25 Positive Affirmations To Add Positivity To Your Day Now

Positive affirmations can sometimes make you feel better instantly. All you need to do if to find the right one for you. I am enough. I am loved. I am special. I am connected with the love of all things. I know what it feels like unconditional love. My mind is peaceful. I think prosperous … Read more

This week’s positive word is RELAX: Find Your Life Balance

 This week’s positive word is RELAX By Victoria J.Brown I remember I was well into the New Year, Christmas felt like a long-distance memory and I noticed that the last thing on many people’s minds is relaxation. I understand that maybe the Holidays period is very busy, so there’s not much relaxing going on. Then the … Read more

6 Ways On How To Attract True Love Through Positive Thoughts

“All you need is love” – the legendary Beatles sang and were absolutely right. Finding true love is as essential for human beings as water, air, and food. But the majority of people can’t even imagine how much it depends on the way we think, speak and act.The power of positive thinking shouldn’t be underrated. … Read more

This week’s positive word is QUEST: Find Your Motivation

This week’s positive word is QUEST By Victoria J.Brown The New Year has started and New Year Resolutions have been made around the world. Some are doing well … others, lasted a day or so 🙂 Did you make New Year Resolutions? If you did, ask yourself how many of them are related to an … Read more

Positive Adjectives Used In The Classroom With Children

POSITIVE ADJECTIVES – Can the use of positive adjectives in the classroom make a difference in children’s well-being? Definitely YES. Discover from an English teacher how and why. Have you ever heard of a perfect classroom? I’ve not, but if you have, then that’s probably a myth. As a teacher, you may have noticed that … Read more

16 Ways You’re a Real-Life Superhero: Which Of Them Are You

Superheroes strike a larger than life figure, and it’s no wonder so many kids dream of growing up to get bit by a radioactive spider superhero. People are drawn to these mythic figures because they exude strength and a dedication to the common good. Growing up comes with the realization that universities don’t offer a … Read more

6 Non-Threatening Ways to Get out of Your Comfort Zone

We read about people who have quit their jobs, found their passports, and taken off to another country with only a few hundred dollars in their pockets. In many ways, we envy them – we wish we had the “guts” to do something like that. We don’t have the guts, because we have never left … Read more

Random Thoughts On The Incredible Power of Thoughts

Aspirational Coasters

“Aspiration: The progressive realization of a worthy ideal.” ~ quote from Aspirational Coasters ”For the man who has, will be given more… but the man who has nothing will have taken away from  him what little he has.” – Matt. 13:12 Hang on, that’s not fair. I thought God was supposed to be fair and … Read more

Top 5 Unusual Ways How to Stay Positive Forever From Now

Positivity is so important. It means less medical problems, a longer life and – most obviously but still most importantly – that you are happier. The thing is, how do you actually become more positive? That’s the 10,000 dollar question, isn’t it? So that’s what we’re going to look into today. Five unusual ways for … Read more

How Do Thoughts Create Reality: Nassim Haramein Thoughts

Today I discovered this revealing scientific video about how do our thoughts create reality and I am sharing it on Positive Words Research. This is a discussion with Nassim Haramein from a “Thrive Together” event with our friends at Thrive Movement. Special thanks to HeartMath for the use of clips from their video. Here is the video How … Read more

Think Good About Myself Project: Get Power and Inspiration

Today I started a new project called 100 Good Thoughts About Me and Think Good About Myself.  I used the tags: #100goodthoughtsaboutme and #thinkgoodaboutmyself. Can I think 100 good thoughts about myself? I hope so. Well… let me start with #affirmation1  The first good thing that I think about myself is: “I see beauty, therefore, I am beautiful, … Read more

Believe in Yourself and You Will Gain More Confidence Now

Always believe in yourself and think good about yourself. One of my meditation techniques is to journal how grateful I am about myself. For example, I say: I am grateful for the way I think. I am grateful for all my thoughts of the past. If I would not exist I would not be able … Read more

Effective Spelling Practice Techniques by Kari Erkkilä

Discover expert tips and techniques for enhancing your spelling skills, courtesy of Kari Erkkilä. Elevate your language proficiency with these valuable insights and practical guidance. The idea that words have power is still new to me. I have loved playing with words to tell stories and make rhymes since I was a young girl, but … Read more

Top 15 Positive Thinking Resources to Boost Your Mindset

Discover the top 15 positive thinking resources that can transform your mindset and outlook on life. Elevate your positivity with expert guidance and practical tools. In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, the power of positive thinking is a beacon of hope and resilience. It’s the mindset that allows individuals to overcome obstacles, embrace … Read more

Super Awesome Best Positive Quotes You Will Every Read

This list contains more than 200 super awesome best positive quotes to inspire you. Enjoy! Do not wish for an easy life. Wish for the strength to endure a difficult one. – Bruce Lee Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone. – Alan Watts Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you … Read more

Your Life Journey Is A Happy Dream: Envision A Good Future

Dream a happy journey. In the real world, only a happy journey brings a happy ending. We are not born knowing how to dream happy dreams. While living we learn how to do it. So take the responsibility and learn how to dream happy thoughts. Use this little secret: happy dreams are created with happy, … Read more

Enhance Your Relationships with the Power of Positive Vocabulary

Discover how using positive vocabulary can transform your relationships for the better. Learn tips and techniques to foster stronger connections with others today. Words have immense power. They can hurt or heal, inspire or deflate, and build or break relationships. In the realm of interpersonal connections, the choice of words plays a crucial role in … Read more

The Only One Positive Word That You’ll Ever Need To Use

Discover the ultimate positive word that has the potential to change your life. Learn how harnessing the power of this single word can bring about lasting happiness and transformation. I have always been a fighter, even when I was down, especially when I was down. I was in bad shape, physically, emotionally, and spiritually just … Read more

Appreciate and Encourage: Positivity Begins Here

Embrace the power of appreciation and encouragement as you embark on a journey of positivity. Discover how positivity starts right here and now, transforming your life for the better. Have you ever thought why do you feel low about yourself? Why have you failed? Why haven’t you thought to be positive? Start to appreciate and … Read more

7 Positive Thoughts You Should Have Every Day

Elevate your daily mindset with these 7 empowering and uplifting positive thoughts. Cultivate a brighter outlook on life and boost your well-being starting today. Your journey through life will transform the way you think and the way you act. The words you choose will have a great influence on the way feel. Your words will … Read more