Ocean Cleanup gets rid of the Great Pacific Garbage

The Ocean Cleanup, a non-profit organization, is developing and scaling technologies to rid the world’s oceans of plastic. Their aim is to put themselves out of business once the oceans are clean. Every year, millions of tons of plastic enter the oceans, primarily from rivers. And the plastic that’s afloat within the oceans isn’t going … Read more

Top 7 Tips to Develop a Positive Attitude in Life and Be Happy

A positive attitude keeps you more resilient and happy. There are tips to develop a positive attitude in life. It betters your relationships and heightens your chances of seeing success in all of your endeavors. Moreover, a positive attitude also increases your creativity and helps you make better life decisions. To add to it all, … Read more

4 Effective Ways To Be Forever Positive and Happy Today

First things first – Ask yourself, what kind of person you are? Do you see the glass as half-empty or half-full? Several studies have put forth that both of these personalities can have a significant impact on your mental and physical health, but there is nothing better than being a positive thinker, if truth be … Read more

Healing Crystals 101: Finding the Right One for You Today

Little do people know that nowadays contemporary medicine has pushed its way forward and brought alternative and complementary healing treatments closer to humankind. Amongst acupuncture, herbs, and other nature-inspired ways, the most notorious way might be through precious healing stones. These flabbergasting gems have a lot to offer, but the greatest benefit of them might … Read more

How Positivity Can Help in Recovering from Addiction Relapse

Your attitude will make a big difference in how you navigate the ups and downs of addiction recovery. A positive, can-do attitude can get you over the difficult times ahead. It can help you cope with the negative emotions and situations that can lead to relapse. If you fall – and this is common – … Read more

Positive Words Encourage and Empower College Students

Did you know that the language has a deep impact on your self-awareness? Some words can let you down, while others can motivate you. Positive words encourage and empower college students. How Positive Words Impact College Students` Attitude and Performance College life can be described in many ways: it is full of fun, it means hard … Read more

Best 7 Positive Thinking And Stress Management Tips

Another term for positive thinking is positive mental attitude. Positive thinking is very helpful to us in stress management. Overcoming negative self-talk and adding positive self-talk are the two important sides of having a positive mental attitude. 1. Journaling With Freedom Journal every day at least 6 lines of words. Journal with freedom. What this … Read more

Daily Positive Word For 30 Days Can Make You Happy

Discover your positive word for today. Enjoy the daily positive word for 30 days in a raw. Look in which day you are and find the good word for today. Start a Project with the Daily Positive Word Start a lovely project to add optimism to your mind. Consider today as Day 1 and start … Read more

What Is The Secret Behind Positive Thinking Techniques

I use the tag line “Secret”, first, to get your attention and second because there really is a secret to achieving it, especially for those of us who are not naturally happy-go-lucky persons! There are an optimist and a pessimist living inside of everyone. While you read this remember that I am speaking to your … Read more

I Am Lovable: Positive Daily Affirmation To Empower

This statement is very strong especially for improving your romantic relationship. It all starts with us. If you don’t think you’re lovable, it’s because you don’t have a correct perception of yourself. If you could really look at yourself and notice the millions of cells in your body that are constantly changing, you would think … Read more

Best 10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 25 Years Old

I’m not sure how many of you have done this, but throughout my life, I’ve always imagined what I would be like at a certain age. And once I’d actually reach that age, it was never like I imagined it would be, which is not necessarily a bad thing. The thing is, now that I … Read more

Magic Blissfulness In An Image To Make You Enjoy Today

Find here two pictures that each have some magic blissfulness in them. I took these pictures in the parc near me. Beauty is everywhere. Open your eyes. Open your mind. Open your heart. Access the list of positive words to brighten your day!

Reflective Reality: Reflections of the Inner Universe Here

There is a universe that resides inside of me, a sort of reflective reality, for the universe is a most radical reflection of me. For I am ever-expanding like the sea, rooted and grounded like that an oak tree, all while transcendently resting in the ineffable infinity that is our galaxy. Am I here, no … Read more

Reflections of the Soul of me Serenity To Enliven The Spirit

Our ever-expanding universe has undoubtedly blessed me with the oh so glorious gift of pouring out the oh so positively peaceful poetry that has indelibly been written on each and every vessel of my beating heart. As I honor the universe, assuring to live out my life’s purpose too; uplift, inspire, and empower others by … Read more

How Writing a Novel Helped my Friend to Find Herself Again

I had heard that writing could help you to improve yourself. And not only in the sense of giving you the tools required to get a new job or better grades at school. But also as a person. That when it is only you and a piece of paper something magical and also scientifically proven … Read more

Top 5 Reasons Why Doing What You Love Makes Great Work

You know that feeling when you wake up in the morning and for a moment you’re floating in a haze of well-being, only to have it torn apart by the realization that you have to go to work soon? I do. Those moments were horrible. It wasn’t always there. Some days were better than others, … Read more

I Am Enough: Enjoy Now This Affirmation In Real Pictures

These pictures with the positive word “I AM ENOUGH” were taken on 24 September 2016 on a sunny day in a lovely park. Positive Words Research – I Am Enough ~ pictures

The Good Word EARTHING In Beautiful Real Pictures

These pictures with the positive word “EARTHING” were taken on 24 September 2016 on a sunny day in a lovely park. Positive Words Research – Earthing In Pictures

The Nice Word AWAKENED In Beautiful Real Pictures

These pictures with the positive word “AWAKENED” were taken on 24 September 2016 on a sunny day in a lovely park. Positive Words Research – Awakened In Pictures

You are Enough: Beautiful Affirmation In Real Pictures

These pictures affirming this powerful statement “YOU ARE ENOUGH” were taken during the sunny day of 24 September 2016 in a lovely park! Positive Words Research – You are Enough In Pictures