To be successful at what you are doing, it is important to remain positive about it. You can only get something if you think you can. Conversely, you are likely to fail if you think you can’t. Good words help people to feel better, stronger, and much happier.
As a little girl said in the poem about positive lifestyle and “weird positive attitude to any grief”-style: “I play this game for so long that I don’t notice it“. This means that anyone can make themselves happy if they chose to. It all depends on how positive they are towards life.
It has been proven by scientists and psychologists that positive self-talk enhances the kick-start of a neural chain response that is a key motivation for success.
1. Positive Words for Success
Everyone has the power to turn themselves on towards success and happiness. This is possible through the choice of positive words. These words spark a positive mindset and prompt our free will to get into action.
In Pollyanna, Eleanor H. Porter says, “When you look for the bad, expecting it, you will get it. When you know you will find the good—you will get that….”
This exemplifies the power of words and how we can make use of positive words to get what we want. Scientists have been able to prove that creating positive sentence structures can trigger a physical reaction that enhances strength. By saying “Yes, it is possible!” can form a self-fulfilling insight.
2. Positive at All Times
Positive words will help you stay positive for the longest time. When you keep hearing a word related to some physical action will automatically enhance the force with which you will grip objects. If the word’s presentation is negative, there will not be increased strength.
There will always be increased strength through affirming words in a sentence. However, it won’t be any reaction when the same words are spoken in a negative form. According to Porter, “… there is something about everything that you can be glad about if you keep hunting long enough to find it.”
It is therefore needed for people to stay positive for the longest time and this can only be achieved through the continued use of positive words.
3. A Reason To Stay Positive
It doesn’t matter what is being pursued as long as there is a positive sense through affirming words that present a positive sense. You got to find a reason to stay positive about everything despite the challenges on the way.
Further, on the power of words, Pollyanna’s author says “Oh, yes; the game was to just find something about everything to be glad about—no matter what it was”. Shift focus on the only positive aspects and use positive words to identify with them. This is the power needed to keep going.
Positive words have the therapeutic power to comfort and heal.
The incredible and therapeutic power of words is the difference between achievers and the rest
If we all look at what we are supposed to do in life, we would probably quit all the time looking at what amount of work lay before us.
However, positive words are all we need to make progress and move on. According to Porter, “What men and women need is encouragement. Their natural resisting powers should be strengthened, not weakened.
Therefore, it is very important to stay positive and this can only be sustained and reinforced through the use of positive words.
Author’s Bio
Brenda Allen is an experienced creative writer. She started her career teaching English and then being an educational coach she discovered the power of writing. Helping students with their custom writing Brenda has bettered the lives of thousands of people.
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