Blissfulness: The State of Deep, Unclouded Happiness Definition: Blissfulness refers to a profound state of happiness, contentment, and peace that transcends ordinary pleasure or joy. It is a deep, serene, and unshakable feeling of well-being and satisfaction. Often described as a state of complete harmony and fulfillment, blissfulness is a form of happiness that is … Read more

8 Inspirational Words To Use To Support Friends Before Exam

If you’ve passed your exams with flying colors, you definitely should feel proud, but it’s necessary to be careful of your friends who may face different challenges along the way. If you mention friends or classmates feeling down about exams, there are a few tips from expert psychologists that will help you to cheer them … Read more

6 Benefits of Running Reliable Side Business Along Job

Running a side business is always helpful to earn additional money and support for people. Hence it is more important to go with the right side of the business. To start a side business, you have to go for deep research about the benefits of the reliable side business hence it becomes more comfortable for the people … Read more

4 Motivational Words to Inspire Your Fitness Journey Everyday

Getting into shape is no small feat, and it’s natural to become discouraged or feel overwhelmed when you realize how much work lies ahead in your fitness workout. There are many different ways to start exercising and live a healthy lifestyle, but it also requires the right mindset to truly be beneficial – words to … Read more

3 Ways to Get a Good Job Interview and Get Your Dream Job

Getting a job in this technology-driven world is not as easy as it used to be. Before, employers are always looking out for people to fill several job positions. However, these days, the tides have turned. Yes, several job opportunities get posted online daily. The availability of jobs is not a problem. There are millions … Read more

Simple Strategies to Control Performance Nerves and Anxiety

Sweaty palms, anxious jitters, a racing heartbeat – we’ve all been there. Pre-performance nerves are seemingly universal to the human species. If you dread the thought of presenting in front of a large group of people or fear failure in any performance-related activity, you’re not alone. Although the physiological responses of our bodies may be … Read more

Motivational Words for Those Who Have Weight Loss Problems

Reaching your weight loss goal is one of the most pleasurable and rewarding experiences – however, the journey towards it can be riddled with obstacles. It requires a lot of sacrifices, mental strength, and determination, which can deter many people away from even attempting to lose weight. The following five are some of the main … Read more

10 Positive Words To Cheer Up Mom After A Hard Day

Mom is a very important person in your life, and that is why it is so difficult to see her upset. If you’re thinking about the ways to make your mom smile, there are a few simple things you can always do. Sometimes all that is needed is to talk to mom, show her your … Read more

10 Ways To Cheer Up Someone And Brighten Their Day

Life is tough. With the daily battles to be fought both on professional and personal levels, it may not come as a surprise why most people find themselves trapped in sadness. Though experiencing sadness is a part of life, lately, it has been observed that it is becoming life. Look around yourself, and you are … Read more

10+ Best Technical Writing Jobs for Beginners to Succeed

Technical writers explain technically complex things in a simple human language that everyone can understand. They know how to write and, at the same time, are technologically savvy. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics expects technical writing employment to grow 8 percent by 2028. This growth is boosted by the expansion of scientific and technological … Read more

Best 5 Positive Habits for Healthy Living and Wellbeing

The saying goes, “old habits die hard!” What if you develop these positive habits and let them be your lifestyle? Imagine they will stick to you and become your lifestyle other than getting clued on destructive bad habits. Healthy living is what everyone anticipates and it’s not always a walk in the park. It needs … Read more

Manifest Your Ex Back with Law of Attraction and Motivational Words

There is an old Chinese adage that cautions “Be cautious what you wish for, as you could conceivably get it.” This is a significant message for all manifestations, yet especially when endeavoring to revive a past love interest.  After a separation, it is human instinct to concentrate on all the great occasions, regardless of whether … Read more

Self-Esteem: 4 Ways to be More Confident in Yourself Today

Having confidence is important in helping you feel better about various aspects of your life. Maybe you want to be more confident in your professional life, crush goals, and get a promotion. Or maybe, you want to boost your self-esteem and see yourself in a more positive light. Either way, taking the steps to better … Read more

Positive Words Encourage and Empower College Students

Did you know that the language has a deep impact on your self-awareness? Some words can let you down, while others can motivate you. Positive words encourage and empower college students. How Positive Words Impact College Students` Attitude and Performance College life can be described in many ways: it is full of fun, it means hard … Read more

Powerful Quotes That Help Students Stay Motivated in College

College is an excellent chance for students to learn what they need to know to succeed in their field. Needless to say, this entails a lot of hard work for each student. Once in a while – whether the student ismet with failure or they’re merely burnt out – it can be discouraging. With these … Read more

May Your Today Be Blessed: Remember We Are All Loved

May Your Today be Blessed with Pure Love and Light. May you be connected with the Love of all things. May you feel Unconditional Love passing through your body. We are all Loved. We are all Safe. Thank you for being here. We have so many things to do every day that we forget that … Read more

Wonderful Secret You Need To Know: You Are Beautiful

There is a secret you need to know and it’s a wonderful secret. And also it’s simple truth: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL TODAY JUST THE WAY YOU ARE. Look at yourself in the mirror directly in your eyes and tell yourself how beautiful you are. Daily. You need to hear those words. From you, not from someone … Read more

Divine Love: Gorgeous Heart Chakra Music For Meditation

We are all connected into Divine Love. Open your heart chakra. May you enjoy many blessings. May you be surrounded by Pure Love and Light. May you always find your way back to your wonderful heart. Gorgeous heart chakra music – Divine Love Access this free high vibrational energy list of good words.

4 Tips To Experience The Magic Of Simple Meditations

In the article How to Meditate for Clarity, Intuition, and Guidance, Jack Canfield answers the question What is meditation? with: “Meditation is a practice where you train your mind or induce a state of consciousness, either to realize some benefit, such as relaxation, stress reduction, healing, strengthening your life force, or developing certain qualities such as love, … Read more

I AM Healthy Whole and Complete Daily Affirmation

This statement is very strong. I am healthy. I am whole. I am complete. When you are alone look at yourself in the mirror directly in your eyes and say this positive statement. Then take a piece of paper and write this statement several times. I AM HEALTHY, WHOLE AND COMPLETE Write a few words … Read more

I Am Lovable: Positive Daily Affirmation To Empower

This statement is very strong especially for improving your romantic relationship. It all starts with us. If you don’t think you’re lovable, it’s because you don’t have a correct perception of yourself. If you could really look at yourself and notice the millions of cells in your body that are constantly changing, you would think … Read more

Best 10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 25 Years Old

I’m not sure how many of you have done this, but throughout my life, I’ve always imagined what I would be like at a certain age. And once I’d actually reach that age, it was never like I imagined it would be, which is not necessarily a bad thing. The thing is, now that I … Read more

Magic Blissfulness In An Image To Make You Enjoy Today

Find here two pictures that each have some magic blissfulness in them. I took these pictures in the parc near me. Beauty is everywhere. Open your eyes. Open your mind. Open your heart. Access the list of positive words to brighten your day!

Reflective Reality: Reflections of the Inner Universe Here

There is a universe that resides inside of me, a sort of reflective reality, for the universe is a most radical reflection of me. For I am ever-expanding like the sea, rooted and grounded like that an oak tree, all while transcendently resting in the ineffable infinity that is our galaxy. Am I here, no … Read more

Reflections of the Soul of me Serenity To Enliven The Spirit

Our ever-expanding universe has undoubtedly blessed me with the oh so glorious gift of pouring out the oh so positively peaceful poetry that has indelibly been written on each and every vessel of my beating heart. As I honor the universe, assuring to live out my life’s purpose too; uplift, inspire, and empower others by … Read more

How Writing a Novel Helped my Friend to Find Herself Again

I had heard that writing could help you to improve yourself. And not only in the sense of giving you the tools required to get a new job or better grades at school. But also as a person. That when it is only you and a piece of paper something magical and also scientifically proven … Read more

Top 5 Reasons Why Doing What You Love Makes Great Work

You know that feeling when you wake up in the morning and for a moment you’re floating in a haze of well-being, only to have it torn apart by the realization that you have to go to work soon? I do. Those moments were horrible. It wasn’t always there. Some days were better than others, … Read more

In Case No One Told You Today: You Are Beautiful Always

In case no one told you today: You are beautiful. You are loved. You are needed. You are alive for a reason. You are stronger than you think. You are gonna get through this. I am glad you are alive. Don’t give up. Type “YES” if you agree Positive Words Research – In Case No … Read more

Best Healing Mantra and Other Empowering Affirmations

“I love every cell of my body” – Louise Hay I am enough. I am lovable. I am pure love and light. May we all be free from suffering. Prosperity surrounds me in every moment. All is well in my world. I feel happy. I am grateful. I am joyful. Positive Words Research – Healing … Read more

Simple Affirmation That Can Transform SHAME Today

From Mindful Monday by Kara Lydon – A Simple Affirmation That Can Transform Your Shame – I AM ENOUGH. I am enough. You are enough. Life is enough. My past if complet enough. My past is happy enough. My present is successful enough. My future will be happy enough. Positive Words Research – Simple Affirmation … Read more

I Now Receive Positive Energy: A Beautiful Affirmation

I NOW RECEIVE peace, love, light, joy, confidence, gratitude, appreciation, blessings, awesomeness, blissfulness, enlightenment, clarity, vitality, health, loving-kindness. There is an abundance of positive energy and it is on its way to me. All is kind in my mind and in my world. I am grateful. I am blessed. I am enough. Positive Words Research … Read more

Be Led By Your Dreams: Awesome Quote To Motivate You

Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams. – Ralph Waldo Emerson Have courage to dream. Dream big. Dream getting on the start because if you will not reach the stars you will for sure land on the moon from where you can see the immense beauty of the Earth. Positive Words … Read more

Discover One of The Happiness Secret for Women Everywhere

Happiness Secret – Message to my future self: To be happy: wash your hair, buy a red rose, paint your nails green, put on a nice dress, go in the sun and take your picture. Your own happiness is your responsibility. You have the right to make things for yourself that generate the happiness energy in … Read more

4 Best Tracks on SoundCloud For Feminine Energy To Embody

I searched tracks on SoundCloud for the tag #FeminineEnergy and started to listen and meditating on them. Here is the list of the ones I found and liked most: The song Feminine Energy  uploaded by Vachashpati. I love the energy in this song. It is a beautifully feminine, empowering and strong song to dance on or … Read more

Whoever Has Gratitude Will Be Given More And Have Abundance

“Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.” Bible, Matthew 13:12, meaning “Whoever has gratitude will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have gratitude, even what he has will be taken away from him.” … Read more

50 Ways to Encourage a Child: Boosting Confidence and Creativity

Discover a treasure trove of ideas in ’50 Ways to Encourage a Child: Boosting Confidence and Creativity’. This comprehensive guide offers parents, teachers, and caregivers innovative strategies to nurture children’s self-esteem and imagination. Each tip is designed to inspire and empower kids, fostering a love for learning and exploration. Whether you’re looking to enhance daily … Read more