Tag Archives: Inspiring Words in English

Why Kind Words Matter For Your Thinking and Emotions

To say life is busy is an understatement. In between work and family demands, there are probably days when you forget to mind your manners. The thing is, if you’re a parent, it’s important to teach your children the value of both positivity and kindness. But when it comes to teaching them which words to use, not to mention when, you might wonder when the time is right. Below are a few great ways to start teaching your kids the importance of being nice to others.

The Importance of Kindness

While we all know how important it is to treat people with love, we don’t always do our best to do so. Maybe you were too busy with work and didn’t notice that colleague who wasn’t feeling their best. Alternatively, maybe you were having financial struggles and weren’t sure if you could afford it. You might have snapped at your spouse or child. They walked away hurt, not knowing how to tell you. Then, as you sat thinking there was no hope, you had an idea. You could apply for scholarships online.

So, you did a quick search and found a site where you could input your info and be matched with a variety of different scholarships and grants. Immediately, you saw the answer. It was Going Merry scholarships, exactly what you needed to get the ball rolling. Think about how not using kindness affected your family. When things aren’t going right, it’s easy to forget how important it is to be kind. After all, you’re angry and you need to let it out. But once you felt better, you didn’t realize how your words impacted others. That’s where the issues lie.

How Words Hurt

When we say words hurt, we’re not talking about curse words. After all, those are a given and should never be used towards loved ones. However, there are other words you should stop using that can cause just as much damage as well. Making snide statements, criticizing and insulting people can be devastating to those on the receiving end. Even if you feel genuinely sorry, you also need to figure out why you said hurtful things to people you care about.

If you and your spouse were having an argument and you lost your temper, maybe you said something hurtful about their weight. That statement not only made him feel embarrassed, but he also felt unwanted. The impact of hurtful words lasts longer than you think. It’s not uncommon for resentment to build up over time. Then, even if it’s only a minor disagreement, those same hurt feelings and harsh words reappear, possibly putting a wedge between you and your spouse.

Communication Styles

Everyone has their own style of communication. Some people like to hash things through while others like to take time for themselves, think about the issue and then return to the conversation. Regardless of your communication style, you need to find ways to approach even hot button topics with kindness. If you’re upset that your teenager broke a vase, what do you do? You could yell and call them careless. While it may feel like it’s warranted, you still need to lead with love. The better solution would be to tell them that while you are quite angry, and really don’t want to hear excuses, you do understand that it was an accident. This type of communication lets them know how you feel without making them feel even worse than they already do.

The Power of Kindness

You never really know what someone is going through. Even if they seem happy, they could be hiding their true feelings. That said, being kind can literally change someone’s outlook. In fact, something as innocuous as thank you or please, can put a smile on someone’s face. When we use kind words, it shows the other person that they’re important to you. Positivity is also contagious, so once you start sharing kindness, it has a rippling effect. Others will want to pass it on as well.

Practice What You Preach

As funny as it might sound, kindness takes practice. That’s not to say you’re not a genuinely nice person, however, it’s not always easy to put on a happy face. Life can be hard, and you might not want to go out of your way to be extra nice. But you know what? When you’re feeling down or even angry, a little bit of kindness can change your entire mood. Just like kind words can make someone feel happy, being kind can make you feel better too. This is a great way to practice self-care at home that will translate to the other areas of your life. The best way to get into the kindness habit is by setting goals. Every day, tell at least one person something nice. Whether it’s a compliment or a sincere thank you, it will eventually become second nature.

Author: Drew Allen is a financial enthusiast, seasoned blogger, music and sports fanatic. He enjoys spending time outdoors with his wife and daughter fishing and boating. He is dedicated to his 20+ year career in the banking, mortgage, and personal finance industry.

Overcoming Your Fear of Public Speaking Step-by-Step Guide

Anxiety and fear of public speaking are very frequent. When it comes to speaking in front of a crowd, more than 75% of people experience some level of anxiety or nervousness. This fear is often ranked higher than spiders, heights, and death by those polled. The first thing to remember is that you are not alone in your dread.

Glossophobia is a more intense form of dread that can vary from mild uneasiness to paralyzing terror and panic. Many people afraid of public speaking either avoid them completely or suffer through them with trembling hands and a quavering voice. To be successful in several fields, you must effectively communicate and explain your ideas in a public setting. Practicing public speaking may assist you in advancing your career, expanding your business, and forming strong relationships. Promoting ideas and motivating people to take action on issues that directly affect them and society as a whole may be useful. You’ll have to present a pitch, an idea, or a body of work in front of a group of people to do any of these things well. And fear might be all that separates you from your audience at times.

Glossophobia: More than just a fear of speaking in public

When speaking in public, most of us have had apprehensions. Glossophobia, on the other hand, is a condition in which a person cannot control their anxieties and has a severe dread of public speaking, often to the point of panic.

Uncontrollable trembling, perspiration, and a fast heartbeat might accompany this. In addition to speaking in front of large groups, people with glossophobia may find it difficult to talk in meetings, classrooms, and other smaller groups. Patients may find it incredibly challenging to convey their thoughts and ideas clearly and straightforwardly due to this. As a result of glossophobia, the patient may find it difficult to attain their academic, social, or professional goals.

When giving a speech, a presentation, or performing on stage, most people are nervous or anxious. Even though they aren’t enjoying themselves, they manage to cope with the situation. On the other hand, people living with Glossophobia may purposefully avoid circumstances in which they would have to speak in public.

What Makes Us Afraid of Speaking in Public?

Fear of public speaking has less to do with the quality of a speech than how the speaker feels, thinks, and behaves when they are in front of a crowd. People are terrified of speaking in public for a variety of reasons. Four elements have been recognized as related to the fear of public speaking in theories:

1. Physiology

The stimulation of the autonomic nervous system in reaction to potentially dangerous stimuli is involved in fear and anxiety. Our bodies prepare for a fight when presented with danger. Our ability to perform easily in front of audiences is hampered by this hyperarousal, leading to an emotional feeling of terror. It eventually discourages people from seeking opportunities to speak in front of a group of people.

According to several studies, those who have greater anxiety levels in a variety of scenarios are also more likely to be uncomfortable while speaking in public. People who are more prone to anxiety may find it more difficult to overcome their fear of public speaking and would choose to avoid it. The physiological indications of terror they experience as they anticipate, prepare, and perform in public are comparable to others, but their worry is confined to public speaking circumstances.

Furthermore, some persons have anxiety sensitivity, or the dread of fear, as described by researchers. Worry sensitivity indicates that people are concerned about public speaking and their anxiety about public speaking and how it will impair their capacity to communicate effectively in difficult situations. In addition to worrying about whether their speech will achieve their goals, people with high anxiety sensitivity are also concerned that they may appear shaky in front of their audience if they are very stressed.

2. Thoughts

People’s attitudes about public speaking and their abilities as speakers are another element to consider. When people exaggerate the risks of speaking in front of a group of people, they see the event as a danger to their credibility, image, and chances of reaching an audience. Anxiety and dread of public speaking can be exacerbated by negative opinions of oneself as a speaker (I am not good at speaking in front of audiences, I am not a good public speaker, I am dull, etc.). There is a contrast between a communication and a performance focused on certain ideas.

You perceive public speaking as something that requires special talents, and you see the audience as a judge evaluating your ability to convey effectively. The major focus of communication orientation, on the other hand, is on conveying your ideas, presenting facts, or telling your narrative rather than on expressing your thoughts. The goal for persons with this attitude is to communicate with their audience in the same way that they communicate with others in their daily lives. Consider this in reverse: If you consider each discussion you have in front of another person to be “public” speaking, you have ample evidence that you can communicate effectively and clearly. You’d then approach public speaking engagements in the same way, focusing solely on delivering knowledge and ideas. The anxiety tends to be stronger when the focus turns from being heard and understood to being assessed.

3. Situations

When it comes to public speaking, while some individuals are naturally worried or don’t think they’re good at it, there are specific conditions that are likely to make most of us feel more uncomfortable.

It’s a lack of knowledge. Experience, like everything else, gives you a sense of self-assurance. You are more likely to develop a fear of public speaking if you don’t have much stage time under your belt.

Graduation of grading. The terror is heightened when there is a genuine or imagined component to the circumstance. You may be more nervous if you speak in front of a group of people who are already filling out assessment papers.

A distinction in status. You may experience a bigger dosage of anxiety tingling through your body if you are about to speak in front of individuals of higher prestige (e.g., people in higher positions at your business or groups of successful professionals in your field of work).

Ideas that aren’t familiar to you are welcome. You may be more concerned about how people will react if you express thoughts you have not yet discussed in public. When you’re presenting something new in front of a crowd, it’s more difficult to state your stance, answer queries from the audience, or deal with individuals who try to find holes in your argument.

New audiences. You may already have some public speaking and public speaking experience. You may, for example, be accustomed to speaking in front of experts in your field of expertise. When the target audience changes, there may be a sense of fear. Your confidence may be a touch unsafe if you’re speaking to a group of individuals who aren’t like the ones you regularly speak to.

4. Skills

Finally, how well-versed you are in public speaking is another aspect that adds to the fear of public speaking. Even though many individuals believe they are inherently good speakers, there is always space for improvement. Speakers who concentrate on their talents rather than depending on their innate abilities are the ones who stand out the most. There are various ways to improve your public speaking ability and improve your skillset. An effective antidote to dread is increasing competence, which leads to increased self-assurance. On the other hand, confidence isn’t enough to make you a good public speaker.

Wrapping it up!

The many advantages of sharing knowledge and thoughts in public exceed the fear of speaking in front of a group of people. The next natural question is: how can we get rid of this apprehension? Fortunately, various methods are effective in skill development and confidence building.

The keys to overcoming your fear of public speaking are preparation and experience. If you’ve done your study thoroughly, you’ll feel more confident in your ability to present a clear, fascinating speech. You’ll feel more at ease with the whole process and won’t be as nervous as you used to be. To combat your fear of public speaking, volunteer to speak at a conference, practice in virtual reality, or try any other method to get out and talk in public a few times.

7 Movies That Help to Learn Slavery History and Origins

From the prehistoric era, we have come a long way. We have learned how to build castles, ships, entire cities, and civilizations, in that process. Like most histories, our history also comes with a bloody and terrible past. There are true horrors in humanity’s past like the event of the Holocaust, colonialism, or even slavery, for that matter. We are taught about most of these things in an academic sense at school, college, or at the university level.

The United States of America is what it is today, because of slavery and the crimes it committed against black people. Slavery defined this nation’s past and it still affects its present. To this day, African-American people are discriminated against. We need to take active steps to curb this practice of rampant racism.

A way to do that is to provide education about slavery to the student community.  It helps students to learn the real truth about slavery. One of the most common topics taught in college is slavery. Students are asked to write an essay, take an exam or take a course for an entire term on the topic. If you ever need help while writing this, you can easily find slavery essay topics and much more here. Watching films and documentaries made on slavery is a good way to educate yourself, too. Here’s a list of some of the best slavery movies to help you with coursework and research. 

Some of the Best Slavery Movies

1. 12 Years a Slave (2012)

This movie is one of the many true slavery movies made. It tells the tale of a free man named Solomon Northup who was drugged and taken to America as a slave, under the pretext of a job. A masterpiece by Steve McQueen starring some of the finest actors from this generation, 12 Years a Slave is bound to make you empathize with Solomon, as soon as you are 15 minutes into the movie.    

2. Beloved (1998)

This movie is a true story based on a book by the same name, Beloved. It is about a woman who used to be a slave and her getting haunted by a poltergeist. It is set around the American Civil War timeline.  

3. Harriet (2019)

Harriet is the biopic on the life of Harriet Tubman, a woman who worked to free black people from the shackles of slavery. The movie has received excellent reviews from critics and is one of those movies that capture the true essence of the issue of slavery.

4. The Birth of a Nation (2016)

The list would be incomplete if a film about a rebellion was not included. The Birth of a Nation is a classic rebellion flick about Nat Turner who led a slave mutiny in Virginia. The film was in line for winning many Oscar nominations but did not make the cut.

5. Get Out (2017)

This is one of those flicks that address the themes of slavery and racism in a new way. Get Out is one of those new slavery movies made very recently. It has also received acclaim for its acting, direction, and cinematography. The movie is a beautiful picturization of psychological horror and thrill.

6. Lincoln (2012)

A directorial wonder by Steven Spielberg and starring the talent Daniel Day-Lewis as Abraham Lincoln, the film is a biopic on the American President and the final time he had left in his life, his efforts to abolish slavery, and much more.

Slavery History

7. Django Unchained (2012)

A fictional story about a slave who set out to free his wife from a cruel plantation owner, Django Unchained is one of Tarantino’s best works. The movie is mainly set in the late 1800s in Mississippi.

History is a very clear and set evidence of just how cruel humans can be sometimes. It is a constant reminder as to why it is important to teach our kids about our history so that they understand the important lesson of never repeating the same mistakes and crimes committed against some communities. While movies are a great source to learn about slavery, you can use other sources like documentaries and books to seek out more knowledge, as well.

Positive Words Research – 7 Movies That Help to Learn Slavery History

6 Amazing Facts How Zodiac Signs Affect Your Personality

As I was getting to know a new friend I made, she asked me what star sign I was. Do zodiac signs affect your personality? I told her that I am a Leo, and suddenly she went on her horoscope app and started checking our compatibility chart. That felt silly to me, but from her point of view, the future of our friendship depended on how compatible our zodiacs are.

So what a zodiac sign really is?

The position of the planets and stars are reflected by a zodiac sign. When a person is born, the date and time, as well as the arrangement of planets, has a great impact on an individual’s personality.

6 Amazing Facts How Zodiac Signs Affect Your Personality

1. Astrology of Zodiacs

In order to get a better understanding, we need to know how horoscopes work. Different stars of different sizes and shapes exist and are found in constellations. The stars in these constellations are connected to one another, which causes different animals and objects to appear in shape. Reading the horoscope each day gives an idea of how personality affects every day decisions, so for the people curious about it is suggested to read your horoscope daily.

2. Impact of stars and planets

All the different planets and stars have an impact on our personality. Even the sun, moon, and the changing seasons can influence the characteristics of a human. The Sun Sign is the most dominant when it comes to explaining a person’s true identity.

3. One Individual, Multiple Traits

A person who is born at a date that is the beginning of the end of a new zodiac period, then that person is likely to reflect the personality of two zodiac signs.

Since there are 7 billion people, it’s untrue to say that each person will 100% show the traits of their own star sign.

4. Behavior

When the sun continues its motion across various astrological stars, this movement affects your behavior. When we are born, our behavior is determined by our birth month as well as the alignment of the sun with a planet of a particular sign happening on that specific day and time.

5. Festive Periods

Festive periods occur as a result of the sun’s movement on different zodiac territories. The time period between December and January is when a person feels happier and is willing to spend, the end of this period begins to automatically change our mood and so we control our spending.

The zodiac with the most strength is known as the Rising Sun. This reflects how your personality appears socially. Some people’s personalities are quite prominent compared to others, and they can be noticed easily in the crowd. They appear to be more dominant and passionate, all because of the rising sun.

6. Finally!

Zodiacs have influenced so many people’s lives that now they cannot go a day without reading their horoscopes, and sometimes those characteristics might not even exist in us, but our zodiac tends to convince us that it certainly is a part of our personality. So, in the end, we can say that it is definitely shaping many people’s lives in one way or another.

6 Amazing Facts How Zodiac Signs Affect Your Personality

Positive Words Research – 6 Amazing Facts How Zodiac Signs Affect Your Personality

Win This Holiday Season with Content Marketing Strategies

Did you know that according to the National Retail Federation, in 2019, people said that they intended to spend an average of $1,047 during the holiday season? That is fantastic news for most businesses because it means that they could potentially be able to make good money during the holidays with the right marketing strategy. However, just because people are willing to spend doesn’t mean they will spend on you. As you up your marketing game over the holiday season, you should remember that other businesses are doing the same thing.

One way to market during the holidays is through content marketing. This means you will focus on creating content that your viewers will find valuable. It would be best if you tailored your marketing strategy to your audience, budget, timeline, and other factors to get the most of the holiday. Before giving you 15 content marketing ideas you could easily implement this holiday season, here are seven tips to increase the chances of your marketing strategy succeeding.

Marketing Strategy

Engage Your Audience

Instead of trying to guess what your audience wants, why not just ask them? You could send them questions through your email list, or you could run a poll. Find out how your brand can help them address their goals, fears, concerns, and interests so they get the most out of their holiday.

Look at Your Current Content

If your business is more than a year old, you may already have holiday content from the previous years. Go through your current content and figure out what can be repurposed.

Align Your Content with Your Goals

What are your goals for the holiday season? How can your content help you meet these goals?

Plan Your Content in Advance

Don’t wait for the holiday season to start planning your holiday content. Start creating your content in advance so that you are just rolling out the content when the holidays come. Organize your content so that it gets the most impact. For example, a post about the best gift ideas should be followed by content on DIY gifts instead of the other way around. Organize your content in terms of timeline and priority. The main idea is to tailor this content to the holidays by adding holiday themes, colors, and ideas.

Multimedia Is Your Friend

It is not just about writing multiple long-form posts. Consider creating slideshow videos, videos, images, and gifs that would be attractive to your audience.

Cross-Platform Marketing

If you have social media accounts on multiple social media platforms, create content for each of these platforms. Your goal is to reach out to many people, and that is possible when you meet them where they are the most. Of course, if you implement this strategy, it may make your content marketing creation process more extensive as each platform needs different types of content.

Take the Data for Later

Holidays, like most things in life, are cyclical. The data for your content marketing performance this year will prove helpful next year. You may not analyze it right now but save it anyway.

With the strategy in place, it’s time for some content marketing ideas you can use.

Content Marketing Ideas

Show Off Your Holiday Spirit

Does your company have holiday traditions? You could document your employees during such events and post these videos and pictures. They are a good way to give your audience an inside look at your company’s culture and people.

Add Holiday Symbols

You have no doubt seen the banners shops hang up over the holidays. You could do the same with your website. Add some blinking lights and some banners. Make your website look festive by decorating it with holiday-themed items. Be sure not to overdo it. If you do, your website will look cluttered and become off-putting to your visitors.

Use Graphics and Quotes

Thanks to technology, making quirky, funny, heartwarming content has never been easier. Consider creating graphics that would be attractive to your audience. Add quotes you think your audience would love and tap into the feel-good feelings of the holidays.

Talk About Your Staff or Company

Give the company a human face by letting them see the people behind the brand. You can do short videos of your staff members talking about your company, your products, or even how they feel about working for you. These videos remind people that even big brands have humans working behind the scenes to make everything possible.

Take Advantage of User Generated Content

Sometimes, the best way to market yourself is to let your clients speak for you. Ask your clients if you can repost their content that features your products. Validation is important, and people will feel more comfortable using your products or services if they see other people doing the same.

Share Stories

Many social media platforms right now have a feature called stories. In most cases, stories are only available for 24 hours. You can take advantage of these to feature promotions and spirited campaigns that people would find attractive.

Appeal to Social Causes

For some people, holidays are characterized by love, sharing, family, and giving. You could run campaigns that channel part of your income from your clients into social causes they would be interested in. This makes them feel good about investing in you.

During the holiday season, particularly near the peak of the season, most businesses are either closed or fully packed. Some people would rather avoid the fray, so they choose to shop online. According to statistics, over the holidays, more than 60% of Shopify users switch to making mobile orders. You should take advantage of this trend by focusing on making your clients’ mobile experience fantastic. This may mean speeding up the checkout process, making your website more mobile-friendly, and even increasing your delivery personnel for some time.

No, this does not mean reposting your content. Instead, you can do a series covering your most popular content. You can summarize this content, add the best comments from your customers, include quotable quotes, and include a link to the actual content.

Engage With Your Audience

If you want to engage with your audience, there are many ways to go about it. You could start a live stream and take in comments and questions from the public. You could also create a poll and ask people to vote. You could ask people to send in ways you helped them that year.

For example, an essay writing service could ask students who received exemplary performance in their essays to send in their testimonials, which they could post. Using this example, a student with an informative essay as a holiday assignment will know exactly where to go to get help.

Give Your Clients a Hint of What You Have in Store for Them in the Future

Do you plan to unveil new products next year? Do you have something in store for your clients? Why not give them a sneak preview of these products and services. This may give them more reasons to be psyched up about the new year.

Email List

If you have an email list, most likely, the clients who have signed up for your mailing list are people who are interested in you and your business. You can use this platform to talk to your clients, clue them in on what you are doing and what you have to offer.

Run Promotions

Statistically, people spend a lot of money around the holidays. That does not mean they will pass up a good bargain. If you can, you should consider having holiday offers. You could sell your products in packages at a reduced cost, offer free shipping, give coupons, etc. Some businesses can use this time to clear old stock to start the New Year with fresh products.

Revamp Your Products to Match the Holidays

If it is possible, create holiday-themed products that you can sell specifically during this season. For example, if you make candy, you can make multicolored holiday-themed sweet packets or candy to celebrate the holidays.


Everyone loves to feel appreciated. Why not appreciate your customers for the year. You can do this on any of your social media. Thank them for supporting you and believing in you, and welcome them to walk with you in the coming years as well.

Point to Note

As you are doing your holiday content marketing, there is one fact you need to remember at all times. It’s not about the quantity but the quality. Ten fantastic posts will have a much greater effect than thirty subpar posts. Focus on making high impact content rather than filling every day and platform with content that has low chances of converting.

The holiday season is near. It is time to focus on content creating strategies that are specifically suited for the holiday season. Done correctly, you may be able to increase your sales this year while simultaneously attracting new clients for the next year. This article does not have a definitive list of content marketing ideas and strategies. However, it is a fantastic starting point you can use to lead you in the right direction.

Thomas Moore is a digital marketing professional and freelance writer who works for EssayService. He enjoys writing useful pieces and sharing his expertise. He is an author of numerous posts and articles published both online and in print media.

Positive Words Research – Win This Holiday Season with These Fantastic Content Marketing Strategies and Ideas

Holiday Season

10 Positive Words To Cheer Up Mom After A Hard Day

Mom is a very important person in your life, and that is why it is so difficult to see her upset. If you’re thinking about the ways to make your mom smile, there are a few simple things you can always do. Sometimes all that is needed is to talk to mom, show her your involvement in some other way, or help her with household chores, and then she will start smiling again. A positive mom word always makes her heart beat faster. Let’s think about what words will touch the soul of your mother. Start to cheer up your mom today.


For every mother, it is important to be beautiful in the eyes of her child. Maternal beauty is a role model for a daughter and a prototype for a future wife for a son. Tell your mom she is beautiful even if she just put on her dressing gown and washed off her makeup after work. After all, the real beauty is inside.


Only the dearest person in the world can always help, hug, comfort, give practical advice, and this is your mother! What would you do without her tips and advice? Only her instinct is so developed that she understands who is sincere to you and who is faking it. Therefore, always tell your mom how smart she is.


She will forgive you all the insults, support you in the most difficult hour, and will smile when she even feels bad, so appreciate it. Always pay back with mutual concern. And after her hard day at work, make your mom some delicious tea or even dinner. If you’re not sure what exactly you can do to help your mom and make her feel better, just ask her. Most likely, she will appreciate your participation and invite you to do something that will help her.


Only kind words for your kind mother. Her hands are like rays of the sun, they can warm you to the core. Thank her for that at every opportunity. Kindness will save the world. Only she can warm your heart, covered with ice from cruelty and deception, betrayal, and loneliness.


Being a real mother is not a duty, it is a vocation that is within her reach. But at the same time, she always remains tender and caring to you, right? Tell her that you feel her tenderness every moment and are ready to melt from this feeling.


Someone loves mom twice, three times, and you love your mother billions of times more than others! After all, no one has a mother like yours. Love her all the pros and cons, all of her. Tell her that you have a unique and beloved mother.

Worth to Be My Example

Of course, ten words are too little to express all the filings children (and adults) have for their mothers. The List of Beautiful Words will help you surprise your mother every day with original, kind words. Saying that you simply love her is not enough… So, you may say to her that she is your example worth following and repeating after. It will be one more way to show that you love her, appreciate, respect, adore, acknowledge, praise, and most importantly, that you know – she is the best mother in the world!

Cheer Up Mom


Her eyes are like stars for you at night, her smile is like the sun for you during the day, she is your mother and that says it all. Who else can always tell you the truth and always be honest with you if not your mother? Sincere love is a gift she gave to you.


Your mom is one of the most important persons in your life. Even if you live a significant distance from each other, take the time to write a compliment message. It won’t take you long, and mom will be incredibly pleased. And if you have problems with originality, then you can turn to Online Writers Rating custom writing reviews website and they will pick up the most extraordinary and warm words for your mother in one letter.


Giving you life has been a challenge for your mom. Giving you a decent life was even more difficult. Do not take for granted everything that your mom does for you, but rather note her determination, resourcefulness, and perseverance. Indeed, at that moment when we start to share our life with our children, we do most of the things for them.


The best compliments are those that are spontaneous, but still genuine. It’s even mot so important whether they are made in prose or poetry, with a reason or without it – the main thing is that inspiring mom quotes come from a pure heart. While telling her the compliments we’ve listed here,  always look straight in her eyes – this is how they are perceived best.

About the Author: Frank Hamilton has been working as an editor at essay review service Best Writers Online. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German and English.

The Positive Words Jar: Happy Game That Makes You Shine

Add a positive word to this jar. I am adding POWER . The intention set for this jar is to spread over the entire world with the good words we all add. Therefore, add everything that is needed in this positive words jar. If you want to check a list of inspiring words to add to this positive word jar we recommend this list of good words.

The Positive Words Jar

To create your own jar with beautiful words starting with the first letter of your name use our free online app Positive Words Jar. This app is a free online game with nice words developed in-house by Positive Words Research. Enjoy it! Pure Love and Light and many Blessings to everyone adding some love to this jar.

Are positive words important?

Positive words are important and they matter. The lack of not saying or saying nice words daily significantly influences your brain structure. The way your brain works is that he needs to hear good words from time to time. Otherwise the mind gets really stressed and depressed.

A daily use of empowering words will increase your motivation. This will sustain with energy everything you do in life. You will have more power for every project you want to accomplish. Negative words are drainers of energy. But using negative words is not so damaging as not using positive words every day. Actually it doesn’t really matter what negative words you use as long as daily you also use positive words. One of the most interesting words to use is the word Gratitude.

Gratitude has an immense power as an emotion. And also as a word Gratitude has a high vibration. But what I find so amazing is that Gratitude is kind of a transition word. It helps you transition from a negative state to a positive state. And also keeps you in the positive state, not to drop in the negative part.

Positive Words Research – The Positive Words Jar

Positive Words Jar

Good Friday To Hope For Easter Miracle: Inspiring Words

Today is a Good Friday to hope for Easter Miracle. Actually it is the perfect Good Friday to hope for an Easter blessing.

Over the time we have called Good Friday “good,” even if is such a dark event commemorating a day of suffering and death of Jesus Christ. We can do the same now. We can keep faith on a Good Friday that doesn’t feel so good.

One way to do this is for us all to include in our prayers that this Easter energy be directed to heal everything that the world needs right now.

Today is Good Friday. And we can navigate uncertainty with courage.

Courage is an interesting emotion. It does not denies fear. Actually courage invites fear in, in order to accepts it and to manage not to be afraid of fear itself.

It take courage to have faith in times when so many people have lost faith.

Many positive people has gone silent in the past week. It feels like they are shocked by what is going on. Where is the power of positive thinking? Where is the power of the law of attraction? How can be vibrate at the level of joy in these challenging times?

In life there will always be a choice to make. I remember reading in a book “you always have a choice over your thoughts and feelings”. The book was inviting me to use this choice. But in these times I wonder if this choice has value anymore. Do thoughts and emotions matter anymore in the current state of the world?

Where is the power of healers, of light workers? Why can’t they just heal the world and make things good again?

But have you wondered what is the deeper meaning of all this? Have you thought about your soul lately?

It seems to me like we are giving to much importance on the body these days. We forgot about the importance of the soul. But here it is, the Good Friday has come. A Good Friday to think about your spirit.

It seems to me that we are invited to think positive only if it solves the current situation. It feels like positive emotions are good only if they solve the humanity crisis in which we currently are. Beauty has lost its meaning and value. What is beautiful today? Almost nothing. Or day by day the beauty decreases… until all the beauty of the world will disappear.

I don’t like this way of negative thinking. And I think you don’t like it either. This is one strong reason to choose positive thinking. Someone said “Choose to be optimistic, it feels better”. That someone is Dalai Lama XIV.

Optimism lost so much power over the coronavirus, COVID-19 that has now spread to a number of countries. Why?

People expect that optimism, positive thinking, positive words, positive feelings and emotions solve problems and situations. This is the basis of their choice to choose optimism or not. But Dalai Lama kept it simple, he said choose optimism because it feels better.

And what a better good day for choosing optimism than the Good Friday. Like always, Today is a good day to start.

You might need to read an inspiring story to give you a reset. We are inspired by other people so many times. And this is good. I have found this amazing story on Forbes that will give you all the power you need to choose optimism Keeping Faith On A Good Friday That Doesn’t Feel So Good.

Also, you might need to paint some eggs for the Easter that is coming. And you might want to paint some good Easter words on those eggs. I actually advise you to paint kind and motivating words on the Easter eggs this year. Get inspired from two of our amazing vocabulary lists:


“Good Friday” comes from the obsolete sense “pious, holy” of the word “good”. In Old English, the day was called “Long Friday”, and this term was adopted from Old English and is still used in Scandinavian languages and Finnish.


On Good Friday we remember that Jesus willingly suffered and died by crucifixion as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. It is followed by Easter, the glorious celebration of the day Jesus was raised from the dead, proving his victory over sin and death and pointing ahead to a future resurrection for all who are united to him by faith.

What is Faith?

The one responsible for giving an answer to this question is you.

It is the same responsibility as you needing to give yourself the answer to the question Who am I? Someone was saying that it’s strange to ask another person the question Who am I? Because the person you are asking might be a flight attendant that could yell in the entire aeroport: Does someone know who this person is, because he doesn’t know who he is.

But I can give you a little help in discovering what faith is.

According to the dictionary faith is a belief in God or in a set of religious doctrines. You might say that you do not believe in God. And this is ok, it’s your choice. Also according to the dictionary faith is the confidence or unquestioning belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea or thing.

Therefore the big question What is Faith gets split into questions like: What are your values? What is your deep truth? What are you confident about? What do you believe in?

Answering this questions will anchor you in a deeper meaning of life, a deeper truth where your soul resides.

Faith is Trust, Belief, Confidence, Assurance, Reliance and it’s opposite to Uncertainty, Doubt, Distrust.

Have faith. Stay optimistic. Think positive. Appreciate. Be grateful. Smile. These are not meaningful affirmations. These are powerful affirmation. Give them a deeper meaning. Connect them with your soul.

And remember to paint some eggs with good words!

Good Friday To Hope For Easter Miracle

198 Easter Words Vocabulary List To Bring Happiness

Positive Words Research has put together an Easter Words Vocabulary List. Use this basket of inspiring words to add some Easter magic to your writings.

The Easter Sunday Words are arranged in alphabetical order. We have included also some Easter phrases for you to use.

Easter Words Vocabulary List

a basket of eggs decorated with careegg-shaped candiespay tribute
a holy celebrationegg-speciallypink
a holy occasioneggs-pertpray
an eggs-tra special dayeggs-travanganzapurify
ascendeternalraise voices
basket full of goodieseternal liferead from the gospel
be happyeternityrebirth
be with family & friendseverlastingrejoice
blessedeverlasting liferemember
candyfaithfulrenewed life
carrot patchfamilyrepent
children delight in finding eggsfind eggsreturn
children’s Easter basketfunring the bells
chocolategather togetherrise again
chocolate bunnygloriousrisen
Christgloryroll the Easter eggs
Christ is risen todayGood Fridaysacred
Christ’s ascentgospelseason
colorhappyseeing the new light of day
comfortHappy Eastershine
commemoratehave a joyous Eastersing
communionhave a sp’egg’tacular Eastersome bunny loves you
cute and fuzzy as a bunnyHe is risen!some bunny special
day of hopeheavensome-bunny
decorateheavenlysome-bunny loves ewe
decorate Easter eggshippity hoppitysome-bunny loves you
decorate eggshippity-hopspring
deliciousholidayspring flings and Easter things
delightholyspring grass
delightfulholy celebrationspringtime
dress your bestholy daySunday
dyed eggsHoly SaturdaySunday roast
EasterHoly Weeksurprise
Easter baskethonorsweet egg-scape
Easter basket grasshopsymbolize
Easter bellshop for joy: spring is finally here!take communion
Easter blessingshoppythe faithful
Easter blessingshuntthe first Sunday after March 21st
Easter brings the best surpriseshurrah for spring!the glory of Easter
Easter brunchI’m so egg-cited about Easter!the joy of Easter morning
Easter bunnyimmortalthe joyful news that He is risen
Easter dressinspirationalthe miracle of Christ’s resurrection
Easter eggJesusthe promise of eternal life
Easter egg huntJesus Christthe spirit of Easter
Easter egg rollJesus is alive and lives in methe traditional Easter egg hunt
Easter eggs-travaganzajoyfulthe true light of Easter
Easter feastjoyousthe true meaning of Easter
Easter flowerlight candlesthird day
Easter meditationlilythis holy day
Easter miraclelive in glorytoday we see the light
Easter morningmay you have a blessed Eastertradition
Easter surprisesmiracletriumphant
Easter traditionsmiraculoustruth
Easter treatsmorningtulips
eggmoveable feastblessed Easter Season
egg-cellentneverendingyou are egg-specially cute
egg-citednew clothesyou are egg-stra special
egg-cited about Easter hoppeningsnewborn
egg-citingPalm Sunday

Are you searching a list of easter words to paint your eggs? Looking for some Easter happy words? Inspire yourself from our article Easter Words To Paint On Eggs For Kids.

Easter Words Vocabulary List

Top 25 Positive Words Related To JOY To Get Inspired Now

Positive Words Research has made a research on the positive word joy. We have found 25 positive words related to Joy.

Joy is a good word and is the label for the positive emotion Joy. You can look at the related nice words for Joy as ingredients to feel the positive emotion of Joy.

Use the power of positive thinking in your advantage. Create a positive vibe in your mind that you give you positive energy to put into your projects.

  3. ENJOY
  13. GLAD
  15. BLISS
  19. GAIETY
  23. HAPPY

In order to feel the positive feeling of Joy we recommend using the above 25 powerful words in your daily vocabulary. In addition research every one of the above 25 inspiring words to find more information about them.

Implement into your daily life small practices for every nice word. You should feel a little bit of every good word. Be creative. Do very small things. That will add up. And the positive energy of Joy will bless your life every day.

Find below five lovely quotes about joy to brighten your today.

5 Joy Quotes To Brighten Your Day

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” ― Rumi

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh

“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” ― Tagore

“Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.” ― Marianne Williamson

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.” ― Brené Brown

Positive Words Research – 25 Positive Words Related To JOY

Positive Words Related to JOY