4 Effective Ways To Be Forever Positive and Happy Today

First things first – Ask yourself, what kind of person you are? Do you see the glass as half-empty or half-full? Several studies have put forth that both of these personalities can have a significant impact on your mental and physical health, but there is nothing better than being a positive thinker, if truth be … Read more

365 Positive Words to Help Make 2021 Your Best Year Yet

Create a more positive year with these words. We have collected a list of 365 positive words – one word for every day of 2021. Find your word of the year for 2021. Here are some ideas for using them to make 2021 your best year yet: be mindful of the word of the day … Read more

Find Hope and Light Up Your World Today With Journaling

Read the text below and find hope and light up your world today. I realized at one point in life that the words I say to myself matter so much. To find hope is a sensitive work but hope matters some much. It is said that if you have a gain of hope you can … Read more

67 Positive Words to Think and Be Happy in Your Life

Positive Words Research has compiled a list with 67 positive words to think and be happy. Read this list carefully and add the words to your vocabulary. You can also make a little project with these words. You can write the words on a card and give the card to the people that you meet … Read more

What Is The Secret Behind Positive Thinking Techniques

I use the tag line “Secret”, first, to get your attention and second because there really is a secret to achieving it, especially for those of us who are not naturally happy-go-lucky persons! There are an optimist and a pessimist living inside of everyone. While you read this remember that I am speaking to your … Read more

4 Overlooked Home Decorating Ideas To Beautify Living

Home decorating is a living art, a form of creation that isn’t static, but rather lives and evolves and grows with the nature of the life that occurs all around it. It can change, drastically, and as it does the very atmosphere of a room can change, lending energy to one space, or creating lethargy … Read more

5 Fun Ways To Spend Day Off And Recharge Your Batteries

It happens to everyone when you spend an entire week in anticipation of your day off and then when it is finally at your door, you have no idea what to do with it. We tend to get our hopes up high and then we just can’t decide what exactly to do when the day … Read more

5 Habits You Need To Grow Into To Become Successful Now

Become successful and achieving what you dream of being no rocket science. Most of the people who wonder how to become successful need to grow certain habits in them that will pave the path towards becoming successful. The truth is every person holds within him or her qualities that are needed to become successful and … Read more

May Your Today Be Blessed: Remember We Are All Loved

May Your Today be Blessed with Pure Love and Light. May you be connected with the Love of all things. May you feel Unconditional Love passing through your body. We are all Loved. We are all Safe. Thank you for being here. We have so many things to do every day that we forget that … Read more

Wonderful Secret You Need To Know: You Are Beautiful

There is a secret you need to know and it’s a wonderful secret. And also it’s simple truth: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL TODAY JUST THE WAY YOU ARE. Look at yourself in the mirror directly in your eyes and tell yourself how beautiful you are. Daily. You need to hear those words. From you, not from someone … Read more

How To Practice Gratitude And Benefit From Its Magic

Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. the Bible, Matthew 13:12. This is a famous quote from a famous book, the Bible, Matthew 13:12. Gratitude is a practice, a skill. It means to retake knowledge of certain things that … Read more

This Week’s Positive Word is HABITS: Develop Good Habits

This week’s positive word is HABITS Victoria J.Brown When we think of the term habit, we generally think of ‘bad habits’ but instilling ‘good habits’ into your life can be life-changing. Here’s 10 great daily habits to get you started on integrating good habits into your life. Did you realize that our day is made … Read more

This week’s positive word is GENEROUS: Become Abundant

This week’s positive word is GENEROUS Some people think if they only have little to give, they can’t give at all. You don’t have to have a lot to be generous, you just need to be willing to give. You could be the person who is in need of help, how amazing does it feel … Read more

Top 15 Positive Thinking Resources to Boost Your Mindset

Discover the top 15 positive thinking resources that can transform your mindset and outlook on life. Elevate your positivity with expert guidance and practical tools. In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, the power of positive thinking is a beacon of hope and resilience. It’s the mindset that allows individuals to overcome obstacles, embrace … Read more