Be An Optimistic Person: Best Secrets of Positive Thinking

People often believe that being a positive or a negative person is something you are born with – you are either one or the other and you can’t change. But in most cases, they are wrong. This is just the attitude you choose to have. For instance, one person will strongly believe that they can … Read more

How People Express Their Happiness in 10 Different Cultures

Happiness is an emotion that all people want to feel in their everyday lives and in many cases, a person’s culture can play an important part in how they express it. Celebrating a happy moment can vary from country to country and these unique cultural traditions can be quite interesting to experience for any foreigner. … Read more

Much Ado About Success: Possible For Everyone in 6 Steps

Success! What an overused, misunderstood word! Many motivational speakers speak about what produces success. They promote varied ideas to gain it, such as writing goals, developing self-confidence, setting minds on objectives, etc. But they don’t tell what success is! Yes, writing goals is helpful — and keeping them in front of us. Rewriting them, adjusting … Read more

7 Tips: How to Stop Worrying And Be More Relaxed

The biggest obstacle to a happy life is worrying. It can destroy your life personally and professionally. Excessive worriers can face a host of physical problems like headaches, shortness of breath, dizziness, and irritability. The cause of various illnesses and diseases can also be attributed to worry. If you are a constant worrier, here are … Read more

This week’s positive word is QUEST: Find Your Motivation

This week’s positive word is QUEST By Victoria J.Brown The New Year has started and New Year Resolutions have been made around the world. Some are doing well … others, lasted a day or so 🙂 Did you make New Year Resolutions? If you did, ask yourself how many of them are related to an … Read more

Back To The Start: Dating After Divorce Will Help You Let Go

Dating after a divorce may sound like a tiring and unpleasant experience. Some people even prefer staying in a dysfunctional marriage just to avoid getting into new relationships. However, all the people in the world are wired to connect with others, and if you take it slow and open up your mind, dating can be … Read more

Arsenie Boca: When Life Is Dire Do Tea In The Prettiest Cup

The best-known story told by the Father Arsenie Boca aims to bring relief to those in distress. The parable of the little cup of tea told by the spiritual guide from Prislop teaches people what they can do “if life is hard and are hit, beaten, pushed almost mercilessly when the world seems to be … Read more

Together: Learn From Trees That Survive Connected Together

Nassim Haramein posted publicly today: “A visual metaphor for the entire universe: everything is connected by the structure of space itself, even if it is not apparent to us on the surface…“. This affirmation was accompanied by the below picture representing trees with strong roots connected and the word together.  I love this representation of the … Read more

PANACHE: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

Panache meaning/definition Panache means flamboyant confidence of style or manner. Positive Words Research – PANACHE definition – meaning | Dictionary Positive Words

RASASVADA: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

Rasasvada meaning Rasāsvāda means appreciation, sipping on juice, the perception of pleasure. in Indian philosophy, it refers to the taste of bliss in the absence of all thought which is an obstacle in the path leading to Nirvikalpa Samādhi. It is aesthetic consciousness. Source: Positive Words Research – RASASVADA definition – meaning | Dictionary … Read more

Why Positive Words Matter: Unleashing the Impact on Well-being and Relationships

Why positive words matter: Discover the transformative power of optimism, encouragement, and positivity in language. Explore the impact of positive words on mental well-being and relationships. “Why Positive Words Matter” is a resource of information from different articles/videos gathered at Positive Words Research in one article to support the statement that positive words matter and … Read more

Requested References for Research on Positive Words

Discover the requested references for our research findings about the profound impact of positive words on well-being, communication, and personal growth. Explore the sources that support our insights and enrich your understanding of the transformative power of positivity in language. We receive many messages from people asking for references for the research performed at Positive … Read more

A Comprehensive List of Emotionally Positive Words: Elevate Your Vocabulary

Elevate your vocabulary and enhance your emotional well-being with our comprehensive list of emotionally positive words. Explore this empowering collection to express and embrace a wide range of positive emotions in your daily life. Find below a list of emotionally positive words that start with every letter from the alphabet. Enjoy this list! Elevating Your … Read more