The Warmth of Apricity: Embracing the Sun in Winter Language is a treasure trove of words that capture emotions, experiences, and phenomena—sometimes in ways that seem almost magical. One such word is apricity, a rare and beautiful term that encapsulates the warmth of the sun on a cold winter day. Definition of Apricity The word … Read more

Spreading Holiday Cheer Three Heartwarming Letters to Santa Filled with Positivity and Joy

As the holiday season approaches, the timeless tradition of writing letters to Santa Claus comes alive in the hearts of children and adults alike. This charming custom, steeped in joy and wonder, allows us to express our deepest wishes and reflect on the year gone by. In this spirit, we present three heartfelt letters to … Read more

Adding The Magic of Positive Words in Santa Claus Letters

The tradition of writing letters to Santa Claus is a cherished part of many children’s holiday experience. Beyond the excitement of listing wished-for toys and gifts, these letters hold a deeper significance. They are a canvas for expressing hopes, dreams, and, most importantly, a medium where the use of positive words can have a profound … Read more

Content Plan For Social Networks What it Consists of and How to Make it

What is a content plan and what is it for A content plan is a monthly schedule of publications. It is convenient to keep it in the form of a table, where the place (Facebook post*, Instagram*), date, and time of posting will be prescribed. Ideally, you should create an individual content plan with website … Read more

What are Quotes and How to Use Them To Get Wellbeing

Whenever an individual begins writing an original draft, he always looks up to the internet to quote someone known. Maybe he would refer to an insightful saying to make himself sound more compelling. This is when you befriend the sites which are loaded with so many interesting quotes. It is like reading a book with … Read more

Essential Shopping Tips for Students on a Budget Today

Limited resources can spell doom to your college life. You have limited money to spend on entertainment, personal projects, and crucial academic needs. Save money by getting cheap help on homework. The helpers also allow you to focus on money-making ventures like a job or entrepreneurship. Luckily for students, there are numerous options when your … Read more

How to Ease the Stress of College: Brief Guide for Freshmen

Let’s be clear: stresses and anxiety are unavoidable and are an important part of anyone’s life. One cannot get rid of them entirely. Moreover, the necessity to overcome anxiety can become another stress, as you’re supposed to be good at dealing with it. But anxiety and stresses are not only about psychological health. They also … Read more

Top 10 Amazingly Positive Words from Sweden To Enjoy

Sweden is a state with a rich culture and tradition. The friendly people, the care of the environment and the cultivation of traditions and customs are among the main features that characterize this place. With rare natural beauty and the sights that Sweden has to offer, it certainly impresses us to visit this place. But … Read more

How People Express Their Happiness in 10 Different Cultures

Happiness is an emotion that all people want to feel in their everyday lives and in many cases, a person’s culture can play an important part in how they express it. Celebrating a happy moment can vary from country to country and these unique cultural traditions can be quite interesting to experience for any foreigner. … Read more

How to Look Stunning Before Valentine’s Day. 6 Easy Life Hacks

Winter season is often an obstacle course of stressors. But it is not only the most wonderful time of the year but most social, Christmas, New Year, Valentine’s Day. How to look stunning? Many people will make the extra effort to look amazing and stand out from the crowd.  And there is no need to … Read more

Be Kind to Each Other: 10 Inspiring Acts of Kindness To Do

Surely, many of us are tired of the selfishness of others, and from the endless series of atrocities that are happening in the world. The news that we hear daily, sometimes make us seriously doubt that a person is generally able to care for someone else except himself. Nevertheless, everything is not so bad. Here … Read more

What Kind Wishes Can You Say To Your Family At Christmas

Christmas is a blissful time. We are celebrating the birth of Jesus and having the most peaceful time with our friends and family. But aside from fun and pleasure, there are a lot of holiday to-do’s without which the celebration just can’t be perfect. And one of the most important things to do is to … Read more

This week’s positive word is RELAX: Find Your Life Balance

 This week’s positive word is RELAX By Victoria J.Brown I remember I was well into the New Year, Christmas felt like a long-distance memory and I noticed that the last thing on many people’s minds is relaxation. I understand that maybe the Holidays period is very busy, so there’s not much relaxing going on. Then the … Read more

How To Practice Gratitude And Benefit From Its Magic

Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. the Bible, Matthew 13:12. This is a famous quote from a famous book, the Bible, Matthew 13:12. Gratitude is a practice, a skill. It means to retake knowledge of certain things that … Read more

Positive Words for Christmas: Uplift Your Holiday Spirit

Spread holiday cheer with positive words for Christmas. Explore heartwarming phrases and expressions that will uplift your festive spirit and bring joy to your celebrations. For your magic inspiration, for the text you are writing for someone this holiday season, find here a list of adjectives and positive words for Christmas.  Embracing the Magic of … Read more

Short Story for Kids: Reindy and the Magic Dust Tale

Immerse your child in a captivating world of imagination with ‘Reindy and the Magic Dust Tale,’ a delightful short story that sparks creativity and wonder. Discover the enchanting journey of Reindy as they embark on a magical adventure filled with excitement and life lessons. The world of storytelling has a unique ability to transport young … Read more

Unlock Positivity: Download Positive Words Database in Excel and PDF Formats

Access a comprehensive Positive Words Database for Excel and PDF formats. Elevate your content, communication, and mindset with a wealth of uplifting words. Download now! Download more than 2,600 positive words in Excel and PDF from Positive Words Research – download the positive words database. You need this list of positive words if you are … Read more