4 Effective Ways To Be Forever Positive and Happy Today

First things first – Ask yourself, what kind of person you are? Do you see the glass as half-empty or half-full? Several studies have put forth that both of these personalities can have a significant impact on your mental and physical health, but there is nothing better than being a positive thinker, if truth be … Read more

Is It True That Video Games Can Make People Happy Today

Nowadays we spend more and more time in the digital world. In fact, our actual world is slowly turning into digital which brings a lot of positive changes to our daily life. However, there is still a stigma connected with video games. It is driven by the fear of a negative impact on the lives … Read more

Why Dogs Make You Happy And Improve Your Wellbeing

A person generally tends to feel happier when they have something exciting to wake up to. Dogs do a great job of this with their wet nose and wagging tail ready to jump on you. The excitement of a dog only increases when you get dressed and get hold of their leash. When you see … Read more

How To Practice Gratitude For 30 Days and Be Happy

Find below some guidance about how to practice gratitude for 30 days in a simple way. Find here practical tips about how to practice gratitude for one month. Remember, gratitude is the field in which all positive emotions grow and flourish. Gratitude is the multiplier of this world. Remember that gratitude contains, as an ingredient, … Read more

8 Things You Can Do To Become Your Own Life Coach

Look around you. Everywhere you can see people performing better in their jobs, making smart career decisions and scaling the ladder of career success. But, what is their secret? The secret to becoming a better you is by hiring a life coach. A life coach is a person who dedicates himself to addressing personal projects, … Read more

Discover One of The Happiness Secret for Women Everywhere

Happiness Secret – Message to my future self: To be happy: wash your hair, buy a red rose, paint your nails green, put on a nice dress, go in the sun and take your picture. Your own happiness is your responsibility. You have the right to make things for yourself that generate the happiness energy in … Read more

Why Is Important To Take 10 Mindful Minutes And Do Nothing

Here is an incredible video from TED. The speaker is Andy Puddicombe. His speech is called “All it takes is 10 mindful minutes”. The following words are the transcript of this talk and at the end of this post, you will find the video. Enjoy below the speech! Transcript of “All it takes is 10 … Read more