How Can You Better Stick to Your Resolutions for the Year

Now that we’re full-on into the New Year, yet still, at its beginning, it’s time to see how well we’re sticking to the resolutions list we’ve made for ourselves a little while back. While making a resolution list in full enthusiasm and with an open heart is inspiring, unfortunately, it’s also no guarantee to help us stick to our plans in the year ahead. 

How Can You Better Stick to Your Resolutions for the Year?

We may get sidetracked by other unforeseen plans or even discouraged by the proportions of what we’ve set out to accomplish for ourselves. However, the good news is that, as with everything else in life, there are ways to slow down and pursue what we want in a calmer, more efficient matter. Let’s look at some tips on how we can make sure we’ll cross off the list even our wildest objectives and dreams:

1. Break Down Objectives into Bite-Size Portions

When you wrote down your list, you probably took note of everything you want to accomplish, but rather in the bigger-picture kind of way. Now it’s time to take the first still unmet objective on your list and break it down into smaller steps. Write down the first thing you can do to get closer to this goal and assign it a timeframe. When can you have it ready? What needs to happen for you to be able to meet that deadline? What can stop you from achieving it? What external help and resources do you need to make it happen? 

Say, for example, one goal was for you to reach financial prosperity this year, but that’s too vague. Think that by March you’ll apply to ten different jobs, by May you take on that extra freelancing job you’ve always wanted to and by July you’ll collaborate with someone on a new project. It’s all about envisioning the small steps that together can bring you the financial prosperity you’ve dreamed of. Additionally, you can look at poor habits that prevent you from reaching and maintaining financial prosperity.

2. Reach Out for External Support

Even though they may be our own dreams and goals, it doesn’t mean we need to work alone on them. The beauty of moving through life organically towards what brings you fulfillment is that the right people will always come your way to help you get where you want to. So try to relieve some of the pressure you’ve put on yourself and look outside, in trying to identify which people from your social circles can contribute to your dreams. 

Remember, happiness is only real when shared, so do your best to collaborate with people that share your vision and aspirations. In the end, the reward will be so much bigger when you’ll cross the finish line together, rather than just by yourself. And who knows, you may also be helping someone fulfill their own dreams in the process. And you will for sure stick to your resolutions for the year.

3. Don’t Give Up the Resolutions for the Year

Sometimes reaching out to something we really want can become overwhelming, scary and exhausting. This is why it’s important that within those moments we step back and treat ourselves gently. Instead of putting even more pressure on ourselves, we need to allow ourselves to take a break whenever we need it, so we can come back to our projects and dreams with a fresher mind. It’s often so easy to lose sight of the reason why we’re doing what we’re doing or to disconnect from gratitude and positive thinking. In this way you will stick to your resolutions for the year.

But that’s just when we need to bring gentleness and calm in our already turbulent mindsets. By practicing this shift every day, you’ll soon notice how inner peace is following its natural course again and your energy levels are slowly back to normal. Life is filled with setbacks and energy rushes, so it’s important to remember how natural they are and how it only requires patience and calm from our side to manage all these fleeting emotions.

Ultimately, it’s important to realize that our dreams will always be there for us, calmly waiting for us to come and bring them to reality. So we need to pace ourselves in this crazy rush to get things done, look for outside support whenever necessary and constantly have faith in who we are and what our personal mission is. Everything does fall into place eventually. And this is how you better stick to your resolutions for the year.

About the Author

‘Claudia Spataru is a free spirit located in Bucharest, Romania and always in search of answers to life’s greatest questions. She loves to understand how people work, what makes them tick and find ways to help them reach higher grounds. She adores the sea, traveling and laughing.’

Positive Words Research – How Can You Better Stick to Your Resolutions for the Year?

How Can You Better Stick to Your Resolutions for the Year

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