Positive Affirmations Cure Depression and Negative Thought

Negative thoughts, stress, anxiety, and depression; we all have been there. Our harsh inner critic tends to get out from time to time, causing us to worry and get anxious – positive affirmations cure our depression. If you have ever been through this or currently wrestling with low self-esteem and depression, you should know that … Read more

5 Positive Affirmations To Kickstart Your Morning Off Right

Ever feel like you wake up dreading the day ahead? If so, you’re not alone, but the good news is there is a simple, powerful method you can use to immediately raise your energy and set yourself on the path towards having a great day. The trick? Say a few simple positive affirmations when you … Read more

The Two Most Powerful Hooponopono Prayers to Heal Yourself

Hooponopono is a very powerful ancient Hawaiian healing method. Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a Hawaiian kahuna, is the founder of the modern updated version of the Ho’oponopono healing process that we practice today. She gave us some wonderful prayers which we can use to solve all our problems, you find them below. The Original Hooponopono Prayer … Read more

Find Hope and Light Up Your World Today With Journaling

Read the text below and find hope and light up your world today. I realized at one point in life that the words I say to myself matter so much. To find hope is a sensitive work but hope matters some much. It is said that if you have a gain of hope you can … Read more

Positive Journaling for Gratitude, Body Health and Positive Thoughts

Positive journaling is an amazing way to start your day. Writing morning affirmations will give you a lot of positive energy. Get inspired from the below positive journaling for different aspects of life and also see at the end of the article some tips of how to do positive journaling yourself. Positive Journaling for Gratitude … Read more

Appreciation Letter: Thank You Note For Health Heroes

I write this appreciation letter because I want to thank and appreciate all the people who contribute to the prevention of the COVID-19 virus outbreak these days. Appreciation Letter – Thank You Note Infectious doctors. Thank you for dedicating your life to studying these forms of reality. You must have had a call to do … Read more

30 Financial Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance

Positive Words Research presents below a list of 30 financial affirmations to attract money, wealth and abundance. Read these financial affirmations carefully and reflect upon them adding details from your life when thinking. 30 Financial Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance I get paid for being me. More money is appearing in my life in … Read more

Best 60 Powerful I AM Positive Affirmations For Confidence

Empower yourself with these 60 powerful I AM positive affirmations. Read them and also write them on a piece of paper so that you can embody them better. See below a list of 30 powerful I AM affirmations containing positive emotions and another list with another 30 powerful I AM affirmations containing positive adjectives, in … Read more

How to Embrace Your Femininity and Exude Confidence

During these past decades, the world has seen a huge shift between the roles women play in society. Due to a lack of positive female role models, women have turned to male figures to inspire them in the way they lead their lives. This raised women that learned to be resilient, fighters and even aggressive … Read more

Negative Thinking Interferes With Success And Wealth

How Negative Thinking Interferes with Your Chance of Success and Wealth Imagine you just got promoted and you start immediately. Did your gut clench? Do you know what caused it? A NEGATIVE THOUGHT. Write down that thought. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Did it start with, “I can’t”? or “I don’t”? This is what is going … Read more

Best 9 Tips On How to Use Journaling for Mental Health

As teenagers, most of us kept diaries. We used to write what we were going through and then hide them somewhere safe. A diary was the only place we could confess our fears and struggles without being judged or punished by anyone. It really felt good getting all of those thoughts and emotions out of … Read more

How To Use Positive Affirmations To Shape Better Body Image

In today’s perpetually plugged-in world, the average person is constantly bombarded with perfect images of social media influencers, the idealized lifestyles of celebrities, and an endless litany of products that promise to make you into the best you possible. With all of these influences, it is all too easy to fall into a spiral of … Read more

Top 4 Powerful Habits of Self Loving People For You To Try

We have all come across people who appear so fulfilled, happy and confident. They seem to have everything going for them, they light up every room they enter and are so full of joy. Just looking at them fills you with envy and curiosity. “How do they do it?”, you wonder. Is there some secret … Read more

Students Depression: 5 Ways to Encourage Positive Thinking

Nearly every person on the planet experiences a depressing episode at least once in their lives. Sadly, in many cases, this happens exactly during one’s student years. Many factors contribute to this, from the hormonal cocktail of puberty to outright unrealistic expectations the world seems to heap upon one’s shoulders. It really is no wonder … Read more

Thoughts Matter: Switch From Negative To Positive Thinking

Self-talk which is also known as our inner voice is what we say to ourselves. These words, whether they are positive or negative, strongly influence how we feel and act in our daily lives. Studies show the average person thinks between 50,000-70,000 thoughts every single day! (Davis, 2014) This translates to almost one thought per second. … Read more

Be An Optimistic Person: Best Secrets of Positive Thinking

People often believe that being a positive or a negative person is something you are born with – you are either one or the other and you can’t change. But in most cases, they are wrong. This is just the attitude you choose to have. For instance, one person will strongly believe that they can … Read more

Best 4 Positive Sentences to Improve Your Life And Be Happy

Have you taken a moment recently to think about the power of the words you say? Too often, we say words and sentences that are very careless or even harmful. Either to others or ourselves and don’t even stop to think about the far-reaching effects that doing so will have. I have found that one … Read more

6 Effective Tactics To Embrace Positivity In Everyday Life

Positivity is one of the most powerful resources available to all of us. This resource is what makes us or breaks us in this life. A person’s attitude transcends, in either a positive or negative way, every part of his or her life. It is like a “face” we show to others. Whatever we think … Read more

Hope: Ultimate Savior for Us in Tragic Conditions and Events

There is a saying that “hope is when the whole world is shouting ‘no’ and all you hear is maybe”. When we face a very worst situation in our life, the only thing that gets us going is hope. We, humans, are very fragile when it comes to dealing with emotions. We tend to succumb … Read more

Why Self-Love Is a Key to Success and it Helps You Grow

If someone were to ask you the following question, what would your answer be? How much do you love yourself? The answer to this question belongs only to you, and the importance is much higher than you believe. Self-love can have a grand impact on the choices you make in life, the things you are … Read more