100 Positive Thoughts To Transform Your Life And Feel Happy

“All we are is the result of what we thought. The spirit is everything. What we think we become.” –  Muhammad Ali Generally, we greatly underestimate the power of positive thoughts and how it can transform our lives. Yet they have a physical power that directly or indirectly influences and transform our lives. Here and … Read more

What Pleasant Words Should You Tell Your Parents Every Day

Just like most of the parents do their best to make their children happy, the children aim at returning this happiness to their parents. Though at times, both fail.Our parents love us in spite of anything. If your mother and father are still alive, don’t miss the opportunity to make them a little happier every … Read more

4 Habits To Build A Positive Attitude Towards Life Today

Emulate These 4 Habits To Build A Positive Attitude Towards Life! In this world, there are many people who have a negative outlook towards life. This sort of mindset not only deteriorates their own lives but the mindset of their family and friends also gets contaminated by the aura of their personality. For those toxic … Read more

Time Is An Illusion: Without Memory There Is No Time

Science finally proves that time is an illusion and that without memory there is no time. Time is just memory stored in space. Our own memory is not stored in our brain, it is stored in space and our brain is just connected with that place in space. But how does this discovery that time … Read more