Tips On How Design Thinking Positively Impacts Creativity

Design Thinking positively impacts creativity. Design Thinking workshops empower business owners and staff in different ways to find new and creative solutions to problems. Let’s start by explaining what Design Thinking is. What is Design Thinking According to IDEO’s definition, Design Thinking is a human-centered, iterative approach for creative problem solving and innovation that draws … Read more

365 Positive Words to Help Make 2021 Your Best Year Yet

Create a more positive year with these words. We have collected a list of 365 positive words – one word for every day of 2021. Find your word of the year for 2021. Here are some ideas for using them to make 2021 your best year yet: be mindful of the word of the day … Read more

A to Z Positive Words – Good Words – Nice Words List

Positive Words Research proudly presents to you a resource with A to Z positive words. For every letter find below four positive words starting with each letter of the alphabet from A to Z. Except for letter X and Z for which there are only two. Use the below list of positive words to learn … Read more

How Can You Better Stick to Your Resolutions for the Year

Now that we’re full-on into the New Year, yet still, at its beginning, it’s time to see how well we’re sticking to the resolutions list we’ve made for ourselves a little while back. While making a resolution list in full enthusiasm and with an open heart is inspiring, unfortunately, it’s also no guarantee to help … Read more

7 Tips: How to Stop Worrying And Be More Relaxed

The biggest obstacle to a happy life is worrying. It can destroy your life personally and professionally. Excessive worriers can face a host of physical problems like headaches, shortness of breath, dizziness, and irritability. The cause of various illnesses and diseases can also be attributed to worry. If you are a constant worrier, here are … Read more

Best 6 Easy Ways To Boost Your Personal Efficiency Now

We all want to become better, that’s for sure. I bet you’re reading this line because your pursuit of excellence has led you to me. Now that we’ve met, I’d like to propose the following: My work is different – I’m not a guru, I’m not here to improve you, and I’m not here to … Read more

Finding Your Talents With Morning Pages In 7 Easy Steps

Do you ever feel as if you are constantly getting in your own way? Are intrusive thoughts or easy distractibility taking away from your ability to create or reach your goals? If so, you are not alone. Most of us create a lot of internal noise that can block our creativity, and stop us from … Read more

How To Be Happy In An Unhappy World In 7 Easy Steps

Can we be happy in this crazy world? Speaking of the world today as a place of happiness appears to just be “Pollyanna” positive thinking, not dealing with reality. When we consider the present world, there’s much poverty and persecution on one side. In America, poverty is minimal and the ‘persecution’ is verbal. We would … Read more

Make Yourself a Cup of Tea: Simple Self-Care Guide to Try

We all know that we have to take care of ourselves, but we don’t know how to fit it into our already busy schedules. It is actually even more important to take care of yourself when you have a hectic lifestyle that leaves you without much energy at the end of the day. As a … Read more

Take Life Back: 5 Signs Work Is Stealing You From Family

You come home from work. And you feel tired.Because you really are. It feels like you have a soul-sucking job that eats you alive. You die a little every day at your office.The workload is crazy, the pressure is insane and if you just take one moment to rest, you will fall behind. To cope … Read more

5 Tips On How Avoiding Negativity Improves the Work Day

“A happy employee is a productive employee”. We’ve all heard this quote numerous times, but is there any truth to it? It turns out, there is. A recent study done by the University of Warwick showed the productivity of a happy employee increased 12 percent when placed in a positive and happy environment. So, how … Read more

6 Great Benefits of Technology On Good Parenting Today

Technology over the years has done the magic with the people of the world. Young children have led themselves in an environment where they have got the most suited advancements and developments. The outcomes of the technology and its creatures are unbelievable for children’s emotional and social well-being. No matter what kinds of ramifications the … Read more

Top 3 Ideas About The Therapeutic Power of Positive Words

To be successful at what you are doing, it is important to remain positive about it. You can only get something if you think you can. Conversely, you are likely to fail if you think you can’t. Good words help people to feel better, stronger, and much happier. As a little girl said in the … Read more

Best 5 Ways To Ease Depression With Writing And Relax

According to Anxiety and Depression Association of America, depression and anxiety disorders are included in the list of most common mental illness affecting about 40 million adults aging 18 years old and above in the US alone. This condition is highly treatable but only 36.9% of sufferers receive treatment. Not just in the US but … Read more

Best 6 Tips On Teaching Kids How to Write a Paragraph

Being a parent is probably one of the most difficult tasks, so you need to be ready to accept every challenge. Especially, when your child is entering school and needs to write his first paragraphs and essays. Especially, when your child is entering school and needs to write his first paragraphs and essays. And when … Read more

Write Down Your Problems: Why it Helps and How To Benefit

We all have emotional problems, and sometimes – if not even most of the times – we don’t really know how to handle all those complicated feelings. Our brains and thoughts are spinning very rapidly. Therefore, we can’t properly focus on our main problems so we are jumping from an idea to another. Writing down … Read more

Education is the Key to Success in Life and Peace on Earth

Education plays a significant role to design your future as a successful person in life and as a useful citizen in society. I believe no one can neglect the importance of it. Education reduces the challenges of life that one might face. When you have more knowledge and degree, there will be more opportunities for … Read more

Be Kind to Each Other: 10 Inspiring Acts of Kindness To Do

Surely, many of us are tired of the selfishness of others, and from the endless series of atrocities that are happening in the world. The news that we hear daily, sometimes make us seriously doubt that a person is generally able to care for someone else except himself. Nevertheless, everything is not so bad. Here … Read more

6 Ways to Make Family Get-Together a Positive Experience

The tradition of holiday family gatherings is a time-honored way to come together and reinvigorate the family bond. It secures the feeling of belonging, inclusion, and affection — important aspects of emotional well-being. More than that, there’s a certain magic in holiday events that brings joy and happiness to the family. For some families, a … Read more

Aging Gracefully: Get Mental Health With Positive Thinking

According to studies, most millennials in this age have the same depression level as the prisoners in a mental asylum back in the 1900’s. This study, therefore, confirms the fact that depression and other negative illness in this age are affecting younger people. As a result, deaths linked to suicide are exponentially rising and the … Read more