Write for Us Write a Guest Post or Publish an Article

Share your insights and expertise by writing for us. We invite guest writers to publish articles on Positive Words Research, spreading positivity and inspiration. Write for Us is the page where you will find information about how to write and publish an article at Positive Words Research. It’s fun and really easy!

A little bit about Positive Words Research

Positive Words Research is the home of the most viral list of positive words on the Internet. No matter your background or life challenges, Positive Words Research has some positive words to brighten up everyone’s day.

Why write for us?

Positive Words Research’s mission is to increase the awareness of positive words in the world. Currently, we have significant exposure in this domain through this website, subscribers list, and social media presence. Publishing an article will help you get exposure to your work to a community already interested in this type of information. 

Guest Post Submission Guidelines

1. Original content

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Note: Positive Words Research is reserving the right to unpublish your article at any time when we discover that it is duplicated content on the internet.

2. Word count

The preferred length of a post is between 800 and 1500 words, in a Word/ Pages document, and if you need to include links, please feel free to do this.

3. Use your own unique tone

A beautiful and inspiring post will sound like a real person wrote it, and it needs to have a distinctive voice, meaning that the message you are sending out should be written in the same manner you would speak to a good friend of yours, a loved one.  You could use that similar conversational tone when you write your post.

IMPORTANT: When you write the title of your article include in the title one of these keywords that we need to respect the content of this website: positive words, inspirational words, good words, inspiring words, nice words, kind words, meaningful words, uplifting words, cool words, words of encouragement,  motivational words.

4. Edits

Your edits before sending

Keep in mind that before submitting a blog post, you need to make sure that the text is grammatically correct and typo-free. By doing so you will also increase your article’s chance of standing out.

Our own editing

We will also help with text correction at the end, before publishing the article. When that happens, we’ll make sure to inform you about it so you can review the piece in its final form. You are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in your article and the third-party materials it may contain. Simply put, you need to make sure you have all the necessary permissions obtained from the copyright holder in case the article contains copyrighted material, and this applies to photos, audio, video, or other content that is part of your submission.

5. Photo

We will provide the Featured Photo.

6. Include your short bio

Please remember to include a short biography (approximately 3-4 sentences long) and a headshot or photo of you (you can choose not to if you don’t want). It is also recommended to include in your bio links to your website, personal blog, social media platforms, etc. This way, our readers will know who is the person behind the article read and have a way of getting in contact with you if needed.

For your article to be SEO optimized please include a link from our website in your article. Good internal linking makes the website rank higher in search results, therefore, making your article rank higher also.

8. Send one Focus Keyword

For SEO purposes, so that your article can be found easier in google search results please provide us with one focus keyword. This focus keyword should be the word that you want to rank most in Google searches. When you send us your article through email after we will contact you, write in the email also the focus keyword.

9. Spread the word

Once your article has been published, we encourage you to share and promote it via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, or other social media platforms you might have access to. We also know that our readers want to hear from the authors themselves, so whenever you have the chance, feel free to respond to the comments of your post.

10. GDPR Compliance

Contacting and sending us an article for publishing your writing on our website means that you fully agree with our Privacy Policy and GDPR Compliance.

How to submit your article for publication?

Contact us using the general CONTACT FORM and inform us that you want to write an article. Once we have your email address, we will reply by giving you small details about how we can go further with the publication. You will reply to our email sending us your article. We will review it. We decide if we approve it for publication. We publish the article and reply to you by sending you the link to where your article was published.

We look forward to reading and sharing your words with the rest of the world!

Write a Guest Post

This post “Write for Us ~ Write a Guest Post” is relevant for people searching for guest posting, guest blogging, publish my article, publish my writing, blogging, guest post, guest post write for us, write for us guest post, write positive, write for us articles, write for us general, mental health “write for us”.

19 thoughts on “Write for Us Write a Guest Post or Publish an Article”

  1. SEO takes so long because there are several factors involved to get results: SEO keyword difficulty, competition, inbound links, and domain age. Therefore, SEO can take a longer or shorter time depending on how you approach these key search engine optimization areas.


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