How to Control Your Debt and Grow Your Net Worth Tips

Unfortunately, being in debt is something many people can relate to and living paycheck to paycheck is more common than not. The types of debt many struggles with been wide-ranging as well, whether it is from their car, past schooling, or medical expenses. No matter the case, owing money can be extremely stressful, especially if … Read more

10 Tips to Establish Financial Independence in your 20’s

Want to save more in your 20’s? Start building habits right away that can help you achieve this goal because when it comes to saving, consistency matters. For many young adults, managing finances could be quite overwhelming. Once you are out of college, you need to start thinking of getting a house, medical insurance, and … Read more

Top 5 Reasons Why Insurance is Important in Life and Helps

Life insurance is about securing your greatest asset: your own self and life because nothing is more important than your life. As we go through the different stages of life and grow older, find a partner, and start a family, we realize the importance of getting insurance as a long-term plan for financial stability. Insurance … Read more

4 Simple And Smart Suggestions To Boost Credit Score

Do you often pay high-interest rates on your loans or credit cards? Or, does your lender or card issuer ask you to pay more as EMI than someone you may know? If your answer to any one of the two questions is ‘Yes’, then you are a victim of a low credit score. A high … Read more

Essential Shopping Tips for Students on a Budget Today

Limited resources can spell doom to your college life. You have limited money to spend on entertainment, personal projects, and crucial academic needs. Save money by getting cheap help on homework. The helpers also allow you to focus on money-making ventures like a job or entrepreneurship. Luckily for students, there are numerous options when your … Read more

3 Ways to Get a Good Job Interview and Get Your Dream Job

Getting a job in this technology-driven world is not as easy as it used to be. Before, employers are always looking out for people to fill several job positions. However, these days, the tides have turned. Yes, several job opportunities get posted online daily. The availability of jobs is not a problem. There are millions … Read more

Best List of 30 Good Words for Prosperity and Abundance

Positive Words Research has compiled a list of good words for prosperity. Look at prosperity not only in relation to money but in relation to every area of your life: good health, love, energy, adventure. Write on a piece of paper this list of good words for prosperity for 30 days in a raw. Try … Read more

30 Financial Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance

Positive Words Research presents below a list of 30 financial affirmations to attract money, wealth and abundance. Read these financial affirmations carefully and reflect upon them adding details from your life when thinking. 30 Financial Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance I get paid for being me. More money is appearing in my life in … Read more

How Can You Better Stick to Your Resolutions for the Year

Now that we’re full-on into the New Year, yet still, at its beginning, it’s time to see how well we’re sticking to the resolutions list we’ve made for ourselves a little while back. While making a resolution list in full enthusiasm and with an open heart is inspiring, unfortunately, it’s also no guarantee to help … Read more

Financial Abundance Feel Far Away: Learn What Can You Do

Most of us have an idea of where we would like to be in life and it often includes a desire towards financial abundance. Call it wealth. Call it prosperity. Whatever you choose to call it, it’s probably right there, up on your wishlist.  Why Does Financial Abundance Feel So Far Away and What Can … Read more

Negative Thinking Interferes With Success And Wealth

How Negative Thinking Interferes with Your Chance of Success and Wealth Imagine you just got promoted and you start immediately. Did your gut clench? Do you know what caused it? A NEGATIVE THOUGHT. Write down that thought. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Did it start with, “I can’t”? or “I don’t”? This is what is going … Read more

Money May Not Buy Happiness But Financial Stability Helps

Your parents likely told you once or twice when you were young that money doesn’t buy happiness. Not to say they were wrong, but as we age we begin to understand the importance of peace of mind and that being caught between a rock and a hard place is a lot easier to squeeze out … Read more

10 Things to Write In Your Journal to Pursue Success Now

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.~ Robert Collier What makes a successful person? This is the question everyone may answer differently based on own principles and own system of values. But generally, we imply achievement of goals, accomplishment, recognition and social status, financial prosperity etc. All of these aspects are … Read more

5 Things To Do In Your Twenties to Retire in Your Thirties

Is it really possible to do things in your twenties to set yourself up for retirement in your thirties? Yes! It is possible. Is it guaranteed? Of course not. There will always be factors outside of your control, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go for it. Retirement in your thirties might be a lofty … Read more

Best 94 Affirmations for Financial Prosperity and Abundance

Find below 94 affirmations for financial prosperity. These money affirmations will change what your brain thinks about financial abundance. The prosperity affirmations will change your thoughts from thinking scarcity to thinking abundance and you will attract very fast financial prosperity. Repeat and reflect constantly on the below affirmations for financial prosperity and you will for sure increase … Read more

Top 7 Basic Rules for Financial Prosperity And Abundance

Discover the essential rules for achieving financial prosperity and abundance with these top 7 guidelines. Unlock the secrets to managing your finances wisely and paving the path to a prosperous future. The level of your financial prosperity influences your level of well-being. The result of an experiment performed on wealthy people says that your happiness … Read more