Practical Guide: How To Make A Scientific Essay Easy

A scientific essay is a relatively brief writing, dedicated to a specific topic that implies its deepening, discernment, and synthesis. The author expresses his idea or point of view from an objective information collected and presented previously. In a simpler way, it is a writing in which the author exposes his ideas in an organized … Read more

WOW NOW: Guide To Reclaim An Abundant And Spectacular Life

I first met Florin three years ago and I had the feeling that I meet a dear friend. Since then, I’ve met him tens of times for a variety of events and a boot camp on how to write a book. He is a person dedicated to his passion, perhaps one of the most passionate … Read more

Make Yourself a Cup of Tea: Simple Self-Care Guide to Try

We all know that we have to take care of ourselves, but we don’t know how to fit it into our already busy schedules. It is actually even more important to take care of yourself when you have a hectic lifestyle that leaves you without much energy at the end of the day. As a … Read more

Discover 12 Powerful Universal Laws That Guide Your Life

There are 12 powerful words that represent powerful universal laws, that guide your life and is better to know what they stand for, to know the energy that they master. 1. Cause and Effect “As your saw, so shall you reap” Whatever we put out in the Universe will come back to us. What you saw is … Read more