6 Ways How Words Can Affect Your Hormones And Improve Wellbeing

Words can have a powerful impact on our bodies, both negatively and positively. Words are spoken, thought, heard, and even seen. All these sensory inputs cause ease or stress. Words have the power to generate negative emotions that will further cause you stress. One aspect that many of us have not thought about is the … Read more

Positive Affirmations Cure Depression and Negative Thought

Negative thoughts, stress, anxiety, and depression; we all have been there. Our harsh inner critic tends to get out from time to time, causing us to worry and get anxious – positive affirmations cure our depression. If you have ever been through this or currently wrestling with low self-esteem and depression, you should know that … Read more

Best 5 Motivational Words Of Encouragement For Depression

Depression is a state of mind and a feeling in the body that we find it hard to bear. Depression damages our life a lot. We feel like everything that we do and everything that exists in the word is useless. We feel powerless most of the time. I know a lot about depression because … Read more

How to Ease the Stress of College: Brief Guide for Freshmen

Let’s be clear: stresses and anxiety are unavoidable and are an important part of anyone’s life. One cannot get rid of them entirely. Moreover, the necessity to overcome anxiety can become another stress, as you’re supposed to be good at dealing with it. But anxiety and stresses are not only about psychological health. They also … Read more

5 Ways to Motivate to Study Boring Subject to Complete a Project

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a boring subject? A problematic project plan that seems impossible to execute? This is quite natural as most students end up facing this situation at least once throughout their academic journey. Nevertheless, no matter how boring the project or subject is, you still must give it your best … Read more

Best Ways Of Recognizing Depression in Older People Today

For many older people, especially those in poor health or living alone, the onset of depression can be severe. However, by maintaining positive mental and physical health, coupled with adequate support from family and friends, older people can continue to lead happy, fulfilling lives long past the age of retirement. Seniors may find it hard … Read more

Navigating Depression with the Power of Positive Words

Explore how the use of positive words can provide valuable insights and strategies for coping with depression and improving mental well-being. Discover the uplifting impact of language on your journey to overcoming depression. The thought pattern of people who suffer from depression does not contain positive words. The simple intention of integrating positive words in … Read more