Find Hope and Light Up Your World Today With Journaling

Read the text below and find hope and light up your world today. I realized at one point in life that the words I say to myself matter so much. To find hope is a sensitive work but hope matters some much. It is said that if you have a gain of hope you can move mountains.

So from time to time a do positive journaling. I just write on paper the words I want to hear. I exaggerate a lot with positive thoughts because I do not know for sure which positive thoughts I am searching to hear. So from one positive thought to another I reach the one that I need.

Read below one of my positive journaling sessions and I hope you will find among all these positive thoughts the one that will make you feel better.

Let’s start to help you find hope and light up your world today.

Find Hope and Light Up Your World Today

I have people around me who live their lives differently from me. And that’s okay. I have the courage and perseverance to live my life the way I want. To think the way I think and I trust myself to know how to think good. I lead by example.

When I speak well of myself, I realize who I really am. It all starts with talking good about me. Thanks to the spiritual masters who taught me for so many years. I learned from them and applied. And now I trust that I know. They taught me. I thank them. All these masters taught me and I trust that I know. They taught me how to show happiness, joy, beauty, calm, wisdom.

My life will pass like a flutter of butterfly wings and what I have now is a combination of billions of miracles. My soul is beautiful. My spirit is beautiful. I am grateful for every moment of my life. I appreciate my creations, my work. I care about my creations and work. I care about me. I’m gentle with myself.

I nurture myself with energy medicine. I enjoy these moments in the present. I did well. I have a strong heart. I’ve helped enough people. I’ve done enough good deeds.

I am a person in whom, the nature, the Earth, has invested a lot of love. Many people have invested a lot of love in me. Thanks. Many people have given me their time, energy, food and resources. I am sincerely grateful. I feel grateful.

Thank you so much. All I have now is exactly what I wanted. I fought and won to have the life that I have now. I love the gifts of my life. The gifts in my present life are very valuable. And other people consider them also valuable.

People in my life give me gifts of all kinds all the time. I receive and I will receive many beautiful gifts. There is a lot of happiness in my future. I have high hopes for the future. I look forward to the future. If it will be the same as the present then it will be perfect.

I love whatever work I do. I love my actions. They are effective. My creativity has been and is gorgeous. My creativity has always inspired at least one person and that’s enough. That person can be me too. If it inspired me then All is Well.

I have courage. I trust. I hope. My future is full of magical moments, full of good jokes, happiness, health, good food, good people and exceptional teachers. A teacher. To become a good teacher myself. Here’s a high idea.

I always have love, peace and miracles. That’s my life. Thanks for who I am already, the person that I am. I love the person that I became. I love the person that I am. I embrace all my past with love and passion. A gentle and handsome person. I love my gentleness, my joy. Thank you that I am living in these times when I can express myself gently. As an artist. Humanity is beautiful. How about to implement an wonderful idea. This year I could have as a project to verbalize only beautiful thoughts.

I have exactly the life I want. And it will always be so. My future is beautiful, full of beauty. I am grateful. I like the way I live now. I like my lifestyle. I am satisfied with my lifestyle. I like my life principles and the way I live. I trust the knowledge I have accumulated so far. I trust my decisions. I have made good decisions in my life. I am giving thanks to myself for listening to my inner voice so many times.

The future is gentle, generous, full of fun, generosity and all the resources we want.

I have all the positive thoughts I ever wanted. I have the wisdom I wanted. I have the soul I wanted. I’m the person I wanted to be. I have the love I wanted me to have. I have the people I wanted to have with me.

I have the hope I wanted to have. I have the energy and the thoughts of hope that I wanted to have. How to live the human life that you want to live? This is an amazing question. Highly spiritual. We want to hope. So hope.

What a miracle. I’m a miracle. We all are. People are a miracle.

Who am I? An interesting question we are searching an answer all our life. I am whole. I am beautiful. I am wise. I am abundant. I am peaceful. I am relaxed. I am fulfilled. I am everything I wanted to be.

You are loved in so many ways. Thank you for being here.

For more positive thoughts read these articles:

Find Hope and Light Up Your World Today

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