Use Positive Words In Your CV To Be Called For An Interview

What elements make a resume successful? There are many details that make a resume have the impact we want. One of these is to use positive words in your CV to be called for an interview. But how do we enter all the necessary details in the CV? If we forget an entire section and … Read more

6 Ways to Make Family Get-Together a Positive Experience

The tradition of holiday family gatherings is a time-honored way to come together and reinvigorate the family bond. It secures the feeling of belonging, inclusion, and affection — important aspects of emotional well-being. More than that, there’s a certain magic in holiday events that brings joy and happiness to the family. For some families, a … Read more

Top 15 Positive Feelings Words and Positive Emotions

Find below a list of the top 15 positive feelings words. The list is made based on the research and accumulated knowledge of Positive Words Research. Top 15 Positive Feelings Words and Positive Emotions  1. Grateful In this category, are include positive feelings such as appreciation (being appreciative and appreciated), thankfulness (being thankful), gratitude. 2. Joyful In … Read more