3 M’s Help You Reach Your New Year’s Resolutions and Goals

2017 has left many of us wanting more in our lives. From political to social unrest, we all want to have a more positive and compassionate 2018. According to Psychology Today, the number one New Year’s resolution this year is “be kind.” That’s something to be encouraged by.

We all need a little more kindness in the world. This goal will take just as much work to achieve as any of your other resolutions. Habits and mindsets don’t just happen overnight. You need to put in the work if you want to achieve your dreams and goals.

Fortunately, there are many methods and techniques that will help you find and stay on the path to success. By following the 3 M’s: Mantras, Meditation and Music the goal of a more positive 2018 will certainly be reached. Let’s get started!


Words have an incredible amount of power over people. Just a few words can either motivate someone or tear them down, even holding sway over your body’s healing processes. The words you say and hear are crucial to the achievement of your goals.

This is where mantras come in. A mantra is a phrase you repeat to yourself either silently or out loud. By saying these words several times each day, you remind yourself of your goals on a continual basis. It helps to put a written form of your mantra somewhere you regularly look at, such as on the wallpaper of your cell phone or your mirror.

When faced with a decision you have to make, your phrase will be right where you need. It will help you make the right choices to reach your dreams. The most important thing about your mantra is that it must ring true to you and what you’re trying to achieve. It won’t help you to mutter a phrase over and over again that does nothing to lift your soul.

So choose carefully and know that there’s the perfect mantra out there for you. It’s also useful to schedule this practice, even down to putting it on your calendar if you have a busy lifestyle, like one of a student. Keep in mind how many times you would like to say your mantra a day and at what time you will do it. Also, consider if you want to keep this practice for a set amount of days or if you want this practice to last your life.


Meditation is a great practice on its own and in conjunction with saying your mantras. Meditating is not only beneficial for your physical and mental health, but also for accomplishing your goals. This practice trains your mind to focus on what you want to achieve and puts you in the right mindset to succeed. The first step is to relax your body so you’re able to focus on nothing else but your breath.

Concentration can escape you if you’re in a tense state. After a few minutes of focusing on your breathing, take the time to say your mantra out loud. By repeating your mantra, you will continue to calm down and prepare yourself for the next and most important step: Manifesting.

Manifesting is when you visualize your dreams and make them into reality. When you come to this part of your meditation practice, picture in your mind what it would look like when you accomplish your goal. Be as specific as you can be.

Even simple details, like the clothes you’ll wear and what you’ll smell, will be beneficial to you in realizing your dreams. By continually imagining success, you will grow more conscious of the opportunities and choices you can make that will lead you closer to your aspirations.


Much like words, music can make us feel an array of emotions. It’s even used to improve mental health. Your favorite tunes can help you get into the zone and encourage you to chase your dreams. However, not all music is created equal. Some types of music increase productivity, while others don’t.

Although research has shown that people who listen to music while working are faster at getting their jobs done and are more creative in their thinking, there are genres of music that actually hinder mental processes. While classical music, nature sounds, and epic soundtracks are known to improve concentration and motivation, music with words has been proven to have the opposite effect.

Just how talking to people can distract you from completing a task at hand, music with lyrics can do much of the same thing. Instead of playing in the background, the words of a song can play the leading role and steal your attention away from what you’re trying to achieve. The simpler the music structure of a soundtrack is, the better.

Music with too many chords can be just as distracting as lyrics. Choice also seems to play a role in whether or not music helps or hinders your progress to your dream. When you’re the one choosing to listen to music, you will receive the benefits mentioned before. However, if you were not given the choice to listen, the songs you hear can impede you.


No matter what your resolutions are this year, a more positive 2018 is within your grasp. By repeating mantras, meditating and listening to music, your chances of completing your goals rises exponentially. So for this New Year, follow the three M’s to experience a marvelous 2018.

Author’s Bio

Avery T. Phillips is a freelance human being with too much to say. She loves nature and examining human interactions with the world. Comment or tweet her @a_taylorian with any questions or suggestions.

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