We all have emotional problems, and sometimes – if not even most of the times – we don’t really know how to handle all those complicated feelings. Our brains and thoughts are spinning very rapidly. Therefore, we can’t properly focus on our main problems so we are jumping from an idea to another.
Writing down your problems comes really helpful on this matter. You can’t write as fast as you think. Therefore, by writing, you are forced to focus on a specific problem before you jump to the next. In fact, this is a very good way to understand your problems, which, of course, leads to solving them.
Furthermore, in order to be more specific, there are several reasons for which writing down your problems helps. In today’s post, we’re going to discuss the most important benefits you’ll get from writing down your problems. Pay attention!
1. Stress Release
When we say problems, we say stress. No matter how hard you try to delay your issues or pretend that they’re not there, the stress won’t leave until you deal with them. Writing comes in really handy if you want to cut all that stress off.
Let’s say you want to make the perfect gift for someone special. First, you think that you will eventually figure something out. But as the event gets closer, your wish becomes stressful. While you are running out of time, you might consider buying something basic and stress more because she or he might not really like it.
Why do this when you can write down everything you know about that person and make a personalized present with which you can’t go wrong? And with this, you’re freeing your mind from all that unnecessary stress.
But that was just an example. It is true though that stress is gone whenever you write down your problems. It helps you understand the problem and lets you see what you have to do. So, you will see no more reasons to stress out.
2. Focus
It is normal not to know where your starting point is considering that you have too many problems on your mind. Writing down these problems is truly useful. It’s just like writing a to-do list, but with issues which you’ll have to deal with. By the means of writing, you can put your mind in order and focus on each problem in particular.
Of course, you can do it in your mind too. However, thinking is a fast process in which your mind can fly away. I mean, how many times you started thinking about something and ended up thinking about a completely different thing? I know, most of the times. That’s why writing is the best. It keeps you focused on the matter. Next time when you know you have a lot of things to deal with, try writing them down and see for yourself how much it helps to focus on one problem at a time.
3. Connect the Dots
Throughout your life, you’ll be facing unexpected issues and challenges that you’ll barely understand where they’re coming from. You keep your mind busy by trying to understand. But have you ever tried to write down what happened? Put the events head to head? That’s what I thought, no. Why? Because you don’t see how this can help.
Well, while you are thinking, you are missing lot of important details. In the process of writing, as you see what happened trough words, some things may pop up in your mind. These details help you connect the events and lead you to a better understanding of what you are dealing with.
4. Calm Down
Problems tend to make us nervous, angry, or sad. We keep all those feelings to ourselves. Nevertheless, writing down your feelings can release all that negativity and calm you down. Not only that you can exteriorize yourself in this way, but you can also write slowly, with much calm, letting your brain enter a relaxed state.
This rhythm has the same effect as the beats of the heart. It keeps you calm or it can make you go crazy. No one likes being angry for a long time. Angriness is definitely a negative emotion that’s rarely going to benefit your life. While you’re writing down your thoughts with calm and in silence, the feelings of angriness will suddenly lose power and you’ll start feeling neutral again.
5. Discover Your Next Goals
Think of your brain as a very complex hard drive where you keep all the memories, emotions, ideas, and problems too. Writing down helps you understand your issues, and of course, it eventually aids you in solving them. When we’re out of stress and we’re in control of our lives, there will be less internal chaos.
When you have a lot of “free space” in your mind, you’ll always feel the need to fill it with more important matters. This offers you the perfect opportunity to have a goal-setting session and think of what you want to do next.
Think about your most important goals in the current moment. Brainstorm, Note down. Start dreaming like kids do before Santa arrives. Maintain a relaxed state of mind and finish your goal setting. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be better organized and better motivated to make progress!
6. Improves Your Writing Skills
While you write down, you’re obviously training a skill. In fact, you’re training one of the most important skills that people can possess right now: writing skills. One of the easiest and the most pleasant way of regularly training your writing skills is by keeping a journal. People that journal is usually better writers, as they keep practicing each and every day.
Keeping a journal have its perks. For example, your memories are preserved and they’ll hardly go away. After all, your life’s happenings are in that journal, always at your disposal. In a short time, you will realize how your writing skills would have never been so developed without your consistent commitment to journaling.
7. Write down Your Ideas on The Paper
Most of the times, when in your mind comes up brilliant ideas, you forget about them as you never store them somewhere. This is a mistake. And as with all mistakes, it would be pay off really bad if we’d repeat it more than once.
Therefore, you’d better be prepared all the time, because good ideas should never be left in the wind. If you already have a journal, keep it close to you. If you don’t, you should get one. I mean, who knows where these ideas might lead you in the future?
Experiencing an internal chaos where thoughts come and go without control becomes a normal aspect of our contemporary society. Nevertheless, what’s truly important is that you assume responsibility for these thoughts and take action towards sorting them and paying attention to the most relevant.
That’s why writing down your problems is so handy on this matter. Not only that it helps you relieve stress, but it also forces you to visualize the roots of your problem in a more rational way so you will know where to look in order to make things better. And because writing down a few words on a paper is not a hard thing to do, every one of us should be doing it!

Author’s Bio
Robert Morris is a marketing expert and a freelance writer. Currently, he is working as an editor for the best resume writing service.
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I am also start to writing my problems first time it Really Powerfully Reduses My Stress and It Brings Unseen Positive Energy Come out from My Heart but Second day i Start to wrrite my frastations it goes more n more dissgustig to my mind to forget what n why i frstte Anyways this Article s Helps Me Thanks
A great reminder of why writing things down is so important. I would add that if you keep writing down good ideas you reinforce your tendency to be creative.