4 Effective Ways To Be Forever Positive and Happy Today

First things first – Ask yourself, what kind of person you are? Do you see the glass as half-empty or half-full? Several studies have put forth that both of these personalities can have a significant impact on your mental and physical health, but there is nothing better than being a positive thinker, if truth be … Read more

365 Positive Words to Help Make 2021 Your Best Year Yet

Create a more positive year with these words. We have collected a list of 365 positive words – one word for every day of 2021. Find your word of the year for 2021. Here are some ideas for using them to make 2021 your best year yet: be mindful of the word of the day … Read more

7 Things You Can Always Be Grateful For And Be Happy

The ability to be grateful is an extraordinary ability that brings us many benefits. The benefits are both in terms of physical and mental health, and peace of mind. Gratitude is the great multiplier of this world. It brings prosperity and makes it grow. But what are the things you can always be grateful for? … Read more

Positive Words to Describe Your First Year of College Experience

Positive Words to Describe Your First Year of College Experience What are the best ways to talk about the first year in college? Find the most positive words to describe your first year in college and memories of it. Positive Words To Describe Your First Year Of College: Write The Best Reflection on Your University … Read more

Best 60 Powerful I AM Positive Affirmations For Confidence

Empower yourself with these 60 powerful I AM positive affirmations. Read them and also write them on a piece of paper so that you can embody them better. See below a list of 30 powerful I AM affirmations containing positive emotions and another list with another 30 powerful I AM affirmations containing positive adjectives, in … Read more

Practice Six Positive Emotions For 30 Days and Be Happy

Positive Words Research has compiled a practice list for 30 days for you to embody six positive emotions: gratitude, loving-kindness, courage, appreciation, and forgiveness. Each positive feeling will be practiced in four directions: you towards yourself, people towards yourself, you towards life, you in relationships and towards your childhood. Practice Six Positive Emotions For 30 … Read more

Antidots Map: 30 Negative Feelings – 90 Positive Emotions

Positive Words Research has compiled a list of 30 antidots for 30 negative feelings as a mixt of 90 positive emotions. It is my strong belief that the purpose of a negative feeling is to show us what positive emotion we need. Sometimes, we lack some positive feelings and those negative emotions tell us exactly … Read more

How Important Is For Mental Well-Being To Practice Sport

You’ve probably always had that one person in your life that keeps pushing you towards practicing sports, praising how well it would make you feel, both inside and outside. The media is also filled with advice such as this one – to the point where you just want to close the tab or shut down … Read more

Positive Words Emotions Used These Days On Social Media

Social Media (SM) has become the first choice for users to express their feelings with freedom. For many people all over the world, tweeting a tweet, hashtagging an Instagram caption, posting Facebook status from now onwards is common practice. In the past, people communicate via emails, forums, and newsgroups. Recently, SM has gained a lot … Read more

Lemons Into Lemonade: Turn Negative Events Into Positive Expression

The fact is, many of us rely on creating to express our emotions. All of us on are especially familiar with this process. Creating to express our emotions in any form has potential to be a healthy and life-giving experience. We can use art and creative writing as a means to turn our negative feelings … Read more

6 Tips To Develop A Positive Attitude And Stop Complaining

Everyone wants to be happy and have success in life. However, it depends mainly on our attitude to others, to life and to ourselves. In particular, many people act as victims. Something is wrong and they feel that everything is playing against them or being stuck in the routine. Whatever the reason, people who behave … Read more

Hope: Ultimate Savior for Us in Tragic Conditions and Events

There is a saying that “hope is when the whole world is shouting ‘no’ and all you hear is maybe”. When we face a very worst situation in our life, the only thing that gets us going is hope. We, humans, are very fragile when it comes to dealing with emotions. We tend to succumb … Read more

100 Positive Thoughts To Transform Your Life And Feel Happy

“All we are is the result of what we thought. The spirit is everything. What we think we become.” –  Muhammad Ali Generally, we greatly underestimate the power of positive thoughts and how it can transform our lives. Yet they have a physical power that directly or indirectly influences and transform our lives. Here and … Read more

Top 5 Things To Give Up For Happiness And Fulfillment Now

We all want to be happy – that’s just a fact of life. However, no matter what we do or how much we attain, it always feels like something is missing. Therefore, that poses the question: what brings happiness and fulfillment? The answer lies in “giving up,” as contradictory as that sounds. These are five … Read more

Positive Thinking Attitude Influence Success In Student Life

For most of us, even the thought of positive thinking seems too far-fetched when compared with the practicalities and ironies of life. The term has been used so often that it has lost much of its significance. However, experts reveal that there is a lot more to the impact of positive thinking than mere instances … Read more

Maintain Positive Mindset: Understand And Make It Work

Why attitude matters?  In order to attract the fortunate situations to our life, deep understanding of the positive attitude towards every aspect of life is everything needed. Numerous famous people such as Einstein, Edison, Beethoven and many others, acknowledge the fact that our mind is shaping the things surrounding us. All of them understood the … Read more

How to Develop the Habit of Speaking Positive Words

Words can harm a person deeper than any knife. That is a well-known true fact. Besides, it is also proven that the negativism influence greatly not only the mood of the person but also the overall health condition. How to develop the habit of speaking positive words? That is why very important to think positively … Read more

5 Positive Thoughts The Heart Needs Before Going To Sleep

Rejection, disagreements, conflicts, self-pity, hurt all these companions are hard to let go of.After a hard day’s work when you reach home, all these emotions finally get to you. Your heart needs to let go all the burdens. You have to maintain a professional, emotionless facade at your workplace or institutes. But the mask falls … Read more

5 Ways to Effectively Control Your Emotions And Find Balance

It is a general observation that psychological, passionate and physical wellbeing is detachable and unmistakable from each other. This is some way or another genuine on the grounds that these are discrete. Yet every one of the three is interlinked with each other. Every one of them influences each other decidedly. That implies that psychological … Read more

3 M’s Help You Reach Your New Year’s Resolutions and Goals

2017 has left many of us wanting more in our lives. From political to social unrest, we all want to have a more positive and compassionate 2018. According to Psychology Today, the number one New Year’s resolution this year is “be kind.” That’s something to be encouraged by. We all need a little more kindness … Read more

Happiness Battle Win: Positive Mind Lead To Positive Life

Positive thinkers always look on the bright side and see the cup as half full. These people are healthier and they are less stressed than pessimists. And studies showed that optimism and positive thinking have several benefits. You may think that positive thinking is not a natural thing to you. However, there are several reasons … Read more

Pursuit of Happiness: 10 Ways to Increase Your Overall Mood

The pursuit of happiness is a cornerstone of the American dream, outlined specifically for us in the Declaration of Independence. Yet some days, we find ourselves chasing the ever-fleeting mistress that is happiness and fail to catch her. So on days when we cannot craft a genuine smile, why not just abide by the time-honored … Read more

10 Positive Thinking Tips: Power of Positivity on Your Health

Thoughts and attitude towards life is an indicator of success or failure. Positive thinking leads to success whereas negative thinkers fall into the bucket of failure. Thoughts of a person strongly affect his health according to the thoughts might think. If a person is a positive thinker, his mind grows and stays sound and healthy. … Read more

Best 15 Things You Can Do To Attract Positive Energy Now

Learning how to harness positive energy on a daily basis – transform your daily routine with these tried and true methods for attracting positive vibes. Sometimes it can be too much to go through a day without feeling exhausted both physically and mentally. We all need some positive vibes and energy to do our daily … Read more

10 Movies That Will Motivate You on Writing New Bestseller

Writing can be tough, even if you’ve been doing it for a long time already. Things like writer’s block do happen even with the best of writers, and while the best way to overcome them is to simply continue working, sometimes it doesn’t feel simple at all. We all have our ups and downs and … Read more

5 Steps To Train Yourself to Be More Positive Every Day

Everyone in the world would like to be positive and optimistic in their personal, professional and social life. People used to say a lot of times with others and also to themselves that they are positive and optimistic. However, they become negative when they face some bad situations in their life. Keep in mind that … Read more

This week’s positive word is RELAX: Find Your Life Balance

 This week’s positive word is RELAX By Victoria J.Brown I remember I was well into the New Year, Christmas felt like a long-distance memory and I noticed that the last thing on many people’s minds is relaxation. I understand that maybe the Holidays period is very busy, so there’s not much relaxing going on. Then the … Read more

6 Ways On How To Attract True Love Through Positive Thoughts

“All you need is love” – the legendary Beatles sang and were absolutely right. Finding true love is as essential for human beings as water, air, and food. But the majority of people can’t even imagine how much it depends on the way we think, speak and act.The power of positive thinking shouldn’t be underrated. … Read more

4 Feelings Which Prevent You to Start a New Positive Life

All people in the world have one common goal in life – achieving true happiness. The main factor that holds us back from leaving a positive life and achieving cherished dreams is, simply and solely, our own selves. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, we allow feelings of regret, frustration, and shame to form our actions in … Read more

This Week’s Positive Word is FORGIVE: Let Go and Move On

This week’s positive word is FORGIVE By Victoria J.Brown To forgive will make you stronger. Some people believe forgiveness is weak. They feel as if they are saying it’s okay for people to treat them disrespectfully. They may feel they are allowing people to walk over them. But think of it in another way … … Read more

This Week’s Positive Word is EMBRACE: Find Your Path In Life

This week’s positive word is EMBRACE By Victoria J.Brown Embrace yourself. Embrace life. Do you embrace yourself enough? Unfortunately, not many people do embrace themselves enough. But it’s important to love yourself and embrace all that you are and embrace your life. By embracing yourself and your life you can learn to accept situations, other … Read more

Top 7 Benefits Of The Healing Power of Positive Words Today

Human’s eyes represent his mind, the tongue signifies his heart, and his arms legs represent human will. The tongue is a small body organ, yet death and life reside in the power of the tongue. The healing power of positive words is real. Words can have a positive or negative impact on our lives. A … Read more

This Week’s Positive Word is APPRECIATION: Always Be Kind

Monday’s Motivational Blog A is for Appreciation ‘Appreciation will lead to more things to appreciate in your life’ Victoria J.Brown When you woke up this morning, what were your first thoughts? Did you want to get out of bed? Did you think about appreciating the fact that you could actually get out of bed? Did … Read more

Top 5 Unusual Ways How to Stay Positive Forever From Now

Positivity is so important. It means less medical problems, a longer life and – most obviously but still most importantly – that you are happier. The thing is, how do you actually become more positive? That’s the 10,000 dollar question, isn’t it? So that’s what we’re going to look into today. Five unusual ways for … Read more

Top 15 Positive Feelings Words and Positive Emotions

Find below a list of the top 15 positive feelings words. The list is made based on the research and accumulated knowledge of Positive Words Research. Top 15 Positive Feelings Words and Positive Emotions  1. Grateful In this category, are include positive feelings such as appreciation (being appreciative and appreciated), thankfulness (being thankful), gratitude. 2. Joyful In … Read more

How Positive Thinking Helped Me Secure a Great Job Today

If you would have told two years ago that I would be writing an article about how I secured a great job through the power of positive thinking, I would have laughed, probably. I was in a real slump, and all I could think about was finding some work. I was confident I could snap … Read more

Positive Words Can Change Your Brain And Restructure It

The words you choose to use can literally transform your brain because positive words can change your brain. While researching about positive words this article came up: “Speak with kindness: How your words literally restructure your brain“. From this article you can understand the followings: Dr. Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist at Thomas Jefferson University, and Mark … Read more

What Is Your Favorite Positive Emotion And Power Word Today

This is a quiz for positive emotions designed for voting. This Poll/Vote quiz is updated by Positive Words Research and by you, the person voting. If you don’t find your favorite emotion in the list, select Other and insert your own favorite positive emotion. Enjoy! If this poll is not working properly, vote for this … Read more

Guys Surprise Girls With Positive Words: Enjoy the Results

In November 2015, the Young Men in the Imperial Falls ward decided to change some lives for the better. They surprised more than 30 girls and told them with positive words how fantastic they all were! The word experiment brought happiness to every girl demonstrating the amazing power of positive words to generate positive feelings … Read more

Positive Words Analysis: New Thought Pattern Louise Hay

Explore the transformative power of positive words through an analysis inspired by the wisdom of Louise Hay. Discover how cultivating a new thought pattern can lead to a more positive and fulfilling life. POSITIVE WORDS ANALYSIS – Paper PWR3/25.05.2016  Text analyzed: Affirmations contained only in the column “New Thought Pattern” found in the book “You … Read more

Requested References for Research on Positive Words

Discover the requested references for our research findings about the profound impact of positive words on well-being, communication, and personal growth. Explore the sources that support our insights and enrich your understanding of the transformative power of positivity in language. We receive many messages from people asking for references for the research performed at Positive … Read more

Exploring Our Research Process: Unveiling the Methodology

Delve into the intricacies of Positive Words Research’s research process as we unveil our methodology. Learn how we gather insights, conduct studies, and uncover valuable data to provide you with the most accurate and meaningful information. Explore the behind-the-scenes of our research efforts to understand how we deliver positivity and innovation through our research practices. … Read more

Discover How Serenity Makes You Happy and Peaceful

Serenity is a state of contentment. Contentment was named by Dalai Lama as the key ingredient for inner happiness. But how do we attain a constant feeling of serenity? REBT therapy invented by Albert Ellis says that, in the same time, people rationalize, experiment some emotions and have a certain behavior. Therefore, in order for … Read more

Positive Words: A Comprehensive Learning List for Positive Feelings and Emotions

Explore our comprehensive learning list of positive words that embrace positive feelings and emotions. Discover the uplifting vocabulary that can enhance your emotional well-being and foster a more positive mindset. Positive Words Research is building the Positive Words, Positive Feelings, and Positive Emotions Learning List. In this list, you will find relevant keywords for each … Read more

Positive Feelings and Emotions: Cultivating Happiness and Well-Being

In the intricate mosaic of human existence, emotions serve as the vivid colors that paint the canvas of our lives. Among these emotional hues, positive feelings and emotions shine brightly, illuminating our journey with joy, contentment, and fulfillment. In this article, we will embark on a journey to explore the profound impact of positive feelings … Read more

Negative Feelings and Emotions: Causes, Effects, and Coping Strategies

Explore the world of negative feelings and emotions, understand their underlying causes, and discover effective coping strategies to improve your mental well-being. This comprehensive guide sheds light on managing and overcoming the challenges posed by negative emotions. In the intricate tapestry of human existence, emotions are the vivid threads that weave together the fabric of … Read more

Unlocking the Benefits: How Positive Emotions Positively Impact Mental Health

Discover the profound influence of positive emotions on mental health. Learn how cultivating positivity can lead to improved well-being, reduced stress, and enhanced mental resilience. In the realm of mental health and well-being, the importance of positive emotions cannot be overstated. While it’s natural to experience a range of emotions, including negative ones, fostering positive … Read more

Enhance Your Relationships with the Power of Positive Vocabulary

Discover how using positive vocabulary can transform your relationships for the better. Learn tips and techniques to foster stronger connections with others today. Words have immense power. They can hurt or heal, inspire or deflate, and build or break relationships. In the realm of interpersonal connections, the choice of words plays a crucial role in … Read more

7 Positive Words That Can Change Your Reality Now

Explore the transformative power of seven positive words that can reshape your reality and outlook on life. Embrace these empowering words to unlock a brighter and more fulfilling existence today. The power of belief is one of the biggest gifts that humanity has been endowed with, opening an immense realm of possibilities at the moment … Read more

Fuel Your Success with These Motivational Words

Explore our comprehensive list of motivational words that can ignite your passion, boost your confidence, and drive you toward success. Discover the power of these inspiring words to transform your mindset and achieve your goals. Whether you’re looking for a daily dose of motivation or seeking to improve your communication skills, our curated collection of … Read more