Make Yourself a Cup of Tea: Simple Self-Care Guide to Try

We all know that we have to take care of ourselves, but we don’t know how to fit it into our already busy schedules. It is actually even more important to take care of yourself when you have a hectic lifestyle that leaves you without much energy at the end of the day. As a writer, I am always in front of the computer and after a day of paraphrasing plagarism, I sometimes do not have the time for self-care. What I have realized is that self-care does not have to be extreme. It is the little things we do that can have huge impacts. Here is my simple self-care guide.

Redefine success

The pressure we put on ourselves to be successful can be a lot and if we only step away from what we are told, it might be easier. Success is different for everyone and you need to redefine it for your own life. By eliminating some of the pressure, you can find some time to breathe. This is not to say that you have to give up on your goals and dreams, but rather only focus on the ones that brings you pure joy.

Treats count

If you do not have the time to go to a spa and have a day of relaxation, give yourself a treat just for getting through the day. This can be a cup of your favorite tea or just a block of chocolate. Life should not be lived worrying about things that don’t matter. It does not have to be food. You can also do your nails at home or have a long bubble bath. There are reasons why these treats are spoken about often. It really is just about rejuvenating yourself and give you that moment to appreciate what you have.


You do not have to be an ez rewriter to be writing every day. A journal is always a good idea, or simply writing something inspiring. This is a great release after you have been knocking down giants the whole day. Write about something that happened to you in the day or some place you would like to visit. No matter what it is, there is a therapeutic aspect to it that we cannot deny.

Positive self-talk

By far the most important aspect of self-care is to change all the negative thoughts in your head. It is not always as easy as flipping a switch, but with practice, you can become your own motivator. After rephrasing a sentence online for a thousand times, I might start believing that I don’t have what it take to be a writer. Instead, I would tell myself that I am such a champ for not giving up.


Nothing heals the battered soul like listening to your favorite tunes. Music can be a release for so many people and what you listen to says a lot about you and the space you are in mentally. Put your feet up and press that play button. Being able to relate to some of the words in a song can make you feel like the world understands you.


Do not neglect yourself on your road to success. Happiness has always been more important than making another buck. Enjoy your life and remember that you are your biggest asset, so take care of you.

Author’s Bio

Charles Hampton is a content manager and an amateur guest post writer. His hobby is reading and, extreme sport. He also writes short stories and dreams of publishing his book. Charles`s life credo is “Just do it!”

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