Category Archives: Positive Thoughts

Cultivate optimism and joyful reflections through the power of positive thoughts. Discover the beauty of a brighter mindset!

Aging Gracefully: Get Mental Health With Positive Thinking

According to studies, most millennials in this age have the same depression level as the prisoners in a mental asylum back in the 1900’s. This study, therefore, confirms the fact that depression and other negative illness in this age are affecting younger people. As a result, deaths linked to suicide are exponentially rising and the people affected by this demise are mostly young people in their early 20’s or younger.

So to speak, we live in a place that is not mentally friendly. We live in our daily lives walking on a fine line between sanity and insanity, and many individuals trip over the bad side.

However, as human beings of the modern age, we can battle against these negative thinking and acquire optimism that may help us age gracefully and live the rest of our lives – maybe not in full harmony, but in contentment and strength to welcome any challenges.

Here are 4 tips to develop a strong mental health through positive thinking.

1. Take a break

The world is at a very fast pace and everyone is always trying to catch up to everything, from deadlines to meetings everyone’s expectation up to chasing perfection just to catch excellence. And we all know that this race is the most tiring race all of us is trying to win.

To get a hold of yourself, you need not run after time. Stop, look, and listen. Take the monks, for example, they are living life at a very slow pace but they are one of the wisest people to roam the earth. I’m not saying you should be a monk. The idea is, if we take life slowly, we may get more than just work fulfillments but self-fulfillment as well.

Have you ever noticed that we notice things easier when we walk than when we run?

2. Exercise

Studies show that a person who exercises for at least 15 – 30 minutes a day becomes more productive compared to those who does not. When people exercise we tend to loosen up. Not just our muscles strengthen but also our neuron system.

You may want to go to a gym and try every equipment out there, or you can jog around town at dawn under the sparkly blanket of stars. Spending some time for yourself is not such a bad thing. After all the workloads, you deserve to look good so you deserve some time to do exercise and allow your brain to work properly. Let it breathe.

3. Stay away from gadgets

Most news these days are so transparent because of social media. People from America already knows what is happening in Korea, Japan, and China in real time because of this internet phenomena.

News from here and there are spurring in your Facebook feed or Twitter list and, let’s face it, not every news you receive are good news. And after hearing the terrible news in Syria or Philippines, you can’t help but feel sad.

Instead of indulging from these feeling, take a step away from your gadgets which are, unfortunately, the provider of negative vibes. 

4. Talk to someone

Some people do not like talking to therapists or psychiatrists because they feel like they are labeling themselves as “crazy” if they do so. However, contrary to the stereotype of many, talking to therapists or psychiatrists doesn’t make you crazy automatically. Talking to them is allowing yourself to seek for clinical help to get rid of your negative thoughts that may lead to worse cases.

If you are a worried parent who seeks professional attention for your child but is not comfortable with the thought of a psychiatrist or therapist, there is respite care Houston that offers home services to aid your problem. The respite care system also comes in different services so you can pick out which service best suits you or your family.


In this fast pacing world, we can’t help but feel stressed and left out. In most times we feel useless or worthless if we won’t be able to keep up with the race of time. But even when we are living in a very hurried moment, sometimes we just have to step back, relax, and breathe to regain ourselves.

We just have to find our positive self to stray away from our negative shell.

An article written by Patricia Cheng

Positive Words Research – Aging Gracefully: 4 Basic Tips To Strengthen Your Mental Health Through Positive Thinking

Aging gracefully

10 Life Changing Actions Successful People Perform Daily

If you want to change your life for the better, you need to change the way you do things. More often than not, these “things” are your habits. The truth is – not everybody understands this fact. Not surprisingly, successful individuals got it. For many, success came just after they implemented empowering habits in more areas of their lives.

Morning rituals are extremely common among successful people. Why’s that? Because each day is a fresh start, and all of these individuals are doing their best to accomplish as much as they can on a daily basis.  Let’s take a look at 10 life changing actions and habits that you can perform (on a daily basis) in order to improve your lifestyle and your chances of becoming a successful person:

1. Have a Well-Established Morning Routine

The morning routine is often repetitive, yet it’s an amazing way of creating control over your days. Once you clearly know what you need to do the first thing after waking up, you will be able to start fresh each morning, without feeling overwhelmed or stressed out about the tasks that you need to perform. Create your morning routine on a piece of paper. Then, the only thing you need to do is stick to it.

2. Wake Up a Few Hours Earlier

Michael Smith, successful entrepreneur and CEO at Affordable dissertation Wiz, suggests:

Wake up one or two hours earlier than you usually do, and you’ll soon notice the amazing benefits of this simple change. If you wake up before everyone else, you get a feeling of confidence and more sparks of motivation. Most importantly, you get extra time to do your morning routine or something else.

3. Exercise

Most successful people exercise during their early hours. The reason is simple: exercise brings many physical and mental health benefits. After a jogging session (for example), you’ll feel that you can tackle more challenges, you’ll have more energy, and your dopamine levels will improve, making you happy that you’re alive.

4. Meditate

Early hours are great hours for practicing meditation. Many successful individuals are meditating on a daily basis. Of course, they’re doing it for a reason: it helps. Even 15 minutes of meditation can have tremendous benefits for your health, productivity, and well being.

5. Introspection & Alone Time

When was the last time you took a moment to reflect upon your life? Successful people do it frequently, and it helps them manage probably busier lives than you. Life throws us many distractions, and we usually tend to wander away from our goals. Avoid that by planning some alone time every other morning from now on.

6. Healthy Food

A healthy breakfast is always a great way to start a productive day. “You are what you eat”. Successful people from all over the world have already understood that in order to bear with stressful lives, they need to insert the proper fuels into their body. Always start your mornings with something healthy for the stomach.

7. Plan Your Day

Planning is a great action that propels great results. Each morning, start by creating your to-do list. Those are the actions that really need to be taken care of. If you can plan and properly execute, you might be able to reach your goals in no time.

8. Work on The Most Important Project

The best way to speed up your results is to take care of the most daunting task the first thing in the morning. Usually, the hardest tasks or projects are also the most important ones. Many people procrastinate on them instead of actually focusing on what’s really important.

9. Note Down What You are Grateful For

Gratefulness can cure every type of sadness, disappointment, or stress. The moment you enter a state of gratefulness the moment you’ll feel that you are where you’re supposed to be. Morning hours are great for performing this habit, as you’re eliminating superficial thoughts that might be stuck in your head.

10. Visualize Your Success

Visualization is another commonly met habit among successful people. Visualization means imagining how success looks like, feels like, smells like, and so on. You need to develop a clear picture of what you want to accomplish in the future. Then, keep visualizing that picture over and over again each morning in order to emotionally connect with your goals.


Success leaves clues. If you were to know exactly what a successful person does and thinks during a normal day, you could model his habits and mindset up to the point where you’ll become successful yourself. Once you understand that success can be modeled, your pursuit does no longer have to look “impossible” because you know exactly what to do in order to get the same results as other people did.

Author Bio

Jessica Barrett is a valued and experienced member of the strong team who boasts professional abilities in editing and writing. Jessica prides herself on an exceptional skill for attention to detail, which makes her an ideal candidate for assignments involving proofreading and annotated bibliographies.

Positive Words Research – 10 Life-Changing Actions Successful People Perform Daily During Early Hours

Life-Changing Actions that Successful People Perform

4 Habits To Build A Positive Attitude Towards Life Today

Emulate These 4 Habits To Build A Positive Attitude Towards Life! In this world, there are many people who have a negative outlook towards life. This sort of mindset not only deteriorates their own lives but the mindset of their family and friends also gets contaminated by the aura of their personality. For those toxic people, there is hardly a moment of happiness.

Luckily, it isn’t difficult to create a positive attitude, provided it isn’t a case of medical depression. A positive attitude also helps become happier and more successful. Hopefully, a few tweaks like the ones below can help someone out of their fog and into a brighter, happier frame of mind:

1. Write It Down

Sometimes, one ugly turn or fight can bring down our whole day. When this happens, it can be all too easy to forget the good things that happened the very same day. If your mind is veering towards simply focusing on the negative, you can try to force it in another way.

This way is by writing down everything that you’re grateful for each day. It might take some time out of your busy routine, but only a few seconds. It is scientifically proven that gratitude increases happiness, even strengthens relationships. If you can’t write down every single good thing, try writing down a few things you’re grateful for every day.

2. Redirect Yourself

The cause of a negative attitude could be a job, workplace, colleague, or just the general way your life’s headed. Don’t ever think that just because you chose a certain career or path, you have to stick to it. For example, one might be deeply miserable in their marriage, but hold on to the fact that they agreed to the words ‘till death do us part’.

If you can control the situation that’s making you miserable, go for it. If you have given all your efforts and there’s no hope left, don’t be afraid to leave the job or the relationship. Your subsequent relief and happiness may surprise you when you’ve shed an unwanted burden.

3. Accept Rejection

There are some miserable people who can’t get over their rejection. This could be their failure to get a job or be in a relationship with someone. However, everyone must accept that rejection is inevitable in life. Not everyone or every company would always want you, and you can’t always blame them.

If you pick yourself up and expect good things to happen instead of bad, chances are you will get something much better than you wanted. However, if you keep wallowing in self-pity, it’s unlikely that you would succeed professionally or personally.

4. Realize The Power Of Words

The words we use to describe our lives, jobs and activities affect us just as much as the people around us. Our speech falls on our ears first of all, so if we verbalize positive thoughts, they would buoy us up.

If you describe your life as fun, full, exciting etc, it’s likely to feel that way before very long. Do the opposite, and you’ll be back to your negative cloud.

One good tip is to try and replace negative words with positive every chance you get. Instead of saying ‘I have to study’, say ‘I get to study!’ The repercussion of the second sentence gets you thinking about all those people who would love to be able to study but can’t.

Wrapping Up…

Making yourself happy and keeping a positive attitude are closely interlinked. In addition to the tips above, one should also assume that material things aren’t going to bring them happiness. In fact, trying to bring other people some joy is an inexplicable way to create a positive attitude within oneself. There’s no harm in trying for a better outlook on life, and everything to gain!

Author Bio

Scarlett Erin is a Life Coach, Pro Writer, and a Blogger. Apart from being a full-time life coach, she is also a Research Expert at Assignment Star uk. In her blogs, she shares articles about life, relationship, health, and travel.

Positive Words Research – Emulate These 4 Habits To Build A Positive Attitude Towards Life!

Habits To Build A Positive Attitude Towards Life

5 Steps To Train Yourself to Be More Positive Every Day

Everyone in the world would like to be positive and optimistic in their personal, professional and social life. People used to say a lot of times with others and also to themselves that they are positive and optimistic. However, they become negative when they face some bad situations in their life. Keep in mind that successful positive thinking people were effective to deal with their bad moments in life. They always consider that horrific moments are good means for them to taste the real feelings of good moments and also consider that bad moments are a way to develop their personality, skills and many more.

According to Winston Churchill, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” If you are negative to the difficult things that take place in your life, you can take this quote to your heart because you can get inspired from it and become a positive person. Being positive in your life offers you a lot of benefits like ability to take any risk, develop positive mindset, control your emotions, control your overall life, manage negative situations effectively, face challenging situations with ease, offer better health, boost your motivation, avoid stress and worries, build meaningful friendships and great relationships, etc.

Following are some of the steps or tips to help you to train yourself to be more positive:

1. Believe In Your Abilities and Skills

One of the first things that you should have in your life to become more positive is developing a faith in your skills and abilities. If you don’t have believe in your abilities, skills, knowledge and capabilities, you will automatically develop negative views about you. Believing in your abilities and skills gives you a lot of self-confidence and assurance about you. Train yourself to have ample faith in you, so you will be able to face any challenges and difficult situations in your life. It is also a great way to dig deep within you to overcome your unnecessary fears. If you believe in you, you can never let any person to bring you down.

2. Create Positive Thinking

If you would like to train yourself to be more positive, you should make sure to create positive thinking. People who have negative thinking in their life can never become a positive person. Negative thinking people will always think negatives and will not be able to take a step forward with confidence. Train your mind to reflect on what you want in life, and keep away from thinking about what you don’t want. Negative thinking depletes your energy and it is destructive. You can never find a good thing even in a positive thing if you maintain negativity in your life. So, think positive, take action with a positive state of mind, move forward in your life with positive mind, and never let negative aspects come into your mind under any circumstances.

3. Train Yourself to Smile

Smile can cure almost every bad feeling that you have in your life. If you maintain a smile in your face and if you could spread the same smile in your all activities every day, you will never think about negative things and be more positive. With a smile, you can face challenges in your life, take terrible things lightly, overcome difficult situations with ease, manage hardships in your life, and more importantly, influence the lives of people who are negative in their life. Keeping smile with you denote a happy, clean, pure and perfect mind where there is no negative or pessimistic thoughts. You can track your mind into being more positive is through smiling. Give a smile to the challenges, hardships, and many issues that occur in your life daily.

4. Forget Past and Live In The Present

You can train yourself to be more positive by forgetting past and living in the present. The best parts of people who are negative thinkers live in the past and they never ever try to forget bad or bitter things that occurred in their life. Forgetting bad and bitter things that happened in our past life is a great skill because it let you to live happily as well as peacefully. It will also aid you to think positively in your life and do things that are necessary for the moment. Thinking about past things will hinder your growth and stop you from doing even important things in your present life.  So, delete or format past events and live in the present to be more positive.

5. Share With Others

Sharing is a crucial thing in order to be happy and positive in our life. If you show the courage to share your personal matters with a person whom you can trust gives you more relief and energy. It will also aid you to rub out your negativity and develop a positive mind that is pure and spotless. When you share your matters with others, he or she can aid you to think positively and guide you to erase your negative feelings. Stress, tension, panics and worries can contribute to your negative thoughts.

Sharing will let you to avoid your stress, tension, panics and worries. You should also aim to be friends with positive people because others thoughts can influence your life greatly. In order to keep up their positive mindset, positive thinkers only surround themselves with people and things that will aid them to flourish positive attitude.

Author Bio

I am Robert Lynch I have been working as a freelance writer for the past several years now. One of the main reasons why I chose freelance writing career is that it gives me ample chances to bring out my skills and knowledge. Presently, I work for a best custom essay writing service online and it offers me to expand my writing skills and knowledge. I also love writing articles for different blogs online. I have also written contents for many websites and online publications so far.

Positive Words Research – Train Yourself to Be More Positive in 5 Steps

Train Yourself to Be More Positive in 5 Steps - create positive thinking

5 Sure-Fire Ways to Combat Your Everyday Anxiousness

Now, as someone who naturally feels plenty of anxiety in day-to-day life, it is almost hereditary that I should come up with at least a few solutions to this problem, and I am here today to share them with you.

1.    Give Yourself Some Space

In any happy and successful relationship, space is almost mandatory, isn’t it? So, think about your relationship with yourself. If you feel as though you are constantly in your own head creating more anxiety than necessary, I strongly suggest that you give yourself a minute to be alone, allow your mind to run free with all the thoughts and feelings that it needs to get through the horrid anxiousness. Let your brain do its thing! Trust me, you’ll thank yourself.

2.    It’s Okay to Be Selfish

Once in a while, it is totally more than okay to allow yourself some selfishness. If you need something and you believe that it will help you then, by all means, go to the lengths that you need to, to be a happier person. If you need to cancel plans so that you can have some well-needed alone time, go for it! There is no need to always put other people first.

3.    Do Something That You Love

A fabulous example of this for me is Zumba, I go to a Zumba class once if not twice a week. This is because I used to be a dancer so I have always loved to dance. However, for you, this could be anything! Let yourself indulge once or twice a week or the stress will get the better of you. Whether this is listening to some music that you love, or doing some art, having a sing in the shower, nothing is off limits if it is something that you love that will quash the anxiousness.

4.    Organize, Organize, Organize

A tidy mind makes for a more positive experience in all other areas. I carry around a little A6 notepad with me each and every day with a checklist of plausible, achievable targets for me. This method helps me feel as though I am on top of things and I am achieving something every time I get to tick something off of that list! Remind yourself, however, that it isn’t crucial to complete every single task you have set yourself which would be almost impossible if everyone were do complete everything that they had set out to do each day. Make sure that you’re aware that the world will certainly not cave in if one or two items are missed off of this list.

5.    Mindfulness

I’m sure that if you’re a person who feels a lot of anxiety you will have heard this a thousand times over, but I will say it again. Being self-aware is so extremely important in the long-term to prevent feeling anxious. So, doing activities like yoga, meditation, mindfulness coloring and all those other mindfulness techniques that you may be skeptical about (which I completely get) might be more useful than you think. I’ve found that since doing them I feel like I’ve gotten to know how my mind works and in turn allowing myself to control my emotions in a more effective and calm way.

I sincerely hope that these five tips help you out in your journey to a less anxious life, if you have any to add feel free to comment them on this post. The word about day-to-day solutions to life’s tendencies to stress us all out the need to be spread.

Charlotte Yorke

A short bio about the writer: My name is Charlotte Yorke and I am an eighteen-year-old A-Level Student in Shakespeare’s Stratford-upon-Avon. I am beginning my exciting journey into the world of Journalism by beginning my Undergraduate Degree at Staffordshire University in September 2017. I am an avid reader and writer, I thoroughly enjoy expressing myself through the written word.

Link to my blog:

(Photo Credits: Sam Herdman)

Positive Words Research – 5 Sure-Fire Ways to Combat Your Everyday Anxiousness

A Stranger or A Reason: Inspiring Words by Melonie Shelton

You always hear people say that people come into your life for a reason.  I often find that hard to believe, yet I have had that happen to me so many times.  Working in a hospital there have been several times that I met a person that made me see things in a more positive way or made me realize I didn’t have it so bad after all.  It is so easy to get caught up in our own world and often times forget there are still special people in the world we live in.

Tonight I met a very special lady that bought one of my paintings.  I always find time to chat with anyone that buys something from me and I’m so very glad I was able to meet her.  While she was complimenting my work, she also told me that their home recently burned down and they were slowly trying to redecorate.  I was listening as she told her story and thinking how I couldn’t imagine going through something that horrific.  She then goes on to tell me how she and husband had always had foster children and that many were at certain times in a witness protection program.  Her daughter, who was a foster child that she took into her home was five years old at that time and now is thirteen.  This child has been through more than most go through in a lifetime, and I had tears rolling down my face as she told me more.  Her daughter, who I’ll call “Madison”, has always loved music and every time she heard the music she couldn’t keep still.  At the age of 5, they enrolled her in dance, but the dance teachers said she was too much to handle and that she couldn’t stay in the class.  These special people didn’t give up, something we can all learn from.  They found her a dance teacher; a teacher with as much energy as Madison.  The teacher’s immediate thoughts were that Madison had a gift, just like her new parents believed as well.  Although Madison has faced many struggles in life, dance is her outlet, her passion, her dream.  Now at age 13, she has received a scholarship to a dance school in New York!  Madison never gave up on herself and neither did her parents.  She will go far in life due to a “stranger” coming into her life.  Now ask yourself again if you meet people just because or for a reason?

I met this lady tonight for a reason.  She had a calm voice; she was a sincere and overall good person.  She said things to me that taught me more than she realizes.  Although we live in a harsh society, never forget that there are still good people living among you.  It is up to YOU to take the chance or opportunity to meet them and listen to them.  Just when you think you have it bad or are just having a bad day, along comes this person you do not know.  This person could be going through more than you but yet has a smile on their face and is sharing a special part of their life with you.  Each and every one of us needs a little encouragement in our lives.  I ask you to take the time, even if it is just one day, to listen to someone you consider a stranger.  They may be that special person that changes your whole outlook on life.  Give someone an ear or a shoulder one day; it could be a life-changing moment for both of you.

About the Author

Melonie Shelton

My name is Melonie Shelton and I’m a 44 year old single mom.  I have 1 daughter who just started college and we live in Arkansas.  I am a person that never meets a stranger and would give anyone the last thing I have.

Positive Words Research – A Stranger or a Reason? Inspiring Words by Melonie Shelton

Key Steps to Take to Feel Your Daily Mission Accomplished

In a usual day, we’re trying to do a bit more of everything. We want to do more work, we need to be more successful than others, we take more responsibilities, we want to make more money, and we want to be more active and energetic at the same time. It’s hard to start the day with a positive mindset when you set such expectations.

We have a different suggestion for you today: set a daily mission and achieve it.

We’ll teach you how!

Start the Day with an Enjoyable Habit

If you want to be glad you’re about to live through another day, it’s important to do something nice for yourself in the morning. Think of something you can do as soon as you wake up. It may be a morning walk with your dog, a great breakfast at home or at your favorite cafe, an indulging shower, or anything else that would make your happy hormones running.

Pick something you really like and turn it into a habit. That approach will attune your positive mindset from the very start of the day.

Prepare a Plan for the Day

“A goal without a plan is just a wish” – Antoine de Saint Exupery

Think about that quote. Turn it into your motto. When you schedule your tasks for the day, you’re aware they are taking you towards a higher goal.

Your daily plan shouldn’t be limited to work, though. Include something that makes you spiritually happy. You can read, listen to good music, hang out with people you love, or pick any other activity that brings joy into the working day. You can find time if you plan well.

Find Your Focus

What will be your daily mission? You have multiple tasks on your schedule, but what’s the most important one? Sometimes you can’t achieve everything you plan. When you make that big daily goal happen however, you’ll reach the accomplishment you aim for.

When you find your focus, it will be easy to fight the distractions and you’ll be more productive in your work.

Stay Immune to Negativity

“I always start the day with a positive mindset. I have tons of work to do on a regular basis, but I keep telling to myself that I can do it. Somewhere in the middle, negativity strikes in. There’s too much to do and I’m already feeling tired. At that point, I do the only thing that can keep me going – I take a power nap. After that, I’m as good as new,” – says Jenny Lewis, a writer from EssaysOnTime.

That’s a good approach. When you’re focused on your goals and you want to achieve as much as possible throughout the day, negativity will come from the shade. Somewhere along the way, you’ll start thinking: “It’s enough. I can’t keep going.” At that point, take a nap, have a coffee, and keep telling to yourself that you can go on. The least you can do is try.

Keep It Real

Do you know what’s the biggest obstacle you face on the way to accomplishment? Unhealthy ambition. Ambition is a good thing only when it’s reasonable. When you’re making that daily schedule, it has to be realistic. If you keep adding tasks that exceed your natural capacity, you can’t reach accomplishment.

Rethink Your Priorities

It didn’t look like it, but Nike was struggling when CEO Mark Parker called Steve Jobs for advice in 2006. Do you know what Jobs said? “Nike makes some of the best products in the world. Products that you lust after. But you also make a lot of crap. Just get rid of the crappy stuff and focus on the good stuff.”

Jobs took his own advice. By the end of that year, he killed almost 70% of Apple’s products and focused on the good ones; the priorities!

When you can’t reach accomplishment, it’s time to start getting rid of the crappy stuff that’s suffocating your schedule. Rethink your priorities and focus on them!

Infuse New Good Habits in Your Schedule

You were always interested in yoga, but you never found the time? You always wanted to read more, but you kept struggling with time? It’s time to start doing something you really like, but never had the chance to do.

Pick your habit and fit it in your daily schedule. It may be learning, exercising, reading… whatever. When you’re doing something new, you feel like you’re growing. And, you are!

Don’t Make Your Days Boring

So you’ll start your days with a routine, you’ll keep working towards a goal, and you’ll introduce a new habit in your schedule. There’s a danger: if the schedule is too repetitive, it will become boring. That’s why you’ll need to spice it up a bit. Keep trying and learning new things. Have fun!

Set Time for Meditating

When you force your mind to stay focused throughout the day, it may rebel on you. Sometimes it needs to wander away, and you need to give yourself some space for that.

Do this before going to bed: sit down with your spine straight. Close your eyes. Observe your thoughts like you’re watching them from the side. Let them flow, but don’t let a thought carry you away. It’s like you’re watching a river flowing. Congratulations; you’re meditating!

Self-Analysis at the End of the Day

At the end of the day, it’s important to give yourself credit for the things you accomplished and acknowledge the things you didn’t do so well. Do a self-analysis; it will help you stay on track with your goals.

These 10 steps seem easy when you read about them, don’t they? However, it takes a lot of persistence to fit them into your daily life. The good news is that you can do it. That’s the plan that leads you to daily accomplishments.

Sophia Anderson is a freelance writer at writing service and a blogger from sunny Australia. She is passionate about covering topics on writing, learning, careers, self-improvement, motivation and others. She believes that learning something new every day is a must. Her inspiration comes from reading books and online blog posts that cover a wide range of her interests. Meet Sophia at @Sophia7Anderson.

Positive Words Research – Key Steps to Take to Feel Your Daily Mission Accomplished

Daily Mission Accomplished

6 Invaluable Tips You Will Need To Stay Positive in a Crisis

A crisis can rear its ugly head at any point in life, especially when you feel the least prepared for it. Panicking only makes the situation worse, while anxiety and stress can eventually result in a major nervous breakdown. This kind of reaction not only worsens the problem but affects your health as well.

The more you struggle to achieve your dreams, the more you are likely to emerge from a crisis. Read stories of successful people and you’ll be surprised by the level of crisis they face in their life and yet they managed to achieve their goals. Why? Because they were able to stay calm and resilient during the difficult phase of their lives.

However, not every person has the nerves of steel. Luckily, there are ways you can stay strong when the chips are down. Some of them are as follows:

1. Don’t React At Once

If the situation is not immediately threatening, take a deep breath and stop for a minute. Assess the situation, and gauge whether it really matters so much in the long run. Look at the bigger picture, instead of narrowing down your viewpoint to how the crisis affects you.

All this would serve to help you make less emotional decisions and hence better ones. For example, has an employee messed up an order? Instead of lashing out at them and possibly firing an otherwise efficient worker in the heat of the moment, you may want to take a few moments and see if the loss is really that great. More often than not, clients are understanding and can be appeased by a few additional benefits that cost your company next to nothing.

2. Look At The Bigger Picture

When something goes amiss, it’s always easy to think ‘Why me?’ Additionally, it’s also extremely easy to find someone to blame, especially if you have some subordinates working for you. However, negative thoughts are the worst ones you can have in a crisis, both in terms of practicality and your own health.

Positive thinking, no matter what, can reinforce proper handling of the situation. An upbeat attitude is not a weak one; rather, it is the strongest that can be adopted when faced with difficulties. Both your workforce and your customers would appreciate a professional and positive response to an ugly set of circumstances.

Has your social media been hacked by a vicious troll? Instead of blaming employees for allowing this to happen (which may or may not have been in their control), the situation might be salvaged quickly. Who knows, maybe this little tidbit of news might prompt online news and gossip sites to write about your company! After all, there’s no such thing as bad publicity, right?

3. Take Out Some “ME” Time

Your body and mind have a right to your time and effort just as much as your family and workplace. Personal health, especially, is one of your most valuable assets. The healthier you are in your body, the better you would be able to mentally and physically deal with any and all problems that may arise.

Go for a walk every day, inhale the morning air, and be sure to make a good night’s sleep a priority. A balanced diet, with energy-boosting ingredients like dates and flax seeds thrown in, along with a healthy exercise regime, and you are guaranteed to wake up each day feeling like you can conquer the world!

Take care of yourself, and self-control, willpower, memory and emotional intelligence are sure to follow. All these would help greatly in keeping your head when things go awry.

4. Stay Away From Caffeine And Alcohol

It can be tempting to chug coffee or even an alcoholic drink when you’re stressed. These indulgences may give you a quick energy fix or calm you down but are extremely unhealthy habits. At some point, caffeine is going to make you crash, which would lead to irritability and low productivity. Alcohol has an addictive factor that can cause havoc with your mental health and affect your whole future.

Not to mention, these two habits are also extremely unhealthy if taken regularly and frequently, while they may seem beneficial at the time. So say no to energy drinks, coffee, tea, alcoholic drinks, and grab a bottle of chilled water instead. This will keep you hydrated and focused, not to mention healthier and happier in the long run!

5. Ask For Help

Even if it’s just to vent out your frustrations verbally, don’t be afraid to reach out to trusted friends or family in a tough situation. Sometimes, a third party view of your crisis can actually provide a lifesaving solution.

Even if no one can actually provide help, just the releasing of anxiety and stress would ground you a bit. Speaking the problem out loud can even make it seem smaller. When you take the stress away, many difficulties can actually seem much easier. In any case, reaching out to someone you love and trust would make you feel better and mentally relaxed.

6. Devise A Coping Mechanism

Have something to look forward to in case of any dire difficulties. Join an enjoyable exercise class, or take time out to go for a relaxing morning walk. When faced with problems, it can be easy to skip these therapeutic sessions, but this is the time when you are most in need of them.

Sticking to your soothing rituals can not only increase your power of endurance but will also keep you from falling into depression. When you have other things to focus on rather than a problematic workplace or social life, you will be less likely to feel that you’re going nowhere.

Final Thoughts…

As Victor Frankl, a famous psychiatrist said, “Man is not free from conditions”. However, we do have the freedom to take control of our conditions by preparing for any situation that may arise. We can make ourselves strong enough to face any situation.   Whether we choose to be overwhelmed by them or rise above them and be better because of the problems we face is our decision alone.

About the Author: Rayanne Dany is a budding content writer as well as a successful blogger. Her interests include time and stress management, on which she has held several webinars and podcasts. She can be reached through Google plus.

Positive Words Research – 6 Invaluable Tips You’ll Need To Stay Positive in a Crisis!

Tips Stay positive Crisis

12 Tips and Tricks on How to Start New Life In Spring

Start New Life – Have you ever felt tired of your regular course of life? The routine lifestyle! And, if you are a university student, then attending college, finding best research paper topics, running after professors for looking into your work etc. make you frustrated and tired many times during the phase. Imagine if life would have been as planned and sequential as a properly drafted Bibliography APA. You have an APA BIB generator and things get done. But, sorry! Life isn’t that simple.

Every one of us at one point wishes we could start it all over again. Yes, we can do that any moment wish. It is all about picking a day and declaring how it is going to be your new year. It could be the loss of loss and pain over the pain that you have come to the moment you feel like starting all over again. For some reason, it can stand as a new identity for your new life.

Actually, at this point, you must be open to taking up some help in revamping the army in you.

Here are a few tips and tricks on how to start a new life in spring:

1. Get to the peace point

We all know the kind of pace our world runs at this point. But a clear mind is mandatory to start a new life. The efficiency your brain can show is exactly the amount of speed you will see the recovery. You might miss opportunities you have been given at the present if you keep dwelling on your past and/or the problematic situation. Keeping the pain constant is all in your hands.

2. The Open Mind Strategy

No matter what the given situation is, make sure to keep your way open to fresh thoughts. This is the primary step to starting a brand new life. The reason is that the new thoughts can show a drastic impact on your intention to bring a change.

3. Set Goals and start new life

Without fixing your destiny, there is no point in moving forward. Moreover, setting a proper goal ensures your self-esteem is maintained and the control you can gain over the situation will be great. This will again help you regain your lost confidence. Furthermore, the goal you set must be reasonable. If you are setting sky-level goals and don’t be able to achieve it, that could eat back your good feelings again to make you feel depressed.

4. Accept it

This could be said easy and when you do it, it could take you ample time and too much pain. Plus, this way cannot be skipped. There are quite a few losses in life that have happened and it cannot be changed. If you are continually looking for solutions to the irreversible loss, then it is of no use you are doing it. That will put you through countless tears and not a solution.

5. Engage

This process is all about you feeling good. So make sure you engage with new people and new conversation to bring the sparkle back.

6. Give up the negativity and start new life

When you engage in a new life, pulling some negative tone between conversations or just any situation is something that happens normally. Be cautious about not letting go of the good in your situation.

7. Take proper help

If you wish to make a career ahead or this is the point where you have an opportunity in front of you, visit a therapist to actually get over the negativity. They would help you bring up the good in a much faster way possible. Make sure you don’t ignore the pain but overcome it.

8. Observe and Appreciate

When you put in so much effort and no one looks into your eyes and say ‘you did it’, then it isn’t fulfilled. Observe your progress, keep a track of it and appreciate the progress in yourself. In such situations, you are the only person who can actually feel the progress. So whenever you take one more step, be proud of yourself.

9. Concentrate on a positive end

Have quotes posted on your wall that will motivate you to keep moving forward. After all, it is about taking one another step and then you will see yourself flying colors. Take a bad habit and work on it to destroy it. Ending a behavior that is bad will lead to you showing space for something good and new.

10. Be precise about your need

You wish to start a new life. If you are not clear about your needs, there isn’t a way you will find one. Stay stable and take a decision. Find clarity and that is your immediate relief. This could be hard but this step is 2 jumps at a time concept.

11. The New Decisions to start new life

New life directly means new decisions. There is no corner in life you will not be given a decision. Take bold decisions. You know what you want and what not. It is all about just tossing a coin and when the coin is in the air, you will know what you badly need. Go for it. Nothing is stopping you. Likewise, be brave to face the consequences of your decisions – be it good or bad.

12. Believe in positive and start new life

This is not spiritual or anything. Good after a big loss or you are trying to disappear completely and re-appear is a happening thing. Expand your growth as wide as you can and believe in it. Ask the deep questions you have always wanted to ask and go ahead.

These steps are easy ways to start a new life, yet we fail to notice them. Remember starting simple says it all. These are not going to cost you any yet will leave you on the other shore of your life. Now, moving ahead or leaving the dirt is your choice.

About the Author

Matilda Nash is an amateur writer. She collects tips on how to succeed in writing graduate works. Her life motto is “You can’t study the darkness by flooding it with light.” ― Edward Abbey

start new life

5 WOW Facts: How Movies Influence Our Life Day By Day

From the very 90s, movies have shown a broader influence on our lives. The influence was so relatable that some movies made it to predicting the future. The directors should have been genius people. If you get to see the 1920s and further movies, you will know how accurate the prediction has been, specifically, science fiction. Breaking all the above said, Author Jules Verne should have been a time traveler to have imagined submarine in the Twenty Thousand Leagues under the sea novel written by him in the year 1870. Here are some wonders to keep your jaw down to the ground for a while.

1. The Simpsons

Half of you would have already guessed it. For the other half, this is a favorite cartoon that just rocked our school days. There were several inventions included here, and this made so many of us feel like we could invent a thing too. A good number of them have been brought to real-time application. Some predictions are blood spraying billboards, airplane restaurants, baby translators, 3D printed cakes, and smartwatches. In fact, auto-correct was one of the inventions predicted by the Simpsons. Our favorite is the 3D-printed cakes, though. The inventions seemed silly during the show broadcast, but we all have now realized our fault.

2. Minority Report

The 2002 film had Tom Cruise in the lead role. While all of us thought the movie is not so related, the facial recognition software inventors and people who invented user interfaces that operate with gestures thought otherwise. No one would have expected that in the 2000s but these inventions, including the personalized advertising thing, is actualized now. Unbelievable, is it not? We all know Tom Cruise is talented.

3. The Imitation Game

The plot goes around the Mathematician Alan who tries to simplify the enigma code and all the situations that happen through World War II. Watching this movie will be your last wish if you are a data science lover. There is some information about science and math involved in it. The brilliant director invented the entire plot that is in actual existence now. We don’t know if they were serious about it, but the big data companies were. The movie involves the British Government attempting to crack down on secret Enigma codes using heterogeneous computing. The plot was outstanding, the movie was brilliant and so were the big data solutions.

4. The Minority Report

This wasn’t a big deal for our fans. We all knew it was all real. The plot surrounds the police forces, being capable of predicting crimes using the predictive analysis method and just data mining. There is our officer hero who works in the unit himself who gets accused of a future murder. The movie touches on the real potential of innovation, and almost all the concepts had future possibilities. Now, the data to predict human behavior is a thing for us but back then, this was something beyond human imagination, and the story writer did it. Kudos! And the crucial details weren’t a thing to be missed out on. It is now a turnover thing for big data companies.

5. Takeaway

This motion picture brought the confounded ideas of data science and evaluation to the extra-large screen, even back when information business was still a novel idea. Since data information is all over, you ought to get yourself acclimated with the thoughts. We are certain movies like Takeaway would help in getting a handle on the nuts and bolts of data science. If you are an information researcher, it could be a great misfortune not to have seen this brilliant plot and direction, having said that you are a huge enthusiast of information science. No matter what, this was one of the big data solutions, and all our big data companies possibly had it.

Nobody can realize what’s in store. However, scholars and producers are continually taking their best figure out. They are attempting to anticipate innovation and world issues decades early – or demonstrating a future they just WISH would materialize. Since October 21, 2015 – the Back to the Future date that took Marty McFly’s breath away – has at last arrived. It’s an ideal opportunity to see exactly how much the film got right. In any case, it’s by all accounts, not the only film that turned out to be significantly more precise than the producers presumably ever expected (regardless of the possibility that despite everything we’re tending to drift sheets).

That doesn’t mean Hollywood missed the point, in any case. Check out, and you’ll see many creations that are beyond human imagination. As well as some of which were anticipated by motion picture producers decades prior can be seen. The far back you go in the film files, the all the more fascinating these parallels get to be.

Louise Rose is an amateur writer and picturegoer. Louise dreams of the round-the-world voyage with her family. Her life motto is “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass – It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”

Positive Words Research – 5 WOW Facts: How Movies Influence Our Life

movies influence our life

5 Smart Habits to Help You Stay Positive and Be Happy Now

We can have everything we want in this cruel world. The world may be cruel but it has everything we can ever need and want. We just have to know what it takes to get there, but knowing all the technicalities isn’t enough. There’s still one more thing that’s even more important: staying positive. Indeed, the world is a cruel place. It can knock you down a couple of times before you actually get what you want and deserve. But after those pulls and knockdowns, there will be something better that’s waiting for us.

There are loads of people who happen to have all the intellectual resources they need to succeed, but they still ended up in the opposite direction. That was because they had the wrong state of mind.  You don’t have to be one of them. One of the best things about life is that we have the freedom to dream all we want, and what makes it even better is we have the ability to decide whether to make it come true or just go on dreaming. You can start making that decision now. Here are some of the habits you need to start learning now to stay on the positive lane to success and happiness:

1. Looking at the bright side of every bad situation

No matter how smart we are at school, no matter how productive we are at work, the world can still take a turn at us. Even so, it still helps to look at the bright side of the situation, but like many things, this is something easier said than done.

When we’re faced with a difficult situation it becomes hard to notice that its only one part of an entire picture. Despite the negative outcome, there is still a bright side sitting next to our problems, we just have to shift our heads a bit, and not focus too much on our problems. Once we realize that there is still hope, we can then get back to the track. Seeing the positive situation, the next step is to look for that one thing that can turn our life back around.

2. Cultivate and live in a positive environment

This article isn’t about staying positive for a day. Rather, it’s about staying positive as long as we live. So, how do we do that? We do it by exposing ourselves to positive stimuli.

It’s going to be real hard staying positive if we live under a roof where we hear nothing curse words. Everything starts at the home. What you’re like at our own space, that’s also what you’re going to be like once you leave the gates.

So, let’s say, you’ve already cultivated a positive environment back home. The journey to staying positive doesn’t end there. You still have to observe your positive habits when you leave the house. This means you have to spend time with people with the same positive mentality as you.

3. Live slowly

People are often carried away by their daily duties that they come to do everything as they appear. They don’t have the time to think things through. As a result, their actions don’t bear positive results. And then what happens when all our effort become a waste? It builds up lots of stress in us and then all the negative thoughts sink in.

Not only does it make for an unhealthy lifestyle, it can also cause us to spend the rest of our lives working, and not having the results that we want.

Have you ever tried being in a hurry to attend a meeting, and then just when you’re a few steps away from the conference room, you realize that you forgot something back home? Can you remember the frustration you felt back then, all the negativity that sunk into your veins during that day? Well, try to double that by a thousand because if you always live life in a hurry that’s what the end of your life is going to feel like. Now, imagine that you planned everything before you got to the meeting. With that, you had the freedom to take your time to get to the venue. Can you imagine the light feeling that comes with it as you leave the office? Yes, exactly. That’s the benefit living slowly.

4. Don’t let fear hold you back

The best thing about life is that we can be whatever we want. So, don’t ever let anything or anyone hold you back from your dreams.

Imagine that you were doing well in a job, and then suddenly an opportunity knocks at your face. You knew full well that you want to take this step forward, but some part of the mind is telling you to just shrug it off because one simple mistake can ruin everything you’ve already attained. So, what do you do? Take a risk. Failures aren’t meant to be the end. If you happen to succeed in taking this risk, and then good for you, but if you don’t and that doesn’t mean you should sulk for the rest of your life. Nor does it mean that you should refrain from taking any more risks. It is in failure that we come to know success. See your downfall as a new learning opportunity.

5. Add value and positivity to someone else’s life

It’s not just about you. You also have to give back to other people. The world is comprised of positive and negative people alike. The only way for you to stay positive is if you spread the positivity all around you.

About the Author

Danny Adams is a proud alumnus of University of Oregon with a degree in creative writing. With his writing finesse and knack for managing people, he co-founded Some of his published articles are aimed towards helping and providing opportunities for freelance writers. If his busy schedule permits, Danny indulges in golf or hockey.

Positive Words Research – 5 Smart Habits to Help You Stay Positive

habits stay positive

Applied Positive Psychology: Positive Affirmations Manifest

Key Ways that Positive Affirmations Change Lives for the Better – Applied Positive Psychology

The way in which you think about yourself greatly influences how you live your own life. If you have constantly put yourself down, you negatively impact your own self-esteem and the way that you engage with others.

Alternatively, when you adopt positive thinking about who you are as a person, you pave the way for a new future and a new way of interacting with others. When you are serious about improving the way you live, act, and believe, you should learn the five key ways that positive affirmations can manifest themselves in your everyday life.

Applied Positive Psychology

Here are the 5 ways positive affirmations manifest in life – applied positive psychology:

1. Confidence

Positive affirmations help give you new confidence about yourself and your life. When you believe that you are a good person and worthy of respect and love, you feel more confident about not only yourself but also about the impact that you make every day.

You may be more upbeat when speaking to others and exhibit more genuine emotions toward friends, family members, and even strangers. You also may seek out interactions instead of hiding from them entirely. This newfound confidence may even allow you to make new friends or perhaps establish more meaningful and productive romantic relationships.

2. Better Decision Making

When you positively affirm what you believe about yourself and your everyday life, you will begin making better decisions. When you thought negatively, you may have had little regard for your own happiness and well-being.

However, when you welcome and accept positive affirmations, you may take the time to think things through and make choices that are in your own best interests. You may see the wisdom in advocating for yourself and what is best for your future. You also may do so without second guessing yourself or feeling guilty about putting yourself first for once.

3. New Friendships

Positive affirmations also manifest themselves in the forging of new friendships. When you think of yourself in a positive light, you realize that you are worthy of friends who have the highest level of affection and respect for you. You want to be around people who will treat you well and reaffirm the belief that you are a good and worthy person.

Forging new friendships can be vital to changing the manner in which you live your life. By getting rid of bad influences, you pave the way for making your own future better and avoiding thought processes that contributed to self-loathing and negative behavior in the past. Your new friends will become more valuable and positive assets to you and your life going forward.

4. Re-evaluation of Family Ties

The old adage says that you can pick your friends but not your family. In reality, you do have some power over to what degree you associate with family members who may be a bad influence on you.

If you have relatives that put you down or take advantage of you, it is not out of the question to reevaluate how much time you want to spend with them. The positive affirmations that you adopt for your life give you the power and the confidence to rethink those relationships and adjust them accordingly.

5. Mentoring Opportunities

Finally, positive affirmations can manifest themselves in your life by giving you the opportunity to become a mentor to someone else. Overcoming your own self-loathing, doubt, and negativity gives you the experience you need to understand where others in your former position are coming from and in what direction they need to go to change their own lives.

As with many people in your situation who have forged new paths for the future, you have valuable insight that even the most skilled and highly trained therapist or counselor does not possess. Who better to mentor someone down on his or her luck than you?

Seeing the positive impact you make on someone’s life likewise can be a manifestation of positive affirmations in your own. As you rebuild your own future, you should welcome the chance to pay forward what you have learned about why positive affirmations are vital to your everyday life.

Your point of view plays a key role in the way you act, believe, and live. Develop a routine that incorporates positive affirmations and you will begin to see these five benefits manifest themselves in your life.

Positive Thoughts

About the Author

Adam Gerbman

Adam Gerbman

Adam has worked with various mental health and addictive substances and alcohol treatment centers in the Los Angeles area as both a Recovery Empowerment Coach and Management Consultant. Adam is a regular practitioner of yoga, fitness and a vast array of spiritual practices. Adam’s current role is Chief Strategy Officer for Vantage Point Recovery.

Positive Words Research – Applied Positive Psychology 5 Ways Positive Affirmations Manifest In Life

25 Positive Affirmations To Add Positivity To Your Day Now

Positive affirmations can sometimes make you feel better instantly. All you need to do if to find the right one for you.

I am enough.

I am loved.

I am special.

I am connected with the love of all things.

I know what it feels like unconditional love.

My mind is peaceful.

I think prosperous thoughts.

I have more than enough.

I am grateful.

I am blessed.

I am a gift to the entire world.

I am a light.

I am powerful.

I am pure love and light.

I am grace and ease.

There is abundance for me.

There is a lot of love for me here on Earth.

I am nurtured in every way.

I become richer by the second.

I get paid for being me.

I get paid with a lot of money for the things I do in the world.

I have all the money I want.

I am healthy.

I am full of vitality.

Joy expects me at every moment of my life.

There is a lot of happiness waiting for me in my future.

Positive Words Research – Positive Affirmations

How To Use Positive Affirmations To Shape A Better Body Image

This week’s positive word is RELAX: Find Your Life Balance

 This week’s positive word is


By Victoria J.Brown

I remember I was well into the New Year, Christmas felt like a long-distance memory and I noticed that the last thing on many people’s minds is relaxation. I understand that maybe the Holidays period is very busy, so there’s not much relaxing going on. Then the new year has started and most people are back to rushing from one place to another, appointments, meetings, deadlines … I’m definitely one for advising that you set yourself goals and targets, but I believe in relaxing too. Relaxing helps us focus, truly focus on where we are and what we need to do. It helps to eliminate that fuzzy fog that surrounds many minds as they sleepwalk through life day in, day out.

Taking time out to assess and soothe your body and soul is the key to moving forward.

How many times have you heard people saying: “I haven’t got time …” These are the people who need to relax more than most.

So if you’re one of those people who feels the need to keep moving, there’s no time for chilling … ask yourself how fast are you actually moving forward? If you feel you simply CAN’T STOP! Even the thought stresses you out. Then you are probably that person that needs to relax.

Here’s a little task for you … start writing a journal, look back over it week by week and see how fast you’re moving. While writing your journal put some feelings, thoughts, and emotions into your writing, turn your writing into a relaxation technique. It’s an amazing method. If you do this, you’re still ‘working’ as you’re writing down your achievements, but at the same time, you are actually allowing yourself to put things into perspective.

So remember, when you are relaxing, you are not being lazy, you are not wasting time … the exact opposite … you are re-fuelling your mind, body, and soul.

Positive Words Research – This week’s positive word is RELAX


6 Ways On How To Attract True Love Through Positive Thoughts

“All you need is love” – the legendary Beatles sang and were absolutely right. Finding true love is as essential for human beings as water, air, and food. But the majority of people can’t even imagine how much it depends on the way we think, speak and act.
The power of positive thinking shouldn’t be underrated. Modern psychologists and philosophers agree that thoughts greatly affect our intentions, and, as a result, our reality. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to control them, without falling into negativity and despair. We attract what we are, like a mirror – if you act out of love and respect to others, are positive in your thoughts and actions, you’re meant to attract not only prosperity and success but also the true love of your life.

1. Focus on Positivity

Start from positive, never give up quotes.

Try to use them as often as possible, be kind, radiate positivity. As soon as it becomes a part of your everyday life, it will become a part of your mind, affecting positive thinking. Be optimistic, try to find at least one good thing in any situation, do the same with people. Use positive affirmations to talk to yourself as well. “I deserve love and I get it in abundance”, “I love what I do and people that surround me”, “I am surrounded by love” – repeat it to yourself, concentrate on what you want and formulate your own affirmations. Create your own positive world, reboot yourself.

2. Love Yourself

You’re an incredible human being, you’re unique, you’re amazing, you’re wonderful… you have thousands of reasons to love yourself. Just do it. We can’t expect someone to love us if we don’t love ourselves: all our strengths and weaknesses, achievements and mistakes, every single detail that makes our personality just the way it is. Recognize your strong points, be confident, don’t strive to be like somebody else, put aside all doubts. You need to love yourself before anyone else can.

3. Act out of Love

After you’ve loved yourself, learn how to love everything and everybody around you: your job, friends, enemies, family, new challenges, opportunities, surprises. Never hold grudges and remember bad, vice versa, try to excuse people’s shortcomings, be tolerant, patient and empathetic, change your attitude to the daily routine – enjoy it, stay positive. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale in his famous book “The Power of Positive Thinking” says: “The way to happiness: keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Fill your life with love. Scatter sunshine. Forget self, think of others. Do as you would be done by. Try this for a week and you’ll be surprised”.

4. Get Over Past Loves

We are talking both about love and hatred. It flows naturally from the previous point – forgive everything, no hard feelings. You will never attract true love, carrying all those memories and insults of past loves, looking back and comparing your partners. Leave all negative emotions, resentment, and anger from the former relationships on the previous page of your life, make a lesson out of it, take it as a valuable experience that will help to avoid the same mistakes in the future. Forget and let it go. Only in this way, you’ll be open to starting a new happy chapter of your life.

5. Dream

What is easier, my friend? Dreaming, or, scientifically speaking, visualization, is another way of positive thinking and it really works! By means of it, you create the situation that you’d like to experience, and this imaginary outcome helps to realize your idea in a real life. When you know exactly what you want, think about the concrete actions to get it, and act. For example, to find your soul mate, at least go for a walk to the public place or sign up for a dating website, communicate with people, maybe what you’re looking for is so close.

6. Final Positive Thought

Often finding true love turns into a line of failures, but it’s not the reason to give up. If you’re still alone in despair, maybe it’s high time to change your life? – What to start from? – Your thoughts! Follow these easy steps and you’ll be surprised by the difference. If you’re still waiting for some sign from above, here it is 🙂

About the Author

Andrew Guerra from SweetTextMessages. Send him an email at

Positive Words Research – How To Attract True Love Through Positive Thoughts

love relationship

This week’s positive word is QUEST: Find Your Motivation

This week’s positive word is


By Victoria J.Brown

The New Year has started and New Year Resolutions have been made around the world. Some are doing well … others, lasted a day or so 🙂

Did you make New Year Resolutions?

If you did, ask yourself how many of them are related to an underlying passion or incompleteness that isn’t being fulfilled?

If you were to believe that you were sent here on a life mission or a quest that needed to be completed how would you feel about your life journey so far?

Are you happy on your journey? Do you want to achieve more? Is there a niggle deep within that knows you have more to offer: more to give the world? Most people answer, ‘Yes,’ to this question because most people are on the treadmill of life.

But imagine this:


Imagine knowing that your first quest on this physical plane was to feel the love from within. When we are born this is exactly what we feel, love for ourselves and those around us. It’s as we grow and develop that society shapes our thoughts. That’s why many people are unhappy with life because they have forgotten the reason they are here, many are still searching for it while others’ have given up. Don’t give up. Don’t be that person who loses themselves. You have the power to change your thoughts.

Do you feel an urge, a passion – something deep within that you know you need to fulfill? This is your quest. Your life mission. The reason you are here. If it’s not something you can do overnight, then put a plan in place and start making it work for you. Life is far too short to be having regrets make 2017 your year. Start the quest that you were sent here for. I get excited as I write this, as I know there are so many people out there who are connecting with this blog post and know that feeling. Once that feeling is ignited, excitement bursts from within.

One of your main quests in life is to show love always. Once you can show love your life will be transformed. Truly love, forgive and diminish negative thoughts. Giving love will enable you to receive more love and you will find that your life quests are so much easier to follow. Opening yourself up to the universe and letting go of any negative beliefs will enable your quest to be achieved much easier.

Positive Words Research – This week’s positive word is QUEST

Positive Adjectives Used In The Classroom With Children

POSITIVE ADJECTIVES – Can the use of positive adjectives in the classroom make a difference in children’s well-being? Definitely YES. Discover from an English teacher how and why.

Have you ever heard of a perfect classroom? I’ve not, but if you have, then that’s probably a myth. As a teacher, you may have noticed that every student is different. Some are good in academics, some are good in sports. Some have excellent social skills, while the others take the time to open up. Some are cheerful and zesty yet some remain silent. Some are excited about the class and some just want to hear the bell go off.

My class was no different, and I initially had problems dealing with my students.

My Classroom

I teach a group of young fifth graders, 35 to be accurate, who are all 10-11 years old. Unlike my other classes, the first week with my new students wasn’t comfortable as many of them were distracted and some even seemed disinterested in what they were learning. Only a few took interest and participated while there were some who wanted to talk but kept holding themselves back. It gets really tough, especially when you’re teaching ESL to them. I started to doubt my teaching skills, but turns out it wasn’t me after all (phew!). I took a gasp of relief and tried to get to the real problem and fix it early on.

By observing my students and by finding out more about their background, I narrowed down to a list of 14 students who had some problems that were affecting their behavior. My observations unveiled the fact that many of those 14 students had family issues, a troubled household, and lack of attention causing loneliness. A few felt insecure about their appearance and how they were being picked on by others.

These were some serious issues that are enough to damage your self-confidence and make you unhappy.

Introducing Positive Adjectives: The Chosen Words

I planned to reinforce some positivity in my classroom, and what better way to do it than using ‘words’, right? Yes. Using positive adjectives in my class was the best solution. Students need to have a positive approach to life and positive words, appreciation, and encouragement are a vital part of their early development.

So I made a list of 12 simple positive adjectives (descriptive type) and divided them into groups of 3. Since everyone in my class uses smartphones, I made flashcards for each adjective on Cram with their meanings on the flip side. I shared them with my students and work got so much easier.

Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4
Adaptable   Courageous CourteousAmbitious   Resourceful CreativeDiligent   Reliable SensibleExuberant   Gregarious Philosophical

These were the twelve positive adjectives I chose to use in my classroom early on. Thus began the experiment to introduce the ‘Positive Approach’ to lighten up the mood and invite active participation.

The Positive Month

As I had mentioned, some of the kids in my class were unhappy. I already knew what was bothering them. Their problems were common and well known to me. Since this was the fifth grade, it was still easy to shape them and bring a change in their behavior and way of thinking. It was a learning experience for the remaining students as well.

After dividing the adjectives into groups of 3, it was now time to implement them into our everyday routine. But how? My students react better to stories and tales. So I thought of approaching every positive adjective with a short story.

As a teacher of English, you have already gone through loads of Literature and that way, you often become a good storyteller to engage your students. Luckily, I could come up with good stories that are relevant to the current times as a background for each of my chosen words.

I planned a month long process and focussed on one group of adjectives per week. I also asked them to implement over weekends what they learned in class and write a small article about their experience.

Week 1

Adaptable, Courageous, and Courteous

My aim for the first week was to instill self-confidence and make the students feel positive about themselves, ignore the negativity and be kind to others.

Week 2

Ambitious, Creative, Resourceful

The second lesson after self-belief and kindness was to make my students think out of the box. Children should know how to approach their dreams, know their limitations and utilize what’s available to them to the fullest.

Week 3

Diligent, Reliable, Sensible

The next phase focused on imparting a sense of responsibility, completing work on time, and sensing what’s correct and what’s wrong.

Week 4

Exuberant, Gregarious, Philosophical

Finally, the last week of the month was meant to teach my students the power of being cheerful and positive around people, and the impact it had on their attitude. Students must learn to be rational and calm while going through difficulties and facing disappointments.

I carefully framed stories that were very close to the situations that some students were facing at home. There was a subtle indication to those students without singling them out or making their condition public as I knew they’d feel awkward. I certainly didn’t want that to happen.

The Results… 

I was happy with the results as my students were more engaged in the classroom and participated in conversations without the fear of being judged or judging their classmates. I was really happy to hear a parent come to me and share her thoughts on her daughter’s changed behavior.

My students learned to see their positives attributes over the negative ones, started to respect everyone around them, and would no more get cranky for frivolous things. That was a win for me as their teacher.

A Positive Message

I’d like to quote the example of the Solomon Islanders here. The natives of the Solomon Islands follow a unique method of cursing and yelling at the trees that are too big to be cut down. They do it for a few months and just like that, the tree starts dying and falls. Such is the impact of negative words.

A hearty message that I give my students is to think positive and stay positive. Negative words are bad and as the good old saying goes, Sticks and stones may break my bones but words hurt forever.

Picture source:

Author Bio:

Sophia Sanchez is a passionate educator and blogger who blogs about education on her personal blog.

She is an ESL/EFL instructor who found her true calling — teaching — while she was juggling writing and a 9-5 desk job. In her free time, she watches movies and takes up freelance writing gigs. If you want to connect with her, you can find her on facebook and twitter.

Positive Words Research – Positive Adjectives Used In The Classroom

positive adjectives classroom

16 Ways You’re a Real-Life Superhero: Which Of Them Are You

Superheroes strike a larger than life figure, and it’s no wonder so many kids dream of growing up to get bit by a radioactive spider superhero. People are drawn to these mythic figures because they exude strength and a dedication to the common good. Growing up comes with the realization that universities don’t offer a degree in being Batman, and life is a lot harder than it looked from three feet off the ground. But how about real life superhero

The truth is, superheroes were created as allegories for everyday life. While they have fantastical adventures and backgrounds, the stories are an exaggerated retelling of normal life events. Spiderman getting bit by a radioactive spider is a coming-of-age story about a boy growing up to be a man. Not because of the spider bite, but in response to his uncle’s murder. That’s the real heart of every superhero tale ever told: the origin story. Without it, there would be no superheroes. Thus my positive words are real life superhero.

That’s the real reason these mythic figures stand larger than life. When the world punched them in the gut, they punched back. In this way, anyone can be a superhero simply by standing strong in the face of adversity. Here are 16 ways that people use their superpowers to fight back against the pressures of life.

16 Ways You’re a Real-Life Superhero

  1. Batman fights crime by night and runs a successful business empire by day. Anyone who works the 9 to 5 shift while volunteering their time on nights and weekends has a lot in common with good ol’ Bruce Wayne.
  2. The Hulk masters his anger and learns to channel that rage into fighting the good fight. A lot of people have anger issues. Anyone who has stood up to that, refusing to let it own their life, deserves a big green badge.
  3. Deadpool takes a hit like no other, mainly because losing a hand doesn’t mean that much when a new one grows overnight. Still, he keeps going through the darkest of times, never losing his sense of humor. People who can laugh in the face of hardship are definitely superheroes.
  4. Spiderman can climb and jump like no other, but it’s his precognitive ability to sense the danger that gives him the best advantage in a fight. It only works if he doesn’t question what he senses to be true. Self-trust and the ability to follow gut instincts is a superpower people use every day.
  5. Wonder Woman hails from a strong tribe of Amazonian women. In fact, she’s their princess. Women face adversity all the time. Meeting it with strength and grace is exactly what this Amazonian princess teaches.
  6. Daredevil’s acrobatic and gymnastics skills are all self-taught. Unlike many superheroes, he had no mentor. Self-education is a heroic act.
  7. Thor can enhance his already impressive powers by channeling cosmic energies using the Odinforce. Who would have guessed that meditating could be a superpower? How strong is the Odinforce? Just ask Captain America’s shield.
  8. Storm harnesses the powers of Mother Earth. Anytime a person finds a green alternative, Storm sends a little sunshine their way.
  9. Jessica Jones lives by her own rules, mainly because she knows what it’s like to be forced into living by another person’s. Slipping out from under the thumb of tyranny: total superpower.
  10. Iron Man’s greatest power is his technological prowess, and that’s something he has in common with a lot of people. Advanced tech skills used in the name of the greater good: definitely a superpower.
  11. Black Panther was the first mainstream African-American superhero, and he fights crime in the name of his fictional African homeland: Wakanda. This well-rounded superhero sees in the dark, which is a metaphorical representation of his ability to mastermind complex plans. Strategic planning and execution of goals, definite superpower.
  12. The Avengers are a close-knit group that works together to solve problems, much like people do every day when they collaborate to accomplish a common goal.
  13. Hawkeye is best known for his marksmanship, but it’s his leadership abilities that really make him a superhero. Team leaders, bosses, and anyone who manages a crowd draws on the same powers as this highly-skilled athlete.
  14. Wolverine’s adamantium skeleton doesn’t matter as much as his ability to track and sniff out of danger. Using intuition to make good decisions throughout the day is just another thing that brings people closer to superheroes.
  15. Captain America stands at the height of human physical perfection, and he used cheats to get there! Going to the gym at the end of every long day: that’s a superpower.
  16. Doctor Strange loses his greatest ability to a car crash, the use of his hands to heal others through surgery. From there, he goes on his own healing journey and finds his real power: sorcery. Choosing to fight against the forces of darkness instead of returning to his high-status life, he allows his darkest hour to lead him to his greatest destiny. That’s the heart of every superhero story. Anytime great misfortune makes someone stronger instead of weaker, that person becomes a superhero.

It’s not the superpowers that define the hero; it’s how they choose to use them, and how they choose to respond to the pressures of their lives. If adversity had broken them, they would be villains—and the world already has enough of those. Ability, skill and even magical powers come second to the mindset that determines how these characters respond to adversity. Perhaps that is the greatest thing they have to teach us.

Amanda Wilson

About the Author: Hi, I`m Amanda Wilson – student and a freelance writer at I believe that all thoughts were already invented and thought over by someone in this world. And my goal is to find original one and provide it to the modern life. Connect with me on Twitter.

Positive Words Research – 16 Ways You’re a Real-Life Superhero

6 Non-Threatening Ways to Get out of Your Comfort Zone

We read about people who have quit their jobs, found their passports, and taken off to another country with only a few hundred dollars in their pockets. In many ways, we envy them – we wish we had the “guts” to do something like that. We don’t have the guts, because we have never left our comfort zones, even in small ways. 

Starting Small

And that is rather the key. We will never consider a major exodus from our comfort zones because we have not built up to it. That adventurer who has just left for parts unknown? He has practiced getting out of his comfort zone for years. He began with small things and worked his way up so that now he does not fear huge changes – he embraces them. He has developed a sense of self-confidence that allows him to take risks. So it should be with you. You can practice getting out of your comfort zone right now, and these small steps can lead to bigger ones.

1. Take a Course About Which You Know Nothing

Maybe you have always admired people who can draw or play an instrument. What’s stopping you? Sign up for some lessons or a course at the local community college. Get yourself out among others who share that interest. Get away from TV and Facebook and just do it.

2. Practice Random Acts of Kindness

Reaching out to strangers is difficult for those of us who have always lived within our own little circles of friends, acquaintances, and institutions (workplaces, churches, etc.). Participating in a “soup kitchen” event on Thanksgiving, when your work or church is comfortable. Seeing strangers in need and reaching out to them on a personal level is quite different. That mother ahead of you in line at the grocery store who must put some items back? Approach her and offer to pay. Every time you make contact with a complete stranger is a time you get out of your comfort zone. Soon, you may find yourself striking up conversations with complete strangers all the time – new “worlds” open up.

3. Visit Different Places of Worship

Whether you consider yourself a religious person or not, it is always a good thing to expose yourself to religions, cultures, and belief systems that are “foreign” to you. If you consider yourself a Christian, how about attending services at a mosque or a Jewish temple? Or, how about a “new age” gathering? You will expose yourself to a variety of thoughts and make connections with those who view life very differently.

4. Think About Writing for Publication

O.K. so this is not an option for everyone, but think about it for a minute. You have a lifetime of experiences and ideas to share. Take those to the next level by sharing them with others. You don’t have to be a skilled writer – there is a host of writing services out there, like WritingDaddy, that can take our thoughts and ideas and translate them into creative articles and blog posts that you can then submit for publication. Over time, you may develop your own skills and discover a great outlet for connecting with others.

5. Food – Yes, It Can be a Path Out of Your Comfort Zone Too

Instead of basking in your traditional “comfort foods,” try foods you have never eaten before. Go to a Thai or Vietnamese or Indian restaurant. Get online and retrieve some African and Middle Eastern recipes. We get stuck in our old favorite foods, but changing out what we eat may work toward changing out how we think about other things too.

6. Try a New Hobby

We have developed “outside” interests, and we are comfortable with them. Perhaps we garden, work on cars, play a sport, or play an instrument. It’s time to change this out. Take up photography, a different sport – something totally foreign to you.

Small Steps Lead to Larger Ones 

These steps are no threatening to your very being – you are not abandoning your life’s work or friends and family. You are, however, gradually coming to see that change can be a good thing. Once you are at ease with change, you can begin to make larger changes that may indeed move you on a new path of wonder and adventure.

new hobby

Author΄s bio: Diana Beyer is an experienced and self-driven specialist who is passionate about writing. She is always seeking to discover new ways for personal and professional growth.

Aspirational Coasters

Random Thoughts On The Incredible Power of Thoughts

“Aspiration: The progressive realization of a worthy ideal.” ~ quote from Aspirational Coasters

”For the man who has, will be given more… but the man who has nothing will have taken away from  him what little he has.” – Matt. 13:12

Hang on, that’s not fair. I thought God was supposed to be fair and just. Not very loving if you ask me…

Mmm, now that I’ve calmed down a little maybe there’s  more to this than meets the eye.  My Dad used to say “Nothing is as it seems.”

Over the years I’ve read so much around the simple act of thinking, 60,000 thoughts a day I’m told.

One of my gurus, Dr. Deepak Chopra, teaches that a thought is an impulse of energy and information. 60,000 thoughts must generate quite a bit of energy each day! And what of the “information” that’s attached to the energy, what’s that all about? Someone told me I was the same as a tree, just different information.

OK, I’ll cut to the chase.

I’ve nestled into the belief that says there’s a strong link (infallible?) between my thinking and the circumstances of my life. I’m very content with my life so far. And I see every day that whatever I’ve been thinking about actually appears in my life. Ever so quietly. Subtle, easy to miss at first.

My life-manta as I call it, has appeared in physical form. My mantra’s no secret. It’s “I’m Happy, Healthy, Wise, and Wealthy.” I think about that every day with a heart posture of gratitude.

Coming back to my opening Biblical quote. What do “poor” people think about all day? What dominates their thoughts? I wonder, would it be thoughts of abundance and gratitude. And what do the “wealthy” think about all the time?

These days they say “the gap (between rich and poor) is  widening”. Same principle I suggest. What you think about you get more of. Think abundance, you get more of it. Think lack and poverty, you get more of that.

“.. but the man who has nothing will have taken away from him who little he has.” The rich get richer, the poor get poorer because of the way they are habitually thinking. All that energy and information going the wrong way. “Wrong” meaning lack and deprivation.

My life mantra has been a delight. It’s taken patience and tenacity at times but it works. I am happy, healthy, wise and wealthy. Yes, please. Thank you.

Clive Littin

November 23 2016

Positive Words Research – Random Thoughts On The Incredible Power of Thoughts