Tag Archives: Positive Thoughts in English

8 Ways On How To Keep Positive Mindset In Your Student Life

Students don’t have it easy. You need to keep up with a busy schedule, balance social life and studying, maybe even work – and you need to do it all with the pressure of pursuing a degree.

While the challenges are undeniable, nothing should be more important than your mental health. Building and maintaining a positive mindset can make you happier and healthier. Not to mention, it will turn your college experience into a wonderful adventure.

Let’s dive into some practical ways of keeping a positive mindset despite the challenges you face at school.

1. Develop Positive Self-Talk

Try to minimize the “I can’t” and “I’m not good enough” type of talk and be more gentle with yourself. Your inner conversation matters.

How you speak to yourself is how you’ll feel. So, enrich your self-talk with “I can,” “I am capable,” and “I am worthy” kind of sentences. Plant the seeds of self-love that will grow into a positive mindset.

2. Express Gratitude

Expressing gratitude regularly is a powerful exercise for achieving a more positive outlook on life. It will shift your focus from the problems to the blessings.

You should write down or tell yourself at least three to five things you are thankful for every day. With time, you’ll notice how your appreciation for your life has grown.

3. Keep a Journal

Journaling is an amazing tool for boosting mental health. It has been proven so many times that journaling cleanses your negative thoughts, reduces stress, reminds you of the good in your life, and evokes mindfulness. Considering all the benefits, you have nothing to lose if you give journaling a try.  

4. Know that When There’s a Will, There’s a Way

The time will come when you feel like there is no solution. But should you let the dark clouds come over you? No. Instead, remind yourself that there is always a solution. You just haven’t looked long enough to find it.

For example, if you can’t make it to write an essay, don’t stress about it. Find an essay helper and move on to studying for other exams. Embrace the attitude that you can overcome every obstacle, and you’ll open the doors to positivity.

Positive Mindset Toward Your Student Life

5. Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Small wins are often overlooked, while small mistakes are exaggerated. Let’s change that. The next time you manage to study as much as you planned, pat yourself on the back. Say to yourself, “I’m proud of you. You did it.” Those seemingly small accomplishments are what lead to achieving big goals. Remember that.

6. Surround Yourself with Positive People

People around you can either drain or refill your energy. You want to be friends with people who fall in the second group.

If your friends are negative, it will be hard to stick to positivity. Keep in mind that your environment and the people who make it can affect your mood, viewpoints, and beliefs. So, choose your friends wisely.

7. Transform the “Failure” Mindset into “Challenge” Mindset

When you fail an exam, break up with your partner, or have a fight with your friend, how do you feel? If you ever felt like a failure, you should know that you never were one. Not for a second.

Those “failures,” as some would call them, are in fact challenges. They are here to help you improve and build a better life. So, let’s say that a professor fails you because of a so-called plagiarized paragraph. Think of this as a challenge. Simply, write a new essay, use a reliable plagiarism checker you can find on the Lets Grade It website, and you’ll be the winner.

8. Enjoy the Little Things

Life will pass in a heartbeat if you focus only on the big goals. You should learn how to enjoy the little things in life. Get lost in a good book. Have deep talks with friends. Appreciate the smell of a morning coffee. Those simple moments will make you love life a bit more. 


Positivity can change your whole college experience. It can make you feel better, study harder, and love stronger. With a positive mindset, nothing will stand in your way. 

Merissa Moore is a writer, researcher, and editor. She uses her extensive knowledge of mental health, technology, and business to create compelling and educational content. What inspires her the most is reading. In her free time, she likes to hike.

Positive Words Research – 8 Ways How To Keep A Positive Mindset Toward Your Student Life

Positive Affirmations Cure Depression and Negative Thought

Negative thoughts, stress, anxiety, and depression; we all have been there. Our harsh inner critic tends to get out from time to time, causing us to worry and get anxious – positive affirmations cure our depression. If you have ever been through this or currently wrestling with low self-esteem and depression, you should know that you aren’t alone. Without a doubt, negative thought patterns can have a devastating and deteriorating impact on our life, work, studies, relationships, and health. However, there are specific steps that one can take to deal with negative thoughts.

Before we proceed to the key steps that can cure negative thoughts, we must understand that we are what we think. Our words form our present, future, and ultimate destiny. Loads of people are kind by nature, they love helping others, but they are harmful when it comes to their emotional and mental well-being. It is crucial to understand that how we treat ourselves sets the bar for how others will treat us. That said, speaking positive affirmations and carrying positive thoughts about yourself is a crucial step towards building and rising your self-esteem and curing your depression.

How Can Positive Affirmations Cure Our Depression and Negative Thought Patterns?

Some Ineffective Ways to Stop Negative Thoughts

When plagues with negative thoughts, depression, and anxiety, people try different ways to cure their negative mental state. For instance, they might indulge in drinking alcohol and consuming addictive substances to drown their sad thoughts. It is natural for loads of people to look for distractions when they find themselves in a dark phase of their life.

However, such distractions might work for the short term. Sooner or later, they find themselves still stuck in their negative thoughts. The attempt of numbing one’s pain with temporary distractions is never the solution to one’s problem. On the contrary, it only leads to an uncontrollable spiral down into the eternal abyss of depression.

The Power of Positive Affirmations to cure Negative Thoughts

If you are having negative thoughts, low self-esteem, and depression, you must practice positive affirmations. Believe it or not, but positive affirmations for depression are the ultimate cure. Wait, before you get skeptical and think of it as a hoax, we will also come with the scientific evidence of the power of positive affirmations later. Firstly, you will have to understand that our subconscious mind works like a massive filing cabinet. Every thought, memory, action, and reaction keeps getting stored in this cabinet.

Consequently, over time, this cabinet gets all cluttered with overflowing emotions, thoughts, and actions. The stored files get corrupted in layman’s terms. These corrupted files yield a negative influence on how we think, act, and behave. Resultantly we pick up bad habits, viewpoints, and behaviors and make them a routine part of our life. Now, this is where the power of positive affirmations kicks in.

Whatever thought gets stored in the subconscious mind ultimately turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Now think about the kind of power positive self-affirmations would have on your life? If you wake up every morning feeling that you will never succeed, then you will never succeed. Not because you cannot, but because whatever your brain will feed you, you will live your life accordingly.

Positive affirmations are an effective way to overcome self-sabotage by challenging your negative thoughts. When you wake up and the first thing in the morning, tell yourself that you are beautiful, energetic, and successful. You will be all those things. By repeating them as often as you want and believing in them wholeheartedly, you are set to change your life for the better.

Many people think of positive affirmations as a process of wishful thinking. However, positive affirmations are more like mental exercise. They train our brain muscles, similar to a repetitive physical activity you would do to become healthy. Those positive mental reps are effective in reprogramming our minds and thought patterns. Well, you guessed it right, with time, we will start thinking differently (positively), acting positively, and living productive and successful lives – positive affirmations cure our depression and negative thinking.

The Science behind Positive Affirmations

According to a study led by doctors, the magical power of positive affirmations was analyzed. The physical healthcare experts included fMRI (functional magnetic reasoning imaging) on the subjects and concluded that positive affirmations activate the brain’s reward centers. The reward centers are referred to as the VS (ventral striatum) and the VMPFC (ventromedial prefrontal cortex) in scientific terms.

These areas get activated when humans experience pleasure as a response to an event, such as eating their favorite food or winning a game. That said, science proves that affirmations benefit from the brain’s reward circuits – positive affirmations cure our depression. These reward circuits are essential for a positive outlook on life as they do certain things, such as diminishing pain while helping us maintain balance in the face of unpleasant and even dangerous events.

Positive Words Research – How Can Positive Affirmations Cure Our Depression and Negative Thought Patterns?

Positive Affirmations Cure Our Depression and Negative Thought Patterns

Antidots Map: 30 Negative Feelings – 90 Positive Emotions

Positive Words Research has compiled a list of 30 antidots for 30 negative feelings as a mixt of 90 positive emotions.

It is my strong belief that the purpose of a negative feeling is to show us what positive emotion we need. Sometimes, we lack some positive feelings and those negative emotions tell us exactly what we are lacking. Use this map to decode your emotions.

Find below a list of 30 antidotes for 30 negative feelings. The antidote is formed from a mix of three positive emotions, in total 90 positive emotions. Each antidot has three positive feelings.

30 ANTIDOTS – 30 Negative Feelings – 90 Positive Emotions

  1. Antidote for Hate: Gentle Love, Goodwill, Appreciation
  2. Antidote for Anxiety: Self-relief, Body movement, Centeredness
  3. Antidote for Fear: Action, Bravery, Fearlessness
  4. Antidote for Depression: Gratitude, Playfulness, Pure Love & Light
  5. Antidote for Anger: Humbleness, Forgiveness, Acceptance of What Is
  6. Antidote for Ignorance: Wisdom, Awareness, Meditation
  7. Antidote for Demotivation: Inspiration, Divine Guidance, Positive Stimulus
  8. Antidote for Procrastination: Self-discipline, Alacrity, Briskness
  9. Antidote for Shame: Embracing Vulnerability, Audaciousness, Self-worth
  10. Antidote for Sadness: Contentment, Playfulness, Happiness
  11. Antidote for Disappointment: Tolerance, Perseverance, Resilience
  12. Antidote for Rejection: Full self-acceptance, Resilience, Self-confidence
  13. Antidote for Jealousy: Self-love, Freedom, Connectedness
  14. Antidote for Panic: Self-relief, Body movement, Loving-kindness
  15. Antidote for Grief: Optimism, Acceptance, Omniscience
  16. Antidote for Guilt: Forgiveness, Self-worth, Self-acceptance
  17. Antidote for Doubt: Hope, Ease, Optimism
  18. Antidote for Despair: Encouragement, Loving-kindness, Unconditional Self-acceptance
  19. Antidote for Hopelessness: Faith, Gratitude, Self-confidence
  20. Antidote for Disgust: Gratitude, Acceptance, Tolerance
  21. Antidote for Envy: Self-appreciation, Self-worth, Self-love
  22. Antidote for Bitterness: Cuteness, Smile, Self-love
  23. Antidote for Boredom: Fun, Friendship, Playfulness
  24. Antidote for Loneliness: Inner-friendship, Self-nurture, Feeling of contribution
  25. Antidote for Timidity: Audaciousness, Boldness, Wonder
  26. Antidote for Worthlessness: Ikigai, Feeling of Contribution, Enoughness
  27. Antidote for Disease: Ease, Wellbeing, Self-awareness
  28. Antidote for Evilness: Wholesomeness, Graciousness, Humaneness
  29. Antidote for Helplessness: Serenity, Ease, Contentment
  30. Antidote for Negative Thinking: Gratitude, Mindfulness, Meditation

Practice all three positive feelings after you identify your negative emotions and you will manage to break the negative cycle of that negativity.

Each antidote contains three ingredients. The antidote only works when all three ingredients are applied seriously, powerfully, constantly, perseverent and in the knowledge, for a period of two weeks.


This article is not made based on certified research, does not replace medical treatment or doctor advice and does not represent a healing method. 

ANTIDOTS 30 Negative Feelings 90 Positive Emotions

How To Use Positive Affirmations To Shape Better Body Image

In today’s perpetually plugged-in world, the average person is constantly bombarded with perfect images of social media influencers, the idealized lifestyles of celebrities, and an endless litany of products that promise to make you into the best you possible. With all of these influences, it is all too easy to fall into a spiral of self-doubt and negative body image.

Even if you think that society’s harsher influences are not impacting your self-image, your unconscious brain has been absorbing negative statements from a variety of sources since you were a child. From the way your parents talked about their bodies when you were young to the discussions you overheard in middle school locker rooms, your brain has been tuned into a radio channel of harmful words for as long as you’ve been alive.

Luckily, you can combat this influx of negativity and your stubborn unconscious. Integrating positive affirmations into your life is a great way to shift your mindset from one of self-doubt to one of self-love. Let’s take a look at why positive affirmations work and what affirmations you can start using.

What Is A Positive Affirmation?

A positive affirmation is a statement that you make with the purpose of changing your unconscious thought process. In order to shift your thinking so dramatically, these statements are typically full of power.

And positive affirmations need that power. According to Boulder Academy Lifestyle Coaching, studies have revealed that every day people have an average of 45,000 to 51,000 thoughts. Out of this abundance of thoughts, an average of 80% of them are negative and a majority of them happen at an unconscious level.

In the 1980s, American social psychologist Claude Steele proposed self-affirmation as a psychological theory. According to this theory, individuals have an intuitive drive to build up their own self-integrity and a perception of themselves as good. Steele saw self-affirmations as the vehicle for a person to promote this fundamental need and as a way for someone to build an identity through corrective actions.

The methodology behind applying positive affirmations to your life is fairly simple. As you start making conscious positive thoughts, you also become aware of the negative thoughts that constantly loom in your subconscious. This awareness can help you confront your inner demons that generate the thoughts. Once you face those demons head-on, the positive affirmations you practice can take root and replace the former negativity in your subconscious

Positive Affirmations You Can Start Using Today

Just like any change you make in your lifestyle, the process of improving your self-image through positive affirmations will be tough at first. As the process can bring a lot of your ingrained negativity to the forefront, you may not want to deal with the complicated emotions and bad thoughts. However, it becomes easier the more that you do it as your internal reasoning begins to shift.

Start your journey by setting aside a certain time of day to do your positive affirmations. Once you feel comfortable with that, try incorporating them into your daily routines. It is often recommended that you say these affirmations out loud to yourself while looking in a mirror, but you can also integrate them into your life by writing them down. You can make your own affirmation cards with these statements written on them and post them around your home so that they are always visible. 

Here are a few affirmations that you can integrate into your daily life to change your body image for the better:

  • I love my body just as it is today.
  • I appreciate the food I eat for nourishing me.
  • My face radiates kindness and beauty.
  • I am the only one who can define my worth and I am worthy.
  • My body is absolutely beautiful for everything it can do.
  • I am allowed to take up space with my voice and my body.
  • Opinions from others about my body do not affect or involve me.
  • My body is a miracle.
  • I love my legs and hips for carrying me every day.

Language surrounds us every day and influences us in unexpected ways. Constructing a positive body image starts with changing this influential language. The change will take time, so don’t feel pressure if it doesn’t happen right away or if you feel overwhelmed with the process. Take it little by little, day by day, and you will be able to build a better you. 

Positive Words Research – How To Use Positive Affirmations To Shape A Better Body Image

How To Use Positive Affirmations To Shape A Better Body Image

What Is The Secret Behind Positive Thinking Techniques

I use the tag line “Secret”, first, to get your attention and second because there really is a secret to achieving it, especially for those of us who are not naturally happy-go-lucky persons! There are an optimist and a pessimist living inside of everyone. While you read this remember that I am speaking to your pessimist, that voice inside you who tends to see the glass as half empty, but who really wants to see it as half full. Generally when we speak about positive thinking, images of happy people frolicking off into the distance come to mind, or we’ll think of them with thought bubbles filled with smiley faces above their heads. We might even imagine that positive thinkers are in denial of what “real” life is all about and we wish they would come down to earth. I believe all of us know of, or have a friend or acquaintance who always looks on the bright side of life. So when our pessimist comes into contact with that person they may want to slap them back into reality, and with good reason.

The Secret to Positive Thinking Techniques Life experience isn’t always about happy endings or riding off into the distant sunset arm in arm with someone you love. But life is about experiences that can be viewed one of two ways. Let’s choose an example of a life event that is considered “negative”, a situation in which most people would be left feeling hurt, angry, vengeful or afraid, such as loss of employment or loss of a relationship.

Most people would respond to either of these situations by asking themselves or those around them, “Why me?” Or, “Which custom essay service I need to choose” Or, “Why does this always happen to me?” After which they would spend significant time muddling through scenarios in their minds that they believe may have caused the experiences to happen.

Many of those scenarios would revolve around self doubt, self dislike or blaming others. Engaging in these thoughts, while comforting, will never change what has happened and can create more experiences of the same ilk to occur. Negativity draws more unto itself. This might seem like Latin, but once you understand it you will understand that positivity does the exact same thing.

So what’s the secret? The truth is, it’s a secret formula that begins one step at a time, which, after practice becomes second nature. Once it sticks you will have evolved into someone who achieves their goals, embraces all of their experiences and who feels certain in a world filled with endless possibilities.

What follows are some simple steps to begin:

Start noticing the words and phrases you use on a daily basis and write down the most common terminology you use when speaking about yourself or others. Do you refer to yourself as dumb, ugly, insignificant, or stupid? Do you speak to or about others the same way? Notice and eradicate defeating vocabulary from you self talk immediately!

Start noticing the questions you ask about yourself, your life and your experiences. Do you use questions that include the words, “always”, “never” or “should”? Do you ask questions like, “I can’t believe this is happening”? Or do you make pronouncements like, “I can’t do that!”? Begin right now, to ask questions of yourself that provide solutions instead of blame or wonder. Stop asking the question, “Why?”!

Do the people you associate with most often fret, complain and generally talk bad about their circumstances without ever taking action to change them? If so you might want to seek out people who you admire. Then pay attention to what they talk about and how they have achieved their goals.

In every circumstance you face that seems negative, do a future projection in your mind to visualize what good may have come from it or more important, ask yourself what you learned from it. Then be grateful for the future experience in advance! If you can’t seem to do a future projection then think like a child and make pretend you can!

For the love of Pete be grateful! Find any little thing you can be Thankful for and do it. Feel it, even if it’s just the color of a flower or feeling the wind on your face. When you begin to notice everything around you that costs nothing to enjoy you will begin slowly to see the world in a new light of day, in a positive way.

Notice that what you focus on does affect your experience and what you focus on the most you will always receive. Think about this and you will realize its true, but really understanding it takes the skill and teaching of an experienced guide, like a life coach who can notice and assist you in re-directing your thought habits. Make a determined effort to find and hire a coach to take you much further than you can go by reading, it will make a huge difference in time and money.

That’s the secret and there’s more, a lot more to learn. When you begin here you will start to notice small changes in your attitude. Make a note of these changes and congratulate yourself for being willing to self reflect, evolve and change. When you are ready, seriously consider finding a mentor, your cheerleader and someone who knocks on the door of your mind to wake you up to those behaviors you cannot see for yourself. Inevitably, you will find the Secret to unlocking your potential and move far beyond the limits you imagined were holding you back.

Author Bio: Lasandra Bourque is a student. She grew up in Arlington, Virginia. She studies at University of Virginia and works at Essayag.org as freelance writer. She has black belt in Judo. Also she is a professional musician.

Positive Words Research – The Secret Behind Positive Thinking Techniques

What Words To Use To Make Your Thesis Look Better Now

Thesis writing remains an integral part of academia even in the unforeseeable future. It is a test of expertise, excellence, knowledge,experience and skills in postgraduate studies. The big question is whether you’re doing it right or writing thesis help will put all your worries behind.

The truth is that students exhibit wide-ranging skill levels when it comes to academic literary composition. But,when it comes to doing a thesis paper, there is no one’s way of going about it one shoe fits all approach. A student must, therefore, follow set rules,procedures and guidelines when writing this important paper. It is the epitome of earning a Master’s degree of PhD depending on a country’s academic system.

Choice of Words

Moreover, writing a thesis paper isn’t going to be easy unless you choose the right words for it. And, while there could be variations depending on a topic, it is imperative to note that certain phrases and words denote universal practices at this level of academic writing. You wouldn’t want to sound amateurish, would you? Well, no one would, especially given the significance and weight of this type of paper, not to mention the seriousness that goes into crafting it.

Now, let’s take a look at some example, particularly, words that will make your thesis look better.

  1. Whether you want to indicate the purpose of your study or explain how original pieces of work have helped you arrived at the present project, the following phrases/words always fit the bill for introduction or description:
  • This study investigates….
  • This paper explores…
  • This research aims to address ….
  • The paper discuses
  • This project presents…
  • The paper outlines (surveys, features, highlights, questions…)

2. For analytical purposes, words like this paper/study considers, analyzes, explains, evaluates, interprets, clarifies, identifies, delves into, advances, defines, dissects, probes, tests , explores and appraises have always worked wonders in helping students better their thesis writing. And when referring to sections, use words like covers, deals with, talks about, outlines, sketches, highlights, assesses or contemplates.

3. Descriptive elements of research finding analysis often employ words like

Findings/study/investigation calls into question, challenges, refutes, rebuts, disputes, disproves, questions, debunks, invalidates or rejects.

4. When it comes to giving background of a study, especially after going everywhere possible looking for information to backup your write-up, make it known in your thesis using the right words such as the following:

  • The mechanism/subject plays a significant/vital/important role (this is the conventional way of doing it).
  • Alternative phrases include the subject influences, regulates, directs, governs, inhibits, controls or constraints. The 5Ws apply here and by taking the normalized verb and making it the main verb, your sentences will sound scholastic.
  • When describing say theory Y and how it impacts your study, you can use words like ‘much attention has been drawn to…,’ ‘theory Y has become important in recent times…,’ the preferred theory to explain, widely accepted, frequently implemented, a common/prevailing method of explaining….xyz…’

5. When consenting to an agreement that has been arrived at regarding your study topic, you can use the following words:

  • The agreement/consensus has been that…,
  • Initial/prior studies/research confirms that…,
  • Several studies confirm/agree…,
  • Some studies substantiate this belief…

6. When discussing findings and expressing the depth/breadth of a study/knowledgebase, the following phrases will make your thesis excellent:

  • Previous studies/researches indicate…
  • ….have documented
  • …have shown that…
  • Have demonstrated…
  • …much/little is known about xyz….

7. Finally, even if you choose to use paper writing pros, the following words for discussing results/findings, observations, methods and impact of a study are important.

  • Suggests, show, extrapolate, surmise, deduce, extract, approximate, evidence, surfaced, yielded, generated, perceived, detected…(for explaining results)
  • The research/y-method performed, used, employed, diffused, relayed, administered, applied, replicated, imitated…  (Discussing methods)
  • Study xyz demonstrates/shows, proves, establishes, offers, introduces, illustrates, attributes, ushers in, promotes, reveals, unveils, exposes, unearths, proffers, conveys, advances or strengthens. (For describing impact).

Positive Words Research – What Words To Use To Make Your Thesis Look Better?

What words to use to make your thesis look better

Thoughts Matter: Switch From Negative To Positive Thinking

Self-talk which is also known as our inner voice is what we say to ourselves. These words, whether they are positive or negative, strongly influence how we feel and act in our daily lives. Studies show the average person thinks between 50,000-70,000 thoughts every single day! (Davis, 2014)

This translates to almost one thought per second. That’s a lot of words!

These words directly influence the way we behave and feel. Therefore, it’s important to use positive words that are structured to help us live our best lives.

The problem is that the average person is not even aware of the talk going on in their minds and just how much of an impact the talk is having on their daily lives. Patterns are developed over a period of time when the same word is thought over and over whenever an action occurs. Over time it becomes a habit and before you know it a pattern of negative self talk has been created.

There are ways to become aware of the words we use to speak to ourselves and break patterns of negative self talk.

My story on Negative Self Talk

I found that over the past couple of years because I had experienced a lot of change in my life I would over analyze situations to the point where it ultimately led to negative self talk.

Mark Manson, the author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck refers to this as the Negative feedback loop from hell. When I realized that I was going down this path of negative self talk and it was influencing my life in ways that were not worthwhile, I realized that something needed to be done immediately.

I had to replace the negative self talk with positive words and positive self talk. The only way I could do this was to recognize the thought patterns I had, create replacement positive thoughts and continue to reinforce the positive. Over time, the positive words/thoughts replaced the negative.

In my video titled, 7 steps I used to Overcome Negative Self Talk:  I talk about the various strategies I used to overcome negative self talk. The 7 strategies I discuss are

  1. Rediscovering yourself – becoming your own best friend
  2. Evaluate all the Relationships in your life
  3. Keep a Thoughts Inventory
  4. Replacement Positive Thoughts
  5. Visualization
  6. Personal Mantra
  7. Morning Affirmation

To hear my story and how I used these strategies to overcome negative self talk, check out my video at .  I would love to hear your thoughts. Please share in the comments below or on the video.

About the Author

Fatima Peermohamed

Fatima Peermohamed is an avid yogi, hiker and the founder of the YouTube channel Trending Inspiration. Fatima is passionate about helping people shift their mindsets to reach their potential and live their best lives. Follow on Instagram at and subscribe to her channel for more inspiration at https://bit.ly/2PEHZ8K


Davis, B (July 23, 2013) There are 50,000 Thoughts Standing Between You and Your Partner Every Day! Retrieved from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/healthy-relationships_b_3307916

Manson, M (2016) Suble Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life. New York, NY: Harper Collins.

Don’t miss out on Fatima’s next video subscribe to her YouTube Channel Trending Inspiration at https://bit.ly/2PEHZ8K  

Positive Words Research – Thoughts Matter: How I switched from Negative to Positive Thinking

Encourage Positive Attitude in Students for Better Learning

Students always need a positive boost from every side. Especially from parents and teachers, they need some encouraging words which will naturally reduce their stress and they will be able to concentrate on the learning process. The teacher plays an important role in encouraging students in learning. If the teacher treats them positively understand their feelings then students will show interest in that subject and they will feel relaxed. In olden days there were no deep students and teacher relationship. Teachers really behave formally with the students but now in this modern technological and broad-minded era students expect teachers to be very friendly and they try to create a good rapport with the teachers. In another side teacher also came forward to talk with students friendly and trying to plan curriculum in which there will be the good rapport with the students. The teacher can use some tricks and techniques to bring a positive attitude in students towards learning.

Avoid all negative vibes

Mainly their will some people who will encourage you in life but some are there who will give negative vibes about your learning. Life is filled with different kinds of people some are very encouraging to us but some are not boosting us but pulling us down so always avoid such people. That will help you to be positive and will bring positive thoughts in our mind. When you need some kind of encouragement in certain matters always go near those whom you think is good for your thoughts. Never talk about your personal problems with those who will pass negativity in your mind. If you are not able to concentrate or having some problems while studying always seek help from teachers and parents they are the best source for giving positive thoughts and remedies for your problems.

Real life experience

The teacher can use some real-life example to motivate students. There is the number of people who started their life with zero and now at present they are the most successive persons in life. So students must understand that no one is born with the silver spoon they also had their hardship in life and they also struggled with that motivating stories they will build the positive attitude towards life and they will try their best to reach success in life.

Love yourself

People mostly never do this thing. They always look at others life and wish that it be them but actually others also have some problems in life and they are also struggling in this life. So first people should start loving their own personality. No one is born with perfections. Everyone has their own merits and demerits in life they must accept as life comes and accept it and ha e to move forward in life. So never say why I in life because everyone has such problems in life. Famous persons had a disability in learning but they fought against their destiny and now they are the successive personality in life. 

Do yoga and exercise

It’s another best technique to bring a positive attitude towards life. People make fun of this sometimes but it’s the best medicine to stress relief and it really helps to bring positive thoughts. Yoga also helps to increase the concentration skill and they are the best way to be happy. Ones you are satisfied with your life then you can fight against any problems. Learning mainly needs the willpower of achieving the goal. Ones you set the goal in your life then no one can stop you and you will be the happiest person according to you. You have to be fit mentally and physically this will lead positive attitude towards life. Eating good food also matters in life. When you eat good and healthy it will affect your mind also. Healthy food helps to be fresh and alert in every process. So always prefer healthy food which will help you to be positive towards life.

These are some tips to be positive in life. Students must follow such tips to be active in life. Student’s family and surroundings also matter in this process. It’s easy to say but it’ very difficult to be positive 24hours. But have to try to bring positive thoughts in life. It’s really hard to be optimistic in life but to be confident and to achieve something life people must accept optimistic thoughts. Positive thoughts make us confident enthusiastic and bring a kind of energy in life which is very essential to reach one’s goal and lead a successful life.


Michael Spencer

Michael Spencer is a content writer for one of the custom essay writing service and providing best writing services to the college students.  Along with this, doing freelance writing for some of the education and marketing blogs.

Best 7 Positive Habits That Will Change Your Life Quality

Every single one of us is and always will be searching for the secret that will reveal to us how to live a healthy, happy and fulfilled life. A life that is worth living. But not many of us will discover this secret in their lifetime, and that is simply because there is not only one universal secret.

Instead, everyone is supposed to find out what is making them happy, healthy and fulfilled on their own. We all are individuals living and working to accomplish different tasks and aims that make us happy with who we are.

Well, although we cannot reveal this secret for you, we can offer you something else. Something that is bound to make you happy, healthy and more fulfilled. In the following article, we will share 7 positive habits that you should adopt if you are interested in improving the quality of your life, which you are going to find here.

The 7 positive habits that will improve the quality of your life

1. Think positive

We are all surrounded by our negative thoughts. We are thinking that we do not have what it takes to change or take on bigger things to surround ourselves in our days to come. Negative thoughts are exactly what has been making us unhappy. We can never live a happy, fulfilled life if we keep on surrounding ourselves with this kind of thoughts.

So go on and change that. Make a habit to surround yourself and your dearest only with positive thoughts. Only positive thinking will give you the strength to change your life quality and make it better. And you have to start by believing in yourself and not making yourself smaller in the eyes of the others around you.

 2. Do not hit the snooze button

Forget that the snooze button even exists and start getting up in the morning at the exact time that you set the night before. Support the decision that you have made the night before and get out of bed as soon as you hear that sound that your alarm clock makes.

Surely you have made the plan to get up at a certain time so that you would have enough time to complete all the tasks that require your attention before you leave for work. So do exactly that. Get up from the bed, stretch your muscles and start your day right.

3. Forget about skipping breakfast

Breakfast might as well be the most important meal of the day. When prepared properly, it gives your body all of the energy that it needs to jump-start the day. Will keep you energized enough to feel great from the beginning to the end of the day. A proper, quality breakfast usually consists of lots of fibers, vitamins, minerals, and proteins.

From easy to prepare for a bit more time consuming, you can find all sorts of recipes online. Use them to give you an opportunity to prepare a delicious meal to start your day. And what should follow after you are done eating breakfast? How about a quick meditation session to gain all of the health benefits of meditation?

4. Meditate in the mornings

Meditation is a powerful technique that will bring a lot of health benefits into your life. It will give the chance to feel happier with who you are. Make a habit for yourself to practice a quick session of 15 minutes of meditation in the morning after you are done having your breakfast.

Meditation has been proven to have far too many beneficial effects. This includes lower stress levels, increased metabolism, increased happiness and self-awareness, improved concentration. It even reduces the speed of the aging process among many other beneficial effects.

5. Drinking enough water

Water is the one drink that you should never skip. Eight glasses of water are what your body craves to go through the day hydrated and healthy. Yet not many people respect this given rule. Create a habit of drinking enough water and keeping your body and mind refreshed and alerted with this delicious and inexpensive drink.

Perhaps you can add a few lemon and cucumber slices to your water or even a cinnamon stick to improve its taste if you are not a fan of the plain taste. The important thing is for you to use the health benefits of drinking water on a daily basis.

6. Take a quality moment for yourself

Remember that, no matter how busy you may be, you have to take some time off for yourself. It might be to take a long, relaxing shower, or to drink a cup of tea alone in some peace. Or it can be to kick back and listen to your favorite songs.

Moreover, it is essential that this activity makes you happy and that will bring a smile to your face. Taking at least 15 minutes out of 24 hours just for yourself is possible. You have to figure out the right schedule that will allow you to do so.

7. Get enough sleep

Yes, sitting in front of the TV, drinking wine and eating your favorite snacks is one of the perfect ways to finish a busy day. However, this is also one of the many things that leave us with not enough sleep night after night.

Taking some of the best sleep aid supplements is welcomed, however, what will help you the most is giving your body and mind a break. Spend at least 7 to 8 hours getting quality sleep. Only that way, you will wake up with a smile on your face and no need to push the snooze button ever again.


You cannot change your life or yourself all at once. But what you can do is take on a new, positive habit every once in a while. Do it until you have successfully gotten rid of all those negative habits that might be the reason why you are feeling unhappy with who you are. That is why, in today’s article, you can find 7 of the best positive habits that you can use to improve the quality of your life.

These habits might seem as pretty simple but do not get fooled. All these habits are quite powerful and able to make a significant change in your life. You have to be willing to adopt them and feel the changes for yourself.

Author ~ Margaux Diaz

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Positive Words Research – 7 Positive Habits That Will Change Your Life Quality


100 Positive Thoughts To Transform Your Life And Feel Happy

“All we are is the result of what we thought. The spirit is everything. What we think we become.” –  Muhammad Ali

Generally, we greatly underestimate the power of positive thoughts and how it can transform our lives.

Yet they have a physical power that directly or indirectly influences and transform our lives. Here and there, we can speak of presence, magnetism, aura, which are only the invisible envelope created by thoughts.

This power of thought is all the greater when it is steeped in faith and emotion. These increase the vibration, as one would increase the sound of a radio to better hear it.

Positive thoughts filled with faith will act favorably, just as negative ones will create the bed of misery.

We are thinking machines

Each person emits an average of 60,000 thoughts a day! Surprisingly, 95% of these are the same thoughts repeated each day. On average, 80% of these repetitive thoughts are negative.

Unfortunately, our brains are configured to pay more attention to negative than positive experiences. This peculiarity allowed the human being to survive. In the past, it was essential to remember negative experiences such as the bite of a snake, the toxicity of a plant…

Our world is much less dangerous today but our thoughts are still mainly negative.

Using MRI imaging, researchers have shown that negative thoughts stimulate areas of the brain that promote depression and anxiety. They have also proven that positive thoughts trigger a cascade of positive hormones throughout the body that results in a sense of calm and peace.

What wisdom of the ancients had taught us, modern science confirms today. The brain is “reconfigurable” by various methods including positive thinking.

Anxiety, medicines and positive thoughts

Stress and anxiety is our big problem nowadays and doctors are searching for new ways to get rid of it. A very popular medicine in the United States that is Xanax is being used for this purpose but it is not a permanent solution. Here is a question how long does Xanax stay in your system to make you relax? Just a few hours and that is why we must change our thoughts to cure us with positive thoughts. Here are some powerful and positive thoughts to be happier and transform your life. Please select only those that speak to you.

So let’s get started!

Positive thoughts in the morning

Today is a day that will leave me with a wonderful memory.
My thoughts are my reality, so today I am building a wonderful day.
I only have one thing on my schedule today: to be happy.
I wake up excited and this enthusiasm follows me all day long.
Today I fill the world with positive energy and make it overflowing with joy.
Today, I’m giving up my old habits and taking new, more positive ones.

Positive thoughts to attract success

Life has given me unique talents that I’m starting to use today.
Every day, I have more and more success in my work and in my life.
I feel the success right now and I’m working today to make it fruitful.
I know that fear is a step towards success, I welcome it with grace and I overcome it.
I have reached my goal and I am feeling the joy of achieving it.
I know success today. I know success tomorrow. Every day I know is my successful day.
I allow success to enter today in my life.
I have everything I need to live easily.
I am comfortable with money and I give myself the right to be rich.
Money comes to me with abundance and ease, I deserve to be rich, prosperous and fortunate.
I like to give and receive. The more I participate in the success of others, the more I prosper.

Positive thoughts for self-confidence

I am the master of my thoughts and emotions.
I like what I am and I accept my qualities and my faults.
Every day, I am more and more confident.
I am full of self-awareness.
When I breathe, I inspire confidence and I exhale shyness.
I am enthusiastic and incredibly comfortable when I meet new people.
I live in the present and I trust for the future.
My being overflowed with confidence, I radiate confidence.
I trust myself in all circumstances.
I am energetic and enthusiastic. Trust is second nature.
I always attract the best situations in my life.
I always focus on solutions to solve problems.
I like change because I adapt to all situations.
Every day I realize more and more that nothing is impossible.
I attract positive people naturally and give them the best of myself.
I trust life and life brings me a lot.
I shine by my presence, my charm, and my grace.
I am more and more master of my mind and my emotions.

Positive thoughts to attract luck

I succeed everything I undertake.
I expect success in all my actions because it’s my natural state.
Every day I attract more and more success.
Everything succeeds me without showing any expectation.
I find solutions to problems easily.
I gratefully acknowledge the obstacles because they are rich in teachings.
I expect only the best and I always get it.
The more I think positive, the more my life is illuminated.
I am open to life and I have more and more luck every day.

Positive thoughts for health

Every day, and in every way, I’m getting better and better.
My body is in perfect health, my mind is clear, my soul is at peace.
I am beautifying myself every day.
Every cell of my body is vibrating now to the rhythm of full health.
I have no pain and I am full of energy.
I feed my body with healthy foods.
All my organs work perfectly. I thank them for what they do for me.
My body is getting closer every day to perfect health.
I like to exercise my body, my muscles. Every movement connects me to my body and gives me an incredible energy.
At each exhalation, stress comes out of my body.
I send love and gratitude to every organ of my body.
I am attentive to the messages of my body. I listen to my body and we are in harmony.
I sleep deeply and at peace with myself. I wake up refreshed and full of energy.
My immune system is very strong. It can handle any bacteria, germ or virus.
With each passing day, the cells of my body become stronger and stronger.
What I eat strengthens and transforms for me in health.
My healing power is more powerful than any illness.

Positive thoughts for peace

My world is harmonious, peaceful and full of love.
I plant the seeds of peace wherever I go.
I accept what I cannot change.
I surround myself with gentle and serene people.
I inspire peace, I exhale chaos and disorder.
My house is a sanctuary of peace where I feel happy and protected.
In all my decisions and actions, I choose peace.
I release all my negative emotions from the past and now fill me with positive thoughts.
I wish all beings to know peace as I know it.
I am superior to negative thoughts and actions.
I am at peace with everything that has happened, happening and going to happen.
I like people, I’m interested in them and I go to them.

Positive thoughts of love

I am surrounded by love and everything is fine.
My heart is always open and I radiate love.
I see everything with loving eyes and I love everything I see.

In life, I always receive what I give and I always give with love.
I meet love in all my relationships.
I deserve love and I receive it in abundance.
I attract the most loving people and my life is now full of joy.
I love myself and in return everyone loves me.
I give love and it comes back to me multiplied.
The partner I am looking for is looking for me too. We are brought to meet and love each other.
I am in love with a wonderful person, committed, faithful and trustworthy.

Positive thoughts for self-esteem

I love myself and I accept myself as I am.
I am perfect as I am.
I am a unique person and I respect myself as such.
I see perfection in me, whatever my faults or qualities.
I approve of what I am now and I enjoy myself more each day.
I feel good about myself and proud of my experience.
I see myself as a gift for those around me.
I only compare myself to the best person I can be.
I have as much to offer to the world as anyone.
I like what I am and I accept myself as I am.
I am unique and happy to be me.
I trust myself and I know that inside I have the best guides.
I am honest, trustworthy, I always do what I say.
I know that by being in agreement with myself positive events await me.
Today, like tomorrow, I choose to be proud of myself regardless of the circumstances.
I find peace in being myself.
My confidence and my self-esteem are increasing day by day.
I like my body as it is.

Positive thoughts to be calm

Day after day I am happier and relaxed.
All the negativity and stress are now coming out of my body and mind.
I inspire calm, I exhale stress.
Even when it is chaos around me, I remain calm and relaxed.
Stress has no hold on me, I am at peace with myself for that.
I trust my inner calm and my intuition.
The whole universe conspires to my happiness.
I let go easily because I know that in life, the best always happens.
I speak slowly, with remarkable calm and confidence.

Positive thoughts for mindfulness

I am anchored in the present moment.
Everything is going well at the moment.
I am grateful for this moment and I feel joy here and now.
I keep coming back to the moment.
I observe my actions and thoughts without judging them.
I am totally present in my relationships with others.
The apotheosis of my life is now.
I accept and embrace all situations, even the unpleasant ones.
I observe my emotions without being attached to them.
I meditate easily without any resistance.
I let the past go and live right now in the present.
I am open to positive changes in my life.
I allow myself to think and dream unlimitedly.
I create what I want without effort.

Positive thoughts of gratitude

I appreciate and I am grateful for everything I have.
I am happy to have so wonderful family and friends.
I send love and gratitude to every organ of my body.
Every day I thank the universe for putting me on the path of my dreams.
I accept all the gifts of life with gratitude.
I am happy to be alive.
Every morning I say “thank you” to the universe for giving me a new day of life.
I take the time to be grateful for something as simple as a blue sky or the sound of a laugh.
Every day I enjoy my life a little more than yesterday.
The more I am grateful, the more I am connected to the universe.

Positive Thoughts to Manage Anger

I forgive myself for all the mistakes I’ve made.
I let my anger escape in order to regain serenity.
I accept responsibility if my anger has affected a person.
I replace my anger with empathy and understanding.
I offer a sincere apology to those affected by my anger.
I forgive those who have harmed me in the past and I detach myself from them in peace.
A river of compassion is washing my anger and replacing it with love.
Forgiveness has a healing power that I always have at my disposal.

Positive thoughts of happiness

Every day I am happier than before.
All my days begin with the joy of life and end with gratitude.
My positive thoughts are making more and more people happy. I create a world of joy.
I enjoy every moment of my life. To be happy is my only principle.
The simple fact of living makes me happy. I know that happiness is a path, not a destination.
I always see the good side of things.
I see the beauty around me and I radiate love and joy.
I change the world around me by changing myself.
Happiness is a choice. I base my happiness on my own achievements and what I bring to others.

Positive thoughts for the future

I persevere because I believe in my future.
It’s still too early to give up on my goals.
I know that the greatest difficulties hide the greatest successes.
I choose my goals wisely and in the interest of all.
The more I advance in life, the more I attract success, health, and abundance.
I am the master of my destiny.
I deserve a wonderful life.
Every day, I become a better person.
I create what I want without effort.
I transform what I want in a positive manner.
I am the architect of my life. I build its foundations and choose its content.
My future is made of what I imagine in the present.
My efforts are supported by the universe; my dreams are already being realized.

Author’s Bio

My name is William Jacob and I am a professional writer. After completing my study I started my career as a blogger and as a writer. I am 5 stars rated author at HolyPakistan.com. I have 4-years experience of writing in different niches like health, travel, lifestyle, business.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Positive Words Research – 100 Positive Thoughts To Transform Your Life And Reconfigure Your Brain
