Job searching is a time-consuming effort and with the passage of time, it is easy to get disheartened with the process. If only it were easier. Well, if you are reading my other hubs on job searching, you should be finding it easier. Perhaps, this is the time when you need to simply re-affirm some things. Collect your thoughts, assert your position, and put in more hard work than ever. One of the attributes of a fruitful and successful job hunter is determination and persistence.
1. Start as you mean to go on
The first few minutes of your day, the first 30 minutes, in fact, are vital. Set your alarms as though you were going to work, have a shower and exercise with a brisk walk to get air into your lungs. Adopt the posture of a person who might be no different from a working person. These habits reaffirm positive thinking.
2. Set daily goals
If you do not have anything solid to work towards, you could end up having virtually nothing to focus on. Therefore, you will find yourself achieving very little. Get friends or family to help with this. Set search and writing goals. It trains the mind to be more positive. Having others to help prevent you from getting into a rut can be a gift.
3. Set up the right job searching environment
So make a space at home somewhere where you can organize your job searching with a phone, computer/laptop and everything else you might need to run your searches from. Treat it like a workspace or an office.
4. Eat right
Eat the proper food like vegetables and fruit, avoid the junk foods and fatty foods. I recommend restricting your alcohol also. And any other things that might affect your attitude. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind, which is what is needed for finding work. You can celebrate later when you get that job.
5. Don’t take rejections personally
This involves being honest with yourself and moving forward. Do your best to find out why you have not been successful, learn from it and move on. There is no point crying over spoiled milk.
6. Remember the law of averages
Finding jobs is about numbers. The more calls and openings you get and make – the more networking events you go to, so the more applications you make, and so the likelier you are of being successful in finding the job you have been looking for.
7. Enjoy the job searching process
As with pointers one and two – use the period to reassess your goals and targets. Spend the time finding what you really want to do, and immerse yourself in this process. Make yourself the best you can possibly be. If further skills are what is needed, then act accordingly.
8. Create a support network
I already covered this is another tip on the GoodMenProject source, but it has been shown that creating an alliance with other people looking for jobs will help share your experiences. Moreover, will help you to get advice and give you an important outlet for your inner feelings. We are all human.
About the Author

Juan Koss is a business coach and digital strategist. He loves his job because it gives him the opportunity to inspire others and share your thoughts with like-minded people. Juan lives in the United States.
Positive Words Research – 8 Ways To Stay Positive During Your Job Searching