“All we are is the result of what we thought. The spirit is everything. What we think we become.” – Muhammad Ali
Generally, we greatly underestimate the power of positive thoughts and how it can transform our lives.
Yet they have a physical power that directly or indirectly influences and transform our lives. Here and there, we can speak of presence, magnetism, aura, which are only the invisible envelope created by thoughts.
This power of thought is all the greater when it is steeped in faith and emotion. These increase the vibration, as one would increase the sound of a radio to better hear it.
Positive thoughts filled with faith will act favorably, just as negative ones will create the bed of misery.
We are thinking machines
Each person emits an average of 60,000 thoughts a day! Surprisingly, 95% of these are the same thoughts repeated each day. On average, 80% of these repetitive thoughts are negative.
Unfortunately, our brains are configured to pay more attention to negative than positive experiences. This peculiarity allowed the human being to survive. In the past, it was essential to remember negative experiences such as the bite of a snake, the toxicity of a plant…
Our world is much less dangerous today but our thoughts are still mainly negative.
Using MRI imaging, researchers have shown that negative thoughts stimulate areas of the brain that promote depression and anxiety. They have also proven that positive thoughts trigger a cascade of positive hormones throughout the body that results in a sense of calm and peace.
What wisdom of the ancients had taught us, modern science confirms today. The brain is “reconfigurable” by various methods including positive thinking.
Anxiety, medicines and positive thoughts
Stress and anxiety is our big problem nowadays and doctors are searching for new ways to get rid of it. A very popular medicine in the United States that is Xanax is being used for this purpose but it is not a permanent solution. Here is a question how long does Xanax stay in your system to make you relax? Just a few hours and that is why we must change our thoughts to cure us with positive thoughts. Here are some powerful and positive thoughts to be happier and transform your life. Please select only those that speak to you.
So let’s get started!
Positive thoughts in the morning
Today is a day that will leave me with a wonderful memory.
My thoughts are my reality, so today I am building a wonderful day.
I only have one thing on my schedule today: to be happy.
I wake up excited and this enthusiasm follows me all day long.
Today I fill the world with positive energy and make it overflowing with joy.
Today, I’m giving up my old habits and taking new, more positive ones.
Positive thoughts to attract success
Life has given me unique talents that I’m starting to use today.
Every day, I have more and more success in my work and in my life.
I feel the success right now and I’m working today to make it fruitful.
I know that fear is a step towards success, I welcome it with grace and I overcome it.
I have reached my goal and I am feeling the joy of achieving it.
I know success today. I know success tomorrow. Every day I know is my successful day.
I allow success to enter today in my life.
I have everything I need to live easily.
I am comfortable with money and I give myself the right to be rich.
Money comes to me with abundance and ease, I deserve to be rich, prosperous and fortunate.
I like to give and receive. The more I participate in the success of others, the more I prosper.
Positive thoughts for self-confidence
I am the master of my thoughts and emotions.
I like what I am and I accept my qualities and my faults.
Every day, I am more and more confident.
I am full of self-awareness.
When I breathe, I inspire confidence and I exhale shyness.
I am enthusiastic and incredibly comfortable when I meet new people.
I live in the present and I trust for the future.
My being overflowed with confidence, I radiate confidence.
I trust myself in all circumstances.
I am energetic and enthusiastic. Trust is second nature.
I always attract the best situations in my life.
I always focus on solutions to solve problems.
I like change because I adapt to all situations.
Every day I realize more and more that nothing is impossible.
I attract positive people naturally and give them the best of myself.
I trust life and life brings me a lot.
I shine by my presence, my charm, and my grace.
I am more and more master of my mind and my emotions.
Positive thoughts to attract luck
I succeed everything I undertake.
I expect success in all my actions because it’s my natural state.
Every day I attract more and more success.
Everything succeeds me without showing any expectation.
I find solutions to problems easily.
I gratefully acknowledge the obstacles because they are rich in teachings.
I expect only the best and I always get it.
The more I think positive, the more my life is illuminated.
I am open to life and I have more and more luck every day.
Positive thoughts for health
Every day, and in every way, I’m getting better and better.
My body is in perfect health, my mind is clear, my soul is at peace.
I am beautifying myself every day.
Every cell of my body is vibrating now to the rhythm of full health.
I have no pain and I am full of energy.
I feed my body with healthy foods.
All my organs work perfectly. I thank them for what they do for me.
My body is getting closer every day to perfect health.
I like to exercise my body, my muscles. Every movement connects me to my body and gives me an incredible energy.
At each exhalation, stress comes out of my body.
I send love and gratitude to every organ of my body.
I am attentive to the messages of my body. I listen to my body and we are in harmony.
I sleep deeply and at peace with myself. I wake up refreshed and full of energy.
My immune system is very strong. It can handle any bacteria, germ or virus.
With each passing day, the cells of my body become stronger and stronger.
What I eat strengthens and transforms for me in health.
My healing power is more powerful than any illness.
Positive thoughts for peace
My world is harmonious, peaceful and full of love.
I plant the seeds of peace wherever I go.
I accept what I cannot change.
I surround myself with gentle and serene people.
I inspire peace, I exhale chaos and disorder.
My house is a sanctuary of peace where I feel happy and protected.
In all my decisions and actions, I choose peace.
I release all my negative emotions from the past and now fill me with positive thoughts.
I wish all beings to know peace as I know it.
I am superior to negative thoughts and actions.
I am at peace with everything that has happened, happening and going to happen.
I like people, I’m interested in them and I go to them.
Positive thoughts of love
I am surrounded by love and everything is fine.
My heart is always open and I radiate love.
I see everything with loving eyes and I love everything I see.
In life, I always receive what I give and I always give with love.
I meet love in all my relationships.
I deserve love and I receive it in abundance.
I attract the most loving people and my life is now full of joy.
I love myself and in return everyone loves me.
I give love and it comes back to me multiplied.
The partner I am looking for is looking for me too. We are brought to meet and love each other.
I am in love with a wonderful person, committed, faithful and trustworthy.
Positive thoughts for self-esteem
I love myself and I accept myself as I am.
I am perfect as I am.
I am a unique person and I respect myself as such.
I see perfection in me, whatever my faults or qualities.
I approve of what I am now and I enjoy myself more each day.
I feel good about myself and proud of my experience.
I see myself as a gift for those around me.
I only compare myself to the best person I can be.
I have as much to offer to the world as anyone.
I like what I am and I accept myself as I am.
I am unique and happy to be me.
I trust myself and I know that inside I have the best guides.
I am honest, trustworthy, I always do what I say.
I know that by being in agreement with myself positive events await me.
Today, like tomorrow, I choose to be proud of myself regardless of the circumstances.
I find peace in being myself.
My confidence and my self-esteem are increasing day by day.
I like my body as it is.
Positive thoughts to be calm
Day after day I am happier and relaxed.
All the negativity and stress are now coming out of my body and mind.
I inspire calm, I exhale stress.
Even when it is chaos around me, I remain calm and relaxed.
Stress has no hold on me, I am at peace with myself for that.
I trust my inner calm and my intuition.
The whole universe conspires to my happiness.
I let go easily because I know that in life, the best always happens.
I speak slowly, with remarkable calm and confidence.
Positive thoughts for mindfulness
I am anchored in the present moment.
Everything is going well at the moment.
I am grateful for this moment and I feel joy here and now.
I keep coming back to the moment.
I observe my actions and thoughts without judging them.
I am totally present in my relationships with others.
The apotheosis of my life is now.
I accept and embrace all situations, even the unpleasant ones.
I observe my emotions without being attached to them.
I meditate easily without any resistance.
I let the past go and live right now in the present.
I am open to positive changes in my life.
I allow myself to think and dream unlimitedly.
I create what I want without effort.
Positive thoughts of gratitude
I appreciate and I am grateful for everything I have.
I am happy to have so wonderful family and friends.
I send love and gratitude to every organ of my body.
Every day I thank the universe for putting me on the path of my dreams.
I accept all the gifts of life with gratitude.
I am happy to be alive.
Every morning I say “thank you” to the universe for giving me a new day of life.
I take the time to be grateful for something as simple as a blue sky or the sound of a laugh.
Every day I enjoy my life a little more than yesterday.
The more I am grateful, the more I am connected to the universe.
Positive Thoughts to Manage Anger
I forgive myself for all the mistakes I’ve made.
I let my anger escape in order to regain serenity.
I accept responsibility if my anger has affected a person.
I replace my anger with empathy and understanding.
I offer a sincere apology to those affected by my anger.
I forgive those who have harmed me in the past and I detach myself from them in peace.
A river of compassion is washing my anger and replacing it with love.
Forgiveness has a healing power that I always have at my disposal.
Positive thoughts of happiness
Every day I am happier than before.
All my days begin with the joy of life and end with gratitude.
My positive thoughts are making more and more people happy. I create a world of joy.
I enjoy every moment of my life. To be happy is my only principle.
The simple fact of living makes me happy. I know that happiness is a path, not a destination.
I always see the good side of things.
I see the beauty around me and I radiate love and joy.
I change the world around me by changing myself.
Happiness is a choice. I base my happiness on my own achievements and what I bring to others.
Positive thoughts for the future
I persevere because I believe in my future.
It’s still too early to give up on my goals.
I know that the greatest difficulties hide the greatest successes.
I choose my goals wisely and in the interest of all.
The more I advance in life, the more I attract success, health, and abundance.
I am the master of my destiny.
I deserve a wonderful life.
Every day, I become a better person.
I create what I want without effort.
I transform what I want in a positive manner.
I am the architect of my life. I build its foundations and choose its content.
My future is made of what I imagine in the present.
My efforts are supported by the universe; my dreams are already being realized.
Author’s Bio
My name is William Jacob and I am a professional writer. After completing my study I started my career as a blogger and as a writer. I am 5 stars rated author at HolyPakistan.com. I have 4-years experience of writing in different niches like health, travel, lifestyle, business.
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Positive Words Research – 100 Positive Thoughts To Transform Your Life And Reconfigure Your Brain