5 Top Tips for a Successful Co-Parenting Nowadays

Co-parenting isn’t always easy, but it’s especially difficult after a divorce. However, if both parties put in some effort and demonstrate some level of comprehension, it has the potential to be a very rewarding experience for everyone involved. The following are some suggestions for making the experience of shared parenting a positive one: 1. Communicate … Read more

Best 4 Words With The Power To Change Lives on Film

One of the most beautiful testimonies to the power of literature is Peter Weir’s film Dead Poets Society (1989), starred in by much-missed actor, Robin Williams. The film is centered on a teacher that changes a group of student’s lives, through his words. In one of the most memorable scenes, he tells them, “We read and write … Read more

Sunday School As A Spiritual Teacher For Your Children

Life can become hectic at times! Your tight schedule may not allow you some moments to attend church on Sundays. In fact, it may not cross your mind that your children require spiritual growth as well, which neither you nor their nanny can provide. Some parents teach their children about God and prayer at home, … Read more

Get In The Journey from Self Criticism to Self Appreciation

Have you cornered yourself with the following statements? I cannot do anything. I am the one doing wrong. Other people are better than me. I am good for nothing. If you have, then you have been in the self-criticism zone. Self-criticism by definition is to disapprove or criticize oneself/one’s own actions. In this fast-moving world, … Read more

25 Loving Words To Say To Your Kids – Positive Parenting

Enhance your positive parenting skills with our list of 25 loving words and phrases to say to your children. Foster a strong bond and boost their self-esteem with these heartfelt expressions. Explore the power of positive communication in nurturing happy and confident kids. The loving words that you say to your kid are important. One … Read more