the type of job you want. This increases chances of getting alerted to the perfect vacancy fast. Avoid unnecessary keywords while registering on employment portals.

Think out of the box

Remember, anxiety stems from imagination gone rancid. Left unchecked, it can putrefy into severe mental handicap that requires psychiatric intervention. Crime statistics worldwide clearly indicate unemployment and inability to find job leads to suicide.

A few also take to crime. Joblessness is a temporary phase that affects everyone’s life. It is not peculiar to you. Job search related anxiety is common and inflicts millions worldwide.

Go that extra mile

Keeping in touch with former colleagues is an excellent way to get rid of job search related anxiety. Visit offices of others operating in your profession to get acquainted with latest developments. Joining profession specific groups on social media helps bolster sagging confidence.

Advantages of goal setting

While searching for jobs, set goals about the size and type of company you wish to work. Resolve never to undersell your skills, regardless of the time taken to land that perfect job. It is wiser to stay unemployed for a few weeks more rather than take undesirable work.

Well prepared is key to success

Some degree of anxiety during job searches is caused by complacency on part of applicants. Leaving fine details until the last minute before an interview/ test causes unwarranted stress. Keep your certificates, references and other documents prepared before you commence applying.

Exploit the social media

A crisp page on LinkedIn and healthy Facebook profile can decide who hires you. Employers are increasingly looking at social media presence of prospective employees, despite inherent disadvantages. LinkedIn particularly helps you network with others in your chosen profession and fetches you vital tips and tweaks essentially to crack complex interviews and tests.

Author’s Bio

Pritam Nagrale is a blogger and running a digital marketing company in Mumbai. He writes on Career, Business, Make Money Ideas.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

job search

How to Discover Your Why to Get Opened to Success

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Nietzsche’s work has often been misquoted and misinterpreted. But let’s stick to this specific quote for now… It triggers something in you, doesn’t it? When you know where you’re headed, you will find the strength to stay on the right path. No defeat has the power to shake your world.

How do we find that why, so we’ll stay strong in the how?

We live, work, and have relationships. Also, have friends. None of it feels exactly right. We’re often exhausted, angry, unmotivated, confused… practically helpless. Do you know what the reason for the negative state of being is? Having no clear reason for our existence.

Most of us haven’t discovered our why because we’re afraid it might be too challenging for us. So we remain in that zone of comfort, living a life that doesn’t make us happy.

How do you make things right? It all starts with discovering your why. Let’s see how you can do that.

1. Define Your Own Vision of Success

How do you envision success? When you perceive someone as successful, you surely don’t feel that way just because they have money. Success is more. Is about traveling and seeing the world? Or about doing the thing you love? Is it about starting a beautiful family? Maybe it is about having a cozy home?

Define what success means to you. From there on, you’ll be able to start to discover your reason for living.

2. Define Your Current Priorities

  • Are you happy with what you have now? If yes, what are the things you’re happy about? If no, what are the things that make you unhappy?
  • What makes you successful or unsuccessful?
  • Would you change something in your life?
  • What current priorities should you abandon? What priorities should you set for your future?

Don’t cheat! Be honest with yourself. The answers will help you get on the right track.

3. Find Your Current Passion

Maybe you were truly passionate about your profession before, but you lost the enthusiasm somewhere along the way. It happens. Our passions may change over the years, but that change doesn’t happen with our true calling.

Look for the one thing you’re into right now. Don’t be afraid of revealing your current passion. Find ways to move things in that direction.

4. Ask and Answer the Right Questions

Did you discover a specific goal through the above-listed methods? Here are few more questions for you to answer:

  • Why do you want to achieve this goal?
  • What do you hate about your current way of life, your position in it, and your job?
  • Will your life get better once you achieve this goal?
  • Do you have to sacrifice anything to achieve the goal? Will you find the strength to do it?
  • What are the things that you’ll gain as soon as you reach this goal?

These questions will lead you to the answer to the ultimate question: is this your why?

5. Write a Personal Essay

You often forget about the brightest ideas when you don’t note them down. That’s why it’s important to write about your goal.

A personal essay will open your eyes to what your why is and how you can start living in accordance with that calling.

“Personal essays have the power to reveal the thoughts and feelings we’re hiding from ourselves”, agrees Paul Clarkson, a writer at AU BestEssays. “In fact, I recommend writing plenty of them. If possible, write one every day. It doesn’t matter how well you can write. This will be a personal practice that no one will grade. It’s all about understanding who you really are and what you need to do now to change for the better.”

6. Look for the Meaning

How does your job fit into society? How is your role important not only for you but for other people as well? Is that meaning valuable?

A teacher has a meaning. They are educating different generations of students and they are bringing them into the real world. Every profession has its meaning, but it’s important for you to find the purpose of what you do. Do you believe in that role, or would you like to do something else with your life?

7. Stay Confident

Set all doubt and disbelief aside. When you’re looking for your purpose in life, you’ll definitely face doubts. No matter how strong they are, they shouldn’t stop you from giving your why a try. Think about it: you might have discovered your purpose. That deserves your commitment.

Identifying your calling is not the easiest thing in the world. Even when you find your why you’ll face many challenges on the journey. But guess what: it’s the only right thing to do.

Author’s Bio

Lynn Adamsen is a freelance writer and editor from Edinburgh who has helped individuals and businesses with their writing challenges for almost a decade now. Now she is taking full advantage of the web copywriting course. Feel free to get in touch with@lynn_adamsen.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.


How Do Foreign Students Study In The USA At Present

It’s not a secret, thousands of students from all over the globe come to the United States. When having a wide choice of countries, people often choose to study in America eventually.

The following article is going to answer all of your questions concerning studying in the United States and what foreign students should expect.

Studying abroad in the States means the best experience. It include wonderful studying programs, perfect English practice, tons of resources. Also best living conditions and many other unique opportunities.

Excellent academic programs in different colleges and universities

The Universities and colleges of the United States are the best in the world. They offer lots of affordable studying programs for students from all over the globe. The system will surely vary from that in your country. You will get personal attention in every class. Size of the groups is small, from 10 to 20 students. The reason is all the students should be encouraged to participate in the discussions. The relationships between professors and students are very close. They meet for coffee or meal in the offices. There are lots of faculties offering personal approach. Each student has a chance to get a mentor in his career field.

The Universities of the USA are so popular because of the academic freedom. You will be trained how to analyze the problem and solve it. Students listen to each other’s points of view and challenge them. Such system gives you confidence when organizing and presenting your arguments.

You can choose a community college with lower education costs and smaller sizes of classes. Another alternative is a private college with more intimate campuses or a large public university even.

Amazing campus life – new learning opportunities

Most of the students of the USA Universities live on the school campuses. That’s an amazing chance to be engaged in different students’ activities. For example: skiing, hiking, different excursions and travelers’ attractions. There are different international student organizations and various clubs to plan activities in most colleges and Universities.

Students have a chance not only to study but to attend different clubs and activities helpful for their future career, such as Journalism Professional Society, etc.

However, that’s not all yet.

Specialized libraries and resources

In the high schools of the United States, you surely won’t face the lack of books and resources. They offer not only various resources, such as books, academic journals, movies, but also those resources which are very difficult to find. In case you cannot find the necessary books translated into English in your country, you will surely find your book search to be hassle-free in the United States.

The best practice of English

In case your level of English is not that good, choosing an American University would be the best decision. Lots of colleges and private schools offer advanced-level English language programs to foreign students. They help students learn English as a second language. There are students who take such classes to prepare for entering University. Other students experience American life and learn English meanwhile. Some of them improve their English skills when having a job or working at an internship.

Foreign students often order their academic writings and essays on such services, as in order to receive the best grades, while it’s difficult for them to write such tasks, not in their native language. But English still becomes their second native language in some time.
The best part of education in the United States is culture diversity though.

Culture Diversity and Variety

It’s not a secret there are lots of foreign students in the United States. That’s why anyone can get acquainted with different cultures of the world and even learn several new languages. You will face rich regional history and traditions. The USA is a multicultural country with lots of immigrants, which makes it a very interesting and dynamic place to study.

Despite the widespread opinion that it’s very difficult for foreign students to study in the United States, thousands of students still keep coming to this country yearly.

Author’s Bio

Adriana Larty is a young unknown writer. Writing is her hobby. Currently, She works at writing service and sometimes writes for various sites. In free time, you can find her walking in a park with her two dogs, outside enjoying nature or shopping with friends. Her motto is, ‘Be positive!’

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.


Best 6 Ways On How to Keep Little Kids Happy Today

We all know that raising happier children is usually easier said than done. As parents, we need to understand that every child is different. Raising them in today’s stressful and hectic world can be really exhausting but it is also our responsibility to make sure that we raise them a happy one rather than just focusing them to be a smarter one.

As parents, we constantly try to find out ways and things for how we can do that work. Here we show you more ways than you can try as parents to help raise your kids to be happy one.

1. Teach them to be Empathetic

A study shows that kids who learn empathy can teach them to stand up for what’s right and to stand against bullying and bad behaviors maybe at school etc. They are more helpful and kind to other kids as well. For example, if you have two children, a good idea is to gift a bassinet to the older one and make him feel responsible for taking care of the younger ones. At the same time make him realize that he is special to you and is worthy of taking care of the little one. This way, he will become more caring and he will feel really happy that you trust him with the younger child. Helping the elderly with something is also a great way to learn them empathize. This will not only keep the kids happy but also help them build stronger relationships.

2. Develop Social Skills

The difference between the kids today and 10 years ago is that they are very much play-deprived and not close to nature as well. Sure we send them to various classes where indirectly we are telling them what to do or not, which actually puts stress and pressure on them. We need to understand that unstructured play is equally important; this helps the kids to have independent learning. Let them have fun. Let them be just kids for some time.

3. Have Meals Together

We have all heard the saying that families that eat together live together, but do you know what magical effects it can have on our kid’s happiness? Many types of research have shown that the kids who have their meals with their families are more emotionally stable. Also, it helps in being more connected with the family.

4. Good Listening Skills

Now this one has to be followed by the parents first. In order to teach the kids, we need to start listening to what our kids have to say to us, be it a trivial thing. It might be a problem for your child and you need to discuss what’s bothering the child so they can learn to express themselves more, and be happier.

5. Maintain a Happy and Loving Environment

To keep our kids happy we need to ensure a happy and loving environment, and how can we do that? By being happy and joyful ourselves! We can transmit that positivity to our kids. Studies show that if the parents are depressed or sad it can greatly affect the child’s happiness as well.

The environment should be full of joy and laughter. This is going to keep your child happy as we all know laughter is contagious! Make sure to have a loving, warm and secure environment in the house.

6. Self Discipline

Teach kids self-discipline, don’t confuse this with being strict with them instead just praise the right thing that they do. For kids who are 3 to 5 years old, everything that they do is new to them. They don’t really know about right and wrong at such a tender age, so appreciate things they do right. The creativity they have and the hard work they might be putting into learning something are a few of them.

So basically what parents must try to do is know their child understands his or her strengths and then build them up slowly. Don’t put any kind of pressure or stress on them.

Please spend time with them, allow them to express themselves without any fear, and let them experience the unconditional love you have for them. The above-mentioned ways can surely help you with raising your child a happy one. Do give these a try!

Author’s Bio

Martin is a freelance writer and a traveler who aspire to see the world one day. He cherish about writing positive things and spreading positive thoughts. His motto is – “When you think positive, good things happen.” In his free time, you can find him learning about new tech and innovations.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.


Power of Consistency: A Key That Opens All Doors For You

Wouldn’t it be just wonderful if you could find a single solution to everything in the world?

A dynamic solution like that would of course come with a catch.

Because the answer is “Consistency”. And the catch is that, consistency always comes with “persistence” sashaying on its left arm. The two are inseparable. And tethering on a thin chord not too far behind this power couple, is the little boy wonder we all want – success.

Too much of an analogy? Nevertheless, here are some examples that will prove the formula works everywhere – be it in matters of the heart, sports, professional success, war or great life changing discoveries.

1. Refusing to give up

Hrithik Roshan, the Bollywood actor, launched his own brand- HRX. The brand, a personification of the man himself – a man determined to push himself to his extremes. Being born into an affluent family didn’t make the journey to being one of the top actors in Bollywood easy. From overcoming speech problems as a child to proving his doctors wrong when they diagnosed him with scoliosis and predicted he could never become an actor, Hrithik Roshan has crossed every wall life put in his way, reducing it to nothing more than a speed bump.

After all, this is the man who as a child practiced for 36 hours just to be able to explain to his cook exactly what he wanted to eat. And even today, in the midst of all his success, he still practices every day.

Consistency is not perfection. It is simply refusing to give up.

2. Fitness

If you are a fitness freak, you already know this. If you are not, then you should know, that running for 2 hours a day and then not running for the next 2 weeks will result in nothing but sore muscles. Sporadic spurts of rigorous exercise is strenuous for the body. Instead a steady but consistent increase in intensity will more likely give you better results. “Long term consistency trumps short term intensity” said Bruce lee, world renowned martial artist and action film actor. “I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”

A consistent workout routine also improves your mental health as endorphins released by the body as a result of regular workouts will enhance your mood and let you experience positive feelings.

3. Love

In any relationship, consistency is key. If you want to win over that girl, be consistent in your efforts, so that she takes you seriously. Lack of consistency could be seen as lack of interest. A man who is consistency will never have to complain about loyalty.

If you are a parent, then you know how the consistent presence and love of your parents (or lack of it) influenced you.

4. War: Consistency and the human mind

Robert E. Cialdini, in his book ‘Influence: the psychology of persuasion’ tells that, once we have made a choice or taken a stand, we have a “nearly obsessive desire to be (and to appear) consistent with that commitment.”

A surprising example of this was seen in the Korean wars when prisoners of war from the United States gave away military secrets, informed on fellow prisoners and even publicly denounced their country, without being beaten or threatened. The prisoners were made to state mild anti-American statements, like the “United States is not perfect.”

The critical step was that they were made to write it down, preventing them from denying the statement on a later occasion, thereby forcing them to corroborate the same. Thus, using these mild remarks the prisoners were then pushed to expand on ways in which this statement was true.

Not wanting to be inconsistent they complied. To remain further consistent, they would agree to read their statements aloud in a discussion group and later maybe even record it as an anti-America radio broadcast. This then kept escalating until they completely change their self-image, not wanting to appear inconsistent.

5. Business: Branding and loyalty

The ultimate objective for any company is consumer loyalty. A consistent presence in terms of visuals as well as messages, will improve the top of mind recall for the consumer.

This is because, through repeated visibility and consistent presence, the brand and it’s product moves to the permanent memory of the consumer. And like in the previous example, if the consumer admits to himself and to another at some point that he prefers one brand over another, they continue to be loyal to the brand,  if only to stay true to their statement. Without brand consistency, customers will lose sight of the message you are trying to portray and vital trust in your business.

However, companies also need to be consistent with their services. No one wants to deal with a company they can’t rely on for consistency. With so many industries being saturated with competitors, inconsistency is often enough of a reason for consumers to take their business elsewhere.

If you are persistent you will get it. If you are consistent you will keep it. This is a principle that applies everywhere. Consistency shows value in whatever you’re chasing.

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hardwork gains success. Greatness will come.”  ~ Dwayne “the rock” Johnson

Author’s Bio

This article has been written by a staff writer at CEO Hangout and Trainer Hangout, units of Zaang Entertainment Pvt Ltd.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

power of consistency

5 Sure-Fire Ways to Combat Your Everyday Anxiousness

Now, as someone who naturally feels plenty of anxiety in day-to-day life, it is almost hereditary that I should come up with at least a few solutions to this problem, and I am here today to share them with you.

1.    Give Yourself Some Space

In any happy and successful relationship, space is almost mandatory, isn’t it? So, think about your relationship with yourself. If you feel as though you are constantly in your own head creating more anxiety than necessary, I strongly suggest that you give yourself a minute to be alone, allow your mind to run free with all the thoughts and feelings that it needs to get through the horrid anxiousness. Let your brain do its thing! Trust me, you’ll thank yourself.

2.    It’s Okay to Be Selfish

Once in a while, it is totally more than okay to allow yourself some selfishness. If you need something and you believe that it will help you then, by all means, go to the lengths that you need to, to be a happier person. If you need to cancel plans so that you can have some well-needed alone time, go for it! There is no need to always put other people first.

3.    Do Something That You Love

A fabulous example of this for me is Zumba, I go to a Zumba class once if not twice a week. This is because I used to be a dancer so I have always loved to dance. However, for you, this could be anything! Let yourself indulge once or twice a week or the stress will get the better of you. Whether this is listening to some music that you love, or doing some art, having a sing in the shower, nothing is off limits if it is something that you love that will quash the anxiousness.

4.    Organize, Organize, Organize

A tidy mind makes for a more positive experience in all other areas. I carry around a little A6 notepad with me each and every day with a checklist of plausible, achievable targets for me. This method helps me feel as though I am on top of things and I am achieving something every time I get to tick something off of that list! Remind yourself, however, that it isn’t crucial to complete every single task you have set yourself which would be almost impossible if everyone were do complete everything that they had set out to do each day. Make sure that you’re aware that the world will certainly not cave in if one or two items are missed off of this list.

5.    Mindfulness

I’m sure that if you’re a person who feels a lot of anxiety you will have heard this a thousand times over, but I will say it again. Being self-aware is so extremely important in the long-term to prevent feeling anxious. So, doing activities like yoga, meditation, mindfulness coloring and all those other mindfulness techniques that you may be skeptical about (which I completely get) might be more useful than you think. I’ve found that since doing them I feel like I’ve gotten to know how my mind works and in turn allowing myself to control my emotions in a more effective and calm way.

I sincerely hope that these five tips help you out in your journey to a less anxious life, if you have any to add feel free to comment them on this post. The word about day-to-day solutions to life’s tendencies to stress us all out the need to be spread.

Charlotte Yorke

A short bio about the writer: My name is Charlotte Yorke and I am an eighteen-year-old A-Level Student in Shakespeare’s Stratford-upon-Avon. I am beginning my exciting journey into the world of Journalism by beginning my Undergraduate Degree at Staffordshire University in September 2017. I am an avid reader and writer, I thoroughly enjoy expressing myself through the written word.

Link to my blog:

(Photo Credits: Sam Herdman)

Positive Words Research – 5 Sure-Fire Ways to Combat Your Everyday Anxiousness

Gifts Of Making Someone Feel Better After Painful Experience

When someone you know has undergone a painful experience, whether it be the death or illness of a loved one, their own health concerns, a turbulent move to a new job, city, or school, a natural catastrophe, or a break-up, giving a gift can be a wonderful way to show solidarity and to lift that person’s spirits.

As Lech Dvorak wrote, “Dedicate time to your loved ones.” Spending time nurturing and caring for your relationships with others is important to maintain healthy bonds of connectivity.

A present is a gift from the heart to the hands of someone who is passing through a difficult time. It is a non-verbal sign that you are thinking of them and want them to be happy and healed. That consideration alone is a wonderful present to give someone.

To make your present extra special, you don’t need to spend a great deal of money. What is best is a gift that shows your knowledge and concern for the person who is recovering. The perfect present demonstrates that you are attentive to their emotional needs and aware of the things that interest them.

1. Personalize to Please

The best gifts for making someone feel better after a painful experience are the ones that demonstrate that you pay attention to what that person cares about. Consider customizing a gift, such as a T-shirt or coffee mug or wallet. You can have it printed with the person’s name, favorite sports team, school, or city to make it extra-special!

2. Good Sports

If you know that your friend has a passion for sports, and in particular is very interested in volleyball and loves to play every weekend, find awesome gifts for volleyball players at your favorite sporting goods store. Is your friend a yogi? A yoga mat and PBA/PVC-free water bottle will be appreciated. A sports-related gift will encourage the recipient to exercise, which is a wonderful thing for the mind. According to the Mayo Clinic, exercise releases feel-good brain chemicals that may ease depression, such as “neurotransmitters, endorphins, and endocannabinoids.”

3. Turn the Page

Another gift that is useful is a something that will take the individual’s mind off their problems, or conversely, show them others who have dealt with a similar situation and overcome it. For this reason, books make a wonderful gift. If you are inspired by a particular book, it makes an awesome gift to unwrap. If not, consider a gift card from a store like Powell’s Books – The World’s Largest Independent Bookstore. They have a wonderful website and they ship!

4. Bubbles Up!

Try making up a basket of organic bath and body care products. You can find lines from your local farmacy to the farmers’ market to upscale boutique lines. Simply fill an attractive basket or pretty gift bag with a loofah, soaps, lotions, and body scent for a fun treat. If you’re unsure how to begin to fill the basket, consider the Weleda brand of beauty products for men, women, and children. Weleda is one of the original lines of organic body and beauty products and they consistently win accolades for cruelty-free beauty products.

5. Go Green

Give a gift of green. There’s something inspiring about a plant. Whether cut flowers, a living plant, or planting a tree in someone’s honor or memory. There are many programs that will plant a tree, such as The National Forest Foundation, among others. Make the world greener and more beautiful as you’re cheering up a friend.

6. Experience It

A new experience may make the perfect present. Whether tickets to a must-see show such as Hamilton or a Southwest Airlines gift card, or season seats to the Lakers, or a night at the opera or the best jazz club in town, a ticket for experience, culture, or travel may be the very thing to help your friend move on. At the very least, it will be sure to inspire someone to get off the couch, and that can be the first step to getting over the painful experience.

7. Color it Beautiful

Creating something can be a meditative way to gain control, relax, and unwind. You don’t have to be an artist to enjoy the benefits. Give the gift of art supplies. For the more accomplished artist, an easel and professional quality paint may be perfect, while the beginning artist may enjoy one of the best-selling coloring books for grown-ups, such as “The Mindfulness Coloring Book” or “Secret Garden,” and a new box of colored pencils to make life more beautiful. Expressing oneself through creativity can take one’s mind off of one’s problems and help bring focus and clarity into the present moment.


Everyone loves a pleasant surprise. When someone is feeling especially vulnerable after a painful experience, just the pleasure of an unexpected gift can lift that individual’s spirits. “People love to receive gifts, especially if they’re not feeling well. It’s not about the money spent, but just knowing that a person cares.”

Consideration is like a balm. Caring and sharing your concern with a carefully selected present that shows how well you know that person will lift your friend’s spirits.

To feel cared for and nurtured in a concrete way after an especially painful experience is a priceless gift in and of itself, and the thoughtfulness of your present will sustain and grow the bonds of your friendship.


Top 12 Signs You’re Doing Better Than You Think You Are

Don’t worry, you are doing better than you think you are!

It’s understandable to feel “stuck” when things didn’t turn out the way you expected or you don’t think you are supposed to be where you are now. Everything seems to be going wrong. You get depressed. You get discouraged. You raise existential questions, and although it can be a good thing because you will reach some realizations about what you can do to change the direction of your life, it is also very likely that you may fixate on what is missing.

Maybe it’s time to look around you and appreciate what you have, claim the power to change what you can, and see life as glass half-full. Here are 12 signs you are doing better than you think you are.

1. You have all the basic human needs.

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the very basics are the physiological needs: food, water, shelter, clothes, education, and sanitation. Now, look around you. If you have all these basic human needs, consider yourself blessed. You may not be rich enough to have a big house or have the abundance of food and clothing, but as long as you have a roof over your head, are able to eat whatever and whenever you like, and you have clothes to wear, your life is better than others’.

2. You value your relationships.

You have friends and family that support you in everything you do. You now understand that quality is more important than quantity. You learned to let go of toxic people in your life, and devote your time and effort to those who deserve it. You give them time, and treat them the way you wanted to be treated. You value their emotions and you don’t take them for granted.

3. You love unconditionally.

You are not the selfish person you were before. You know when to give and when to take. You love unconditionally without asking or expecting anything in return. That alone makes you a better person. You understand the differences and uniqueness of each individual, and you accept them.

4. You have goals and dreams.

It may seem like you’ve been trying your best to reach your dreams, but they are still far from happening. As long as you still have goals that you want to accomplish, and you don’t stop trying, you are still doing better than you think you are. You just have to be more patient, and eventually, you’ll get there. Pursue your passions and chase after your dreams.

5. You have a healthy dose of fear and the courage to face them.

A healthy dose of fear is good. It keeps people grounded and serves as practice for making sound decisions. Having the courage to face your fear and eventually defeat it is one of the characteristics of a mentally strong person. You don’t let fear hold you back, and you can make your way around it.

6. You are a changed person and you learned from your mistakes.

You do not let your past define you and you are not the same person you were before. You acknowledged and learned from your mistakes and you treat them as valuable lessons in life. They say experience is the best teacher and you definitely learned how to do things differently when you encounter the same issues next time.

7. You welcome challenges and seek opportunities.

You take on new challenges with enthusiasm and regard weaknesses as opportunities for self-improvement. You push yourself to your limits and discover something new about yourself. You realize how strong you have become. New opportunities excite you and you look forward to the future.

8. You can handle rejection well.

If you experience rejections in the past, chances are, you can better handle any rejections that may come your way. You don’t beat yourself up or base your self-worth on one incident. Instead, you can turn it into an opportunity for self-growth. You grow stronger with each rejection and you become better.

9. You were able to pull yourself up and bounce back from bad situations.

We all have problems; the only difference is how we solve them. They say it’s not how you fall, but how you get back up that counts. It is as simple as passing the most difficult subjects when you almost failed. That is already something to be proud of.  There is that rewarding feeling when you are able to overcome a huge obstacle in your life or get past something that seemed impossible at the time. If you do, give yourself a pat on the back because you have become a better person.

10. You don’t let yourself go and you prioritize your health.

You understand that health is the most important thing to prioritize in order for you to accomplish other things. Even if you are preoccupied with life, you don’t let yourself go. You take care of your physical appearance, you maintain your weight, and you try to live a healthy lifestyle. You know what to do when you don’t feel good or who to turn to when you need help to stop feeling bad.

11. You add value to the world by helping out other people.

Sometimes in order to feel blessed, we must first be a blessing to other people. You feel good when you are able to help people in need. You feel needed when your friends or family turn to you for help. You feel the joy when you are able to solve another person’s problem even as you contemplate yours. Sometimes, you might even feel that your struggles are nothing compared to theirs, which makes your problems would seem like a vacation to others. Simply being nice to people is already a big deal. You also know that empathy is a gift. You may not realize it because it may not seem much to you, but you are already making a difference in their lives.

12. You have a healthy mindset.

You are self-aware and positive. Although situations bring you down sometimes, you can still look back and laugh about it. You always try to strike a balance in all aspects of your life and you don’t let little things bother you. Your path may still be unclear, but you still move forward and make choices that benefit you. You understand that you cannot change the past, but you know you can change what happens from now on, as long as you take full responsibility for your life.

If you can relate to these, and realize that you have them in you, then you are doing better than you think you are. Do not get blindsided by the things that seem to be not working in your life and focus on those that do. You may not be happy with the way things are right now, but you still have the chance to change and have a brighter future.

12 Signs That You are Doing Better

Author΄s bio: Diana Beyer is an experienced, self-driven specialist and content writer at BestEssay.Education who is passionate about writing. She is always seeking to discover new ways for personal and professional growth.