Tips On How Design Thinking Positively Impacts Creativity

Design Thinking positively impacts creativity. Design Thinking workshops empower business owners and staff in different ways to find new and creative solutions to problems. Let’s start by explaining what Design Thinking is. What is Design Thinking According to IDEO’s definition, Design Thinking is a human-centered, iterative approach for creative problem Read more…

Order of Arithmetic Operations – What is the PEMDAS Rule

A simple arithmetic expression consisting of two numbers connected through a single arithmetic operation is easy to solve. But when it comes to solving expressions with several numbers and multiple operation symbols, it becomes necessary to solve them in some sequence. But to know which particular operation to solve first, Read more…

Interactive Methods and Forms to Teach Foreign Languages

The use of interactive methods and forms when teaching a second language can be quite beneficial. These methods can provide many advantages when it comes to developing cognitive or creative abilities among students and will also help enhance interactions between students and teachers to offer an effective learning experience. Interactive Read more…

Child Imagination and Creativity are Infinite and Genius

We frequently hear this phrase that “there is only a fine line that separates genius from madness.” This phrase refers to the fact that no creative person exists without some touch of madness. Children learn from their surroundings, and their environment plays a vital role in their development. Childhood is Read more…