Random Thoughts On The Incredible Power of Thoughts

“Aspiration: The progressive realization of a worthy ideal.” ~ quote from Aspirational Coasters

”For the man who has, will be given more… but the man who has nothing will have taken away from  him what little he has.” – Matt. 13:12

Hang on, that’s not fair. I thought God was supposed to be fair and just. Not very loving if you ask me…

Mmm, now that I’ve calmed down a little maybe there’s  more to this than meets the eye.  My Dad used to say “Nothing is as it seems.”

Over the years I’ve read so much around the simple act of thinking, 60,000 thoughts a day I’m told.

One of my gurus, Dr. Deepak Chopra, teaches that a thought is an impulse of energy and information. 60,000 thoughts must generate quite a bit of energy each day! And what of the “information” that’s attached to the energy, what’s that all about? Someone told me I was the same as a tree, just different information.

OK, I’ll cut to the chase.

I’ve nestled into the belief that says there’s a strong link (infallible?) between my thinking and the circumstances of my life. I’m very content with my life so far. And I see every day that whatever I’ve been thinking about actually appears in my life. Ever so quietly. Subtle, easy to miss at first.

My life-manta as I call it, has appeared in physical form. My mantra’s no secret. It’s “I’m Happy, Healthy, Wise, and Wealthy.” I think about that every day with a heart posture of gratitude.

Coming back to my opening Biblical quote. What do “poor” people think about all day? What dominates their thoughts? I wonder, would it be thoughts of abundance and gratitude. And what do the “wealthy” think about all the time?

These days they say “the gap (between rich and poor) is  widening”. Same principle I suggest. What you think about you get more of. Think abundance, you get more of it. Think lack and poverty, you get more of that.

“.. but the man who has nothing will have taken away from him who little he has.” The rich get richer, the poor get poorer because of the way they are habitually thinking. All that energy and information going the wrong way. “Wrong” meaning lack and deprivation.

My life mantra has been a delight. It’s taken patience and tenacity at times but it works. I am happy, healthy, wise and wealthy. Yes, please. Thank you.

Clive Littin

November 23 2016


Positive Words Research – Random Thoughts On The Incredible Power of Thoughts

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