Category Archives: Spirituality Guide

Nurture your soul with positive connection through the journey of spirituality. Explore the deeper meaning of life and the path to inner fulfillment.

6 Amazing Facts How Zodiac Signs Affect Your Personality

As I was getting to know a new friend I made, she asked me what star sign I was. Do zodiac signs affect your personality? I told her that I am a Leo, and suddenly she went on her horoscope app and started checking our compatibility chart. That felt silly to me, but from her point of view, the future of our friendship depended on how compatible our zodiacs are.

So what a zodiac sign really is?

The position of the planets and stars are reflected by a zodiac sign. When a person is born, the date and time, as well as the arrangement of planets, has a great impact on an individual’s personality.

6 Amazing Facts How Zodiac Signs Affect Your Personality

1. Astrology of Zodiacs

In order to get a better understanding, we need to know how horoscopes work. Different stars of different sizes and shapes exist and are found in constellations. The stars in these constellations are connected to one another, which causes different animals and objects to appear in shape. Reading the horoscope each day gives an idea of how personality affects every day decisions, so for the people curious about it is suggested to read your horoscope daily.

2. Impact of stars and planets

All the different planets and stars have an impact on our personality. Even the sun, moon, and the changing seasons can influence the characteristics of a human. The Sun Sign is the most dominant when it comes to explaining a person’s true identity.

3. One Individual, Multiple Traits

A person who is born at a date that is the beginning of the end of a new zodiac period, then that person is likely to reflect the personality of two zodiac signs.

Since there are 7 billion people, it’s untrue to say that each person will 100% show the traits of their own star sign.

4. Behavior

When the sun continues its motion across various astrological stars, this movement affects your behavior. When we are born, our behavior is determined by our birth month as well as the alignment of the sun with a planet of a particular sign happening on that specific day and time.

5. Festive Periods

Festive periods occur as a result of the sun’s movement on different zodiac territories. The time period between December and January is when a person feels happier and is willing to spend, the end of this period begins to automatically change our mood and so we control our spending.

The zodiac with the most strength is known as the Rising Sun. This reflects how your personality appears socially. Some people’s personalities are quite prominent compared to others, and they can be noticed easily in the crowd. They appear to be more dominant and passionate, all because of the rising sun.

6. Finally!

Zodiacs have influenced so many people’s lives that now they cannot go a day without reading their horoscopes, and sometimes those characteristics might not even exist in us, but our zodiac tends to convince us that it certainly is a part of our personality. So, in the end, we can say that it is definitely shaping many people’s lives in one way or another.

6 Amazing Facts How Zodiac Signs Affect Your Personality

Positive Words Research – 6 Amazing Facts How Zodiac Signs Affect Your Personality

The Two Most Powerful Hooponopono Prayers to Heal Yourself

Hooponopono is a very powerful ancient Hawaiian healing method. Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a Hawaiian kahuna, is the founder of the modern updated version of the Ho’oponopono healing process that we practice today.

She gave us some wonderful prayers which we can use to solve all our problems, you find them below.

The Original Hooponopono Prayer

This is the original Ho’oponopono prayer, given to us to use freely by Morrnah Simeona. It is a simple but very powerful prayer. Here it is:

“Divine creator, father, mother, son as one… If I, my family, relatives, and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives, and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds, and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness… Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies, and vibrations, and transmute these unwanted energies to pure light… And it is done.”

When you start using Ho’oponopono in your life, your recurring problems are cleansed, released, and erased. And they are replaced with Divine Love flowing through you. Often, we are so occupied and consumed by our fears and (small) problems and issues that we are not receptive to the Love of the Divine, we don’t even see it. But when you start practicing Ho’oponopono and start cleansing yourself and your memories, in fact, you give permission to the Divine to solve your problems.

And when this happens, and the Divine Love flows through you, you feel joy and happiness, and you know that everything will be all right. You feel empowered, happier, more energized, more responsible, and on purpose.

Aside from this prayer, you can also use the famous Ho’oponopono mantra: “I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.” The great benefit of this mantra is that it’s very simple and easy to remember, but still very effective. You can use it anytime you want. This short four phrase mantra combines the power of repentance, forgiveness, gratitude, and transmutation, and you can also use it to release any problem, just like the prayer.

There are also numerous Ho’oponopono cleaning tools and techniques to assist you in your daily practice.

Other Ho’oponopono Prayers

There are also other Ho’oponopono prayers, which you can all find on this website.

This is another very powerful prayer of Morrnah Simeona, it is her favorite (karmic) cleansing prayer. According to her, it works best if you repeat it four times every time you want to release something.

“Spirit, Superconscious, please locate the origin of my feelings, thoughts of …….
(fill in the blank with your belief, feeling, or thoughts that you want to erase) …….
Take each and every level, layer, area, and aspect of my being to this origin.
Analyze it and resolve it perfectly with God’s truth.
Come through all generations of time and eternity.
Healing every incident and its appendages based on the origin.
Please do it according to God’s will until I am at the present,
Filled with light and truth.
God’s peace and love, forgiveness of myself for my incorrect perceptions.
Forgiveness of every person, place, circumstances and events which contributed to this,
these feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.”

There are also 2 prayers in Hawaiian, “I Am The I” and “The Peace of I”, you can find the English and Hawaiian versions of both prayers on this page.

Erase Your Limiting Beliefs and Live the Life You Really Want

When you use the Ho’oponopono healing process, all your limiting beliefs and memories are released and deleted from your subconscious mind. All your fears, stress, worries, issues, and problems are neutralized and replaced by Divine Love and Light.

So when you practice Ho’oponopono regularly and incorporate it into your life, all your problems will be solved, and you will finally be able to find inner peace and experience true joy and bliss, and you will be able to receive Divine inspiration, which will guide you through life and towards your life purpose

Most people don’t realize that the Universe gives us exactly what we ask for, but often we are unaware of the things we ask because they are in our subconscious mind. Our reality is mostly created by our subconscious beliefs, memories, and programs.

So it’s very important we acknowledge this and take 100% responsibility for everything going on in our life because ultimately we manifested it and “asked” for it.

But the good news is, once we do this, and use Ho’oponopono, we have the power to cleanse and erase all these limiting memories and beliefs and create instead of the life we really want!

About the Author

Alexander Jones is passionate about personal development and spirituality and enjoys writing about it. He is mostly interested in meditation yoga and Ho’oponopono, which he is practicing already for many years.

Ho’oponopono Prayer

Zenful Spirit – 7 Amazing Techniques to Reduce Stress

Separating stress from our life has almost become impossible. Different people have different reasons for their stress. But, the reparations of long time stress are practically similar. If you will not find a way to deal with stress, it is there to stay. Stress can be the root cause of various mental and physical disorders. Techniques to reduce stress can help with this challenge.

Stress is injurious for our health. It might result in insomnia, depression, obesity, high B.P, heart diseases, panic attacks, etc. Various techniques are available that can help to reduce stress. Several methods are also there that can increase an individual’s ability to deal with stressful situations. Individuals can practice techniques that they considered most effective.

In this article, we have discussed seven techniques that can be very effective in reducing or managing stress.

1. Exercise Regularly

Exercise not only helps us in reducing weight and keeping us physically active and fit. But, it also is one of the most effective ways to reduce the stress levels in the body. Studies have shown that people who exercise regularly have lower chances of getting stressed.

2. How Exercise Helps Reduce Stress

Stress hormones: Exercise reduces the level of stress hormone (cortisol) in the brain. In addition to this, exercise stimulates the release of happy hormones (endorphins) in the body.  The release of this hormone uplifts the mood, which further results in lowering stress levels.

Sleep: Lack of quality sleep may also result in anxiety and stress. Exercise or physical activity improves sleep quality. A good night’s sleep reduces the stress levels in the body.

Confidence: Regular exercise will make you feel more confident. An increase in confidence level is good for our overall wellbeing.

You can select an exercise that you enjoy doing. To get long-term results, regularity is vital.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a technique that teaches us to live in the present. This technique increases self-awareness, and when practiced regularly, it enables an individual to stay away from negative thoughts.

Overthinking about failures, lousy day, past, or future causes stress. People who practice Mindfulness, learn to see a positive side of everything. Where there is positivity, the chances of getting stressed becomes quite less.

 Hundreds of Mindfulness techniques are available all over the world. People can select and practice any technique. Some of the practices that help in increasing self-awareness are Yoga, meditation, etc.

If you are looking forward to a technique that not only helps you in reducing stress but also helps you evolve as a human being, then Mindfulness is the right technique for you. You may learn more about how mindfulness can improve your mental health by visiting BetterHelp.

4. Practice Yoga

People have been practicing Yoga since ancient times. In the past few days, more and more people have made Yoga a part of their daily life. Studies have proved that yoga is one technique that makes an individual physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy and strong.

Yoga helps in strengthening the connection between body, mind, and soul. Breathing exercises of Yoga has found to be very effective in reducing stress and anxiety. People who perform Yoga regularly have a lower risk of depression, high B.P., heart diseases, etc.

Yoga reduces the level of stress hormones and increases the production of GABA. This results in lowering the stress level in the body.

5. Listen to Soothing Music

One of the easiest ways to reduce stress levels is by listening to music. Listening to our favourite, song, album, or music takes our mind away from the situation at hand.

 Music has a soothing effect on our brains. This lowers the heart rate, blood pressure, and stress hormones.

Next time you are going through some tough time, or having a bad day or feeling stressed or anxious, switch on your favourite music and let yourself lose, feel the music, and try matching the rhythm.

6. Set Realistic Goals and Expectations

To stand out the competition or to prove ourselves, we end up setting up goals that are either difficult or might even be impossible to achieve. Failure to meet our goals or expectation makes us feel grey, sad, and can even lower our confidence. Many a time, we end up thinking about our failure. All of this might result in stress and depression.

Hence, an easy way to prevent ourselves from getting stressed is to set realistic and achievable goals. Achieving goals and landing up to the expectation would not only make us happy but would also increase our confidence level.

7. Spend Time with Friends and Family

Love and support of our family and friends give us the strength to face tough times. Having our loved ones around us during bad times provide us with a feeling of being loved and a sense of belongingness during hard times of our life.

Talking to our friends or spending time with them, help us in clearing negativity from our mind. This allows us to think clearly and rationally. Finding a solution to the problem becomes much easier when we have a clear mind.

Having friends and family members around might not solve our problems. But, knowing that they are there for us increases our strength to face the problem. Our loved ones act as a stress reliever for us.

8. Sleep Better to Reduce Stress

People under stress might face difficulty in sleeping. On the other hand, lack of peaceful or quality sleep can also result in stress and anxiety. Our sleep and state of mind our interconnected. Many people have claimed that a nap turned out to be very useful when they feel stressed. A peaceful sleep, clam, and relaxes our brain and body. Hence reducing stress and anxiety.

Finding ways to overcome stress is very important. Practices like Mindfulness and Yoga enhances our ability to fight stress. However, practicing these techniques in the right manner is very important.

Dhaval Patel is an expert writer who writes on different categories like mindfulness, meditation, mental health and many more. His writings are not only descriptive but also meaningful. He loves to share his ideas on different categories. To learn more about these techniques, refer ““.

Techniques to Reduce Stress

Best 60 Powerful I AM Positive Affirmations For Confidence

Empower yourself with these 60 powerful I AM positive affirmations. Read them and also write them on a piece of paper so that you can embody them better.

See below a list of 30 powerful I AM affirmations containing positive emotions and another list with another 30 powerful I AM affirmations containing positive adjectives, in total 60 powerful I AM affirmations.

What you put after I AM is important because it shapes your reality.

30 Powerful I AM Positive Affirmations With Positive Emotions:

  4. I AM HOPE
  10. I AM POWER
  20. I AM LOVE
  21. I AM LUCK
  22. I AM PEACE
  26. I AM JOY
  27. I AM TRUTH
  30. I AM UNITY

30 Powerful I AM Positive Affirmations With Positive Adjectives

  22. I AM FREE
  23. I AM SAFE
  28. I AM KIND
  30. I AM LUCKY

Read these positive affirmations slowly and try to embody them. Write them on an A4 paper.

You will notice that some I AM affirmations you will want to write in larger letters. Write them down in larger letters.

Positive Words Research – 60 Powerful I AM Positive Affirmations.

60 Powerful I AM Positive Affirmations

How Do You Access Your Endless Supplies of Inner Power

Did you know that your innermost self is gifted with endless supplies of power and energy? Have you ever felt connected to them? If so, it’s probably only been a couple of times and you don’t know how to open those channels again. Not only do you feel great when you manage to tap into your inner power, but you also exude confidence on the outside. You’ll also be more capable of eliminating negativity from your life, as well as more able to fulfill your every single objective. Let’s look at a few ways in which you can give yourself the wonderful gift of limitless inner power:

1. Visualize for More Inner Power

With athletes, it’s a known fact that most of them tend to visualize their results before going into a competition. They actually take the time to envision what it would be like to score those points, to bounce back from brutal attacks from the opponent and to finish the competition as winners. If this works for them, it’s further proof that visualization has tremendous value in accessing inner power. 

So take the time to think about everything that you would like to happen to you. Visualize that loving relationship you yearn for – what kind of person would you need to be daily to be part of such a love connection? What kind of person would your partner be? Visualize your perfect job. What tasks would you need to do? What would be the rewards? What kind of person would you need to be for that job? The key is to be honest with yourself because the more and better you envision everything that’s at stake, the greater are the chances to actually attract those things and wonderful feelings with them.

2. Discard the Scarcity Mindset

One subconscious mindset that a lot of people unknowingly adhere to is one of scarcity and poverty. They feel they can’t attain more in life and that they can’t tap into an abundance mindset. They just feel it’s not for them – regardless if we’re talking about financial abundance or human relationship abundance. One way to create this shift in your mind is to ditch the thought of impending poverty and instead imagine yourself rich. Become generous with the little resources you have and you’ll soon start to attract the type of wealth you actually want. If you act from an expansive mindset and if you’re aiming for growth, you’re already positioning yourself to expand your limits.

3. Be More Authentic and Responsible

Striving to be more authentic and responsible in your day-to-day life is a key to unleashing inner power that’s often overlooked by many. We tend to think that it’s no big deal if we told a white lie once in a while or didn’t make the deadline for a project we had. But the truth is all these failings pile up in the back of our minds, taking away from our power to act on our desires and create new limiting beliefs about ourselves. Instead, you should try to always do what you say you’re going to do or restore this situation with the ones you faulted. Become aware of the immense power of words in your life. Additionally, you should always only do things you’ve opted for, instead of doing them half-heartedly and out of compromise. It’s amazing how much more whole you’ll start feeling as soon as you become more responsible and authentic.

4. Access Spirituality for Inner Power

Taking a step back, zooming out in life and connecting to the higher forces that govern us is sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself. Take some time to meditate each day in absolute silence and let your mind, soul, and body feel that liberating smallness and greatness that define our beings at the same time. Practice becoming more patient, more forgiving and more grateful with yourself and those around you. 

Process and let it seep in that our experiences are not assigned with either bad or good value to them, but it’s in our complete power to choose how we react to them. All our experiences are meant to lead us someplace new, from which we can grow into better, wiser versions of ourselves. Try to remember all the negative experiences you had and strive to integrate the positive lessons they ultimately came attached with.

These are only a few of the ways in which you can draw yourself closer and closer to that endless reservoir of power and energy you’ve always had within. Once you start tapping into that and get a taste of what it feels like to be in charge of your life, you’ll want more of it each day. This will prompt you to renounce cultivating negative emotions and start feeding positive thoughts that are meant to help you thrive.

About the Author

‘Claudia Spataru is a free spirit located in Bucharest, Romania and always in search of answers to life’s greatest questions. She loves to understand how people work, what makes them tick and find ways to help them reach higher grounds. She adores the sea, traveling and laughing.’

How Do You Access Your Endless Supplies of Inner Power

Sunday School As A Spiritual Teacher For Your Children

Life can become hectic at times! Your tight schedule may not allow you some moments to attend church on Sundays. In fact, it may not cross your mind that your children require spiritual growth as well, which neither you nor their nanny can provide. Some parents teach their children about God and prayer at home, which is great. They read some scriptures to them and even teach some songs. That’s perfect, however, it’s not enough. In addition, you may not have the skills to impart spiritual knowledge into kids the same as Sunday school teachers. Moreover, you can’t teach them as the preachers do in church and expect them to learn quickly. In fact, they will start dreading any information about God at an early age. Therefore, consider taking your children in Sunday school.

More than learning about the scriptures, there are many other benefits your children can get from kids church. Besides, it’s great to take advantage of the opportunity religious organizations provide to parents of taking care of their kids’ spiritual growth. Below are a few benefits your children can get from attending Sunday school. You can as well get such information from assignment writing service in Australia. After reading you will have no doubt that Sunday School is the best choice for you and your child.

1. Learn About God

When your children attend kids’ Sunday school, they are taught their age-appropriate bible teachings that can easily be absorbed by their young minds. Their skilled tutors are able to craft the lessons to meet the understanding level as well as capture their interests. Most teachers integrate enjoyable activities in their lessons such as dances, skits and contests in poem narration to make learning fun. They are taught about the sovereignty of God. Therefore, don’t you get surprised to hear one of your young ones saying, “God will see u.” It only means that he recognizes God as his unseen protector. Or haven’t you heard them say, “let’s pray that God may give Dad some money to buy me chocolate.” It only means that they now realize God as their provider. Isn’t it one load off your shoulder? It actually, is. They will no longer blame you for not buying them Pizza, because probably God haven’t given you the money.

2. Find Mentors

Parenting is a challenging and tough activity especially when both of you (parents) spend most of your time at work. The few hours you spend with your kids is not enough to mentor them or even to understand their characters well. However, they can get some guidance and mentorship from their skilled instructors. The Church community believes in providing help to each other. Therefore, you can trust them with your little ones’ spiritual education and mentorship.

3. Make Friends

Nothing interests most children like meeting and making new friends. Sunday school is a place where little ones from different neighborhoods, communities and race meet. Kids don’t realize their differences and will mingle freely with each other. The instructors will encourage their relationship by teaching them that they are all children of God and that God requires them to love one another. They will look forward to the coming Sunday to meet their friends.

4. Form Good Habits

You may not be able to capture some of your children’s bad behavior and may learn about them when such habits are mature. Their instructors will easily point out bad behavior in kids and warn them, citing that they are sin before God. They have already learnt that God sees and hears everyone all the time. Your kids don’t want to be enemies with God; so they won’t do it ever again. They will adhere to good habits and shun the bad ones. 

5. Have Fun

These skilled instructors know how best to make every moment of your young ones enjoyable. They will learn new songs and dance to their tune. Occasionally they will watch Christian films in their church especially about Jesus and his death on the cross or about Moses and the Ten Commandments, among others. They will learn even as they enjoy the cinemas. Sometimes they will form groups and compete in reciting bible verses or songs. In some Sundays, they will sing and recite poems to congregations and will be greatly appreciated and given praises. Did you know that your children hunger for appreciation and praise? Try praising and appreciating them and see that they will start behaving maturely. Perhaps you don’t have time for that. But there’s plenty of it in Sunday school for kids.

6. Enhancing Parents-child Relationship

Whether you’re so tired or not, your little ones will never cease telling you about their church teachers, friends, sing you new songs, poems and about the film they watched. They will also try to educate you about God and warn you if they see you doing anything against what God requires of everyone. Moreover, they will practice the good morals taught. Also, the instructors will teach them to be obedient to their parents as a command from God. Their obedience and love to you will attract a strong bond between you and your little ones. What’s more, they will grow with such behavior to old age.

Now you know why you shouldn’t take away all these benefits and spiritual growth from your children. You may provide everything possible to your children but what they get from church is beyond your ability.

Positive Words Research – Sunday School As A Spiritual Teacher For Your Children

Importance Of Spiritual Care And How We Can Improve It

No matter at what moment we are in life, whether we are deepening our studies or leaving the children at school, we can all agree that finding time to take care of ourselves is of vital importance. Finding time for ourselves is the beginning of self-reflection and the reflection is the foundation of how we understand the meaning of our lives. By reflecting on everything we will be trained to be able to see problems from various perspectives.

However, although we all know it, most women devote time on a regular basis to personal care and attention. Instead, we put ourselves in the background and take care of the needs of everyone else first. And although it can be heroic at times, it is also harmful; it is harmful for health to overlook the needs of our body.

As in this fast-paced culture, how can we improve in our personal, physical, mental and spiritual care? We often hear advice like ‘eat real food’, ‘exercise regularly’ and ‘get enough sleep’, but I think the issue goes further. Here you will find four tips, adapted from my own experience , that focus more on the spiritual aspects of treating your whole being, both physical and spiritual, with kindness. To get more info you can visit

Have mercy on yourself.

Sometimes it may be easier to have compassion for others than for yourself. It is possible that you are giving other people second, third or even infinite opportunities, but to your own actions and thoughts, you give them the very little margin of error. When you make mistakes, do you reproduce them again and again in your head and find new details each time you see that you have made a mistake? It’s a common feeling, but it’s not healthy. Errors are natural as long as you don’t do it intentionally. What’s more important is to make peace with these mistakes while looking for ways not to repeat the same mistakes.

The first step in spiritual care is to realize that we all make mistakes and nothing happens because we are not perfect. If you are a believer, always bear in mind that God is bigger than our mistakes and problems. And the first step to accepting His forgiveness is to be merciful to ourselves and to recognize that we need help with our own care giving us permission to be human.

At the end of each day, remember the good things you have

Sometimes life is so busy that the only time left for one to think about it is at the end of the day, lying on the bed. It can be easy to fall into a habit of negativity, punishing yourself thoroughly for everything you’ve done wrong that day and thinking about what you could have done better.

Instead, try to think of the times you have been blessed throughout the day. They do not have to be extraordinary moments. They can be simple things, like an avenue with all the traffic lights in green way of the work, or that your husband makes the bed in the morning. Here is a simple way to start: share in your social media profile the little things for which you feel grateful every day.

When you are able to find joy even in the smallest moments, you are learning to find kindness and gratitude in all your days. And after all that practice seeing the good of creation, it may be easier for you to learn to apply that lens of kindness and gratitude to yourself. And when you feel better about yourself, you will be more willing to do things that are good for your body, such as exercising and maintaining a good diet.

Be aware that you are unique

Believe in God? He thinks you’re smart. He knows that you are unique and that there is no one else like you. He thought of you from the beginning of time. You are never too much for Him and you are always enough for Him. He created you and called you good. We have all passed by, and He loves us. On the days that you focus on your care, do not forget to focus on the person who cares most about you and loves you and knows you more. Every human being is unique and has its own advantages and disadvantages. This is a fact that we must accept and we should not view others as better as or worse than ourselves. By seeing all humans as equals, we will not be easily discouraged when we experience failure in life.

Taking a day off might be a need for you.

Mental prayer should not be seen as something exceptional, something that is done in a time taken from other activities but should become a habit, part of the normal rhythm of our lives so that its place is never questioned, not even a day. The time we spend away from the stress of daily life is not something that we should feel shame or guilt. In fact, that time on the sidelines is essential for our well-being and personal care. Mental prayer should become a daily event as vital to us as the basic rhythm of existence. It should be the breathing of our souls. Do not feel guilty for wanting to take a break and let your soul just breathe. There is time to work,and there is time to rest. Balance is a marker of whether our lives are normal or not. We are not slaves but free individuals and to note, no happiness without independence.

You need to find your own spiritual path and your smartphone can help you.

Sometimes you can’t do everything yourself. You need guidance from an expert and searching online is the most reasonable choice. You don’t need to ask people on the street, spend your valuable time. With just a few keywords you can get the spiritual help you want and need.

To help you, here we show some recommended apps for positive thinking. They are available for both iOS and Android. Whatever your smartphone is, you can enjoy spiritual guidance from them.

Best Psychics Ask Them now


Android –

Psychic Reading Prediction


Android –

Live Palm Reading


Android –

Tarot Card Reading Prediction


Android –

Psychic Mediums


Android –

4 online spiritual services above are highly recommended for busy people who do not have enough time to conduct spiritual consultation sessions. By utilizing online spiritual services, you can get spiritual guidance anytime and anywhere. Everything is presented on your small screen! The times when you have to make an appointment with someone to do a spiritual consultation session are over. Today you can immediately seek spiritual help and get it immediately, even when you are in your comfortable bed. The internet has changed everything, including how we can get spiritual guidance to make our lives more balanced and better. Hopefully this article can enlighten you about the importance of the spiritual side as a puzzle that shapes your whole life. Finally, live in balance and be happy!

9 Tips About How to Get Over Distraction And Be Productive

Have you ever faced a situation when the day comes to an end, but you still haven’t finished the text that you have planned for today? You can blame yourself, your fate, your client, or a house elf. But in fact, most of such undone tasks lie in the lack of focus.

Nowadays, it is a great deal to focus on one task. Every time you start doing something, the phone starts to vibrate from the flow of incoming messages and notifications from social networks. Also, when you use the internet, you are surrounded by various temptations. I frequently suffer from the following thing: I start writing the article, then I open a browser to find more information on the topic, and finally, I find myself reading about deoxyribonucleic acid after an hour. Sounds familiar?

Nearly all of us dream of a universal recipe that will make us stay focused, write immediately and productively. In truth, though, there is none. I have tried out various methods found over the internet and want to share with you those that have worked in my case. Maybe, my experience will help you get more focused and tuned into writing.

1. Clean up the workplace

Your workplace may directly affect your productivity. Favorite mini-figures of superheroes, family photos, a bunch of colored papers, tangled cables, a couple of unfinished cups of coffee. Don’t give the mess a chance to get rid of you!

Messy or clean desktop – is an endless battle. Some people claim that disorder helps them generate an idea and they just don’t want to waste their time cleaning. Scientists have found out that a messy environment affects your ability to focus, so if you want to be more concentrated on your tasks, keep your workplace clean.

Get cables in order, buy the most beautiful cup and make it one and only for your drinks, and keep only the necessary things on your table. Use organizers to store your writing stuff and materials in one place and by hand. If you enjoy keeping hand-written notes, inspirational phrases, and pictures before eyes, use inspirational boards that you can buy in-store or make by yourself. Hang it near your workplace and enjoy!

Cleaning your table from useless and distracting things will clean your thoughts and tune into the work. Let cleaning the workplace be your everyday ritual.

2. Tidy up the desktop from applications and files

In the ideal world files like Untitled1.doc or Mind_Blowing_Article_v.2.0 are renamed and kept in the appropriate folder on your computer, not on your desktop. I have a bad habit of storing current (and old) files on my desktop. But when I finally put everything in the right place, I can’t help feeling the freshness and inspiration.

Compare these two screenshots of before cleaning and after. Feel the difference?

It is a good habit to make a big clean-up on your computer once a week or month. Clean the desktop and downloads the directory, delete old files and duplicated documents. I prefer to place the necessary application shortcuts in the taskbar for quick access.

3. Mute your mobile phone

It’s hard not to check your phone every hour. Recent research from Deloitte has shown that Americans check their phones52 times a day. Checking your phone gives you a false feeling of consuming new information and being needed. It comforts us when we are annoyed, upset or when we are bored. At the same time, it distracts us from really important things like writing.

Unless you are waiting for an urgent call, turn your mobile off. At least turn off notifications. Nowadays, most phones have an option to pick the contacts you wish to receive calls and messages from.

If you have an iPhone, you can use a “do not disturb” feature. To manage this feature, tap Settings > Do Not Disturb. Here you can set a specific time when you want to turn off notifications. Also, you can create a list of important contacts to receive calls from them. Check your phone for similar features.

If you still feel the passion for checking your mobile, try to reduce this habit with a new one. For example, I write several random phrases or words on paper sheets and move to the trash.

4. Block time-consuming websites

How much time do you spend on Facebook, Pinterest, and other time-wasting websites? On the one hand, many of them may be helpful for finding necessary information and inspiration for your articles. On the other side, it turns into a monster that eats time when you need to focus on writing.

To get rid of such websites, use one of the following extensions for the Chrome browser:

StayFocused, Strict Workflow – block the list of websites that distract you from work. You can manage the list by adding and deleting websites. The application is based on the Pomodoro technique that aims to improve productivity by alternating 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of break.

You can find similar extensions for other browsers in the productivity extensions section. And one more recommendation. Don’t keep several browsers on your computer. You may be tempted to open the desired website in another one.

5. Use simple text editing applications and online services

The primary aim of every writer is to write the text. If you are tired of the additional features and the bulk interface of your current text editor, try to use simple online editors and programs. Here are the most popular programs and charge-free services:

Calmly Writer. It’s an online text editor and also works as a Chrome extension. When you launch Calmly Writer, it will show you only the text entry area and nothing else. The format bar appears after you select the text. To access other options, you will need to click the menu button. The application automatically saves the document after you make any change. As a bonus for those who are in love with typewriters, you can turn on the typewriter sound.

FocusWriter. It is a simple writing environment available for Linux, Windows, and macOS. A simple interface, distraction-free writing text field, and intuitive design will be a savior for those who strive for simplicity. It’s free of charge and will meet the most demanding requirements of essay writers.

Zen Pen. Another one simple online text editor without superpowers. You have an option to save your text on your computer, format the text, set target word count, and switch day/night writing mode. Developers guarantee you a minimum of distractions.

6. Set deadlines and plan your time ahead

All great things start with careful planning. The plan helps to know your strength, stay focused on current tasks, and do everything on time. Planning is essential both for your work and personal life.

Take a habit to make to-do lists every day. If you are writing a voluminous work, write in parts and set daily goals for the word count. It’s a perfect formula for being a productive writer. Also, set the deadline. For many people, the deadline is the best tool to make something happen. So if you set yourself a deadline for a specific task – you raise the chance to do it.

Use the most convenient planning tool: notebook, planner, calendar, browser extension, or desktop/mobile application. Here are the most popular tools:

Googlecalendar. A classic tool for planning all spheres of your life. Available nearly on all devices has an intuitive interface and a great list of options.

Todoist. It’s a time-planner available as a mobile application, browser extension, and as a taskbar on PC and Mac. It’s a great tool to gather your recent and prospective tasks and goals in one place.

Wunderlist. A simple to-do list. Application available on various devices: iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Chrome, and Kindle.

TeamweekButton. This extension will be helpful for those who work with services like GitHub, GitLab, Trello, Jira, Asana, Bitbucket, and Podio.

Win the Day. An eye-catchy Chrome extension that may help you achieve short- and long-term goals. You can set goals, daily targets, track the progress, and implement new habits.

7. Listen to the music

When your neighbors are too loud, or traffic sounds make you feel irritated, you need something to stay focused. The music can be a rescue. You may find out that one music serves well for brainstorming, while other help you keep doing routine tasks. Try out playlists created by other people or create one on your own. Experiment with music styles and find one that works for you the best.

8. Use a recorder

It’s a great way to record your thoughts while doing various things. For example, if you suddenly have caught a brilliant idea while writing an article, record it on a dictaphone. On the one hand, you can open a new file on your computer or write it by hand on a piece of paper. But I prefer to use a voice recorder – it’s my single place for my ideas and inspiration. It is easier to come back to writing after talking than turning from one writing to another. As if I will start writing something new, I will skip doing what I have planned. If you suffer from the same thing, try a voice recorder.

9. Learn to meditate

Meditation and mindfulness have become an essential part of those who keep with the progressive evolution. Today, many people practice meditation: office workers, artists, soldiers, scientists, athletes, and other people. It is an excellent non-pharmacological tool that helps improve attention, memory, verbal functions, and cognitive flexibility. Meditation is easy and doesn’t require specific knowledge. You can use meditation at your workplace, in the park, or on the way home. You won’t look strange or suspicious. If you haven’t practiced it yet, try it now!

  • Choose a comfortable position: sit or lie. Keep your back straight if you sit.
  • Breathe deeply. Mentally go through every part of your body with every breath you take. Start from the tips of your shoes and move up to the top of your head.
  • Try to feel all your body parts. Relax your body and fuel it with energy. Feel the warmth and calmness.

You can use such applications as Current, which will remind you when it’s time to meditate. Make it your habit.

Summing Up

All the methods from this article are a part of my daily struggle for being focused and productive. Sometimes they work, sometimes not. All in all, we are not machines. Try out different productivity approaches, experiment, and find those that work for you best. What does help you stay focused? What methods have you already tried?

Florence Clark

Bio: Florence Clark is an aspiring writer and passionate traveler. Become a professional journalist is her biggest dream.

Positive Words Research – How to Get Over Distraction?

How Does Mindvalley Sustain Positivity In The World

Want to see a positive transformation in action? Then head out to Mindvalley University, an annual month-long transformational event that reimagines global education in a completely new way.

It’s not easy to describe Mindvalley U—it really is that unique. But, let’s give it a shot!  

First, select a city (this year, the university took place in Tallinn). Then, set a month-long schedule of incredible workshops led by world-class teachers in business, spirituality, and personal growth. For good measure, throw some seriously awesome social festivities into the mix.

You’ve almost got a recipe for success, but you’re missing one important ingredient (and this is what makes this university to the next level): the people.

Gather several hundred change-makers, thought leaders, entrepreneurs, artists and presto—you’ve got Mindvalley U. The next step in global education.

What’s It Like At Mindvalley U?

This university is much more than an education summit. It’s a social movement for sustained optimism and personal growth.

Vishen Lakhiani, founder, and CEO of Mindvalley explains it this way, “This new model questions all the rules we’ve been conditioned to believe about what education should look like. It takes advantage of emerging technologies, new social movements, new types of knowledge accessibility, and new research on what truly creates happy, successful, fulfilled lives.”

So, what’s it like at this new age university? The environment of the event is one that focuses on facilitating social connection and personal development in tandem.

Each year, this university takes place in a different city around the world. Last year, it took place in Barcelona. This year? Tallinn. This experience isn’t just about what you learn but about where you learn it.

Attend workshops with thought-provoking idea leaders by day and explore the city and connect with the community at night. Mindvalley U condenses years worth of education and social connection into a single jam-packed month.

What Types Of Activities Can I Expect At Mindvalley U?

This university seeks to reinvent what it means to learn—whether it be a new skill, a new concept, or coming to better understand yourself and the world around you.

For the month-long duration of the event, this innovative university sculpts a weekly program that brings together some of the most powerful leaders in entrepreneurship, personal growth, and health and wellness to the stage.

Events range from Unleash Your Inner Genius with memory and learning expert, Jim Kwik, to Meditation 4.0 with the spiritual master, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Not to mention the Mindvalley U socials. Join tours of the city, participate in the dance-off parties, and mix and mingle with fellow Mindvalley U peers and teachers alike.

Mindvalley U: Becoming A Member Of The Tribe

Past attendees of this university say the experience was one to remember, not just for the transformative ideas but for the people.

“The people that I met, the relationships that I built—it gives me goosebumps!” says Journey Henkart, international speaker, author, and Mindvalley U attendee in Barcelona, 2017.

Because the truth is, attending Mindvalley U isn’t just about the educational experience. It’s about becoming a member of an international tribe of change-makers.

Not only do participants get to meet with like-minded individuals from around the globe, but they also have the opportunity to network, communicate, and connect with some of the most influential teachers to take the Mindvalley stage.

“When you’re around so many amazing powerful people who are really clear about their vision, it’s easy to get clear about your power and your gift,” explains entrepreneur, JB Owen.

Mindvalley U isn’t just a global education summit. It’s a transformational event that seeks to create and connect members of an international tribe.

Are you interested in taking part in the next Mindvalley U event? Let us know in the comments below!

How Does Mindvalley Sustain Positivity In The World

How Spirituality And Mindfulness Increase Positivity

Focusing on one’s personal spirituality, practicing mindfulness and honoring self-care are known for naturally increasing positivity in your life. These three different acts can seem a bit ambiguous to those who are unfamiliar with the terms. This may be due to the fact that they can have many different meanings to different people, which is why they are personal to your own journey.

Spiritual traditions such as prayer, meditation, yoga, and journaling are meant to nourish the soul and allow time for self-reflection. Mindfulness is becoming more consciously aware of your thoughts and emotions in the present moment. Self-care is intentionally restoring your mind, body, and soul with activities such as disconnecting from the outside world, making yourself a cup of tea or treating yourself with a massage. Whatever act of self-service that helps you to reconnect with yourself with your own being and revive your inner light is good.

Physical Benefits

Our present-day culture tends to feed into the need to be fast-moving and overly productive. Refocusing your attention to your inner-self has the ability to positively transform your physical body, especially after a day of hard work. Using nothing more than your breath and focus, meditation has shown to greatly reduce stress and stress-related conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder, and fibromyalgia. If your work allows for you to escape to focus on your personal wellness, be sure to do so — even for as little as five minutes a day. Also, be sure to take advantage of communicating grievances to your manager. You’ll be surprised at how much more motivated and productive you’ll feel, after being honest.

Much like comparing a smoker to a non-smoker, personal choices and habits have an impact on our physical health and our ability to heal our own bodies. Healthcare-related research studies have found that having a connection with spirituality or religion helps ill patients better cope with stress and improves their quality of life. Giancarlo Lucchetti led a study that found that individuals with a strong spiritual connection have an 18 percent reduction in early mortality. This serves as evidence that establishing a spiritual life now may potentially prolong your life.

Positive Self-Image

The mind and body are inextricably connected. Treating the mind and body as a holistic system will aid in creating an overall positive self-image. When your physical body feels healthy and well, so does your mental health and vice versa. Practicing acts of self-care enable you to reinforce positive self-image by accepting that you deserve the best out of life. Self-care does not have to always look the same each time. Integrating routine exercise into your life’s schedule or simply looking at yourself in the mirror and saying the words “I love you” is as intensely impactful as treating yourself to something nice or going on vacation. By treating yourself with love and kindness you are simultaneously manifesting positivity and welcoming it into your life.

Start Young

A large percentage of a young person’s time is spent in school receiving their education. Integrating mindfulness practices into a child’s school day has proven to have many positive impacts. Millions of dollars have been invested into studies on the positive effects of mindfulness practices on students with results showing improved sleep, increased retention rates, and lower anxiety levels. Mindfulness practices not only have positive impacts on them at the time of the practice but the effects carry on throughout schooling into higher education. In one study by the University of California Santa Barbara, it was discovered that integrating mindfulness practices reduced mind-wandering, which helped to improve scores on the reading comprehension portion of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE).

Adapting intentional practices that benefit your mind, body and soul will naturally allow positivity to find you and influence your life. The positive outcomes will spill over onto those who surround you, creating a waterfall effect on all aspects of your life. Welcome and embrace mindfulness, spirituality, and self-care into your everyday routine — at work, school and at home. Every movement, encounter, and thought is an opportunity to intentionally be positive in the present moment.

Author’s Bio

Avery T. Phillips is a freelance human being with too much to say. She loves nature and examining human interactions with the world. Comment or tweet her @a_taylorian with any questions or suggestions. Avery lives in the United States.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.


Finding Your Talents With Morning Pages In 7 Easy Steps

Do you ever feel as if you are constantly getting in your own way? Are intrusive thoughts or easy distractibility taking away from your ability to create or reach your goals? If so, you are not alone. Most of us create a lot of internal noise that can block our creativity, and stop us from maximizing our talents. Some examples of this noise are:

  • Thoughts of self-doubt
  • Painful memories
  • Grudges and arguments
  • Worries great and small
  • Unfinished ideas
  • Mental to do lists
  • Regrets
  • Administrivia
  • Cerebral Flotsam and Jetsam

Unless you can push past all of these, it’s difficult to accomplish very much beyond simply muddling through your day. One way to clear all of this out of the way is to use a technique called morning pages. By using this simple yet proven method, you will be able to accomplish more, learn about yourself, and make better use of your talents.

1. Morning Pages Defined

In 1992, author Julia Cameron released the book, ‘The Artist’s Way’. The book contained several exercises designed to help average people harness and use their natural creativity. The exercise that gained the most popularity was ‘morning pages’.

Morning pages is a daily writing exercise. The instructions are simple. Just write in an 8.5 x 11 notebook in longhand until three pages have been filled. This exercise is to be completed first thing in the morning, before doing anything else. Since the book was published, writers, artists, and others have been practicing morning pages.

2. The Purpose of Morning Pages

The concept here is quite simple. It is difficult to think creatively or complete creative tasks if you are inundated with the kind of intrusive thoughts mentioned above. Anyone who has ever, for example, sat down to write something only to have their mind wander continually has experienced this.

The function of morning pages is to use writing to clear all of those thoughts away. The idea is that if you engage in longhand, the stream of consciousness writing you can get those thoughts out of your mind and onto paper. As a result, when it comes time to focus on what you want to accomplish, all of that ‘stuff is less likely to get in the way.

3. Morning Page Guidelines

 There aren’t a lot of rules here. Essentially you should write in longhand. Typing doesn’t have the same impact. This may be because the brain actually reacts differently when you write or draw by hand. You should do as little as possible before starting the morning pages. Ideally, it is the first thing you do. Getting a cup of tea beforehand is fine. Checking your emails and making a phone call before getting started is definitely not in the spirit of this. Finally, you shouldn’t stop writing until you have filled three pages.

4. What if You Have Nothing to Write?

 There is absolutely no pressure to produce any written work, through morning pages, that is at all interesting or compelling. The products of your morning pages don’t even need to make sense. If you don’t feel like you have something to write, then write anything. Write a series of made-up words. Write the same sentence over and over again. Write words that rhyme with one another. Write as many words as you can without using the letter ‘E’.

There may be days when you just don’t have much to work past before you can access your creative abilities. On those days, think of morning pages as simply a warm-up exercise. Still, if you stick to morning pages, you will almost certainly find that there are days when you do have something to write. They may be trivial things such as concerns about what to make for dinner, or rehashing old conversations. You might even write about work concerns such as vetting out a new hire or picking the best human translation option for a business merger or expansion. They may also be deeper things such as major goals, fears, or regrets.

5. Does Morning Pages Have a Purpose for People Who Aren’t Creative Types?

First, everyone is a creative type. There are so many tasks that require you to use creative talents even if they don’t fall under the category of artistic expression. It takes creativity to come up with new solutions to a problem. It takes creativity to teach a concept to someone who is having difficulty understanding it. It takes creativity to write a sales pitch. Any time that you do something without following some predetermined set of steps, you have done something creative.

Unfortunately, if you don’t consider yourself to be creative, doing creative things can be even more challenging. One of the things that can get in your way is your own doubts about your creative abilities. That’s something morning pages can help you get over.

6. Is Morning Pages Therapy?

Not exactly, but there are days when it may feel that way. If you’ve been trying to accomplish something and your thoughts and doubts keep getting in the way, writing can be cathartic. So can the feeling you get when you are finally able to complete the task you want to complete.

On the other hand, morning pages can reveal deeper emotions such as sadness, frustration, or anger. Simply writing these out may not be sufficient. You may choose to find another means to explore these further.

7. Getting Motivated to do Morning Pages

Like any other exercise, morning pages won’t help unless you do them consistently. Many find themselves working hard to find the motivation to stick to it. The best approach is to simply drop the idea of motivation altogether.

Instead, work to create a morning pages habit. Think of all of the things that you simply do. You check your email, you walk your dog, and you wash your dishes. There’s no immediate reward for doing these things. You don’t skip out on these things, because you aren’t feeling inspired or motivated. You just do them. Once morning pages are a habit, whether you feel motivated won’t be an issue.


Who knows? You may be a better writer, creator, or problem solver than you ever imagined. Give morning pages a try. This simple exercise may be the key to accessing and using your creative talents.

Author ~ Margaret Reid Margaret Reid

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Positive Words Research – Finding Your Talents With Morning Pages

Hope: Ultimate Savior for Us in Tragic Conditions and Events

There is a saying that “hope is when the whole world is shouting ‘no’ and all you hear is maybe”. When we face a very worst situation in our life, the only thing that gets us going is hope. We, humans, are very fragile when it comes to dealing with emotions. We tend to succumb to the circumstances rather than fighting back. But what we forget in our hard times is that there is always a door which is going to open when another door closes – a universal truth. Even though the journey seems tough, at the end there is always a silver lining to the sunsets. For the ones who are stubborn at heart, the universe falls for them and listen to their woes like no one else will. We should always keep hoping as we don’t know when a miracle might happen.

Hope never dies

There are so many incidents that we all experience in our complete lifetime when we least expect them. Like often we may not hope of passing a subject, but we pass on it. Sometimes we remain uncertain of a certain job but hopefully, we get it. Even sometimes miracles happen when we are more likely to lose our loved ones in accidents or some diseases but we get them back unexpectedly.

A totally unique case of hope can be the example of someone who gets bitten by a dog – what do we expect out of that situation? To be treated with the positive measure as we cannot really bite back the dog! But hope says you can still get justice for this incident in Georgia. There are umpteen numbers of Georgia Dog Bite Lawyers who deal with cases like these and helps the victims to take necessary steps. The justice may be of financial compensation or even lead to punishments of the owners too depending on the gravity of the situation.

Losing hope sometime means losing all you have

Well, it won’t be totally wrong if we say so! When we face a difficult situation we expect to come out of it as soon as possible and we do our best to survive. But if we tend to give up on these situations then chances might be that we fail to emerge a winner. So, all we understand by such situations is that when we do not lose hope, we can always expect a solution out of any difficult situation. Thus, it is necessary to keep trying and hoping until there is really no way out; the rest is destiny!

The final take

According to psychiatrists and other psychological experts, the ones who are hopeful of a certain crucial situation are more likely to get positive results than the ones who are always full of pessimistic thoughts. It’s very important to keep your hope alive in every situation, irrespective of how hard it is.
Alongside hoping, we should also learn to be patient; these two are the success mantras to achieve anything in our lives. When we hold on to a situation, we end up being more careful about the results and that in turn make us eligible for a better outcome. We should understand that we do not always get what we want and there is no harm in it as life must have better and bigger opportunities waiting for us.

Although it becomes very difficult to get through this journey of failure and heartbreaks at the end it really does make us the real survivors. And when you are happy at the end, all these hardships would finally make sense to you why it was all necessary at the beginning. Thus, we should never give up and keep trying hard to achieve the goals of our lives until it’s accomplished – the hope should not die.

Author’s Bio

Addie Davison is a freelance writer from Newyork, New Jersey, USA. She is very health conscious so she loves to write about health. Addie is hard-working and responsible. Her articles are detail oriented and unique.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Positive Words Research – Hope – The Ultimate Savior for Us in Tragic Conditions


How to Use Writing as an Essential Tool for Mindfulness

Writing is a truly amazing thing. It can transport our minds off into far-off fantasy worlds. It can make us fall in love. Can change our perspectives on a subject that we’ve remain set on for decades. It can change the world in no time at all.

It’s safe to say that writing is powerful, no matter what form it comes in. Nowadays, it’s becoming more and more recognized by individuals around the world who are using it as a tool for mindfulness. It’s helping you to reduce stress, stay calm, become present and look out for your general health and wellbeing.

To get you started on this potentially foreign concept, here’s everything you need to know about how to use writing as a tool for mindfulness.

Enhance Your Awareness

One of my favorite benefits of writing mindfully is the fact that you become far more observant in your whole life. It’s helping you to remember certain details or becoming more aware of a certain situation.

“When you’re journaling about your day, you’ll need to remember the details of what happened, so you can write it down. This need to remember forces you to become more aware, more present and more alert in your everyday life,” shares Patrick Nestly, a writer for Elite Assignment Help.

Progressing Your Career

Imagine how many times you write something at work every single day. Maybe it’s in the form of a text, an instant message, an email or even a full, multi-page report. Now imagine if you were writing every day for yourself and constantly improving your writing skills. It makes you a lot more effective.

The more you practice writing, especially mindful writing, the better you can communicate. Therefore the more opportunities you’ll give yourself to progress at work.

Using Tools to Improve Your Skills

When it comes to writing, it can take years, even decades to improve your skills to a point where you’re happy with them. With this in mind, there are plenty of tools and resources out there to help you become a better writer quicker.

  • Who Vs Whom / Grammarix
    These are two online blogs where you can learn and read up on how to use grammar properly in everything you write.
  • Essay Roo
    This is an online writing agency that can connect you with professional writers who can help you improve your writing skills.
  • State Of Writing / Let’s Go and Learn
    Two websites full of writing guides you can download and follow when writing to make sure everything is properly formatted.
  • Easy Word Count
    A free online tool you can use for actively tracking and monitoring the word count of your writing.
  • Boomessays
    A website full of online writing guides you can follow to make sure that you’re writing in a professional format, as featured by the Huffington Post in Write My Essay.
  • Cite It In
    A free online tool for professional formatting your quotes, references, and citations.
  • Coursework Service
    An online writing community you can use to connect with other like-minded people who all want to improve their skills.

Opening Up Your Mind

When a thought, feeling or emotion comes into your head, how do you typically process that information? Do you just take it in, note it and move on? Or do you think about it and ponder the concept to see how it affects you?

Using mindfulness writing, you can use pen and paper to explore new concepts and ideas that you come across in everyday life. That will grant you a deeper understanding of the concept and possibly even change your perspective that could benefit every other aspect of your life.

About the Author

Mary Walton is an editor at Australian Coursework Writing website. She writes a blog called Simple Grad, read her Review there. Also, Mary is a tutor at Academic Paper Writing Service, where she helps college students improve writing skills.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

tool for mindfulness

5 Habits to Help You Stay in Present Moment in Everyday Life

Living in the present is a goal most people have tried to re-commit to, but it’s a lot easier said than done. Most of us spend a lot of our time reflecting on the past (the good and the bad) and planning or worrying about the future. The ability to stay in the present moment is rare, and it takes a lifetime of practice.

Rare are the times we’re truly aware of the awesome moments as they unfold. It’s why most people say their wedding day and other major events “fly by.” Fortunately, for some events, we know how important it is to have photographs and videos. Hence the massive wedding industry promotions. It’s great to preserve those memories, but they’re still in the past. How can we actually stay in the present moment on a daily basis?

Here are five habits to help you hone present-moment living and shake off the negativity that can come with trying to stay in the present moment or future:

1. Actively take note of what’s happening at the moment

Tapping all your senses including the tastes, smells, textures, what you hear and what you see is one of the best ways to pull yourself back to the present. It isn’t easy. However, the influx of experiential marketing showcases that as humans we’re hungry for full-sensory experiences. We’re so used to just energizing a few senses that the others are desperate for attention. Throughout the day, take note of what your senses are discovering, and you’ll be whisked to stay in the present moment.

2. Try meditation

Meditation isn’t easy and “true meditation” means you’re living in the moment with zero to minimal distractions. There’s a reason meditation guides will so often remind you that, “If you feel yourself getting distracted, simply acknowledge it and bring yourself back.” We’re both in need of more sensory experiences and always trying to distract ourselves.

Meditation doesn’t require any special equipment, and you don’t need to force yourself to sit for hours in vain. A few minutes per day, preferably in the morning and night, is a great help. There are also countless tools from candle gazing to guided tapes.

3. Tackle your technology addiction

Most of us struggle with some form of technology dependence. Download an app that keeps track of how often you check your phone to give yourself a reality check. Make a pact with loved ones that when you’re together during certain events, such as dinner or a date, phones are on airplane mode.

Technology is a major distraction and can do more harm than good when we depend on it too much. How can you lessen technology usage in your life?

4. Get in touch with nature

Whether you live in a metropolitan or a rural area, you’ll be able to find green spaces that help you get centered. Check out parks, nearby trails, or take short day trips to the great outdoors. Forest bathing is a way of connecting with nature on a deeper level. Leave the phones at home and make yourself aware of the awesomeness of your surroundings. Nature is a natural antidote to living in the past or future.

5. Start writing

Whether it’s starting a journal or writing a handwritten letter to surprise a loved one, writing forces our brain to focus and slow down. Our brains tend to work faster than our hands, which is why so many studies have shown that writing things down helps us remember them better than typing.

For a double whammy, write positive affirmations and work towards cognitive reconditioning of your self-talk. Penmanship is also a fading skill, and if we don’t use it, we lose it. Focusing on bettering penmanship is an easy, accessible, and fruitful goal that also has calming and meditative properties.

Living in the present isn’t a resolution that requires waiting until the New Year. Know that you’ll slip up, but making it an active goal on a daily basis will get you closer to living a calmer, more joyful life. What can you do right now to make the most of this moment?

About the Author

Trevor is a freelance writer and recovering addict & alcoholic who’s been clean and sober for over 5 years. Since his recovery began, he has enjoyed using his talent for words to help spread treatment resources and addiction awareness. In his free time, you can find him working with recovering addicts or outside enjoying about any type of fitness activity imaginable.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

in the present

5 Good Reasons to Start Your Day with Morning Meditation

Meditation is one of the most delightful ways to start our mornings with. Don’t get me wrong, doing this activity anytime during the day can be beneficial for both our mental and physical health, but mornings have a special vibe to them!  Breathing in, breathing out, and letting ourselves go with the flow is just easier in the mornings, right after our good night’s sleep.

There are a lot of people who include meditation in their morning routines, which I personally find it smart to do. You don’t really need more than five to ten minutes to meditate if you really focus on your thinking. Get rid of distractions and just be yourself, alone, with your thoughts.

So why mornings? Whenever we wake up, we feel powerful and determined to begin our day, don’t we? Pressing stop on that ‘strength’ and letting our feelings flow will release the pressure of ‘having to go through the day.’ If we meditate in the morning and truly understand what is that we desire from ourselves during the day, the pressure of ‘being good enough’ will go away. We are going to be thankful for the opportunity to live, and no more. Isn’t this a great way to begin our day? Take a look at the following reasons to start your day meditating and give it a try, will you?

1. No distractions

Mornings are known for their quietness and stillness. When we wake up, the world around us seems to be so static, so motionless. It’s like we stopped time, and we are alone on our little planet. That is why meditation during this time of the day is so beneficial.

Our minds and bodies are going to respond to the stillness, and together they will create the perfect environment for our meditation. That happens neither at lunch nor in the evening. During the day, everything moves so quickly, most of the times leaving no room for us to focus on our own thoughts.

2. Choose spiritual over material

So many people believe that drinking a cup of coffee in the morning and having a good breakfast will keep them going through the day. While it might be true for some, my experience has taught me the opposite. If I do not think about myself in the morning, when will I do it? Coffee, food, TV shows… they are all just material things which lack relevance if our minds are not doing well.

For me, developing spiritually little by little every day brings me lots of benefits, while “developing materialistically” would probably keep me at the same spiritual level. As a writer at writing service, I can’t stop developing spiritually – I need to stay in “spiritual” shape for my clients, who need me all the time. Interacting with people every second of the day can be overwhelming, that is why I need to concentrate on myself in the morning. Help yourself so you can help others, right?

3. Meditation means better focus

As you already know, you will focus as much as possible on your thoughts during the sessions. This creates a very good habit for the future. While the hustle and bustle of the city doesn’t seem to be affecting us, it subconsciously makes us lose concentration and focus on our actions.

If you want to stay focused throughout your day, meditation is your best friend. Practicing it will develop new skills for you, and will teach you many interesting life coping techniques.  Just take a deep breath, and explore your mind.

4. No more useless stress

I am pretty sure I am not the only one in here stressing over life. We have so many things in our mind all the time that sometimes, the glass just becomes full. That is when we know we need to take a break, or quit our job, or just enjoy endless relaxation. Unfortunately, this is not how life works. While some of you are able to leave your offices whenever you want to, for us the best things don’t look so bright. That is why we need to find a balance in our lives in order to fully enjoy it.

Through meditating I found the balance I needed in my life, and I am very happy I chose it. Meditating each morning made me understand that stressing over different matters won’t change anything. Taking a deep breath and finding solutions will. Meditation clears your mind and opens new perspectives. It clarifies the meaning of life and defines problems as easily solvable. Don’t even get me started on how I have no more headaches thanks to this awesome practice!

5. Increasing awareness

I could spend days talking on this subject. There are just so many things out there to discover, and few humans choose to search for them. I know, it’s easier to stay in our comfort zones and relax, but how are we evolving if we are not seeking new answers? Self-awareness increases confidence, motivation, and understanding of the world itself. This makes us aware of all the decisions we take, therefore raising satisfaction.

More awareness means more consciousness about your life, and more consciousness means better decisions!


Try to incorporate meditation into your morning routine. Wake up 10 minutes earlier than usual and start working on your spirituality. Drink a good coffee after, and think about the reasons you are doing this – aren’t they clearer now? Keeping both mentally and physically healthy is going to bring numerous advantages for you. So enjoy this wonderful and unique experience, and lose the overwhelming feeling of stress!

Author’s Bio

Justin is a teacher from Leicester, UK. When not teaching his little students and rooting for Leicester FC, he loves to share his thoughts and opinions about education and self-improvement with other people on different blogs and forums.You could follow Justin on Facebook and Twitter.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.


7 Tips For Simplification And Experiencing Life Fulfillment

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” – Hans Hofmann

Our schedules and lifestyles can become very hectic so it’s best to try and find time to reestimate the way we live, work, communicate… If we want to experience life fulfillment we need to simplify it and focus on the important things rather than trying to catch up with everything we think we have to. We need to strive for mindfulness and self-fulfillment in order to have a happy life. Here are the 7 things we need to make simpler to live better versions of our lives.

1. Understand the Real Value of Your Belongings

You are being avid for material possessions and always try to buy new things? Well, this is not a bad habit if you require those new acquisitions for your daily activities. However, if you buy stuff just to make you feel better and never use them, that’s a real problem.

Here’s how you should approach things: “I possess these things, but they don’t possess me.” You’ve probably heard it before. Don’t let your possessions become your main objective.

Do you need a new phone? That’s understandable, but would you go nuts over a scratch? It is of utmost importance to focus our energy on the most valuable things in life. Consuming our stamina on possessions is not one of them.

Look around and reestimate your surroundings, your home and your workplace. What do you see? If it’s been cluttered, start freeing yourself from all the possessions that make no difference to you. Once you clean your environment, you will be able to uncover your life’s true goals.

2. Cut Back on Your Objectives

A busy schedule is not an effective schedule. You might have many tasks to do over the day, but if you don’t prioritize them you’ll end up with many tasks in progress, but none finished.

The most suitable method of approaching a busy schedule is to program it according to every task’s importance. Write down the 3-5 most important tasks you have over the day and finish them first.

Once those tasks are done you can start working on the less important ones. If you want to have an efficient schedule you should be an avid organizer, you should be able to prioritize your work and delegate the tasks you won’t be able to cover. For example, leveraging writing tasks to professionals, such as EduGeeksClub, will increase your efficiency.

3. Tend to Have Positive and Sincere Relationships

Study your surroundings. Look at all those people that surround you every day. Do they make you a better person? Do they worsen your personality? Are you in sincere relationships with each other?

Having friends full of negativity beside you won’t help your situation. At first, you should help them become more positive and be able to see the good in every situation. They are your friends, that’s what friends do. But, if your relationship becomes a one-way energy flow and it consumes your resources in vain, you should put it on hold.

4. Block Negative Mindset

Negativity consumes more of our resources than positivity. Have you ever felt anger, hatred, or envy towards someone? What was it like?

The energy you send will come back accordingly. If you have a positive attitude towards the tasks ahead you will be able to achieve them in a timely manner and with ease.

5. Practice Social Media Disconnection

Even though social media is very useful to keep in touch with our close ones, from time to time, we need to take some time off and disconnect from it. Every now and then, everyone needs some “me time”. Once you get back home and finish all the work you have to do put your phone, tablet, and laptop in a drawer. Reflect on the day that just passed. When that review is done ask yourself: “What do I like most?” Some might like reading or writing poetry. Take your answer and put it in practice, you will relax during that activity. After this, you will be able to focus on the next day’s tasks.

6. Reduce Your Choices

We have lots of choices we have to make each day, beginning from choosing which biscuits to choose for dinner, to what restaurant we go to, what clothes to wear, etc. Having lots of options to choose from is a good thing, but spending too much time on making those choices is a real burden.

Some of you might have noticed this before, some might not. Mark Zuckerberg wears the same gray shirt on every single public appearance he has. When asked why he does that, this is what he answered. “I really want to clear my life to make it so that I have to make as few decisions as possible about anything except how to best serve this community…”

7. Use Less Resources

The society is becoming more and more materialistic. We tend to use lots of resources for things we don’t really need. Think about this, do you really need the latest gadgets for your life to be better? The latest smartphone, tablet, PC? We use lots of energy to charge our numerous gadgets’ batteries and we might not have an idea what it costs to our planet. Think of some things you personally may do to stop wasting our planet’s resources.

The moment you start using them wisely and spend less money on unnecessary things, you will be able to feel a lot better about yourself and the community you belong to.

Simple is best. If you want to feel fulfilled, you need to simplify your life. We don’t need all the stuff we have and, most definitely, we don’t need the latest gadgets. What we do need is to clarify our objectives, focus on the bright side of things and have some time for ourselves every once in a while. Try simplifying your life and you will reach new heights in terms of professional and personal achievements.

About the Author

Rachel Bartee is a freelance writer who finds her passion in expressing own thoughts as a blogger. She is constantly looking for the ways to improve her skills and expertise. Get in touch with her on @rachel5bartee.

Positive Words Research – 7 Things to Undergo Simplification for Experiencing Life Fulfillment

7 Things to Undergo Simplification for Experiencing Life Fulfillment

8 Yoga Asanas Rise and Shine Morning Yoga Meditation

Rise and shine: The Beginner’s Guide to Yoga Morning Asanas for More Energy

The English proverb “The early bird catches the worm” may have been referring to people that prepare in advance, but it is also true in a literal sense.

Studies show that “morning” people are healthier, happier, and more productive. A morning person has no trouble hopping out of bed before 7 am and facing the day with a smile. If you are among the snooze-hitting tribe and drag yourself grumpily out of bed in the morning, there is an easy solution.

While you can do yoga at any time of the day, there are specific asanas (literally meaning, “to be seated in a position that is firm, but relaxed”) that can turn the clock around for you. If you are like most night owls, your body probably feels heavy and aches all over.

These asanas will wake up your body, lighten your mood, and give you the energy you need to get through the day with more grace.

1. Crossed legs posture (Sukhasana)Crossed legs (Sukhasana) yoga asanas

Picture source!

This is probably the easiest, and most familiar, pose in yoga.

Sitting with your back straight, pelvis in a neutral position, and bring up your knees on either side of the body, tucking your feet under the opposite leg. You should see a triangular space between your legs and pelvis. Rest your hands on your knees.  Do the Dirga or yogic breath for three to five minutes. 

2. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Mountain Pose (Tadasana) meditation

Witold Fitz-Simon – Picture source!  

Exhale, and as you do so, straighten up, arms on your sides in a relaxed position.

Repeat the sequence; only substitute the right leg for the left leg.  Do at least one full cycle of the sun salutations every morning, more if you have the time.  This works all seven major centers (chakras) of the body, so you should be rearing to go (and hungry) when you’re done! 

3. Hand to Foot pose (Hasta Padasana) 

Hand to Foot pose (Hasta Padasana)

Picture source!

As you exhale, bring the arms and body forward, aiming to bring the palms flat on the floor on either side of your feet and your face to your knees. You may bend your knees a little to get your palms to the floor, as you will need them there for support for the next steps. 

4. Prayer pose (Pranamasana)Prayer pose (Pranamasana)

Picture source!

Stand with your feet together, shoulders relaxed. Breathe in to expand your chest, and as you do so, bring up your arms to your sides. Breathe out slowly, and as you do so, bring your hands together as if in prayer. 

5. Raised Arms pose (Hasta Uttanasana)Raised Arms pose (Hasta Uttanasana)

Picture source!

As you inhale, bring your hands up straight above your head and reach up as far as you can go, looking up and curving your body slightly to get the full stretch. The aim is to get the maximum stretch from the heel to the fingertips.

6. Sun salutations (Surya Namaskar)Sun salutations (Surya Namaskar)

Picture source!

It is time to get out of bed (if you haven’t already) and say hello to the day. Salutes to the sun are a sequence of 12 poses that wakes up the body and fills it with energy.  It is important to observe the breathing directions as you do each one. It will take a little practice, but you will soon get into the swing of it.

7. Two-knee spinal twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)Two-knee spinal twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)

Picture source!

Lying flat on your back, arms stretched on either side, bring both knees to one side. Slowly extend the inner leg out while keeping your upper back flat on the surface.  Hold this for a few second, then draw your knees back together. Go to the other side and do the same thing.

Do the whole sequence two or three more times. This will stretch and relax your spine, chest, shoulders and thighs, and ease muscle pain. It also wakes up your internal organs, including your abdominals for better digestion. 

8. Reclining bound angle pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

Reclining bound angle pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

Picture source!

Lying flat on your back, bring your knees up, feet together. Let your thighs open naturally, and relax. You can use pillows or foam blocks to support your knees. This will help you avoid putting too much strain on your back and inner thighs. Now comes the important part – breathing.

Use the Three-Part Breath or Dirgha. This is one of the foundations of yogic breathing, and you have to practice it consciously. You will inhale air to fill your lung, lower chest (diaphragm), and abdomen to capacity in that order, hold it, and then exhale in reverse order: abdomen, chest, lungs.

Do these several times, with the inhale count at four, and exhale count at six. This will decrease your levels of stress and anxiety, although it may make you feel a little lightheaded at first from all the oxygen you’re getting. Don’t worry, you will get used to it. Do this for three to five minutes.
These simple morning yoga exercises are suitable even for beginners. More importantly, they will definitely help night owls get the energy they need for the day. Try them out and share your experience with us!

Author bio:

Stacey Marone is traveler, yoga lover and contributor for She is an enthusiastic yoga advocate. You can connect with her on Twitter.

Positive Words Research – Yoga Asanas Rise and Shine Morning Yoga Meditation

Wonderful Secret You Need To Know: You Are Beautiful

There is a secret you need to know and it’s a wonderful secret. And also it’s simple truth:


Look at yourself in the mirror directly in your eyes and tell yourself how beautiful you are. Daily. You need to hear those words. From you, not from someone else. Our thoughts about us matter a lot. In vain do those around us tell us that we are unspeakably beautiful if we did not believe this about ourselves. And especially if we don’t tell ourselves how beautiful we are.

The first time you say it out loud looking into your eyes, it is possible that it will bring tears to your eyes or you will not be able to say it. You will feel a knot in your throat. But have courage. After all, it’s not a big deal. You just have to tell yourself how beautiful you are. It’s just words.

But see how much it matters. The knot in your throat is your blocked emotions. Your negative thoughts about you. Take a deep breath. Breathe again. Take a few deep breaths and continue. Because you really are beautiful. You deserve it.

You deserve to tell yourself every day how beautiful you are. You are a miracle. You are a gift to all of humanity.

Positive Words Research – The Wonderful Secret You Need To Know

You are Beautiful

25 Positive Affirmations To Add Positivity To Your Day Now

Positive affirmations can sometimes make you feel better instantly. All you need to do if to find the right one for you.

I am enough.

I am loved.

I am special.

I am connected with the love of all things.

I know what it feels like unconditional love.

My mind is peaceful.

I think prosperous thoughts.

I have more than enough.

I am grateful.

I am blessed.

I am a gift to the entire world.

I am a light.

I am powerful.

I am pure love and light.

I am grace and ease.

There is abundance for me.

There is a lot of love for me here on Earth.

I am nurtured in every way.

I become richer by the second.

I get paid for being me.

I get paid with a lot of money for the things I do in the world.

I have all the money I want.

I am healthy.

I am full of vitality.

Joy expects me at every moment of my life.

There is a lot of happiness waiting for me in my future.

Positive Words Research – Positive Affirmations

How To Use Positive Affirmations To Shape A Better Body Image

Time Is An Illusion: Without Memory There Is No Time

Science finally proves that time is an illusion and that without memory there is no time. Time is just memory stored in space. Our own memory is not stored in our brain, it is stored in space and our brain is just connected with that place in space.

But how does this discovery that time is an illusion impact our lives, perception of reality, and our thinking?

The scientific discovery that time is an illusion benefits me in more ways. I thought about it and I reached five conclusions that I consider will ease life and improve well-being.

1. Live in the Present

If time is an illusion, doesn’t exist and it’s just a memory, why re-living memories. And I am referring here to bad memories. The notion of forgetting and forgiving takes another form, easier. Forgetting and forgiving means just not focusing anymore on those hurting memories. Let them be, there is just a bunch of information stored somewhere in space, anyway.

2. Jump to Positivity

If time is an illusion, doesn’t exist, then there is no need for the notion of “going through time”. Therefore, there is no need for so much learning through the hard ways. You can just jump through time, and because there is no time, it actually is… jumping through memories.

You can connect to the memories of someone positive that was generous enough to share it publicly with the world, and jump into the ocean of good feelings and emotions. For example, start with this list of positive words. This list of beautiful words is also a list of positive feelings and emotions. Pick a positive word and look through the vast internet for the meaning and the articles written about it. In this way, you will actually jump in the good, nice, inspiring, and happy memories of someone else. And just like that, you are connected with 3-4 happy consciousness (memories) of 3-4 positive people. You will be happier.

3. Connect with Positive Memories

If time is memory stored not in our brain, but in space, then we can randomly connect with any positive memory that we want. We could label certain memories as happy memories and we could just draw that positive energy from our memories by focusing on the label. This is where gratitude helps us. If we label each day 2-3 things that make us happy then it will be easier for us to remember them in the future. Because when we are grateful today, we are actually labeling memories as happy memories. We are improving our future well-being and diminishing the time it takes to keep alive and even restores our happiness.

4. Release Fear of the Subconscious Mind

If time is memory stored in space, then the subconscious mind could be all these memories stored in space, by us and by everyone. This is not frightening, it is actually more relieving if you look from another point of view. Release the fear of the subconscious mind that so many people feel… and try to change with many development programs. I am not against personal development. I just want to underline the importance of what you focus on in your personal development. Ask yourself: On what energy and consciousness are you focusing? Does it make you happy? Is it fun? Do you feel love when you learn or train yourself? My opinion is that we came here on Earth to have a lot of love and fun. And when you are not feeling happy, that is a clue to do something else.

I see a lot of people working so hard to change their subconscious minds. But memory can not be changed, you can just disconnect from that memory and connect with another memory… maybe with the memory when you have gone back in time and changed your own memory. But this is not true, this is just you creating another story for yourself, another memory. The old memory is well long behind you already stored in space. Yes, this is one way to do it, to take the old hurting memory, keep it close to you but rewire it into a more empowering story. But the hurting memory will still be close to you, hurting you.

There is another way, a new way. Disconnect from the old hurting memory and live in the present. Be grateful for what happens today, for the memories you are creating today. Connect with positivity all around the world, connect with lighter and shorter ways of doing things.

5. Release Lack of Time and Regain Freedom

If time is memory, you can release time by releasing memories. Once a month I do a reflection which can be considered meditation but it’s more like a connection with the empty space. I call it the release-connect technique. I release memories, good or bad and I connect with empty space. In this way, I diminish my attachment to various memories (good or bad) and make space for new memories to unfold. You can try it also. How do I do it?

I take some moments alone and start to picture that I am a locomotive carrying a lot of wagons behind me. Then I picture myself going in space where I can float. And the wagons slowly distance themselves from me floating away from me. They are not destroyed, they just safely float away from me with all the loads and burdens that they have. I trust that they are stored by the Universe somewhere and labeled properly. Then I just imagine myself a simple locomotive floating in space, being so light and free of everything. This is how I get my complete freedom.

See what Nassim Haremein, award-winning of the Einstein 2017 prize, has to say about the fact that time is an illusion and without memory, there is no time. The link will open a short video posted by Nassim on Facebook. Click here: without memory, there is no time.

About the Author


Elena is passionate about positive words and she is the person behind Positive Words Research. She also likes science discoveries related to spirituality and psychology.

Find her on her Facebook profile or PWR contact form.