Category Archives: Mental Health

Mental Health: Nurturing Positive Well-Being and Emotional Resilience

How Can Students Tackle Their Mental Health During Pandemic

Nobody expected to experience a pandemic out of the blue and nobody expected the same to last as long as it has. Not only has it affected the global financial and economic stability, but the pandemic has also left students worried about their careers, especially the ones who were likely going to give their qualifying exams this year.

While everyone is trying to do their best to navigate through these rough times, students’ mental health is likely the worst hit. If your child or a student is complaining about not having the best time, you need to listen to them and give them the benefit of doubt that they need to feel the support they need during such hard and testing times.

However, as a student, here’s what you can do to tackle your mental health better during the pandemic.

Understand that it’s okay to not feel your best

Often, students feel the constant need to suppress their feelings because they have been told to excel in what they do. While it is true that studies matter and getting a good education is necessary, as a student, you need to realize that you are doing everything amidst a pandemic, something that is potentially threatening the lives of hundreds and thousands of people across the world. So, to have down moments and to not feel your best during times is completely fine.

Start a blog

Not many would say this to you but there are loads of benefits to starting your blog. You can vent, share and even interact with students who are possibly struggling the same way as you are. In such cases, you need to check host for good service providers, either pay for the hosting or opt for a free one and then start your blog. Not only does it help you cope, but it also lets you positively channel your creativity as well.

Learn a new skill

As a student, you will never really understand the meaning of upscaling and polishing your skillset until you subject yourself to the same. It is not a tedious task but something that does reflect well on your portfolio in the future. However, don’t feel obliged to do something just because everyone else is. If you feel less productive and want to just have a quiet lie-in, that is perfectly fine as well.

Students Mental Health

Talk to a professional

If you have the rightful resources, there is nothing wrong with seeking help during such trying times. However, make sure that you talk to a certified professional who knows what they are talking about. The last thing you need is to be misguided.

Taking care of your mental health during a pandemic is necessary, especially if you are a student. If you want to start your website or online business to cope, find host of website or get started on social media. At the end of the day, you need to do things that would bring you contentment and happiness, even if it’s something that’s not technically productive.

Positive Words Research – How Can Students Tackle Their Mental Health During a Pandemic?

HEART Positive Word with Derivatives Improves Mental Health

It’s hard to trace the exact way positive words and overall positive mental attitude affect our health, but, undoubtedly, the influence exists – and a positive one, at that. In explanation, the scientists tend to refer to the neurobiology concept, in which positive thinking in itself is some kind of placebo medication. The antinociceptive system quite real mediates the placebo effect. It releases endorphins that induce endogenous opiates, catecholamines, and corticosteroids. So, no metaphysics here, though the discussion is yet to conclude. 

Still, the positive mentality intertwines deeply and aims to achieve a healthy lifestyle. As such, as the spearhead of your attempt at a healthy, positive no-nonsense lifestyle, you may try to use the novel health metric – Heart Rate Variability (HRV). It is relatively unknown so far, so let’s explore it. 

The explanation of heart rate variability

The specialists at Welltory wrote an extensive comprehensive article regarding the topic, so, if you have sufficient spare time and enthusiasm, I strongly advise you to give it a read. Otherwise, I’ll try to answer the main questions briefly and concisely, perhaps with excerpts from the main article. 

So, what is heart rate variability? 

Heart rate variability means the phenomenon of the difference in time between heartbeats. That is, the heart is not perfectly rhythmic as a metronome but has a sometimes insensible variation of in-between intervals, measured in milliseconds. 

How to measure heart rate variability? How to measure stress levels? 

Vital stress levels information is obtained from the processed data of heart rate variability. To set up a chain of HRV measurements, we need only two chain links: hardware and software.

Gathering the data

The first one – hardware – means the need to collect the exact readings. Your best option will be to use one of a thousand specialized devices. There is a massive assortment of them in the market, being either standalone or integrated into fitness trackers, ranging from, for example, electrical chest-on straps to optical on-hand appliances. As always, the most rational way is to do one’s research and select what is most reasonable for you depending on the needs, availability, and cost.

Assessing the numbers

Then, some kind of HRV biofeedback app is required to comb through the data with sophisticated mathematical algorithms and present the user with results that are sometimes accompanied by conclusions and advice. 

As with the hardware, the software is presented abundantly on numerous app marketplaces. Consequently, the threat of stepping into such an industry can feel like a sword of Damocles. It is rationally correct to suggest checking out Welltory as your first heart rate variability app in these circumstances.  

The reason is as follows – Welltory is widely recognized as one of the most user-friendly apps on the market that also features a sleep analysis app and meditation tracker for its users. As the icing on the cake, with Welltory, the readings can be taken even with your smartphone’s camera (though the quality of readings is objectively worse than those of specialized devices), and Welltory follows a Freemium business model – its beginners’ functionality is free. 

Anyway, bear in mind – once you feel yourself confident enough, it is prudent to explore the market, finding the ideal fit for you – though there is quite a chance that you will remain by Welltory, enamored by its quality, style, and usefulness. 

What is good heart rate variability? 

Unfortunately, HRV does not conform to the “one size fits all” science. There is not an ideal standard. For example, the normal value of the SDNN measure is considered to be 141±39 ms – and note the sheer extent of standard deviation. Additionally, the rule of thumb – “higher is better” – exists. 

Indeed, high readings of HRV generally indicate the prevalence of the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system over the sympathetic. Yet, the ideal is unique for each human being and can be assessed during times of peace and stresslessness. The app’s algorithms will take care of that. 

Heart Rate Variability

How to improve Heart Rate Variability? 

Since good heart rate variability is a direct outcome of a healthy lifestyle devoid of stress, the tips for HRV improvement are relatively trivial and obvious. In a nutshell, HRV is increased by leading a more healthy life. It includes, for example, getting more quality sleep time. Besides, “Sleep” is undoubtedly among the positive words that start with S. It is a physiological need, but valuable leisure time has a maximum positive effect on your well-being. Other preferred elements of a healthy routine are:

  • always staying well-nourished and hydrated;
  • regular exercise;
  • avoiding bad habits, especially those associated with nasty substances.

Moreover, it is wise to empirically avoid the situations and encounters that are stressful for you since the primary function of stress is to tone up the sympathetic branch of the nervous system, decreasing HRV.

Among those positive words that start with H, “Heart” obviously makes a decent stand, being the integral part of the body that traditionally symbolizes life and love – both extremely positive words as well. This article also showed how intrinsically essential heart readings are to your health and well-being. “Harmony”, “Happiness”, “Health” are no less positive and cannot exist without a healthy heart, mind, and body. 

For conclusion

Heart rate variability is a handy tool and an essential component of a healthy lifestyle, especially in contemporary cities. It provides a great insight into the health status of a person and suggests improvements. 

However, HRV measurements and apps cannot replace an actual physician’s consultation, his sheer weight of experience, and knowledge about your body. Thus, should you feel unwell, even if any app shows you are fine, you should not hesitate to contact your doctor and let him solve it for you? 

Why Is A Good Night Sleep So Important For Mental Health

Sleep fills us with energy to be able to face the day. But it’s not just about getting a good night’s sleep, it’s about having a good night’s sleep. For this, there must be quiet hours of sleep, without nightmares, and followed.

For example, if sleep is achieved but the person wakes up hours before their actual waking time, or if they wake up several times during the night, the sleep will not be as restful.

Although it is true that you should always go to sleep at the same time, and that it should be at night, scientists and doctors agree to advise a short nap during the day to reactivate our body and our brain. Of course, the nap (in adults) should be around half an hour.

Why we can’t sleep

Nowadays, people do not sleep what they should, television, the computer, or video games, they are the new “dream vampires”. Boy sitting with a glass, holding his face with his hand due to the sleep he has. That makes him not give up during the day, he is sleepy and even susceptible or anxious about daily tasks.

Headaches, dizziness, excessive tiredness, etc., are the side effects of not sleeping well. But many times the problems that we find when sleeping, actually hide other pathologies or diseases that are what make the individual not fall asleep. For example, trauma or situation of stress or nervousness, anxiety, difficulty or breathing problems, etc.

We are going to list some of the most common alterations that prevent us from having a restful sleep:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Respiratory problems
  • Heart problems
  • Noises (noise pollution)
  • Muscle or skeletal pain
  • A bad mattress and / or inadequate pillow. The mattress should be changed at least every ten years.
  • Bad habits: exercising before bed, eating large dinners, drinking alcohol, tobacco or coffee before going to bed, etc.
  • Not being regular in the schedules: going to sleep and getting up. A bad habit that makes the human body not adapt to these alterations.

There are diseases associated with sleep. Some of them hinder beneficial and correct sleep so that our body can be at full capacity.


It is a sleep disorder with low prevalence in the population. Only 0.02 to 0.16 percent of adults are affected. It affects both equally. It is characterized by access to sleep at any time in the daily life of the affected person. The patient with narcolepsy may have difficulty sleeping at night. But instead throughout the day, he has acute drowsiness attacks, which make him fall asleep in any situation, which is why it is especially dangerous. Muscle weakness, hallucinations, etc. are some of the symptoms that can also be suffered from this disease.


It is a stop of the respiratory signal while we sleep. It is important to detect it. For this, what is called the sleep test is done. If a person suffers from sleep apnea it can cause headaches, pulmonary hypertension, heart problems, etc. It consists in that during sleep, the airway becomes obstructed, so that the person who suffers from it, remains at least 10 seconds without breathing, with the problems that this can be associated with.

There are different treatments for this disease – from medicines or surgery to devices that help to clear the airway. In some cases, it’s a good idea to get a service dog to help with sleep apnea by alerting when significant sleep problems occur during the night.


Insomnia is the difficulty that a person has to sleep. It can be of three types:

  • Difficulty for a person to fall asleep.
  • Have a person wake up several times during their sleep hours.
  • That a person wakes up time before he really had planned.

Insomnia most of the time is due to stress. Continued stress over time can cause severe or chronic insomnia. To end insomnia there may be several treatments. For specific cases, medicines are prescribed. But the right thing to do is to carry out behavioral therapies, and really see what it is that causes that nervousness that does not let us sleep.

In addition, the patient must carry out what is called “sleep hygiene”, which we will see in the section on tips to sleep well.


Nightmares have been the object of study, the plot of books and movies, and analysis for years and years. It is a sleep disorder that is more common in children between 4 and 12 years old, and that occurs during the REM phase of sleep (that is, when there are images in the dream state and rapid eye movements). Although that does not mean that adults get rid of them.

Centuries ago, on the 18th, people believed that nightmares were due to magic, possessions, or caused by monsters. Today we know that nightmares are due on many occasions, to the reproduction of our fears, reflected and brought to our moment of rest.


It is a sleep disorder that stands out for “waking up” the motor activity of the individual. That is, the person will be completely asleep, but will be able to walk and perform daily tasks, although his pupil is not really seeing what is real.

It is said to be more common in children and adolescents. But it can occur in anyone who has suffered from this problem in their childhood. There is no really effective treatment for the problem.

Talk at night

Another sleep disorder is that of people who speak in dreams. This makes sleep less restful, since we are putting an additional load on our respiratory system and vocal cords. Usually the person may wake up with scratching and dry mouth.


In times of stress or nervousness, what is known as bruxism occurs at night. Which is nothing more than “grinding” your teeth. Of course, there are people who even have awake bruxism. Bruxism loads the jaw and is especially harmful because it wears down teeth and molars. Those who suffer from it must carry a “discharge certificate” so as not to “grind” their teeth.

Why is a good night sleep so important

Basic tips for a good night sleep:

  • Do not eat a lot before going to sleep.
  • Always go to sleep at the same time. And also get up at the same time.
  • Avoid noise and light.
  • Before going to sleep, do not exercise, try to stay away from video games and computers.
  • Avoid having insects in the room.
  • Make sure there’s no clock noise nearby.
  • Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, or coffee

Positive Words Research – Why Is A Good Night Sleep So Important

Meaningful Words on Health Impacts of Electronic and Traditional Cigar

Let’s be frank; both vaping and smoking have negative side effects. But according to health experts, the extent of impact from an electronic cigar and other vaping devices is minimal compared to smoking traditional cigarettes. This is one of the reasons why vaping is gaining more popularity while smokers are declining in number by the day.

The health sector is working hard to provide doctors with information about the health impact of both vaping and smoking so that they can assist patients in making the right decisions.

According to a report by the American Heart Association (AHA), people believe that they are safer while using a vapor cigar. However, another report by the U.S. Surgeon General that was given in 2016 describes vaping as a public concern that calls for other action by all health experts.

What Is an Electronic Cigar?

A few decades ago, electronic cigarettes came into the picture and started changing the way people ”smoke.” Instead of smoking, people inhale nicotine-infused vapor resulting from the burning of liquid vape juice. In a nutshell, an electronic cigar is a device that is powered by batteries to burn vape juice to produce vapor. A cigar vape pen resembles traditional cigars to give users an authentic feel.

So, is an e-cigar better for your health than a traditional tobacco cigar? This question is better answered by looking at the ingredients contained in both.

What Is in an Electronic Cigar and Traditional Cigars?

Basically, the consumable e-juice used in an electronic cigar contains a couple of ingredients. The ratio in which they are mixed may vary, but you will often find them present.

  • Nicotine – This is a common ingredient in both e-cigars and traditional cigars. Actually, it is often present at high levels, making vaping and smoking very addictive. As we are going to see later, nicotine is a major contributor to the health risks of using either an electronic cigar or a traditional cigar.
  • Tar – This is a product of tobacco and its by-products. When you smoke a traditional cigar, tar is one of the ingredients that gets into your body and affects it negatively. Likewise, a rechargeable electronic cigar has traces of tar from the tobacco in the e-juice.
  • Toxins – Whether you vape an electronic cigar or smoke a traditional cigar, you are not completely without risk as both contain a lot of toxins and chemicals. According to experts, hundreds of chemicals are present. The common ones include aromatic amines, benzene, and polyaromatic hydrocarbons among others. Heavy metals such as lead and volatile organic compounds might also be present.

Health Impacts of E-Cigars and Cigars

As mentioned, the presence of nicotine, tar, and hundreds of harmful chemicals in a nicotine electronic cigar or tobacco cigar is the main source of health impacts. Here are some of the impacts.

  • Cancer – Lung and throat cancer are common among e-cigar vapers and cigar smokers according to medical reports. The presence of the chemicals mentioned in either a vapor cigar or traditional cigar might trigger the growth of cancer cells, mostly in the throat, lungs, and airways. If it seems that vaping a refillable e cigar is a better option, you may be surprised. A report in 2017 has revealed that burning vape juice in a refillable e cigar at high temperatures results in hundreds of harmful chemicals that might cause cancer and other illnesses.
  • Respiratory problems – Smoking and vaping are responsible for respiratory problems in people today. It could be asthma, allergic reactions that block the airways, or other health issues. According to doctors, cigars and e-cigars might shorten the life of users because of respiratory problems and other illnesses.
  • Cardio Problems – Users of an electronic cigar or a traditional cigar increase the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Doctors and health researchers have cautioned the public on these health impacts especially for those who use nicotine-infused products.
  • Oral health impact – Sadly, vaping and smoking harm your oral health; the gums, teeth, tongue, and glands can all experience negative effects from using a cigar vape pen. Usually, the yellowing of teeth occurs because of the large amount of tar in tobacco.
Health Impacts

Final Words

Before looking for electronic cigars for sale or purchasing an ePuffer electronic cigar, you now know all the health impacts associated with the use of these devices. The impacts are even more pronounced when you smoke traditional cigars.

However, you can always minimize these impacts by taking the precautions recommended by medical experts. The best way to eliminate these risks is to quit your electronic cigar or traditional cigar entirely.

Author’s Bio

Anita Casha is a dedicated health writer with an interest in sharing positive and good words with humanity. In this case, she shares positive words on the health impacts of both e-cigars and traditional cigars to enlighten current users, those who are planning to start, and those intending to switch from smoking to vaping. She hopes readers can learn and grow as a result of her meaningful writing.

5 Ways to Stay Positive After a Health Crisis and Get Well

Demanding situations and obstacles are a part of our daily lives. But, if I say we live through difficult times, it might sound like an understatement or a cliché to some. However, things that are happening around us may make you worried or scared. Talk of pandemics, economic and health woes, and even bitter politics. All of which triggers anxiety and sadness.

But, what happens when you unexpectedly find yourself in the middle of a health crisis? Let’s say you’re diagnosed with chronic diseases or any expensive diseases. Of course, it would be shocking. And your life after the diagnosis would look different from your experiences before getting sick. However, it would help if you found ways to stay positive even after the health crisis.

Your life must not be gloomy while you’re in the process of reclaiming your health. Here are some of the ways to help you stay positive after a series of health crises.

5 Ways to Stay Positive After a Series of Health Crisis

1. Accept and Love Yourself

Your efforts to resist any painful emotions would do you more harm than good. For instance, resisting and trying to fight situations would increase your psychological suffering. But rather accept that you’re sick. And by a simple definition, acceptance here would mean consenting to the health results received.

Acceptance is one of the essential elements in psychological adaptation, especially to chronic illness and disability. Be mindful of yourself and purposefully focus your attention on your present moments and accept the situation. 

Better still, find a way to cope and move. Coping here would mean you incorporate your illness into your daily life. Meanwhile, if you still can, continue pursuing your goals.

Now, here is how acceptance is key to loving yourself and your growth!

When you accept the situation you are in, it only means one thing. You are taking care of your psychological or emotional growth. That means you’re kind to yourself, and that’s love. Accepting makes you recognize that being sick is part of life, and you still have to pamper yourself.

Furthermore, acceptance is about you opening up to what is happening around you and cultivating the good life you have. Develop the habit of counting your blessings despite the crisis and learn to live more in the present.

2. Sweat it out

Exercising is not only about losing, maintaining, or gaining weight, it can make you feel good too about yourself.  If you are still able to get out, staying active would be the best thing to do. If going to the gym is a hassle, your backyard is an ideal place to do some light exercises.

Through exercising, you’ll be able to work off stress and tension. This is what happens- when you exercise, your brain produces chemicals such as dopamine which is the “feel-good” neurotransmitter. Meaning it’s a chemical messenger associated with pleasure or reward, and it contributes to mood, decision making, and physiological functions.

In other words, you must ensure you perform some movements as per your doctor’s directives. You can take a walk, hike, or cycle, among other forms of exercise. Just ensure you give your attention to nature or the people around you. Exercise would be your excellent mood booster since you would see yourself as healthier and vital rather than sick.

3. Write it out

You can be your enemy, and whatever you think or say to yourself can destroy or make you. Of course, the diagnosis must hit you, and your perception of yourself is likely to change. However, you must also learn to have positive thoughts and talk.

Therefore, the best way to work through your unpleasantness and negative feelings is to journal. Write down everything you’re expected to do by your doctors, and record any signs or symptoms you may have developed. Besides, journaling would be a great tool to track your symptoms and developments. Also, it would help provide the accurate time of some experiences.

4. Never cut your ties with family or friends

It’s very okay to feel bad about your situation, but it’s never wise to shut out people who are willing to help you. Of course, there are situations when you would want to be left alone, that are understood. However, completely hiding from friends is never a good idea.

You’ll only feel better when you are connected with your families or friends.

Why is that?

Not all families will indeed be supportive. However, feeling connected is very enforced to almost everyone. Besides, it contributes to happiness, mental health, and physical health.

Imagine a situation where you need support, either with your medicines, but you can’t get them. And you happened to have cut ties with everyone you could help you. You’ll definitely suffer. Therefore, seek out your squad and never close your door for those who could help you.

With your loved ones around you, you can feel connected and less likely to be depressed. But if you do, you’ll be in a better position to get out of depression because of the support you’ll get.

5. Improve your Nutrition

Nutrition is essential to a healthier life. Some of the activities that would help you stay active require that you fuel your body. Therefore, you must ensure you maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet or follow your doctor’s guide.

Besides, eating the right food makes you responsible, and you’ll feel good for taking care of yourself.

In addition to the ways mentioned above, you must also ensure you watch your digital content consumption. There is a lot of information online which is not even close to the truth. Just ensure you only consume the recommended ones. 

Stay Positive After a Series of Health Crisis


We are all vulnerable to health problems. But what we do after a health crisis strikes us would matter a lot. Therefore, when you have been diagnosed with any health problem, you must learn to live with the situation.

You must accept and love yourself, improve your nutrition, and ensure you are connected to your families and friends to stay positive after a health crisis. Besides, document your progress for timely experiences and ensure you do exercise to work off stress and tension.

Positive Words Research – 5 Ways to Stay Positive After a Health Crisis

The Importance Of Mental Health Courses In Universities

It is fair to say that the importance of mental health courses in universities was neglected until the last three decades, especially among the student population. Only recently have we become aware of how much college life can be stressful and can take a toll on one’s well-being. We watched too many movies like American Pie which made us believe how every day at the campus is a non-stop party and debauchery.

Well, it isn’t, there is a lot of hard work, final exams, and sleepless nights that students need to endure to archive their education goals. Maybe it is time that every university in the nation pays more attention to their student’s wellbeing and at least provides them professional support or mental health courses in universities on this issue. 

Why We Need Mental Health Courses in Universities

1. Finals Are Coming

No matter how passionate one is about his studies, one won’t avoid exam anxiety or stress associated with it. Every failed exam means one step further from completing your studies, and one can feel very disappointed when failing, after investing so much hard work. We begin to understand that education can be very stressful at times and can leave so many emotional scars if not handled properly.

Students need support from their families, teachers, and professional counselors at all times so they can cope with the pressure in their lives. Without a proper support system, each student may succumb to some form of mental illness or a disorder like OCD or some kind of neurosis. 

So many generations of students never had the knowledge about these issues or coping mechanisms that can help them. Thanks to modern technology, the Internet, and an advanced approach to mental health issues, things are starting to change. It is no secret that a large percentage of the student population suffers from anxiety, stress, and depression, and this causes a lot of medical or alcohol abuse.

This is why it’s very important to educate students about the repercussions of constant exposure to stress or pressure without rest or proper relief. Preventive courses are always more effective than subsequent treatment when the psychological damage is already done. 

2. Peer Pressure

It is not only long hours of studying that puts pressure on students, they also suffer from the social life on campus or the lack of it. When one is far away from home and his family, that is stressful enough, but imagine having to ignore that and concentrate on your exams too. In moments like that, one could use some help. There is no shame in turning a write me a research paper mode on, because it would ease your pressure or stress and leave you with more time for socializing or other non-study activities. 

Socializing is a need and a necessity, especially for students who are craving new experiences or connections with people. It is hard for any student to find a balance between his studies and his social life. His academic success may depend upon finding this delicate balance, and his peers may not be always so helpful in achieving this goal.

Partying or socializing can be exhausting, and those who focus on their studies may be ridiculed by their peers or labeled as nerds or geeks. Finding a middle ground may require some professional help from counselors or attending courses on students’ mental health. 

3. Studying Your Fear

Knowing your enemy will help you defeat it, according to all military specialists. This is true for fear or anxiety also, or any form of mental illness that may plague students worldwide. Learning about these issues will help you understand them much better and approach them without prejudices that come with the lack of knowledge. Attending courses at your university can make you more prepared to cope with these problems if they may arise one day. Every student should educate himself about basic mental healthcare for his own good, and his colleagues should be a place of support that enables him to freely access these kinds of information.

There are so many books or articles one can access over the net, but attending university courses feels more intimate, and it makes students feel more related to their school. It creates a sense of belonging or caring for each other, and that is what studying experience should be all about.

Students who are fully aware of this important issue will be better equipped to deal with it if the need arises. That is why early prevention in the form of free courses is so critical in this sensitive period of their lives. Our scholars deserve the best mental health care because they are our young experts who will shape our country’s future.

Mental Health

Anxiety, stress, and other mental illness issues are a plague in our modern society. Perhaps we live too fast, maybe we expect too much of each other, but nevertheless, we have to take care of ourselves. If you are a student who feels a burden by these problems, feel free to check if your college provides any kind of support in the form of free course studies.

Learn more about yourself, your mind, and the best defense mechanisms that will help you cope with any psychological problem. Remember that your health is in your hands and you are the one who has the power and the ability to make changes in your life. This is why everyone should make mental health courses in universities a priority.

Positive Words Research – The Importance Of Mental Health Courses In Universities

Best 5 Positive Habits for Healthy Living and Wellbeing

The saying goes, “old habits die hard!” What if you develop these positive habits and let them be your lifestyle? Imagine they will stick to you and become your lifestyle other than getting clued on destructive bad habits. Healthy living is what everyone anticipates and it’s not always a walk in the park. It needs some discipline and determination to achieve. In this article, you are going to learn some of the positive habits that will help you develop a healthy lifestyle, and these habits include:

Eating Balanced Diet

You cannot live a positive life when you are battling with diet issues. Healthy diet is necessary for healthy body, healthy mind, and for positive growth. Eating quite a wide variety of foods but in their right proportions, and also taking the right amount of drinks will not just give you a healthy body but also gives the best feeling.

Always ensure that you have taken the right foods that contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats and oils, vitamins, and other essential minerals in their right proportions. Fruits, bananas, honey, vegetables, sugarcanes, and sweet potatoes among other foods are some of the examples of healthy food varieties that you should always consider in your diet.

Quitting smoking

One of the truths about smoking is that it increases the risk of contracting chronic diseases, and even lung cancer. This habit is, therefore, something to deal with if you have been addicted to it. You cannot live a positive life regardless of the number of times that you try if you are still enslaved into smoking. It is important that you consider smoking as a negative habit then do away with it.


There are numerous benefits that come with exercising. If you want to reap these benefits, you need to develop a routine and make it a lifestyle. Some of the few benefits that you will find when you adapt to this routine include the following:

  • It helps on controlling your body weight.
  • It improves your mood and mental health.
  • It helps reduce the risk of heart diseases.
  • helps strengthen your muscles and bones.
  • Enhances your sleep.
  • Helps the body in managing insulin and blood sugar levels.

Therefore, you need a routine to make this a habit so that you can reap all these benefits for a healthy living. You can start this by enrolling for gym classes, or do it at home where you can.

Sleeping at the right time

Healthy adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep in order to function properly. That is according to studies that have been done by various scholars and doctors. To remain productive, you need to develop a habit of going to bed at the right time, and also waking up at the right time each day. Apart from going to bed at the right time, you also need to ensure that you have got the right bedroom environment, good blankets, clean air to breathe, and a positive mind for you to fall asleep fast whenever you go to bed.

Completing your daily chores

When you complete your chores at the right time, you get a nice feeling and fulfillment. In this regard, you need to develop a schedule, and a habit to ensure that you have completed your daily household chores at the right time. Whether its cleaning your utensils, cleaning your house, or any other task, it is always important to accomplish them at the right time.

Getting chores done at the right time will not only make you feel good but also will keep you organized and productive each day. Don’t procrastinate on small tasks since it will pile up to ruin your schedule, and probably your day.

Keeping these habits and implementing them will definitely yield the results that you need for healthy living each day. If you have been into other habits that have affected your life negatively, you need to adopt these wonderful insights, and for sure, you will reap the results that you want for your positive health.

Author – Korir Shadrack.

Korir Shadrack is an entrepreneur and a freelancer passionate about things that bring positive impact in the society. I have been in the freelancing industry as a writer for about 5 years and it is a great honor that you gain some few insights from my writings.

Positive Words Research – 5 Positive Habits for Healthy Living

Habits to healthy living

Positive Journaling for Gratitude, Body Health and Positive Thoughts

Positive journaling is an amazing way to start your day. Writing morning affirmations will give you a lot of positive energy. Get inspired from the below positive journaling for different aspects of life and also see at the end of the article some tips of how to do positive journaling yourself.

Positive Journaling for Gratitude

Gratitude. Appreciation. Love. Loving-kindness. Serenity. Magic. Forgiveness. I am grateful for every detail of my life. I love my present day. I am grateful for my body. Thank you for every detail from my body. I am grateful for my brain, my thoughts, my voice. I am grateful for the entire creation as it looks now. No judgement. Just acceptance. My I be wise enough to always accept the entire creation as it is in a moment in time. Love exists in every particle of this creation and I am connected to this love.

Unconditional love. Worthy to take up space. Worthiness to take up space. Balance. I am grateful for balance around me and in my body. I am connected with the centre of Earth and with the love above me through my heart. I am grateful for my heart and the hearts of every person in the world. May we all be healthy. There is still so much beauty left in the world. In every moment of every day there is this beauty that still exists.

Leaves dropping down on Earth from so many trees. Sun shining through the leaves of so many trees. Children laughing like there is no worry in the world. No matter if I am happy or sad this beauty is always there. Pure love and light. Peace. Happiness. Joy. Contentment. Equanimity. Limitless. Cuteness overload. Thankfulness. Blessings. Smile. There will always be enough. I am enough. The world is enough. The people around me are enough. I am grateful for the people around me. I am grateful for my house, for my bed, for my food. I am grateful for the sun. I am grateful for the air I breathe. Love surrounds me in every way.

I am worth loving. I deserve to be loved in a deep way. I am loved in a deep way and I am grateful for all this love. Kindness. Loving-kindness. Love. May I be happy. May all the people in the world be happy. May we all be free of suffering. May we all be free of mental suffering and develop positive emotions. I am grateful for this thought. I am grateful for hope.

Positive Journaling for Health

I am sorry, please forgive me. I love you, thank you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. You are my sunshine. My body! I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. My mother! I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. My father! I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. My heart! I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. I am enough. All is enough. All is well in my world. I am grateful. I am joyful. I am love. May I always remember who I really am. I am grace. I am ease. I am abundance. I am serenity. I am love.

Love is searching for me and is finding me every day. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. I am always enough. I am enough now. I am beauty. The Earth is enough. We are all connected through infinity. All is grace and ease. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. May we all be at peace. My soul. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. My higher being. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. There is an abundance of peace in the world and I am connected to this flow. We are enough.

We are pure love and light. We are serenity. Grace. Ease. Contentment. Happiness. Faith. Love. Courage. Magic. Love. Light. Peace. Abundance. Prosperity. Clarity. Miraculous Joy. Abundant Gratification. We are one. There is an abundance of kindness in the world and I always have enough kindness in my life. I am kind with myself. I am kind with others. People are kind with me. All are kind with me. There is a flow of kindness and I am connected with this flow.

Infinite power and grace. Beauty surrounds me at all times. There is so much beauty still left in the world. I see beauty and beauty sees me. I see grace and grace sees me. I see happiness and happiness sees me. There is always enough kindness left in the world. All is well in my world. My thoughts are peaceful. My thoughts are serene. I smile with gratitude. My inner smile is beautiful. I am always connected and guided with the power that creates world. The universe loves me and will always support me.

I love my heart and my heart loves me. I am sorry my heart. I love you my heart. Thank you my heart. Please forgive me my heart. All is love. Pure love and light. Unconditional love. Formless light. Release. Let go. Thank you. I feel grateful. Thank you. Thank you.

Positive Journaling for a Feeling of Wellbeing

I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. I am grateful and grateful is me. There is an abundance of gratitude energy in the world and it is on its way to me. We are all beings of light. All is well. We are grace. Pure love and light. I forgive everyone and anything that needs to be forgiven. I let go. I am free. All are free and I am free. I am thankful. There will always be enough. Enough kindness in the world. There is enough kindness in the world. There is enough smiles in the world. There is enough beauty in the world.

There is an abundance of peace in the universe and it is on its way to me. I am at peace. Grace and ease. Pure love and light. Gratitude. Acceptance. Faith. Faith. Faith. Faith. Hope. Have faith. Have a little hope. Hope is magical. Let’s hope together. We are connected in beauty and love. I am grateful for your heart and my heart. My heart is full of joy. I see you. And you are beautiful. I see me and I am beautiful. Our higher selves smile to each other. I smile to your higher self. I feel your smile in my soul.

My soul is grateful. Happiness is searching for me and will always find me. There is so much happiness still left in the world. The Earth is beautiful. Freedom. Love. Freedom. Love. Grace. Clarity. FORGIVENESS. I forgive anything that needs to be forgiven. I bless the Earth with whatever it needs from me. I will always have enough. Humanity is blessed. There is enough faith still left in the world at any moment. We are so treasured. So protected. Peace surrounds us at all times.

Contentment. Serenity. Purity. Hope. Faith. I am enough. Worthy to take up space. I am worthy to take as much space as I want and take. There is an infinity of space in the universe. So much space. My body is full of so much space. My head is free. My brain is full of so much space. My heart is full of so much space. Our hearts beat in the same time. Billions of hearts beat in the same time. Now. With my heart. So beautiful. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. There will always be enough love for me here on Earth. The Earth love me. The Earth loves you. The Earth loves people. We are loved. Acceptance. Balance. I am balanced in all ways. ALL IS WELL. ALL IS REALLY BEAUTIFUL. MAY WE ALWAYS SEE THE BEAUTY THAT IS STILL LEFT IN THE WORLD.

Positive Journaling for Body Health

I feel grateful for my body. My body is safe. My body is healthy. My body is full of vitality and health. I have an abundance of energy. I am connected with a higher source of energy that provides everything my body needs. All the cells in my body function perfectly. My body is changing in every second for better health. With every second I get healthier. I am grateful for every cell of my body. Thank you for doing such an amazing work since I was born. Thank you.

Thank you to every organ from my body. You are all loved. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. I am grateful for every bone in my body. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. I am grateful for the blood in my body. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. I am grateful for all the space in my body. I am grateful for all the atoms in my body. Thank you. Thank you my body. You have carried me so many years. I love you. I accept my body exactly the was it is now.

My body is beautiful enough. Thank you. I love every part of my body. Every part of my body is full of light, full of pure love and light. I bless my body. Every body in the world is perfect the way it is. I accept everybody in the world as it is. I forgive my body. I ask that every pieces of my soul be returned to my body now in a kind a graceful way. I am restored. I am whole. I am strong. I love the energy of my body. I ask that my higher self be embodied kindly in my body. My body is gracefully connected with my higher self.

I smile in gratitude for the beauty that my body is. Acceptance. Forgiveness. Loving. Nurturing. My body is nurtured. I feel nurtured with everything I need. I receive from the light now everything my body needs. The Earth loves my body. Life loves my body. I love my heart. My heart is loved. I love my brain. My brain is loved. I love my legs. My legs are loved. I love my hands. My hands are loved. Thank you my hands for everything you help me do in this world. HAPPINESS. SERENITY. I love my stomach. I love my belly. I love my feminine organs. I love my lungs. I love my face. I feel grateful for my body.

My body always feels at peace. I am safe. My body is safe. I can relax and let go. I am safe. GRATITUDE. LOVE. An abundance of love in my body. Unconditional Love. Thank you. THANKFULNESS. BLISSFULNESS. MAGIC BLISSFULNESS. I love how my body functions. I am grateful for everything that is happening now in my body. I relax knowing that all is well. All is well in my world. There is an abundance of kindness in my world. My body is enough. I am kind with my body. Kindness is at home in my body. I can relax. All is well. My body is relaxed. I let go. All is well. I relax. All is well. I let go.

The future is safe. My body will always be safe in the future. My body was always safe in the past. My body is safe now in the present. My body is always safe. I can relax. All is well. Bliss. Blissfulness. Kindness. Loving-kindness. Gentle. Gentleness. Easy. Grace. Slowly. I am at home in my body. A home filled with kindness and gentleness. All is well in my body. All that is happening in my body now is perfect. I let go and trust the billions of actions taking place now in my body. All is happening perfectly. All is good.

I LOVE MY BODY. THANK YOU MY BODY. Please remember that I love you. When I forget about you know that I love you. And I know you love me too so much. My heart beats for me. For so many years my heart was there for me. I love my heart. My heart loves my brain. My brain loves my heart. My brain and my heart are in love of each other. For so many years. They will always be together. All my organs are friends with each other. They are family.

I love every function of my body. My body is functioning perfectly. Such a good energy in my body. Such a blissful energy that my body has. My body is whole. All pieces from my soul are here with me, connected with my body. My higher self is fully embodied in a gentle way. My thoughts benefit my body and keep him safe.  My body loves my thoughts. My thoughts are gentle. Positive. Optimistic. And my body loves them. I breath deeply and relax my mind and body. My mind is relaxed in my body. My body loves my brain.

My lungs function perfectly. I am as in a lovely house in my body. Welcoming warm house. There is blissful energy in my mind right now. I am connected with lovely thoughts energy. My brain is happy. My heart is happy. My liver is happy. My stomach is happy. My body is happy. My body is content. There is a lovely grace that surrounds my body at all times. I feel protected. My body is safe and protected. There is so much love for my body in this world, here on Earth. My body is connected in a deep, kind way with the centre of the Earth. With that warm, healing energy. MY BODY IS AT PEACE. MY BODY IS SAFE. I CAN RELAX MY MIND. ALL IS WELL.


Positive Journaling for Mental Health

My brain loves my heart and my heart loves my brain. They are good kind friends with each other. They listen to each other, they depend on each other. Such a bliss. Such a blessing. My thoughts sustain the people around me. I always know how to motivate me and my fiends. I love my thoughts and I am grateful for positive thoughts. They feel better. And I treasure this.

How To Do Positive Journaling?

Positive journaling brings you more benefits when you do it in the morning. All you need to do is start writing on your computer or paper. Make sure you write only positive thoughts. The secret to writing your own positive affirmations is knowing a lot of positive words. You can inspire yourself from our list of positive words.

Positive Journaling

Appreciation Letter: Thank You Note For Health Heroes

I write this appreciation letter because I want to thank and appreciate all the people who contribute to the prevention of the COVID-19 virus outbreak these days.

Appreciation Letter – Thank You Note

  1. Infectious doctors. Thank you for dedicating your life to studying these forms of reality. You must have had a call to do such a job, otherwise I can’t imagine how you could choose such a life.
  2. Military doctors. Thank you for choosing to become such a doctor and the efforts you make these days.
  3. Any person representing medical personnel in the entire world. Thank you very much for your efforts for the patients you treat these days. I think people who care about other people’s health deserve great respect.
  4. Nurses in the health system. How valuable you are, thank you for your continuous movement in which you do dozens of small actions that matter so much in recovering a human’s health.
  5. People cleaning in hospitals. I think they are the most important in this period and thank them very much. Honestly, I wouldn’t want to be in their place. When I think of them, a humility pours on me. What if I didn’t have them? God forbid.
  6. People who are cleaning the streets during this period. I was watching today from the window two men who came to pick up the garbage. I thought “God, they came today too.” What would it be like to be in their place these days? And yet they were on duty. A silence settled over my mind as I thought of them.
  7. State authorities responsible for emergency situations. Thank you and I appreciate you because without you we had to think about everything now. And how could you think, make decisions, get the agreement of others and implement something in a few days. You can not. But you have gone through this, studied, learned about national emergency situations. I’m glad I don’t have to think about the thousands of procedures we need during this time.
  8. Mothers who disinfect, disinfect, disinfect. Thank you and I appreciate you for your continuous fight against the microbes from which you come out so many times victorious.
  9. Professional drivers, especially big trucks drivers. Wow, I don’t drive, I don’t have a car. In vain we would have money, if we did not have a professional driver to bring us everything we needed from point X to point Y. Their contribution is not visible and will be forgotten. Such a pity. I give them thanks and pray to God to give them more health during this time, to bring us whatever we needed, anywhere.
  10. Ladies and gentlemen from cashiers everywhere. I almost have no words. Just silence. I try to write that I thank you and I appreciate you. What would it be like if you were not doing that type of work? Who is stronger at the moment, you the cashier, or I the buyer. I only meet you once, but you meet all the buyers.
  11. People in government who made the right decisions at the right time. Again, I wouldn’t want to be in their place now. But if I were, I would try to keep my mind as clear as possible so that I could act with clarity. They are working very hard in the administration of the country at the moment and I thank them all.
  12. People who returned to their native country. Your life is over your head. Maybe you didn’t even have time to feel scared. In no case would I want to be in your place. Thank you and I appreciate you. You have children, you have dear people in your native country, because for them you went to work abroad. And now you can no longer support them, and moreover, it is possible to hurt them. What a burden on your shoulders. Be without a doubt, the people for whom you went to work abroad have a lot of love for you. They called you back and they did well. I really don’t know what words to say. Maybe just the classic “Don’t worry, everything will be fine, I love you”.

An aura of protection to descend from the Holy Spirit on these people and to protect their health.

I raise and invite other people to lift up to Jesus Christ the energy of these days and the forms that manifest themselves, as each one sees them.

And for anyone who wants and knows what it means let’s say together: I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you. I love you.

If I forgot to include a category of people to thank and appreciate in this period, please share this to your friends and write an appreciation, to include them.

Positive Words ResearchAppreciation Letter – Thank You Note

Appreciation Letter - Thank You Note

How Important Is For Mental Well-Being To Practice Sport

You’ve probably always had that one person in your life that keeps pushing you towards practicing sports, praising how well it would make you feel, both inside and outside. The media is also filled with advice such as this one – to the point where you just want to close the tab or shut down the TV. So you may feel like this is an empty cliche that die-hard athletes have come up with and that doesn’t really apply to regular people.

Well, this is one cliche that you shouldn’t ignore. It’s true, practicing some type of sport does not only help you maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it also help you consolidate positive emotions and cultivate mindful thinking. Let’s break it down and see how you can benefit if you start to regularly practice a sport:

1. Your Mood Improves Considerably

What comes as a surprise to sedentary people when they take up a sport is the immediate mood shift they notice. Sport is magical this way. In fact, any type of physical activity is – the brain starts releasing endorphins which in turn helps you feel more relaxed and happier. Your heart starts beating faster, the circulation improves and before you know it that two-hour basketball or jogging session relieves your mind of any residual anxiety and stress. On top of that, most types of physical activities are really fun, to begin with – you’ll be kept away from depression and you’ll want to pursue positive living

2. Your Sleep Quality Will Go Up

Has it ever happened to you to fall asleep easier after a rewarding workout or a sports game? As long as you don’t engage in physical activities too close to your bedtime, being so tired will only make you enjoy better, deeper sleep until the morning comes. This, in turn, will help your mind function better, will boost your creativity and will generally help you become more mindful and grateful in your day-to-day life.

3. You’ll Benefit From Extra Socialization

By taking up a team sport, you’ll not only get to have fun but also socialize more. You’ll need to come up with strategies together with your teammates, you’ll become more responsible by owning up to your mistakes and will learn to be more forgiving when the others have dropped the ball. Quite literally. A sports team is like a microcosmos that functions by following its own rules have a hierarchy and specific reward systems. Consider taking up soccer, volleyball, basketball or any other team sport and you’ll soon reconfigure your brain to become more confident, altruistic and positive

4. You’ll Become a More Confident Person

Competition is always built on goals and it’s at the core of any sport you can think of. Although it doesn’t require you to shed tears and blood, a sport will encourage you to set goals and motivate you to reach them. By setting these goals and pushing your limits, you become more powerful and confident in your own abilities. The best part about it is that confidence won’t remain on the court waiting for you to come back for another session, but it will follow you in every other aspect of your life as well. It will help you make better choices, reach the financial prosperity you’ve dreamed of and heave healthier relationships.

5. Your Concentration Will Improve

Most sports require you to make split-time decisions, not leaving you any time to ponder and take all factors into consideration. You need to jump quickly to catch that ball, you need to run as fast as you can to win the much-needed point and you need to decide where you’d like your shot to go in the opponent’s field. Your mind will gradually adapt to this fast-paced thinking rhythm and it will automatically become more focused. Ultimately the brain is a muscle and the more you work it, the more you can benefit from its strength throughout all areas of your life. Don’t forget – it’s been proven that sports can prevent the onset of cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s or ADHD.

As you can see, there are a myriad of reasons why you should take up a sport if you care about your well-being. Pick one that suits you most in terms of technical experience, effort level and socializing needs and dive right into it. Be confident that things will start changing for the better, there’s no other way but up. You just need to have a bit of dedication and push through the initial discomfort.

About the Author

‘Claudia Spataru is a free spirit located in Bucharest, Romania and always in search of answers to life’s greatest questions. She loves to understand how people work, what makes them tick and find ways to help them reach higher grounds. She adores the sea, traveling and laughing.’

Brighten your day with more than 1400 nice words from our list of positive words.

How Important Is It for Your Mental Well being to Practice a Sport

Best 9 Tips On How to Use Journaling for Mental Health

As teenagers, most of us kept diaries. We used to write what we were going through and then hide them somewhere safe. A diary was the only place we could confess our fears and struggles without being judged or punished by anyone.

It really felt good getting all of those thoughts and emotions out of your chest and down on paper. Everything seemed clearer after performing this exercise.

Most of us stopped using diaries when we reached adulthood. As an adult, you are faced with struggles on a daily basis which may result in stress, anxiety and depression. Journaling is as important today as it were during your teenage years.

In fact, it is much more important for you to start doing it now especially if you have children. If you are stressed or depressed, your children will definitely be affected.

Journaling helps you gain control of your emotions. It improves your mental health. Today, we are going to discuss how to journal for mental health. But first, let’s understand effective journaling and its benefits.

1. Effective Journaling Defined

Effective journaling is a practice that helps you achieve your goals or improve the quality of your life. Every person has different perspectives and expectations when it comes to journaling. However, the effects are always positive.

 Journaling helps in clearing the mind and making crucial connections between thoughts, emotions and behaviors. Mental illness is also reduced drastically. You might be asking yourself how a piece of paper and a pen can impact your mental health. It is surprising that such a simple practice does work. Especially for those people struggling with mental illness.

Journaling uses both the left brain and the right brain. It requires an individual to use the logical left side of the brain. While the lefts side is occupied, the right side which is normally the creative and emotional side is given the freedom to play and wonder. Journaling enhances and expands your creativity which makes a huge difference in your life.

2. Benefits of Journaling

Journaling or writing in an expressive way boosts the mood of individuals, enhances a sense of well-being, reduces the symptoms of depression before a crucial event such as an exam or job interview, reduces avoidance and intrusion symptoms and improves memory.

Journaling is really beneficial to those with a history of trauma or PTSD. Creative writing enhances mental health by guiding a person to face his or her inhibited feelings. It helps him or her analyze difficult or painful events and compose a clear narrative about his or her experience.

For those without traumatic experiences, writing is still beneficial to their mental health. Writing can make you aware of sneaky unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors before they take control of you. It helps in putting things in proper perspective. In fact, writing helps in shifting from a negative mindset to a positive one thus improving your self-esteem.

For journaling to impact your mental health positively, you need to have an appropriate method in place. Simply writing words on a page may feel wonderful at the moment but there is little proof that it will enhance your well-being and decrease your depression symptoms.

3. Journaling Effectively for Mental Health

The following tips will ensure your journaling or expressive writing is comprehensive and constructive thus beneficial to your mental health:

  • Write in a personalized space that has no distractions
  • Write at least three times in a day
  • After writing, give yourself enough time to reflect
  • If you are journaling to overcome trauma, you do not have to write about the traumatic event. Write what you are feeling at the moment.
  • Structure your writing the way you want.
  • Your journal is private. It belongs to you – not your therapist, spouse, family or friends. You can always discuss your experience with your therapist.

The Center of Journal Therapy has an effective journaling guideline that can help you improve your mental health. When you are journaling, keep in mind this simple acronym: WRITE

  • W – What are you writing about? Think of your thoughts and feelings and what is going on in your life right now. Think of your goals and what you are trying to avoid. Write it down on paper.
  • R – Reflect or review. Take a moment and be still. Breath calmly and focus. In this step, mindfulness or meditation is important. When writing, focus on the present moment with sentences such as “Today…”, “In this moment…” Start your sentences with “I” statements such as “I think…”, “I feel…”
  • I – Investigate your thoughts and emotions through writing. Just keep writing. If you feel you have written everything or your mind starts wandering, take a moment and reflect. Meditate. Or read what you have written and keep on writing.
  • T – Time yourself. Write for at least five minutes or whatever time your therapist has advised you. Write your start time and the projected end time at the top of your page. Set an alarm or timer.
  • E – Exit in a strategic way with introspection. Go through what you have written and take a moment to review and reflect. Sum up everything in one or two sentences. Start with statements like, “As I read this, I feel…”, “I am aware of…” If you have an action plan or a series of steps to follow, write them down.

4. The Science Behind Journaling or Expressive Writing

The outcomes of journal writing are evident across the world. Journaling is very effective in helping people identify and accept their thoughts and emotions, manage stress and reduce or eliminate the symptoms of mental illness.

It has been revealed that journaling affects physical well-being. Michael Grothaus, an avid writer and journalist notes that journaling strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure, improves the quality of your sleep and keeps you healthier in general.

There are other benefits for people struggling with mental issues.

5. Journaling Can Help You Manage Depression

Journaling is an effective tool in helping a person manage his or her depressive symptoms. Keep in mind that journaling is not a substitute for professional help especially when depression is severe. However, it can be used together with various forms of therapy treatment.

Journal writing has proved to manage depression in the following ways:

  • Journal writing reduces depression symptoms in women who are struggling with the effects of intimate partner violence.
  • Writing a journal is as effective as cognitive behavioral therapy when it comes to reducing depression symptoms in adolescents.
  • In some cases, expressive writing may not decrease the frequency of intrusive thoughts in depressed people but it can moderate depressive symptoms hence reduce the symptoms.
  • Journaling can reduce brooding and rumination among college students. Brooding and rumination are the biggest factors of depressive symptoms.
  • Individuals diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder reported lower depression scores after only 3 days of journal writing, twenty minutes every day.

Journal writing gives them an avenue to release negative thoughts and emotions and create a positive state of mind which ultimately leads to a sense of well-being.

6. Journaling and Anxiety

Journaling is well-suited to help you deal with anxiety. It always has positive outcomes. Barbara Markway, a popular psychologist says that there is no better way to understand your thoughts and emotions than to write them down. To address any problem, you have to know what it is first. Journaling is tool that helps in identifying the problem and getting it out.

Expressive writing positively affects your anxiety through:

  • Clearing and calming the mind.
  • Releasing negative feelings and stress.
  • Releasing negative thoughts.
  • Enabling you to explore your experiences with anxiety.
  • Helping you understand your successes and struggles.
  • Enhancing self-awareness and understanding about your triggers.
  • Tracking the progress of your treatment.

Journaling has helped students suffering from anxiety by improving their engagement and enhancing meaning in the classroom.     

7. Journaling and Stress Management

Journaling is great tool for anyone who wants to manage his or her stress to prevent it from pushing him or her to anxiety and depression. Keeping a journal will help you understand your emotions, connect thoughts and experiences and release tension. Additionally, it can help you do away with sources of stress to reach your goals.

Journaling can help you manage stress through:

  • Improving the functions of your mind.
  • Decreasing or eliminating several health conditions.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Proper planning through considering several possible outcomes of a situation.  
  • Decreasing rumination while enhancing action.

8. Journaling and Recovery

Journaling can help you heal fast regardless of the event, disorder or habit you are struggling with.

If you are struggling with the effects of trauma, expressive writing will enable you to see the good side of life. It can change your perspective and help you discover the advantages of the trauma you are experiencing which ultimately reduces severe symptoms that come with trauma.

If you are struggling with an eating disorder, journal writing can be a source of your healing and recovery. Keeping a journal will help you stop avoiding issues and instead confront them head on.

If you are grappling with a psychiatric condition, expressive writing can help you understand your thoughts and stop worrying over them. This will ultimately free up your mind to cope with stress and manage your feelings.

One of the most traumatic events is the death of a loved one. Journaling can help you deal with this as well. Expressive writing will give you a chance to think about the loss and reduce severe symptoms that come with grief. This works even for children dealing with the loss of a loved one.

To fully recover, journaling is an important exercise because it allows you to write your thoughts, emotions and emotions. Doing this maintains and solidifies your identity. It gives you a chance to reflect on your experiences and rediscover yourself.

9. When You Have No Idea What to Write About

Some days, you will simply have no idea what to write about. You should not put your journal away if this is the case. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Describe an experience – Sometimes, all you can do to start writing is describing what you worked on today or what you thought about. You will definitely have more to say than you thought.
  • Affirmation – When you have run out of ideas and your self-esteem is low, write affirmations such as, “I like myself” or “I am a great writer.” After this exercise, you will find something to write about and at the same time, boost your confidence and enhance your well-being.
  • Gratitude – Writing with gratitude works like magic. Write about the people and everything in your life that you are grateful for. Gratitude will help you get ideas to write on and enhance your well-being.
  • Self-Analysis – Ask yourself deep questions such as “Who am I?”, “What did I do right today?” and “What will I do differently next time?” Once you answer these questions, ideas will start flowing in your mind.


Journaling has many positive outcomes for everyone. However, it has its negative side such as dragging up memories that you forgot, overwhelming emotions and pushing you into introspectiveness. The good news is that its benefits far outweigh the disadvantages.

Journaling can help you manage stress, anxiety and depression. It is a tool that can improve your mental health. And you do not need to be a terrific writer to write down your thoughts and emotions. If you need help to process all your thoughts and emotions that can arise from journaling, try speaking to a licensed therapist.

Remember, your journal is private. Keep it somewhere safe after use. And write every single day.    

About the Author

Tiffany Harper is an experienced writer from New York (USA) and an extremely active woman. She began her career as a journalist, now she works as a consultant with professional essay writers, essay writing service uk, UK Assignment Holic, makes researches for rush essay, Essay Mama writing service, and UK Assignment Holic. Also, Tiffany works as a special mentor with RushMyEssay, BestEssay, boom essays reviews, AustralianWritings, mostly in wellness and healthy lifestyle area. She gets inspiration for writing from travels and meeting new people, feel free to contact her on Twitter.

Positive Words Research – How to Use Journaling for Mental Health

How to Use Journaling for Mental Health

12 Awesome Ways To Drink Water Daily To Boost Your Health

Drinking water seems to be a monotonous and boring task but it is extremely important to drink water for keeping the body well hydrated.

In fact drinking water regularly is very important for the proper functioning of the body. It is good for skin and aids in digestion. One can have a live chat with the doctor to find out a way for remaining hydrated. Here are some ways to drink water daily.

Some Ways To Drink Water Daily

1. Adding flavor to water: Some excitement can be added to the boring pitcher by putting in some fruits (like lemon or strawberries), vegetables (cucumber or ginger) and herbs (like basil, mint or lavender). The longer these slices are allowed to steep in, the tastier the water will become. One can also try playing combinations like ginger-lemon or mint-cucumber. Live chat with a doctor can be opted for finding more about this.

2. Drinking water after every visit to the bathroom: Associating drinking water every time one visits to the toilet, helps in getting the water flushed out. As the person has already got up from work, so it’s the right time to have a brimming glass of water too. Moreover, the more the person will drink water, means more visits to the toilet and more water intake!

3. Sipping before eating every time: Gulping down before eating something even at a restaurant, while waiting for the food to be delivered, a person can sip down some water. Such a simple rule helps in reminding that it’s time to drink water. Setting up such a simple rule, helps in automatically drinking water, without putting in more efforts. A person can have live chat with a doctor to find the ways to remain hydrated.  

4. Using an app for keeping a record: Using an app not only helps in reminding to drink water and keeping the record easily, but it adds more excitement to it. One can keep a record of the number of glasses drank in a day by using the app like ‘Daily Water’ or ‘Daily Water Free’. It can be easily downloaded on phone for setting up daily alarms and reminders.

5. Diluting sugary beverages: In case the person is very fond of having sugary beverages like ice tea, lemonade, juices, it is the best way to dilute with some water and ice. The person will get the sweetness which is usually craved for; at the same time it helps in getting some extra water. Live chat with a doctor can tell more about these beverages.

6. Keeping water nearby: While working on the desktop or watching television, it is a great idea to keep a jug aside. The water kept on the side helps in reminding that it is time to sip some water. The more the person will look at the jug, the more he/she will be reminded to gulp it down and refill it.

7. Eating foods rich in water content: One of the ideal ways to keep hydrated is consuming foods which are high in water content. Hence, while shopping out why not fill the grocery cart with some water-rich fruits and veggies like cucumber (consists of 96 percent water), zucchini (consists of 95 percent water), watermelon (consists of 92 percent water), and grapefruit (consists of 91 percent water). One can eat these in raw form or try having it as soups, salads or juices. There are many more such fruits and veggies, information about it can be attained by having live chat with the doctor.

8. Using a bottle with marked water levels: One of the ideal ways to count your consumption is using the bottle with mark up for revealing the actual attainment. In a way it also helps in encouraging keeping the person on track. Moreover, it is fun in counting that the set goals are attained in the desired way. For this purpose colored tumblers with markings can also be picked up.

9. Snacking on salty thing: It may appear strange, but it’s very true that more a person snack on the salty food, more you feel thirsty.  The increased sodium intake, leads to drain out of water from the body, leading to a desire for drinking more. One can try having salty almonds which will make it hard to salty away from water. Salty nuts can be the ideal way to sip down more water.

10. Sipping some herbal tea: Herbal tea, unlike regular caffeinated tea is not a diuretic. Rather it helps in keeping the body hydrated. It is available in different flavors like lemon, ginger-honey, basil, floral or spicy, which can be tried any time. One can go for steaming cup during winter or an icy treat during summers. So, one can make it a habit to relish on herbal tea every time there is a desire to drink something for a yummy watery treat.

11. Keeping water bottles handy: It is better to keep water within reach, while working or while driving somewhere. Though water can be bought from anywhere while outside, but is utter wastage of time and money. So, why not keep some bottle ready to drink while going out. Moreover, these reusable bottles can be refilled as and when required. Moreover, when anyone is stuck in heavy traffic it is good to have water in the car or bike, so that gulping down some sips can provide some relief in a sweaty and chaotic situation.

12. Drinking water after exercising: Whether it is a workout session or a long walk, the body drain out water due to heavy sweating. This is the ideal time to hydrate the body with a few ounces to maintain the water level in the body. For this reason, the water bottle needs to be kept filled every time one is planning to work out or go for a jogging session. Moreover, associating the regular exercise regime will automatically remind to drink some sips so that one doesn’t feel drained out, low or sloshy.

Useful Recourses: Best used of Bifilac

Water is the essence of life. The functioning of the body and the vitality of the person depends greatly on water intake. It is essential to sip down some water at regular intervals. One needs to plan out drinking water regularly by keeping water close by. Water alarms can also be an ideal way to remind drinking water. One can try having water-rich food or hydrating beverages for attaining the daily quota of water. Live chat with a doctor can help in finding more in this regard.

Positive Words Research – 12 Awesome Ways To Drink Water Daily

12 Awesome Ways To Drink Water Daily

7 Astounding Ways Your Mattress Affects Health and Sleep

Most people don’t feel the significance of the best mattresses for their good night sleep and don’t find its importance in their well-being in their daily lives.  As it is a known fact that, every individual, in general, spend 1/3rd of their lives sleeping so there should be a huge impact on your sleep if you do not sleep on a comfortable mattress isn’t it. That is why it is important to consider purchasing the comfortable mattress to avoid the surprising ways of mattress affect your health and sleep.

You should consider three elements to a healthy life, including Exercise, Sleep, and Diet. One of the main reasons for poor sleep is your poor mattress. It’s a fact that when you didn’t get proper sleep, then it gets even more difficult to exercise and the entire day seems to be dull and inactive. That is why you should invest in a good mattress and only a few people recognize the significance of investing in a good mattress.  If you ask who are at risk, Well, the people who do not get at least seven hours of good sleep are at risk of bigger health issues.

The seven surprising ways that a mattress affects your sleep and health include:

1. Stress:

Poor sleeping habits lead to higher stress levels. Today, many people suffer from higher stress levels because of poor sleep and it is due to using the poor or old mattress. Currently, you can find the most advanced technology used in designing a high-quality mattress that can easily reduce your stress levels. That is why it is important to replace your old mattress with the new one, especially if your mattress is more than eight-years-old.

2. Allergies:

If you are using your mattress for a longer period, then it will become a breeding area for various micro-organisms, which can cause allergies. Sometimes, these dust mites can become a serious health threat. You should always clean your mattress frequently, also, replace your old mattress with the new one if you are suffering from a runny nose or a sore throat.

3. Back Pain:

Do not go for the ultra-plush mattress as it is not suggestible for your posture, it may cause an abnormal bend in your lower back. You should always check the mattress before buying it and check if it is giving a proper neck and spine alignment. But at the same time if you do not have any pain or sleeping issues getting a plush mattress in a box online or store can continue to give you a good night’s sleep.

4. Constant Fatigue:

If you are feeling unexcited and exhausted even after sleeping for eight hours continuously, then it is so clear that it is the issue of the poor mattress.  Also, when the mattress gets old, it directly affects the quality of sleep.

5. Wear & Tear:

If you feel lumps on the mattress or you might be having back pain because of the torn mattress spring. It is the right time to buy a new mattress with advanced technology.

6. Creaking:

If you hear a creaking sound, then that means the springs may not be working properly and it makes a creaking noise when you move or toss and turn on the mattress.

7. Insomnia:

It is a fact that a good night sleep can be obtained with a good quality mattress and it is a very important factor to consider if you are suffering from Insomnia. The only solution to prevent this is buying a new mattress.

7 Astounding Ways Your Mattress Affects Your Health and Sleep

Best 5 Positive Effects of Changing Your Sleep For Health

You may not feel any immediate effects of missing out on sleep, but if you are consecutively getting less than 7 hours of sleep each night you are making yourself susceptible to sleep deprivation.

The symptoms of being sleep deprived include far more than just feeling tired. If you consistently skip out on a good night’s rest, you can experience a bad attitude, mood swings, a slowed immune system, trouble concentrating, high blood pressure, and a risk for diabetes and other serious conditions.

Putting your health on the line is no joke. You should be serious about getting your 7-9 hours of high-quality, restorative sleep each night. This will improve your life in more ways than just feeling energized. If you work on fixing your sleep routine and consistently getting healthy rest each night, you’ll start to see a lot of beneficial changes in your life.

The Positive Effects of Changing Your Sleep

1. You’ll have a better outlook on life

Quality sleep is an incredibly important component in keeping your mental health in order. Whether you realize it or not, going through your days feeling tired gives you a negative attitude. Waking up on the wrong side of the bed makes you groggy, moody, and irritable. In fact, severe sleep deprivation can even lead to feelings of depression and anxiety.

When you start getting better sleep more regularly, you’ll find yourself feeling energized and generally more optimistic. Don’t let your exhaustion drag you down; improve your sleep routine to help boost your overall mood for a more enjoyable life.

2. You’ll be a better employee

Better sleep = better cognitive function. When you’re well-rested, you become more alert and have an easier time concentrating. Sleeping can even help improve your memory. A 2010 Harvard study showed that taking the time to sleep on an issue and dreaming can help you reactivate and reorganize information which improves memory and boosts overall performance.

If you’re looking to be a more productive employee, dedicate time to your ZZZs so your brain has the rest time it needs to function better during the day.

3. You’ll be in better shape

Some of the explanations for being in worse shape when you lose sleep are obvious. When you’re struggling to get through your day you’ll be more prone to pick up sugary snacks or a venti latte. You’ll also be less enthused to work out and be active, and you may choose fast food over a home-cooked healthy meal for the sake of being on low energy.

However, there’s also some science behind it. Being low on sleep triggers a cortisol spike in your body. This stress hormone sends a signal in your body to conserve energy to fuel you, which means your body clings to fat. Being sleep deprived also makes you “metabolically groggy,” slowing down your body’s ability to process insulin, a hormone that converts sugar, starches, and other food into energy. A recent study on this found insulin sensitivity to drop by more than 30% when you’re sleep-deprived.

So by managing your late nights, you’ll also be able to manage your diet better.

4. You’ll look better

When you lose sleep, your skin barrier function slows down. This means if you aren’t sleeping enough, your skin isn’t retaining moisture as well as it would with more than seven hours of sleep. You also lose out on the time needed for healing from sun damage. Lingering sun damage makes you more susceptible to skin cancer and it also increases aging.

Of course, there are other factors that affect your skin quality such as genetics, diet, and skincare routine, but quality sleep will help you keep your skin glowing. It turns out that beauty sleep is the real deal, so don’t skimp out on your sleep.

5. How to improve your ZZZs

Maybe you’re ready to get more serious about your sleep, but you don’t know where to start. Here are some tips to help you start having more healthy, consistent sleep each night:

  • Develop a routine: Help your body fall into a rhythm by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. This will make it easier to stick to consistent sleep.
  • Try natural remedies: Using essential oils, a warm bath, a cup of herbal tea, or some nighttime yoga stretches can help relax you for sleep.
  • Re-evaluate your mattress: You should be updating your mattress every 10 years for your best sleep. Know the signs your mattress needs an upgrade.
  • Block out noises: Try a white noise machine to mask background sounds if they are disturbing your sleep.
  • Set up your sleep haven: Your bedroom plays a role in how well you sleep. Optimize your bedroom space for a better night’s rest.

Author bio: Laurie Larson is a freelance writer based in Durham, NC. When she isn’t busy writing, she enjoys spending time in nature and her favorite coffee shops.

Positive Words Research – The Positive Effects of Changing Your Sleep

The Positive Effects of Changing Your Sleep

Real Reasons Why Health Insurance is a Necessity Today

Health is of principal significance. In any case, the tragic reality of the present world is that an ever-increasing number of individuals are at risk of getting critical infections and illnesses, and are prey to basic ailments. Basic disease, the term itself is overwhelming.

Great health and its support have progressively turned into a subject of enthusiasm for all of us. We continually attempt to find better approaches to live more beneficial lives. While our mission for predictable great health is an essential and dynamic goal, it is similarly imperative to be discerning of the way that health afflictions frequently happen unannounced; subsequently hosing our spirits and as a rule notwithstanding copying an opening in our pocket. So, one can simply be set up to face such an inevitability by taking a health care coverage insurance with a sufficient cover, so they can benefit from quality restorative treatment without being worried about the oppressive costs identified with it.

Alarming that regardless of the rising charges at doctor’s facilities, expanding medical procedure bills and expensive prescriptions, a huge segment of the Indian populace stays uninsured or under-protected; plainly the absence of mindfulness about the requirement for health scope and the alternatives accessible remains a test.

Why Health Insurance is a Necessity Today

Why Health Insurance

Indians, on a normal, still pay 60 rupees out-of-their-pockets for every 100 rupees that they spend on health care, where widely received medical coverage/ insurance items guarantee that self-financed social insurance spends are constrained to just 15-20% of a person’s aggregate medicinal services costs. Medicinal services costs are set to just heighten later on.

Keep in mind forget that medical coverage/ insurance isn’t a venture. It is intended to acquire and not create returns! It is simply by paying an ostensible premium of just a couple of hundred rupees for every month, you are acquiring your future against any medicinal exigency.

India’s medical coverage part is as of now at a beginning stage and is developing. There are various outcomes to browse and a portion of the arrangements currently give an extensive variety of Sum Insured alternatives, overall restorative scope, and even an everyday stipend to meet your non-medicinal, accidental costs amid hospitalization. There are currently outcomes that even address unending afflictions like diabetes and tumor. Going ahead, item refinement will just increment even as the utilization of innovation will influence the whole support of process more streamlined and client-driven.

Key Points to remember while buying a Health Insurance Policy

1. Fulfills your requirements and goes with your budget.

Your insurance should be able to cover your immediate medical needs.

It should have coverage of the amount that might be needed by you in your time period.

In this decision, you need to consider your pocket as well as whether the premium suits your pocket or not.

2. The network of medical institutions.

You need to learn about the hospital networks in the insurance.

Generally, Big Insurance companies cover almost every reputed hospital.

You need to be assured that the hospitals in your nearby locality are included in their list for immediate need.

3. No claim bonus.

Many times the policyholder does not require the insurance.

In such cases, he has invested an amount with no return.

Some companies do offer a bonus for such policyholders.

In this case, at least the holder might get something for the amount he paid.

4. Age eligibility.

Many of the insurance companies do have their policies for adults above 60 while others don’t.

Here one can apply for the whole family which is beneficial for the individual as well as the company.

5. Claiming process.

Some companies do have a big procedure for this.

One should know about the claiming process before purchasing any policy.

This might help him decide the company or agency.

6. Maternity benefits.

These are needed by the women buying the policies before their pregnancy period.

Mostly they should look for a company that covers maternity medical expenses in it as well.

7. Insurance coverage.

Ensure the insurance to be bought covers a large number of diseases particularly the pre-existing. Even the diseases that your parents might have suffered from.

This comes under the pre-existing category.

Consistently, the Insurance organization and Development Authority of India (IRDA) declares a rundown of medical coverage organizations. There are a couple of essential highlights that assist it to rate the insurance agencies, for example, their exhibitions, Incurred Claim Ratio, and general advantages offered to their clients. Here are the best medical coverage organizations in India both public and private.

New India Assurance Health Insurance Public Sector

Established in 1919 by Sir Dorabji Tata, New India Assurance Co. Ltd. is one of India’s most conspicuous general Health Insurance, situated in Mumbai. The organization was already an auxiliary under the General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC), however, accomplished self-governance later on according to the IRDA Act, 1999.

New India Assurance isn’t just among the most established, yet in addition, the most confided in backup plan in the nation. The New India Assurance has additionally teamed up with a portion of the nation’s driving open part banks, and money-related associations to additionally grow its dispersion system and client base. Under its medical coverage arm, New India Assurance offers various all-around selected plans for people and families.

United India Health Insurance Public Sector

United India Insurance Company Limited, is India’s second-biggest government-possessed General Health Insurance Company of premium worth more than Rs.16,000 crore.  At present obliges a client base of more than 10 million by means of its system of more than 2200 workplaces and provincial branches. Since its initiation, United India Insurance has reliably influenced the news with its accomplishments and developments in the general protection of space.

ICICI Lombard Health Insurance Private Sector

ICICI Lombard Health Insurance Company offers cashless hospitalization in its huge system of more than 3,200 system doctor’s facilities. They have one of the speediest cases preparing groups among any protection supplier in the diversion. Cashless cases are dealt with specifically by the organization and the healing center, and repayment claims are taken care of inside 14 days.

Star Health Insurance Private Sector

As India’s first independent medical coverage organization, Star Health Insurance is available everywhere throughout the nation with more than 290 branch workplaces and more than 7,000 system doctor’s facilities. They have a record cashless cases endorsement rate of 90%, all done within one hour of the claim being made. No mediation of a TPA has guaranteed that Star Health Insurance Company has a high rate of consumer loyalty, and prides itself on its problem-free direct claim settlement process.

Positive Words Research – Why Health Insurance is a Necessity Today

Why Health Insurance is a Necessity Today

6 Easy Tips to be Healthy And Live Healthier Lifestyle

In today’s world, to be healthy and living a healthy lifestyle may prove to be a challenge. There are plenty of lifestyle choices, and while some of them are healthy, most are worldly and just add more toxic to the body. It seems easy to neglect health because that is what you see most people do and the equilibrium on health becomes blurry.

Time and again, it has been proven science and by personal accounts that living a healthy lifestyle can lead to a longer, healthier and happier life. It’s surprisingly easy, even easier than unhealthy lifestyle choices. Here are 6 easy steps to be healthy and live a healthier lifestyle.

1. Put Your Food Away When You’re Done Serving Yourself

Eating is a normal, regular habit that everyone enjoys. There are the daily main meals, then there are the in-between snacks. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with eating, eating too much – therein lies the rub.

The best and easiest way to avoid this is to put away the food after you are done service yourself. Only put the right amount of food that you will eat. This way, you will not be tempted to add more, losing track of how much you have eaten.

2. Exercise Daily To Be Healthy

You’ve heard this many times, but only because it’s true. Exercise is good for you. Many people are becoming hooked to exercise, from simple running for leisure to going to the gym. Anywhere between that is definitely good for your body and health.

Exercise keeps your body regulated well and your mind active. Start exercising daily for a healthier and longer life.

3. Use Foods Over Supplements

Supplements have been around long enough for you to think that it’s a natural way of eating. While supplements are known to boost health functions, nothing beats the natural method. Instead of taking supplements that will supply your body with the nutrients you need, eat the types of food that are packed with nutrients instead.

Natural is always much preferable because it has fewer preservatives and the nutrients come from its main source.

4. Drink a Glass of Water Before Each Meal.

The recommended daily water intake should be at least eight glasses, but did you know that experts further recommend you to drink a glass of water before each meal? There are two main reasons behind this. One, drinking water before a meal makes it smoother for your stomach to digest the food and your organs to function smoothly when processing the nutrients. Two, water will easily make you feel full and keep you from eating too much. This makes it easier to limit your meal and choose food that is healthier.

5. Get a Good Night’s Sleep To Be Healthy

Sleep is important, and that cannot be stressed enough. While it seems okay to push your body to the limit, sleeping should not be compromised. At least six hours of sleep every night and a nap in the middle of the day is recommended for adults to be able to function properly.

While sleeping, brain development works twice as much and many organs process cell regeneration. To put it simply, sleeping renews your strength and improves your entire self.

6. Eat Your Vegetables To Be Healthy

Probably the healthiest lifestyle choice to have a healthy and long life is to eat vegetables. Natural greens are the healthiest of them all. While giving in to your craving from time to time is just a healthy balance and a good reward for yourself, it is recommended that you have at least one “green” in your every meal.

Detox Organics can guide you further on your road to a healthy life.

Loving your life means making the effort of staying healthy – an effort that, as proven many times, does not require much from you. Choosing to be healthy is quite easier than you are made to think. So choose the healthier path now. Remember, health is wealth.

Author Bio

Joshua is a writer for Detox Organics who loves to write an article on health & fitness. He is always involved in fitness. He believes health is wealth & to stay healthy & for that, we need to have a green superfood along with detox drinks!

Eat Your Vegetables

10 Positive Thinking Tips: Power of Positivity on Your Health

Thoughts and attitude towards life is an indicator of success or failure. Positive thinking leads to success whereas negative thinkers fall into the bucket of failure. Thoughts of a person strongly affect his health according to the thoughts might think. If a person is a positive thinker, his mind grows and stays sound and healthy. It assists him in making decisions, leading tasks, and taking risks.

On the other hand, negative vibes disturb the functioning of our brain. It compresses the mind that leads to failure, depression, anxiety, or success. Positive thoughts are a sign of good health. Positive thinking is an approach to thinking about matters in a constructive way. Check out this best hipaa compliant texting app.

In this approach, the person is looking for good news or plus point even in the bad news or unfavorable situation. It teaches you to stay calm and control your decisions.

The power of positivity

Decisions of a person following a negative thinking approach are controlled by his negative thoughts. In this approach, the person attains a skeptical attitude towards every prospect of his life.

Researchers proved that positive thinkers are long-livers, stress releases, and have sound immunity systems. Psychiatrists argued that positive thinkers have minimal chances of having any heart or mental disease.
They are mentally and physically strong enough to go through any tragedy or trauma. Nowadays, in an era where competitions are high, it becomes necessary to work hard and extra to survive. In this situation, the work of heavy load can easily be tackled if you have a sound mind and a healthy body.

The positive thinking approach has the power to boost your inner and physical health. You can transform your thoughts in a positive manner using the following tips.

1. Meditation

Meditation has a positive effect on the soul as well as on the body of a person. It teaches a person to stay calm and control their breaths, which assists the person in tackling warm situations.

Also, seeds a plant of positivity in the heart of a person that reduces stress. It slows down aging and improves the cardiovascular and immune systems of a person, which is considered the power of positivity.

2. The best project to work on is yourself!

Developing yourself into a more positive person has a vast beneficial impact on your health. According to medical specialists, it helps people in stress alleviation, moderate blood pressure, less anxiety, and increases serotonin. It has an impact on a person’s mood and attitude.

Getting yourself engaged in such personal development may assist you to keep away from the negativities. Engagement in such kinds of activities as personal development courses increase the motivation level, improves the focus, and creates a sense of direction in a person.

Strategically planned personal development will help you eliminate the negativities from your mind and enhance the positivity in your decisions. This will assist you to take a diversion from your monotonous life. Also, engage yourself in physical or mental health activities.

3. Adopt a company of positive people

A person adopts numerous habits from a company he keeps. Surroundings of negative people dominate your negative thoughts whereas adopting a company of positive people has a great impact on the thoughts and values of a person. The more positivity you have in your life, the brighter the world around you will become.

4. Set your priorities straight!

The minds of people who do not have any priorities, goals, and ambitions are like houses without residents.  No or wrong priorities contribute to the development of negative thoughts in minds.

Prioritization in life hinders the level of stress and resistance to do work. It develops a sense of responsibility in a person, which is a smooth step towards positivity.

5. Don’t let your emotions go out of hand and be decisive

Most of the people complain about the situation in which they do not want to be. Instead of complaining, a person should learn how to take control of the situation. Learning to control decisions allows you to throw out negativities from your mind.

It also develops a sense of achievement and responsibility. Guess what is more positive than one handling an unfavorable situation in a cool and calm manner.

6. Believe in yourself

The best approach towards positivity is to maintain your self-confidence and believe in yourself. It boosts your positivity towards each and every aspect of life. Your confidence allows you to stay tall in front of negativities and act as a barrier.

7. Explore the bright side of everything

We live in a society of critics, where everyone is busy criticizing others for anything and from the other side. Everybody is busy thinking about what others think about them.

This approach leads to low self-esteem and less positivity. The best approach towards positivity is that always look for the bright side of the picture. It is the power of positivity to find out the good news in a bad situation. That helps in the development of a healthy mind.

8. Enhance positive self-talk and self-motivation

A person’s best friend is his inner self whom he was talking to all the time.  That best friend has a great influence on your mind and heart.

If you are talking negatively about your inner self, it means you are approaching negativities. You should avoid negative talks and increase self-talks on positive matters as well as on negative matters in a positive way.

9. Learn from failures and move ahead

Failure and success both are a vital parts of life. Behind every success, there are many failures. Those who face failure positively by learning from it and moving on led to success.

Most people blame themselves for failure, which restricts them to lead towards success. The constructive thought and action towards failure are to learn from failure, which develops a sense of positivity and makes the mind healthy.

10. Set Realistic Goals

Another step towards positivity is to increase expectations from your own and set realistic goals and targets for yourself. People who tend to set realistic goals are very much likely to achieve them.

Unreasonable and unrealistic goals are impossible to achieve and continuous failure of achievement leads to depression. Avoid setting unrealistic goals and try to be a down-to-earth person. Achievement of realistic goals removes negative vibes from the mind and keeps the mind healthy.

In order to enhance positivity, you should learn how to eliminate negativity from your thoughts. This could be done by understanding the impact of negative thoughts on your health.

Negative thoughts play an important role in the progression of depression, anxiety, and stress. Negativity affects your health mentally (i.e. anxiety, mood changes, lack of interest and motivation, etc.) as well as physically (i.e. shoulder pain, migraines, and insomnia, etc).

In contrast, the benefits of positive thinking are enormous. It also helps you developmentally and physically. The power of positivity makes great changes in people’s lives.

Author’s Bio

Asma Niaz is an Academic writer who loves to write stellar content on various educational topics, programs, training, and courses.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

power of positivity

How Motivation Affects Your Health: Key Things To Know

Motivation is something that provides us with the energy that we need to purse the results. We can gain this strength either from within us or from external sources. So, it can either be an extrinsic or an intrinsic motivation.

What is the extrinsic motivation?

It is a type, where we gain the inspiration from external sources. For instance, you get it from your friend or your family member. They might use their words to provoke you to perform something.

What is the intrinsic motivation?

As the name of this impetus very well defines, it is the one that arises from within you. For instance, if you are a self-motivated individual, you might feel from within that you should achieve something. It can be something related to your studies, your job or even your personal life.

Is motivation always good?

When we see the outline, the enthusiasm is good. It keeps us moving. In fact, without motivation, we cannot wake up every day to lead our life. We wake up just because we have the desire to live and this desire acts as a stimulus from within.
On the flip side, the provocation from within or from external sources can create a whole lot of stress. When it forms a tension to achieve, it is not good.

You know the effects of stress on the human body. Yes, the excessive pressure faced by people these days in their professional and personal life forces them to health issues. They get high blood pressure and diabetes at a very young age. Even, it takes to life-threatening conditions like heart failure, thereby risking the lives of individuals.

What are the ill-effects of motivation?

Ill-effects of intrinsic motivation

  • It can change the behavior
  • Needs a particular attention and lengthy preparation
  • A wide range of approaches might be required to feel self-motivated.

Ill-effects of extrinsic motivation

  • Provides distraction
  • Difficulty in identifying appropriate punishment and rewards
  • In-effective after a longer period
  • Once the external motivator removes the prize, the impulse goes away

Effect of motivation on Dopamine

Dopamine is a compound that is present in the body as a neurotransmitter. It is a forerunner of other substances inclusive of adrenaline. Neurotransmitters are responsible for carrying chemical messages that play in the brain and have an effect on the other parts of the body. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in the science of motivation.

Effect of dopamine on the health

Low levels dopamine can lead to lack of motivation. So, naturally, the production of this neurotransmitter will increase if you are motivated. At high doses, it can correct low blood pressure because of low systemic vascular resistance. It is useful in treating hypotension, reduced perfusion of the body organ and low cardiac output.

If you are too much motivated, you will have a lot of stress in your mind to achieve the goal. When the dopamine instigates the release of stress hormones, the response can quickly turn into bad. When stressed, many changes will happen in your body. If you do not take adequate sleep at nights due to high-stress levels, it can, in turn, have an ill-effect on your overall health.

Stress can contribute to chronic inflammation, which, in turn, will affect your digestive system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system and also the skin. All these things can leave your body open to diseases like cancer and rheumatoid arthritis.
Even, it can lead to psychological issues like permanent memory loss, sleep disturbances, depression, and difficulties with learning, attention-deficits, anger, agitation, and anxiety.


As the famous adage goes “Too much of anything is good for nothing”. It holds true in the case of motivation too. So, you can stay motivated, but you should know how to relax yourself to prevent the stress building.

Author ~ Akshay Patni

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

intrinsic motivation

Why You Should Focus on a Healthy Lifestyle Every Day

In order to have a happy and healthy life, you have to work on your lifestyle. While it would be amazing to download an app that changes our life for the better, that is impossible, and you have to make some effort. A healthy lifestyle is a combination of a well-balanced and fitness along with healthy sleep pattern, avoiding alcohol, and stress management.

A common misconception is that it’s enough to work on just one or two of these factors and experience tremendous benefits. For instance, some people make diet tweaks but overlook fitness entirely. The new year is almost here, and one of your resolutions is to focus on a healthy lifestyle. Here are some important reasons why you should introduce fitness into your life.

We don’t exercise enough…

Some people have an active lifestyle while others exercise occasionally or not at all. The US Department of Health and Human Services reports that less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day. Also, only one in three adults achieves the recommended amount of physical activity within a week. More than 80% of the US adults don’t meet aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercise guidelines just like 80% of teens.

…and obesity rates in the US reached all-time high

Due to consumption of unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle, rates of overweight and obesity have risen significantly in the US. In fact, they reached all-time high according to the latest report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Their figures show that about four in ten US adults have a BMI that classifies them as obese. Shockingly, adult obesity rates have increased from 30.5% in 1999-2000 to 39.6% in 2015-16.

Fitness aids weight management

Overweight and obesity increase the risk of different diseases and health conditions. Excess weight has a negative effect on quality of life. Makes you more susceptible to diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. It’s more likely to develop arthritis, and so much more. A growing body of evidence confirms that physical activity is vital for weight management.

One study analyzed the efficacy of aerobic exercise on weight loss. Results found that weight loss from baseline to 10 months for 400 and 600kcal/session groups were 4.9kg and 5.6kg while people in control group (no aerobic activity) gained weight.

Testosterone Boost

As men age, their testosterone levels decrease. This process is accelerated by many factors including a sedentary lifestyle. Symptoms associated with low testosterone include weak drive, fat accumulation, weight gain, loss of muscle mass, hair loss, and many others.

On the other hand, fitness increases production of this much-needed hormone, thus preventing all these symptoms. Fitness might protect you from health conditions contributed by hormonal imbalance. For instance, a study of the Mechanisms of Ageing and Development found that strength training can induce growth hormone and testosterone increase in men regardless of their age.

Stress management

Lack of sleep, busy lifestyle, too many things to do but not enough time… These are just some of many factors that cause stress. When left unresolved, stress creates numerous problems. Can lead to low energy, lack of productivity, and it contributes to many other problems such as anxiety, depression.

Stress can also aggravate symptoms of some health condition you may have. Fitness proves to be an amazing way to alleviate stress and get some much-needed relaxation.

Plus, the Journal of the Osteopathic Association published a study which found that workouts in a group setting have a more favorable effect on stress reduction and quality of life than individual training sessions. This is an amazing reason to start working out with your friends.

You’ll sleep better

Modern lifestyle and sleep deprivation seem to go hand in hand, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Lack of sleep depletes your energy, makes it difficult for you to function at work and school. Also contributes to weight gain, and it affects cognitive functioning.

Introduce fitness into your lifestyle, and you’ll sleep better. The journal Mental Health and Physical Activity found that people who exercise regularly feel less sleepy during the day. Workout helps you sleep better at night. Other studies confirmed that regular physical activity improves quality of sleep in the middle- to older adults with sleep problems.

Enhanced libido

As seen above, regular physical activity is tied to improved testosterone production. Testosterone is important for your drive, which is why the decreased concentration of this hormone causes low libido.

A sedentary lifestyle is a major killer of your drive due to its effect on weight gain, hormone levels, and impaired blood flow. A study published in the Archives of Behavior revealed that men who exercise regularly experienced greater enhancement.

Not only regular exercise helps increase libido, but it also allows you to perform better between the sheets. See, fitness pays off.

Stronger Erection

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as the inability to achieve and maintain an erection firm enough to have intercourse. Occasional erectile dysfunction is a common problem, but in some men, it can be persistent.
Although can be frustrating for both an affected man and his significant other, this problem is entirely manageable.

The British Journal of Sports Medicine featured a study which found that men with ED could benefit from exercise or any other type of physical activity.

Sharper memory

Our cognitive abilities fluctuate just like everything else. Sometimes your memory, focus, problem-solving skills, and other cognitive functions are on “fire”. Though, in other instances, you struggle. That’s because different factors influence your brain health and its functioning, and sedentary lifestyle is one of them. Introducing fitness to your lifestyle will lead to many positive changes and sharp memory is one of them.

Regular exercise is a strong promoter of cognitive health, studies show. Physical activity influences molecular events via epigenetic mechanisms that have the potential to modulate cognitive abilities. Unhealthy lifestyle characteristic for the modern age is the main culprit of obesity. This is also associated with neurological disorders that hamper cognitive function.

According to researchers from the Harvard University, fitness improves your memory in both direct and indirect manner. When it comes to the direct influence of exercise on memory and cognitive skills, physical activity reduces insulin resistance, inflammation, and stimulates the release of growth factors (chemicals that participate in brain cells’ health). Exercise also promotes the growth of new blood vessels in your brain and production of new brain cells.

The indirect impact of exercise on brain and memory is through its ability to improve sleep and mood. Sleep deprivation and stress/anxiety negatively affect cognitive abilities. We can say that fitness takes an all-around approach toward sharper memory.


Even though most people don’t like to exercise, fitness is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. As seen throughout this article, fitness is necessary for weight management, memory, performance, testosterone, sleep, and many other things.

In order to get the maximum out of your daily workouts, you should pair it with a well-balanced diet. Remember, any kind of activity is better than no activity at all. Your fitness routine should involve something you’re passionate about because you’re more likely to stick to it this way.

Author’s Bio

Will O’Conner

He has been a Health & Fitness Advisor for Consumer Health Digest. He loves to write about General Health & Fitness topics. Will also believes in providing knowledgeable information to readers and constantly motivates them to achieve their goals. He is also passionate about traveling, arts and discovers and writes for people.
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healthy lifestyle

Tор 10 Foods Fоr Pоѕіtіvе Lіfеѕtуlе And Healthy Living Today

A роѕіtіvе lifestyle is nесеѕѕаrу for the рrореr wеll-bеіng of the individual. Wіthоut a роѕіtіvе аttіtudе, lіfе becomes dull аnd mоnоtоnоuѕ. A роѕіtіvе реrѕоn mаkеѕ еvеrуthіng аrоund іtѕеlf роѕіtіvе.

The роwеr оf nаturаl fооdѕ hаѕn’t bееn rеаlіzеd fоr some dесаdеѕ. Which was probably forgotten оr just еxсhаngеd for the оftеn bеttеr tasting рrосеѕѕеd оnеѕ? Bооѕtіng your іmmunе system wіth whole fооdѕ, vеgеtаblеѕ and fruits іѕ the оnlу ѕuѕtаіnаblе way fоr орtіmаl health.

Mіnеrаl And Vіtаmіnѕ Соnѕumрtіоn

The mоѕt powerful wау tо up оur mіnеrаl and vіtаmіnѕ соnѕumрtіоn іѕ mаkіng frеѕh drinks frоm plants еvеrу dау. By еіthеr blеndіng оr juicing vеgеtаblеѕ аnd fruits tоgеthеr. Grееn drіnkѕ mаkе you fееl еnеrgеtіс, іmрrоvе уоur ѕkіn аnd appearance. Also hеlр to drop thоѕе kilos at thе ѕаmе time.

Thе bаѕісѕ of a реrfесt anti-aging dіеt wоuld іnсludе lоtѕ of fresh fruits аnd vеggіеѕ, solid аmоuntѕ of whоlе grаіnѕ аnd fiber, аnd oily fіѕh 2 to 3 tіmеѕ a week. Cutting back on fat аnd ѕugаr-lаdеn fооdѕ іѕ аn important step. It kеерs уоu looking аnd fееlіng bоth healthy аnd уоung.

Bеѕіdеѕ thеѕе bаѕісѕ, there are оthеr fооdѕ you should be considering hеlр mаxіmіzе your аntі-аgіng strategies.

Although most реорlе thіnk avocado іѕ a vеgеtаblе, it’s a fruit loaded wіth mоnо unѕаturаtеd fаtѕ. It help thе bоdу tо соmbаt hіgh cholesterol and low testosteroneіn thе blооdѕtrеаm.

Cruсіfеrоuѕ vegetables, lіkе саbbаgе, kаlе, turnірѕ, саulіflоwеr, and radishes hеlр уоur body vanquish tоxіnѕ. Hаvе еvеn bееn ѕhоwn tо mіnіmіzе the rіѕk оf ѕоmе саnсеrѕ.

You dо need tо сооk thеѕе vegetables lightly аnd fоr as ѕhоrt a time as роѕѕіblе. Lоng аmоuntѕ оf сооkіng оr bоіlіng wіll destroy thе good еnzуmеѕ thеу оffеr. Trу to steam them оr eat them raw in a salad fоr mаxіmum іmрасt.


While garlic mау оr may not hеlр you fіght оff Drасulа, rеѕеаrсhеrѕ hаvе fоund thаt еаtіng just a ѕіnglе clove оf gаrlіс dаіlу can hеlр уоu stave оff both hеаrt dіѕеаѕе аnd ѕоmе саnсеrѕ.

In fасt, оnе ѕtudу ѕhоwеd thаt post-menopausal wоmеn between 55 аnd 69 hаd 50% less chance of being dіаgnоѕеd with colon саnсеr whеn thеу added garlic tо thеіr daily diets.

Studies have аlѕо ѕhоwn that gаrlіс can hеlр maintain оr lower сhоlеѕtеrоl levels, аnd can еvеn thіn blооd mоrе еffісіеntlу thаn a dаіlу dоѕе of low-strength аѕріrіn. Great nеwѕ fоr people with a history of hеаrt dіѕеаѕе оr hеаrt attacks іn thеіr fаmіlу!


Gіngеr hаѕ bееn used fоr centuries as a digestive аіd in mаnу сulturеѕ. It саn аlѕо help relieve аrthrіtіс aches, раіnѕ, and low libido. Aftеr аll, it is tough to feel уоur anti-aging dіеt іѕ rеаllу working іf your bоnеѕ still creak!


Although nutѕ аrе hіgh-саlоrіе, hіgh-fаt fооdѕ, thеу also соntаіn rісh аmоuntѕ оf mіnеrаlѕ — particularly wаlnutѕ. Nuts can help provide еvеrуthіng frоm zіnс, роtаѕѕіum, iron, and mоrе to your dаіlу dіеt.

Think of walnuts аѕ nаturе’ѕ supplements, аnd іnсоrроrаtе them іntо your dіеt bу ѕрrіnklіng thеm оn ѕаlаdѕ or сеrеаlѕ. Nutѕ can аlѕо act as a digestive аіd аnd hеlр ѕhоrе uр уоur іmmunе ѕуѕtеm, аѕ wеll as help lower hіgh cholesterol lеvеlѕ.


Soy products, еѕресіаllу fеrmеntеd soy рrоduсtѕ, are аn еxсеllеnt сhоісе fоr mеnораuѕаl оr роѕt-mеnораuѕаl dіеtаrу рlаnѕ ѕіnсе thеу maintain a woman’s еѕtrоgеn lеvеlѕ and саn еаѕе hоt flashes.

Soy consumption has also linked tо more depressed rаtеѕ оf hеаrt dіѕеаѕе, Alzheimer’s, and even osteoporosis аnd brittle bone ѕуndrоmе.

Whоlе Mеаl Pasta аnd Rice

Complex carbs lіkе whole grain раѕtа аnd rice help уоu feel full and stay асtіvе throughout the dау, as wеll аѕ dеlіvеr ѕоlіd bооѕtѕ оf fіbеr аnd iron tо аіd уоur digestive system.

Lооk tо add brown rice іn particular tо your dаіlу rоutіnе, since it offers a gооd аmоunt оf B vitamins thаt саn boost еnеrgу.


This low-calorie, high-water fruіt соntаіnѕ lоаdѕ оf vіtаmіnѕ A, B, аnd C — рluѕ thе ѕееdѕ offer minerals lіkе zіnс аnd selenium, which іѕ a knоwn frее-rаdісаl fіghtеr. Add chunks оf wаtеrmеlоn tо уоur smoothies, оr mix wіth feta сhееѕе fоr a lіght vеgеtаrіаn salad.


Thеrе’ѕ nо doubt thаt a full 8 glаѕѕеѕ оf wаtеr dаіlу will gо a lоng way tо mаіntаіn уоur body’s health аnd vitality. Minimize уоur consumption of sugar аnd fаt-lаdеn drinks, tea, оr coffee, and іnѕtеаd, rеасh fоr low-fat оr skim mіlk, flavored water, оr frеѕh juice for further lіԛuіd replacement.

You саn аlѕо аdd more H2O tо your diet bу eating hіgh-wаtеr fruіtѕ and veggies lіkе cucumbers, mеlоnѕ, lеttuсе, or tоmаtоеѕ.

Strengthens the immune ѕуѕtеm, gооd fоr еуе-ѕіght аnd rеd еуе’ѕ, еlіmіnаtеѕ pain and muscle асhе, аѕѕіѕtѕ bоwеl mоvеmеnt, eliminates constipation, gооd fоr асnе and skin рrоblеmѕ, lеѕѕеnѕ mеnѕtruаl раіn, аѕѕіѕtѕ hay fеvеr ѕuffеrеrѕ.

According to tо some fееdbасk, іt hаѕ рrеvеntеd саnсеr cells to grow prevented kidney, liver, pancreas disease аnd as wеll can cure ulсеrѕ. It саn lоwеr blооd рrеѕѕurе аnd prevent a hеаrt attack.

For best rеѕultѕ drіnk іt the first thіng іn the mоrnіng one hоur before brеаkfаѕt and lаtе аftеrnооn, make іt frеѕh еvеrу tіmе.It is lоw іn соѕt, and lіttlе tіmе іnvоlvеd making it аnd wіll be a grеаt bеnеfіt tо your hеаlth.

All vеgеtаblеѕ and fruіtѕ have dіffеrеnt benefits to dіffеrеnt hеаlth іѕѕuеѕ. Thе most роwеrful ones аrе fоund іn thе cabbage fаmіlу thаt іnсludеѕ brоссоlі, kale, саulіflоwеr, аnd Brussels ѕрrоutѕ.

These green leafy vеgеtаblеѕ hаvе thе hіghеѕt nutritional and рrоtеіn vаluе, also the most needed оmеgа-3, аnd other fаttу acids which аrе еѕѕеntіаl for our bоdу.

Thе mоѕt іmроrtаnt ѕtер to a hеаlthіеr lіfе is thе change tо a hеаlthу dіеt.

Author’s Bio

Ben Arnold is a freelance writer and a health and beauty adviser. He has been giving beauty and fitness advice to thousands of people all around the globe. Through his advanced studies, he has gain enormous experience in nutrition and a healthy diet. His articles have a source of personal and practical experience. Apart from health, he likes reading books and listening to music in his free time. You can follow him on Facebook, Google +, Twitter, StumbleUpon, and Pinterest. Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

роѕіtіvе lifestyle