7 Tips: How to Stop Worrying And Be More Relaxed

The biggest obstacle to a happy life is worrying. It can destroy your life personally and professionally.

Excessive worriers can face a host of physical problems like headaches, shortness of breath, dizziness, and irritability. The cause of various illnesses and diseases can also be attributed to worry.

If you are a constant worrier, here are some ways to abandon worry so that one can lead a happy life.

1. Identify the problem that is worrying you

On a sheet of paper, write down what is bothering you. For example, if you are worried about losing your job, write it down on a sheet of paper.

2. Is it real, or imaginary?

Mark Twain said, “My biggest problems never happened.” Sometimes, our worries are imaginary. We imagine almost everything that can go wrong and worry about it constantly.

Ask yourself, is it imaginary or real? If it is imaginary, let it go.

If it’s real, then make a list of all the possible solutions to the problem. Then, choose the most likely solution to solve your problem.

3. Don’t dwell on your mistakes

Every person makes mistakes. There is probably no person in the world who hasn’t made a mistake. Warren Buffett says he “learns from its mistakes, but doesn’t dwell on them”.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about the past.

When I was younger, I often dwelled on the past and wondered what I could’ve done differently. I now realize that it is a waste of time and energy dwelling on the past.

The life to be lived is in the future, not in the past.

The only thing you can change is your present and your future. The past cannot be changed. So there is no point dwelling on it. Instead, it’s better to spend that time and energy living in the present.

4. Don’t make things more difficult than they need to be

Many of us are conditioned to think that there are higher rewards for doing tasks that are more difficult. In school and college, it might be true. But in real life, the level of difficulty doesn’t always count.

We don’t necessarily get paid more because the job is difficult. It’s easy to get into a habit of making simple things more difficult.

If you are stuck in a career that isn’t paying you well, the answer may not be in working harder. Instead, you may want to consider a change in career. A career that is better paying and is in high demand.

Some professions pay more than others.

5. Plan your life but take one day at a time

Many of us may have 10, 20, or even 100 goals. But choose just five of those goals and ignore the rest. Once you achieve these five goals, only then you should think of achieving the others. Too many goals can distract you.

Once you set goals, make a plan to achieve them. It gives you focus and clarity.

But if thinking too far ahead makes you worry, then focus on getting through the day by setting smaller goals for each day and breaking up bigger tasks into smaller manageable parts.

6. One bad moment doesn’t have to ruin your entire day

Imagine you are having a great day, and suddenly, someone on the street verbally abuses you for no reason. You can choose to hit back and ruin your entire day, or you can let it go, and move on.

Ask yourself, “Is this issue too big of a deal for me to ruin my entire day?” The answer to most of those questions is ‘NO.’

7. Seek the services of a professional to stop worrying

Sometimes, we may not be able to solve problems ourselves. In those situations, it might be prudent to hire the services of a wellness professional.


Sometimes, reducing worry to manageable levels may require only a few minor tweaks in the way one thinks. It is not as hard as many people think. It is possible to stop worrying and lead a happy life, irrespective of one’s situation.

Author’s Bio

Vinil Ramdev is a self-development enthusiast. He has written several motivational pieces and likes to explore various aspects of leading a happy life. To stay updated about his upcoming articles, follow him on Twitter or Facebook. Vinil lives in the United States.

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Positive Words Research – 7 Tips: How to Stop Worrying


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