5 Positive Affirmations To Kickstart Your Morning Off Right

Ever feel like you wake up dreading the day ahead? If so, you’re not alone, but the good news is there is a simple, powerful method you can use to immediately raise your energy and set yourself on the path towards having a great day. The trick? Say a few simple positive affirmations when you … Read more

Best 60 Powerful I AM Positive Affirmations For Confidence

Empower yourself with these 60 powerful I AM positive affirmations. Read them and also write them on a piece of paper so that you can embody them better. See below a list of 30 powerful I AM affirmations containing positive emotions and another list with another 30 powerful I AM affirmations containing positive adjectives, in … Read more

Magic Sparkles Of Happiness: I Am Grateful For Life Today

Chapter 4 ~ I Am Grateful For Life And Life Is Grateful For Me This article contains fragments from the chapter 4 of the book Magic Sparkles of Happiness.  “Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.” – Karl Barth I am grateful for my work and my work is grateful for me. I am grateful … Read more

I Am Grateful For My Place And Purpose In The World

I am an inspired individual, whose daily footprint is best expressed through words and thoughts in writing.Each day is a blessing, some say a gift. For those of us who have the good fortune of receiving love, support from friends and family, have a choice regarding our education and vocations. They can surely hope to … Read more

Magic Sparkles of Happiness: I Am Bless And Bless Is Me

This article contains fragments from the book Magic Sparkles of Happiness, Chapter 3 ~ I Am Bless And Bless Is Me  “Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable … Read more

Magic Sparkles of Happiness: I Used To Not Love And Now I Am

Chapter 2 ~ I Used To Not Love And Now I Am Loving “I’d far rather be happy than right any day.” – Douglas Adams I used to not feel loved and now I am feeling so loved. I just feel, now, so loved. I used to not feel so alive and now I am … Read more

I Am Lovable: Positive Daily Affirmation To Empower

This statement is very strong especially for improving your romantic relationship. It all starts with us. If you don’t think you’re lovable, it’s because you don’t have a correct perception of yourself. If you could really look at yourself and notice the millions of cells in your body that are constantly changing, you would think … Read more

I Am Enough: Enjoy Now This Affirmation In Real Pictures

These pictures with the positive word “I AM ENOUGH” were taken on 24 September 2016 on a sunny day in a lovely park. Positive Words Research – I Am Enough ~ pictures

I Am Worthy: Beautiful Empowering Affirmation To Enjoy

I am worthy enough to follow my dreams and manifest my desires. – quote by Sarah Prout I am worthy of love and belonging. You are worthy of love and belonging. The Earth is worthy of love and belonging. Positive Words Research – I Am Worthy

Simple Affirmation That Can Transform SHAME Today

From Mindful Monday by Kara Lydon – A Simple Affirmation That Can Transform Your Shame – I AM ENOUGH. I am enough. You are enough. Life is enough. My past if complet enough. My past is happy enough. My present is successful enough. My future will be happy enough. Positive Words Research – Simple Affirmation … Read more

Be Led By Your Dreams: Awesome Quote To Motivate You

Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams. – Ralph Waldo Emerson Have courage to dream. Dream big. Dream getting on the start because if you will not reach the stars you will for sure land on the moon from where you can see the immense beauty of the Earth. Positive Words … Read more

Whatever Follows ‘I Am’ Will Come Looking for You: The Power of Self-Identity

Explore the profound concept that ‘Whatever Follows ‘I Am’ Will Come Looking for You.’ Delve into the transformative power of self-identity and the influence it has on shaping your life and experiences. Uncover the secrets to harnessing the potential within your words. The power of the I AM statements is amazing. Whatever follows I AM … Read more

Empowering Self-Identity: ‘I Am B’ Affirmations for Personal Growth

Discover the transformative potential of ‘I Am B’ affirmations as you embark on a journey of personal growth and self-empowerment. Explore a unique set of affirmations that begin with ‘I Am B’ to shape your self-identity and beliefs positively. Write the next affirmations on a piece of paper and put it on your wall to … Read more

Empowering Self-Identity: ‘I Am A’ Affirmations

Explore the transformative world of ‘I Am A’ affirmations, unlocking the potential of self-identity and self-affirmation. Harness the power of positive declarations to shape your beliefs, boost confidence, and foster personal growth. Find below some affirmations for the letter A. You can build your affirmations for any letter you want. We suggest to write some … Read more

Unveiling the Power of Self-Identity: I Am L

Dive into the profound exploration of self-identity with ‘I Am L.’ Discover the transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment that this unique expression represents. Affirmations are a very powerful tool to raise your vibration to a higher level. Find below some affirmations for the letter L. You can also build your affirmations for the first … Read more