Positive Words Describing the Holy Spirit from A to Z List

Positive Words Research proudly presents its most recent research on positive words. Please find below a list of positive words describing the Holy Spirit from A to Z. This list also answers the question: What are the powers of the Holy Spirit? and gives you a better understanding of what is the Holy Spirit and … Read more

Love is an Action Movement Project Made With Passion

The project Love is an Action Movement joins together people inspired by Love. In the last year, I’ve watched as negative news, actions and images have overtaken our social media platforms and our news outlets.  I watched devastated as families were torn apart, friendships severed, fear, hopelessness, and discouragement among other things further engulfed our … Read more

How Do You Access Your Endless Supplies of Inner Power

Did you know that your innermost self is gifted with endless supplies of power and energy? Have you ever felt connected to them? If so, it’s probably only been a couple of times and you don’t know how to open those channels again. Not only do you feel great when you manage to tap into … Read more

How Does Mindvalley Sustain Positivity In The World

Want to see a positive transformation in action? Then head out to Mindvalley University, an annual month-long transformational event that reimagines global education in a completely new way. It’s not easy to describe Mindvalley U—it really is that unique. But, let’s give it a shot!   First, select a city (this year, the university took … Read more

5 Positive Thoughts The Heart Needs Before Going To Sleep

Rejection, disagreements, conflicts, self-pity, hurt all these companions are hard to let go of.After a hard day’s work when you reach home, all these emotions finally get to you. Your heart needs to let go all the burdens. You have to maintain a professional, emotionless facade at your workplace or institutes. But the mask falls … Read more

Best 7 Tips to Keep Away Job Search Anxieties and Get Hired

Seeking new employment is stressful. Regardless of qualifications, experience, finesse or other capabilities, searching a job causes anxiety and stress. It affects the overall performance of a job seeker at interviews, psychometric and other tests. It hinders personal life. Several factors contribute towards anxiety related to job search. Defining anxiety and its types The US … Read more