Category Archives: Quote Crush

Fuel your passion for positivity with Quote Crush, where we explore inspirational quotes that ignite your spirit and brighten your day!

What are Quotes and How to Use Them To Get Wellbeing

Whenever an individual begins writing an original draft, he always looks up to the internet to quote someone known. Maybe he would refer to an insightful saying to make himself sound more compelling. This is when you befriend the sites which are loaded with so many interesting quotes.

It is like reading a book with short, precise, and fun sayings. But one has to skim through many to find just that string of words that fits perfectly into the draft. So, make sure you choose the right quote to incorporate into your site because its influence is immeasurable and indeed unimaginable. 

What is a quote?

In simple words, a quotation is a sentence, a series of words or a phrase extracted from a speech said by someone or a text written by someone. And the person who delivered that sentence or those words must be credited; only then can it qualify as a quote.

Like how everyone is often quoting Dr. Seuss, “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened” at every farewell party. Even you would be throwing off Al Pacino’s quotes from Scarface when you would be all enraged.

Most Common Types of Quotes

What is the first thing that tickles your brain when you hear the word quotes? It should be cards based on cliché cards one receives that are flooded with cringe-worthy quotes. Let it be a funny birthday quotes when you try to humor your friend while wishing them a belated birthday.

Or you would search and write down cheesy new year quotes on e-cards to impress your fellow workers. Many individuals browse for quotes about love when they screw up bad and want to sound all lovey-dovey on cards or if you hear the same vows on two weddings, just know that the couples copied it from the same website.

The searches for Christmas quotes also skyrocket around the end of December because who likes a bland gift without a fun Christmas card enveloping a heartfelt, thoughtful quote?

What are the positive words?

When you include quotes, you have to focus on powerful and convincing words. A quote is nothing but a sentence. What gives it meaning and power is the words. And therefore, whenever you include a quote, focus on the words and their influence.

Try picking out positive words; these are the words that have positive connotations attached to them. SEO marketing and attaining a higher rank is like chess. You have to play the best move possible, like selecting the most appropriate set of words.

What are the most positive words?

Here is a list of vital words that you must set your eyes on while you are making up your website:

  • Accepted
  • Benevolent
  • Betterment
  • Celebrate
  • Delightful
  • Elegant
  • Finesse
  • Genuine
  • Happy
  • Ideal
  • Justice
  • Kindness
  • Liberty
  • Majestic
  • Noble
  • Optimism
  • Quaint
  • Radiant
  • Sensible
  • Thoughtful
  • Unparalleled


This post may remind you of grade 3’s English language course. But let us tell you that the significance of these words is massive. A user in today’s world is equipped with the power of knowledge. And you have to deliver to them what they are looking for.

So, if you intend on ruling the Search Engine’s Rating, you must call your school’s English language teacher because the strong, powerful, and positive words and equally compelling quotes will get you up that ranking!

Positive Words Research – What are Quotes and How to Use Them

Professional Essay Writing: How to Create a Masterpiece

Yes, it will be another boring article on how to create a professional and effective essay. Oh, no, stop. It won’t be, because we won’t tell the same things other bloggers say when it comes to this topic: write a plan, research your sources, create an outline, write an introduction and other parts, so on. You know all that, you’ve most probably finished your English 101 class already and know all these theoretical tips from textbooks and other articles. Though, of course, we will provide you with some information you might already know, we will try to go through some extra substance on the matter. So here we go.

1. Time management for essay writing

Before you start writing, think about the essays you’ve written before and try to estimate the approximate time you need to get done with this task. You need three time frames — optimum, minimum and maximum. For example, you need on average 3 days of work to finish a professional argumentative essay — it is your optimum, always remember about it and don’t think you have plenty of time ahead of you.

2. Imagine that a procrastination monster bites you

We are sure it happened before and you should know, there is no guarantee it won’t happen again. For this case you need an emergency plan, a creative way out. While you have some energy and you are ready to work at least a little on this essay, don’t waste time on long outlines and thorough research. Start writing like crazy, through all the links you find to the same fine and keep writing. All your ideas should be there, even if some sentences are not finished. This file will save you if a procrastination monster ruins your perfect 3-day optimum plan.

3. ⅔ of planned quality is mostly enough

Don’t think “I will search for several hours more and write a brilliant essay then.” Get to work, write at least ⅔ of your paper, and if you have plenty of time to finish, add more substance, if not, just finish the remaining one third and submit an essay. It is much better to write something quality but not outstanding, than to spend endless time browsing online and not submit your paper on time.

4. Use all the technical help you can get.

For example, once you find a reference you will use, open some up-to-date citation generators and generate in-text and bibliography quotes. It will save you tons of time later, believe us. Save all the references to the same place not to look for them for ages. Even if your draft is raw it is better to use already formatted in-text citations. You can also use grammar and style checkers while writing. For example, you are tired of thinking and typing, but if you open some social media, you will get swallowed for hours. Stop writing, but stay within the writing process. Open a grammar checker and start checking what you have already written, even if it is only a draft. Rereading what you have written will give you extra thought, and there is no such thing as “extra” proofreading.

5. Work in small “shifts” and record them

There are plenty of apps and desktop programs like Pomodoro and Forest which will help you to cut your work plan into pieces and work more dynamically. Work 25 minutes, rest 5. Keep the pattern 4 times in a row and rest for half an hour. If you feel you need more rest for now, work 10 minutes and rest 30. Yes, you heard us right. Only 10 minutes. It will be enough not to get trapped in a vicious procrastination circle.

We are sure you know you have to check your paper twice before you submit it, and make sure it is fully original. One last advice. If you are not sure you can handle the overall writing load on your own, it is a good idea to delegate some of your tasks to an urgent cheap essay writing service like and focus on tasks which truly interest you. Finally, the ability to delegate is one of the most important skills there, in a real professional world.

Professional Essay Writing

Top 25 Positive Words Related To JOY To Get Inspired Now

Positive Words Research has made a research on the positive word joy. We have found 25 positive words related to Joy.

Joy is a good word and is the label for the positive emotion Joy. You can look at the related nice words for Joy as ingredients to feel the positive emotion of Joy.

Use the power of positive thinking in your advantage. Create a positive vibe in your mind that you give you positive energy to put into your projects.

  3. ENJOY
  13. GLAD
  15. BLISS
  19. GAIETY
  23. HAPPY

In order to feel the positive feeling of Joy we recommend using the above 25 powerful words in your daily vocabulary. In addition research every one of the above 25 inspiring words to find more information about them.

Implement into your daily life small practices for every nice word. You should feel a little bit of every good word. Be creative. Do very small things. That will add up. And the positive energy of Joy will bless your life every day.

Find below five lovely quotes about joy to brighten your today.

5 Joy Quotes To Brighten Your Day

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” ― Rumi

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh

“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” ― Tagore

“Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.” ― Marianne Williamson

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.” ― Brené Brown

Positive Words Research – 25 Positive Words Related To JOY

Positive Words Related to JOY

Negative Thinking Interferes With Success And Wealth

How Negative Thinking Interferes with Your Chance of Success and Wealth

Imagine you just got promoted and you start immediately.

Did your gut clench?

Do you know what caused it?


Write down that thought. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Did it start with, “I can’t”? or “I don’t”?

This is what is going to try and sabotage you and your success. It comes from your ego. Because your ego is the part of you that remembers all the negative things you were told or taught and it doesn’t hesitate to remind you.

The Disadvantages of Negative Thinking

Thinking negative thoughts is the killer of ambition and motivation. It’s like wearing cement boots. Both hold you down.

But, what causes negative thinking?

Repetition of something you were taught or told that cycled itself through your brain so many times and for a long period of time that it became a belief. A lie, but still a belief.

And now those negative thoughts-turned-beliefs have manifested consequences.


The single phrase, “I can’t afford it,” has given you many struggles. Think about it.

Now, if you turn that into, “I can afford it,” don’t you automatically feel the wheels of possibility turning and the excitement growing in your belly?

Here is what is really happening

How we perceive things dictates our actions and we all know actions create results. So, it’s safe to say, the way we think and view ourselves impacts our lives.

Negative thoughts = negative results.

Positive thoughts and perceptions = positive results.

Thinking positive leads to the realm of possibilities, whereas thinking negatively generates doubt and launches you into success sabotage.

With a positive mindset, you go from worrying about your lack of skills to figuring out ways to develop those skills. You go from wondering how you will make the connections you need, to going out and getting the connections you need. You don’t doubt. You go do.

The realm of possibilities (wealth and success), remember.

Not the realm of doubt and distortions.

By the Way, What Are Cognitive Distortions?

Cognitive distortions are when negative thinking patterns cause negative emotions like depression and anxiety. There is proof that negative thoughts can make you sick. Heck, we even have a cliche for it. When was the last time you were “worried sick”?

Do you jump to conclusions? Always think it’s about you? Cast out labels? Overgeneralize? Constantly say he/she should or must? Have clear-cut black and white thinking? Focus on what’s not working more than what is working? These are cognitive distortions.

You’re not alone, that’s for sure. And you can do something about it.

How to Engage In Positive Thinking

Switch over to seeing all your good in your life. Why it works: recognizing and focusing on the good builds confidence.

Find the silver lining lesson in your failures. Why it works: There is growth value in failure.

Stay in the present. Why it works: this creates uninterrupted focus.

Find humor in bad situations. Why it works: Truthful cliche here, because laughter is the best medicine.

Hang out with people who have a positive mindset. Why it works: you become the average of the 5 people you interact with the most.

How to do Positive Self-Talk

Affirmations are phrases that empower you.

Affirm your new desires in the present tense beginning with “I am”…

Here are a few great affirmations:

“I am wealthy”–because you are.

“I am worthy”–because you are.

“I am a success”–because you are.

You truly are a gift to this world. Success and wealth are meant to be yours. These are some positive quotes about money that will help your mindset as well.

Repetition is key.

You are the way you are because you were taught repetitively over a long period of time.

Just copy that same process of repetition when you’re engaging in positive self-talk.

To have success, you need to release yourself from the realm of doubt and into the realm of possibilities.

Remember at the beginning of this article I asked what your thoughts would be if where you stood right now, you were promoted?

Think again about that from the realm of possibilities. Oh, the things you could do and have and learn and teach.

Ambition and motivation came alive inside you, didn’t they?

That’s the power of positive thinking.

If you’d like to learn more, the Wealth Creation Mastermind offers a free 9-month course on how to master your mental landscape and engage in positive thinking and positive action.

Positive Words Research – How Negative Thinking Interferes With Your Chance Of Success And Wealth

How Negative Thinking Interferes with Your Chance of Success and Wealth

10 Useful Tips For Writing An Essay In A Hurry Correctly

Writing articles is a cumbersome task for many college and university students. And even though you cannot forego it, you need to teach yourself how to write a paper fast as it will be helpful in your academic life. Essay writing is not an easy task even for someone who does it for a living. Moreover, writing an essay is not like reading a chapter of a book or solving math problems. And as frustrating as these can be, they are finite than the colossal task of article writing. Essay writing necessitates that you brainstorm, conduct ample research, create an outline, write a draft, edit, and add some citations. To make this process easier smart students sometimes use pre written essays for cheap.

Nonetheless, as you move through college or university, you will develop a system for cranking out your essay writing tasks in record time. Additionally, you will get to spend more time on things that you enjoy. Contrariwise, writing an essay in an hour does not take little time. You have to practice on a continuous basis for you to perfect the art. And according to EssayZoo , below are some tips on how to write an essay quickly you can use.

Turn off your phone and social networks

The last thing you need when you have a last minute essay assignment is distractions coming from your phone or social networks. They have a tendency or habit of consuming much of your time without you even realizing. And procrastination is the last thought that should cross your mind as it is not applicable at this stage. Hence, it is time you ban yourself from the social networks, your phone, or anything else which may distract you. Sit in a quiet place and work on your assignment. Also, you can get browser apps such as Leechblock which help keep you off social networks.

Have your books ready

Another fast essay writing tip is having our books ready. You need to prepare your workspace by getting the books you will use to work on your assignment ready. Open the relevant pages where the relevant information is or put post-it notes in them. This will help you not to waste your time hunting through books trying to find the information you need.

Incorporate your notes into the document in a direct manner

The fastest way to write an essay is by writing your notes in the document in a direct manner. In the document you create for your essay, you can start by typing your essay notes into it in a direct manner. They can be in one-sentence summaries or bullet points of what you want to write in each paragraph. Also, for each point, incorporate a line or two for the evidence to support it. After, organize them in a sensible structure.

Leave the introduction and conclusion for last

The introduction and conclusion of an essay are often the most difficult bits to write. Hence, when writing your paper, you should leave them for last. After writing the body part of your paper, writing the introduction and conclusion will be smooth and easy. This is because you will be familiar with the argument after spending plenty of time with it.

Proofread as you go along

Proofreading is very significant when it comes to quick essay writing. Before submitting your article, you need to check for typos, grammar, and spelling as you write in each sentence and paragraph. Also, after you finish writing your paper, it is crucial that you proofread it once more to not only ensure that it is error-free but also has a smooth flow. This ought to take less time since you proofread it before.

Do not over-quote

A common tactic many students embrace when they are having a hard time writing an essay is using many quotes or long passages from other people’s work to bolster the word count. Also, they do this to reduce the amount of writing they have to do themselves. Such an approach is not efficient when it comes to fast essay writing. Thus, you need to avoid it at all costs. Instead, incorporate short quotes in your article while accompanying commentary on them. Just look through best essays for sale online to see how it should be. This will prove that you can write an essay in one day or less time.

Embrace conciseness

Too many long sentences in your paper can make it lose purpose and meaning. Hence, you need to embrace conciseness when writing your essay. Being succinct or brief and to the point is not wrong when writing your article as long as it conveys what you want your paper to communicate in an adequate manner. Embracing conciseness will help you not only to express yourself in a clear manner but also save time.

Take a break if necessary

It seems counterintuitive when you have to write an essay within a short period. And taking a short break is effective as it helps you relax and focus on producing a high-quality paper. If you have to write an essay in two or three hours, take a short break after each hour if necessary. In case, if deadlines are coming and you need help with your writing, you can always rely on the assistance of specialists behind essay writing services. Do not hesitate to visit the homepage of to get more information on how they can assist you. But, if you feel comfortable working on the entire article without any breaks, continue working on it and make good use of your productivity spate for as long as it lasts.

Use Google for quick research

“Google is not a substitute to read what your professor or instructor asks you to read. However, it is beneficial when it comes to getting grips or quick definitions of words or phrases you are struggling with at the last minute,” says Travis Meade, an academic expert at EssayWritingService. Contrariwise, you should not rely on it by any means. Nonetheless, if you are working on your essay task and you are unable to comprehend something, a quick Google search ought to enable you to procure the level of comprehension you need.

Hydrate and feed yourself

Ensure you hydrate and feed yourself while working on your essay assignments. This is because they help you to stay alert. Additionally, they help you maintain your energy levels as well as making the essay writing process bearable.

In conclusion, writing an essay is an infuriating task for many college and university students. The majority wish they could write their papers fast and get over the essay writing process. Some of them often complain, “It takes me forever to write an essay. How can I equip myself with fast essay writing tips?” Well, if you are one of these students, you should not worry anymore about your essay writing assignments and how fast you can complete them. Above are some helpful tips on how to write an essay fast which come in handy whenever you have an essay task albeit the deadline.

Positive Words Research – 10 Useful Tips For Writing An Essay In A Hurry

10 Useful Tips For Writing An Essay In A Hurry

Best 30 Tips On How To Inspire Yourself By Writing Today

Let’s face it; all writers struggle with motivation, and even the most disciplined ones can hit a dead end. A lot of things can affect your ability to write. Sometimes we are pressured by a deadline, or we don’t like the topic, or we just feel lost, and our mind is blank.

The sad thing is we can’t force our brain to jump back into writing, no matter how much we try. This happens to be quite a frustrating situation for many writers.

However, it all comes to challenging yourself and how big is your desire to get back on tracks. To help you find inspiration, I’ve made a list of 30 easy tasks, which should do the trick.

1. Imagine yourself writing

I know how silly this may sound, but while imagining your fingers going over the keyboard can trick your mind like you are actually writing something.

2. Remind yourself the REASON why you’re writing

Don’t write because someone made you do it! Write because you want to state something, or because you want to share your experience. You may check out this page for additional info on how to find your “reason”

Money can be a powerful motivation as well!

3. Commit to a daily goal

For instance: 500 words, five paragraphs, one hour!

Once you commit to it, there is no postponing, excuses, or whining!

4. Let yourself write horribly, just get that 1st draft out!

When we want to impress readers, we tend to use complicated words. However, this takes too much time!

Don’t try to be perfect! It’s easier to correct a rough draft than to write something from the beginning.

5. Find a quiet, clean, well-lit place to write

Environment plays a crucial role in this creative process. Find a place that will bring you positive energy, and block all loud noises.

 6. Switch up your environment to kickstart your creativity

To be in work more, you need to have a decided workplace. However, this can sometimes burden your mind. Try changing scenery, go to a park or a bookstore.

7. Look at your old comments

Take a look at past comments and try to draw a conclusion. They can serve you as insight and boost your inspiration.

 8. Slash your to-do list in ½

Get rid of all the things that burned your mind. This involves all the extra tasks on your to-do list! In this case, you will be more focused on the writing.

9. Ask a good friend to critique your topic

Your friend can often give you a new idea you and inspire you to write better.

10. Take breaks

Writing is all about finding a balance. If you are burnt out, then you won’t achieve anything. Give yourself 30 minutes, two hours, a couple of days. Your brain will tell when it’s ready to continue.

11. Listen to music that fits your writing

Music improves our mood and can affect our creative process. Choose a song on foreign language, so you aren’t distracted by the lyrics.

12. Hang out with successful or self-driven people

Surround yourself with accomplished individuals. He or she will serve you like an essay helper, and you will be more eager to continue with writing.

13. Exercise

As much as we hate exercising, it’s quite beneficial for our mind. It gets the oxygen flowing, giving you the rush of adrenaline, and make your brain active again.

14. Drink coffee, tea, chocolate, anything that has caffeine!

Caffeine will get you focused and make you feel like you are on top of the game.

15. Challenge yourself on your next post

Keep in mind the previous results, views, and comments. Put 120% effort to overcome the previous numbers.

16. Be physically comfortable

Wear baggy clothes, find a comfortable chair, get nice and cosy. You would be surprised how these small things can affect your writing.

17. Use tools to help you write better

There are a lot of online tools you can explore nowadays. They have time and speed up this entire process. My go-to tools are Grammarly and Copyscape.

18. Talk to other writers

Join a group of writers where you can share your ideas, but also issues. You are not the only one stuck in this situation.

19. Write something that’s been on your mind recently

Strat with recent events, things that have been bugging you for a long time. You would be surprised how easy it is to write about your thoughts.

20. Write something you can teach

Every person has a special talent, but not everyone is ready to share it with the rest of the world. In this case, tell people about your experiences and make them learn something from you.

21. Announce online that you’ll write every day.

Public pressure will motivate you to write more. Telling the entire world about your intentions will be enough to get you started.

22. Turn off your monitor and just start typing

This is a common trick many writers use. It will promote your habit of writing.

23. Read a story

Think of this as a brain exercise. Every time you take something to read, it will relax you additionally.

24. Reward yourself for writing

Your brain thrives on rewards. Think about your paycheck or bonus, once you complete the task. Imagine all the things you can do with that money.

25. Mix your day up

Live can be pretty dull if you are doing the same things. Try mixing your schedule. For instance, instead of writing in the morning, become a night owl.

26. Read inspirational quotes

Inspirational quotes are instant mood boosters. You can use them if you want to highlight a particular part of your story.

27. Get emotional

If you want your readers to feel the emotions, then you need to be able to transfer all your thoughts into writing. Think about difficult or happy situations in your life and draw inspiration from there.

28. Do something fun

Watch a funny movie, check YouTube video, hit the social networks, do anything that will entertain your mind.

29. Buy smiley stickers + calendar

Visit the local store and purchase these two items. So, every time you are writing put a sticker to mark the day.

30. Write yourself a little note for the next day

Writing is a challenging and mind-draining task. However, it feels nice to receive a short letter from yourself, telling you how great you are!


Once you review all these tasks, you will see how writing can be comfortable and relaxed. You may even add a couple of more steps, to boost your motivation.

Humans are individual creatures and what works for one, doesn’t mean it will work for another. That’s why you have to find the things that will inspire you and keep you going.

But for now, try exploring these steps. Many writers found them to be beneficial, so they should have the same effect on you.

Positive Words Research – How To Inspire Yourself By Writing

Powerful Quotes That Help Students Stay Motivated in College

College is an excellent chance for students to learn what they need to know to succeed in their field. Needless to say, this entails a lot of hard work for each student. Once in a while – whether the student ismet with failure or they’re merely burnt out – it can be discouraging. With these quotes, though, students can find motivation once more.

“99% of the Failures Come from People Who Have the Habit of Making Excuses.”

When it’s time to work, many students find any way that they can get out of it. Maybe you promise yourself that you’ll work after this episode, in an hour, or even tomorrow. However, how many times has this method led to a stressful all-nighter that doesn’t give the best results?

If you want to pass a test or write the best college essay, start now. As George Washington Carver said, “99% of the failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses.”

“I Find That the Harder I Work, the More Luck I Seem to Have”

Thomas Jefferson once said that “I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.” Apparently, it worked for the third United States president and author of the Declaration of Independence.

In other words, success and luck aren’t going to seek you out if you just sit there. Study hard and work hard and you’ll see amazing results.

“Success Is Not Final, Failure Is Not Fatal: It Is the Courage to Continue That Counts”

This quote comes from another successful and impressive historical figure: Winston Churchill. When a student fails, they might feel like it’s a mark of fate. For instance, a failed test can make a student feel like they aren’t good at a class. Once again, though, “Failure is not fatal.” So, don’t give up on something if you are faced with obstacles.

On the other hand, if you are successful in a class, this doesn’t mean that you can slack off. To keep success in a class, students need to continue to work hard.

“You Don’t Drown by Falling in the Water; You Drown by Staying There”

Ed Cole once said, “You don’t drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there.” It means that if something goes wrong, it doesn’t mark the end.

Say a student fails the first test in one of their classes. If they study hard and seek help, they are likely to find success. Instead, if a student does nothing to improve and learn from that failure, then they will continue to fail.

“There Is No Substitute for Hard Work”

It was Thomas Edison that once said, “There is no substitute for hard work.” When a student is working or studying, they have to do the whole job. They won’t benefit from trying to take the easy way out – students need to commit to hard work to get the most out of their education.

“There are Two Kinds of People in This World: Those Who Want to Get Things Done and Those Who Don’t Want to Make Mistakes”

The final quote on this list is from John Maxwell; “There are two kinds of people in this world: those who want to get things done and those who don’t want to make mistakes.” This means that students shouldn’t shy away from working or taking advantage of opportunities because of fear of failure.


Each of these quotes carries an essential note for students. Procrastination is detrimental, success comes from hard work, and failure isn’t the end. If you are motivated to become a law expert, learn more about how to become a lawyer?

With this newfound motivation, students can pull themselves out of an uninspired rut and move forward toward bigger and better things.

About the Author

Alex Brian is an entrepreneur, marketer, and writer. He loves beaches and bathing in the sun. That’s where he finds his inspiration to author in-depth guides that teach E-commerce store owners ways to manage, grow and scale their business. Ina former life, Alex co-founded a custom menswear company which generates6-figures in annual revenue through its website and retail.

Positive Words Research – Powerful Quotes That Can Help Students Stay Motivated in College

Powerful Quotes That Can Help Students Stay Motivated in College

Positive Words Emotions Used These Days On Social Media

Social Media (SM) has become the first choice for users to express their feelings with freedom. For many people all over the world, tweeting a tweet, hashtagging an Instagram caption, posting Facebook status from now onwards is common practice. In the past, people communicate via emails, forums, and newsgroups. Recently, SM has gained a lot of popularity for content sharing and sharing their opinions freely. SM such as Twitter, people get updated with the latest news, live events, participate in different activities. Also, keep up to date with friends and families. Twitter has 270 million active users, and 500 million tweets are sent per day.

There are many research topics on social network analysis. Opinion mining and sentimental analysis techniques are used to extract useful information from the user’s tweets text. Tweets may contain text from three different categories as Positive Tweet, Negative Tweet, and Neutral.

Importance of words

“Your words become your world – Nadeem Kazmi.”

  1. Words, of course, are essential for social media. Researchers using your linguistic features start predicting the personality of the people.
  2. Similarly, the words tag cloud easily help social media developers to show contents similar to your feelings and emotions to increase the throughput of company’s ads.
  3. Certain words hold more power over our decisions making process than others.

How words can be used to find five personality factors in any user

  1. Extraversion. It is a factor which is used to find your interaction with other people on SM. More you interact, more you make friends and posts.
  2. Neuroticism. The factor used to describe your emotions.
  3. Agreeableness. Your feelings, how you feel towards others.
  4. Conscientiousness. Describes how organized and dependable you are.
  5. Openness. Is when someone is curious and openminded to new experiences and knowledge.

Through sentimental analysis, we can find out the overall subjectivity of a tweet

Either it is positive, negative and neutral words are used in the tweets. Researchers believe, that no matter what the platform or language, users common practices to use more positive words than negative words. There are many reasons behind the statement. One is that a lot more good things happen to us than bad things. So naturally, we are addicted to positive thinking’s finally end up saying more positive words. The most challenging task is to classify the tweet into their categories so that a normal user can easily guess the subject of the tweet. Either it is posted to review a movie, book, electronics or any other product & company. Or it is related to some specific personalities such as Donald Trump, Imran Khan so on and so forth. Similarly, tweets may be related to some live events currently being held such as FIFA World Cup.

Opinions or tweets are in the form of a short sentence

Words used in the tweet may classify the tweet subjectivity. These positive words are also known as linguistic features from a research point of view. In the article, we have mentioned various positive words which are used on different matters on social media. The categories we selected are mentioned below.

Categories selected for extraction of positive words


Positive words extracted from the categories selected above

Can’t wait, biggie, standing ovation, blockbuster, superhit, wow, top, brilliant, good, superb, amazing, I love, win, victory, cruise, top, good, strength, brilliant, phenomenal, wow, patchy, well done, excellent,

nice, majestic, terrific, deserved, spectacular, high class, awesome, wonderful, best, delight, come back,

massive, perfect, favorite, outstanding, great, dominate, flatten, ovation, convincing, blinder, emphatic, magic, promising, flawless, classic, likely, influential, all the best, strong, celebration, impressive, well played, cheer, out played, splendid, mighty, superb, nailed, triumph, fabulous, astounding, solid, sufficient, good luck, encouraging, matchless, sublime, Mashallah, positive, love, good, wonderful, best, great, super, beautiful, peace, graceful, lovely, nice, meaningful, blame, humanity, help others, influential, flawless, encourage, harmony, submission, love, stand up, anti(non)- violence, help, hope, play, sweetheart, success, hero, superb, respect, amazing, inspire, prom, good, attract, grand, fair, hug, excite, kiss, champ, sweat, love, bless, luck, laugh, impress, interest, devote, win, luv, heal, fantast, ad, finest, admire, cutest, hahah, happy, heartfelt, bliss, joy, favorite, smile, happiest, thx, yummy, party, pretty, calm, joke, definite, warm, award, comfort, congratulate,  appreciate, origin, merry, legit, funny, welcome, car, wow, share, easy, enjoy, rich, please, support, trust, relieve, heheh, credit, honest, agree , pass, entertain, cheer, strong, perfect, thank, beauty, favorite, innocent, cut, fest, lucky, lol, love, sunny, fantasy, hah, yum, sunshine, favorite, greatest, kid, yay, healthy, proud, harmony, improve, dear, kind, energy, advantage, glad, awesome, freedom, funniest, cool, enthusiast, reward, hum, challenge, ready, handsome, smart, fun, benefit, pride, sweet, alright, affordable, fantastic, take care, nice things, surprises, happiness, satisfaction, attentive, professional, caring, encourage, feel very happy, pleasure, extremely nice, important, wonderful, especially, spacious, caring, energetic.

Words interchangeably are used in different tweets with their synonyms

In table 2, words such as “amazing, awesome, best, sweet, fantastic, extremely nice, wonderful” and many other can be used for more than one category like Movies, Products, Events, Places. However, words such as “smart, handsome, caring, energetic, hero, respect” are only associated with Personalities. Similarly, “Can’t wait, biggie, standing ovation, blockbuster, superhit, wow, top, brilliant, good, superb, amazing, I love” can be categorized into movies. There are many other words that have been used in opinions to express positive emotions.


Words can inspire, words can destroy. We cope with today’s problems with some positive to say. When terrorists commit an atrocity, we quickly respond to the news with some positive feelings and emotions for the victims and pray to God for their good beings. Even sometimes, if a bad event is described by social media, efforts are still made to use positive language to have a positive impact on society. In the article, we have listed some of the most common positive words used to express positive emotions in social media such as on Twitter. We have selected some specific categories which have been discussed on social media these days. We encourage users to stay calm and positive.

Author ~ Raza Ul Mustafa, Brasil

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Positive Words Research – Top Positive Words Emotions Used These Days On Social Media

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10 Ways To Show Your Partner How Much You Appreciate Him

If you`ve already found someone you love and who loves you back, you`re really happy! At the beginning of your relationship, everything looks so romantic and wonderful and you may think you`ve finally got an ideal relationship… But over time, it can be a little too easy to fall into a rut and even make a lot of mistakes that, unfortunately, can crack your loving relationship! In order to avoid any kind of bummers like infidelity, breakups, cooling off and so on, you have to teach to be an appreciative partner! It’s really very important because appreciating someone you love is a great daily work that won`t require too much effort. However, it will definitely help you protect your long-term relationship. Luckily, there are so many things you can do to show your love and fidelity. Here are top 10 ways to let your partner know how much you appreciate him or her.

1. Hug your significant other

Leave your business for a few minutes and give your loved one an appreciative hug! Don`t forget that a touch is a basic human need and your touch – cuddling – at the right moment can also convey your appreciation and affection.

2. Give your loved one a massage

We all love massages! Use this trick to show your love and relax your partner after a long working day.

3. Organize a fancy date

Try to plan a spontaneous romantic date in some special place and surprise someone you love. Break the routine of your everyday life and express your affection. Plan a wonderful dinner in your partner`s favorite restaurant and order his or her favorite meal. Your partner will be grateful for such a grand gesture of your love!

4. Leave little love notes or send sweet messages

One of the most romantic ways to show you love your partner is to leave special notes or send cute messages during the day. In such a simple way, you can express your feelings. Show your loved one that you`re constantly thinking about her or him.

5. Notice the little day-to-day things

It’s hard to notice the little things your partner does every day for you because household labor becomes commonplace for us. But it will be really pleasant for your loved one when you say “Thank you, my dear, that you ironed my favorite shirt for today’s business meeting!” Show her you love her and everything she does for you! Or “Oh, how well you mowed the lawn! It looks amazing! You have great hands!” Express your appreciation to him because he’s a special man in your life!

6. Compliment your special someone

Everyone loves the compliments, especially if you say them sincerely. Try to compliment your partner every day because it’s really nice to be appreciated by someone you love!

7. Spend a lazy day together

You`re both so busy… Just remember when you last watch TV sitting on the couch together? What? You can’t remember… Well, show to your partner how much you care and need him or her. Spend a lazy day together – eat junk food, watch movies and snuggle… Be sure, your partner will be happy for the break and your love. Moreover, you’ll both be happy to get some special time together.

8. Buy an unexpected gift

The key word is “unexpected”! So don’t focus on just luxury gifts for her or him. In this case, the monetary value is not important, it’s the fact that you want to give something “just because”! It can be inexpensive, but meaningful or desired one. It can be even a handmade gift!

9. Believe in your partner and always support him or her

Try never to doubt in your partner, whatever happens. Your support and fidelity will help your partner realize how much you love him or her!

10. Listen to your loved one

Sometimes you ignore your partner when he or she tells you something. But such behavior can be really hurtful! Try always to listen to your loved one. Even if you find it not so interesting or you feel you`ve heard it all already. Make the effort and listen to your significant other. Listening is a key to a harmonious relationship.


Being a good partner is learning to show your appreciation for the little things and little actions every single day. It isn`t so difficult to do, but it is very important for your relationship! Never forget that!

Author’s Bio

Andrew Guerra is an editor of

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story. 

Positive Words Research – 10 Ways To Show Your Partner How Much You Appreciate Him/Her


Love Letters: Writing Can Improve Relations With Your Partner

In this post, you are going to discover how, for example, writing love letters, could be a fountain that nourishes relationships. There is a reason why a student would want to hire assignment experts to help him or her complete school work. It is to say; they that have the muse, talent, and power to put words down on paper are capable of achieving anything through the art of writing.

Words cannot be undone. Think about it this way. Have you ever said something to someone you love that it hurt them so much but you never did realize how deep their hearts were wounded until the following morning? It happens and while sometimes people never plan to say things that pierce through the hearts of loved ones like a thousand knives, there are times when anger would drive one to make careless utterances, even in writing.

In love and hate, words have the power to wring tears even from the most hardened of hearts. On the flipside, words can soothe like breeze by the Seaside. You would want to relish in the moment of beautiful words till forever.  You may want to ask; why do people care so much about writing love letters even in this age of desktop publishing? Typed or handwritten, words have the power of making anyone fall in love. Just like a picture would speak a thousand words, words on paper have the power to speak to a million souls all at once and they could be so touching that everyone who read your piece would yearn for more.

Love of writing

Writers can speak many different languages of love in a single piece of literary composition.  Shakespeare’s sonnets and love quotes from Rome and Juliet, Merchant of Venice among other literary works by renowned authors who pour their souls on paper to paint the beautiful picture of love are sure-fire proofs that powerful words burn like eternal flames.  Some say the life of a writer is a solitude one and utterly boring.  They may be right. But in those very moments of silence and loneliness, words find their power to fly out of souls and into the world of readers.

So, does it mean those who love writing are capable of stemming relationships with their partners in the midst of raging storms of disagreements or fall-outs? Well, let’s find out how possible that could be.

Love letters: Improve your relationship the writer’s way

If you have ever fallen in love with a writer, you have fallen heads over shoulders with their words.  Love letters are as old as the hills but they set ablaze hearts in love. Writing can help improve your relationship in the following ways:

A direct expression of what the heart feels

Writing remains a timeless way of expressing thoughts, emotions, and feelings.  And when you connect this timeless truth with making amends with your partner through words on paper, there is no other better to put it. Words spoken from deep within the heart are those we express in literary composition. Every sense accompanies this craft to an extent that we feel completely immersed in writing apology letters than we would say sorry by word of mouth.

Writing touches the Soul

Stories behind some of the greatest songs ever written reek of soul ties with a craft that is now one of the best ways of influencing decisions and changing minds; writing.  If you dream of beautiful words, wake up and put them down on paper. Writing sweet lyrics for a loved one is perhaps a good explanation as to why musicians make men and women believe in the power of words.

Words literally lift the human soul to higher grounds and into spaces yonder.  The universe is made real by ink on paper. A make-believe craft that finds its way into resolving conflicts in relationships.  Tell her those sweet magical words and it will be enough to wipe her tears in times of disagreement. You may want to consider writing my paper help to test the waters using poems.

In all honesty, words are found

There are days when you will fear a relationship is on the rocks and if one cannot find their way around words, things could move from the frying pan into the sun. In all honesty, words are expressive of the deeper self.  And while writing love letters, words may look puffed up, but how else could one explain the feeling that cannot be expressed in deed?

Writing helps you discover a partner

As powerful as they are, words have exposed strengths and weakness of those with who we are in love.  Pouring your soul on paper is undoubtedly a good way of making worlds of fiction and reality meet.  Through it, you will find your partner.

Finally, it Bridges Long distance relationships

There are days when people in love become worlds apart, maybe because of circumstances. Love letters will help bridge the distance that threatens to tear apart relationships. They remain of epic beauty and appeal just as would roses presented to a loved one on a valentine’s day.

Author ~ Robert Mora

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Positive Words Research – Love Letters: How Writing Can Improve Relations With Your Partner

Love Letters: How writing can improve the relation with your partner