Top 10 Calming Words In English Language That Bring Peace

We have moments when we feel we need a moment of calm. Many times we meet these moments at work or in a place where we can’t take a longer break. Calming words can help you calm down. A few words placed in your thoughts or in the words you say can help you a … Read more

9 Tips About How to Get Over Distraction And Be Productive

Have you ever faced a situation when the day comes to an end, but you still haven’t finished the text that you have planned for today? You can blame yourself, your fate, your client, or a house elf. But in fact, most of such undone tasks lie in the lack of focus. Nowadays, it is … Read more

Write Down Your Problems: Why it Helps and How To Benefit

We all have emotional problems, and sometimes – if not even most of the times – we don’t really know how to handle all those complicated feelings. Our brains and thoughts are spinning very rapidly. Therefore, we can’t properly focus on our main problems so we are jumping from an idea to another. Writing down … Read more

3 M’s Help You Reach Your New Year’s Resolutions and Goals

2017 has left many of us wanting more in our lives. From political to social unrest, we all want to have a more positive and compassionate 2018. According to Psychology Today, the number one New Year’s resolution this year is “be kind.” That’s something to be encouraged by. We all need a little more kindness … Read more