Aging Gracefully: Get Mental Health With Positive Thinking

According to studies, most millennials in this age have the same depression level as the prisoners in a mental asylum back in the 1900’s. This study, therefore, confirms the fact that depression and other negative illness in this age are affecting younger people. As a result, deaths linked to suicide are exponentially rising and the people affected by this demise are mostly young people in their early 20’s or younger.

So to speak, we live in a place that is not mentally friendly. We live in our daily lives walking on a fine line between sanity and insanity, and many individuals trip over the bad side.

However, as human beings of the modern age, we can battle against these negative thinking and acquire optimism that may help us age gracefully and live the rest of our lives – maybe not in full harmony, but in contentment and strength to welcome any challenges.

Here are 4 tips to develop a strong mental health through positive thinking.

1. Take a break

The world is at a very fast pace and everyone is always trying to catch up to everything, from deadlines to meetings everyone’s expectation up to chasing perfection just to catch excellence. And we all know that this race is the most tiring race all of us is trying to win.

To get a hold of yourself, you need not run after time. Stop, look, and listen. Take the monks, for example, they are living life at a very slow pace but they are one of the wisest people to roam the earth. I’m not saying you should be a monk. The idea is, if we take life slowly, we may get more than just work fulfillments but self-fulfillment as well.

Have you ever noticed that we notice things easier when we walk than when we run?

2. Exercise

Studies show that a person who exercises for at least 15 – 30 minutes a day becomes more productive compared to those who does not. When people exercise we tend to loosen up. Not just our muscles strengthen but also our neuron system.

You may want to go to a gym and try every equipment out there, or you can jog around town at dawn under the sparkly blanket of stars. Spending some time for yourself is not such a bad thing. After all the workloads, you deserve to look good so you deserve some time to do exercise and allow your brain to work properly. Let it breathe.

3. Stay away from gadgets

Most news these days are so transparent because of social media. People from America already knows what is happening in Korea, Japan, and China in real time because of this internet phenomena.

News from here and there are spurring in your Facebook feed or Twitter list and, let’s face it, not every news you receive are good news. And after hearing the terrible news in Syria or Philippines, you can’t help but feel sad.

Instead of indulging from these feeling, take a step away from your gadgets which are, unfortunately, the provider of negative vibes. 

4. Talk to someone

Some people do not like talking to therapists or psychiatrists because they feel like they are labeling themselves as “crazy” if they do so. However, contrary to the stereotype of many, talking to therapists or psychiatrists doesn’t make you crazy automatically. Talking to them is allowing yourself to seek for clinical help to get rid of your negative thoughts that may lead to worse cases.

If you are a worried parent who seeks professional attention for your child but is not comfortable with the thought of a psychiatrist or therapist, there is respite care Houston that offers home services to aid your problem. The respite care system also comes in different services so you can pick out which service best suits you or your family.


In this fast pacing world, we can’t help but feel stressed and left out. In most times we feel useless or worthless if we won’t be able to keep up with the race of time. But even when we are living in a very hurried moment, sometimes we just have to step back, relax, and breathe to regain ourselves.

We just have to find our positive self to stray away from our negative shell.

An article written by Patricia Cheng

Positive Words Research – Aging Gracefully: 4 Basic Tips To Strengthen Your Mental Health Through Positive Thinking

Aging gracefully

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