Best 6 Easy Ways To Boost Your Personal Efficiency Now

We all want to become better, that’s for sure. I bet you’re reading this line because your pursuit of excellence has led you to me. Now that we’ve met, I’d like to propose the following:

My work is different – I’m not a guru, I’m not here to improve you, and I’m not here to make you believe something. I am here because I’m the bird who sings its song without any expectations. If you care to stop and listen to me, you do so because you appreciate the beauty of the song.

Becoming a superhuman or improving your personal efficiency up to skyrocketing levels requires you to do stuff.

As far as I see it, there are several primordial aspects that one must assume and acknowledge before working on complicated aspects.

Here are 6 things you truly need to consider and apply if you really want to create long-lasting change in your personal efficiency. Start small but aim high.

1.    Meditation

First of all, you must understand what meditation really is. There’s a lot of mumbo-jumbo everywhere around the internet, so many of us don’t really understand what true meditation is.

Meditation is a state, not an activity that you must schedule. We are meditating every time we silence our thoughts and engage in the present moment. It is THAT simple.

As Mark Farley, the founder of a popular assignment help enterprise suggests, “All you have to do is start observing what’s going on around you and your body. Use your eyes as tools for vision, your nose as a tool for smelling, your ears as a tool for sound, and activate all your other senses like touch, emotions, and vibration.”

I would add an important remark…

Don’t focus on removing the thoughts. Many people make a true effort to stop their thoughts on command. That’s a trap that leads you nowhere. Instead, focus on your senses and on “now”.

2.    Knowledge of personal efficiency

“Knowledge is power” – you’ve heard it, I heard it, and our neighbors must have heard it too. It has a different meaning for each of us, yet for the wise ones, knowledge is everything.

At one point or another, you’ll understand this statement better, and it will mark the beginning of a new stage in your life.

Life’s all about lessons and growth. The moment you stop, you stop fueling what keeps you alive. For example, do you fail to do something in life? Do you fail to be disciplined or to stick to your goals? It means you do not have sufficient knowledge on how to remove the bad beliefs & habits. It means that you don’t have the “weapons” to fight back. When you embrace the knowledge that’s sitting up for grabs, your life will immediately change and your personal efficiency will boost.

3.    Harmony

Let me ask you a question. Do you live in harmony with yourself?

Simply put…Do you feel what you think?

Or…do you do what you feel?

Or…do you do what you think and feel?

Here’s the simple definition of love/balance/freedom/harmony:

Thoughts + Emotions + Actions. If they are aligned, there will be harmony. If they’re not aligned, there will be suffering.

Right now, most of us experience an internal anarchy because our thoughts, emotions, and actions are in disharmony.

You can get out of this state by simply becoming the ruler of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Become sovereign and an internal monarch of your world and you’ll be happy and free.

4.    Self-Discovery

There are many points in life when our needs completely change. We first desire to achieve material abundance. Money, fame, power, status…that’s the standard. But then, we will hardly be delighted by the things that we’ve accomplished.

We’ll start seeking other types of experiences. We’ll start studying literature, art, history, and so on. But once we’re done with that, the process repeats.

Eventually and hopefully, we’ll start seeking true knowledge, which is the knowledge of the self. We will realize that we had it all, right here, in our own minds.

5.    Intention

They call it the law of attraction. Simply put, what you intend to happen, it will eventually happen. However, it will hardly happen if your thoughts, emotions, and actions are not sitting in balance, because you actually need to take action to develop new things here, on the physical plane.

How can you change any procrastination state, laziness, belief?

You start with the intention first. You start caring about the thing that you want to happen. Once you know and visualize what will happen, start taking action!

6.    Attachment

Don’t become attached to anything – people, feelings, thoughts, objects, states…they’re all going to trap you.

According to Buddha, the attachment is the root of all evil and the biggest block to self-realization, and that’s become when you conclude something, you make it real, and it will eventually impact you in the future.

If there are no conclusions, every experience will feel like “new”. The past represents our illusions of what happened while the future represents the illusion of what will happen. The present moment is the only thing that matters. Stay there and your attachments will soon go away.


So, as you may notice, there are many powerful actions you can take to arrive where you want. If you care, save this post somewhere on your desktop and keep revisiting it every now and then. Reflect on the topics discussed here and try to see the bigger picture.

Lastly, remember to keep it simple. After all, we’re all playing our individual game. Once you realize that what you’re doing is simply playing, your fear will suddenly vanish and there will be no more irrelevant suffering. You will be free and ready to conquer your world.

Author ~ Mark Thomson

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

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