Best 6 Tips On Teaching Kids How to Write a Paragraph

Being a parent is probably one of the most difficult tasks, so you need to be ready to accept every challenge. Especially, when your child is entering school and needs to write his first paragraphs and essays.

Especially, when your child is entering school and needs to write his first paragraphs and essays. And when your child asks you to help to “write my paper“.

Not all children are born to be writers and find it difficult to put their thoughts onto paper. That is why parents do whatever it takes to help their children and try to complete homework together. You should always consider such assignments as a chance to spend time together, without putting too much pressure on your child and his abilities.

This article contains useful tips and advice, which will surely help your child to write paragraphs without any difficulties. Remember, the best way to write well is to write about something that you are interested in. Spend some time to choose a topic, determine parts of the text and build a sort of a ‘hamburger’. Proofread and edit the paragraphs you have and you will surely create a text, worth the highest grades!

1. Select an Interesting Topic

Usually, the teacher gives quite a limited number of topics to choose from or offers only one. However, if you have a chance to select the topic, make sure it is familiar and interesting. In such a way, your child will find it much easier to write and complete the assignment properly.

Such topics may include hobbies, like sports or music, book reviews, favorite cartoons or descriptions of places and events. Most children also find it quite easy to write about members of the family or describe the scenery.

2. Identify the parts of a paragraph

Knowing the approximate structure of the paragraph may greatly simplify the whole task, so you need to help your child to make an outline or a brief plan of the future work:

  • Thematic sentence. It opens the essay and conveys the main thought;
  • Details, which give additional information on the subject;
  • A conclusion that tells about data, presented in the paragraph.

Remember that your paragraph should be simple and straight to the point, without heavy constructions and too many details. They may be confusing and your child will find it difficult to follow the topic.

3. The hamburger paragraph

Sometimes children may find it difficult to understand the structure above, so you can use the example of the ‘hamburger’ to explain everything clearly.

Try to show your child that any paragraph should consist of certain layers, as explained above. These layers resemble a hamburger, which also consists of ingredients that have a certain structure.

4. Using Real Examples

The best way to explain the structure of an essay or a paragraph is to use examples. Show your child different books or magazines and try to explain how the paragraph is built.

Try to choose the books or articles he likes, which describe simple things and have a clear structure, without too many details and elements.

5. Make a paragraph puzzle

Once you have explained everything about the parts of the paragraph, offer your child to play a game of puzzles. Choose a simple paragraph and divide it into pieces, like a puzzle.

Offer your child to connect these pieces together and you will see how easily your child will understand and remember the structure of any paragraph.  You can complete this task multiple times until your child will master the technique and will be able to divide the paragraph and gather it together without anyone’s help.

6. Write and edit the paragraphs

The first thing you need to do is to create a draft of your paragraph, as described above. It shouldn’t be flawless and contain only the main ideas you are going to include in the text.

Then you need to proofread your paragraph multiple times and edit the parts, which don’t seem to fit.

Not all these tools and methods may help your child to complete a good and thoughtful paragraph but you should avoid scolding him!  You need to remember that not all children are born to be writers and your child may have better skills in music, math, or dancing.

The educational system has made a step forward, neglecting the rules of compulsory studies, so there is always a chance to contact a professional writing service, like Ohmyessay, which will always be ready to help.

Author’s Bio

Sasha Capable is a creative freelance writer from Chicago. She gained a degree at the University of Chicago and started a career at EssaysArea writing company, who are dealing with all sorts of high school and college tasks. Now she writes for the Studiscover blog, where she shares her experience, and works as a part-time editor. Sasha improves her skills all time and spends hours, gaining online education and completing various courses.

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Positive Words Research – Teaching Kids How to Write a Paragraph


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